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Document Release Date: 
April 14, 2000
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Publication Date: 
May 17, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030087-1.pdf81.79 KB
J'_ _" Y - Approved For Re ase 2000/08727 tlA-RDP78-01634R000300030087-1 Office Noorandum * UNITED STAThS GOVERNMENT TO Mr. Bertrandias PP ICD/Radio) DATE: 17 May 1956 1. I called 'ease MacKnight today to talk about the prospects of him representing State on the CCBAT Committee, and in fact taking the Chaai,rmanship. 2. $e=pointed out three compelling reasons why he can't do this: for anything else . man to represent it on COBAT. 3. The new man's name is Sidney Jacques. Jacques is a foreign officej;recently returned fr:cm Paris and a concern with East-West State , within the past few days, has appointed a new but, 'according to 'esse/he is a "good sensible guy.." Jesse said that he has got to be given some time to get his feet on the ground. But that he certainly is of COBAT caliber. 4. Jacques will replace a Miss or Mrs. Dowling. Becky Nesbit will. AT COMMittee a. His 'primary job is East-West Cultural telations, and be b. CCB won't accept him, as both of you know. tuber, representing TPIB, but not State. 5. Jacques and MacXnight already have agreed that MacKnight r Jacques for awhile. I commended, .c Enight recent paper Broadcasting as an ideal basic document or this tutGAAge. Jesse ey it already is so, but could be made more it ssive if Egner and 8er# a :, s were to meet Jacques and MacKnight for a lunch where they could talk about it. State Dept declassific.Qtion & rele~ ,9 inru,~,fi,Qns Qn file,,,,,,,,,,,,