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A n?As Approved For Release 2007102/07 g-RDP78-01617A0060000400807 _3 1. Tsiegilkpi'ailktAgi.,'S?j4j. -The Departniett ;4 State has forwarded to L.aridE and PE ri or CIfftC.a1 cc 11.1( a proposed note of protest: to Om USSR toacerning the r situation in Berlin, suggestin that culuntitatons be mediately for settlement of t1J Sue. Te Departme cates that although a thrift-1der ...iota would be pTeleakil et the US plans to send a nab or rq4vaeit stariement inctitsn- dently if the French :and I3riiit fail to iindorse the US e. UE Ambassador Douittli; repolv Oat the Britiah are - indicated agreement to the dret note but do not believe t e note should suggest negotiat.ons thratgli the Conferenee f Foreign Ministers or refereace of the dispute to the UN, US Ambassador Caffery In larli eper Vrat although Fri eh Foreign Office officials may differ as to the wisdom of tle original western stand on Bern, the7 sire united in the Ulla that the western powers must now rein& at all costs ctr riulfkr a shattering loss of prestige. s',1 !9-1 2. XIJL;aojye_s_kkAF2vsksr ragarrAmo ilikzeperve--V-3 Am- bassador Douglas reports that tllit Fcreigii Secreta,ry .ae. in feels very strongly thatD' the ilt and Ur{ Aould continue'. if orts to build up the air lfft to Berlin, as ra112.1:17 as possible* 44 spite the apparent softening of the itovier. pigfition in Marsha) ibkolov- i sky's reply to the recent British post. Douglas also reports that the British Military Govilnvaor in Germany recomme de that the western allies continue; efforis to build up air e In order to demonstrate to the USSR thet he crisis wit. i et be over until full coramtralcatiaat for allied and German pa, .30n- nel are possible and. quadripartite adJdnietration of the 4ty has I been restored. The Military 43 ,-. or believes that Set ovskyl . , :. letter shoild be received "with , utmost reserve" het use it does not provide an acc-41ab1e se lament of the s1tuatIo4 in , Berlin even though, in hit opittion, it removes any like) that the USSR intends to itarrs out tha German populati.o of the western sectors. DIA & DOS review(s) completed. .13"4121ent NO CHANGE, . lza Class. ,0 10, 0 DECLASSIFIED , Class. S P t DDA Tato stcRETAuth: OD- - isrL'' Approved For Relea_ _007/02/07 : CI - j8$1114116 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040080-0 TOP SE_ 10 -031i1 (CTA r ornmen:: CIA di t.3 not believe that Sokoloi. publicized assurances necensarily signify that the ,Jssn to relax Its res "crictionu on Zood shipmentS to tiv. -resterr. of Berlin.) 3. French a.nalysii of Comijur ,rmxt US A sador Caffery in Paris :res13mlb; s that the ment on Tito frankly ad:mite that: (a) the ComWe tially the same orgaMr.tios as tie prewar Conlin rn; (b) ;211!! Kremlin regards the `popular dvmocracies" as S viet W4lc. ; and (c) Moscow does directly iat..,r-vene in foreign ountr3 Irt no Satellite e*ys any 'Itidepenience whatsoeverI its rel $u)4 with the Kremlin. told (aVery th Premier Dimttrov f 3Ligaria had recently lent a I:ympat Alt ear to Tho's proposal fir a Balkan federation atds cent3f le, 11 "In difficulties with the Kremlin." Caffery addt tat the 1 r,:s4th Communists are obviously tretty embarrassed b this ct s in the Soviet sphere. 4. UK to ex2.12.1.t?1 ?Lam Amba.ssadcr Dougla learned that the UK For,:lign Office intends to " oit the Slav situation to the hit" throvgh information ntaiia dire particularly toward 10,3Vnd rad Czechoslovakia. 5. USSR renortedly 11e Military Utley in Lcnrion tulle/nits Oat the US3R Is shippilg arms ammunition to Czechoslovaliia In lieu of the food c lied foil by the Soviet-Czechosloval: ageecnent. the "Russian Unlit )1e" c 1 for the outbreak of 31cl:tithes N7itli the western Itzr.4opean In August 1948. 2 Approved For Release 2007/eitat . IA-RDP78-01617A006000040080-0 fa:i 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP7001617A006000040080-0 Co ? (CIA C'omme:it:. TEA) :nf.jorit7 of US obtervers la Europe are of the or 'Lion, in which CIA concurs; dist t Eft t will not provece an *tally t.rmei conflict in wel.tarn Euro . Moreover, the cm reef rift betreon the USSR and, Yugostillr?? makes the prosent time bnpr ortune for the 1.1341 to walo Available evidenea iralicates tittt the rats at strap; shitn,41:14 from the USSR to C2(10:110EILovilita dons not indiet?O prera Wes for westArn Eumpea-i costlict in the near f#Inre. arms may be intended for tn.mishipment to Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040080-0 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040080-0 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040080-0