Handbook of surveillance equipment and techniques

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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 4, 2000
Sequence Number: 
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Publication Date: 
September 30, 1961
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-02820A000700060021-5.pdf114.95 KB
Approved For Release 2001/08/02:.: CIA-RDP78-02820A0007000&002-5 t Pi1TiJRE ACTI Vt COMPLETER CAMC*[Lf0 5U3Pt2 NOf~ PROjEC. tJUM9@R PRIOIRITY CLASS fRIM,IESP,ORt3Y(LtTY P*o-IECT imrINEER ptto.JecT I T BUDGET EST FY ~ AMOUNT 1titL au. CC ava blee 'e.iU ae owwwont am iaexlade aes erx t' at fieaticns,, r. s iO*ing and ta+baiq ran m*intAnAme the i ctrl x ve Mole and b*se tioum 946 hays a eow1e to d "aription of .*ch ortta te' 0"0 of id *t1i1aation aid rftvlsi?. Iamcel or , and !"Z aili w 'a tented for "at*te of the ems" i 46 i M OC. rdlZ lead aaistamt in preps-i34 the O A?1OU aeeetion. v lie t. to imX a tit? IUA Taus Oman. >cifications for converting the RS-35 to IN modulation were ted and forwarded. RfMiT ?w of ~ astir r is resp $tb et to wide two-VOW voice am=micatious e:.oove . antis. trm the local representative. . These are to be in- 2. . 'n'undretd copies of t e - Nomenclature Sf a was 3.? A stock list of all availAble Pocket llkiui rrent,1 P aM i aerie Hsnd?et.Talktaa and their *Qcessories has been do piled. Narrative tescriitioAs (4 theses equipments have been written along with main- teianee instrrGti tt3Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIB6 8-02820A000700060021-5 tie r. Tie i crt of 'tais x rponsibiUt;r, dC-E hi. nth t?e 4 . Qva t e w r a a i t t e s , WA ' a f o r a ~ s a t a r i a n , L r , fti.s hmnMxft v i 1 3 eftlaft the flaxib 1itT o! tie