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Approved For ReJase 2000/08/27: CIA-RDP78-01 R0003@ ' -~ OPERATIONS COORDINATING BOARD Washington 25, D.C. ao ,jiEC t MEMORANDUM OF MEETING: Working Group - Committee on Broadcasting and Television (COBAT) 26th Meeting held 2:00 P.M. April 12, 1.957 Conference Room #445 E.O.B. Working Group i-Iembers Present: USIA - Robert E. Button, Chairman Frederick A. Long, Alternate CIA - Representative present ICA - Gale C. Griswold, alternate Defense - Lt. Col. M. E. Williamson State - William A. McFadden Mrs. Florence Dowling, alternate 0 C B S ,aff - Ralph R. Busick, Staff Representative Marjorie M. Denny, Staff Assistant USIA - Gerald Dooher 1. The minutes of the February 12th meeting were adopted as written. a. With reference to Item 2, the ICA representative agreed to report at the next meeting concerning the exchange of technicians with India, and whether or not an invitation had been extended to Indian TV technicians to visit the U.S. for training. b. With reference to Item 5, USIA reported no further developments on the Beirut TV project. c. With reference to Item 7, the Chairman informed that a high-level committee an radio broadcasting had been formulated for the purpose of redefining the basic mission of the U.S. international broadcasters - country by country. The Chairman stated that the terms of reference of this committee restrict it exclusive) to radio,, hence COBAT w.11.1 devote itself e:;clueively to TV matters unless it receives a different directive from CCB. 2Q The project of establishing an educational TV station at Rawalpindi for informing and training the Pakistan Armed Force was reviewed. The back- ground, justification, and recoirimendations of USIA on this project were furnished the members of COD-AT, together with ICA t s position as set forth in a letter from Mr. Hollister. ICA feels that it cannot engage In the establishment of a TV station for the Pakistan Armed Forces at this time, but has no objection to USIATs undertaking the project under its Military Motivation Program. ,~~~A~Se~pppJ ~~7~~p CONFIDENTIAL DOS & US"~l~'8~d9$1 TI~cRTVf1c-I~Q~Se mS 1~ n&6Q8300030055-6 onT1 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For ReJgase 2000/08/k?-: CIA-RDP78-01WR000300030055-6 MAAG,. Pakistan has made it clear that while it supports the proposal to estab- lish a TV station for training and informing the Pakistan Armed Forces, it has no funds available to purchase necessary equipment and implement the proposal. Plans for carrying out this project under USIA's Military Motivation Program, prepared with the assistance of Defense, were therefore presented to the Committee. The Defense Representative informed that the draft reply on this project stated the Defense Department was, of course, limited to servicing U.S. personnel by TV, but that it would strongly testify as to the effectiveness of television in training and informing U.S. troops. Both Defense and State Department representatives promised informal staffing by April 17 for a USIA meeting on this project, and agreed to present their agency's position at the next meeting. 3. Possible assistance to the Teheran TV licensee was discuseed. A fran- chise has been given ty the Iranian Council of Ministers to a local merchant for a commercial TV station. Although he will buy and install the basic trans- mitter and studio equipment, he is desirous of obtaining assistance so that he can achieve balance between educational, informational and entertainment pro- gramming. The extent to which the U.S. government should support and assist this station to enable it to become a truly significant opinion-molder in the Middle East was discussed at length. The Defense Representative reported on the meetings of the Iranian licensee with various U.S. commercial representa- tives at the recent NARTB (National Association of Radio and TV Broadcasters ) meeting in Chicago. ICA informed that the U.S. clvi,aor, assigned to the Baghdad TV project (by I CA) was being transferred to USIA, and USIA agreed to look into the possibility of borrowing this engineer from Baghdad for technical assistance to television in Teheran.. The State Department representative agreed to present the State Department's position on U.S. help to television in Teheran at the next meeting. 4. A meeting with Moroccan officials concerned with the possible reactiva- tion of the Moroccan TV stations at Rabat and Casablanca as well as the possi- bility of installation of Armed Forces TV stations in Morocco, was reported by the USIA representative 5. The Chairman requested ICA for a statement at the next meeting as to the status of the Indonesian study on the development of educational TV. 6. The next meeting of COBAT will be held Tuesday, April 23rd, at 10:15 AM in OCB Conference Room No. 357 in the Executive Office Building. The agenda will be as indicated in these minutes. Ralph R. Busick Staff Representative Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030055-6