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Approved For Release 20071c/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040076-5 30, torzsffigifitv t ;EMI:1'RA L 1.. Arabs reserving decisiorj 9:1 '2alestine truce--US Embassy Cairo has learned from zn VaToleagte official that the, Arabs are reserving their c'ecisioaon prolongation of the Palestine truce while awaiting UN Mediator Bernadothe's reply -;.o he Arab counter-propotals or ;. permanent Settlement. The Embassy reports tin h Ambassador's belief that ate bellicose Arab assertions e?luuld no:: be taken fully at fwe value and that the Arabs m1.3 pro tong the truce despita itate- ments to the contrarv. UK advises as t iTetit d'tice extension--:7Oreign Secretary Bevin has tom i.I3 lraassTigTou?iiiilhat lie wishes to leave no stone urtxtrneel Ir karittsli efforts te. extend the Palestine truce. Dovkglu; reports that the UK is atilising the Arab governments of its views that: (a) the truce be extended; (b) if the krabs ar? ret:pcnEible for the res?Amptice of hostilities, Security Council condermation is inevitable and future UK arms deliveries will be impossible; (c) a ierish state is an established fact; and (d) the UN Mediator'f4 Iro- posals are more favorable tc, the Arabs than any suggested before and should be, used at 6. b;t6i:3 or negotiations. EUROPE 2. YUGC6LA.VIA: Reoorted reasons .fot ? inform a The US Military fittachelil)arir, transmits 25X1 an account cY reynarks made by Comminist Leader Duclos,at a rneetimg of the French Communist Party Polftburo,concernin7 the C orainforn Atack on Marstal According to Dudes, Zhdanvv (Soret Cominform reprOsenta- tive) charged Tito with Itiolating the rrinciples of international Communism by: (a) supporting 73ulge.rian Premier DiMitrov's1 opposition to the Kremlin, presuma.bly in connection with the Balkan Federation; (b) failing to support the Greek guerrillas and exploiting the Greek sltuationof:artunIteungtosNlao.via's Profit; (c) making territorial demands on.Trieste; and (d) op csing NO CHANGE in Class ? 0 DECLASSIFIED Class, C:IANGED TO: 140P-IVCRET . 4 A Auth: _DLA_ Approved For Release 2007/03/06: smo:Pumaara=otrytfpgos9o7,8_ 7 DIA & DOS review(s) completed. 25X1 25X1 -4. Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040076-5 TOP 0 Ti the pronosal that the Barran Communist parties vire support to the westeyn C'emannist.!,..?artios. I according to Zhdanov, the USER had decided trtl: demnation of. Tito NrcIA pr3ferabla to allowing Tito to PIS :!1:11 leaks of information concerning his divergenciee rith tt Tcremlbit :.nrnitnition for foreign anti-C o Aral - nist propaganda.. (C14,, Conunact: CIA believes that Tito 1t:111121.1 prevented from obeZag I-re/Alin orders by the probleti Ing from Yugos1:717 naticrWism" and intern. ficonorn !political difficultiet;.) VAR. ''.;.133T 3. INDOCHINA: Fran4...act.;.on..held --The 2S C .41'( in Saigon reports that. the stixultion in French -416.ochine. become so confuseCI that it 1:3 essential for the 3.?rench i- ment to take 7.3os1tivw and prompt action both on the rec Tritt of a change In the status of ("cylvin China (now a rench c1eI y) and the official acceptance C. the Franco-lrietmmese ment of 5 June 1948. The Ccnsul adds that latkof actio confirm the Vietnar.a belief that the French Go.l.rqrnatent *eat' to acknowlet :e the agreeinerI arranged by High 4 . missioner Bollaert, thus 'Leaving the Vietnainele with noia4k4 to hope for from the ttccord f320 from future neuctiaticrw4 ' (CIA. Cornmeal: C 1 lielieves that the prent X regime in Indochina itis little chance for succesi beeau th4 Schuman Government not likely to jeopardite its posig on at this time by rtskinn: debate over the liberal: cOriicessi necessary for the conthaue.tion of the regime.): -2- T Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP 8-01617A006000040076-5 25X1