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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 OFFICE OF REPORTS AND ~T~,LiTE.S TRANSPORTATION GROUP Passenger reaorda of Czechoslovak Airlines in Athena for the period 20-28 September 199$,inolude the names of 12 Israeli citizens who also appear on a list of S8 names that a Jerusalem source provided in Septem- ber Frith the ellogation that the assassins of Count Bernadotte were among tho group. (Item No. 1, A) The Polish Airline LOT probably will be foroed to 'abandon plans for extending services to the Near East if Turkey end Egypt continue their opposition. {Item No. 2, B) Turkish offioiels have informed the US that their country has cate- gorically denied permiBaioa to Czeohoslovak National Airline, CSA, for sohedulod overflights of Turkey en route to Baghdad and Tehran. Turkey apparently found a oonvenient exauae in the fact that the proposed route would be operationally impossible in view of Ira is abrogation of landing and transit rights Tor Czechoslovak aircraft. ~Ttem No. S, B) . .~ The Israeli Govermneat has announced its intention to reaotivate Lydda airport as a traffic center for the Middle East and has Fonaelly deals red the airport open to commaroial airlines of ell countries. (Item No. 4, C) In spite of indioationa that Czechoslovakia slay have changed its policy somawhaL in respect to the military support of Israel,tho Czechoslovak National Airline (CSA) ie now reported to be carrying cargoes of munitions to Rome and Athena, where the materiel is transferred to C-46 aircraft for delivery to Palestine. If true, this report would be the first indication that the air traffic in munitions from Czechoslo- vakia hne_been_handled,by any means otherDt~,ra~ oontrolled air. pya- DECLAS.SI?.T.ED Class. Ci~l;t I?"?s"D T0: TS S C DDA i,;;;r,:o, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA H'_::._7.7/1763 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 v /~ `ors The reports of participation. by Great Cirole eirfreighters (a US non-sohoduled air carrier) in olandestine arms traffic from Rome and Athens to Israel are c+pparontly not oorreot. (Item Na. 6, C) Legislation introduced in the Australian Parliament to or~anice a state-owned shipping line may, despite oPfioial assuranoes to the con- trary, pave the way Per natioaallzation of shipping. (Item No. ?; H) The USSR has made a eoooad demand upon the Austrian rail system, this time for 1,000 froiGht sera. F1-rther demands may be expected due to the siseable quantity of rolling stook remaining in Austria which ha& already been earmarked ea Soviet war booty. Substantial additional rwnovals will impose a oritical straia.on the Austrian transport economy. {Item No. 8, B) The USSR is supplementing its open ahipments'oP rubber and tin frog Southeast Aaia by movemettts under fictitious eaoounts in small foreign. registry oraft to,traasehipment points along the China ooast or is the islands around Singapore. (Item No. 9, C) The flow of chrome and other strategic materiels through Portuguese Sast Africa x111 probably not be affected by the British sale of the Heirs Railway to Portugal. Althou~ neither the railway nor the port facilities are presently capable of handling available export tonnages, the pro3eoted improvements in the line sad the port may be delayed until the purchase agreement is implemented next spring. {Item No. 10, B) The establishment of separate ministries for railroads and communi- oatione in Yugoslavia reflects official concern over the critical condi- tion of transport, particularly rail. (Item 170. 11, C) Action proposed by the U3 sad UR to merge the rail systems of the Biaone sad the French Zone is Germany has been deferred, duo to French opposition, (Item No. 12, C) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 n ~ baolutioa of the loa~staadiag,oontroverey bet4reea Prsnoe and the HiEOnal admiatatration in Qermat~}r ovor tho exahaage of Frei~-t sera will probably be preoiplteted by the immlaonoe of the January assembly of t2te Inter.Alliod Hep4rations Adrnirilatratlon (IARA). IIaleae ae~otie. tiers nre reaiuned before the assembly oonvenea, tie Froaoh have threatened to raleo the Issue For debate, and a deoiaian in Franoe-s fao~or is likely. (Item Ao. ZS, B) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 V / ~p CIPIL AVIATION I, Pease r reoords of Czerohosloaais Afrli~nes in Athens for t~-e period 26-28 op er 9 o u e names o' eraeli oitisons rrho also appear on a list of 56 names that a Jerusalem souroe provided in 5eptmd:. bar crit3a the allegation that the sasassiae of Count Bernadotte tigero among the group, An examination of the Jerusalem lis4 revoaLa a ourprfeing number of young m?n. Twenty individuals, or b4 peroent of the entire fiat, are under 39 years of age; l2 are under 25 years. The 12 individuals r+ho arrived in Athena, en routs to Prague, are also largely fn the lower ago braaketa, 8 being under 30, and g under 26. Nino of those .individuals gave as the reason for their Lrip a visit to the Prague Fair. This is an .obvious cover for other aativitiea beoauae the Prague Fair was reported to have been almost ready to close ti~'hen the 2sraelis were traveling. Tho Israeli Government or Israeli business interests, moreover, would not be likely to send such young representatives to an indusl:rial fair, nor rrouid the Israeli Govermaent have permitted groups of military ago to leave the oountry on afvil missions during war, The foregoing oonsideratfone raise the question of rho actual purpose of this movement, It is possible that the individuals were trawling under direot military orders. Largo numbers of Yaraeli ground troops have been receiving military training in Czechoslovakia end are naz reported returning to Palestine. It would have been possible in September, there- fore, that unite oP the Israeli Army vero flot.n to Prague in conneotion with this training. A training program for Israeli pilots also was being -,carried out in-Czechoslovakia at this time, Gone of L?he 12 names, ha~eever, appears on a list From Prague, r+hich fnaluded the Israelis engaged in Phis program early is Rovember. At the time the evacuation from Palestine was originally reported, the Pear rase expressed that Israeli terrorists fa 'the group might oommft sots of violeaae against Dnited Rations statesmen fa Paris. Another possibility is that these personnel were asst on special misafoas of a military nature. It has bean reported that early in 1946 trained dsmoli- tion experts from Palestine exploded mines in Italian harbors under ships ~shioh aontaiaod mils iga?d to Arab States, and oarried out other sabotage. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 ~_ - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 w /' r../ 2. Poland has approsahod both Turgey and EEggyypptian an at t to assure air rigaca wnion would perm~e 'Poa~i went airline (IA2) to extend its operations into the Hoar East. The Poles have presented Turklch euthoritlas t-ith the draft of a proposed bilateral civil air agreement. Tho Ylirld.ah Oovbrament, however, hoe asaurad the US Eabasay that it will de1Qy nation indefinitely oa the Aoasax proposal. Egyptian officials have given the Polish proposition nn equally oool reception, not only beoauae tto Egyptian airline desires to.eetabliah air services to Poland, but also beoaase of fear that.saheduled Polish air services into Egypt might provide a ready assns for Conenuniet infiltration. Although LOT probably will be fot+aod to abandon plans for extending its aerviooa bo the Near East if Turkey and Egypt oontiaue their oppoai- tioa, it will continue its efforts to expand operations throughout Western 'Europe. Ia addition to?LOT's air network in the Satellite countries, it nom operates to Sboakholm, Copenhagen sad Paris, and plans to implement Ste now trade agreement with Belgium, which inolu4ea air .rights to Brussels, a9 soon ea the requisite overflight privileges can be ~btained_fropt the UK or US Zone authorities (see TO Weekly No. 40). 50X1. 8. Turkish offioials have informed the US that their oountry has aatego a y e .pe ae on s s oven National Airline, C$A, for soheduled overflights of 1lirkeq on route to Baghdad and Tehran. Turkey apparently Pound a oonvenS.dbt exotise in the fact that the proposed route would be operationally iagioaisible in 61ew oP Ireq~a abrogation of ]andiag sad transit rights for Cseohoslovak airoraft. In oonneotion with CSA's attempt to establish a d4ront route throu~- Turkey to the Middle East, the tmoonfinued reports that Bulgaria had agreed to permit CSA to operate beyond Sofia to IettiabuY (see TO Summary No. 40) are still unaubsteatiated. 8rraevar, it non appears that suoh reports may have ooa- fuaed the rumored Sofia-Iatanbal route rights with a pra~eoted series of epeoial flights over this route for delivery of 80 Csenhoslovak-manu~ faotured sinsl~ a-seat. ~ahort-rang? sport airoraft reoeatly purohased by Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy proved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RLD~P78-01617A005000010042-9 4. Rho Israeli Gove-rmmeat has a~ounoed its intention to reactivate Lydda rpo ae a c a er or o i e Ens and.hae formally declared the airport open to oom~eeraisl ad.rlittes of ali countries. Y4~is airport, with four ruaarsys raagfhg from 8,600 to 6,220 feel is length, was nsed.by the airlines of l8 countries phile wader British control. Its ground faoflitiesrdestrayefl or removed during the Jewish- drab fighting. apparently have boon partially restored. Ztre re-oatabliahmeat of Lydda as a dosigaated international airport would relieve the onrrent diffiaultiea oP manor international airlines ' operating into sad thx~n~- the Hear Raat. Attainment of this objective, however. ~aili bo dolayed until ground facilities can moot safoty re- quirements of the International Civil Aviotiaa Organization. IIS scheduled airlines, furthermore, will not be permitted to roaume this atop until operating faoilitiea meet US (Civil Aeronautics Adalnistxation) standards. Traffic through Lydda will probably not attain the lovel reeahed under the British Mandate so long as the Arab States enforce the present landings of aircraft eu- route to or from the Stato of Israel. 50X1 I b. Ia its of indi~tions that Czechoslovakia may?have changed its policy nom n rospec a mi support of Israel (nee TG iYsrekiy 80. 41). the Czechoslovak Rational Airline (CSA) ie no~v reported to be carrying cargoes of munitions to Some anfl Athens whore the materiel is transferred to C-46 aircraft for delivery to Palestine. If truo, this report would be the first indication that the air traffic in munitions from Czeohoslovslcia hoe boy an handl~od by eqy means other than Iaraeli- 50X1 JV/~ ? 6. The orte oP attioi ation b Great Circle Airfreiphters (a US not-sohedu e a r a sr a an at a arms ~a Fio rom a and Athena to Israel arc apparently not aorreat. Great Circle is operating aircraft is a heavy eahedule of flights transporting DP~s from Ltunich to Haifa via Some sad Athens, and is the only such carrier authorized by the US 11111tary Goperameat to engage in this profitable traffic from Germany. The company's operations, wader a recently-concluded contract with the deaieh Agoncy for Palestine, have bean uador strict milito.ry surveillance in Germany to insure compliance with the UH truce provisions. ~ Tt seoms unlikely, therefore, that the comp~nyr would jeopardize its present highly adveatageoua arrangoment~ in Germany by participating in illicit traffic elsewhere in Europa. Great Circle was implicated by craw members of a group of C-46 air- craft operating night schedules from Rome and Athena to Israel (see item b). Lacking positive identification of these aircraft as Great Circle SE~ET Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 v vv SEC 7 r equipment, it fa more reasonable to believe that they are the airoraft px+ooured by Lineas Aereae de Panama {I.APSA) in the OS early this your sad later employed by the Israeli Ooverrancat to ferry munitions and military supplies from Oteohoslovekia. It would be logioal for IAPSM. Yeraoli pereoxmel to divert suapiofolf from their own illioit aotivitiea by inoolvi,~reat Girole~s name sad legitisrate operotioae over the same route. ~ ~ 50X1 7. Le is~aa been introduced is the Australian Parliament to imple~n~~ Aue~ra~i'an p3ans ~?or a a$ s~pp ng end, ie Auatraliaa Shipping Hoard, an orgsaisation similar to the U9 1Saritime Commission, presently oporotes 5E vessels (Sl Oovormnent-owned anfl 22 ahartersd from the Ud), primarily is traffic which is unattractive to private interests. Tha proposed legislation could initiate more extensive Oovermseat operation and otmership. Although the Government has con- sidered various proposals during the past few years for iacroased state participation in shipping, it has carefully avoided any suggestion that it plans complete nationalisation. the Shipping ltinistor has. given speci?!o asauranoes that the preaenL legislation is not directed toward that foal. Despite the expressed offiolel intentions, horrevor, the increased Govern- ment activity fn the industry Dan damage private interests to the extent 8. The USSR has made a second descend u oa tfie Austrian rail s stem this 'time or ,0 oars. n t e ao sion o comp ag wi' t e first Soviet requisition for 540 loaomotlvea and 6,b75 railway Dare {see TG Weekly Ro. SS), t9-o Austrians satually delivered an extra 42b oars. Despite thle error, hocvover, the USSR objected to the fast that 60 percent of the delivered oars were severely damaged, and served aotioe that Austria would be required to deliver an additional 280 oars in better con- dition. The Austrian transport system has not boon dealt a mortal blow by its losses thus far, due to the large proportion of unserviceable stook delivered. Additional Soviet requests may be expeotod, however, since there remains a sieenble quantity of eervioeable stook which has alreac>,jt been earmarked by Soviet oo8upation authorities ae war booty. The early removal of this etoo e a oritioel strain on the Austrian transport economy. ~ 50X1 SEC ET, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 9. To au lament its o en eh! onto of rubber and tin From Southeast A81a, a as organ ae uno rusivo movements small coastal croft of Chinese and other foreign registries. Cargoes oP theso products, ineigaificeat in themsolvea, are reportedly loaded at eepnrated paints near the source areas and aoasigaed to Fictitious accounts. The oargoos are actually transported to remote points along the China coast or in the small ielaada within a S00-mile radius of Singapore, inhere, free Prom surveillance, they are transshipped is Soeiet-awned and oharterod bottoms 10. 1Ae floe of ohr~e and other strafe o matoriale through Portuguese Hest r oe pro ao be n ? eo a tieh sale of the Hoira ~flwt{y to Portugal. Tke statue of the line is of interest to the US baoause of these resources. A point British-Portugueao oommiasion has been established to coordinate the operation of the railway and the activities of the Port of Heirs until the traasfor hen been completed, Pending fL~rther negotiations, present aerviooa will be continued under eziating eu?rangemente. Although neither the railway nor the port facilities are presently capable of handling available export tonnages, llo The establishment of s orate ministries for railroads and communl- cations is ugoa a are ec s o a aoacera over the.oritionl ooadi- tion of transport, particularly rail. The railroads have nttraoted public attention reoontly, due to drastic curtailments in paeaeager and freight sarvioe. The new organisation, under which the railroads are separated from t2re other means of oommuaioatioa (air, rivers, and high- ways), will facilitate administretioe control ff tortant form of transport in fie 7ugoslav economy. 12. Action ro osed b the US and DR to mew the.rail syetome of the Bizone an o Freno ne Qorm'~6een de~erre , a to French opposition. Hiaoaal Transport Group ropresentatir*es found the French agreeable to surrendering operational control of the French Zones rail- roads to the Bisottal dermas Reiohebaha. They wore unwilling, however. Dial and general oconomio control of the lines. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010042-9 is. Resolution of the .lo standi.a eontrovers betvroea Frai[oe and thu Bi a atra oa . over a eRp ge of Prei~st sera will probably be prooip~tated by the fia?inenoe of the January asaeDbly of tDe Iatos~-~&Ilied Roparationa Adminfatratiaa (IARA). Qaleae negot4m- tioms are resaned before the aesambly aonvoaoa, the Prenah hove threatemd to raise the issue for debate, and a deolaion is F~aaoe'o favor fe likely. Tho ?Preaoh ooatead that the Gorman aara is Frnaao on Ve)i day mere Cos~an external aoaets and 4herePore are now Prenoh property. if this position is confirmed by IAR6; flhe Preaoh oonld.aubmit a a7.aim to Blsoaia for back rental, whlah might amount to $40D000,GGO, on Pronoh aara vhioh have bees oiresulating in Germon`y ainae the vnd of hostilities. Confident in the strength of their position, therefore; and belioviag that the IIS fa reluctant to risk as I.NBA decision, the Freaoh are pressing for a solution under which the July emohaage agreemoat eould be carried out and France mould ff-~ clear title to German Dare then re9wiaiag is France. A portion of these care would be osohanged in as agreed ratio for neR oars sow earmarked by 9CA for Ga:mnay. Such a.divoraian oP ACJ- support from Germat~y to Freaoe has bey a mn~or obsective'of Prance throu~rkout the aontrcversy. Prance Trill also undoubtedly !neiat that the arraagementa goveraiag t!-e diveraioa oP the aert HCA aers may po~in~l~ a debit to her eventual reparatfona claims against Germany.