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Approved For Re~ease 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-0~ 34R000300030031-2 CONFIDENTIAL OPERATIONS COORDINATING BOARD Washington 25, D. C. April 25, 1958 MEMORANDUM OF MEETING: Committee on Broadcasting and Television (COBAT) 35th Meeting held 10:00 A. M. , April 18, 195$, Room 2040 HEW Building Committee Members Pre3ent: U4 IA Robert A. Bauer, Acting Chairman State William A. Ivi cFadden Florence T. Dowling, Alternate Richard T. Black {wepresenting TPIB) CIA Representative Px?esent ICA Gale C. Griswold, A~,ternate .Defense John C. Broger Col, Harry W. McClellan, Alternate OCB S?iaff Ralph R. Busick Others Present; Defense LtA Colo John H. Lay 1. The minutes of the March 3 meeting were approved. 2, The Acting Cxa.airrnan sazggested that ccrs;deration of the COBAT report, a woxking draft of w~iich had been distributed to COBAT members, be gostpaned until USIA has had an opportunity to re-e~carnine its section of -the xeport. 3, The Defense member gresented an oral report on some possi- bilities which have occurred to lum and otiaers in his agency, especially during and since his recent trip to Europe, He pointed out that of course they have been aware for years of the large "~;,~~~~y" audience Armed Forces Network has around the world. They have, however, been constrained by circumstances to that audience and its {In one test, he reported, after a mail plug on one 30-minute program for seven consecutive days,. the station received 125,000 letters from tY;e "ghost" audience.) AFN is now considexing the~ros and cons of establislhing television stat.~.ons in a number of countries where it now has ~ro~?,~io .stations Approved For Release 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-016348W~3~AL2 USIA declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Re~ease 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-01~6~34R000300030031-2 GONFIDENTIAL ~~~.~: axot TVa This, it is probable, would sti:~xnulate i~-terest in commercial T'V s~tarcic>ns p ;~f opp~rc~~.t;~,~;~, to estabL~,s~.exzt of such TV stations developed ~:re government, AFN prc~'f~a.hYy vroule~ drop the :tea*te_,. At tY?e request o:~ tite Caxnmitiee, the Defense nzen~ber agreed to p'~^epare a ~rri~~;ten repast onL'Yie subjecu: for COBAT's peruNal. 4. The A4ti,ng Ghairman reported orally on his ai:tendance at the meeting in Br~!zssels of the European B~: oad~casting U.n:~.on (E.B?7~. Impres- sions of uliffex?ent deve~.opmen~ts and attitudes among EB'J members we:ie: a. Bruns role - ~J'S5R eras offering evart,~?thzn, free, T1is stirxz~~.uated U~ to dc~ la~?,~?wv?.se, expediting de.k3.very, so as not to be deft be:Iszr~do bd At Mrs Bauer's suggestio:!, wrich was ~velca~med, the Gez~rrzaxas a` a'nce b~~g.~r, ~,repa~atY:oxzs to make available to ~elevi:ioz~. statx,ons in Jf~'est F3erli~, f~.xm z-na~~er3.ais, sa that the stations rxza?y co:~npete titi~ith E~?aClt Ber~~.~.~. 3t-z~,~43n~i p co Berl,?n wens g;.ad to provirYe 9:he 6:G0 to ?x:00 :r ~;No he~ur each day f~rr ~'V for American txoops, Thus ehould ta.?~e away x~,i=,ch csf the Eaa~; Berizn atxdien~;e whis;h, not tal:,en ice. b~,r Cammranisrn, is gradually accept3zig yhe idea of two Germaries. T3zere is a large poten- tial Gcnz~:man and Austri~~n audience izs A olio and Tyr' belz~.nd t?~ie Cur*airz. d. 'G'ienaaa TV rotations receive 500 letters zncfz~:a~?!y, of which 407/o come fsyom Czechs. Hungar-y has a large and??nc~~ alsoa The USSR. ambassador has accused Vienr;ese of being ~Nestern? unn,eu?tral, etco , but Austrians blandly retort they are neuxral miY,itarily, ThQ Austrians a: e ge~-iuinexy interested 3x. the ~'~~est, are proud of Y.~eirg A13strian, are interested in TV. Fnrmer fears of the influence the Ir~~Lz Ct.rtaiaz TV Sfiatiorx at Fxas;;~slava might have over Austrians may be fcargotten, for B?rati.s~.ava's influen~re is negligi~ale. e. Ita.'r.~r TV has a Iarge audience in Yugoslavia; test of is ta.e greaS: number of requests received for textboAks on Itali4n TV. 5. The next meeting of the Committee wi3l be head at tYze call of the Ghairmarz. ~ ,,,r-- ~ c~-~ ~.r~-~c r ,? T ~ alpil R o Bu S 1 v k OC B Staff Repre senta.?~ive COFdFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-016348000300030031-2