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410 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000100080001-1 ? NIIIORANDUS FOR TOR PRNSIDINT 2 Unit 1948 Although Finland will probably conalmde a mutual assistenee pact with the USSR in compliance with Stalin's reosets this action will not foreshadow an imminent Communist ooep in Fiats& Stalin's letter of 23 February does, however, represent the first overt step in a long-row campaign to redoes Finland free sesifindependenee te total subservience to the Soviet Union. The recent Soviet demand, an Finland was planned independentlr of the Communist coup in Oseehoslovakia. Sines November 19117, the USSR has been Wing the gromdmork for a mutual assistance pest with Finland as pert of its overall plan for the conclusion of soh pests with all Swope= border states. The timing of the eogp in Combo.. Slovakia was forced upon the Kremlin when the non-Comunists took action endangering Communist control of the police. b Ceedhosiovek Communist victory in the Rey elm:time wild have been impossible without such contra. In Finlands hemmer elsotiess ere not scheduled until Mrs and the non-Ccummiste have not been actively threatening the Communist position. The coop in Cssohoslovekla, however, has been useful to tbe Kremlin because it hes crested in Finland a widespread fear that failure to grant Stalin's request would precipitate similar action in Finland. The USSR will seek to capitalise upon this reeetien by making maximum demands upon the Finns in the negotiations an the mutmal assistance pat. In addition, therefore to the usual previsions of mutual defense treaty, the USA will probably also demand the integration of the binnish defense system with its own. Even though the Finns leal probably reject this extreme reenlist, the 002COSSiODS Finland will eventually have to mks will undoubtedly permit the Kremlin to gain control of the Finnish Army. Present indications are that the Kremlin's strategy for eastern Europe now calls for au intensification of the ?cold* var. Not only is the USSR faced with the probebility that the Human recovery program will soon be inplementedi but the Soviet strategists are apparently convinced by the events preeeding the Cseehoslovak mow that even three-quarter control over a bordering nation is ineafflabmat. Consequently, the WAR will now intensify its efforts to obtain eventual Soviet domination of Finland. 6). 0 641- glica roggsz rag ikAahet. grk TA:i7;"" ? 4, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000100080001-1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000100080001-1 Document No. 001 NO CHANGE in Class. 0 DECLASSIFIED )DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S C DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DD RI". 77/1763 ) Date: lei n BY: 0" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000100080001-1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000100080001-1 r ev,! ?5 17::!::!: Or 2 A Oemmermist soup la Mimed,hereof/Jiro is unlilsaly at present became of the relative wealtuess of the Communist petetima. Communist membership in the present Cabinet includes the Minister of Interior (lho controls the state pollee), the Minister *fisher, mid the Deputy Minister of Avg,. The Presiewy the Deputy Foreign Minister, and the Minister of Justice are loft-wing socialists who have joined the Came monist bloc but eie not, from the Soviet point of view, wholly syllabic The remaining 12 Cabinet posts ere held by Waal Democrats seldom- sentatives of the rightist parties. The Cammeniste exert ably control over the labor unions and have 20 of the smote In the Diet. Moreover, they are In the minority in oil bet a fee of the silty end village governing bodies and do not control the rAgr or the local polies. Deepite this relative weakness of the Finnieh Communist Party, the Me would be able within a matter of seethe to impose a. Communist polies state in Finland. 4, an intensification of eeenalis and political pressure the V= pen strengthen the Communist Pare, andweehen the non-CoomLists. Attar the retail assistance past bee teem signed, the Soviet Union can increase its control over the Finnish Any. under the tune of the Finnish peace treaty, the WJAA can exercise a direct influence over the Finnish Government in both Internal and external matters. The ratan and the extent of Finnish resistance to the inr. Untitled Soviet program will determine hoe lees Finland can retain its present status. The 235A will retaliate ifs (1) the Finns refuse to sign *a metal aseistance poet; 2) the Commentate ore eliminated from the Pianist Government; or (3) the Finns appear in- creasingly dependent upon **western powers. Ceder these cdreumstseces, the Kremlin 1111 undoubtedly either faros a Comsenlet victory in the ;lily elections or seise control of the Finnish Covermuset prior to July. It the Finns do not resist in se* gamer, the Aremlin will prehebly proceed more slowly in the hope of gaining eventual deminaties through parilamentery means. A. H. HILLABACTITER Sear MIsairal, DGM Director at Central Intelligence impunim Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000100080001-1