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July 22, 1948
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. 22 JUL 1948 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040063-9 743 GENERAL I. Western Eu_rmean uni.a endorses llud.m Berlin s EmbassyThe Hague reports that the foreign ministers of the five western European union powers have agreed that the western powers should stand firm in Berlin but must not close the door to the USSR. The ministers reportedly agreed that from three to five years of peace at the present rate of recovery will be needed by their countries to build up their military and economic potential and that they would be unable to defend themselves if conflict broke out soon between the US and the USSR. The ministers expressed the hope that the US could make manifest its military support of the western union countries in a substantial way because this support is needed if those countries are to make the most of their po- tentialitles. The western union representatives generally believe that a broader agreement, such as one covering the Atlantic area and including Greenland and Iceland, would be of questionable worth at this time because it might be con- sidered provocative by the USSR. EUROPE 2. YUGOSLAVIA: 7,119,Emetkilnat ww,..t.s.kgyjae.4- -The US Military Attache in Rome has been informed by the Italian Minister of Defense that duriag the past two weeks a marked change in Yugoslavia's attitude toward Italy has been revealed by: (a) the absence of all friction between Yugoslav and Italian troops on the border; and (b) friendly approaches to Italian officials by Yugoslav diplomats in Rome. a_aly....Eias,?f Tito's p_o_sitign--US Charge Reams in Belgrade reports his belief that for the first time Tito may now actually enjoy the support of the majority of the Yugoslav people. Reams reasons that Yugoslays now see in Tito: (a) their best defense against the USSR and further sovietiza- tion; (b) their only guarantee against forcible collectivization; Document No. if NO CHANGE in C,La3.3. 1 _1:$1, DECLA27.1fILD Class. CHAN:.ED TO: TS S Test?SrEettrt- DDJ rnio, 4 t' 77 Auth : DDA Date:jLRWB Li: Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP78101617A00600004 DIA & DOS review(s) completed. ? 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/02/07: CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040063-9 Tog:SEraM, and (c) vindication of their national pride and superiority ?vet Bulgarians, Hungarians, and Albanians. Reams asserts, how 3V that to secure and use this new national support, Tito cannot merely reiterate answers already made to the Cominfarra must 7310VO ahead in new and affirmative directions in order lo reconcile his claims to Communist orthodoxy with nationalistic Yugoslav thinking. (CIA Comment: Although CIA concurS in general wliti Reams' analysis, it is unlikely that Tito will make airy new moves until he has abandoned all hope of a rapprochemeitt the Kremlin. Moreover, the popular support for Titils slant against the Kremlin does not represent endorsement by the Yugoslav people of Tito's domestic policy. Regardless of the outcome of his disagreements wtth the liremlin, Tito Iva) have serious difficulties in winning populate support for his regime.) Approved For Release 2007/02/ : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040063-9