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~ liocunent. No. ~3/ .r_?~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 v,. ~ `y - 4P'PlCS OF Rh~ORTS ANA .C&Txty~~ TRNrJSPO 'E~s C~DsA?R~G? 77 1763 Hate: ^~ IMA~Z sy: 0~ $ - 4lookllr Intolligonoo 8uzmary,k7o. 81 28 3eptombr 18@8 Curront Soviet actions raiso the possibility that two USSR mqy / undertake the creation of a 14Borlin" situation gn the cit of Fianna `~ y . The USSR unquestionably Kati the oagabilitios of'b7lo~king Westorn surface oom~eotfons wit2~ tB-e city of Fianna and probably believoe thnt the S4eatern Poxors,,rrith th0 14mftod ohpaofty af'.amergeacy airf4afli- ties, could not f411y supply Choir L'ienaa sootora whSio Herlia airlift operations are Contimxii~ige Although the DSSR probably oatirtatee that it is is a poaitiofi thus to discredit Cho Woatora Pmvere is Austria and inorea8e the ahaaces of Hsstern oollapso is Berli.a; it appease unlikely that suah a provocative stop mill gatunlly be takes in the near futuro. The Tdexioan air carrier, Proveodora Pdundial, Bray bo ferrying air? craft to hlirope ?or posaiblo use is clandoatfne air transport opera- tions as a front for the US-ovmed Service Airaays.~ It is also posaiblep is viers of Panama's canaollation of the.airoraft registrations of Ser- vice Airaays' Panamanian aubsidinry, that an attempt will be nada to trnnaPer these aircraft to hlexiaea registration uador cover of the ea3et- ing Provoedora Mondial orgsafeation. Th1s notion uould.divert suspicion from continued illicit operations i+nd tirould provide legitimate roFfetra. tioaa for the former Panamanian aircraft. A possible front orgdnisation for claadeatino air oporationa mqy have Leer eatabiiahed in gondurae. The Communist Party of Ceoohoslovakia haa.asaumcd a diroot role in supplying aktna to larael through its control of a newly-formed export company orgeaiv.?d Por this purpose. - ~EeR~- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 v v~ Phe r~dntly roportad 8romlin deoiaion that the >hiropeaa a^rameport Systom Ss tho most vuiaorable point is tho DdA program may result, in the a~~~.futur0,-;!a dommuniet-iaepirod strikes end ag9.tation a'yonfi transport acid look morka, particularly in Freaoo and tislostern Oerasgq. ftcere is tao indioaCion that th? D,SB& here rpvereed its policy oP dlsmantliiig Oxtenaivie stagy?ate of the rail syctom iul 'the 5oviot Zono of carmm~y. 6 reces-t,Pormal aoto regarding P`1n3anQ+e Sella railroad xas probably Landed to the Hinnish [iovernmeat mitt the ulterior motive of br3.nging pieasura to Doerr on the 3v'sdi$h (iavernmont by publicising Soviet sCrate~io oapaDilities toward the SRredish border, A mayor problem in:tho rohabilitatioa of Duropeau treasportatioa has probably linen solved Dy the oonalueioa of as agreamant betmeen the 8lsonal Joint fficporl:~Inport Agoacy (3EIA) and Belgisn-DutaL r?pre. seatativea; iJader this agreement, 8oao goods nom moved to ti7oetera fiermauy via CclsyUa Horth.8ea ports wi12 bo diverted to the Lots Country ports for shipment up the Rhino. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 1. L~rrent Soviet notions raise the afb111ty that the USSR ma undertake the oreation o a Berlin aftua ion i.tt the ci o vans. e revert So eta esgt ~ t D airs yiag the Prague- ocma air corridor had commiti;od eighteen "vfolatians"(sines disproved ai`ter in- vestigation by IIS authorities) may lie indicative oP n Soviet intention to establish a record oP alleged "violationa`r which may later be used to justify restrictive action is prohibiting or limiting Western air access to Vienna. It is appropriate, ~sarefore, to examfna the trans.. portation problem ~7hi.ah would face the tleatarn Powers ohould the USSR attempt a blockade of Vienna: Present quadripartite a~oements provide the Western Powers with aeoess to Vienna along speaifie rail, road, and air routos for the move= meat of supplies from the western sores of Auetti&. The primary differeaoe iri the carer of Vienna, as comparet4 to Sarlin. lies in the fret that all air braes allocat?d to the Western Powora ere boated fn the Soviet Zoae, thus necoasitatin~ surface linkage through the Soviet Zone into the ofty of Vienna. Should the USSR elect to restrict P~eetern aooess to Vienne, aRY one or a oombinatiCn of the following courses may be pursued: restrict~oa or denial of access by road, rail, or air on the grounds that the $estora Powers have abused privflegea or violated agreements; dfaoovery o? "tec"hnical" difficulties; contention of in- sdequaoy of present "tlfght safety" regulations; sad disagreement over Saterpretatioa of agreemcnts. By den`yfng the use of rail routos (now haadliag.prantically all the shlpmente oP civil and military supplies from the Woster>a Zonoa into the " Western aeotore of Vienna) end olosfng afP the highwgya to Vienna. the facilities of present air bases would be negated, and the Western Powers would be forced to eonatruct "omergenny" stripe wfthin.thoir sectors of Vienna. If the USSR decides on this step, it will probably take con- current aotioa to interrupt the present arrangements un3or which Food is distributed in Vienne by the Austrian fiovornment. Pihile there is. no . presently expressed obligation on the Western Powers to feed the popula? tier of their Vicuna sectors, the USSR could in effect force the Cioatern Powers to bring in food from air bases in Lho i7estern Zones. To accomplish this, the USSR would need only to subject the continued move- ment of food from the Soviet Zone to obnoxious conditions which the Western Powers cannot tolerate. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 S ET The Eraalla probably bolievEis that mith th? lilmited ahpeai~y of emergency faailitSSS . thb Tivstern E'osverrs, could not fully, supply the3~, Vienna soctbr's x~il~e tho` Berlin afirlifb;-operatlons. sf4;,eti11: asaesap~y X~: end that it? is itf h, position,' there~tlr`d, .,to, disorodii( the..i~eaterri Powers in Auntrla and inoreaoe rho chalices o4'Aestern polls$Qa;3n.B~rlin: T11~ ' USSR unqueatioaably has the oapabil,ity of prvoipitating dire arieis ' ana,2yaod in the prvoedittg paragraplie and the Errcalia, has no doubt givtlh careful aaaiefderction to such aQtion., Oa the other head, it still appears that t9ie ahanaea and definitely a~irtct this eventuality materieli~iag is fire Wont futures . $. The bSo#ioaa air carrier, P oveodora sundial be fort afr? orafL to or oa a use i13 a as as r .trans o o era- Onae ti or as ie lees ti front or, o con auad ~Illa'iL aotiicities of fhb OS-oianod Svrv3oo Airw~ya in support of Israeli foroe8. . Proroeodore.M~ndial ?iret"came oadar.audpioioa through tentative identificatioa'in July,.f,9Q8, of three of to C-4~ aircraft aei former 9orviav Airaaya eguipaeat. one pf .~ho6o:~roraf~ (PSoziaan registration XB-JPsD) wap r6bt-~ly f'sri+iad' from Niamd to 2?etsaa3t for mAiatenanco and then departed 'Tor 131trope~ or the `Hear,Bsat.. It is "nbtovortT~y that the IIS pilot,oa both fligi-te~ Ysltia $ybakoYf,~has previously ongagF,d is rho olendestiad operations op a Borv3tno .Atirtn~A? bubaididry,'Lineas Aareas de Pacmms,.8.6, (LAPSA). i~rthosmore, Provoedora'Mundisl~a application for a GM foreign ferryr flight permit to Hvrarts requested a transit atop at Lumberton, North Carolind. TMre proaidEty?oP this small north Carolina torn to Laut~inblug?33autoa airfi.oiii,, tkib fJ3~"oporati4nal beeq of another laiown olarideatiite operator {Aarthera Atiaatid girHgys), renders in- araaeingly suspicious th9 operations of thi'e:ltefxiaan,air.carrier, Search oP rho ai.raraft.bY'US Cuetaais offiaials'before its departurJ Pram Nemeth fa3lbd.to.rowpl illegal cargo or"other irrogillaritiea sad. the aSroraCt departed uaiier.proper alvarenoe,,, allcgodty.for'Ram?: Trio declared pur- posi of the f'ligbt tea ,ttl fulfill oontreAtiuax tlbligations foz~ air tran~- port services betAecia korue`:and the Year Rant, /lrwthbr isexiaea C~ aii.th it US? oraur was ratportbd to Nava isnded at ~~ `1a Auguht/:2948, .alb6 all?gedby et! i~ou~to~to Rase. ,(Although ?? reported as baiu3i3g registratioti;markfags~?~B?op3s this aircraft antually hatre bees %SrJfEI, .a",imovm i'rpeo~dora.i6t~ndia! Ca46 formarl bolaagittg to Sorvia? Airvrgys.) This aSroraPt oerriof3 no-ottrgo, }~lY~ tiles improperly doaureent6i8 for iaternaMonal oporatioaa;% Stales authorit~les Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 w ~.r released the aircraft aftor thre? days, during whiah time it was re- ported to Do awaiting tho arrival from sn unknown station of another aircraft p ith a aar~o of aircraft parts, Neither tho 5{exiaen aircraft for its US craw have berm identified, but it is roasonablo to suapeat that it may havo boon operated by Proveedora L~undial on behalf of Sorvice Airways. It is pooaible, in-view of the ragout cancellation by Pnnama of all LAPSA registrations in that country, that the US-owned parent company, Service Airvyys, retry attempt to register in Heafao, undor,aovsr of tho existing Proveedora 6dundiAl drgaaizatioa, the nosr "etatelesa" aircraft whiah it formorly operated through LAPSA. 4'hia action would be designed to divert suepiaion from LAPSA~s aontinuod f114oit operations; by the use of a nen front organization tishioh LAPSA hopes can escape widespread auspiaion. Ia any case, the transfer, if successful, would provide internationally recognized aircraft registrations. have n estab-Xished in ndurac. G ea a a ion trado pub ication has reports the recen orma ion of a Honduran air oarrior, 34~aneportes Aertoe de Honduras, whiah allegedly pleas to establish service between Tegucigalpa sad Bome via Hew York, Gander, Shannon, and Paris with DGh aircraft. 11vo sp eaisl DG4 flights to Rome nre said to have been already made. There have been no reports indicating the finenoial banking of the new aa~mpa~r.` Its 1Samiging Dfroator is roportod to be s Captain ELgon von 5gardelliy of Hungarian origin. It is further stated that the airy line is capitalized at ^$1?,200." Thomas Cook and Sona will roprosent t)ie company in Europo, excopt for Italy, whore headquarters era said to have been established in the Rome ofi'iaes of the Italian airline, Salpanavi. (Tho Itelisn line has opplied to the Italian Gavarnment for authorization to operate a Rome-Hmr York sorvioe with DC-4 aircraft aharterod from.Trana-Caribbean Air Cargo Linea.) There is ao evidence presently available to the Control Intelligence Agency confirming the exiatcnae of Tranaportos Aeroos de Honduras. If the report is taco, however, the normal airline traffic potential betraeen Honduras and the US or hlirope would not seem to juatily such an undertaking on aconamic grounds, Although thero is a substantial immigrant movement by air from Flaropo to the Caribbean area, there ie ae yet no indication that the Honduran line has been formed to sooormnodate this type of traffic. Furthermore, any Honduran airline venture of such an extensive nature would almost certainly requiro other-.than-Honduran financing, Since Central Aa;orioan nations have previously 'provided rofuge for illicit air Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 S T operotor6 attbmpting to evade US aviation regulations and azpart non? trola, it is possible that Tranaportes demos de tioudurae has been established as a subsidiary and .front organisation for Israeli or other interests engaged is covert oporationa. NOTEe The foregoing information is submitted as A preliminary ovalus~on, poadiag further investigation. 4. The Commnnist ~ of CzechosloyaY.ia has nom assumed a diroat and aotivu ro ??in s i la arms to Israe t~rau centre o~ a newly- organize ezpor company in is p vats iatorosts hone subscribed 49 percent of the capital'investment. Although Hiere is no indication sa y`et that thf-R armmnnv L}.N.~dA ft fie likely that this method will be utilized, in vlsw of the ease erith which TTA .... -....t li~__ t.. t __- _-_ s .. _ 5. Increased Communist-ins fired labor strife among transport and dock wor ere aountr es may bo an aipa od in the near future as n result of the recently reported Eremlia decision that disruption of the European Transportation system provides the most effective means remaining for scuttling Lhe ECA program. Of the countries tohich might , be affected by such Moscotis-instigated aatioa, France is probably the most susceptible to serious dislocntions,'in view of the powerful position of the Comnuniato in French labor organizations. tihile labor in Western Gernany fa less likely to accept Moscow direction, the area fie partinu- larly vulnerable to even minor dislocations in its already over-strained rail transport system. Other ERP countries are not likely to suffer more than minor dislocations caused by CoTmnunis4 elements within the ranks of transport and dock workers. 6. The status of the railroad system in the Soviet Zone 'of Gorman fie of exceptional in teat, in view o the poaeibi ity a ma3or Soviet strategic plena for large..eaale operatioae in western Europe might require a reversal of the policy of dismantling the Eastern Germna net- work. Actually, the rail system of the Soviet 2ono continues to operate 50X1 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 ? ? in an +bxtromoly Arooorious manners ~ ith little im~rrov~unent evident. Canaidert~bly qucatities oP "dismantl?od" ra31s raro t~till being ahippod out oP Germany to the F~sst and tl~iig only double~trnoked line out at Berlin raps Fast to Poovn. Although the 'USSR hen propagandised certain gra~ectn For alleged roslsoration of double-traoks on?portions of some i'arms~r doublo-tacked Sines, it appears that, otma iP such intentions oAist, no subotantial prvgrasr~ &ss bey made. the USSR aationa still indiot~o that top priort,ty is being g},~rin to the reatarat~.an and aon- struat~;on of its arm rf-il syRtera, and Gern-~manui'aatured rail~y oquip- ment is being shippod to the USSR, irresrpectiva of tho needs of the German t+yo rarto . 9, A roo4nt Formal rota in uirin as to the status of reaonstruatioa aP Finl~a~a ~ s Salle rai road Sues probably handed to tht~ Finnish v~err~- ment by tho U 8 Por pure y ulterior golitiaal rea,sona. The note pro.. fessea tt dasire to bo informed an the. progress ahiah. Fixtlaud h$s aohioved in robuilding, under the tarns oP tho 1947 t~oacoFr P?ace Treaty, a Finnish segmextt o#' tho railroad.. which Formerly ran Prom they ~esterlt tip of tho 1Nhite Sea aaro~ts soviet territory and I+inlaad to a point at the ~Fo~thera sad of the (iul~' of Bothnia. The lime oonxseatz~ from that point ~itb the ssredish railway network. This Finnish aegsmvnt, ori~;inaily constructed by Finland under the terms oP its 1940 Pease Trusty Frith tho USSR, tras almost totally dc~atroyed by tho Germans during '~--orld 17ar IZ, Actually, tho USSR is undoubtedly fully inPormod as to Finland~s reaox~struction efforts. ~9hilo the Finns are a tsetnpting to make rapid progrssa with phis work, they s.r? being hacapersd by shortage of rra toria2$ and terrain dif'f'iculties. ~renty-one bridgoa; the most difficult oP which spans Lake Kemi, are still to bo rebuilt. 1~raugh its recent note, the USSR has probably found it eapodiont to bring prossure on the 9rredisla Gavernm?nt at this time by publicising its interest in the extension of its strategic capabilities toward the Swedish border, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1 '!~' .~ / 50X1 6 ninet -d rovisianal a roocnont ooacludod the Bixonal Joint Export- or Bgoncy JS5'Lfi i o o gianeDu represon atives trill probably bo ratified by thv Belgian and Netherlands Goeernmonta rmd initiate a ponvanont settlement of a mn~or problem in Fdzropoan trano~ port rahabilitatioh. JELA rtFll nrnr divert to Eotterdam and Antwerp some ineoraing traffic for 1ZOetorn Germany formerly imported through German North Soa ports, Eoonomio ndBantago to Bi2onia will be the criterion Por such diearsion, but the lor+ couatrios are free to allocate traffio botvevn Rotterdcem and Iintrrorp provided no inoroaom in coat to Biennia moults, In addition to stimulnting port activity in the low oountrfos, the agreement will benefit the Gorman eaonoLyr by (1) alloceing Dutch bargee to operate on the upper Rhiao and 4ditCelland Cnnal, thus inoreasing GerrJan waterborne tFafCic, and (2) gieing German bargee access to the lower Hhine and certain low country canals, ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010031-1