Possible Cessation of Soviet Manganese Shipments to the USA
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Document Creation Date:
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
July 21, 1998
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Publication Date:
December 22, 1948
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4p roved For Release :CIA-RDP7~1617~,p~0~(~01-1
1,~:~ .r~~~~2
;?2 December I94~
I1~7'CYaZ~1:GEI30E r~;;~RANDUI~ NOa ~9
S~1H3I:GCTs Pa:~s~.ble Cessatic~aa of Soviet 3b~angaxK~se Shl.p~ents to 'the. 1.~A
lr re~ta3.z?emoaats in metallurgical ~snganese ore at ~~h ~ s tiY Of30
are rsb~Yut l.~ -~.Il.ir~n long tone per year, csf a~h3.cls a].1 but cabc~ut 1~~,
toa~ are in~por'~,e~t.
~a In ~.~~ tho ratan of impo s fx^om most cif the important ~coduci~
countries has eiropgaed.. ~stiraatsinaparts from l~beaal~oxuto590f00(J ~.ox~g
A~rica~ F3razil, Gold Coast, Ouba, ffind Chile will ~
tens ~ agat o~ex 980,00? long foxes ire 1.94'.
17p to cember, the U55F~ had been exgortix~ t?~ the I15 at an
ixt~:reaased rate octet :19~~+'~, evtimated ~.?pnrt~s fxsr 1948 being abc~~at ~5a,~
long tans, ar ;~;a3.nst ;80,000 toass Est x.947< Izs sum, it woaald a~spe~zx'
that {a) the t~~tal. saapply in 19d~ vrill fail to meet consumption.
re~taireu~a.:vs ~~~ ~:~';~"~~.r~te~r 1?15,000 tons, asad {b) svc+aks in the I1S
will be ious:~y >dep~tecl rattier tha~r? added to asthe S~ie ~im~rts it
t~~ ~t,oc~Cpilixag program ~ Uad it net bQeaa ~o.- the a"PY y
i? apc~re;aa thee.+, ~~ 1.948 tae US would have fail~ad #o met cons'a~antian
re~uiremr~mts b;~' about 40 perceaAt off' dea~nd.
~.~ Repcsr?~~ areceiw~id indicate that in early December a change in
policy t~sok pl~e~e in the USSR in re~?axKl $o shipments off' mangaslese to
the t~ , It is x~ow u~acertaiax whether or not shiprnexcts frill be amid=~ to
the i~u in 1949, axed it is signii`icant that apparently, no shies have
clees~ad Russian ports since 7 Aecember with manse destined x'or the
1~ ..
5 m Shouljd this p?:~ icy crn the .~t of the USSR be pro~od by everts
In the xtear f`catur~s ~~be t~ c~~-=~?d ~ ~?~~,oY,+.~~?d in 1.y~.9 wit~n s; Boca QaT'iou
situati.oa iaa wr~,:x~h the cnrrexrt rate oi' imparts axtd total supply wocalc~ "ail
;; ?set needs ' ab~sut ~,0 peraexat r ewFYn more if the ~t jot sources ai'
im~so~ets continue to de~crsase thej ~? rate o~ shipmev~1t~ to the ~ .
f3?CtfMENT NO? -----~--''-r~~
N~3 (;i-lAtd~as: 14J Cf..P~SS? C7
~ ~F~ .~ s ;at'v~GLD ~"fa: Ta #3 C? ///yyy}}}~J/
A roved Foi~Release :CIA-RDP78-01617A000200400001-1