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Publication Date: 
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4.7 26 41IG 1,94k Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040032-3 T.Eltr-S GENERAL 1. 1. UK favors osjponenient on.Lj idFr1trea--UK Foreign Secretary Bevin has informed US Ambassador Douglas that he is most anxious that a common US-UK-French policy be worked out before the September General Assembly meeting. Bevin prefers a two or three-year postponement of a decision on Libya and Northern Eritrea but believes that agreement can be reached on giving the Danakil coast to Ethiopia immedi- ately. Sevin indicates that during thin postponement the UK would expect to be relensed from the restrictive obligations of The Hague Convention in order that a civil administration mule be installed and internal reforms instituted. Although Bevin ? still hopes that at the end of this period the US would accept trusteeship over Tripolitania, he would not in principle oppose Italian trusteeship if he were satisfied by then that the return of the Italians would not cause serious distathances which might involve British troops. US Ambassador Douglas agrees on the desirability of three-power accord but believes it improbable that the GA would agree to a long postponement. 9 A 25X1 EUROPE 25X1 2. GREECE: US observer sa effective Satellite aid is coaltimft- US Embassy Athens transmits an estimate by the U military adviser to the Balkan Commission that General Markos is still receiving sufficient aid from Albania, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria to maintain his present scale of operations. The US observer considers it significant that Yugoslavia has continued to co- operate with the guerrillas even after the Tito-Cominform break, %IyennindsmadagjjangsgumenalmkAjjagat -- The Department of State has informed US Embassy Athens of the receipt of a note from the Greek Ambassador referring to alleged Instances of the use of Albanian territory by the guerrillas and of firing from Albania into Greece. The Department indicates that Document No. 4/1 DIA & DOS review(s) completed. NO CHANGE in Class. )(.. DECLASSIFIED Class. CHA, LD TO: o TS S C DDA mo,11c) 4 Apr 77 TGULS.E.ItTkr Auth: DDA T-1 77_1176 1 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-Rpft7(?101617ik t,:i062400#2-3 25X1 4 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040032-3 il)P-SSCIT?ET In the note the Greek Government declared it has found V. necessary to consider firing from Greece into Albania in order to prevent the repetition of such incidents. The Departnistat Informally advised the Ambassador that the Greek Goverament should continue to submit to the UN Balkan Committee att avail- able evidence of Albania's cooperation with the guerrilla', but should avoid any precipitate action which might compromise the previous excellent record of Greek forbearance and al- verseiy affect the Greek case before the UN. NEAR EAST-AFRICA 3. PALESTINE: Reported concern over Israeli UN memberp- Concerning possible US support for Israeli raembershiplii the UN, US Minister Keeley in Damascus comments that remit Israeli expansionist statements seem to indicate that Israi)1 is neither peace-loving nor disposed to carry cut the ohligabons of the UN Charter. Keeley relays the opinion of some of his diplomatic colleagues that such encouragement of Israel by the US will only further antagonize the Arabs and thus make mare difficult any eventual compromise. - 2 - Thr-StiC,Wr Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040032-3