(Classified) Phase II

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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 12, 1998
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Publication Date: 
December 15, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-02820A001000060016-7.pdf67.01 KB
Approved For Release 2001/071 1EMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 15 December 1964 25X1-A9a FROM Mr. Fs ,.: ,&O20A001000060016-7 25X1A6a SUBJECT: - Phase II 1. A meeting was held l4 December 1964 to review prelim- 25X1C4a inary planning by - for - Phase II. 25X1A6a 2. Those in attendance were: I'iessrs . , Plans 25X1C4a gineering Engineering Operations CIA IA 25X1A9a The following preliminary drawings were furnished by for our review and'retention: a. Receiver Site A, Compound b. Receiver Building, Floor Plan, Site A C. Transmitter Site B, Compound d. Transmitter Building, Site F The above drat-:,in,-,,s have no identifying, numbers or date, 25X1C4a =r, requests the following information: a. Equipment heat load and number of personnel in each room of our station. b. Will CIA be agreeable to the use of a common air conditioning plant at the receiver site? This plant to be located between the two receiver buildings. c. What distance is recuired betw% our building and compound fence? Approved For Release 2001/07/28: CIA-RDP78-02 26 ~ab006b016-7 Approved For Release 200 P$-02820A001000060016-7 25X1 C4a -.r. has estimated the cost of the combined -1. i ----- power plants as $480,000 for the receiver site and '360,000 for the transmitter site. Because the CIA antenna requirements are more extensive - 25X1C than those we t ;ri 1 our drawings and provide copies to require- 25X1C ments are diversity receiving r, om __cs an s! mi_ttin rhombics on bearings of 090?, 210? and 293 25X1 C4a 7. 11r . would like to have our answers on the above this week in order to prepare a combined package for 25X1A 25X1C presentation to th by mid-January. 25X1A9a Distribution: 2 - Monthly Report 1 - Project File 1 - AES Chrono Approved For Release 2001/07/28 CIA-RDP78-0282OA001000060016-7