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Approved Foielease : CIA-RDP78-00915ROO4 00280003-7
. 14-20 JULY 1958
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Approved Fo elease : CIA-RDP78.-00915R00U00280003-7
Preparatory planning for the Frst World Trade Union Confer-
once of Toung Workers began in 1956 The holding of such a con-
ference >.Tas approved by the IVth World Trade Union Congress held
in October 1957, At that time an appeal was issued to young work-
ers of all countries to send delegates to the Conference. The
organizational work of preparing for ''the Conference was divided
into two parts, The first step was the creation of Preparatory
Committees,, where possible, with the assistance of WFTU adherents.
The second step was to convene-congresses on a regional or national
level to discuss the demands of young workers and to elect dele-
gates t o the First Congress
The propaganda campaign varied from country to country but
in general included the distribution, of. copies of the Conference
appeal issued by the -WFTU together with the distribution of addi-
tional material dealing. with the Conference which was published on
a national level In Finland, for example,,) leaflets bearing slo-
gans and posters dealing with the conference were distributed during
the May Day demonstration, It was reported that in France and in
Hungary young workers-weree encouraged to,-correspond with young
workers, in capitalist and colonial countries? n regard to the Con-
ference, Bulgaria was reported to have issued a "Prague Conference"
postage stamp while a-special radio program entitled "The WFTU
Speaks to the Toung"Workers" was broadcast from East Germany, In
Sudan the organ of the Sudan Federation of Trade Unions9 Al Talia9
placed before it-srreaders-questions concerning problems to be
discussed-at the Conference and later published what were alleged
to be the replies of three young workers.
Ian Roscoi$ Secretary-of the Factory Louth Section, reported
in the trade union journal Munca that the preparations at the
"Trimpuri Noi" factory in Brest included: (1) youth meetings
in all departments of the factory, where problems of youth work
and future tasks in connection with the Conference were laid down,
(2) establishment of a "Red Corner' B in--the factory where photo-
graphs articles and news reports which appeared in the trade union
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or youth-press-were displayed, (3) issuance by the factory library
of a reading list of books which would give the young workers an
idea of the conditions.of life of young workers inother countries,,
(4) discussion of these books relayed over the factory radio.
Following these preparations the-First-World Trade Union Con-
ference of- Toung Workers was- held 1L O , JuIy ?1958 :aft Prague. At its
opening seeeion~ -the :Conferencee eleoted,;a Ssereta-riat and a Presidium
fronv among,-the= lesss? than, Xoo deleggates-r=eparted to be in attendance.
The workingco nittees of the Conference-included-(1) Resolutions.9
(2) Labor Problemsv-(3) Peace ~Problemsy (h) Trade Union Matters.
The official languages-of the Conference,, were,reported to be: French9
Englishp Spanish. Russsiany Chinese9 Gzechj German and Arabic.
The -17th Session trf the.Execu ive .Committee-of WFTU establish-
ed the agendas for,-the Conference ofToung Workers, as follows:
l., Wages] vocational training, trade union and social
rights of young, workers; struggles_ of young workers
and their trade?unions,-fo demands and against dis-
Prospects. for young workers throughout the world
and their united action for-peace-and against the
danger of anatomic and. thermonuclear war.
3.. The role of the trade-unions,in organizing and
uniting young workers and the-part young people
can-play-in theactivities.and,strengthening of the
trade unions.
The report-on the first item of: the. agenda-was given by Charles
Salducci9 member-of the preparatory committee for the Conference of
Toung Workers and C G.T,, Secretary for., the Department Bouches du Rhone
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Salducci alleged discrimination against young workers in wages,
salaries, and working hours,, Me quoted statistics to prove that
(1) girls in Japan,, Denmark, Australia, and other countries re-
ceived-substantially lower wages for the same-work than their male
colleagues and that (2) young agricultural workers in capitalist
and colonial countries were working under incredibly miserable
conditions. Salducci further stated that while no increase of
workersland employees pay was granted,:the?profits of such American
companies as- the United Steel Corporation,: Royal Dutch Shell, and
French Peugeot were-constantly rising. Fie then cited as an example
of good treatment -of youngworkers$ Czechoslovakia, whose constitu-
tion-stipulates that men and women~'youngand--,old workers must ob?
tain equal pay for equal work.
The report on the first point of the agenda contained the
following demands Right-to work,, right to equal pay for equal
work,, right to specialis-ed'training,.,reduction of working hours
without reduction of wages-,.acceptance.of yours workers trade union
rights, right to leisure and culture.', the possibility of setting up
The report on.the Bond..iter#~of the agenda was given on 15
July by Hiroshi Iamakawa, a delegate : itroz Japan0 He recalled that
the bombe which- had beendropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were
snu1l and primitive compared with contemporary atomic bombs. He
charged that, in spite. of the statements-,by scientists all over
the world that radioactive effects are dangerous for present and
future generations, the United States and-British Governments are
continuing their nuclear weapon tests-I, The petition against hydro-
gen bomb tests, started by-,Japanesewomen- n 1955 had been so
successful, `iamakawa reported? that' 3a -million signatures were
collected in one year ;alone, Similarly., the peace movement had
developed . in West tern ai -Great Britain, : France, Italy, and even
in the United States. Iamakawa stated significantly that "In the
socialist countries the struggle for the preservation of peace is
linked with the building of socialisnt4?afl.the endeavors of these
countries-give: great support and encouragement to young workers in
the capitalist and colonial countries?n
The report on the third item of the agenda was given on 15
July by Lazar. Pena, Secretary of theWFTUO In the introductory
part of his speech; Pens pointed out'the very considerable percent-
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age that your -workers =represent out of the): total, labor force. He
then cited- nu reus?,,!eeamples ,of ~the+ devatz,on?-:and militant spirit
in which young worke in, the eapitaalist co tr eta , take part in the
s-truggles- ,-o f,the, work 's' ~ fear ?ern i,mpzrovement,, ? of, their living and
working conditione-$, for economic=4,and social progress, for national
independence and peace.
Pena compared the, posit on':of young :workers in the trade
unions in the- SC cialistccu,tries-$>, where, he, sai , all the conditions
have been created for the; developrse nt ana happy life of young work-
ers,with the position of yorm ? worke a in? capitalist countries under
conditions of alleged exploitation,
In conclusion. the -report, dealt with the importance of the
association, of young ?workez -in' the unions- for-the, unity of the trade
union raovementQ- ' Iff we, enlist thous nde of young people in all
countries,: a3~members-,of the :trade =nions9,lr Pena noted, "then this can
markedly - contribute4 l- to- the ca user= ? of -trade union , unity, for the move-
ment, will thus acquire,new, and fresh ';forces, the,new and live forces
of youth which are ,capable, ofT !removim , o] d -pr+e judiees standing in
the way of unity. The,,young?people,ziibued with a desire for peace,
will de=fend?unity~? which-:represents- progress -and-will fight against
attempts= to split the . movements, which : hamper- its growth.
"We are-rise your- rezolutzans and , demands,'I Pena said,
'rand .we assure-, you -,tha?t the WFTU--will., fight for their satisfaction
and declare that nin this- action our international organization is
ready- to- join= forces 4th all trade~:un~i0n_.atganizations, with all
national centers and a .l international. orgahizations which are also
ready to fight for. these objectives."
A. Demands
10. The right to work and adequate ; wages for work donee.
2. The,.. right to, educatiarr and vocational training.
Respect for the iLO ,convention on the eight-hour day
and trace union and social rights,
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4o These denwnds- can be ?reali%ed only on the basis of
consistent-, struggle- for the redwtion of war budgets,
against the- closing: derv,' -off'=,factores and dismissals
a n d for' the rkevclerpment .,of' trad4 relations among all
B. Organization
The resolution' or the ,?role of, the. trade ?unions in organizing
and uniting young.,, workers 'declared t hat .:the t. ade unions ought to
increase= their'oe'ffort to ,educate ?young workers in the spirit of
trade union democracy' class struggle ,and',prolletarian international-
ism -to educate then to defend peace'': to;give, active support to the
cause, of -national independence -of- all peoplee$ to oppose racial dis-
crimination?and=tosupport=solidarity, with the peasants and other
strata of the working peoples
in another resolutione~ the, conference'- presented several
recom dat one 'to t} WF.TU, The r reeommendati- s- cover study tours
of young trades union-off, icials in various ,courrtries,' consideration
of questions',once -ning, ;young"workers att..the n xt session of the
WFTU General-Council 'and,expansion of: relations among young workers
all over the worldo
On the que-sbior 'of peace the, Conference- declared.- "War pre-
parations entail ,at;,coneiderable dete ioration an tkie present con-
ditions of young, .workers-,,,ands. are-, ~a minace' to' their future. Our
fight for better,"wages" against, une rloy'menb9 and for broad educa-
tional facilitie's$.:, and-the' fight -for? our demands in general is
closely ??bcmntd, up with: the, fights to event;.,anothesr. ware The partici-
pants- in-thee'conference--call.on-- the- capitalist great powers to
follow up?'t"he'I peace-move,, the 5oviest Unison in halting nuclear weal
-fin tests. -Theyter ardent s.upport;ff'or the struggle of the
young and -the 'people- of 'the German Federal Republic'. and Japan direct-
ed against-the militarization of 'these a ountr es;; and to the struggle
of the, French peopl ?in defense of democrats a freedoms and against
the-threat of fascism."
The state ent-sharply condemned eelonial sn ,and emphasized that
the straggle L'i''the . na tip ? against foreign interventions and for
independence Is at, the same time a-struggle .for, peace in the world.
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act arewith cdeterntinonvinceda~tic- that rr, if the all the forces-of peace unite firmly and
war. will= be eliminated. Human
values will be preserved?: and lasting, peeace will, fully open t he road
to a_ better life,, peace9 and happine6s.'"
The Conference-addressed an a ppea-l to the- young workers of the
United States- of Americas 11Together',with young people throughout
the world, demand that your government withdraw its troops from
Lebanon and respect the independence'',of all nations. You can do
much-in company with all the young people of the world-to put a
stop to this adventure and the war it heralds."
In another resolution the Conference protested to the U.S.
Government against U.S. intervention;in Lebanon, called upon the
United Nations to secure the withdrawal of the American forces from
Lebanon in the interesta~af peace., and expressed full support for
.the newly-established>Republic of Iraq.
D. Miscellaneous
The Confeerencee2also.adopteed-resolutions which called for:
(1) solidarity with the people., of Cyprus;,(-2.).opposition to atomic
tests in:the Sahara; (3) support of striking Spanish workers; (L1)
support of the independence?of Caneercon (French); (5) the peaceful
unification of Korea and (b) the granting. of an amnesty to political
prisoners on Madagascar.
During the concluding session, 'a joint declaration by the
British and French delegations protesting the landing of British
troops??in Jordan and the presence of ',French military units in the
neighborhood of.Lebanon was also read.
The-delegates, .to the-First World Conference -of Young Workers
unanimously approved the appeal of WFTU in regard to the Middle
East which reads as follows.-
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"The landing-, of, Amer-ricen armedforces in Lebanon
is a crime aga nstep~scea4 Ittia a~ vile violation of
the, rights.: of na c to eeli et;erm nation. It is an
open threat to the raw rIraq Reapubiic. The American
monopolia~tae ., ;are: prepareet ?ta , un a h a war on Arab soil
to preeorve???titeidr? profit: and, privileges. Working
people-throughout the' world,are?prepared for opposition
to this new-imperialist offensive. "The WFTU , calls on ~ trade K un't.onistf to take part in
ant imperia :ist- c empa,igne-,aka.,actively to demonstrate
solidarity with, the-=Arab nationsae,:. !'forking men and
women?,:throughout ,the worlds' slays the appeal in con,
ciusion; "the-hour . of- vigilances : ard. action in defense
of peacee ham a4ruc The hour', for efficient unity of
all the fe rcee x,og,-.peace rr the' wprld has struck."
The following delegates wore reported,-to have addressed the
KIM"Uri chol, leader of the Korean delegation and chairman of
the-'central committee- of the Korean ,Trade and Public Utility
Workers Unions spoke -:onthe life and:work: of, Demo-
cratic .People 9 S-- Republic of Korea.
The assistant secretary of the union of metallurgy workers of
Peru, Arnrio Garcia, dwelt on the struggle,,o hie-union for the ful-
fillment, of the - demands ~ of .the ,workers of, this, branch.
The secretary of the ,reg anal rade unionn council at Petrichi
in Bulgaria spoke of : the perspectives , that .had opened before Bulgar-
ian youth
Khristofoulos Stavros, a ember . of,the central . committee of the
Clothing and.,u:hoe.-markers, Union= of Cyprus..,, rerted that the work-
ing, youth of,Cypr s ,were playing an,:- mportant ;part in the struggle
of the Cypriot, people against British -ec miec2n&-naational oppreessien.
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Chairman of the Syrian drivers union Khalid al-Hakim, who
served as delegate of the United Arab Republic, described the estam
blishment. of the _ UAR: as the frait of the struggle of the people and
primarily the youth of the Arab countries and the beginning of full
unity of the Arab world. He mentioned the help which_WFTU has given
to the people_of.Asia and.Afries, particularly the support which
they have received from the Soviet Union., Peoples China and other
democratic. countries.
French delegate Andre Merlot, CGT Secretary, pointed out the
very difficult.economic_situation in France, the. consequences of
which were-unfavorable-for the working people, especially for young
Zhutgai Gombo, member of the central. council of Mongolian
trade unions, dealt with the development of. vocational and technical
training,, the improvement of health facilities, and the. work of the
Mongolian trade unions among. the. youth.
Laszlo Gal, member of the. Free Hungarian. Trade Unions, spoke
about the bright prospects of. working youth in the Hungarian. Peoples
Albania Nakuri,, Vasil
Argentina Diaz,, Elpidio
Didiano, Josefina
Dresney, Jose, Antonio
Seifert, Mauricio
Zalazarq.Julio Cesar
Australia Crisp, Desmond
Austria Zwitelhofer, Go
Belgium Pirard$ Leonard
Brazil Piotto, Orlando
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Approved F Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R0O000280003-7
El Salvador
French - Eqi itorial Africa..
Fresh -West Africa
Pala, Jinedra
Figueroa9 Luis
Han Hai ya
Ferrer9 Luis
fUu istofoulos Stavros
Kucera9 Vaclaw
Pr.silova9 Vets
Zupkaa Frantisek
Hansen9 Knut
Au Haasen9 Abd Ar Rahman
to fHidalgo7 CA
Antti9 Jantti
Pohjola9 Maija
Charvanet9 Henri
Gil9 Rene
#4erl.ot9 Andre
SaLd iccci9 Charles
Ayatia Francois
poualla9 Jacques
Mandeng9 Pierre
hic aya s Raymond
Alapini9 Pascal
Aminata 9 Fall (Sal)
Diabate9 Fousseynou
Dieng9 Germain
Doumbia9 Lassana
Guibril9 Sar Djim
queye Massaer
L3', Mohamed
Nlamery9 Cherif
Sekou9 Cisse
Sidibe9 Koloko
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Germany (East'
Korea (North)
Gunther., Roland
Weidemann, Heinz
Edwaxds, John (James)
Ley,, John
9oore, William
Hdralea Castillo, (fnu)
Georges., Andre
G.ll9 Laszlo
Babarao Yeshwant, Bhapse
Krishna Gangaram, Desai
Baklitiar, Khalim Haloho
Nasir Jamil Ad Din
Banfie Leonardo
Dawes., Jo
Bo Risaku
Hayashi Tsuyako
Kawasaki Yasushi
Komori Masao
Nakamura Eiji
Ogawa Yohichi
Oshima Kiyoshi
Sambe Akemitsu
Tanaka Sumi
Yamagawa Hiroshi
Kim Unmchoi
Ranivosa* Justine
Arriagaa, Rigoberto
Orozaca, Panfila
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Approved FJ Release : CIA-RDP78100915RW4000280003-7
Gombo9 Zhutgai
Bean Mohamed9 Abdul
Foavi9 Ahmed
Blauw9 Hans
Do Mooy9 Johanna G.
Be,Vroome9 Pieter
Eysten9 Nioo
Ferwerda 9 Lydia
Slagt9 Cornelia S.
Van Hattem9 C0Po
Zinoken9 M.
Badou9 Traor.
Egil9 Lovlien
Ramirea9 Jose
De- la. Motta 9 Eleuterio
Fuentes-Castillo.. Zenon
Garcia.. Mario
Kos,, Wieslaw
Syty9 Jerzy
Pereira., Augusto
Circei9 Ion
Pasou9 Nioolai
Abu Gabal9 Hassan
Hallgren'Spokum9 Karl
Jatko9 Stig
Jonsson9 I'ngve
Karlsson9 Nils
Al Hakim.. Khalid
Toughlabi9 Talaat
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Approved For.Release : CIA-RDP78-00915ROOUOO280003-7
Mahasins S
GonzalIrogoyen9 Calixto
ICorbova, Polina
Zakovlev, Yuri
Cojedes, Rafael
Hurtato'Martinez, Antonio
irayevendi, Dr, Adolfo
Torres-Vargas, Pedro
Vietnam (North) Nguyen Huu Ki
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Approved Fo Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO0 DO0280003-7
The many meetings which were held'apart from the Conference
itself constitute an important by-product whose propaganda and
organizational value to the WFTU should not be overlooked. These
meetings were held by the delegates representing similar trades or
representing countries having similar problems. One such delegate,
Germain Dieng, representing the Dakar Oil Industry Workers Union,
reported that he had attended numerous meetings including one held
by delegates from chemical and petroleum products industries.
Louis Saillant in his. closing speech at the Conference listed a
number of common declarations emanating from these unofficial
meetings. They were
1. Common declaration of all African trade union organizations
represented at the Conference which set down all the possibilities
for joint action by West African and Equatorial African trade union
organizations. Saillant indicated that representatives of these
African trade unions had worked out at the Conference methods of
action to be used to accomplish their objectives.
2. Common, declaration by the delegates, of the Federal German
Republic and the German Democratic Republic stating that the young
workers of both countries had the common aim of preservation of
peace and struggle against the atomic armament of Western Germany.
3. Common declaration made by the delegations from Great
Britain and Cyprus.
4. Common declaration made by the delegations of Great
Britain and. France protesting the landing of British troops in Jordan
and the presence of French military units in the neighborhood of
5. Common declaration made by the delegates from the German
Democratic Republic, the French CGT and the Federal German
6. Common declaration by the Japanese and Korean delegates
which denounced the US for trying to form a Northeast Asian Treaty
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Organization and for conspiring to establish guided missile bases
in South Korea and Japan. The delegations said that they would
strive to bring about the immediate withdrawal of the US army from
South Korea, the peaceful unification.of Korea, the removal of
US military bases from Japan and the return of Okinawa to Japan.
They would also strive for the unconditional release of the Korean
citizens. detained in Japanese camps and for their right to live
where they desire, as well as for the establishment of normal
relations between Korea and Japan.
7. Common declaration by the delegations from the German
Democratic ]Republic, the Federal German Republic, Czechoslova-
kia and Poland confirming the cooperation of the trade union organi-
zations of these four countries to achieve the atom-free zone in Europe.
Recommendations. of the First World Trade Union Conference
of Working Youth included the following items not listed in the
previous report.
1. The Conference invited the trade union leaders to follow the
example set by those trade unions which had created special com-
missions or other bodies to assist in their work among working
2. The Conference considered it desirable for young workers
to be promoted to leading positions at all levels of trade union
organization to a greater degree than at the present.
3. The Conference recommended to the WFTU that it study
the possibility of holding a trade union course on. the youth ques-
tion during 1959. A course of this type would allow the young
trade union. officials to join the Secretariat of the WFTU in
examining specific problems which occupy the attention of young
workers and trade unions.
4. The Conference recommended that the next session of the
General Council of the WFTU should not only invite the attendance
of union officials responsible for youth] questions but in addition
should. examine the results of this First Conference and the ways
in.which its activities might be continued.
5. The Conference also recommended that the special columns
dealing with youth problems. should be continued in the international
trade union publications.
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