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H Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 / 5jf SECRET MAR EAST/AFRICA BRAWCill OFFICE OF .REPORTS AND ESTIMATES CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ViaRlaNG PAPER NOTICE: This .docinnent is a working paperp .NOT irOTTEcial CIA issuance,' and has not necessarily ' been coordinated with other ORE producing 'compo? nents. It represents current thinking by one , group of specialists in 01A9. and is designed for use by others engaged on similar or overlapping studies, The opinions expressed herein may be . revised before final and official publication. It iS intended- solely for the information of the addressee and not for further dissemination.? , . (bpy for: Document No. NO CHANGE ih Class. DECLASSIFIED Class. CHAnED TO: TS DDA,Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA REG. 77/1763 Date: +.44AR 1,7q, . By- Ar",/, SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 I ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 . ,-;asrwertET ilitELLIGEtta: SMILIA RV For Week Ending ? 2 February 3049 Vol_ IV Nov It ? NEAR FAST/AFRICA &mum OFFICE OF. nEroirrs AND ESTIMATES CFNTRAI., INTELLIGENCE Aoraicr L, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 NEAR EAST/AFRICA BRANCH INTELLIGENKE WANE For Week aiding 2 February 1949 GREET Vol. IV No-4 Guerrilla "peace_offers" The Marken truce proposal of 27 January was sizdaar to previous offers and appears to have been designed mainly as propaganda. The broadcast was probably. intended to convince any doubting rebels of the guerrillas: desire for an end of hostilities, to discredit the Greek Government for refusing a "reasonable" peace, and thus to lower the morale of Greek soldiers and civilians, As the timing of the proposal indicates coordination with Moscow:s current "peace offensive," the broadcast may also have been aimed at: (1) delay- ing US Congressional action on the 1949-50 Greek aid program; and (2) paving the way for a possible Soviet move either to Seek an internationally - imposed settlement in Greece, favorable to the Goatzunist or to justify increased Sorlet-satellite support of Markos. With such pseudo-peace proposals markos continues to hold the propaganda initiative, but these tactics nin him few new supporters. It is not likely that he expected the Greek Government to accept his proposals.. The government has declared more than once that it can accept only an unconditional surrender from the guerrillas, Moreover, .most of the Greek people are opposed to any compromise which might result . in Greece:a becoming "another Czechoslovakia PALESTINE Rhodes impasse' The signs of deadlock emanating from the Rhodes Con- ference have a discouragingly reminiscent quality. On three previous oceasions during the past year there has, been a brief flareup of hosti- lities, followed by a UN-decreed cease-fire and then a fruitless effort by the UN to persuade the belligerents to compose their differences;-the imminent completion of this cycle for a fourth time indicates that serious difficulties remain in the way-of a settlement. Although the Rhodes talks between Israel and Egypt have not yet broken up, their failure to achieve an armistice will probably have an Adverse effect on Israel a' negotiations with.Transjordaeend Lebanon, which have been held up pending the Rhodes outcome, Transjordan and Lebanon are more interested in a-final settlement than the Egyptians (whose willingness to negotiate at all was given exaggerated emphasis); and these two countries will `Stri---ZET 1. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 tBeitirr 2. probably engage in new talks with the Israelia at Jerusalem if not at 'Rhodes. tiMvertheleas the two Arab govinetnents bete failed to reach agreemnt with Israel far and considerations similar to those which blocked an larneliergyptite deal will amtinue to affect their bargaining. Although the decision of the UK and the major estern European countries to recognice Israel nay Impress the Arabs, it will. not necessarily dissuade then from believing that continued stalemate, even at the rick of further Jewiah aggression, is preferable to open. abandonment of their Claims. Xing Abdullah? who has stressed bin desire to bargain, nay go further than the others toward compromising with the /sraelies partictilarly now that he has received the moral support of US remeniticre. Even if Abdullah ignores the more warm? 'claims of the other Arab states however, his desire to obtain the best posaible.terms, on. fostered by the British, may well impede a protpt settlements even for his limited sphere of Palestine. ? ISRAEL ? Draelts elections: Israelis first general elections, held on 25 Januarys .provided low surprises exceptas it indicated the weakness of the present . regimets more extreme opponents. While Prime Minister Ben-Guriones moderately socialist MAPAI organizations Which has dpminated the coalition from the start, was polling 37,8 percent of the 4279027 votes cast for a total of 44 out of the 120 Constituent Assembly seats at stake.,,EeiginIs right-ring Freedom Partys the most vociferous opponent or the governments ? 1786 able te win only 14 seats; the Coax:mints elected a total of -4 delegates (2 Jewish and 2 Arab), and the Stern Gang succeeded in electing only its leader Yellin, now in jail for terrorism. MAPAI has some ? differences of opinion with the two groups from which it must gate the support, needed for a eorking majority. MAPAM, whose 18 seats niake it ? the Assembbris second largest party, is more cordial to the USSR. (and less so to the US) than MAPAI, while the United Religious bloc, which 'elected 17 delegates, wants the state to have a strongly religious character. MAPAIls mandate from the people is strong enough, howevers to enable it to form a coalition capable of repressing manifestations of , A ultra-orthodoxy or exaggerated leanings toward the USSR on the part of the other elements in the 'government. Although MAPAM is already in the government, come friction withMAP:a has ,arisen. Bon-Gurion, therefore, might wish to drop MOAN from the coalition, obtaining the necessary support from the United Religious bloc and the two small center partiess the General Zionists and the Progressives. EGIPT Wed still out of coalition: Recent negotiations to strengthen the .gpvernment by providing cabinet representation for the Wards Egyptls largest political party, appear to have reached a dead ends-although neither the palace nor the Wafdists wish to end, their negotiations on LDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 .ypeeTztor the subject? The King and his advieers have shown an unusually con- ciliatory attitude toward the Wed this tine, and the difficulty appears ' to arise chiefly out of diasentionwithin the rad Party Steel!. A Minotity,in the party would welcome participation in the government in ' order to help obtain a prompt election. The doninant faction? however, -.tithes to continue the party's two-year-old "hands off" policy in order? . to avoid Sharing responsibility for either the-Palestine problem or the. ,-%surrent:tnn on the Noel= Brotherhood. ? 4 KtrtTAIT Off-shore oil: tie American Independent Oil Corpany (AMI1100)? which ? recently o'btained the concession for KuwaitI:a interest in the Neutral ? Zow, has run afoul of the Kuwait Oil Company (WC), holder of the concession in Kuwait proper, on the subject of off-shore oil rights. ? Neither concession treats of off-shore rights, and as a result both AMINCO and ROC have laid claim to drilling rights on several of the small ? islands in the Persian Gulf. ROC has received the support of the British Foreigi Office, which fools that confirsation of AISINO0te claims would extend the sovereignty of Saudi Arabia (which shares Neutral Zone rights with Blireit) and thus strain Saudi-Kuwait relations., ? Iniumrach as the UK controls Kuwait's foreign relations and also holds ? a part interest inROC it may be that AMINCO will find too maw big ? battalions arrayed against it, particularly since the US has thus far been unwilling to intervene in the dispute. NOTED IN BRIEF' ? Markey has, litany succeeded in forcing the 'Greek Army to weaken its offensive in the Peloponnesue. The annyis track commando units have now been sent north from the Peloponnesus to aid in the ? recapture of Karpianision? which the guerrillas have held since 20 January. The Communists in Cyprus have recently dropped their demands for Cypriot siili?government and taken up the popular cry for Enosis (Union with Greece). Mile this shift may reflect a more optiraistice view of Communist progress in Greece, its immediate purpose is to increase Communist chances in the April municipal elections. The first of the USSR-bound Italian reoarations vessels has transited the Turkish Straits, and-the 1:lattleshipTht/O?CESARE and 'other vessels are scheduled to depart from Italian eaters as soon as the UR is satisfied regarding return of the battleship ROYAL SOVEREIGN, ' ( i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 whithwhs borrowed by the USSR under lend-tecce. The present arrange- meat are that the rtaining ItrAian weeselsvill hoist the Soviet flag . at Valena Bay, Albaniap thus avoiding rielation of the Montreux Con- vention martins restage through the Strata of Varships of non-Sleek Sea pontra, teUitodirttttc rg1httonshts nIthTuekeY are being placed on anon comet a c uricap itender whether an OrganteedroveMentves occurring when the chief of several satellite diplozatic missions left Anknen recently) have nen been approached 111th requests for .1..-?tts. for idgonlaw Aehassnodr and a new Bulgarian ' Mieletet. ? in olosin vererant =heels inira? from 25 January to , 5 robruary, y tor te year you the 'Iraqi Government Is probably acting in fear that large-scale student demonstrations, ? lninerary of the itartyrsn of January 1948 will take place if the, schools ? remain open. - ? The overwhelming vote of confidenee recentlyaven to the Lebanese ' - by the ahmaher of l?putiea indicates thafinbanomus newly formed ? parlimmentary opposition is toe weak to effeetively oppose Prime Minister. Sohl, Who apperentlynill he able to continue to head the government as long as he desires. ? ?Although civil disturbances are common in Ethiopia, the government is desperatilitryreg to prevent news of recent aieorders from getting outside its borders, loot that the countries favoring cession of the - southeastern portion of Eritrea to -Ethiopia may have a change of heart :-if:they believe Ethiopia cannot keep its house in order. the Sinclair Gil Company has had no friction with either the Ethiopian Gavernment, the Somali tribes, or the British Military fidnimistretion since its recent resumption of operations at Whrdero in the Ogaden. Actual drilling for oil has been retarded, however) by the serious difficulty encountered' by the Sinclair exploration party in its search for adequate supplies of rater, If, as predicted by some Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 L. ???' . ? .? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 50 eiPerts; the amounts needed for oil operations will not be found above, - tea lova (i.e.; at a dapth.of about 1;400 feet); heavier water drilling rill.have to be brought from the USs. ? . Prime Minieter Nehruen public:otatement of 26 January; emphasizing Indials intention to steer clear o? 'Tower blowy elasticity of its ..relationehipiwith?the CorkArm'ealth, and the possibility of further regional .nction on Indonesia!, represented no departure from his previous speeches . on foreign policY. The statement vas probablimotivatedbya desire to counter criticism rithin India of the government4 policies regarding -Commenioalthrelations and alleged foreign preset= for moderation at the Asian Conference? ? The situation in Kashmir has remained generally qcto although minor re occurred along the borders of west and east Punjab Indian and? Pakistan Amy officials islet at different points ,in Kashmir last week to work out adjustnt and distribution of local defense troops., * * * ? -A dock workers strike which threatens. to break out at IslombaSal the chief' seaport of Kemal, may disrupt the export or three needed for US strategic ?stockpiling, sisal; pyrethrum; and kyanite? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/22: CIA-RDP78-01617A004700010038-8 -0 ?