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Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000030032-3 Copy No. CENTRAL IMLLIGENCE AGENCY Special Evaluation No. 36 0q1 No C jGE in class. ^ \DECLAS::; rD Class. TS S DD_'1 1 omo , 4 ? 77 76 ;,: ( 77 1 Muth: Date: ('.. s iltrtit By: Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000030032-3 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000030032-3 24 Nbvember 190U, THIS MILITARY SITUA^'ION IN CHIN ~ The presenr wt,i:sior oS tlxo -:?:~rnrrunsst armies IS to destroy rbe eftec' 1 ~r ,,e 3r of the Nm irma ttEt roil-4j. tary fxelcl forces and 1 h,?reb ? It nma4' org:onaxed l atiron t ar resistance It is this objele" :', .ir,d riot r: crely wt intention to capture Nank.ing., that in o:et?yrtnining the patters of the I r o ent all-cut Communist rya: at;~at, ''rich Is a^.tesdi.irg frora llia h Province to Ulf. vnvtrcn,.j +4 In achievbig this obj ~r.. - tive, the Com;nun1sts iniw appear comrnfttcd to a coxccer*tz drive against Nationaltst concentrations in the Hsuchou so-Mtor, 1though the Communists are also massing for attacks in North China, a major n-tove against Nationalist forces In the Tientsin-Peiping cm-ridor will probably await the cxrtcomg of the battle for iisuchcni. If Communist operations continue at:. the present accelerated tempo, it is estimated that C omrnjt nist forces may succes .,fully attain their objective within the next 30 days. The collapse of organized Nationalist milit*ry resistance will probably force Chiang Kai -sshek's Governfl ent to flee south or surrender to the Communists, Estimated Strengths Although the National Government currently claims to have over two million men under arms, a more realistic estimate of thei strength of the Goveransent Is tactical forces would probab y be slightly less than one million troops capable of:! effecti employment against Communist forces in North and Centel China. However, the. loyalty and combat efficiency of a large percentage of the tactical troops In Central China is question- able. On the other hand, the total number of Communist o '- fectives is believed to exceed one and one -half million troops, possessing high morale and fairly good equipment. North China In North China, the Nationalist Commander Fu Tso-yi has under his immediate commid approximately 300,000 well-trained and fairly Well-equip+d Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000030032-3 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000030032-3 veterans. In holding the vital, Hugh extremely vulnerable Ttent3in-PetplJ E-Malg t corridor, General Fu fa con ap' rc :- imately 300,000 Communist troops grouped to the 'rest of Peiping. Furthermore, as a consequence of the fall oo Man churia, at least 400,r100 additional Communist troops have become available fox opt=rations against General Fo. This constitutes a potential threat of 700,000 Communist troops presently available for a North or Central China operation: 'although North China is at present relatively quiet, current reports indicate that the Communists are now concentratin north of the vital Kailan coal -mining region, and nr*y soon launch a drive in the Peiping-Tientsin area. If the C "aims . nists should undertake such an offensive, they would proba$ity be successful, despite General Fu's intention to defend thin. area, in forcing Fu's withdrawal westward Into the Provincs of Sulyuan. This would permit the Communists to Occupy Peiping, Tientsin, and '.he corridor. Communist forces in North China appear at present to be awaiting the outcome of the battle for Hsuchou in Central China before making ait, major move. Central China In Central China, Communist forces are currently estimated to number 4M:000 troj Ern; they are capably led by Generals Chen Yt and Liu Po-cheng Nationalist forces number approximately 800,000. Follow-t1 r ing their temporary withdrawal on 17 November whon con- fronted with determined and surprising Nationalist resists e to the initial attack, the Communists have resumed their attack in the Rsuchou area with feverish intensity. This Communist setback appears to have been caused by it mis- calculation on the part of Communist General Chen 'Vi'i who : anticipated that Nationalist troops would defect in large numbers at Hsuchou, much as they have done recenl*y in Tsinan and :Manchuria. Present Communist strategy appear 3 to be designed to prevent a consolidation of Nationalist forces in the Suhsten area between Hsuchou and Pangfou and to iso Ite SE Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000030032-3 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP78- 1617AO06000030032-3 I SEC ,T the Nationalists in three pockets of resistance lccited east of Hsuchov, north of Par ou, aad: near Mengchen , (north- west of Pangia u ). Conclusion US field estin-ates indicate that the E ornnm- rd s1 forces are capable of isolating and destroyi l these Nationalist pocteta of resistance, a develop).-Mt whIt would effectively destroy the rhtion-alist military rchineL and open the road to flanking. The Communists unquesti ably possess the initiative and the capability to tccomplisI their mission. Wbether it will require weeks or months depends upon how long Chiang Kai-shek can retain the loy* lty and will to fight of an effective number of his troops. Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000030032-3 YIN-CH'UAN (NING-SIA) HSI-AN ChangAdIi A'~.an t yar_ hsi>I MACAO (PORT.) (HONG KONG I (BILL .Kan-hsien ,0Ch'ang-Ling FOOCHO TH CHINA SEA Ta ku GULF OF YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA W NORTH ' t-iATmI dnnrnTrcrl For Release 2006/09127 CI DP78-01617A006000030032-3 CHINA COMMUNIST-CONTROLLED AREAS 17 NOVEMBER 1948 COMMUNIST CONCENTR,'--I SOra COMMUNIST - CONTROLU, I AI SA COMMUNIST DRIVE COMMUNIST MOVEMEN' NATIONALIST CONCENTR 11ON NATIONALIST MOVEMENT Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000030032-3