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Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005800040068-7 DIA & DOS review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005800040068-7 19 DEC 1946 Approved For Release 2007/03/0 IA-RDP78-01617A0058000400 8-7 258 ET NTIAL f GENERAL 1. Tito'sposition on the Italian treaty--US Ambassador Smith in Moscow attributes Tito s hint to UK Ambassador Peake to Tito s concern over a pres s group and Communist Party, rather than to Yugoslav nationalism. Smith believes that, as the Krem- lin has accepted the Trieste agreement, Tito will sign the treaty with- out any further concessions, 2. UK to test Stalin statement on air service--US Embassy London reports that the British will attempt to convert their present Helsinki air couri- er service into a regular civil airline in order to test out the meaning of Stalin's statement to the press that air services "would not be ex- cluded under certain conditions." EUROPE 3. RUMANIA: Broadeninz of Grora Government rumored--US Delegate ACC reports an increa f se o seemingly well-sounded rumors regard- ing the formation of a more representative Government to include all political elements, The Delegate is inclined to believe these rumors because Leftist criticism of the Opposition has been reduced and Government censorship of the Opposition press has been relaxed to ?permit publication of sharp attacks against the Government's fraudu- lent conduct of the elections. Government considering request for US loan--A Rumanian Government official has told US Representative Berry that the Rumanian Government is "at the end of its rope of and must obtain food Imports before the Peace Treaty is signed The offifiai simlr of if i ,...-~L n t~ for a corn loan. ;..... + saxc a wrmiu request 4. GREECE: Inaduacy of US press in Greece--US Ambassador MacVeagh reports that US press reporting from Greece has not been discerning as to facts or attentive to the real requirements of US national interests.. DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 25X1 Document No. ?,f p NO CHANGE in Class. [] [] DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800040068-7 T OONTIAL' 5. FRANCE: Reason for approval of Blum Government--According to from the awareness of political leaders that the weakness of French democracy, "as now practiced' would be even more clearly exposed ~9 to the public and that the result might be an attempt at some "'extreme" solution (the Communists or de Gaulle). Caffery adds that, while a breakdown of democracy might not be distasteful either to the Commu- nists or to certain extreme Rightist elements, each is restrained by the fear that the other would be the beneficiary of such a breakdown. Communist demand for Defense Ministr --Caffery has been informe that the Communist :party, upon orders from oscow, the Ministry of National Defense during last week's Cabinet negotiations on grounds that "democratization" of the Army, Navy and Air Force is not yet com- pleted and that the Communist position in the armed forces should be further consolidated. Communist tactics believes that the tactics of the French Communists thus far indicate that they will continue to attempt to "colonize" France by gradual stages. He Interprets the "relative moderation" of the Communists' demands upon Blum, (which could have been far more sweeping because of Communist power within the labor movement) as a sign of confidence in their own strength, NEAR EAST-AFRICA 6, IRAN: Collapse of Azerbaijan ream-The Assistant US Military Attache in Tehran, who has just returned from Tabriz, reports that at an extraordinary meeting of the Azerbaijan Parliament on I I Decem- ber the members split into two factions as Pishovari and his followers advocated continuing resistance and Biryia, supported by Governor Djavid, insisted on immediate compromise. The session ended when Pishevari resigned and Biryla, as the new chief of the Democratic Party, announced an agreement with Tehran. That night, Pishevari and "thousands of Democrats" fled into th R; the Azerbaijan military forces disintegrated VP and a large mob in seized arms and began killin "D g e mocrats. Iranian Army units which entered Tabriz on 13 December joined the civil population In the search for "Democrats" and killed most of those whom it arrested. C Approved For ReleasTe AO )178-01617A005800040068-7 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005800040068-7 The Assistant MA also reports that on the lay fallowing the entry of Iranian forces into Azerbaijan the soviets sent tft truck- loads of swan arms and ammunition to Tabriz. FAR EAST 7. CHINA: Commulni$t - unw4fli8to compromise--US Em'bas8 Nanking comments that "*the only possible Interpretation now" of a statement by Chou En4ai reiterating Communist terms for resuming negotiations and strongly attacking the Generalissimo, is that the Communists "have not the faintest intention of accept-, ing any compromise solution." The Embassy interprets a reported increase in Communist military activity in widely separated areas as an effort to impede a Government offensive anticipated by the Communists. es aMeRIMMM to tut n--The Embassy also refits that, wider the eyes of the Generalissimo, the Steering Committee of the National Assembly vetoed "without argument" every change, except a technical one, made by the Exami- nation Committee in the draft Constitution'. The Generalissimo is reported to have informed the Euomintang that it was to support the Constitution as he had proposed It and "without any sense." Approved For Release' IA O W78-01617A005800040068-7