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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 F-I 23r0 EVALUATION OF TRANSPORTATION MAPS OF INDOCHINA M-8 Published March 1949 DOCUMENT NC) NO CHANGE IN G._ DECLASSIRIEU CLASS. CHANir NEXT REVIEW D,W. AUTH: HR 70 DATE. REVIEWER: ISOM. / COPY NO. 86 FOR THE CHIEF,CIA LIBRARY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 WARNING This document 'contains information affecting the na- tional defense--of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C., 31 and 32, as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 . . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 CONFIDENTIAL EVALUATION OF TRANSPORTATION MAPS OF INDOCHINA M-8 Published March 1949 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 . . - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 DISSEMINATION NOTICE 1. Reports issued in the M-series generally pertain to territorial questions, geographic intelligence, evaluation of available map information and technical intelligence on mapping in foreign areas. 2. This copy of this publication is for the information and use of the recipient designated on the front cover and of individuals under the jurisdiction of the recipient's office who require the information for the performance of their official duties. Further dissemination elsewhere in the department to other offices which requires the information for the performance of official duties may be authorized by the fol- lowing: Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence, for the Department of State b. Director of Intelligence, GS, USA, for the Department of the Army c. Chief, Naval Intelligence, for the Department of the Navy d. Director of Intelligence, USAF, for the Department of the Air Force e. Director of Security and Intelligence, AEC, for the Atomic Energy Commission f. g ? Deputy Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, for the Joint Assistant Director for Collection Staff and Dissemination, CIA for any other Department or Agency 3. This copy may be either retained or destroyed by burning in accordance with applicable security regulations, or returned to the Central Intelligence Agency by arrangement with the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. National Security Council National Security Resources Department of State Department of Defense Department of the Army DISTRIBUTION Board Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force Joint Chiefs of Staff Atomic Energy Commission Research and Development Board Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 CONTENTS Introduction Page I. General Transportation Maps 1 II. Road Maps 6 III. Railroad Maps 14 IV. Air Transport Maps 20 V. Inland Waterways Maps 23 VI. Ocean Waterways Maps 30 APPENDIX List of Abbreviations 32 INDEX MAPS Figure 1. Asia 1:1,000,000--Army Map Service 1301 2. World Aeronautical Charts--1:1,000,000, U.S. Air Force 3. Carte de l'Indochine--1:1,000,000 4. Pilotage Charts--1:500,000, U.S. Air Force 5. Carte Routiere de 1'Indochine--1:400,000 6. Army Map Service Sets--1:250,000 and 1:253,440 7. Aeronautical Approach Charts--1:250,000, U.S.Air Force 8. U.S. Hydrographic Office Nautical Charts 9. French Hydrographic Chart Coverage Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 INTRODUCTION The maps described in this report have been selected as the best and most recent maps of Indochinese transport facilities that are available in Washington, D.C.. The maps provide de- tailed coverage of all phases of transportation in Indochina, but are deficient in one respect. They reflect little of the great amount of deterioration incurred by all types of transport since the beginning of warfare between the French and Vietnamese. Section I, whichdeals with the transportation network in general, describes and evaluates maps showing more than one type of transportation. In Sections II to V, transportation is broken down into its component parts--roads, railroads, air transport, inland waterways, and ocean waterways. Each section includes: (1) a summary of maps available and their respective merits: and (2) a listing by scale of all maps recommended, with accompanying descriptions that include area covered, scale, date, language, transportation data shown, other data shown, and publishing authority. At least one place where each map can be found is mentioned, and for most maps library call numbers are given. Pertinent information that is not apparent from other columns, and brief comparisons between maps on related topics are included in the column headed "Remarks". Most of the maps listed include as background material major towns, maindrainage features, and the boundaries of the five major political divisions of French Indochina. Unless indicated to the contrary in the "Other Data" column, all maps have coordinates with longitude measured from Greenwich. A few of the naps have geographic coordinates based on the Centesimal System, ih which the circumference of the earth is divided into 400 parts (grads).* Detailed index maps are given for the most important map sets, and a list of the abbrevi- ations used in the report is appended. Usable black and white reproductions of many of the maps listed as "file copies" may be obtained from the Map Branch, CIA. Maps that are classified Restricted or Conf idential are so labelled in the "Remarks" column. ? To convert grads to degrees, multiply the number of grads by 0.90. Complete conversion tables can be found in Conversion Tables, Centesimal to Seirsaesimal and Sexagesimsi to Centesimal. Army Map Service, Key No. 204244. On ell maps mentioned in this report that use the Centesimal System longitude is measured frqm Paris, which is 2020'14" E. of Greenwich. ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 I. GENERAL TRANSPORTATION MAPS Maps in this section show inter-relations among the major transportation features of Indochina, but no one map adeouately shows all types of transportation for the area it covers. Although all of the maps deal with more than one method of transport, most show only roads and railroads and give no indication of the role of waterways or airways in the transportation complex. Single-sheet maps of the whole country or of parts of the country, anti set nape showing transport in greater detail by smaller areas are included. Detailed maps of specific types of transportation are listed in the corresponding topical sections of the report. Map 1 serves as an introduction to the subject of transportation. Although it is highly generalized, the map presents vividly the best routes of access to significant areas. The beat single-sheet map of roads and railroads is Map 7, which is excellent in practically all respects. Map 8 is almost equally good, although not as recent. Map 9 is similar to 8, but also includes ocean waterways and ports. On Map 5 some of the detail is incomplete, but the map is available in quantity. Map 10 is both accurate and clearly presented, but gives less background material than 5, 7 and 8. Roads, railroads, railroad facilities, canals, and ports are shown on Map 6, but it is superior to others only in its presentation of relationships among these features. Maps 4, 3. and 2 are more generalized single-sheet maps of the whole country. map 4 is included only because it shows the chief ocean waterwais adochinp on a general bsse. On Maps 2 and 3, the major transport routes in southeastern ARIA are exces_ently presented. in general, Map 2 is the better, but Map 3 shows relief and connecting routes between Indochina and China. Maps 15, 21, and 17 are regional maps of parts of Indochina. Map 15 covers the Tonkin sad Cochinchine deltas; 21 is an effective wall map of the Tonkin delta that includes inland and ocean waterways; and 17 is r good map of Cembodge. Map 11 supplements the preceding maps by indicating areas of transport difficulty in northern Indochina during flood seasons. The remaining DIVE, are topographic sets at scales ranging from 1:1.000.000 to 1:100.000. Of these, Map 18 at 1:403.003 is the clearest and most comprehensive. Air facilities are given on Maps 13. 16, and 20 at 1:1,000.000. 1:500.000. and 1:250.000. respectively. Map 14 is a 1:1,000,000 wall map. Coverage at 1:25.000 also is available for parts of Indochina and may be obtained in the Map Branch, CIA, and in the Library, Army Map Service. Such maps are not Included in this report since they are of interest chiefly for specialized studies of small areae. TITLE I. Indochina, Routes to Signifi- cant Areas, from rndochino. JIMIS 70, Chapter I, Pig. I- 29 2. Selected Routes Across the Indochinese Peninsula Also listed in Section II 3. Terrain and Transportation (2 sheets) a. China b. Southeast Asia Also listed in Section II 4. Burma, Malaya, and Indo-China Also listed in Section VI S. Indo-China and Thailand, Special Strategic Nap Also listed in Section II COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE 1:5, MO, COD Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board 1945 1: State State 10603 1997 1:5,000,CCO a. OSS 2495 b. C6S 24- 1944 1;4,030,000 The Edinburgh Geographical Institute; John BaHholomew & Son 1942 1:3,GOO,COD M4S 1945 - 1 - TRANSPORTATION DATA OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY ?Q. ..In quantEty) Best routes, less advisable Significant areas Highly generalized; LR/R, State Call No. routes Relief; passes, with elevations routes located 910/239013/0 in feet schematically but Negatives available presentation is at Map Breech, CIA vivid RISTRICTED Roads: all weather, limited all Relief: inset with pictorial weather, fair weather, fair shading weather cart tracks, caravan trails Railroads Water routes Roads: principal or connecting, Pictorial relief shading trails Railroads Roads primary, secondary, caravan trails Railroads Ocean waterways: routes, distances Numerous towns Ftelief: layer tints, snot heights Float: primary, secondary Towns: 4 classes RailroadsRelief: generalized hachures, what incomplete; spot heights road network gm- ?raised: deline- ation of inter- national boundary inconsistent, part being pre-1941 and part post-1941 Clearly dream general nap; roads slightly general- ized; only water route indicated for Indochina is of minor impor- tance 0 - Map Branch, CIA Not as cceprehensive Q - Map Branch, CIA as Map 2, but good transportation of in relation to terrain; and of connecting routes with Mina General map; road Pile copy, Nap Branch, nethork out of date CIA 0-all No. H505-10, 1C040 General 0M); SOW- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 - ME Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TI TLE 6. French Indo-China, Trans- portation Also listed in Section III COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE TRANSPORTATION DATA 1:2,820,01) Assistant (Tie/ of Air Staff, Roads: main highways Intelligence Railroads, princip rail- 1944 road bridges, railroad facilities Canals Principal ports OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY (Q... In quantity) ? Preferable to other File cyop, Map Branch, general saps only [48) Preferable when a particular combination of features Is de- lesielereltCIID 7. Carte Generale de 1.1ndochine Francaise Also listed in Section II 8. Re.seau Routier de Pindochine Also listed in Section ii 9. Map of French Indo-China 1:2,CO3,CCO Institut GiograPhIcAre National, Roads: colonial and local, Mammas teems Best single-sheet Pile copy, Map Branch, C France 3 retailed and non-metalled, Relief: shading spot heights transportation map CIA. Call No. 1945 paths Province boundaries available; coal- 11931-32, 37925 Railroads plete and accurate Canals within limits of scale In trench 1:2,000,003 Service Gtfogrephique de Roads: retailed and ntm- Nurerous terms Very clearly drawn: l'Indochlne metalled, trails, distances, Relief: layer tints, spot alzimat as corpse- route numbers, road bridges, heights hensive FIS Mao 7 ferries Province boundaries In French: photoccc Railroads Coordinates in grads, longi- in English River ports, distances Ira Lucie based on Paris meridian Ports to sea 1:2,000,CCO Service Oafographique de Roads: retailed, non-aetalled, Towns: 4 classes l'Indochine iortant paths Relief: areas above 500 1933 Railroads meters in elevation, spot Ocean waterways: routes heights Three clashes of ports Agricultural land use: 5 classes Province boundaries Cloonitnates In grads, longi- tude based on Paris seri dim Pile copies, Map Branch, CIA original: Call No. 11501-32 32825; photo- 9.TY: bell No. tioul-28, 4253 Stadler to Map. 8 File copy, Map Branch, CIA, anti No. 1=1-27, 270 10. French Indo-China, Transpor- tation Routes Also listed in Section II 1:1,750,CO3 Board of Econcadc Warfare 1005 Roads: asphalt, metalled, ? Converts favorably File car, Map Branch, 1942 dry weather; route lumbers with maps 7 ard El; I No. of principal federal high- insets of Hanoi 1.1913.-32, 5C0172 wavaCColonial routesa and Saigon areas ferries Railroads Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE Flood Conditions During Rainy Season in Northern French Indochina, from Military Tonofranhical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. III, map 4 Also listed in Sections II and V U. Asia 1:1,000,000 (10 sheets) See index map. Fig. 1 Also listed an Sections II, III:, and V 13. World Aeronautical Charts (AP Regional) (11 sheets) See index map, Fig. 2 Also listed in Sections II, III IV and V 14. Carte Administrative de l'IndOchine (9 sheets) ?_AinissiecLin Section II IS. Carte Routire des Deltas du Tonkin et de la Cochinchine Also listed in Section II 16. AF Pilotage Charts (AP Sectional) (24 sheets, 19 available) See index map, Fig. 4 Also listed in Sections III, IV, and V COVERAGE SCALE 1:1,5CO,CCO PUBLISHER AND DATE Japanese Southern Army, General Headquarters 1944 1,CCO,C00 AMS 1331 Various dates: 19421945 .1,000,CCO TRANSPORTATION DATA Use of highways and navi- gability of waterways during rainy season Roads: 1st, 2nd, 3d class: road bridges and tu.nnels Railroads, stations, rail- road bridges and tunnels Aeronautical Chart Service, Roads: primary, secondary, USA?,trails; route numbers; Various dates: 1943-1918 road bridges and tunnels Railroads, railroad bridges and tunnels Airfields and facilities: detailed classification Canals 1.1,000,030 Service aographique de l'Indochine [post-193E1 1?1 COO 000 1:5CO,C00 Service Geographique de IiIndochine 1929 Roads. metalled (all weather), non-metalled (dry season), important paths Railroads Roads: metalled, dry season, carriage tracks, paths; distances; route numbers; road bridges; ferries Railroads Aeronautical Chart Service, Roads: primary, secondary, USAF trails; route numbers; road Various dates: 1945-1998 bridges and tunnels Railroads, railroad bridges and tunnels Airfields and facilities: detailed classification Canals Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 OTHER DATA Area flooded more than 1 m., area flooded less than 1 rn. but more than 30 cm., area flooded less than 3) specific depths in selected local ties Numerous towns: 3 classes Relief: layer tints, con- tours, spot heights Isogonic lines Numerous other cultural, hydrographic, and topo- graphic features Numerous tams: 9 classes Relief: contours or form lines, layer tints, spot he Isogonic lines Numerous other cultural, hydro- ferNhic; and topographic Numerous towns Province boundaries Coordinates in grads, co- ordinate stubs in degrees, longitude of both based on Paris meridian Province boundaries No coordinates tatirenaus towns: 8 classes Relief: contours, form lines or hachures; layer tints, spot heights Isogonic lines Numerous other cultural, hydro- graphic, and topographic features REMARKS In Japanese with English translation, Translated over- print on untrans- lated base; over- print is somewhat roughly drafted but clear CORP108117AL Leta led; little choice between this and Map 13: in sane places 1st and 2nd class toads are not clearly differentiated AVAILABILITY (1)...in quantity) Foreign Documents Branch, CIA, Dec. 1.92,867 (original) and Translation 78 0- sus retailed; little - ACS choice between this and Map 12 ..1eWall-type1r1 76.cco MS. copy, Library, , Call No. 21 sets are recom- 1-28-35301-1(00 mended more highly (A 1947) In French Although relatively File copy, Map Branch,. old this map is not CIA Can no. out-dated slnee R501-32, 32825 there have been few recent changes in transport patterns in the delta areas In French Detailed: Map 18 presents better road information - ACS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 17. Carte Administrative du Camhodge Also listed in Settion 11 COVERAGE SCALE 1:5C0.000 PUBLISHER AND DATE r-piled by the Service du Castre et de la Topo- graphie; printed by Imprinerle dr f'mtrthre-Orient, Hanoi 19.71 TRANSPORTATION DATA Roads: metalled, earth, paths Railroads OTHER DATA Provinces, sroks, and their capitals No coordinates RENARKS In French AVAILABILITY (0...In quantity) FIALMi kna, 1-29-35319-5)3 IS. Carte Routibre de l'Indochine (25 sheets) See index map, pig. 5 Also listed in Sections II, III, and 19. Indo-China 1:253,440 (00 sheets, almost all available) Border sheets included from adjoining ARS sets: see index map, Pig. 9 1: 4o. Service thlographique de l'Indochine;ainted by the Institut rapliare National, Err by the Japanese Any, General Staff Various dates: 1933-1945 Roads: colonial, provincial, local, communal; metalled, non-re paths, trails: distances: route numbers: nand bridges; ferries Railroads: standard gage, mine and lustier lines; stations; railroad bridges and ttmnels Canals Numerous towns: 4 classes Relief: contain, shading, or hachures; spot heights province boundaries !goitrous other cultural features Coordinates in gratis, longitude based on parts meridian Very clear pres- entation, detailed set; best wer- anon."' road nap of Indochina: most comprehensive pres- entation of rood authorities and route numbers The legend In many cases is nt we beten adjoining sheets; authorities cannot be different- iated on Il re- print: Japanese re- print is poor and Is rentioned and indexed only be- cause SGI sheets for scam of the areas are not in *9 Branch, CIA In Preach; IGN re- print adds EngliSh legend; Japanese reprint adds Japanese legend File copies, Nap Branch, CIA, Can Nos.: set, H501-28, 2E65; IGN set, Ht01-28, 22439: Japanese set, R501-30, uncataloged Pile copies, Library. AAS, Call Nos.: SC! and 1(9 sets. a 3-28-35C01-400; Jalesse set, 21, 3-3106/0-900 Also listed in Sections 11. III and V 20. AF Aeronautical Approach Charts (70 sheets. 59 available) See index map, pig. 7 Also listed in Sections II. 111. IV. and V 1:253,403 1:253.000 MC 1604 (Reprint of HIM) 1CW) Various dates: 1942-1947 Aeronautical Chart Service, USAF Various dates: 1943-1945 Roads: all weather fair weather, unclassified pack- trails, foot-paths: dis- Lances; colonial route numbers: road bridges Railroads: rater-gage. light-gage or trees/vs; stations; railroad bridges Canals Roads; primary, secondary, trails; route numbers; road bridges ard tunnels Railroads, railroad bridges and tunnels Airfields and facilities: detailed classification Canals Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 iitcerous tams Relief: contain, form lines, spot heights Province boundaries Numerous other cultural, hYdrograrie, and topo- Britt military grid: magnetic declination Ntreerous towns: 8 classes Relief: contours, form lines or hachures: layer tints, spot heights Isogonic lines Nusercus other cultural, hydrographic, and topo- graphic eatures Detailed; about equal in quality to Map 20; road classification is slightly better on Map 19, but Map 20 shows road aline- ments more accu- rately R13121CtI3 Entailed; little choice between this ani Map 19 (see above) 0- MB Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE TRANSPORTATION DATA 21. Delta du Tonkin, Carte 45, 1:250,CCO Cartes murales Vidal- Lablache Called by Henri Russier; printed by Librairie Armand Colin, Paris Cca. 19403 Roads Railroads or trarramYs distinction) Inland waterways: limits of high water navigation Ocean waterways: routes OTHER DATA 1bwns: 3 classes Relief: layer tints, spot heights Agricultural land use Longitude based on Paris meridian REMARKS Wall-type map; road network is incom- plete and roads shown are not in all cases the math roads In French AVAILABILITY (Q... In quantity) Pile copy, Map Branch, CIA, all No. H501e-27, 32334 22. Carte de l'Indochine (about 450 half-sheets, approxi- mately 330 available) Also Listed in Sections II. III, and V 23. Indo-China 1:100,000 (about 450 half-sheets, approxi- mately 250 available) Also listed in Sections III. and V 1:1C0,13C0 Service (ographique de l'Indochine Various dates; 11399-1944 Almost half are 1940 or later; about one-third are 1930439; very few are pre- 1925 Most of the more recent sheets are available only at MC 1:100, COO HIND 1CCO Various dates 942-1945 Roads: colonial and pro- vincial all weather and dry weather roads, mule trails, paths; :bad bridges or several classes; ferries, fords Railroads, tramways,_ stations, railroad bridges of several classes Inland waterways: waterfalls, rapids, dams, navigable and irrigation canals, locks Roads: metalled, non- metalled, trails, foot- paths; road bridges Railroads, tramways, rail- road bridges Canals: navigable, irri- gation ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Ninerous towns: 5 classes Relief: contours or hachures, shading,spot heights Province boundaries Numerous other cultural, hydrographic, and topo- graphic features Coordinates in grads, longitude based on Pans meridian Numerous towns Relief: contours or hachures, spot heights Province bowtlarles Numerous other cultural, hydrographic, and topo- graphic Features British military grid; geo- graphic coordinates in grads, longitude based on Paris meridian; geographic co- ordinate stubs in degrees, longitude based on Green_ withmeridian; magnetic declination Basic topographic set of Indochina; extremely detailed In French Highly detailed; Map 22 used as source,. road classification somewhat renaming; several sheets are later in date than corresponding sheets of Map 22, but few changes have been made File oopy, Library, AMS all No. 2L 3-35-3.5coi-ico File copy, Brand,Man CIA Ca No. H501-33, somoB File copy, Library, 3-S5 AmS all No. 2L 2-83003-1C0 File deny, Hap Branch, CIA, Call Nos.- H531-33,5:0107 and 244017 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 II. ROAD MAPS Detailed road maps of Indochina are abundant, but the coveragenowavailable does not reveal road damage caused by current hostilities between the French and Vietnamese. Reports from Indo- china indicate that the destruction has been extensive; many bridges have been damaged and are either not functioning or only crudely repaired; numerous roads have been torn up, mined, or bombed; and other roads have deteriorated through lack of maintenance. Consequently, available maps of the Indocninese road net, though abundant and of excellent quality, are not entirely reliable. Most of the road maps described below can be divided into two groups: (II Single-sheet maps that give an over-all picture of the entire country or of one of its major geographic subdivi- sions, and (2/ set maps of the entire country that give greater detail on roads and a larger number of related features, such as towns, railroads, and relief. Some of the single-sheet maps contain the most recent road data. The best single-sheet road map of Indochina is Map 10, which is detailed, recent, compara- tively reliable, and clearly presented, and includes good background information. Map 11 is almost as good as 10, although considerably older. Maps 9 and 14 show little besides roads but are also well drafted and suitable for general use; 9 is available in quantity. Map 12 is an out-dated version of 11, but is the only map accompanied by a table of distances. Although generalized and in some respects incomplete, limp 7 includes railroads and relief indicated by hachures, and is available in quantity. Maps 4 and 5 are excellent presentations of the major roads of Indochinaand of their relation to the communication networks of nearby countries. Of the two, Map 4 is the better, but 5 includes terrain and shows road connections with China. Map 1 is an outline map of the main roads of Indochina. The best single-sheet mapsof regions within Ihdochina ares, 24, and 27. Map Rise clearly drawn map or the road network and road distances in the area between Saigon and Angkor, and raps 24 and 27 cover the Tonkin and Cochinchine deltas and Cambodge, respectively. Several other single-sheet maps containing recent detailed information are of limited use because of poor drafting or reproduction. Of these, Maps 8, 15, and 16, provide some of the latest information available; Map 25 gives details not found elsewhere for some of the roads of TITLE I. The Routes Coloniales and other main roads, from Indo-China. BR 510, Fig. 135, p. 411 2. Indochina, Soil Trafficability, from Indochina. JANIS 70, Chapter I, Fig. 1-27 3. Indochina, River Barriers, from Indochina. JANIS, 70, Chapter 1, Fig. 1-25 Also listed in Section V COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE 1:11,003,0C? British Admiralty Naval Intelligence Divisicm, 1943 (information as of 19313) 1:5,5CO,CCO Joint Intelligence Study Pub- lishing Board 1945 northern Indochina. A map similar to 25. covering southern Indochina, appearsinMilitary Topo- graphical Study of Southern Indochina. Japanese Southern Army, General Headquarters, August 1944. The original and an English translation are available in Foreign Documents Branch, CIA (Doc. 158688 and Translation 149 CONFIDENTIAL). A few additional maps furnish valuable supplementary data. Map 2 indicates soil traffic- ability: Map 3 locates fords; Map 13 shows the geological structure of Indochina; and Map 17 gives the conditions of highways in northern Indochina during the rainy season. The best of the set maps covering Indochina is Map 28, an exceptionally legible and compre- hensive road map at 1:400,000. Additional details at 1:400.000 are provided by the maps in Item 29, which covers some of the major roads of northern Indochina. Maps similar to those in Item 29, covering southern Indochina, appear in the Japanese military topographical study previously mentioned. A number of sets provide detailed road coverage at other scales. Of the five sets at 1:1.000,000, Maps 19 and 20 are the most useful. Although many of the sheets of Map 21 are out of date, this set is the best 1:1.000,000 source for road alinements and classifications. Map 22 is useful as a wall map; and Map 23 provides data on load capacity, which arenot available elsewhere. The 1:500.000 set listed, Map26, does not provide complete coverage of Indochina and is not so good as the 1:400.000 set mentioned above, but. is available in quantity. Maps 30 and 31 at 1:253,440 and 1:250,000 provide almost complete coverage at both scales, are about equal in quality, and are of adequate reliability for most purposes. Map 32 at 1:250,000 is better than either, but covers only a small portion of the country. Map 33 at 1:250,000,which also covers a very small part of the country, is useful only for checking road alinements. The basic topographic set of Indochina is Map 34 at 1:100,000; Map 35 is an English-text copy of it; and Maps 36. 37, and38 at 1:100.000 provide alittleadditional material for a few small areas. Topographic coverage of parts of Indochina is available at 1:25,000 in the Map Branch, CIA, and the Library, Army Map Service. The great detail that such maps provide would probably be required only for specialized studies of small areas. Of the two remaining items listed, 18 gives a few elevation profiles and 39 gives details of several ferry crossings. Similar maps covering southern Indochina appear in the Japanese military topographical study previously mentioned. ROAD DATA OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILASILITY (Q... Iii quantity) Roads: all weather, dry season Route numbers No coordinates Outline map empha- sizing main roads IRAR State, cad No. 213fRICTID EU 10/1416 Ten classes of soils grouped according to trafficability Detailed hydrographic pattern flSIZIcIfl LR/R, State, Call No. 910/Z330B/70 Negatives available in Map Branch, CIA 1:5,500,CO3 Joint Intelligence Study Rib- Rivers not fordable at low lishing Board water, rivers possibly 1945 fordable at low water Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Heads of navigation for junks Relief: pictorial shading RISTRICITO LR/Ft, state, Call No. 910:13906/70 Negatives available in Map Branch, CIA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 4. Selected Routes Across the Indochinese Peninsula Also listed in Section 1 5. Terrain and Transportation (2 sheets) a. China b. Southeast Asia Also listed in Section 1 COVERAGE SCALE YUILISNER AID DATE ROAD DATA ?TIER DATA AVAILARILITY (Q... In quantity) 1:5,CCO,C00 State MOOD Roads: all weather, limited Railroads Clearly dream pre- )))- Map Branch, CA 1947Mater routes sentation of main all weather, dry season, dry Relief: inset with pictorial roads; slightly season cart trails, caravan shading generalized trails 1.5,C00,CCO a. OSS 2495 b. COS 2422 Roads: principal or con- necting-, trails Railroads Relief: pictorial shading Not so complete as mop ?, but good presentation of man roads in re- latIca to terrain, and of mute con- nections with China Q- Map Branch, CIA 6. From Sai-gon to Angkor, from 'Indochina. CGuides] Madrolles, p. 55 1:3,5CO,C00 Societe tittles,' Oeo- grrephionms,Maritimes et Coloniales, Paris 1939 Roads Distances Clearly drafted and printed Library, MC, Cal Ml?, 1939 7. Indo-China and Thailand, Special Strategic MO Also Listed in Section 1 1:3,,O Me 1945 RomIs: primary, secondary Railroads limas: 4 classes Relief: generalized hachures, pot heights General presen- talon; ease omis- sires and thee- curacies? road net- Q -AlE work generalized; International boundary inconsis- tent ? part being pre-1941 and part post-1941 8. Indo-China, Road Corrections 1:3,000,000 Roads: primary, secondary Railroads TOWIIS : 4 classes Relief; generalized hachures, spot heights Corrected copy of Map?: usefizl research source File copy, hro Branch, OKA Call No. 4546 N Caw] D CethiJ A 4546 Con. 1945D 9. Indochina, Roads 1:2,303,CCO CGS 8/34 1945 Roads: asphalt, other ire (usually all weather), selected unim- proved nco-retalled reads or cart trails (usually dry season only), selected animal tracks or foot paths Colonial route numbers Good general pres- entation; not so detailed as Maps 10 and U - Map CIA Branch, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 10. Carte Generale de l'Indochine Fran5aise Also listed in Section 1 COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE ROAD DATA 1:2,CO3,CO3 Institut Geograohlque Roads: colonial and local, Railroads National, CFranceD metalled and non-metallei, Canals Best single-sheet Pile ocy, /lap Branch, road map; romlete, CIA, an No. 1945 paths Nurercus towns accurate wi=n R531- , 37925 Relief: shading spot heights limits of scale Province boundaries In French OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY (0?in quantity) II. Rdeeau Routier de 1 Indochine Also listed in Section 1 1:2,000,000 Service GdOgraphique de Roads: metalled, zon-metalled, Railroads Very clearly drawn File copy, Hap Branch, l'Indochine trails River ports, distances from almost as coigne- CIA, Cal I. No. 1933 Distances ports to sea hensive as blm 10 11501-32,32e26 Route numbers terous towns In French; photo- Bridges, ferries Relief: layer tints, spot copy in English heights Province boundaries Coordinates in grads, longitude based on Paris meridian 12. Carte Routiere de l'Indochine 1:2,CCO,CCO Goodrich; Etablissements Gaillao-Houroco et Cie., Paris rpm-1935D Roads: automobile Comprehensive table of distances Ferries Railroads No coordinates Distance table is rilecm,5 Library, only unique AM, 1 No. 2L feature; map Is 1-24. 156-2CO3 otherwise out- dated, immolate version of Kap 11 In French 13. Carte Geologique de Illndochine Frangaise 1:2,000,000 Ogotri by Chef du Service gigue de l'IndoehiM jrinted by the Service Geo- raphlque de l'Indodhine 37 Roads: main Geological outcrops: 22 classes Railroads Province boundaries Coordinates in grads, longitude based on Paris meridian Good supplementary Pile copy, Bap Branch, material; geologic CIA, Call No. data are very N501-12 12254 clearly presented; some transportation data are difficult to read In French 14. French Indo-China, Transpor- tation Routes Also listed in Section 1 1:1,753,CCO Board of Econoate Warfare Roads: asphalt, metalled, Railroads pares favorably 1035 dry weatber with Baps 9, 10, 1943 Route numbers of principal and 11; insets of federal highways Lmlonial Hmoi and Saigon routes area Ferries Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 palm pg! Branch, H501-32, 503172 Declassified and App oved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 ..... LWILKAUt SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE ROAD DATA 15. Roads in French !ado China 16. F. I. C. Roads - a y of map borrowed from gench military Mission, 'un-mingD 1945 Roads: metalled and non - metalled, principal paths OTHER DATA REMARKS Sketchy sat Wine- what difficult to read; useful re- search source In Wrench AVAILABILITY qu?ntIty) Pile copy, Map Branch, CIA, Call No. H5)1-213, 32029 17. Flood COnditiops During Rainy Season in Northern French Indochina, from Military Topographical Study of Northern French Indo- china, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. III, Map 4 Also listed in Sections land V 18. [Vertical views], from Military Topographical Study of Northern French Indo- china, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. I a. Phu Sion COlenfl- Luang Prabang, Map 34 b. Vinb - Nape - Thahhem, Map 35 C. Dong Ha - Savannakhet, Map 30 le. Asia 1:1,000,000 (10 sheets) See index map, rig. 1 Also listed in Sections I, III and V 20. World Aeronautical Charts (Al Regional) sheets) See index map, pig. 2 Also listed in Sections I, III, IF, and V 1:1,5:n.0C? ID4 Eaf. Div. Hq. SACSEA 1945 1: 1,500. CCO Various: Vertical, 1: %COO- 1:12.500; horizontal 1: 1,250,000- 1:2.500.000 1?1 CCO 0:0 Jam:mese Southern Army, General Headquarters 1994 Jimmies. Southern Army, imual Headquarters 1944 AM 1301 Various dates: 1942-1945 Roads: metalled, non-metalled, No drainage trails No coordinates Ferries Use of highways during rainy season Clouds: profiles Area flooded more than 1 oh, area flooded less than 1 m. and more than 30 an' area flooded less than 30cm.; specific depths in selected small localities Navigability of waterways during rainy season Good recent research source; slightly generalized but Fairly mmlete and accurate; poorly reproduced and in an places difficult to read assfilerlD File ?VT,i !lap Branch, CIA, tal No. II501-2B, 19033 Clearer copy of northern portion: Call No. M01-33, 17257 In Japanese with Foreign Documents English translation Branch, CIA, Dm. Translated overprint Maar (original) on untranslated and Translation 78 base; overprint sommtat roughly drafted, but clear C011Iallf1IL Relief: profiles, elevations Somewhat roughly No coordinates drafted, but legible In Japanese with Engllsh translation COfliDlIflfl Roads: 1st, 2nd, and 3d class Railroads, station.), bridges, Bridges, tunnels tunnels Mamma towns: 3 classes Relief: layer tints, contour,. spot heights Rogonic lines Numerous other cultural, hydrographic and tope- ' graphic feeturos Aermaitical Chart Service, Roads: primary, secondary, ISA?trails Various dates: 1943-1943 Route numbers Bridges, tunnels Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Airfields and facilities: detailed classification Railroads, bridges, tumels Canals Ibmwrous toms: 0 classes Relief: contours or fano lines layer tints, spot heights Isogonic lines Nizamous other cultural, ric, and tap?. restores Detailed ; little choice between this and Map 20; in soot places let and class roads are not clearly differ- entiated Detailed; little choice between this and Map 79 Foreign Moments Branch, CIA, Doc. 1.53807 (original) and Translation 713 0- ALE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TO TIE 21. Carte de l'Indochins (ts sheets) Bee index map, Pig. 3 22. carte Administrative de l'Indochine (9 sheets) Also-listed in Section I 23. Indo-China and 31.,. a. Sheet 1 - North b. Sheet 2 - Central C. Sheet 3 - South d. Sheet 4 - MeV. 24. Carte Routibre des Deltas du Tonkin at de la Cochinchine Also listed in Section L 25. Roads of Northern FrancF Indochina, from Military Yoficierathical Study of Earthen, French Indochina. Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, vol. 111. map 13 26. AF Pilotage Charts tap Sectional) (24 sheets, 14 available) See index map, Pig. 4 Also listed in Sections I, M. IV. and V COVERAGE SCALE PusLISHIS AND DATE 1:1.003.X0 Servinsooceogrephinue de 1' ine Various dates: 1929-1941 1:1,1105.0X) Service dograplairde de 1?Dabciblat Cpost-B1C41 1:1,000010D 0313 4555 1945 1:1.000.1:00 Service Geographique de 1(Indochine 1229 1: 1.010.000 Japanese tthem Any, General Headquarters 1044 1:500.000 Aeronautical Chart Service, use Various dates: 1945-1948 ROAD DATA Roads: metalled (all leather), ncermetalled (dry seseon), inartsat tralla rid paths Roads: Petalled (all weather), nal-retailed (dry season), important paths Roads: all weather ard limited all weather (each divided into 4 classes according to load capacity), dry season: trails Roads: metalled, dry season, carriage trallsoaths Distancea Route numbers Bridges, ferries Roads: national highways onlel notrtesD, auto hip- wa.C;cletk horse trails Dia Colonial route numbers Bridges: 4 classes according to (material Ferries: 2 classes and carrying capacity Stream( beds: width*, depths velocity, materials Roads: primary. secadary, trails Route raiders Bridges, tunnels - 10 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 OTHER DATA Railroads Marque toms: 0 classes Relief: layer tints, centaurs, fora lines, spot heights Province botmdaries Coordinates in grads, coordinate stubs in deter longitude of both based on Paris meridian Railroads Numerous towns Province boundaries Coordinates in grads, coordinate stubs in degrees, longitude of both based on Paris faddism ladlrosds, tramways, stations Ntaerous towns Relief.' layer tints, contours font lines, epot heights Railroads province boundaries Ito coordinates Airfields Anemia towns No coordinates REMARKS Cut-dated by Maps 19 srd 20, butts best 1: 1.000.000 set for rued alinements and surface car:titian. In trench AVIIILASILITT esantIty) File may, Map Brand., CIA. Call No. 11501-33, 13S77 Pile copy, Library, Ale Gall No. 21.. a-t..4-moc1-trco Mall-type asp; fairly Pile cony Library, complete; other ASS eall it. as 1:1.01C0.0010 sets 1-26-35C01-1010 are preferable (A 1947) unless exceptional clarity is desired In French Detailed road classification is confusing' load data available on it other maps 1111111CtIO rile copies, sheets 1 2, 4, nop Branch. CIA gal No 11500-30, 24411 SliejeUi Southern int. Geology, /t.PerrePay and CI mate, Ea 971, ISTD, 1945, glreg...juigairikle in uocataloslea Very clearly dram, Pile copy, Map Branch, attlough relatively CIA, Call it. old, this sap is not R931-32. 3202.5 out-dated since there have been few recent changes in trans- portation pattern. of the delta areas In French Soul research Foreign Doctaenta aource; somedtat Breach, OA, Doc. tough, but legible- 1.58207 (original) ?nnotations on maps arid Tratalatian 78 glee detailed description of features shown: accompanying text In Japanese. with Dullish translation COIflDhhf ILL Airfields and facilities: de- Detailed; road tailed classification inthreatlon rot so Railroads, bridges, ttmnels good as that on Map canals Nunenous tams: 8 classes Relief: tours, fbna lines or hachures, layer tints, spot heights Isogonic lines Ntoerous other cultural hydro- ferefoattig; and topographic Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 27. Carte Administrative du CaMbedge Also listed in Section I COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AID DATE 1:5B,CO3 Compiled by the C.Indochina3 Service du Cadastre et de is Tegraphie; printed by Imprimerie d. afttrame-Orient, Hanoi 1037 ROAD DATA OTHER DATA Roads: metalled, non-retailed, Railroads paths Provinces end mkt. with their capitals No coordinate REMARKS In ?renal AVAILABILITY (3.. In Quantity) Pile cooy Llbrarv. mrs, chit No.ceL 1-213-35CO3-500 28. Carte Routihre de Illndochine (25 sheets) See index map, Pig. Also listed in Sections I. III and V 1:CO,COD Service afograPhique de Pladochin reprinted by the Institut Ceographique National, CParial ,and by the Japanese Army, General Staff Various dates: 1933-1945 Roads: colonial provincial, local, cormamal; metalled, non-retailed; paths, trails Distances Route mathers Bridges, ferries Railroads, stations, bridges, tunnels Canals Numerous towns: 4 classes Relief: contours, shading or hachures, spot heights Province botmdaries Numerous other cultural features Coordinates in grads, longitude based on Paris meridian Best operational road map of Indochina; very clear and de- tailed; best pres- entation of jests- diction over roads, and of route =alters. The legend is ln nany cases split between adjoining sheets; road authorities cermet be differ- entlated on ICII re- prints; Japanese reprint is pbor and is mentioned onlybecause 931 sheets for sore areas are not available in the mn Branch, CIA In Pro.ch; IGI re- print adds English legend; Japanese re- print adds Japanese legend Pile copies, Bap Brandt, CIA,Call Nos.: sat set, H531-28, 2885, MI set, 1430I-93, 22433; Japanese set 1031-33 tmcatnoged File =pies, Lib AC, (WI Nos.:nal( and En sets 2L 3-20-35001-400; Japanese set, 2, 3 -26-31099-4W 29. [Naps of road networks], from Nititary Toporrathical Study of Northern French Indochina. Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. I a. Hanoi - Cao Bang, Map le b. Cao Bang Area, wap 17 e. Lang Son Area, Map 18 d. Tien Yen Area, Nap 19 e. Phi, Lang Thuong - Dinh Lap, Han 20 f. Bac Binh - Can Pha, Map 21 g. Hanoi - Haiphong, Map 23 h. Hanoi - Ha Meng, Map 24 1. Ha Clang Area, Map 25 j. Lao Ray Area, Nap 20 k. Lai Chau Area, map 33 1:4CO,CO3 Japanese Southern Army, General Roads ? detailed descriptions Headquarters 1944 No coordinates Good =lenterryz: ma:an:what roughly drafted, but clear In Japanese with English translation COMDiltlit Becinta iiszt CIA, Coo. 153ER7 (original) and translation 78 30. Indo-China 1:283,440(99 sheets, almost all available) Border sheets included from adjoining AMS sets; see Index map/ Pig. 6 Also listed in Sections I. III and V 1:253,440 AMS 1.504 (Reprint of HIND 1081) Various dates: 1942-1947 Roads: all weather, dry season, unclassified; Pack- trails, foot-paths Distances Colonial route ntailsers Bridges Railroads, tramways, stations, bridges Canals Ntnerous towns Relief: contours, form lines, spot heights Province boundaries Ntnerous other cultural hydna- Lrenal?, rod topographic antz:vs British military grid; magnetic declination Detailed; little choice beneen this and Map 31; road classification is slightly better on 33, but Map Si shows alinements more accurately 313111011D 0-NC 31. AF Aeronautical Approach Charts (70 sheets, 39 available) See index sap, Fig. 7 Also listed in SectionsI. III. IV, ad V 1:230,030 Aeronautical Chart Service, USAF Various dates: 1943-1940 - 11- Roads; PrlearY, 'a Kap Ri rb. Va2135, Ifirwpy (PhOtavaapy, lete set), Lierar7. Call No. 2L 23- 910 34. Carte de l'Indochine (about 450 h?lf-sheets, approxi- mately 303 available) Also listed in Sections I. III p d F 35. Into-China I:100. (about 450 half-sheets, approxi- mately 250 available) Also listed in Sections I. and V 36. Transportation Facilities of Northern French Indo-China (index sap and seven over- lays), from Transportation Facilities of Northern French Indo-China, Special PI Report No. 49 Also listed in Section III 1: 100, OM Service Geographique de l'Indochire Various dates: 1929.1944 Almost half are 1940 or later: about one-third are 1933-33; very few are pre-1925 It of the more recent sheeta are available only at AKS 1:103,CO3 HIND 1000 Various dates: 1942,1945 1:103,CCO I/3th PID, Hits., 14th Air Force 1944 - 12 - Ronde: colonial all weather, provincial all weather, dry weather; mule trails, Paths Bridges: several classes; ferries, fbrds Roads: metalled, 00S- metalled; trails; footpaths Bridges Roads: highways Route numbers Bridges Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Railroads, tramways, stations; Basic topographic several classes of bridtm set of Indochina: Inland 7a029,4711: waterMla, extremely detailed rapids, dims, canals (arri- in trench gable, irrigation), locks Marnerous towns: 5 classes Relief: contours or hachures, shading, spot heights Province boundaries thaerous other cultural, hydro- fenatIllt% and toPograPhlv Coordinates in grads, based On Paris meridian Railroads, tramways, bridges Canals: navigable, irrigation Marerous tams Relief: contours or hachures, spot heights Province boundaries Monerous other cultural, Igrmitecrfilaiid. end topographic British military grid: magnetic declination; geo- graphic coordinates in grads, longitude based on Paris meridian: geographic co- ordinate stubs in. degrees long based on Greenwich meridian Railroads, station,. bridges, Yards Patzemely detailed; taken few), but not as detailed as Kap 34, road classifi- cation somewhat conflising; a few sheets are later in date than corns- Crsheets of but bear few changes Caviled from aerial photographs; adds little to material On Maps 34 end .7.5 alltefID Pile0007 Library, AMB lifail plo. 2L 9735-350)1-1C0 Pile copy, Map Branch, CIA, Coll Ho. 11501-33. 5001015 Pile mos Library, MG Can No. Pilecr, Map Branch, CIA, Call Nos.: H501-311. 500107 and 244Cfl Par East Division, Office of International Trade, Cepartment of Ommente Pile copy (asps only, incomplete set). MC Call No, Pr. Indo-China (SS) see-W-103/2 (Aled with Confidential imps) Pile az(phot000kort/if Tier origin:air 7) same sheets) Mao Branch laskoCali. 1031?132, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 37. Supplement to Transportation Facilities of Northern French Indo-China (three maps), from Supplement to Transportation Facilities of Northern French Indo- China, Special PI Report No. 49 Also listed in Section III COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE ROAD DATA 1:1C0,000 113th PID, Hos., 14th Air Roads' highways Force Route =bars 194.5 Bridges OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY (0... In quantity) Railroads, stations, bridges, Revision of three Far East Division, yards of overlays in Office of International Item 313 Trade, Department of RESTRICTED Coomerce File copy (1 map only), Mao Branch CIA, Call No. H501e-32, 19583 38. Railroad & Highway Bridges, Hanoi to Tourane (index map and eight overlays), from Railroad and Highway Bridges from Hanoi to Tourane, F.I.C., Special PI Report No. 43 _jesp_as;_$1 in action III 39. Haps of ferry crossings], from Military Topographical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. I a. Hoa Binh, Maps 27 and 28 b. Cho Bo, Map 29 c. Shuyut auyut] , map 30 d. Nam motsu (4). Map 31 C. Lai Chau, Map 32 1:100,CCO 18th PID, Hqs., 14th Air Force 1944 Roads: highways Bridges Railroads, bridges Compiled frcm Far East Division, aerial photographs; Office of International adds little to Trade, cwpartment of material on Maps Commerce 34 and 35 File copy lumps only), REeTRICTED AMS, Call No. Ft. Indo-China (AS) SW-AAP-10D ( filed with Confidential maps) -- Japanese Southern Army, Detailed descriptions of No coordinates maps are somewhat Foreign Documents Branch, General Headquarters ferry crossings rough, but legible CIA Doc. ime ' ee 1944 In Japanese, with {original) and English translation Translation 78 COIIIDAITIA4 -13- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 III. RAILROAD MAPS Numerous maps of Indochina's railroads are available. They are deficient only in not indi- cating the disruption of service caused by French-Vietnamese hostilities. Of the more than 3,000 kilometers ofrailroad lines operating inIndochina before World War II, only about 1.200 kilometers were reported in operation in November 1947. Service even on these lines has been erratic because of sabotage, particularly of bridges. For a general picture of the railroads of Indochina, almost any map of the country is ade- quate. The railroad pattern is very simple and most maps locate the main lines accurately. Two errors, however, recur on general maps: a non-existent connecting line between Saigon and Phnom Penh is often shown, and the existing line between Sisophon and the Siamese border is often omitted. A few small branch lines do not appear on all maps, but they can be found on Map 3, below, which is the best single-sheet map of railroads and railroad facilities in Indochina. It is complete, reliable, and well drawn. Map 2, which is also a clear and detailed single- sheet map of the railroads, includes some data on facilities that do not appear on Map 3. A simplified but effective presentation of the historical development of the railroad system is given by the four small maps that comprise Item 1. Most of the remaining material listed consists of more detailed maps of sections of the rail- road lines. Map 8 covers all of northern Indochina; and Maps 11, 12, 17, and 18 give details on the lines that lead from Hanoi to Lao Kay, Vinh, Haiphong, and Na Cham. A nap similar to 8, covering southern Indochina, anrears in Military TofroffraPhical Study of Southern Indochina, Jaranese Southern Army. General Headquarters, August 1944. The original and an English trans- lation are available in Foreign Documents Branch, CIA (Doc. 158688 and Translation 148). Four other maps give especially good information on stations. On map 4, stations of northern Indo- china are divided into several classes. Map 5 is particularly good for stations of northern Indochina and of the My Tho-Nha Trang line in southern Indochina. The section from Phnom Penh to the Siamese border is covered in detail on Map 13, which includes a table of facilities. Stations on the privately owned line extending from Haiphong toK'un-ming (Winnanfou) are shown with exceptional clarity on Map 10. Although duplicating material shown on other maps, Map 9 is excellent for stations along the lines in operation in 1910, and includes a table of distances and completion dates for the lines shown. Supplementary detail on the railroad lines, at a scale of 1:100.000, can be found on Maps 22, 25, 26, and 27, and track and yard diagrams are given in Item 29 and 30.0 Elevation profiles are available for a large part of the Indochinese railroad net. Maps 14' and 19 show the Saigon-Muong Man and HalphongLK'un-ming lines at scales of 1:1,000,000 and 1:325.000, respectively. Item 28 is a collection of large-scale profiles covering much of the railroad net. Also included in Section III are topographic sets at scales ranging from 1:1.000,000 to 1:100,000, whichare the best available maps for showing railroad alinement in relation to other geographic features, such as roads, towns, and relief. Maps 6, 7, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23. and 24 fall within this category, Map 16 being especially good for minor lines. Topographic coverage of part of Indochina is available at 1:25,000 in the Map Branch, CIA, and the Library, Army Map Service. TITLE The historical development of the railway system (four maps), from Indo- Chino, BR 510, Fig. ins, p. 419 a. Before 1898 b. 1898-1914 c. 1914-1922 d. 1922-1037 COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AID DATE 1:23,CGO.020 [British Athiralty'a Naval Intelligence Division 1943 (see title) RAILROAD DATA OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY (Q... In quantity) Railroads. in operation, LR/R, State, Call No. under construction RESTRICTED 8912/1410 2 . French Indo-China, Trans- portation Also listed in Section I 1:2.6CO,C00 'Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence 1944 Railroads Roads Gives stele rail- Pile oopy, Map Branch, Principal bridges Canals road facilities CIA, Call No. Railroad facilities Principal ports not shown on 14501-22, 32828 other maps RIVIRICIED 3. Indochina, Railroads and Railroad Facilities 1:2,3CO.CCO CCS ECG8 1945 Railroads' steam railroads and tramways. electric railroads and tranbrays. rack or cog sections of lines bridges. tunnels Railroad facilities Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Fbads: selected Best, single-sheet railroad map; well-drawn, accurate, com- prehensive RESTRICTED Q- Map Branch, CIA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE Distribution of Railroad Stations of Northern French Indochina, from Military Topographical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. III, Map 14 COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AHD DATE Japanese Southern Army, General Headquarters 1944 RAILROAD DATA Stations: main city, main, ordinary Railroad facilities Accaspnying chart: summary of s Lions and their facilities OTHER DATA No coordinates REMARKS Good station infor- mation; somewhat rough drafting, but legible In Japanese, with English translation AVAILABILITY (0... In quantity) Foreign Documents Branch, CIA, Doc. 159887 (original) and Translation 78 5. Indo-China Railroads (two maps), from French Endo- China, Railroads, Strategic Engineering Study 78, Vol. II a. Northern Indo-China Rail- road Lines, p. 144 b. Southern Indo-China Rail- road Lines, p. 144 6. Asia 1:1,000,000 (10 sheets) See index map, Fig. 1 Also listed in Sections 1. 11. and V 7. World Aeronautical Charts (ALF Regional) (11 sheets) See index map, Fig. 2 Also listed in Sections I. II. IV, and V Railroads of Northern French Indochina, from Military Topomraehical Study of Northern French Indochina, DocUments Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. III, Man 13 9. Chemins de Fer de l'Indochine avec leurs Relations Administratives, Commercialea Industrielles, etc. a. [ca. 1:2,000,00CT b. [ca. 1:1,500.000-, Office, Chief of Engineers Military Intel- ligence Division; from Undochinaa l'Arrondisse- sent du Trafic et /tournament, du Re- seal Nord 1943 1:1 OCO COO AtIS 1371 Various dates: 1942-1945 CCO COO ,1:1 OM 003 11 COO.CCO Railroads Stations Railroads Stations Bridges, tunnels Aeronautical Chart Service, Railroads USAF Bridges, tunnels Various dates: 1943-1998 Jrz:747. rarztekrnr, 1994 Conducteur des Travaux Publics de l'iradochine 1910 -15- Railroads Stations Railroad facilities Roads: connecting highways Hotels, tourist cottages No coordinates Roads: 3 classes, bridges, tunnels Numerous tarns: 3 classes Relief: layer tints contours spot heights isogonic lines Numerous other cultural, hydrographic, and topo- graphic features Airfields and facilities: detailed classification Roads: 3 classes, route nuthers, bridges, tunnels Canals Numerous toms: 6 classes Relief: contours or form lines, layer tints, spot heights Isogonic lines Numerous other cultural, hydrographic, and topo- graphic features No coordinates Good station infor- mation; strip maps; easy to read- YRSTRICTID Detailed; little choice between this arm( map 7 Detailed, little choice beVdeen this and Map 8 Drafting somewhat rough.. annotations give detailed de- scription of features shown; accompanying text gives history, administration, traffic, rolling- stock, signals gauge, and nunf,er of employees In Japanese, with English translation C01,10rIfiel LR/R, State, Call No. X - 49385 0- AMS 0 - AS Foreign Docinents Branch, CIA, Doc. 15E1887 (original) and Translation 78 Railroads Manaus towns Eccellent pres- File copy, Kap Branch, Stations Relief: rough shading entation of CIA, CAin. No. Marginal tables of distance and dates of railroad-line Ocean waterways: routes Distribution of resources stations FI501-25, 32624 completion Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 10. Carte des Chemins de Fey du Tonkin et du Thnnan COVERAGE SCALE 1:1,CCO,OCO POOLISHER AMO DATE RAILROAD DATA Glroard et BarAre, Railroads Ofognaphes, Paris Stations 1937 Distances OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY (Q... In quantity) ? Toed station File copy, Map Branch, information: verY CIA, all No. clearly drawn 14501-25 2,933 11. Hanoi - Lao Kay Railroad, froze Military Tobograhhical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. 1, Rap 00 12. Hanoi - Vinh Railroad, from Military Topographical Study of Northern French Indochina. Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original. - Vol: I. Hap 100 13. MaD of the State Railways of Siam 14. Profil en Long de la Section Saigon-Muong Han, from Annales des Travaux Publics de l'Indochine, Fascicule II, facing p. 240 1:1.000,COD Japanese Southern Army, Railroad Roads Somewhat mut: Foreign Documents General Headquarter; Stations Relief: form lines drafting, but Branch, CIA, Coe. 1944 Bridges Detailed description of area legible 1580447 (original) Railroad facilities bordering railroad in Japanese, with and Translation 78 Slopes, capacity, speed No coordinates English t rans- lation COIIIDIMAL 1:1,030,000 Japanese Southern AnaY, General Headquarters 1944 1:1,COO,CO3 Vertical, 1:2.00): horizontal, 1: LC:CO.000 Railroad Roads Sceahat rough Stations Relief: form lines but legible Bridges Detailed description of area in Japanese, with Railroad facilities bordering railroad English trans. Slopes, capacity, speed No coordinates lotion COIPIDIMIL Flo. SO,F4 Mbv. & Ti.Div., Railroads )4 ism ( Stations 1945 rarginal chart listing swl stations and their facilities OomoLled by Inspection Railroad: elevation profile Relief: elevations andrale des Travaux Publics Stations de l'Indochine:trigno_ted by Distances Imprimerie d'Es Orient, Hanoi 1014 - 16- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Foreign Document, Branch, CIA, Doe. 1543387 I original) and Translation 78 0114' map giving Rilecopy. Map Branch. details on CIA, Cali No. stations and their II503-25. 32G3) facilities for this area itSTRICII0 In French Map Branch, CIA uncataloged Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE IS. AF Pilotage Charts (AY Sectional) (24 sheets, 14 available) See index map, Fig. 4 Also listed in Sections I, II, IV, and V 16. Carte Routrbre de l'Indochine (25 sheets) See index map, Fig. 5 Also listed in Sections 1. II, and V COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE RAILROAD DATA 1:5C0,000 Aeronautical Chart Service, Railroads USAF Bridges, tunnels Varibus dates: 1945-1948 OTHER DATA Airfields ani facilities: detailed classification Roads: 3 classes route masters, bridges, tunnels Canals thmerous towns: 6 classes Relief: contours, form lines, or hachures; layer tints, - spot heipts Isogonic lines thalamus other cultural hydro- graphic, and topographic features REMARKS Detailed; not quite as complete as Map 10 AVAILABILITY quntIty) 0- ACS 1,4C0 COO Service Gdograpnique at l'Inicchire; reprinted by the Institut Geqgraphique National, CParisi, and by the Japanese Any, General Staff Various dates: 1930-1945 Railroads: standard, mine, Roads: detailed classification forestry distances._ route minters, Stations bridges, ferries Bridges, tunnels Canals Nu:serous towns: 4 classes Relief:contours, shading or hachures: spat heights province boundaries Nuinerous other cultural features Coordinates in grads, longitude based on paris meridian 17. Hanoi - Haiphong Railroad, from Military Topograjthical Study of Northern french Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. 1, map 99 IS. Hanoi - Na Cham Railroad, fro. Military TopograhhicaL Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. I, Map 97 1:4C0.Japanese Southern Army, Genera Headquarters 1944 1:403.000 Jamnew Southern Amy, General iadquarters 1944 Railroad Stations Bridges Facilities Slopes, capacity, speed Railroad Stations Bridges Railroad facilities Slopes, capacity, speed Roads Relief: form lines Detailed description of area bordering railroad No coordinates Rads Relief; form lines Detailed description of area bordering railroad No coordinates Very clearly drawn, detailed The legend is in many cases split between adjoining sheets' road classification less detailed on IG4 than SGI set; Japanese reprint is poor and is mentioned only be- cause SGI sheets for some of the areas are not in /ft Branch, CIA In ?ready IGN reprint adds Eng- lish legend;gan- ese reprint z Japanese legend Somewhat rough, but log ible In Japanese, with English transla- tion cairn:31'h File copies, Map Branch CIA, Nos.: Sat set, IC01-213, as; IGN set, le01-28, 22439; Japanese set, R501-30 tmcataloged File conies Library, M, (Mlwit and IG1 sets, 21, 3-28-35C01-4010; Japanese set, 1030-403 Foreign Documents Branch, CIA Dec. 158087 (original) ard Transla- tion 78 Somewhat rough, Out Foreign Documents Branch, legible CIA, Doc. 150e7 In Japanese, with (original) and Transla- English transla- tion 78 Lion COMMITTAL IS. gailroad Profileu, from Preach Indo-China, Railroads, Staategic Engineering Study 78, Vol. II a. Haiphong to Lao Kay, P. 33 b. Lao Kay to Kunming, p. 75 1:325.0O3, vertical scale not given Military Intelligence Section, Office, Chief of Engineers :943 -17- Railroads: elevation profiles Stations Bridges and their dimensions Distances Slopei Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Relief: profiles, given without elevations Very legible LIVR, State, Call NO. inflict SD X- sd-ASS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 20. Indo-China I:253,41:0 (99 sheets almost all available) Border sheets included from adjoining ASS sets; see index map, Fig. 5 Also listed in Sections I. IT, and V COVERAGE SCALE PURIM, AND DATE l:253,990 ME ?534 (Reprint of RIND 1C0i) Various dates: 1942-1997 RAILROAD DATA Railroads; meter, light, tramways Stations Bridges 0711E11 DATA Roads; 5 classes, distances, colonial. mute paters, bridges Canals Matrons tams Relief: coatours, form lines spot heights Province SiWatley Numerous other cultural, hYdrographic, and topo- graphic features British military grid, magnetic declination Detailed; little choice between this and Map 21 RSSIZZOISD ARAILABILuTY (0.. .In aunt' ty) 0- ARS 21. AF Aeronautical Approach Charts (70 sheets, 59 available) See index nap, Sig. 7 Also listed in Section /. //, /V. and 22. Carte des Chemins de Fer de l'Indochine (83 sheets) Sat l:230,CO3 Aeronautical Chart Service USAF Various dates: 1993-19148 Railroads Bridges, tunnels Airfields and facilities: detailed classification Roads: 3 classes; route natters, bridges, tassels Canals Numerous tams: 8 classes Relief: contours, form lines, or hachures; layer tints, spot heights Isogonic lines Nunerous other cultural, hydrographic. and topographic features Detailed; little choice between ? this and Map 20 1:lLO,CO3 Direction tit des ce Servis d' s & de Recherches 1999 Railroads Stations Bridges, with dimensions of some Coordinates_ in grads longitude based on Paris meridian Series of sketchy 1,11/11, State, Call No. strip maps CID 15.553 In French RI3fRICITD 23. Carte de l'Indochtne (about 450 half-sheets, almost 300 available) 24. Indo-China 1:100,000 (about 950 half-sheets, approximately 250 available) Also listed in Sections and V 1: ICO,CCO Service Glographique de l'Irdochizie Various dates: 1B99-1999 Almost half are 1940 or leder; about one-third are 1930-'13; very few are pie- Must of the mon recent sheeta are available only at MS 1:100,000 HIND ICCO Various dates: 1992-1945 Railroads, tramways Stations Bridges: several classes Railroads, tramways Bridges - 18 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Roads: 5 classes; several classes of bridges; ferries, fords Inland waterways: water- falls, rapids, dams canals (navigable, irrigation), locks Numerous towns 5 classes Relief: =tours or hachures, shading, spot heists Province boundaries Nonerpus other cultural, hydrographic, and topo- graphic features Coordinates in grads longitude based on Paris meridian P:adotv:inie9 classes, bridges Canals: navigable, irrigation Numerous towns Relief: contours or hachures, spot helets Numerous other cultural, hydrographic, and topo- graphic features British military grid; geographic coordinates in sradt, longitude based on Paris meridian; geographic coordinate stubs in degrees, longitude based on Greenwich meridian; magnetic declination Basic topographic set of Indochina; extremely detailed In French File copy, Library, MS, Mil No. 2L 3-33-35301-100 File spy, Sy Branch, CIA, Oall No. H.501-33, 5C01135 Fatteme3y detailed; File copy, Library, MS, taken &a Map 23, Call IS. 2L but omits some de- 23-30-83030-103 tail; a few sheets File copy, Nap Branch, are later in date CIA, 6111 Nos.: H501-33 than corresponding 500107 and 29407 sheets of map 23, but bear few changes Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 COVERAGE SCALE rUSLISGER AND DATE RAILROAD DATA TITLE 25. Transportation Facilities of Northern French Indo-China (index map and seven over- lays), from Transportation Facilities of gorthern French Indo-China, Special P/ Report No. 40 Alto listed in Section II 26. Supplement to Transportation Facilities of Northern French Indo-Chine (three naps), from StilloPlement to Transportation Facilities of Northern French Indo- China, Special PI Report No. 40 Also listed in Section II 27. Railroad A Highway Bridges. Hanoi to Tourane (index map and eight overlays), from Railroad Fr Highway Bridges from Bono: to Tourisme, F.I.C., Special PI Report No. 43 Also listed in Section II 28. [Elevation profiles] a. Hanoi - ga Chan b. Hanoi Vinh c. Vinh - Dong Ha d. Dong Ha - Toucan, e. Tourane - Nha Trang f. Tourchas - Dalat 2. Muong Man - Phan Thlet h. riga Ba - Ba mgoi i. Saigon - my Tho j. Ben Dong So - Loc Minh k. phis.= Penh - purist 29. cTrack and yard diagrams], from Indochina. JANIS 70, Chapter VII a. Ole can, rig. vri-ao b. Haiphong, pig. VII-31 c. Pho Moi, rig. WII-32 d. Bien HOC, Pig. VII-37 e. Saigon, Pigs. VII-38, VII-39 30. [Track and yard diagrams. station and terminal dia- grams, and detailed profiles of the Haiphong-Kunming (Yonnan-fu) Lino) Kroll French ma-China, faitroad 211010sedix A. Strategic Rogineering Study 78, Vol. III 1:100.00D 18th PID, Hos., 14th Air Porte 1944 1:100,010 113th PID, Hq3., 14th Air Porte 1945 1:100,CO3 18th P1D, RQs. 14th Air Force 1944 Various: vertical. 1:210- 1:5CO: horizontal, 1:2- 1:10,033,020 Various Various No publisher given No ante given Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board 1945 kllitan Intelligence Divisioe. Office, Oiler of jeerers Railroads Stances Bridges Yards Railroads Stations Bridges Sart Railroads Bridges OTHER DATA Ronde: highways, naute numbers, bridges Roads: Alabama, rude numbers, bridges Roods: Meows, bridges REMARKS Centplled flon photo- graphs; adds little to Inter:lel teted by other 1110e7C00 Maps , very clear ill in 0750 Revisions of three overlays Included in item 25 51117510751 0:spileel Prism aerial photo- tman; adds itle to material presented by other 1:1C0,003 maps; eery clear fliflICifl AVAILABILITY (3.. In coantIty) Par East Division, Office of International Trade, Departsent of 0:amerce Pile copy (raps only, t:flete set) ME .171o. Fr. Inks-0)6a (1).S), 8210-AA7-1Q0/2. (filed with Cantidentlal maps) Pile copy (photocopy of maps only incomplete eet, originals or acme sheets), Map Branch, CIA Call No. F[501e-32, Ise& Par East Division, Office of international Trade, Departsent of Comlerce Pilo cePY II mop only/. Map Branch CM tail No. NZOls.52. locco Per Duet Division, Office of International Trade, Department of rwaurce Pile copy limps ail:), MG. 611 No. Pr. Imo-china (AS) S25-Aele-1C0 (flied with Confidential raps) Railroads: elevation profiles Stations Bridges Railroad facilities Distances Slopes Miry, data Relief: profiles ard elevations Engineering dis- arm extremely detailed In trench rile copies Copies) Map Ca Call Nos: a. le-25 b. a-25 c. 0. 10.131a-25 o. H506-25 f. Hla..25 aid H5Olia-25, g. H531?-25 Ii. 13506-25 I. H5010-25 J. 1031c-25 k. 14531b-2.5 (photo.. Branch unattaloged uncataloged taloged tincataloged tines tsloged 20 once= tmca 14902 14951 13ID3 -19- Railroads Pacilities Wines* elevation profiles of lines Station Bridges, ?Sublets Pacilitles Distances On data Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Locational insets 113flICIII LB/R State Call Ito.olohseoeAo Sone parte In LR/II, State, Call No. others in - 54E183 ?Tench 8117210180 C Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 IV. AIR TRANSPORT MAPS Before and during World gar II, a large number of airfields were in operation in Indochina. Important cities were served by well-equipped airports, and over 100 landing fields were scattered throughout the country. Since the end of the war, however, many of the fields have been abandoned because of the Scarcity of equipment and the disruptive influence of the French-Vietnamese con- flict. At present Air Prance operates several flights from Saigon to other parts of the world, and a few other international lines have begun to offer similar services. Air Prance has also started to schedule a few domestic flights between major towns controlled by the French, such as Hanoi, Phnom Penh, Tourane, and Dalai. The only other air travel consists of unscheduled survey flights by foreign lines, and of flights associated with snail-scale military opera- tions. Many of the available air transport tape were rade during the 'Cr and are now considerably out-of-date. The most complete and recentair data for Indochina appear on the 1:1.CCO,00O operational charts published by the Aeronautical Chart Service, US Air Force (Hap 7 below). Additional recent and reliable information can be found on Map 2, the 1:5,000,000 ACS planning chart covering Indochina; and in Items 11 and 12, which contain the best apprcech and landing charts for the area. Several other rape are also useful but must be used with caution because ouch of the aeronautical intonation is obsolete. Of these, 9 and 10 are operational rape at 1:500,000 and 1:250.003 and 3 and 5 are naeful bathes planning charts and as long-range navi- gation charts. Map 4, which classifies airfields according to their military plans capacity, Is useful for strategic planning. Air navigation data on most of the preceding rays are re- vised periodically. Besides operational and planning charts, there are several other informative maps of air transport in Indochina. Map 1 shows rain routes scrods Indochina and gives distances between pointe. The extent of pre-World War II air transport is excellently illustrated by Map 6. On Map 8, the terrain of Indochina is classified according to suitability for the construction of airfields. The retraining four items 113, 14. 15, ani 161 are collections of airfield saps. TITLE COVERAGE SCALE MUSSER AID DATE I. Route Index, Southeast Asia, from US Air Force Pilot's ialedhook, Southeast Asia. frontispiece. 1:17,0:0,000 2. Aeronautical Planning Chart,, 1:5,CO3,000 Thailand Sheet 3. Long Range Air Navigation Charts ?. LR-17 - Yellow Bea b. LR-38 - Bengal 4. Operational Airfield Maps a. 01I-995 b. 614-1 C. 1615 - 1015 5, Air Navigation Charts ?. 790-28 b. V30-41 c. 730-42 1:3.CCO.000 1:3.000.000 2.2,iee.EW Aeronautical Chart Service, UEUJ 1947 aeronautical Chart Service, MAP Base, 1944; air overprint, 1947 serene:nice" Chart service, USAF' a. 1947 b. 1944 Office of Assistant Chief of Air staff, intelligence S. 1945 b. 1943 c. 1947 LIS nrograptLic Office a. b. 1943 C. 1946 - 3D - AIR TRIVISPORT DATA Airfields: major, supple- seaters Ratites Distances Airfields and facilities: detailed classification Airfields and facilities: detailed c/assificatito Airfields: classified according to types of Mill tar] Wan that can be actoS Airfields and flacilities: detailed classification Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 OMR DATA RENAMES Roads: 2 classes Railroads Calms Tann,- 4 classes Relief; layer tints, not beighta isognsic lines 6d:trestle ilmiefla Best single-sheet matgeatain Inas- eh airfields; ether ib net of unneport gener- alized and inctsclete AVAILABILITY (0???Itt maantItT) Carer/ ARS, Dec. _SO oleos I)- MS (authorized pence= only) 0- 4a3 Railroads Shoes =Oar tar- 0 - ars Tows: 4 classes fields Relief; layer tints, contours, spot heliats laogcnic sines Ititin tants Relief: contours, spat heiptit Isogonic lines Air data overprinted I) - Intelligence, LEAP On subdued Guilin* = igi7cludes field.' good for strategic planning 001IIDIIIIIL Sheets major air- Q - RIa fields; tioad /Dr celestial navigation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TI TIE Infrastructure Aerienne de l'Indochine COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE AIR TRANSPORT DATA 1:2,C00,000 Cute from Grovernement Central Airfields: 7 classes, de 11Indochine, Bureau de dimensions is Navigation Aerienne; Routes: International with published 'ay Service names of companies: &nestle Meographique de l'Indcchire Cca. 19q53 OTHER DATA No coordinates REMARKS AVAILABILITY i?antIty) Good presentation Pile C0107, Library, of pre-World War ANS Call No. 21. II air transport 1-2&5-35371-2030 lb French 7. World Aeronautical Charts (AF Regional) 111 sheets) See index map, pig. 2 Also listed in Sections I. II. III. and V 1:1.CCO,CO3 Aeronautical Chart Service, Airfields and facilities: MAP detailed classification Various dates: 1943-1948 Roads: 3 classes route mothers, road bridges and tunnels Railroads, railroad bridges and ttmnels Canals woven/us trams: 6 classes Relief: contours or fern lines slayer tints, spot height Isogonic lines Sneerer= other cultural, gbyrZhirantric, and topo- c features Beet reerationa.1 maps Indo-China, Suitability of Country for Rapid Con- struction of Airfields a. Sheet 1 - North b. Sheet 3 - South 1:1,COD,CCO Careen Britain] Inter- Service Topographical jErrtment 15 types of land class-. "fixations according to suitability for rapid construction of airfields Railroads Nanerous tarns Relief: spot heights Province boundaries Overprint on CCM Sheet I, Halted 4555 (see Section distribution, 14ap II, Map 24) without Branch, CIA, Call No. roads, contours, H503 ^, layer tints t 3, fifers Inc5olo- AS31SICIO Ins: ?logy, 10-- grapey on Clawate; ER Sc'?. ISM, 1945, D.ot.; available in Rap Brench,a"CIA, uncataloged 9. AF Pilotage Charts (AP Sec- tional) (24 sheets, 14 available) See index eels, rig. 4 Also listed in Sections I, II, III, and V 10. AF Aeronautical Approach Charts (70 sheets, 59 available) See index map, Pig. 7 Also listed in Sections 1, It M. and V 1:5CO,CO3 Aeronautical than Service, Airfields and facilities detailed classification Vallgus dates: 1945-1945 (no louder revised currently) 1:250,003 Aeronautical than Service, airfields and facilities: USAF detailed classificatico Various dates: 1943-1945 (no longer revised currently) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Roads: 3 classes routes numbers, road bridges and tunnels Railroads, railroad bridges and tunnels Canals Numerous towns: 5 classes Relief: contours, fora lines, or hachures: layer tints spot heights IScrganic lines Matrons other cultural, Rhin, and taro- irradprralgaTeatures Bon: 9 claases rade numbers, road bridges and demist Railroads, railroad bridges and tunnels Onals Matrons towns;,6 classes Relief: cantours, fora liras, or hachures; layer tints, spat heights Isogonic lines Ninerous other cultural, =MLc, sod topo- atures Operation' maps Q - Ars Cperstiaial Bala Q - gag Declassified Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TIRE 11. Approach and Landing Charts, from ILI Air forma Fitt's Fassiloch. Southeast tie 12. Approach and Landing Char a. froa Sim/foyers -Basiloo - hat font Plying feat lout Boob 13. Guide Marian 14. C.Airphotos of airfields), from faclockima. JANIS 70, Chapter XI/ 15. CAirphotos of airfields], fret Gulf of Tonkin Area, French Ito Chino, Objective Data Annex is. 011aps of airfielda]. from French Indo-China and Siam, Publication No. 3, Parts I and II. COTERAIE SCALE 111111.11REI CID DATE AIR 888888 DATA OTHER DATA RENASIS AVAILIOILITY asantIty) 1X2V,1,_ Asrceautical Chart Service, Airfields.% artapproach and IBM larding chi ? Ncet recent and Liena reliable airfield t't liaMiuour Varloc? dates: 1246-1947 cci=li ail sua . thrsed e varthrtaioue: wiz the sin airfields sham; 1:31).000- tat 1:40,00D tatergfacilitier of fThttalD Varian: tritish wersaaa Ainnond Seaplane been; approach sal =each Corps-RU=1 landing charts Various dates: 1940-1947 1:250.6C0- iegfars3: charts, 1: l:0. Moalitbl racichmtnds o a [a3rm?. a, Copy lb, reae artf 3 ? See min seaplane tests not covered in SUNS; SCOM, Sties Vaned.: Onnerriesent Stara de Airflaidmitarternsach are ? Very clear' out- 1:10,0:0- I'DOSochUte airport dated, but carer@ 1:500,COD 1930 resents alrfleIda, Including nay for reacts no other mane are available In Theaxh Various Library, 11)13, Call Ito. ISOM, I4C94 esomecetto eirphatom of fields 1.11/R. State Call No. _ Joint Intelligence Study . fly in Vallti/ Thblishing Board free excellen to 1945 Atanrcefita? tad: poor; ? few are the only available sage of the fields sho.m? Licag;trgstair de- afgflICIED various: excellent chorea, ca. 1:10,CCO 112.4t Allied Air Threes, ,'PA Airfields: are tecl air- arterially .c_ a. 1:CO,CCO photosUoaafl3flICf ID Various South-east Asia Translation Airfields: airport saps and Interrogation Center 1064 - 22 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Numerous fields shoat; %coos- panyIng descrip- tions; an of the saps are crude, sal ira? curate, but ? few ere the only available fieldsmisLtr of the fields 113:11C fn DOR, State, Call No. CID Inc I' SUR State Call No. m,k341) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 V. INLAND WATERWAYS NAPS Indochina' s dense network of navigable waterways normally carries much carmerce, but such traf- fic has been greatly curtailed during the last. few years. meny canals have been destroyed orare badly in need of dredging, andmost other waterways are used infrequently because military con- voys are necessary. Available maps give a good picture of the arteries that were navigable in peacetime, but they do not indicate the current situation. The maps listed in this section are of three types: Ill maps showing the navigability of the inland waterways for the countryas a whole, (2) more detailed maps showing the navigability of the inland waterways for parts of the country, and (3) topographic set maps that were not designed specifically to show navigation but indicate the relationship of the drainage pattern to other geographic features, such as relief, roads, railroads, or towns. Of the five maps covering all of Indochina, Map 1 is the only single-sheet map giving a detailed classification of waterways. Information on navigability given on Map 4 supplements that on Map 1 by showing the needs of navigation for junks. Maps 2 and 3 indicate periods of high and low water in streams. Larger-scale coverage of the navigable waterways of Indochina is provided by Map 10, an 18-sheet set. Detailed coverage of the navigable waterways of Indochinais adequate. Although most of the maps show only Tonkin or Cochinchine, they include the two important delta areas, where the role of inland waterways is of outstanding significance. Detail on navigability is available for a large portion of the canals of the country on the 1:100.000 topographic sets, Maps 27 and 28. Twelve of the maps listed give details on waterways of northern Indochina only. Maps 5, 13, and 16, cover large areas and show a number of classes of waterways. To some extent, they duplicate each other but each has unique features. Map 14 outlines clearly the principal water- ways of Tonkin. Of the three maps of the Tonkin delta, Map 18 provides the most information but is the least easily available and the most difficult Louse; Map 8 is the most easily avail- able; andMap 22 presents slightly more detail on stream pattern than Map 8 but in other respects is less detailed. Map 17 covers only the Red River. Several important coastal areas are cov- ered by Item 29, and Item 30 includes large-scale sketches of small stretches of the rivers of Tonkin. Maps 7 and 19 present supplementary material on northern Indochina, showing the effect of flood conditions on water transport, and the types of ships in use. Of the maps covering Cochinchine, Map 9 is a clear and comprehensive single-sheet map. Map 25 presents more detailed information on principal, secondary, and tertiary canals. Map 20 should be consulted only if an exhaustive study of the area is being undertaken, since i t is difficult to use and- contains little information not available elsewhere. The two main obstacles to transport on the Mekong, the Kemmarat Rapids and the Chutes de Khone, are shown on Maps 6 and 26, respectively. French hydrographic charts are also available for both the lower Mekong River and parts of the Tonkin delta (see Section VI). Maps similar to Items 5, 13, 17, 18, and 29, covering southern Indochina, appear in Military Tofickgraphical Study of Southern Indochina, Japanese Southern Army, General Headquarters, August 1944. The origins/ and an English translation are available in Foreign Documents Branch, CIA (Doc. 158698 and Translation 148 CONFIDENTIAL). The remaining maps, 11, 12. 15, 21, 23, 24, are topographic sets at scales of from 1:1,000.000 to 1:250,0W. Topographic coverage of parts of Indochina at 1:25.000 is also available in the Map Branch, CIA, and in the Library, Any Map Service. 117LE I . Indochina Waterways COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE 1:9,030.COD INLAND WATERWAYS DATA OSS 8103 Inland waterways: 1945 navigable up to 3 ft. draft during low water, navigable up to 3 ft. draft daring high water, other navigable streams, rivers not navigable or naviga- ble only by small craft OTHER DATA REMARKS Ocean waterways: Only single-sheet, routes over-all picture: Major and minor insets of' ports Tonkin and Cochinchine areas (see Maps 8 and 91 HIS fRICIID AVAILABILITY (Q... In quantity) Q- Map Branch, CIA 2. Indochina, Periods of Nigh Water in Streams, from Indochina, JANIS 70, Chapter I, Fig. 1-23 1:5,520,CCO Joint intelligence 5tud Publishing Boa 1945 Areas of high water in fall, areas of high water in rammer (months indicated for both/ Detailed stress network Meterorlogical stations, periods of maximum precipitation (manths -indicated) RILYIRICY ID LFt/R, State, Call No. 910/73306/70 Negat,tves available in Map Branch, CIA 3. Indochina, Periods of Low Water in Streams, from Indochina, JANIS 70, Chapter Fig. 1-24 1:5,520,C00 Joint Intelli- gence Study Publishing Board 1945 - 23 - Areas of low water in winter, areas of low water in spring, areas of low water in winter and spring (ronths indicated for each) Detailed stress network Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Meteorological stations periods of minimum precipitation (months indicated) MIRIC1 SD LR/R State Cali. No. 910/Z3900/70 Negatives available in Map Branch, CIA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE Indochina, River Barriers, from Indochina, JANIS 70, Chapter I, Fig. 1-25. Al so Listed in Section // COVERAGE SCALE 1:5,530.1:00 PUBLISHER AND DATE Joint Intellig- ence Study Publishing Board 1945 INLAND WATERWAYS DATA Heads of navigation for junks Detailed stress network OTHER DATA Rivers not fordable at low water, rivers possibly fordable in low water REMARKS 118.5111Cfill AVAILABILITY (0...In quantity) [JUR, State, Call No. 910/Z330C/70 Negatives available in Nap Branch, CIA 5. Navigable Waterways of Northern French Indochina, from Military Topo- graphical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. III, Map 16 6. Radicles de Kemmarat, inset on Le Mekong CS 1905 1:2,C00,C00 Japanese Southern Army, General HeadquarterAl 1944 1:2.000.000 No publisher 1E;en Main waterways: navigable for boats larger than IDO tons, navigable for boats of -0-1C0 tons, navigable for boats of 33-a) tons, navigable for boats of 10-30 tons, navigable for boats smaller than ID tons Navigation conditions at low, medium, and high water Roads: selected No coordinates No coordinates Somewhat rough, but legible; annotations give detailed des- cription of features shown In Japanese, with English trans- lation 00IIIDNI7141 111 French Foreign Documents Branch, CIA, roc. 1M4887 (original) and Translation 78 File copy, Map Branch, CIA, Call No. HN)1-14, 32909 7. Flood Conditions During Rainy Season in North- ern French Indochina, from Military Topo- graphical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. Man 4 A iso listed in Sections I and // 1:1.530.0O3 Japanese Southern Anny, General Headquarters 1944 Navigability of water- ways during rainy season Area flooded more than 1m., area flooded less than 1 m. and more than 30 cm., area flooded less than 33 on. specific depths in selected lotalities Use of highways during rainy season In Japanese, with English trans- lation Translated over- print on untrans- lated base; over- print somewhat roughly drafted, but legible co:lass:In Foreign Documents Branch, CIA, Dec. 158097 (original) and Translation 78 a. Indochina Waterways, Tonkin Area, inset on Indochina Waterways (Map 1) 1:1,440,003 OSS 0103 1945 Inland waterways: navigable for ocean vessels, navigable for steamers (all seasons), navigable for Junks and sampans Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 RI31810171) 0-? Map Branch, CIA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 9 . Indochina Waterways, Cochinchine Area, inset on Indochina Water- ways (Map 1) COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE INLAND WATERWAYS DATA 1: 1.4C, OSS 8103 Natural waterways: (a) 1945 navigable for vessels up to 19 ft. draft, (0) 2.5 m. deep and 405. wide, lei 1.5 m. deep and 18 - 20 In. wide, Id) not navigable or navigable only for ,all craft Canals: principal, secondary OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY (4.. In quantity) - Map Branch, CIA 1U32111C17D Similar maps in: a. L'Union Indo- chinoise Frcutfaase aro Indochina Orientate, A. Agard, Hanoi, 1935, pp. 111 and 277; LC, Call No, MC 442, .10 b. French Civil Affairs Handbook, Sections 11 & 12, p. 40; LW, State, Call No. B.360.59 R702.5 c. BR 510, British Admiralty Naval Intelligence Division, 1943, p. 440; LR/R, State, Gall No. B910/I419 I 0. Indochina, from Atlas de llIndochine, sheets 20-41 1:1,000.030 Service Rivers navigable by steam- Roads Gdographieue de boats, rivers navigable Railroads 1' Indochina by sampans, rivers not Numerous towns: 0 1920 navigable. classes Relief: shading, spot heights Province boundaries In French Mao Branch CIA, Call No. Si I 1 . Asia 1:1,000,000 (lo sheets) See index map, pig. 1 Al so listed in Sections II.and III 1:1,C00 .000 AMS 1301 Various dates: 1942-1WI5 Detailed Roads: 3 classes, Detailed; hydrographic bridges and tunnels little choice be- pattern Railroads, stations, tween this and railroad bridges and tunnels Map 12 Numerous towns: 3 classes Relief: layer tints, contours, spot heights Isogonic lines Numerous other cultural and topographic features ME I 2. World Aeronautical Charts (AF Regional) (11 sheets) See index map, rig. 2 Also listed in Sections I, II.III and IF 1:1,COD.CCO freranautical Chart Service, USAF Various dates: 1943-1948 Detailed Airfields and facilities: Detailed; hydrographic detailed classification little choice pattern Roads: 3 classes, between this and route numbers, road Map 11 bridges and tunnels Railroads, railroad bridges and tunnels Numerous towns: 8 classes Relief: contours or form lines, layer tints, spot heights Isogonic lines Numerous other cultural and topographic features - I 3. Rivers (Waterways) of Northern French Indo- China, from Military Tohograhhical Study of Northern French Indo- Vilna, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Jap- anese original, Vol. III, Map 3 Japanese Southern Army. General Headquarters 1904 - 25 - Detailed description of navigability of rivers Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Detailed description of areas bordering waterways No coordinates Somewhat rough drafting, tut legible; accom- panying text In Japanese, with English transla- tion C0117011f1.11 %reign Doomients Branch, CIA, Dec. 1-930&7 (original)a and aation 78 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 14. TITLE Principal Waterway, of Tonkin, from Indo-China. Guide to the Navigation of the Rivers of Tonkin, Fig. 1 COVERAGE SCALE 1:1,C00,CCO PUBLISHER AND [Great Britain:, Inter-Service Topographical Dep1945artment DATE 7.4-9 ale"1"r 4 MILANO WATERWAYS DATA OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY (Q...In quantity) Principal waterways No coordinates Very clearly Library, ANS, . and their names drawn Doc. 5D 20,072 RESITICIED IS. AF Pilotage Charts (AP Sectional) (24 sheets, 14 available) See index map, Fig. 4 Also listed in Sections II III and IF 16. Carte Schematigue den Communications de PIndo- chine Septentrionale (4 sheets) 17. The Red River, from Military Topographical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. I, Map 2 la. Waterways in Indochina's Red River Delta, from Military Topographical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. I, Map 101 ? 1:5CO,C00 1:500,000 Aeronautical Chart Service, USAF Various dates: 1945-1946 Service Geographique de l'Indochine 1923 Detailed hydzographl c pattern Rivers: navigable by launch, navigable by launch at high water only, navigable by sampan, not navigable Airfields and Detailed 0 - aDi facilities: detailed classification Roads: 3 classes, route meters, road bridges and tunnels Railroads, railroad bridges and turmels Numerous towns: 0 classes Relief: contours, fon" lines, or hauchures. layer tints, spot heights Isogcatic Ines Numerous other cultural and topographic features Fbads, ferries Railroads thalamus towns: 5 classes Relief: layer tints Province boundaries In French File copy, Library, MS.Call No. 5..Z 1--35)0l-5W File copy (photo- eery) Map Branch, CIA ball No. Hwi-32, 12349 1:5C0,01Z0 Japanese Southern Detailed description Roads Somewhat rough Foreign Documents AMY, General of navigability of Railroads drafting, but Branch CIA, Headquarters river No coordinates legible: Doc. leeei 1944 accompanying text (original) and In Japanese, with Translation '78 English trans- lation COIVIDIMAL 1:530,030 Japanese Southern Army, General Headquarters 1944 -26- Waterways: depths of 0.00 an., 0.90 an., 1.80 on., and less than 0.00 cm.at high water; details of navigability Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 No coordinates Sanewhat mit% Foreign Documents drafting, but Brand, CIA, legible Doc. 1&3067 In Japanese, with ( ori ginal ) and English transla- Translation 76 tion CON,FIONIIIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE IS . North Indochina Marine Transportation and Transport Ships, from Mi I itary Toyograyhical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. 1, map 102 Also listed in Section VI COVERAGE SCA LE 1:ax.cco PUBLISH* AND DATE Japanese Southern Array, General. Headquarters 1044 INLAND WATERWAYS DATA Ships operating Oven various towns Marginal tables: vessels in marine transport (number, tonnage, types); types of river vessels (tonnage, length, width, draught, speed) OTHER DATA No coordinates REMARKS Somewhat lough drafting, but legible In Japanese, with English trans- lation 001710111111 AVAILABILITY qu?ntIty) Foreign Documents Branch., CIA, Dec. 158637 (original) and Translation 78 20. Cochinchlne, Sud -Anna., et ?Artie du Cambodge, Carte (conomique .1:300.M0 Cceplied by the Directionedes Affaires Eoon- ?unique; Printed by thp;therie d'Extreme-Orient, Hanoi 1929 Rivers: navigable by small boats all year, navigable by small boats part. of eat; Roads Railroads Province boundaries Land use Very difficult to read: gives sate waterways detail not available on other maps In French Mr?flm Map Branch, item 4 21. Carte Routiite de Ilindochine (25 sheets) See index map, Fig. 5 Also listed in Sections 1, //, and III 1:4CO,C00 Secvice Ctographique de l'Indochine: reprinted by the Institut Geographique National, [Paris], and the Japanese Army, General Staff Various dates: 1933-1945 Detailed hydrographic patterr, including major and minor canals Roads: detailed classification, distances, route numbers, road bridges, ferries Railroads, stations, railroad bridges, tunnels thmterous towns: 4 classes Relief: contours, shading or hachures, spot heights Province boundaries Numerous other cultural features Coordinates in grads, longitude based on Paris meridian Clearly drawn, detailed set The legend is in many cases split between adjoining sheets; road classification less detailed on IGJ than on SGI set; Japanese re- print is poor and Is mentioned only because SG! sheets for same of the areas are not in Map Branch, CIA In French; 1(21 reprint adds English legend; Japanese reprint adds Japanese legend File copies, Hap Branch, CIA, all Nos.: Sc! set, (1531-28, 2865: IGN sett H501-28, 22433; Japanese set, uncatalogued File copies, Library, MIS, ay. Nos.: MI and IGN seat_ 2L 3-2E-35001-400; Japanesiget;532L 3-M-3 22. Principal Waterways of Tonkin, from Indo-China, Guide to the Navigation of the Rivers of Tonkin. Fig. 2 1:430,000 CGreat Britala Inter-Service Topographical Department 1945 Principal waterway, and their names No coordinates Very clearly draw. Libratli, ANS, RISPRIC170 Dec. 5D 20,092 23. Indo-China 1:253,440 (99 sheets almost all available,) Border sheets included Iron adjoining AMS sets; see index map, Fig. 8 Also listed in Sections I. II, and III 1:253.440 AMS I.534 (Reprint of HIND 1081) Various dates: 1942-1947 - 27 - Detailed hydrographic pattern Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Roads: 5 classes distances colonial route numbers, road bridges Railroads, tramways, stations, railroad bridges Numerous towns Relief: contours, form lines, spot heights Province boundaries Numerous other cultu- ral and topographic features British military grid; magnetic declination Detailed; little choice between this and Hap 24 RISTRICITO -MIS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 24. AF Aeronautical Approach Charts (70 sheets, 59 available) See index map, Fig. 7 Also listed in Sections I, II, III and IV COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE 1: 219,030 Aeronautical Chart Service, USAF Various dates: 1943-1948 INLAND WATERWAYS DATA Detailed hydrographic pattern OTHER DATA Airfields and facili- ties: detailed classification Roads: 3 classes, route numbers, road bridges and tunnels Railroads, railroad bridges and tunnels Numerous Downs: 8 classes Relief: contours, form lines or hachures; layer tints, spot ',eights Isogonic lines Numerous other cultural and' topographic features RENANAb Detailed; little choice between this and Map 23 AVAitAtIlLITY (Q... In quantity) 0 - 25. Carte de la Cochinchine Administrative ie pieces) 26. The Falls of the Me-Khone, at non, from Indochine du Sud, Guides Madrolle, p. 170 27. Carte de l'Indochine (about 450 half-sheets, almost 300 available) Also listed in Sections I. II. and III 28. Indo-China 1:100,000 (about 450 half-sheets, approximately 250 available) Also listed in Sections I, II. and III 1:2CO,C00 Service du Cadastre de Cochinchine 1931 1:125. COO 1:103.030 Societe &Editions Gdographiques, Maritimes et Colordales, Paris, 1939 Service Geographigie de l'Indochine Various dates: 1399-1944 Almost half are 1940 or later; about one-third are 1930-39; very few are pre-1925 Most of the more recent sheets are available only at MIS ' 1:1CO,C00 HIND 1CCO Various dates: 1942-1245 -28- Canals: principal, secondary, tertiary Falls Detailed hydrographic pattern, including waterfalls, rapids, dams Canals: navigable, Irrigation; locks Detailed hydrographic earaitates7 navigable, irrigation Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Roads: 3 classes, route numbers Railroads Towns: several administrative classes Relief: hachures for peaks only Province, canton, and village boundaries No coordinates Roads Railroads No coordinates Roads: 5 classes; several classes of road bridges; ferries, fords Railroads, tramways, stations, railroad bridges Ntmerous towns: 5 classes Relief: contours or hachures, shading, spot heights Province boundaries Numerous other cultural and topographic features Coordinates in grads, longitude based on Paris meridian Roads: 4 classes, road bridges Railroads, tramways, railroad bridges Numerous towns Relief: contours or hachures, spot heights Province boundaries Numerous other cul- tural and topographic features British military grid; geographic coordinates in rads, longitude based on Paris meridian; geographic coordinate stubs in degrees, longitude based on Greenwich meridian; magnetic declination In French Shows one of the worst obstacles to river trans- port on the Mekong In French Basic toponVphic set of I china; extremely detailed In French Extremely detailed: taken frac) Map 33, but not all detail ircluded: a few sheets are later in date than corresponding sheets of Map 20 but bear few changes File ?goy. Library, ANS Call No. 32L i-a5-3532e-zoo Map Branch CIA Call No. ts 52.1/2 Pile copy, Library AMS Call No. FL 3-35-35001-100 File copy, Map Library, CIA, Call No. H501-30, 500108 File copy, Library, ANS, Coll No. 2L 23-30-83000-1C0 File co_py, Map Branch, CIA, Call Nos.: 1001-30, 50010/ and 24407 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE 29. cMaps of landing areasp, from Military Topographical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original, Vol. 1 a. Mon Cay, Map 3 b. Ha Cot, Map 4 C. Tien Yen, Map 5 d. Cam Pha, Map e. Non Gay, Map 7 f. Diem Dien, Map 8 g. Pha Diem CPhu Went], Map 9 Sam Son, Hap 10 COVERAGE SCALE 1:100,COD PUBLISHER AND DATE Japanese Southern Army, General Headquarters 1944 INLAND WATERWAYS DATA Detailed description of navigability of waterways OTHER DATA Detailed description of military geography of areas No coordinates REMARKS Somewhat rough drafting, but legible In Japanese, with English trans- lation C017101111IL AVAILABILITY qu?stity) Foreign Documents Branch aA, Dec. 1b28/37 (original) and Translation 78 30. CSketch maps, from Indo- China, Guide to the Navigation of the. Rivers of Tonkin :ca. 1:25,020: CGreat Britain, Inter-Service Ibpographical iit?partment Various dates: 1931-1935 Small sections of the rivers of Tonkin: charnels rocks, other outstanding features, bridges and their dimensions, depths, detailed descriptions of navigability Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 9cetchy, but infor- mation is avail- able nowhere else; accompanying text Maps ill French; accompanying text in English 2131RICZED Library, AMS, Dec. 5D 20,072 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 VI. OCEAN WATERWAYS MAPS Maps of ocean waterways are limited chiefly to hydrographic charts published by official agencies. The charts for Indochina are in general reliable, and the entire coastline and the lower reaches or the Mekong River are covered by charts at various scales. Detailed large-scale charts have been published for important ports and bays. Like most hydrographic charts, those for Indochina give soundings, bathymetric lines, tide and current data, navigational aids and hazards, and coastal features. Topographic features, including important landmarks visible from the sea, are shown for a narrow strip of land bordering the coastline. The most useful of the nautical charts on Indochina are those published by France and by the United States. Index maps for the charts of both series are appended. The charts are not described individ- ually because all follow the standard pattern. The nautical charts of the French Service Hydrographique delaMarine are the basic charts on Indochina. They offer the most detailed coverage (see index map, Fig. 9), and are the prin- cipal source of data for hydrographic charts produced by other countries. Although some are dated as early as 1867, over half of the French charts have been published since 1925. About 15 percent were published before 1900, and about 20 percent since 1940. A complete file of the French charts is maintained in the Division of Maritime Security, U.S. Hydrographic Office. The titles, dates, and scales of the charts are listed in Catalogue des Cartes. Plans et Ouurages (Service Hydrographique de la Marine, Paris, 1945), which is available in the Map Library. CIA, as well as at the U.S. Hydrographic Office. The U.S. Hydrographic Office has constructed its own editions of about half of the French charts on Indochina. For coverages, scales, and dates, see index map, Fig. 8. Although based on the French surveys, Most of the USHO charts have been brought up-to-date from mariners' notices and intelligence reports. The few single-sheet maps listed below include a variety of general information on ports, routes, distances, and types of ships in operation, as well as some details on tidal currents and port facilities. Additional material on harbors and port facilities appears in Military Togograghical Study of Southern Indochina, Japanese Southern Army, leneral Headquarters, August. 1944. The original and an English translation are available in the Foreign Documents Brancn, CIA (Doc. 158688 and Translation 148 CONFIDE:7177AL). TITLE COVERAGE SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE The Ports of Indo-China, from lade-Chins, BR 510, Fig. 121, 2. 37 1:10.000,CCO [British Admiralty], Naval Intelligence Division 1943 (information as of 1928) OCEAN WATERWAYS DATA OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY Major and minor ports 111/R, State, No. RISTRICTED 0910/141G 2. Indochina, Ports and Landings, from Indochina, JANIS 70, Chapter I, Fig. 1-31 1:5,530,000 Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board 1945 Primary ports, secondary IR/R, State, Call No. ports, other landing points RISIRICSID 910/Z3305/70 Negatives available at Map Library, CIA 3 Burma, Malaya, and Indo-China A 1 to listed in Section 1 4 . Harbors of Northern French Indochina from Military Tohomrahhical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 7B and Japanese original, Vol. III, Map 1:4,000,000 the Edinburgh Geographical Institute; John Bartholomew & Son 1942 1:1,500,000 Japanese South- ern Army, General Head- lrers - 30 - Ocean waterways: mutes Roads File copy, Map ch and distances Railroads CIA, Call No. Numerous towns H531-23 32827 Relief: layer tints Harbors; descriptive details given for some Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Roads Railroads No coordinates Somewhat rough Floreign Docunents drafting, but Branch, CIA, legible Doc. 153807 In Japanese, (original) and with English Translation 713 translation COIPIACIIIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 TITLE COVERAGE North Indochina Marine Trans- portation and Transport sops. from Military ToOofroehical Study of Northern French Indochina, Documents Branch Translation 78 and Japanese original. Vol. 1. Map 102 /Ilya listed in Section V SCALE PUBLISHER AND DATE OCEAN WATERWAYS DATA OTHER DATA REMARKS AVAILABILITY 1:500.000 Japanese Southern Mror, C'nentl Headquarters 1944 Ships operating from various tains Marginal tables: vessels in note transport (flambee, touaRe. typed ) types of river vessels (tonnage, length, width, draught. speed) No coordinates Son.-w. hat. rough drafting, but legible In Japanese, with English trans- lation COSIZO LLLLLL Foreign Da-yenta Branch. C:A. Doc. 150307 (original) and Translation 7b 6. Maps of port facilities, from French Indo-China, Port and Terminal Facilities, Strategic Engineering Study 78, Vol. 5, Sec. I Various: Military Intelligence Section, Port facilities: lighthouses, ? Accrapan.Ving text, Library. OS. Doc. 1:5,CO3 - ? Office, Chief of DMIDaere docks, depths, bridOs. etc. plotographs, dim- 3052 1:4CO.CCO 1943 gran ILYINICIID 7. Tidal Currents, from Indochina. JANIS 70, Chapter III a. Southwest and Southeast Coasts of Indochina, Pig. 111-10 b. Northeast Coast of Indochina, Pig. 111-11 C. Approaches to Haiphong, Pig. 111-12 d. Archipel des Pal Psi Long, pig. 111-13 e. Ile de Ke Bao to Ile Du meraftint, pig. 111-14 1:3.t0.0:0 Joint Intell;ogzzie Study b. 1: Publishing c. 1:203.003 1945 d. 1:345.0:0 e. 1:590.0O3 Details on tidal currents of important areas ? Data given by 1R/R. State Call No. tables keyed to 913/70800/170 locational syabols on outline maps SLMOICIED B. [Maps and photographs of port facilities] from Indochina, JANIS 70, Chapter VI Various Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board 1945 -31- Port facilities: mamas detailed zaps and photo* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Major ports covered. . State. Call No. accompanying Wxt 910/Z330S/70 ILITRICITO Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ACS AMS BR Aeronautical Chart Service Army Map Service Book of Reference [Great Britain] CIA Central Intelligence Agency FEA Foreign Economic Administration GSGS Geographic Section, General Staff [Great Britain] HIND Directorate of Military Survey, India [(Treat Britain] HO Hydrographic Office ID4 Inf. Div. Meaning unknown IGN Institut Geographique National [France] LC LR/R, State 140v. & Tn. Div. Inter?Service Topographical Department, [Great Britain] Library of Congress Division of Libraries and Reference Services, Reference, Department of State Meaning unknown OSS Office of Strategic Services PID Photo Intelligence Detachment SACSEA Supreme Allied Command, Southeast Asia SGI Service Geographique de l'Ihdochine SWPA Southwest Pacific Area USAF United States Air Force -32- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 INDOCHINA : SELECTED MAP COVERAGE - 1 ? 1,000,000 ? 10972 98 102 106 110 114 98 102 106 110 ?114 Os 102 106 110 114 I I -I 4 C H I N A I iJj CHI N A 4 l ) ? P C H I',, I A --?. 4 . v.. ?. 1...-1 7 . l i rr\.. ...-1 N? 1 ?.\--1 1929 S 1929 2 rt \ ??) 19? -..rx../.??- 1929 3---- --I 29 1929 i kki el. NF 4-71.L...?.2 i BURMA ,..--- ....-...1 A 1945 c---6 NF 48 ? i,? 41 t GULF OF TONKIN NF 49 of -. ra- 20 5 6 c._... -1 BURMA e r 1945 r"?Le't \ ....s 616 615 6 - GULF OF TONKIN , a 1947 t, ? ---.1 4 ef (..' 5 -- a- 6, ? 9 ' GULF OF TONKIN 194 1945 ly47 1946 1947 1946 o rr. ( Pr 1929 ?---"; L.... 1929 929 1941 1929 ? (I t NE 47 ? \ kV. , , 9-4.... i -, u-- \NE 48 ...) I / HAINAN NE 49 ) \ ? i 677 ;,...? /-11/4'y' \-, .... r \ N.) 617 HAINAN ? \ 1 ( .ti.. 1./. 19 1 1941 I \?,... 1937 1 1941 1929 HAINAN 1941 S JAM A \ IN 1? 5 SOUTFI ' 6 1943 r SIAM 'A ( \ 1947 SOUTR . ? 6 1947 ? ?I) \- L I SOUT 14 16 'ID IC \ ?\ \ \ f.. ( V CHINA SEA ? --k. ? ( v CHINA SEA f 10 SIAM .,, 19 4?.. 1941 N., 11 ?.) 1927 .ra"-*------ y 1941 . 12 1929 1941 CHINA SEA ? N ) ND 48 194 1 4 ND 49 i ? / 738 194 1948 737 1945 1947 2 \ Si r' I) 0 1 14 15 ? ? , 19 / 1939 1937 1937 GULF OF ? : SIAM , _ N 48 . NC 49 ( GULF OF 79 : Ty SIAM _ 739 S. 740 In. . GULF OF t 1?16 : p 1929 ? AM .. . 1.7' 1939 1929 ? 18 1929 .- 1941 0 4115 1944 ? 1947 1945 1947 1945 1947 a .p. ASIA 1:1,000,000?ARMY MAP Fr- Sheet available as of Oct. SERVICE 1301 1947 ,1-. : WORLD AERONAUTICAL r CHARTS-1:1,000,000 U. S. AIR FORCE Chart available as of April 1, 1941 0 . HOU CARTE SW/. ti.10. "4.-.1 Sheet on file in rap 3 M. Mont DE L'INDOCHINE-1:1,000,000. Branch, CIA, 1 Sheet on file intilArm Army Map Service, ???Mtl. ea M. lanymin/ P.w. ?......?,___\ El i .. ..---""*. 2W .4.,/, , ? e ?2E l_ i.o.o.Au a. ri- . ? ? ? t. t...../..3. ., k r . BURMA . 1. 556C -.." 5.--1.\ i L...... , 616D 616C 194 615D . 194 BURMA / "---(7\3W pbe +? is 3E 4 ??? 4W 4' ' 4t GAF. OF TONKIN _ I,.......,--? GULF OF ....r f 6776? ? i 617A ..s------ \ 1945 TONKIN 6176 1946, HAINAN SOUTH ?-v.- 0 -vs 5W2( .-...5E /".."\ %. 6W ..c . i 6E HAINAN . . .. . ,p? (../1 ,..a. \?)IP. CHINA \ \,. -, ) SOUTH 16 Ali, I 677C 617D 1 617C 1945 618D I SEA 1. in r '''-`tbf./. C . , # .. - " CHINA 6 r. c. SIAM l. SIAM 1-6bis 7W\ 7E SEA 738A 1946 / 1946 ( 1945 738B 194 737A 1945 1945. \-. . \ C 4. .7 ? \ . ei k Pr/ \ L 738D r 738C &37D A 5k < "I19.45 7-9E lOW -r10E--- t - 1 1 1945 1945 i941945 1 194E, % %??11.4 . 12 , r 1. . i ? l ? i a / 7996 '0 g 739A 73913frrr 740A _ r i. , ) .f. t ? / .1 . ' c ? 12E 1 ? 13W :iv 13E e ? ? 1945 194 1945 1945 i . %. v. ? GULF OF SIAM I . 739P ,. t;. .: Q GULF OF : SIAM . ' 15W - , 15E ... 1945? - - - -- 0 _ iI PILOTAGE CHARTS 1:500,000 I 0 r DATES OF SHEETS CARTE ROUTIERE DE L'INDOCHINE - 1:400,000 DMONS ON FILE IN MAP BRANCH. C.I.A., EDITIONS ON FILE IN MAP LIBRARY, ARMY MAP SERVICE. MAY I. 1941 MAY I. 1941 '`.--......---_ U. S. AIR FORCE .1-, 1 Chart available as of April 1. 1948 c...--i rz-6 Date of aeronautkal Information MALAYAN UNION 1946 Oath of base \ . SotooOPY 4.4i. Pr- ..,.., (thy.... Nation.. ?9 Ir SorvIc? 1349uspftIqu? Os I 'Indochina ?71 --?...3 Fr mt. the laoselnesethe 1 Annyet Genet& Stan 2 Mt an dated 1945.-1 Dry an Femikally Identical so IND eselarretterwrth a I moiShcabans. D MAYAYAN UNION 2. The Jamul Army Goias, Ste 4?1 is 41940 reprIM ol rectetiOgra019944 0* 11444thine shmts. TM Can shown .,.ma clates al th? 54.1. OtifieSla. 98 102 106 110 98 102 106 110 _--_ ? ? ? apUranCin, ???????111/ A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 FIGURE -5 U.S. GPO-S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 INDOCHINA:SELECTED MAP COVERAGE--1:250,000 AND 1:253,440 98 102 106 10 114 98 102 106 10 114 24 ( -----_ CHINA _ ----- :LI CHINA 24 1.....) 7 ?7--7.--- F-48 C F-48 D 'N. F-48 E IN7 \ -1 .'"--., 61681 ....???? 646811 BURMA ; / C. F-47f. 945 1r i ..1-1 ?--F.443 G . _,....54,.., i Irsir 748 H 1946 F48 I 1945 lit. V.48) 194 F48.1 194 1442. BURMA v ) r . 616 C..! ./..... 1943 A lyjirl 1945 tr., 616 A III 1 1 616 8 W 6161311 tic, 479 -?-?..... 1102 C 1946 I 5 194$ 1945 5 7 94 r F-49 14 945 eit k c 556 elt.,,,:ytt 943 p45 1943 I 1944 616 D II 1943 1944 616 CI 194$ 1945 616 945 0 II 194 ' 194 _. .-..... .?.) s:4-, wV4$v D P48* r II 616 0 IV 616 0 III 616 C IV 616C III '615 0 Pi _...._. 943 94511943 19431943 '445 945 19466 1" ?20 ) ...i E.47 E 1945 1 045 6-48 A 5 6-48 8 6.48 0 6-48 GULF OF HAINAN ,0677 8:944 1446.3;?58 111945 Pr 1,43617 A I 617 A ii 1944 945 1"945 7945 I 1 154 G9405UFi. F1 HAINAN ?..) Z ii7rf,.tev_? orl (4-47 L iplp 2-48 G ir, 6,..V...H. F46 6-48 I 5 r. (-48) 1946 pr (48 K TONKIN 677A3 III 1943) 17.? V 617 A W 617 A III 1143\ 19441945 617 N TONKIN 6-47 Q N. 945 4.47 R 64814 1945 (.4811 1942 6481) 11145 6-48 P IF E r 6-48 R r 67i C II 1943 1945 roe \ 617 D I 617 0 II '1 1943 1944 943 19441945 617 1. 617 C II 194 16 \ .11 r E-48U 1945 ip5__/1945 l E-4/3 V (48 W E 94 ?495 S 0 U TN. ? .. . r. 617 01111 1944\1 r617 C IV 194 6170111 1945 618 DIV 1945 SOUTH-. . 16 j SIAM . 0-40) 5 D-48 E 0-48 F 134 . C H I. N A SIAM /738 8 I C /4 t N A i *%, ?. N '? r D48 G 11i4,17/94irl r C.)*S./.4_2218-1-.C?18 _,p9r1142 r r J ir 048 K 1945 ir 0-4131., F5 049 0 Slie__t__ 9H S E A I . \ t r 738 A IV 1944 .745 73 *111 .94T ? -1::: 438 BP/ SEA 1? 194 pro pA D-48 N 1945 0-480 1945 D-48 P n9,45 D-480 0-48R 94 0-4911 1945 li-49 N . \ r / /738 0 I 1 v 738 D II 1 1944 I 738 C I 1 738 C II 13: )2 i? 0-48)S 0-48 T 1945 0-48 U 945 0-48v 1945 0.48w 1945 048* 1945 D-49 S 945 K 49T .11 . .s.1 -4 I 1 104 V . IV . 194 r 738 0 III 945 1945 r 738 0 1543 W 1944 738 0 III 1943 1944 F5737 737 IVP/ Ins 1 ?12 i GULF 1 ? OF 1545 I A 0-480 .." 55 C-48 C 945 C-480 1945 048 E 1945 C-48 F 1945 C-49 A 19.5.rr f5 0.498 190 , .? ? GULF ? i OF / SIAM .199 n B11 Fr 739 A I ..., r 739 A II 1945 194$ r 739 8 I Ins ism r 8 9 e 74? A 1944 I 1945 SIAM ? 4 eut 1945 P v : i r 0-481 945 r C-48 190 C.48 L 1945 C-49 G 1945 ? # s rPr 7E.; 5143 Bill 190 ir 73 en 94 739 A III 194 739 1945 1945 F.5739 739 8 III 1944 1945 .. j3 ' C-4811 ? 0-48. 194 194 C-48 P I Q 1945 .. rP ..739 0 1 1043 1944 1 739 D II 94 739 C I 1944 194 ... Wis/2 .. '048w-48 -7390111 1944 rs 739 0 W 8 ? 3 v...-.... MALAYAN U jr? Indochina -1 Indochina - .. Pr NION 943. S. ARMY Burma 1:250.000, SHEETS 1:253,440, 1:250.000, 1945 MAP SERVICE AVAILABLE A115 AMS AMS U541 -1:250,000 AND AS OF JULY 1947 1 soil Fr? Siam 1:253.440. L502 Pr China Proper 1113 Dates of 1:253,440 AMS L508 S.W. 1:250,003, AMS 1582 sheets 10 I . .4 -\. .3 \-C.-?-' D MALAYAN UNION ? 1945 AERONAUTICAL ins mu I 1943 1944 APPROACH U. S. r Chart available Dan of aeronautical Date of base CHARTS AIR FORCE as of April 1. 1948 information -1:250,000 102 IL 1 102 - 106 110 ranc , - ranisft C Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 FIGURE U. S. GPO-S H. 0. Pub. No. 1-N INDEX L 99 22? 100? 101? 1020 1030 104? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07: CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 1050 106? 107? 1080 109? 1100 111? 112? 113' 1140 1.15? 116? 117' 118 21? ASIA 9 THAILAND FRENCH INDOCHINA AND SOUTH COAST OF CHINA INDEX TO HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE NAUTICAL CHARTS A number with the name of a place thus: Gough I. 3902 indicates the number of the chart of that place 3161 3161 Halphong CHINA (7, L 6401 ? ,--------) ,,-. 09 A. 1 ( "1 10/7.s, Pakhoi Anch0,----?---. 3169 -N.......-._ --/ 3158 , j. : "3169 Ft. Bayard Wei-chou Tao lig 3158 r Hai-k'ang o 3168 Lei-chou Pan-tao ? De 6080 119? 120? 22? SEE INDEX L-1 ?210 Ile.Bakh Long Vi , Hainan 'Strait r-, 2212 Tung-sha Tao (Pratas Island) 3164 6411 3176 31-7 T20? TONKI1V GULF 3165 0, 190 For general Charts see Index A British Admiralty Charts are shown in Green Restricted Charts are shown in Blue 2594 Ile Hon Me' Bale du Brandon HAI-NAN TAO 6081 Pei-li Chiang 6 213 'Hon Matt 2596 5497 2515 Cua Sot Ying-ko Tsui 18 'tua'Nhuong 2515 1_1 62121 2515 Cua Khau 2515 Cua -Lyhoa Cua Ron 2515 iCua Giang 2515 1 Cua Donghoi 2515 I . C 2515 Cua Tung -3.1 ap Lay 515 Cua Viet or Palms R Chun Lan Hbr. 3166 Po-ao Chiang 6081 -;) Sala Tsui ca Ta ichow or Tinhosa Anch. 3166 3166 Sans P 3166 Yulinkan 19? Namhoi Chun .4e. Chue Tow 3166 .10,010-36 Gaalong B. 3166 C. Bojeador SEE INDEX P 17 5496 16 -18? LUZON 2785 s.N.c.S1 41" ? ,e .cY ? chonmay 3157 B. 3156 252? C. Tourane 2520 P. Tourane 16210 Rocher Noir & Lutin Bi. 3156 F.;"3156 2 7850Woody PARACEL.. ISLANDS Ile Pattie PI 62 ? .... ...... ? Triton I -17? 5496 Lincoln / ? 1 3167 . .. MACCLESFIELD BANK ,z. C. Bolinao Caiman Pt 16? 2414 2785 10 010-36 nKikuik B. 10,010-36 6209' 3156 10,010-35 ?.,.????.? 15? Shl 450 FRENCH THAILAND (SIAM) 6208 SOUTH 14? CHINA SEA 14? BANGKOK Bangkok Hbr. 3142 INDOCHINA a 0 13? 3136 3154.Kwinhon Hbr 3141 Koh Sichang Hbr 3143 Ban Si Racha 3785 5498 3151 5498 3137 Cap Varella 3144 5497 12? 11? 10? 3135 . ,o 004 I? 3z 3 3136 Ko Chang 3789 Ko Kuti 3137 3790 e 2)Q.' Lubarug I 471, 4%'," 2565 12? 3148 3138 3149 'Vunggang B. 2565 2786 1413 tnat Cane Koh Kong 6201 Bate-de Kompong Som. 10,010-35 North Danger 6200 Cheko 1413 11 2786 . ...... Thitu & Subi Reefs 989 1413 Bale du Saracen 1 3145 Ream B 4. ? Phu-quoe -1 3139 1 Coral Bank 3150 Pte de Ke Ga Lcaita Banks & Reefs 2786 ::?.? Flat 1 *??.' Nanshan I 3779 .0 Ko Tao `'12?dp C. St. Jacques Tizard Bank & Reefs Catwick Is 3135 Poulo Way 93144 .--* 2786 100 Ko Phangan 3148 Ko Samui 3279 Pub o Dama Gp L3_2.46 Sin Cowe I se47. Poulo Panjang 3 38 - 144 5501 London Reefs .Ko Kra Pub o Obi 3144 3147 Ile?ds Poulo Condore ?? Tubbataha Rfs -9? 6204 Pierre Blanche Anch. 3147 Spratley I Cap Marino 3139 SULU SEA rince of Wales Bk to 203 Prince Consort Bk Riflemani Bank ' ........ ?. '?., Ardasier Bank Balabac Strait 3770 Vanguard Bk Rf -1Singora Rds. 3140 Pulau Balarnbangan IPatani Rds. 3133 . Royal Charlotte Rf 5498 Tg. $empang Marigayau Banguey I `C) . Cagayan Sula I ?7? P. Langkawi 7 MALAY \ '?'PENINSULA ' 99? Corrected to 1 Apr. 1947 S. Kelantan Cr) 101? 1020 I 103? 104? Continued on Index Z-1 1111111111111111,1111111j1;1111111111111111-1-1111IIIII 105? 106? 1070 1080 For titles and prices, see reverse side 109? 1100 111?- Published by the Hydrographic Office, Washington, D. C., under the authority of the SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 112? : 113? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07: CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Rf Continued on Index M 114? 7 I I ' 1 111 I ' ? BORNEO , I ' 117? 116? RESTRICTED Labuk ? ? ? ,,Bay FIGURE - 8 ?:do 000.5 118? 119? 120? INDEX L-2 6? H. 0. Pub. No. 1-N (R) INDEX L-2 RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07: CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 ASIA THAILAND, FRENCH INDOCHINA AND SOUTH COAST OF CHINA INDEX L-2 , CHART NO. SCALE EDITION PRICE TITLE AND CONTENTS OF CHARTS NATURAL 1: INCH TO MILE NO. DATE 2515 ANCHORAGES ON THE COAST OF ANNAM 4 Nov. 1944 $0.40 A. Cua Viet or Palms River 15,000 4.86 B. Cua Tung 15,000 4.86 C. Cua Khau 25,000 2.92 D. Cua Sot 25,000 2.92 E. Cua Giang 15,000 4.86 F. Cua Nhuong 25,000 2.92 G. Cua Ron 15,000 4.86 H. Cua Donghoi 15,000 4.86 J. Cua Lyhoa. 15,000 4.86 2520 TOURANE BAY 41,693 1.75 4 May 1940 .30 Plan: Port Tourane. 14,692 4.92 2559 BALUA ISLANDS AND ADJACENT COASTS. 36,481 2.00 2 Aug_1922 .30 (GULF OF SIAM) 2565 CAMRANH BAY (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 36,481 2.00 2 Jan. 1940 .40 Plan: Vunggang Bay. 18,000 4.05 2594 BIEN SON TO CAP BANG, INCLUDING HON 35,000 2.08 3 May 1941 .30 ME GROUP. (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 2596 SONG KA AND APPROACHES FROM THE 36,000 2.03 4 Jul. 1929 .30 ENTRANCE TO VINE. (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 2785 PARACEL ISLANDS 334,850 0.22 8 Mar. 1934 .30 Plan: Woody Island. 58,800 1.24 2786 REEFS IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA 4 Aug. 1944 .50 A. North Danger (Hokuken Syo) 117,840 0.61 B. ' Thitu Island (Tito Syo) and Subi 117,840 0.61 Reef (Sumi Syo) C. ILoaita Island (Hato Syo) and Reefs 117,840 0.61 D.' Tizard Bank (Tizato Tai) and 117,840 0.61 Reefs. 3133 PULO KAPAS TO LAKON ROADS (GULF OF 570,744 0.13 4 Feb. 1930 .40 SIAM) Plan: Patani Roads. 170,000 0.43 3136 LANGSUAN ROADS TO PRACHUOP KHIRIKHAN. 240,000 0.30 3 Apr. 1944 .50 (GULF OF SIAM) 3136 PRACHUAB KIRIKAN TO KOH CHUANG. 240,000 0.30 5 Jan. 1934 .50 (GULF OF SIAM) 3137 CAPE LIANT (LEM SAMESAN) TO KUT ISLAND. 293,547 0.25 3 May 1930 .40 (GULF OF SIAM) Plan: Chandaburi (Chentabun) River ? 59,718 1.22 . i and Approaches. 3138 KUT ISIAND TO RIEM BAY. (GULF OF SIAM) i 294.274 0.24 1 Aug. 1916 .40 3139_ _ __RtEM_BAY TO OBLISLAND.-(GULF OF SIAM) 294,702..._ 0.24 2 Dec. 1922 .40 _ 3140 PLANS ON THE EAST COAST OF THE MALAY 4 Jan. 1938 .20 PENINSULA. r A. Entrance to Pahang River . 18,241 4.00 (See Index 2-1) B. Singora (Songkhla) Roads 40,288 1.81 C. Kuala Trengganu (see Indgx z-1) 25,000 2.92 D. Great Redang Harbor (See Index 2-1) 36,481 2.00 E. Entrance to Kuantan River 29,611 2.45 (See Index Z-1) F. Entrance to Rumpin River 12,729 5.68 (See Index Z1) G. Joara Bay. (see Md. Z-1) 12,421 5.84 3141 THE MENAM CHAO PHRAYA (BANGKOK 48,441 1.50 3 Apr. 1934 .50 RIVER). 3142 BANGKOK HARBOR FROM SOUTHERN 12,500 5.85 3 Nov. 1932 .30 HARBOR LIMIT TO PHRA RAMA VI BRIDGE. 3143 KOH SICHANG HARBOR. (GULF OF SIAM) 15,000 4.86 4 Apr. 1927 .30 3144 PLANS IN THE GULF OF SIAM 4 Jan. 1938 .30 Pub o Obi (Hon Khoai) 72,748 1.00 Banyao River or Menam Wain 146,695 0.50 Pub o Panjang 72,748 1.00 Pub o Wai or Koh Kwang,noi. 72,748 1.00 3145 REAM (RIEM) BAY. (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 25,000 2.92 2 Jul. 1942 .40 3146 FUKWOK (KAW TRUN) ISLAND AND CHANNELS 147,244 0.50 1 Jun. 1916 .40 LEADING TO THE ANCHORAGES OFF KAMPOT. (GULF OF SIAM) 3147 PULO CONDORE GROUP (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 40,000 1.82 3 Nov. 1929 .30 Plan: Pierre Blanche Anchorage. 15,000 4.86 3148 SAIGON RIVER TO CAMRANH BAY. (FRENCH 360,000 0.22 7 Jan. 1938 .40 INDOCHINA) 3149 CAMRANH BAY TO CAPE VARELLA. (FRENCH 150,000 0.49 3 Mar. 1932 .40 INDOCHINA) 3150 SAIGON OR DONNAI RIVER (FRENCH INDO- 75,000 0.97 1 Mar. 1936 .50 CHINA) Plans: Port of Saigon 25,000 2.92 Coral Bank 12,500 5.85 Mytho Road. 50,000 1.46 3151 APPROACHES TO BATE DE XUAN DAT AND 75,000 0.97 1 Jul. 1946 .60 BATE DE QUI NEON. (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 3154 KWINHON (QUI-NHON) HARBOR. (FRENCH 25,000 2.92 2 Jan. 1930 .30 INDOCHINA) 3156 ANCHORAGES ON THE COAST OF ANAM 3 Sep. 1931 .50 Chonmay (Tua Moi) Bay 35,000 2.08 Rocher Noir and Lutin Bays 35,000 2.08 Culao Chain and Entrance to River 35,000 2.08 Faifo Kikuik (Dung Quat) Bay and 150,000 0.49 Approaches. CHART NO. 1 TITLE SCALE EDITION PRICE AND CONTENTS OF CHARTS NATURAL 1: INCH TO MILE NO. DATE 3157 APPROACHES TO HUE AND TUHIEN PASS 68,062 1.26 3 Mar. 1943 $0.60 (FRENCH INDOCHINA) Plans: Hue River Entrance 20,746 3.52 Tuhien Pass. 18,000 4.05 3158 PLANS ON THE SOUTH COAST OF CHINA 2 Oct. 1921 .20 Taisami (Swabile) Inlet (See Index L-1) 24,225 3.01 Pakhoi (Pei-hai) Anchorage 57,317 1.27 Tingtai Bay cseiinder L-n 72,676 1.00 Wai Chow (Gine Chau). 50,020 1.46 1 3161 APPROACHES TO HAIPHONG INCLUDING THE 75,000 0.97 5 Nov. 1940 .70 DELTA OF THE THAIB1NH (TONKIN GULF) Plan: Haiphong. 20,000 3.66 3162 ILES NORWAY TO ILES KAOTAO INCLUDING 75,000 0.97 4 Dec. 1941 .80 FAITSILONG ARCHIPELAGO AND THE IN- TERIOR CHANNELS. (TONKIN GULF) 3164 HAINAN STRAIT. (CHINA) 147,701 0.50 3 Feb. 1922 .50 3165 HOIHOW BAY. (HAINAN STRAIT) 36,397 2.00 3 Dec. 1926 .20 3166 ANCHORAGES ON THE SOUTH COAST OF 2 May 1921 .20 HAINAN ISLAND A. Namhoi Chun and Chue Tow 48,898 1.50 Anchorages B. Sama (San-ya.) Port 18,500 3.92 C. Yulinkan (Yu-lin) Bay 40,056 1.82 D. Gaalong (Lang-yeh) Bay 45,797 1.60 E. Taichow or Tinhosa Anchorages 36,600 2.00 F. Chunlan (Ch'ing-lan) Harbor. 68,639 1.07 3167 MACCLESFIELD BANK. (SOUTH CHINA SEA) 392,500 0.18 2 Apr. 1920 .20 3168 ENTRANCE AND APPROACHES TO KWANG- 50,000 1.46 5 Nov. 1939 .60 CHOW WAN. (CHINA) 3169 KWANGCHOW WAN AND RIVER MATSHE 40,000 1.82 4 Sep. 1931 .50 (CHINA) Plans: Fort Bayard 15,000 4.86 Montao Anchorage. ' ' 20,000 3.65 3176 FORMOSA STRAIT AND TAIWAN (FORMOSA) 894,751 0.08 7 Nov. 1937 .60 WITH THE ADJACENT COAST OF CHINA FROM HONG KONG TO FOOCHOW. 3279 ?PULO DAMA GROUP. (GULF OF SIAM) 29,185 2.50 1 May. 1916 .20 3780 AO CHUMPHON (CHUMPORN BAY) AND 26,140 2.91 1 Jan. 1946 .60 VICINITY. (GULF OF SIAM) 3781 PRACHUAP KHIR1 KHAN AND VICINITY. 20,000 3.65 1 Apr. 1946 .40 (GULF OF SIAM) 3784 AO SATTAHIP (SATAHIB BAY) AND 40,080 1.82 1 Mar. 1946 .50 - APPROACHES. (GurAror-siAm) 1 I 3785 APPROACHES TO BAN SI RACHA (SRIMA- 19,960 3.65 1 Dec. 1945 .50 HARACHA). (GULF OF SIAM) 1 3786 KO SAMET AND VICINITY. (GULF OF SIAM) 20,016 3.65 1 Jan. 1946 .50 3787 APPROACHES TO MAH NAM PRASAE. (GULF 40,000 1.82 1 Mar. 1946 .50 OF SIAM) 3789 KO CHANG CHONG. (GULF OF SIAM) 50,145 1.43 1 May 1946 .40 3790 AO TRAT (KRAT BAY). (GULF OF SIAM) 40,300 1.81 1 May 1946 .40 5496 mm DUONG TO HONG KONG INCLUDING 915,538 0.08 2 Oct. 1944 .70 HAINAN ISLAND. ' 5497 CAP VARELLA TO MDI DUONG. 940,945 0.08 1 . May 1944 .70 5498 POINTE CAMAU TO CAP VARELLA. 959,213 0.08 1 Apr. 1943 .70 5501 SOUTH CHINA SEA, SOUTHWESTERN PART. 971,601 0.07 1 Apt-. 1942 .80 6080 HAI-NAN STRAIT (CIPIUNG-CHOU HAI-HSIA.). 267,440 0.27 1 May 1946 .50 ' 6081 PLANS ON HAI-NAN TAO (HAINAN I.) 1 Jan. 1946 .30 Po-ao Chiang (Pak Ngo Harbor) 30,170 2.42 Pei-li Chiang (I3akli Bay) 70,420 1.03 6203 POULO OBI TO ILES DE POULO CONDORE. 255,400 0.28 1 Feb. 1946 .60 (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 6204 ILES DE POULO CONDORE TO RIVIERE DE 254,465 0.28 1 Mar. 1946 .60 SAIGON, (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 6205 ILE PATTLE. 15,000 4.86 2 Dec. 1946 .30 6208 CAP BATANGAN TO ILE BUFFLE (HON 150,175 0.48 1 May 1946 .60 TRAU). (FRENCH INDOCHINA) ( 6209 CAP TOURANE (TIEN SHA) TO CAP BATAN- 149,465 0.49 1 May 1945 .60 GAN. (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 6210 CU LAO CHAM TO HUE INCLUDING BAIE DE 153,075 0.48 1 Jun. 1946 .50 TOURANE. (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 6212 CAP LAY TO CAP ML RON. (FRENCH 153,960 0.48 1 May1946 .50 INDOCHINA) 'DUONG) *6213 CAP MUI RON (MDI TO HON MATT. 151,430 0.48 1 . 1947 .50 (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 1 6401 CH'IN-CHOU WAN (TONKIN GULF) 5Q,000 1.46 P1 Sep. 1945 .60 Plan: Ch'in-clliou W-an, Northern Part. 100,000 0.73 . 11 6411 NAN SHUI-TAO (soll TH CHANNEL). (HAINAN 30,000 2.43 May 1946 .30 STRAIT) 10010-35 CAPE PADARAN (MGI DINH) TO CULAO RE 500,000 0.15 2 Mar. 1944 .60 (POULO CANTON). (FRENCH INDOCHINA) 10010-36 CULAO RE (POULO ICIANTON) TO CAPE 500,000 0.15 Mar. 1944 .60 BOUNG QUIOUA (C. VUNG CHUA) (FRENCH INDOCHINA) Plan: Kikuik 03ay (Dung Quat Bay). 50,000 1.46 * New chart in preparation. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07: CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 10965 40' 107 20' 40' 1011 106 103 110 40' I i I I -%., 1I I i FROM *As iN ' "Indochina Francon. Pare* Nord," CAPITAL ATLAS .ut %1/4....????......??'' DES INDEX DES CARTES, PLANS ET OUSRAG6 .... i940, Service MedtograohAtoe 6e la Manna. Pans 3519 4151 4341 5817 5549 OF TONK KEY TO SCALE OF CHARTS 3865 ? ?Ma? Larger than 1:50.000 1:100,C00 to 1:500,000 5539 1-50,000 to 1:99.999 5571 Smaller than 1:500,000 ? NAM! I, SER,ACE wYDPOGRAPHQuE data MARINE, Pa,. SUS Cu. Vet 5267 OLOWAY gal. Int 11?41.1 bay 01 Cap n/i4 C.4 One sleuth Wand 11) Lath Itt?Ill el enamel Nadine OW* ?neheata P0010 (P? I lanai Point. (Pill long Wu- B. 6eChon May 5861 Paulo Gantt.. 5644 GULF OF SIAM likejt=1111M10.1.165X0rtrlar da Ia IA rre 8 - SOURCE CAPITAL ATLAS DESADO( DES CARTES, PLANS Er OUvRAGES . roam Sonic. Hydrographioue de la Maine, Pans. BASE "Indochina." ATLAS DES COLONIES FRANC,AISa pile crtdabons GkgraPlAcisms. Mantornas et Calomel, Pans, 1934 10965 Map Branch, CIA, 10-48 CIA Reproduction Figure 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600080001-4 k e,