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D p roved For Rase 4A-RDP78-01~34030002057-4 T Ffi "f'o/5Hi j 1. To as_s4st?the OCB in the discharge of its responsibilities in the field of international broadcasting (including television) there is established a working group of the OCB for Coordinating International Broadcasting Operations (CIBO). It will consist of a representative of USIA who shall be chairman, representatives of State, ICA, Defense, CIA, the OCB staff. The chairman of TPIB or his alternate shall sit with CIBO to assure coordination with the technical functions of TPIB. 2. Within the framework of "OCB Detailed Operating Procedures" as stated in Part II of the OCB Handbook dated September 15, 1955, CIBO will: a. Coordinate as necessary agency activities designed to implement the following OCB/ODM recommendation which was approved by NSC Action on b. Assure the preparation of OCB reports on U. S. international broadcasting as required by NSC. c. Deal with such other matters pertaining to international broad- Approved For Rele~ -. tAt r CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030057-4 State Dept. declassificatio release instructions on file Approved For R ffffyJAt : CIA-RDP78-01 34R000300030057-4 casting including television, as may be assigned by the Board or Board Assistants. 3. The TPIB shall continue to deal with technical matters pertaining to international broadcasting pursuant to its T/R. Coordination between CIBO and TPIB will be achieved thru the chairmen of CIBO and TPIB or when advisable by joint action of the two working groups. Approved For R G 8/27 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030057-4