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AOMiSM Release 2001/07/28 : CI '100150008-4 nt of State, Washington Authority that the UK representatives will attend the Conference as full par- ticipants and not an observers. He added that it is nonetheless clear on an sides that UK participation is unaccompanied bey' commitments of aq hints In particular, he, said,, the UK waAd refrain from putting forward ansy concrete proms of its am and no doubt refrain as weU from aesoci. ting itself with proposals that the Conference would request the High Authority to transmit to the W.W Council of Mi istera. The UK representative described the UK role an one of "assisting and steering the Conference along usefatl lis ? in discussion of a subject in which the UK highly interested. 2. zat ; of Ccenference The Confer is row expected to be presided over jointly by Messrs. F%:ret and Daum, Mematbers of the High Authority. preliminary talks are already underway between the High Authority and the ILO an the organization of the Conferencat ee, At the leptember 6 session of theme Council of Ministersp, it was decided that national delegations to the Confer would consist of eight governmental representatives* four labor representatives and four mar t representatives; or a der number of delegates at the discretion of each Government but respecting the above ratio of two-one-ones (According to the High Authority,, this is the weighting used b,I' the ?L4 for national delegations.) r S. 1956 the Conference bens discussion of technical questions. The itasim has been informed ',- a member of the UK Delegation to the KISU P first meeting of the Confeerenc e, after which other UK experts viill be appointed Fcw= CE MSFA No. LUX D-0 4007966 September 19, 1956 Spsg oRmwools,Hasguea,Lwidon, aurg,#Paris, September 24 Conference on 1 Safety 1221Sattc,*i to attend Cant`s ,r+..~rr.n~.....rrirrr ice on aim safety, called at the decision of the C 1C Council rs fc7.le ..ns the Marcinelle disaster in elgiun, opens in Lwwmbourg pept,ad the invitation to take part. The four an delegation will be homed b?,- Mr. A, X. Rake,, Under Secretar',y', Chief of the 5ai"ety and Health ggv4sten Idinistry of Fuel and Power. The delegation is ached-led to attend the Wift9*far Release 2001/07/28: CIA-R[ `F$ h 50008-4 State Dept. de, lassification & release instructions on file Apprbwed, f or Release 2001/07/28 , f 00100150001WO 2 x LUX D-i From us M1e According to a High Authority rinia . the Conference wia. . --- im ediateetly form a na sr of sob-ac ttiqqe that, will prepare the P'V0090410 to be + ,eted by January 31, 1"& H r, tt 1, offlaial queeestion$ whether the Ce ereence Will be able to **I*" the uubjeet- of mine safety euffie ly and _ up with well the t-out paroposals in, such a short time. f~ ernan Yi ee!em Miring a onversatioo with a member of the Owman -assy In t4ambo rg oiho wot# on C questions. he said that whereas the German Government haft a esse d opposiat the September 6 C it meeting to agreeing to create an inter national body for mine safety, Germ consent to have the qusstion di eeueaed at the t 'eex a opening can September 24 wed almost tantamount to nG In Hegers he said# the German _ vern ~'lOBit~.ta was eleF~r'.ly th~:t the national QoYBrJt~ip and national legl alatioen should continue to be soverSIAM in the ehalea APA m%. to esp ent ems" safety measures in the national mines, Not only was the legislation p3, .e a .e to mine oafvky. in each elao entry very complex and eopio es (be said that lgtan code numbers hundreds of pages),, which would mean that solely from the ju rlstes'' p"A of the task o$' bringing such legislation Into h r r or re .iliing present incompatibilities e4th a system of ir&eurnatin, p rol be snormsous but the variety in the characteristics of the different coal workings to the Ce nutity mad impossible the general appl icatics, of uit rm safety measures. He conaluded that the Germans would have no objection to an wasnf satiean that would be able to acs suggestions the varioaw Govez is for improving safety conditions in the mines, but the German Goteern could not a**"* that such stations or suggestions be binding upon it. The German Embassy official said that in his opinion a4' international Or ow eeht3esn would be extra iely useef4 on the other hand? as a sort of clearing house for the +s~ f ;i onl tic>n on now developaeer s in the field of,alne eatef y. A11 too AMij, he said, Is the coal. industry in one country MaMM of mew a valuable deveicpo nts for improving safety in the coal basins of a coutry. Re `earr ng o the Marcinefle disaster he said that the , Gam. had arrived a the sedsnc with an instrument for testing the purity of the air is mines that was completely w%lmom outside German r and zigK us fu3 be erplo ed e1s46ere in the f mom .ty, An Interactional organisation sam,d thus perhaps best serve the cause of mins safety by disseminating Information aboia such now 4s"lopmentes, and leaving the actual application of safety measures to the responsibility of the interested national authorities, Be tteereaorth ~``. W. uali. United. States Representative Approved For Release 2001/07/28 CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100150008-4