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Approved For Release 200/08/27: CIA-RDP78-01634R0003000300fO-7 StC"ET OPERATIONS COORDINATING BOARD - Washin*ton 1 F April 'lip 1956 REPORT AND REGOAQNS CONCE?~NING TELEVISION IN "FE I . INTRODUCTION: The pro ?1tl: of world-wide television t ,ecater that Shortly it will .rank with-the.,hewspaper.and radio as a s mdium having these capaT bilities and limitations: A.. "Cry abilit ens: (1) Television r+eiches illitee and sohaldr alike. ( It quicklIV* reaches multitudeis ndifterent to radio, and press. (3) The co nbin .tion of ' auditory acid visual impact makes it an effective, way to convey a psychological message; itycan?influence deeply,ihe social and economic `patterns of Europe. (4) It has` a wi r, of 'leading the le .ders"'; ownership of TV receivers occurs first' leaders and opinion-makers'. B', Li ons r () As a U. 8'rch6 logi cal weapon, direct tole- . .Vision must be"oonsidexed as primarily for use in the Free World. Except ( ) ;Even,31 long dstance telecasting. were feasible, 1 1 mining, -and control over use of ci y susceptible ' tnore i xpens ivre than radio pro - -~ ' from other areas. egg:", Latin America.. European 'statio 1u plement their programs by films in Great Britain and. Western Europe, A. network,."Eurovision" * connects Britain', Prance, Italy, Switzerland, West Germany, Denmark, the Nether lands and Belgium. Austria, Spain and Swoon probably will join this system. Norway, Finland, Portugal, 4en ugosaavia are potential participants'. Filmed output of this petwo It tiill find audiences elsewhere; A. Free World- Co tr a (See Annex ) . Television isy ~e ~tablished Of special concern to the U.S. are th4 st uations in Helsinki'.. Vienna, and.Berlin; In Tallin, 35 miles'acrosstb i water from Helsinki, the Russians are beaming programs in Finnish t He sinks. A similar situation exists in Bratislava across the border'fx Vienna. In neither instance" however`, can the programs be received with uta modification being made ;;'See map (1a; ge-) and Annex B B. USSR and European Satellites (See ex C). The USSR has an. ambitious program' for the USSR and its ro 4n satellites, as strategic. locations of stations in areas bordering Western Europe indicate. Some Soviet stations even now are capable of recteptidn in peripheral areas of in the receiving set. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030090-7 State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-0 the West.. Exchange agreements with oth Switzerland) are increasing the Soviet East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Pole while Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria ope r nations (e..g.., Britain, ti t ons. a terial used by Free World s have regular television services, ate experimental stations. in Technical Sta ~de. .The technical television Diff erence C. standa-dsemployyed by the Soviet Bloc ff4r,from those used in other countries of Europe.' This prevents ,r_ot reception on Western receivers of Bloc programs, and vice versat witho t 4 change or addition to the receivers. Upon the basis of study of techni 1 data pertaining to eight models of Soviet Bloc TV receivers, it appears,. tee simple method of completely overcoming the difference ,In frequencies and transmission The difficulty ti V n ons. a standards between East and West Europeala T varies with the type or model of set.,:. ets ported by Finland ("Avanguard" and viet 600 S s o For example the -ubstitution and addition of "Tempo" brands) could be modified with "171 parts to receive Western telecasts butto receive both East and West stations. mental rticularl7rchanges in the design lo i d e p eve ng er However, engin J~ - of Eastern sets, could Change this estmate. Developments will be followed closely. new ,available, it appears that the cost 4 or adapting moat ,pee o ~re,~,~ 4,,e u ~ any telecasts is.tot great < ever,jt_ oes not. now appear likely that - _ -- -__- . , t be so modified. e Eu b p mr o+F . es w considerable n i III POSSIBLE COt1RSES OF U.S. ACTION gu' A.ftilize overseas TV to foreign policy ob ` 1. B+r supplying attributed and n-attributed program materials, including films, scripts, live perfor noes by U.S. traveling cultural groups, local-programs, and material ar insertion in local programs. 2. By presenting filmed or 11ve.appearanoes of visiting American officials, educators, scientists, bus nessmen, etc., and similar materials on foreign visitors to the .S. ~. By cooperation with private industry for introduction of materials into commercial TV films: provided by NBC, CBS, at al, to foreign television systems. B. "s ist and enc age develorime t p ?p E moo Wean-wide TV system - in consonance with U,S. objectives - bar: 1. Technical advice In creating 2. Professional and technical adce and training in programming and in station operation* -2- SECRET I Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030090-7 CRET Approved For Release 2A,19460/27: CIA-RDP78-0 634R00030003006 3. FTnattributed program assi.etanc { (for which the heed is great and for which the U.S, has abundanj resources)$.including films and cooperatively-produced programs. The free nations have l 5. Advice 'to and support bf' 6. Advice concerning methods licensing, advertising, or a combi . and the best way to pr