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Publication Date: 
November 15, 1949
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' Decl .....-. ,.11 _ _ _ ssified and Approved For ? Release 0 ; Ac_li. 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000800100001-1- P1 cpL....44# V 'Cr CC X CO - ? Ur CC 0 ZE co D "I ? 0 .._1......... .. ce.zfr, deebe -62 = ??? = Cr 0 0 / 2 q AV , CC 0 00 2 m rr . (If ? C)) . X t?-? el s tv 0 N assified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP78-01617A000800100001-1 Deck Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29 : 617-IRDP78-01617A06080010000-1-1 itWhYdaT fit CENTRAL XNTEI&IOENCE AGENCY INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM No. 249 SUBJECT: The Co let Threat to Taiwan Numlbarr 15 November 1949 in44.,1/4,, PIC The principal military threat to the Nationalist position ?ri Taiwan comes from Communist forces on the mainland. This threat is enhanced by the inherent basic weaknesses of the Nationalist establishment on the island; the same basic weaknosnea which contributed so heavily to the Nationalist Collagee on the China mainland. The anti?Nationalist feeling among the Taiwanese, while detracting from the ability of the present regime to resist a Communist operation against the island, lacks the leadership, organization, and armed strength necessary to. overthrow the. Nationalists.. Communist infiltration of the island, both among the disaffected native population. and Nationalist armed forces, is proceeding, but in itself is probably not strong enough to unseat the Nationalist regime. Although the Communist mainland forces are capable of assaulting Taiwan at any time during the coining winter months, a major Communist effort probably will not occur before March, by which time the Communists are expected to have completed certain preliminary operations such as the capture of the Chushan Islands, the securing, in a military sense, of East China, and the massing of sufficient forces,. supplies and transport of the Fukien coast. In the face of such a major Communist assault, compounded by the effects of native disaffection and Communist infiltration, the Nationalist probably could not hold the island. Document No. 00 2. Nationalist Forces on Taiwan NO CH7,E in Cluqu. DECLASZIC7D Clan. T;): TS S C aa aa MC , .1.P;2 77 aj 7 _Lipp 1 iv: Ott . "?T, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000800100001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000800100001-1 Nrof ware Sian Nationalist ground forces on Taiwan number well over 100,000 and are supported by an air force of approximately 250 operational airdraft, a navy with about 50 combat ships afloat, alia an armored force of over 200 tanks, The navy and air force suffer from shorages of fusl and spare parts, but the ground forces have adequate stooks of weapons and equipment. The weakness of the Nationalists arises fres' divergence of purpose, Lick of will to fight, tendency toward defection, the ineptitude which resulted in their defeats on the mainland, and Communist infiltration. 3. Communist Forces for an Assault on Taiwan The Communists are committed to taking Taiwan and have already assigned the 1400,000'-strong force of CHEN Ti to the task. CHEN's forces have had some amphibious experience -- but they have not yet faced problems comparable to those involved in an assault upon Taiwan. They have the capability of concentrating and equipping a force ?of sufficient size to assault the island. The major obstacle to the Communists is the Taiwan Strait, Which ranges in width from 75 miles in its northern part to over 200 in the south: The crossing would in all like lohood be made by a junk armada which the Communists are already assembling. These junks, some of which have enxiliary motor power, maybe supplemented by elements of the Communist navy, made up of es?Nationalist ships and men. U. Weather Conditions During the coming winter and spring months, weather in the Taiwan Strait, which could be a controlling factor, will not, except for sporadic gales, preclude a crossing. Strong favorable winds continue through the 'inter. Stain Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000800100001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000800100001-1 ft ot-t, SNOW T With spring the velocity of the winds diminishes, and there are recurring 'periods of low visibility *Itch would facilitate undetected crossings. ' 5, The Probable Course or the Campaign for Taiwan During the period of favorable winds, junks under sail poser along could cross the strait in about 30 hours. Motorpowered junks and vessels of the Communist navy could cross under cover of darkness and disembark advance elements to establish a beachhead in anticipation of the arrival of the main ' junk-borne force. Nationalist defenses appear to be organized upon three key, or control, points from which they hope to meet any Communist threat with flekibls counteraction. However, the launching of the Communist operatiOn against Taiwan will probably precipitate native uprngs, Gemmunistsinspired sabotage, and Nationalist defections. The cumulative effect of a continuing flow of Communist re-enforcements, the disruptive actions of the native Taiwanese, and the weaknesses inherent in the Nationalist Military establish- ment makes it likely that the Communists can control Taiwan 90 dap after the first landing. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000800100001-1 ? ? a.... a., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000100100001-1? . Project: 114.249' ?- ? ? OFFICE OF REPORTS AND ESTIMATES (11400044AI falatta Date: I Hew 49 To: D/r3 Publications From:, fftekintlignimmeavision, Projects Planning pa. Subject: Probable. developments In Taiwan ptatement of ftoleet gaxAs: Interdepartmental poordinatinm Staff (NOrbere) Pro?lottTO provide a current estimate on probable developments in Tai- wan .ddoncs The reciuest atoms from plans to place a UWE unit On Taiwan, and seeks informatiOn which would relate to the Safiatif and ability of personnel to derry out functions there. Particular interest is centered on the Aiminti of anticipated Otenteo nuch as ooknunist .attacks internal collapse, etc.. A brief estimate is requested. Graphics (it any): saw memorandum Abaft due finD/St:15 Nov 49 Ateagsgigsbasiraasgt: DAT iThtsw2Lagmummmt Nene smotashigteln: None DOCUMENT NO 2- 5:() CHANGE IN CLASS. 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE. AUT11: R 70-2 0063.1-)41. DA it) REVIEWER. EllSair alutasuitizansaaRher thaw Set3ret giapaggpappereinaticeis Requester only FkiLst tC., pt c_ lAtAt Mtai- re-I:tots:Was 041 erk6a ?sQ sN(1).misesia 44-140.4.1 Ott, o_khzsa CD Na, 776t . 9,704. caulk ctgiarin:41-?ic'e 4A,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000800100001-1