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Approved For Relea ,2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP78-02771 EW00300030013-9 A. Tactics Preceeding lntertiational Conferences B. Tactics ??Titl;in the Conference Halls C. Tactics Outiside the Conference Halls k4 v .. iL a QL*SS. Q OtgL{ SIMED tI Et! TO: GLA5L dr hEZt VIEW t*TEe yl- es DATE 11v>ERa- 056364! 1. 25X1A8a 25X1A9a rc Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP78-02771 R000300030013-9 1 e s,j 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP78-02771 R_000300030013-9 SURVEY OF SOME CCI fl lST TACTICS I;'1T INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES A. Tactics Preceeding Internatioml Conferences. 0 The Qommznists arrive at international conferences with their objectives clearlay defined. T4eir preparation of a pr o ;r i_m does as far as arranging a set sequence of speeches to be used at a tactLcal moment. Eaxam e. At the Geneva Conference, particularly during the Korean sessions, the various Communist del,=gations apparently participated itnt a planned sequence of cpeec;hes. ,KU- "'`OJL 1r Gtr -. c#'~ c ~ =pct . + 004'1. The Communist-controlled front groups and press are supplied in advance kith the approved propaganda line. Thezz Communist -;;heiaes are continually emphasized during the pre-conference publicity. The Communists also contact various dip.orrtic nersonnel of other countries scheduled to participate in the conferences, and attempt to influence their attitude. Examaple. Prior to the I3er'!.in Conf=rents, Soviet diplomats talked with British and other Western di 3.omats, emphasizing the line to the effect that the U.S. was the only obstacle to European settlemnt and that Russia had no aggressive intentions. They also stressed that the Conference would be doomed to failure if the West were to insist that a'_1?-German elections must preceede Germah unification and peace treaty . le JIt is widely claimed th`_t, prior to the Geneva Conference, the Communists used the leftist French press as a fifth columns and that the influence of that press had produced in France a dis- couragement which doomed the Conference from the start. tLbt t cn,e-this of th entire delegation _co .~ 'German; a lesser number could speak French. I &n4k u ,t adequate for conferemce purposes. Example At the Geneva Conference The Communist delegates and cM te.ff are very well seleted and are fully Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP78-02771 R000300030013-9 Approved For Releaj 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP78-02771,,,000300030013-9 B. Tactics Within the `lonfe:renoe Halls. Once the Communist ri= conference plan is ? set, any change in the negotiations has to be reffered back to headquartres, unless the highest-ranking Communists are present at the conference.When new directions arrive, they have to be obeyed to the letter. The 1944 negotiations in London for the establishment of an x Exannpleg . emergensy European Inland Transport Organization, which inlvolved nothing detrimental to Soviet interests, dfagged along until the Potsdam Conference in 1945, when Stalin personally approved the Soviet participation. Communist line is likely to begin as a ha~?d, rigid position and gradually soften The The is conceded. insignificant it may be, must be thrashes? out in detail, apparently to provide the Communist delegate with proof that he has really " his head against a stone wall", before it up as it develops a more conciliatory tone:. point, however, regardless of how At the London conference of the Council of Foreign Ministers in September 1945, the phrase "in the main" was contained in brief instructions. Weeks of daily ar argument i I 14 x on this phrase took place in successive conferences concerning the Yugoslav-Italf_an bov.ndary. Eventually, the negotiators were forced to suspeivl their neetings without agreement on the terms of reference. Only thee, did the Soviet Government permit its delegation to approve the inclusion of the controversial phrase. In the absence of eh new instructioni., Communist delegates reiterate their original positions even when confronted pith new pointse of view on the part er of other members of the conferencee. At ~;irnes, reiteration constitutes a a . refuge for the Communsist delegate when he is unable to answer the opposition or MMXt desires to stall for time. Example: At the Berlin Conference, after the Western delegates had agreed to the almost :Lv-oossi ble> terms which the Soviets demanded for an Austrian peace treaty, Eolotov, taken by surprise, could only fall back on reiter.-ting z . i faa'.iliar Communist arguments, since he had no expectation or intention of coming to an agreement over the treaty. The various Communist delegation, ptrtici.pating ac in a conference operate jointly in accordance with a prearranged and well understood plan. Examples: At Geneva, the variou+, delegations made a series of speeches evid-:ntly planned ihed as to exact sequence. They likewise exhibited z fairly ostentatious respect for each other in matters of decorum and. protocol. At various ECAFE conferer=ces, it has been the practice for various Communist delegates to propound their presumably separate views, to be followed at the erg by "generous support" from the Soviet Big Brother. From the Communist point of vilw, international conferences constitute sounding boards for propaganda themes to be played throughout the world. They exploi such opportunities to the fullest. p~g Approved For Ri O(~01o5P'`3' y 9 = 1a R U~ eneve Conferen were rowne el p nne reps ono ommunist themes by the So-rimts, the Chicoms, the North Koreans, and the Viet Approved For Release.2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP78-02771 8000300030013-9 Communsit delegates delay Ed infinitum agreement on procedural matters in order to avoids including in (or excluding from) the agenda matters of strong importance to the Communist cause. Also, they attempt to gain acceptance of an agenda which is, in effect, a st.te?aent of their solutions to the various items. Examples. An indication tf soviet depondance on the technique of delaying an agreement on the agenda was the surprise that was engendered at tie Berlin Conference, when Secretary Dulles immediately accepted the Soviet agenda and thus eliminated the necessity for a pre_:ee:iural debate which had characterized all previous conference3. During the Korean 3eace talks, The Communists submitted the following ;tern.--or inclusion in the agenda;,which item , if accepted,would have obviated the need for substantive otslss discussicn: 'To establish the 35th parallel as a military demarcation line, t'-ie trmed forces of both sides to withdraw 10 kilometers `ram the 31th parallel and simultaneously complete the withdrawal from Xai:-ea within a definitUe time limit, leaving NUM 'gssiyutlc x the evaluated areas demilitarized, and the civil authority -ould be restored by 25 June 1950". The opposition frequently atteupts to introduce irrelevant material in the conference. It insists on attemptin?- to include matters extraneous to what the b other delegations consider to be the agenda. This is done usuTally for political reason or for the effect on the world opini_cn. Examples: The Soviets repeatedly attempted to have the Chinese Communists included in the Berlin Conference, the agenda of which dealt with German and Austr an problems only. The Soviets argued that Chinese Communist participation would help world peace. Actually, a dozen Chicoms were present at the Conference as observers. At the Geneva Conferwice, there was a considtent Communist attempt to :force the consideration of political matters prior to the military matters on the agenda. Rlumw=s iami to The Communists also insisted t3=t on discussing Laos and Cambodia, rtli:hough Vietnam was the only subject of discussion. Communist delegates frequently accsttse other conference members of crimes with which they themselves are about to be: cunfronted. They make a special attempt to bring up their own grievances, real or imt.girary, before any other delegation ~..~ awl Example: ordei to gain the edge on publicity. At the Potsdam ,on'erience, the Soviets made bitter and prolonged attacks on the ore:senc;e of British troops in Greece, the Itaftmom Dodecanese, Syeia c.nd Lebanon. After the Westerners had been worn down by thsse wrangles, the Soviets eduld more easily face the Western protests against brutal Soviet tactics in the Sa- tellites. The 3ovi?ts thus encouraged their supporters in Greece, upheld their reoutF.tic-,n for hostility to colonialism in the Middle East,X lad vrea3:ened any coordinated Western effort to loosen the 3ovi--t =rip on the Satellites. The Communists frequently itte npt, to influence negotiations by conducting military activities concurrently with the conference. Example: The assault on Dienb_ieziphu was engineered on the eve of the Geneva Conference. \ iet Minh delegates arrived it Geneva in li]l triumph and '3=-)me delegates who had prieviously been thought Approved For r glee ~ ~ `~ - i ry t,ter, the ,. c c a n qi , ac ics a every ime when Bidault was attempting to arrange a battlefield truce for the Bienbie- Ar? ,.,n-tinia.r Approved For Releasa.2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP78-02771 RD00300030013-9 sMxiCSxr es Communists delegates can be ?ypec-,ed, particularly when an impasse at the conference is reached, to make sate a.pnneaals to various conference delegations , playing upn their special interests, hopes, or fears. One aim of this tactic is to divide the opposition. Examples:jnuring..the Geneva-. Cconference, as the position of the French hard pressed by e'rea ch opinion. in Indochina. rev progressively worse, the Viet Minh delegates made a separate approach to Mendes France knowing that he was gaining agreaent: for the proposed Geneva Conference. for an easy indoehina settlement to the French, for the purpose; At the Berlin Conference,, the Soviets and the Chicoms held out attractiv3 trade possibilities to the British and prospects Soviet Bloc delegates also plan tpon personality traits of other con- ference members when they have sufriei3nt J-h knowledge to slant their approach. They exploit their knowledge of oppolitioit pers6nnalities to the fullest. Examples: At the I:ondoi conferences of the Council of Foreign Ministers in 19/5, Molotov tried with great pertinacity to trip up 3)