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~: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP78-01617A004900020003-3 OIiE COMMITTEE ON INTEULNl'~TIONE;L COP~IUNISM OFFICE OF iiEPOi',TS l.ND ESTIMl;TES CENTP,l~L IPdTELLIGr,NCE 1'~GENCY II1TEIiN1~TI0N!'~L COMMUNISM MONTHLY IvTovember 1949 The material used in this publication was reported during the month of October 19490 NOTICEo This document is a working papery not an official CIlI issuanceo It has been coordinated within O~Ey but not with the Il~C l,gencieso Tt represents current thinking by specialists in OP,E and is designed for use by others engaged in similar or overlapping studieso It is intonded solely for the information of the addressee and not for further dissemination, Document No. r_S..G~! NO CHA,.GE in Class. [] DECS~ASS?ELD ~ Class. CA:~C~"D T0: TS S ~ DL~~A P;:^:no,. ~ Air 77 Auth: DDA RAG. 7713.rv3 Date: 1 ~tRAR 1978 ~~; X35 a3~/~ ?` / Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP78-01617A004900020003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP78-01617A004900020003-3 Vcl. I - RTO. 1 ~;~NTEN~S PART I N~-JOR DEVELOPMENTS IN YJORLD COI~~IIUNISM DURING OCTOBER PART II SURVEY OF SIGH?IFICANT TRENDS Page 1.. Communist Labor .Control ID?TERNATIONAL e e . ,3 FRANCE . .. .. ? .3 AUSTRIA. .. . G. CANADA ~ . .4 ICELAND. .. .4. ~.FRICA , . .5. PHILIPPINES, ., 5 LATIN Alt9ERIC~ ., ~ ? .5 2e The Communist Peace Campaign INTERNATIOPIAL? ? . , .. .. .6 FRANCE. . . 6 UNITED KINGDOPII ~ ~ ~ ., e7. C ~:1~I:~DA, . .. . . ,. .. . . 7 SCANDID?AVIA .. .7 LATIN APfiERICta, .. .. .. .. .7. 3. Factionalism in the Communist Les.dership NORYIAY, ... o .. .~&y JAPAN . ? e ?-?. ??? ? ?-? . . ?~a.?? ?Q. GREECE, e PART III FOIRTHCOMING COPllrrtUNIST EVE1~~T5 S E~'RET ____ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP78-01617A004900020003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A004900020003-3 IJi6JOR IJ~VEL~RN(~NTS !N WORLD COIiViUNISP:7 During the month of October, there was striking evidence from areas outside Communist domination that Co~rmunist control of organ- ized labor is steadiYy diminishing.. It is apparent that most non- Communist~workers beyond the .Soviet orbit are now aware of the danger of Communist exploitation of their economic grievances for political purposes. As a. result, Communist agitators have, on the whole, been less successful in~their efforts to capitalize on labor disputes than they were., for example., in the London Dock strike and the French Miners' strike, Vdith the possible exception of France a.nd Italy, it is unlikely that the Communists will succeed in.pre- cipitating any strike of ma.~or proportions this fall, Recognizing these~setba.cks, the Communists have intensified their attempts to compensate for them, mainly by using the World Federation of Trade Unions (VdFTU), now completely Communist-con- trolled., for infiltration of non-Communist labor organizations. Proceeding cautiously, they de-emphasized political issues and stressed social and economic problems. They are seeking to infiltrate non-Communist labor by setting up VJFTU "trade depart- ments.," which are international organizations of workers within one trade or industry, and by bringing into these departments such key workers as the miners, metal workers, seamen, communi- cation workers, and petroleum workers. The VuFTU is still in the process of building up e.nd numerically strengthening these "departments", of which there will be sixteen by the end of 1950. It will then claim that it represents organized labor in all significant industries throughout the world. The success or failure of this tactic will depend largely upon the unity and povaer developed by the non-Communist unions, However, the possibility should not be oltogether dismissed that this device, which is being used to redress Communist losses in labor movements of the !~;~est, may hHVe some effect, even though political sophistication in these areas has considerably in- creased.. E>nother device which the Communists continue to use - and not entirely without success - is the "peace" campaign. Vulzile the Communist-sponsored International Peace Day (October 2) and the peace congresses which followed during October apparently left little impression on non-Communists, they were, by Commu- nist standards, not altogether unproductive. Activities of SEET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A004900020003-3 ~/' `- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A004900020003-3 _ _~ this sort se~t~e nbt only to tUin; C~nver~~~ ~i~tt also to increase the experience and efficiency o~,;lacal G~itfmunist organizatio~s~ In ac~clitiori to the failure of their efforts to extend con- trol over predominantly non-Communist elements, the Communist leadership in a number of countries 7remains internally divided, as demonstrated particularly in Norway, Italy and Japan, It should be kept in mind, however, that the differences of opinion center about the choice of methods which Communists should employ in attempting to gain power; The activists, who want to fight against non-Communist regimes with all means, fair or foul, are ready to go unde4ground and are opposed to temporary compromise; the legalists, who ostensibly want to remain within the consti- tutional framework of their country prefer to avoid illegal methods until the moment is opportune for them to abandon constitutionality and become overt rebels again, It would be erroneous to assume that Titoism is necessarily at the bottom of these struggles even though the victorious faction of a party may accuse the defeated leaders of such a crime, Present events in Norway are a case in point, From the standpoint of US security, the protraction of internal differences within the Communist parties - and among the separate national parties - is of considerable importance. If the warring factions cannot unite and one of them is elimi- nated from official party leadership, those disgruntled Commu- nists may transform their opposition into enmity against princi- ples for which the conquering faction stands, It is at this stage ths.t the Tito-Cominform struggle may enter their field of political consideration and that the tactical dispute could bat~ome an ideological fight, Before the Tito dispute, fallen Communists had no rallying point other than the ineffective Fourth (Trotsky) International, The development of Titoism has encouraged them to form an opposition without abandoning Communisma Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A004900020003-3 r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP78-01617A004900020003-3 S 'E T PART ZI SURVEY OF SIGNIFICANT TREIu'DS This survey of significant trends it the internationn.l Communist movement vThich have become apparent during the month of. October contains only those developments which are believed to have rn ir.:portent effect on the potential of world Cor:.munism.. 1. Communist Labor Control I RTTERNATIONAL Recent V;orld Feder tion of Trade Unions (6JFTU) moves to este.blish new "trade deps.rtments" and to exploit those already in existence represent an incre~;sing Soviet effort to penetrate stra- tegic l~,estern industries and professions. In Fddition to the Inter- n?..tional Unions which the YdFTU h~3s already established for the Metal workers (in Paris), IUIiners (Brussels), Secmen and Dockers (Marseilles), Building Tr~:de ~~corkers (Helsinki), Leather and Fur Workers (Prague), Textile .tivorkers (Viarssw) and Teachers (Paris), the T:FTU hes recently 'set up a Postal, Telegraph and Radio ~~corkers Union in Berlin and is prepo.ri ng to form an lgriculture.l Viorkers Federation in Bologna Pdew international unions will be organized during the next three months for the food