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Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP 8-01D63 R00030h0030~41-1 or ng ra A ac men? (Extracted from paper prepared for COBAT Meeting 12/3/57) W th respect to the use of TV as an information modia9 the following finding of the Jackson Committee, which was concurred in by the Department of State, continues to reflect the Department's policys The US should be in a position to provide advice and assistance to foreign television industries in their forma- tive stages. Unattributed programs of American origin could be carried on local stations in much the same way as radio programs of American origin are broadcast over local stations abroad, With respect to the technical aspects of television the long range objective of the US Government is standardization of the technical operations to facilitate eventual international program exchangeb The Department's position therefore is: (1) to respect the sovereign rights of countries to decide on the standards to be adopted; (2) to support the adoption by countries of a region of common standards to facilitate eventual international. program exchange; (3) to give US technical advice and assistance to engineers of countries where television is in its formative stagess, on the technical operation of television ser:v,;ice to enable them to select the standards most suitable for their purposes; this should include full information on the international situation i ere it may not be understood,, *State Department Declassification/Release Instructions on File* Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030041-1 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030041-1 Working D3"ft Attachment 2 USIA Policy on Television (Extracted from CA-836 dated October 3,, 1957) T. Policy a. It is the policy of the Agency to develop effective use of TV, as appropriate, to support U.S. policy objectives in general and specific USIS country objectives in particular,, b. Agency effort and expense put into TV should be in sensible pro- portion to size and composition of target audiences. c. Agency favors establishment and extension of TV and is prepared to offer assistance in program and technical matters, where this is in the interest of the U.S* d. In its TV programming activities the Agency will at all times avoid situations competitive with American enterprise active in the medium. II Programming a~ Emphasis will be placed upon TV programming that helps establish and take advantage of the regular viewing habits of the audience at favorable times and under favorable circumstances;, b, In the absence of intercontinental telecasting, the Agency TV activity depends upon the placement of material serving U.S. objectives over local TV outlets. The medium of TV is to be used by the USIS Mission for the achievement of its country objectives and IBS will concentrate on furnishing the necessary support for this purpose, c. USIS Missions will develop local TV programming and requests for direct media support in terms of country objectives, priorities, and ability to commit for placement, Approved For Release 2000/08/27: CIA-RDP78-01634060fib-Y1 Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDPIT36ROQOAgMi131 CONFIDENTIAL ICA OPERATING POLICY ON TELEVISION (extracted from ICA paper distributed for discussion at COt3AT meeting 12/3/S7) 1. When a country does erect its own television station and requests technical cooperation in developing education and public service programming, ICA should be ready to supply it. 2. ICA should stand ready on request to supply technicians to consult with governments that are considerinL, the establishment of TV installations and assist them with preliminary surveys, 3. For the time being, American money should not be used as a principal part of the establishing of TV stations, although ICA should keep an open mind on a specific country basis, being ready to consider it when the development of a country, both economically and in mass communications terms warraht,a., CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030041-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/27: CIA-R 1 RO 1-1 Department of Defense Position (Extracted from Department of Defense paper distributed to COBAT on November 4, 1957 - paper not dated.) On 28 October 1953, the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Personnel ("Z Reserve) assigned to the office of Armed Forces Information and Education the responsibility for establishing policy, a procurement program, and a monitoring program for television as it applies to the information, education and entertainment activities of the Armed Forces. The use of television for this purpose is restricted by policy to those isolated areas where competition with commercial television will not occur, Arrangements were made whereby the Networks, with the consent of clients and agencies, furnish kines and filmed programs for use on Armed Forces TV stations free of charge. The kines thus secured are augmented by +"Industrial" films, Armed Forces Information films and a few feature pictures furnished by the motion picture industry and television film producers. Schedules at various Armed Forces TV stations run around 50 or 60 hours weekly. In addition to films and kines each station has a limited "live" capability which is exploited to the fullest by local commanders. While the Department of Defense reserves the right in its clearance request to edit films, it does not do so. Anything contrary to DOD policy is more easily eliminated by not using a show. Programs are run as received with commercials intact. Clearances are on hand from the various unions and guilds which permit the use of these commercial films over the Armed Forces TV stations, and thereby provide protection to the Department of Defense. Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030041-1