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Prepared by- August 19590
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP;78-00915R001000020001-7
The C erationi 1 +Patt ern of International
Comm ii ri in - .&Un Arriertca
(Based on data avaixab a Ali e4 31 July .1959)
The General gtxatta y
After mare than thirty years of unremitting
effort in Latta Amdric3, the International Communist
Movement erbarteed. shortly after the death of ;tarltn,
upon a baotcelly mo .cited strategy in its unceasing
effort to gain world do minim. This atratagy, which
is closely, related to t w re;dional strategy develope-ei
and applied at the sau e time to the free nations of
Asia,, the Middle i.ait, and Africa. to described,
by Cornmunt ts.th3Tnselvca, as the strategy of the
national ltbettticrl str.iggle.
The me-st important of the now features to be found
In We strategy are
A. the fact .;hat t'txe a conanitc and diplomatic strength
of the Scvict bloc to bring employed consciously
and aggressively to su iplornent the activities of
national CP' a, th 9 international fronts, and the
Soviet irtellig;enc 3 services to carrying out the
national libew atto x strategy]
D. the fact that in th a Soviet view, the military
strength of the :3cvict 41ac to now so great that the
mere threat of tt.i uses will be politically effective
in blocktug effective military defense of the Free
World b;~t the. majar We atern powers and in tn-
ducing uncorc.miti.ed nitioisa to capitt .ts to Comma-
U1 at deuiandz ;
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Sanitized - Approved For Release :, CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
~. ~'ha L,ict that t t is inLtiul winning of power by Commaw
Met parties is now envisioned: as possible, in many
of the countries of :?attn America, in sttuattoitsi
which would p{ rmit the Cornzz untst party to
complete dell 'cnnrtolidation of its control under the
guise of a `'patriottq'' defense of the const4utioxta1
regirr a aastnat 4c+w4torrevolutionary violence,
It is tit this doiatsxt that I hrusahchev's frequent
reiteration of L zii-'s slogan "revolution cannot be
renewed oxil~hl~~tsir. -m th 1 sesp+nstbiiity of the Gorrmnu...
party to e(V= caa.n-tiy, it has been nee clear
at the same time t u thhei nations of the Soviet bloc
.and the Comer:.,-itct forcue in the ar; jor countries of
the Free World hsr.v r ass unned a painful duty. That
is, to create and in .trtain an international environs
merit in which l~ui~kc?gro~re Cone xuzatst revolutions can thrive and be protee.tvct ~ iatnst coliective security
measures try atx4t?C*nnm.imiDt peoj4es.
To the t4aih of (arryLng out the! strategy, the rraOvew
meat broutht th-2 cx?ertcitce it had gatned in the preceding
years, and they vase:a,. in thci form of leaders, activist
Communist: party m 3mbera, sy ra -althiaera and callai-?
orators, pm pa ,sn3-. outlt)ts, and techniques and channels
for interun:Iontl cot+rdlnattan and support of the local
Wort in each count, y. a have and channels
permit other pax-#tse-, particularly those which, in the
Soviet bloc, d mina *and exploit the mechanisms.
and materti4 atrengi.h of governrnOn;'ta, to render es*enw
tial aid, direct, cad indirect, to this strugglo of the
local Comnwnt=:t pa'ty. Th spite of the failures of. Latin
American. f'.onarr.eAh;tc, in.both favorable and unfavot-
able circursistani:ea, to win any major Political successes
in the ftrst1trty?.five years, the mov.msz entered
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u p o n the a s e t w 1 4 0 9 s of its nubvorMve carnpaign equipped
with certa1a relwAe asn4 Useful Of l,im ted) local cape-,
b tttes.
is ha+d learnt' t,m the forty years of Its struggle..
This is by no Dxra a the first time the xri*Vernu)
has aougt:t to use she s,natiori liberation" istratogy0
It was first otraplo;red gioha.lly in the period attar the
,test World War, t n1y to .il mt;ieta y in . urope tom
Asia by 1.929. It N ras a12 ain Mated a rraodifted form
for a, shout time durt: g the first phase of the accorxa3
World War (4939-',941). Here it souZht to exploit `
infiltration aui, all, retie) the Ceres attack on the
colo .al poxaasrs of ?uroj;L-e as a means of strengthening
Its Yuen rr th i.ntlwc+ onta,1 w id pro-Gorumn nation. tilist fore-is. ' stmt a , was, however, dropped chastity
with the I itu t to .af thy:, cr . Attack upon the USSR,, .
The third flatus -a as ruvtse4 and pployed was to
the paztoC 194 -1917. In th1 instance, the ga#frls irk
productive to treaRt the CAxtamnt#t movement as If
-it eta sook;ixa, ife It, and what the M remeat has to
Any effeetva cam xatgu dosig ad to check and everto
tually defeat +C*omaxua,iam to Latin America or else..,
where mitst. It baa bccsi ptiafully learned, be based.
upon upwt;~tLe, rwccurate sad realistic knowledge of
rant the If vam t is e~arreutly trytug to A lum
so that, with. tb:e support; sad the ruthless, brutal WO
of Soviet iwowors G m mists were able to satze polver
when they rev e. rto4, to a revolutionary strategy, MW,
thou canxat>ltdated t xutr control of etern Eur ie,
,The gains ma x, in Chi= were also cmeoltdatcd i e:twe.
1949. "The effort fall far eh+ of Its ga a,.
h awevaro ,, IM her countries the Putaat sgffesed
-Approved. For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
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dcfeaats when atto zptt wain; =ada to revert to rev???
lutio rp vtolenov, wLethe:c in c1vi1 wars (as in Grear*CON,
Iraaan, the Philippbie lvland:s. Indonesia, 5outheaaat Asia,,,
etc.) or in niibvc.*sivre carr ptagns of violenccr, ag .attoas.
and tearrorlain (aa'. (as. "Vest rn Zuropa, Latin America.
India and the Mid ',io East). The true zntauing of the
Communist rational l#ber ti ion struggle was brutally
pcased in the 1 r,nn Viar, to which a Co nuntat. .
controlled puppet stet a? guided and supported by the
Scwiet bloc states, eo'zg at to "liberate" through milt-
taary tnvasio the art,o,x of nation aal territory which
bad been dented it by ntera:atati01 agree sit s c
eluded. sifter he end w' Woxl.d War 11.
The current attei ipt to use the n ttnaal liberation
strategy begin to 1954. LLACC that time, the Latin
American Cccrazsuunifit:a and their mentors in the interiv
national r a nt bat ro be=ssa ttadyin$ and refining
that straaategy- and try trg. to develop taa :tic" programs
through which it can hoot b . carried to a access. ul
a Occlusion, The I04aaarns Of the past have been studied,, .
problems that hs-va ar'lnet tat cne country or another
l wrc? bows ta4ao1v04 aid particularly since the beginning
of 1958, a gaaeral a aiiarar ty .of view "a developed
thiaat the xvcme.,
The Essonttals of the Z rate . In Its most si ai+ar
fprra , tho strategy t be e 3 1ned the following term*.
A. . `~l'la~tit'anaaw LMMrat`.on{3 b% the countries at LOU
Amerte Is n*t ate. asb aer_tiv ? It l'. a method of
n, Pow
11. This strike gy tnVc Ives it program of action 44VV144
out in at leap stages.
0. The obJe-Alve s of the first starage two,.. . (1) 'be'
estaab1ts in as tatLonnl ;Spy rernre ata in Latin
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
Ar ride Wht b are et` ox t ul'i. r actively hi
posirt -. tO the Jars power t of the Yrest, pri.
r ttly the CI'e:t --bcl Statrso and moose tnternAl
Policies give locz.l Ccr~xarn~u ste trill fresedt for
att&ttoti1, or;tee: .=tt+t ,xal and propaganda mcttt-*ttlr
at Hiatt equsl to ' tt t j yod by other polittcai
h ~: ka~clie t:t ttrs c+a~t~ ttry. V) The dev opr t by th*
loc4l Cone surt#rt pA this ar the other instrument
the tatorn at c ea 11 w xveruuan t of the stren ;th of
the n ov zrnent, tv the form of mss membership,
contra, etf rai i t r,8azg4:#1orxs (particularly of
Wor era and poaa,,ts). ttr eecretly a .trolle4.
i tvWW ds a egit 40 to carry out the second . stage
the struggle w cccs34uy,
The obJacttvu cf the sr.. con d eta ,a of the struggle,
as now authortt t:vrely de:scr be ., to to cn-glpy the forcea
under Ccnc n %st zcntral to establish and control a
socialist stntc+ Sy item and nationAl policy, which
would milt* p*Stsi? le Progressive evcalutton to a
Comm urist-cfnltralir3d I"i pieea Democracy"
Without the need tar rovolutlon, Zn this stage, the
Cornmttntzes welt to p ^Ome tie creation of
a Constttuttotc'j rn,(mo they rim fend rather thant
s ch to order t.N place n 'Coneeervativs ttoad
elements. rat!%er yearn the Communtete the s of
rc Utot;, he +e erlix a of Guatemala to re a ,ln$
thh se tt
AU of they *Uortu oaf the ertional Cornm#..4
given-Wat (t ' ) cltro+Etod toward Latin America are
designed to. o:trry out,, his tratcgjr* 'tire have[ bee
debatce as diets ateu v attain the UVVs ni In Latin
A rwrtca, pat#tcalnull mince 1951', era the practical qu. [tons
c e r r d a g the t ` t x r s t n g and [settee a v i s t ed f o r t h e a.e
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
eta-le but tiioeie vin It rircd a leers a-, II essive courae
: _u min: Stet n xv s, 3u rte i.l, been 6Uenced,
`1co-aver ed". ow the rata of the move"
_sent as "c itt? at+ar , ~1r;:wl.rioa iats- , etc. It ts
over the. cmtra1 t:..ct c-3t .uoution involved in xr ving if Om
one stage to the {3L3er las t xrcportt~rat + urr+ r:t d?.bates
are takln.g pittc3 iit';att. the G Erarnvt`atst 3 -werrient
on "t, o role uS t bt: it In the national
Ith-evetton Strt,*. ;l .''. Thvq :tut;i:4ritatWO currcnt post-
tion is xve.U-e,_,.,ct ibad in Me nrtt .*s by Rodney Artamo,ndt
/zilch were p-folitheci .r 1,:hyr &,t3 .3-me of 1959 in
Prague in t- c rat>i 1cx; ~vAr .$t theoretical jours 1 of
the Inte .t + nsa -oTaiauiArl. Ysovesn .t, Proh1ernz of
Peace and. So xlaii ; m.
T h e t oft s trite i tai
;3Coz e
uenc?s to LY i~. .~"~5. :i~p 1 ~+ +. 4."Y,'~.Yd~~. ~&+.i R. i:'lYr6 'V 6,R?
prc ent the pro x; of tmx dint din Latin Amertc3
are designed to{
A. promote and ex 1c,it eccvo'rtc ua tou4ixrng
B. promote pct a 1c it tie fear t ware, 3tr~ited or
gea a ail a I pesitic to collective security pro*
grates of non- Ccir u twtat gover=.nents under the'
cloak of ih Iz sacs ?av'errnent;
C. promote arLd eNpXc,it trada uniont activity.
At the same ttmt, t1 w r=tualact parties of Latin
Areric . bavct ux . wrt " an. to SupploMMt the gcnegral
political/ asrt t o a4 ps ograrrz with organizational pro-
rams to otrc:ng b,i n t z . parties by reorganizations
.tntcszstfied tvloctriastt'.c,n oZ Party members, be*t r
cooperation bet* e r P Lrtte:3, and retxttmcnt ca= -
paigrie among youV4.,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
The current : e uai p+:alitiea.l pro rare had Its
b .gennir_ s in 195.1 vrb. n th#3 ljvaz iliari Communist Party
adopted its p:'ogra.Z at the :\41t(Gna1
rty Can zee r
In that year. A ca it.c-,,I astl=ecl. of that program,
dealing w tth JIM-. tt?'OJ)t'.cfn Of trw s'3 alapoal waa tee be
made to coneervtttva basit; ss int re st$$ actuaDy was
baaed upon a line adol:Led b?z the Part' in 195Z. In
that year, w ert tite U 3i cr-rgantzed # to Moscow :t coaoniio Ccn erence is an ;tempt to develop buuinesis
relationships with prt rate basiaessrn4a In the Free
World, two 13ad 413 13razUtt:n Commut i sts attended the
15th -Congretis the P3'V. Thwp'arty program In
1954 advocated .. an .sad a theoretic 1 article of
1952 in the aviet: pu1s :icati.on I o ist -- encour-
aging "all tiros who 1. ate: ftaroirn co petition" to
join the Co x? .t. ,sit el fort t+ b>.xi.ld a people's dex:soeratty .
government in 1az-i s id. T'ha ?.f. arts which have been
wade c n..sietently by >ovviet bboc CovCrnments since develop t:; ade tic's with Lattn.,Arnortca repre?
stent a t;ontin Ang pros ram of the mcav gent.-
Daring 19:~ .?t 9E , tX~e C tat: rn.u iot partier began
to look for Wliosr ntt.:i inly t; hang eyes vative nation*
alist bu inas a e1ernt:n :a but; al do among radical na-
tional forcers, traclu ULg both ultranationzt1tst advocates
of a,athoritarlan r cgin,es such as Per' a in Ar entina
and 3cialt is of aU v ri ::t;as;, which they had earlier
been attar dr.g. This program, whl continues at
present, is c.entgr:cd lo gives the parties access to the
rnas s s throes jc:ixril7?spotiecred united action on
uatioualtat ti em,a . I ,It otms ,h this program produced,
results the erd of 1937, the Pact year and a
half has bro fight ssric as problems for the parties in
such courtrt;.e au Ver ezue: a, Chile. Brazil and Argentina
wh tro they have cases more and more into conflict on
domestic quosticris withtheoe %hose tactical cooperation
.they seek. - :'.Ibis has .n at axis en from the fact that
Sanitized Approved For Release: 000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
the, Into toi*vi i Leos,.z::w: i$t T~`,tiovei cit, be,ahuttng Its
Move er 1957 )t U- ma the 40th r univer ary
of the ' t,Rsst. 3 , .:Iv??l,wtion, ht.e e0uaht to gala its
rid- mid a obj t c ll n i by cre ttxs3 a e iott r in-
cr~tasos is sxat arrr.,atta r- I t1 v.s n by Basin threat
and presotxr a car., tllh s -w to sa cf tl a ree U1 orld to
tn:luco theist t; ca>ac,13 3tcta i ttuterr+ do i
m .ttcra a e the ("Ally , t m n v of x { in t-Ang peace. Tht3
dovelopmeat, tv.' tc1i co a rtb-A .c d t, fAt to y to tta
r mew f :tca ;`,:x z lev Lrn enk with the Soviet bloc,
to woU d+ soli (l R he r atior pra.iicy statetn&at
addressed to ?rt,,;e V, orld C1?"a to the la y 1959
forma P ri b1t,.t ;is cr" .nd, Socialism by Vetto
,Pano f.
S o -A. Viorld 3 oace.Move
d C
Mogco a hall Alm) cas' r that Comm what parttc .
refuse to a%:,;)1 ''r, dw rm mv-a *:r tnte : ttox policies
W%tch, c?::r"?Ac: cuu a;y&a likely to' nrive them of
plottablo tt;i !;? m t t mz a. The parties therefore
oppose cquita 11W t:;ate nV arai arxcl rye ?a al co eraValt
as wc1 a* tLmuc^}tte ter ttlattf)n et .4' .ctlem do tgncd
to 4oIv uAtioza-t ecc u. t problernA without recourse, to
social U,.horn. or. o ftsc tide of foreign owned assets, etc. They sti:x;3- upp zo ar ;r - rro tlc r asure which
tends to de 'fr?vr ditir c1 a c:, a aline and 'tlic activity -
oo protccticn am. ,tr# ryr tOnt accurt#y ?orcos or. to
force them to .kl-jttit a in a vthoT y av:crt rnanner#
In C ca .sequeate, , Mscs Lms v7 f ud it sw cc s ary to ata
ao a Pitt Mal I .a e ,5 w o*e c up ratLon they a .ter
tried t* i In sP it a cof 1-4 need to T :ee these etts.ckss
howevers, tLe pt.l # _ 4 TO 3 et;ag urged by the CP tl tG
stick to t gong: ;r ;teat-a ;{ . The. rkiathods, of duntt ,g
With!, a&'icl " r+ 1 < cx ly- strug Un ag :1n t" qtr
desirable 4UIto _are widely rDco r*mndcd, and the
pat exp rt meac of such parttes-at the Chinese are
5etng odic:tt in this Tight.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
In 1958 %d V` 9 as the A-rt;;rra rdt axttcics and
other articles in .i'rraaa? ri of 1c =~,zt"I Socte?t.-anna
on ..p in :.ane rtcts. rexee 1, t; c:w c halt been evc r-tncreastng
rnphz ais on the med for C o u i Party to
develop tt3 mm t c:t$:c:t ir. tt::rm:s of the nntiQn
zit .tiom in vilicia. i:t x-n-r ;cs. 111v'o i the Sovict bloc gov-
ernments and tmerwCora et front or fixations such as
tba \ orld - `c to rw':'. a r (4 T'r :d Cantons ( , T U ), Inter-
=U0.1141 Union o f ,:ltwlkntto (IU3), ' 'orld f* or&ttarz of
Demo cratic 7o f (IVI )''). ijaor=ate'3 Into arzaatiorad
.C r .ocr .tic c%Io a;.tiolt ('d 14)r, etc. * have tried, in
their pro r .; w .trr sd at 14:41n A r^ rtca. to pay raoro
att+ 1+ n to a ntto it rlv a tic-nu and pcct tarittex .
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
4 tama.tic+lxs, and Factors
Fac?Itt tip or A t.^~tr C, in `?,r t; i% ~iat.1'iXA I?s1t33a strc' +cg
A. .:cl x ~ tc? .:~ r
It to a trwIsi - that Izai i : rerlca is OZ area,
u; x P::,xd is L , ctM4sa ea. The pace
ci the #:~ x rf axe: :t;? ;i vzrtis from cot c-tt?y
to c:curf'ry, :gut {;. is eat?roty infected.
An old t?d'a: z? a t tert ed1 y agricultural
+~ a xxa = s d c l xwchLc poi?tt a1 ~ru1
hz be :-a sit areIV ahOzo. n.# and the tremors of
Ca: ct c "Wa it -Rep ?l'lroUs"'%O xt the regi .
ofcs t.srttsn ro r.::r:cdupon
s''t?rm)I ICT-'ak PI =3 of irxr .stria devclo?went aaad
d.i.v'f rsittcatx .in. . csc 1A?z: e atrLngencics
tho "rcxMzfi Z! rf1Ihth
g both world when
th 01:j iyr c-f fcr a m act tres was
cy9 r~~~.~y;ySdo~;.1: yyM.a, :d thyt a
ic+yt3 0 yq q~n 1/o ?itzc~t~uyations
in t%~W'ii 'i+. ?FN c L:~r1c.. ~?~T 7'YY,`+WL 4yid.~W+i7~LP tGV 4,
xzef?res c3rc c.eo om.Lss, there is geaer
r~x a .~? t ix , t e t ct : xatr that they U" z. t
br,01-m arena alt:: er.jF z3c $ th Lcute,
rc h Vugpch t c,:a3E cw c t hl? hfsj local
y1. :i w~,e i ~,p?.,i3{~'.`ztYas Zw ~i ?+t d'Lotto t `
Ffs, Le rc t - ~,.e frcact ?:errti trade. The
cffOrt: 4t 1n xstrl.~tlt sett , t sptte,t *2ch ~i
pxc ,r x, Ia ve Era-ofv d z :a ly every Latin
JIMU.-TI60CII to, =Cry- Lm a sucs,.c-, stOr. of econdnltc
S. frnj art costs have. run head of the
caret fs oaf cn.ffee, sugar,, topper and ttn. to
competitive %~-or1d rz arkets. 'xecfuerttiy unable
or mvIl ng to cut back n a.5Lttous pra ra-rzpi
a soar tirut,a detsrxr4ued to keep their davel?
opineut Lz dca:xestic h1jads# ,Overnaxze&tts hate
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
burr rc h o ,ily. r.=Mt3 reverted to the printing for mom-y. Critical': inflation has
been the inevitable see u1t, v th obvious
detriment to t tLna;xrda of living.
Vht1,3 ecc):,awric de ?al.crprn?rr t 'txas proceeded
rather er ?atka y, the popul .atom curve in
-Latir, Arroric,. has been rising steenlyr. The
rate of increa3e in recent years has been the
greateut f nr niaj r area of, the world.
Between 192.0 and 1%5" the pbpulhtiou of
Laths. Am J;3 in man 1 nee
Teat~avd that c+a p t~ .tton'ritli Co r.r,~caa~ist
x c.ris t.tPxr.;t 2riDjast horse, zr,,l have
uo f'ar 3.iuil.y selected non-Communists,
aiir?, tl`i: d, to establish a precedent for the
csuv:x IG~lyr: ent f official contacts.
Flri Lly Lnd n.oct Importantly, the Bloc
I ovt~ ,rain arts. have carried or a carnpa,ign
av,,rsars?ents have coat active, in thie
of cultu a1 c.c izta.rts. Near . t all the Bloc
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This i r . ~ '~>n riesi;p -d primarily to
ap:?2al to "I o rlI Oir elements 11 in official
ami kaar.r: tin, ,s u c it lecl it is used to appeal
to works-,r grC'-apt , to whon% it it described
as a t ortxt.o;z to ww va:gts and living standard
pr Bbl=,~r: ta. lilac trade has increased: in
19f,8, tatai ..stira Axs:ericzn direct trade
%wV;h t.h2 ;- a-`'avict 131ot; registered a gain
of 30 paraze t cvuur 19 a7; l:o ievor, this
inc re:ar>wa is Rs ,,,ly due to a much greater
pr a c w ityr a 1. in. rezxe in 1. loc-Argeattine
trr.ds. Arg 2ntina: last yezir also
negotiated t:e fiat Targe caredit agreement
(i100 xrtillliaa for the purchase of petroleum
equl?n tnt) anadt by a Latiri American
s Q~rc 4 .:Y ~ ;e 3tt with the UfFSR. However,
in no itt.At.miae to il,,,te l to this campaign
dvrelopcd.' to x the point whore there is
ha.,ax d:aue v$.= n_~ ;ace upon trade
conxtacte; with the Bloc. The impending
viait of trp.tty- Premier Mijltoyam to the
a.roa v.-411 re f`-r- a t at an ia: rp*rtant effort
to bid for fi rtlier i tcroasea in trade with
the Soviet 1:10C.
th . 1oc ; over nr: -,,?nts can c''aixn that they.
have a:e;,:iste!d the, strategy of the local
C O a ujiv tf tt,.. it . s doub-ulu.l 'whether on
balance th m' hav:t so far been of much
.A1#k o r;It in each of the fi ldaof effort
p. Thai:, f ?it=are. to coaxtribute
,La: ixx , ;uaer .ca. ro sul.ts from roviet. -and
tc3 r ie G;ex.xtent, Czi e6e"actiOns which
run coc:.rtter to Lt, jr pro1easiene; the
exiserilnce;s of countries of the Middle
gut::9tarz i.all;r to the otr, tc y designed or
Sanitized. - Approved For Release.9CIA-RDP78-00915R001000020001.-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
art and j Asia, where the .strategy
uniolci:id t yore rapidly, are sobering
exporrerc:s of crudor appects of the
bloc novve'.?nr.nental role in events. It
takes a good de al of skillful talk about
peace, an ';i+in per alisrr3 end national
l: l crr:tion to divert attention from
a3. Tbet even azi'long those
ro no?clyr of ; ct id as the Latin
.trr_c i:can pubt4ce. Even the lese we
p iblir_is .d inte~isfiicatioaa of ektllf'ul
Coy Ar .innif t cata pa gn$ a ;treat
believ erz of alt faiths in the countries
of the B1 c have impact on those
who actty ly lc ,k for the 'truth. Campaigns
f r e: . t~:. ti eliu 1o a.atic contacts are
not a.Jeci ul:~?n :Mexico and Argentina
r.sust end:pel 1:,310: to issartes for .
subvc tiv:f act vity. A real trade
c aiwive All require more attractive
v- .re;o, in ,laic a and quality and form
Of pa r:rc t, than the lac has so far
been %411113 to offor. Wea should .
rrobt.i-ly z.ot tales too much satisfaction,
i the cer:parat.ive fatlurc of the USSR
and t:` ve at*ier 1`4oc overr-?rrrcnts to give
an added iveiglwt to the. efforts of the
Latin AT c rica:c parties. Their efforts
elsewhere prove that tG cy may well go
to even grcater lengths than they have so
far if, ? in .1-eir opi.;an,. there is. still
chance lo achieve. a wox?thwhile result
la onto or none key countries.
S#rjtized Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001.000020001-7.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
B. International Coin n Lr-ai:at Trade Ui ion
ctiv i is ~ztc?per . of th i _datiou L fiber stian
Slrat y ?.n Li,' i.z .ourgaoisie and take
ics:t a; hart in carrying thorzl out
o o t r?, XV.,ea1.14 re: are
Ge7~ ':l`~ k ct g I!$ Irr pe yew remyy and
h t ic' c 5.i ~y r w51, ~c-nF' 'th1z n the
L ~
i.x ae. _..s... wr.r .~,,......~wriesror
ti: r~ 7x9; xn It!;A.rt'a Cal and rovelo
i.+n n +r
E`a~ d 'xr~i+ rss= :ahbuld d 10
cat .ru a Ott: 41ititiro In checkin
cC . * zI ion a-:d vta3b in the sr+ aure
u ul a k: e:.l tt:+cs?azd nati r l owner ufp
m,1 4t,.4 a re fi:ti:a recl by public taxev.
'T : aa:de a raton should 13-k~plly democratic
eriflia~n:: e- in . e u rr it g public property
is].t. ;~r~ct1~z it froTt6;$tis,.
rt~aa ai?p:?e xi3 t1 n oz' ca aot&ge. .
Sanitized = Approved For Rel.ea%g :.CIA-RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
..kow )^asanti for land and
7 uw .fvr 1 crntl1-ions an 3 ouid sect in
ao`.i.dar..ty wi:h the peasants.
Tr:.ide `&on 4i ov Inc: try of countries
firs per rt:~t:ionzi i~ac ^ , on ce
t,::.cq aic ;articipa te rno actively in
r, f e~ t pion move rrente in countries
wbdc.h htve inns; traditions of struggles
blav re 3i cnr;ibIHties to'shares their
. r ie= 1c e s with tho s(A trade union
ra~c~rs e ; td? in countritas' fighting for
th:)i.. iia tee snce.
The? lan?, uago of t?:.ewe seven ;directive
rec uire:s e .l)Iana :ice :
The' fir? t: clearly siesta the lb it within
which C n ;iu .ds ; co ca arntior' twith nationalist
forces M ,to tVtLe place. It also, for Cormernunist$,
sets forth. the justifieetiott;with, which they are to
Ea ,,lk a . -.
. ..,u every stxu.~,;N .a in a
ccloiais I cot:utsy to improve wages
aY_.;t wo icing co-aditioris ha,. an
an.1.1-cclonial color. The task of
th:} tra. ie union move ent is to link
t%~ wol-kc-'re, aconomic: ;14tru- les -with
?roliticz.1 r.,trur:?_ acaiast colonial
5. `hn t t-4, .1o unions shod pay attention
to the S x .? uvI. i:pport which they and
t :c: pit can ;ive each other.
TZ zxle ttal,.i.s3 t:k.ouId hdlg the. eas :nt+s
Sanitized - Approved For Release? CIA-RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
to e a . :.,ry? ,~ 'In (I U: otIl4 'su2 wort the
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
ex-plain .;.n,5 Inroi?e-, bit their pa opos ale for
coon a Yd td."ir a eject.:: an3 of the inacceptable
proposals of others.
12 The second, crfth its term "democratic
3ni ibi Liaati" " cil ld ; pt: it C, or irf uni 3t.. ?tradw
unto ti3t;J ttt :ti:lFri7~ i4! artd 31.4' --port tta }O 1tanoous '
atctionca by ;31"' lic..zspir tec3 efticer s to expose
and c"onr earn cor.-car tits. , and iaa f icier>cy in.
governxr ontai p rc -r an-is of sccia welfare and
land refor; .1, as r: rn r:: s df dir: any
individual or ; rot.l M1.1ch the Co murfist
party ca:; ott Leff tc: tively control.
The t1dr J, ite x?, iV* cap: iin3 for "democratic
vi ilanct 1t direct. :.6"In.1munints td gain sup port
by or an1z-W.1t a~;i- wtLcn ao(ait st * rerr.ri eras
oriiciala and cons rva. v4 elcjrients on grounds
of x~: s eyes .z cs 02. the r niau;se a. Influence.
Caz k ,i ns to da"j,,r 3te;ct the radon ,l trf~irr_o~nytt
or "aaticnal -rera'o',ercetlr are lozical extetsi?? s
.of such
a?. it{ ?.:sorz.
Tate fourth di recti,ve requires the Comrnuuist
to "polit~c2.1i 2" a very car.",pai;n for workers
rights aced oclono s,ic lam,;- fits,' by placing,
.directly 3r irldire.tly, t ha blame for existing
pr'oblernn an fail lres to vtin f,i11 atisfaction of
demands of o the fore arn: ' unint:s,
capitallss-t d r:sination-of world ;rnatketa, the
bi.L "l our ge 01.1 ie ?i li ki't with iu? a :national .
bueiness., et5c. T:ds :l'fort 1s. of c u.cial
irnportanco,. s cure tha,vv who, accept this thesis
are ideoio ic. slly rec. epr}red for recruitment Into
the Comrreuni t party n >ovement.
Sanitized Approved For Rele e : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
The fifth dir,.ctiv which urges trade
unionists to irDi i the crga.nizzliox1 of peasants
is particularly it z,porU.nt where the trade
Union n.\3vemi nt :;s will dive:loped au onb
plan tion of :rlrea's ci * r, Cott.-oil. coffee,
etc.) in coura;'rtsnns depend heavily
upon a pO t.ti of egricuitt ;.'al co r.m. ities,
for the trade xn1unist Caere is likely to have
closer ratorzil ties with the rural community.
The si:4; x di-ectiv,a relates in particular
to trade unica:ax x'tti alida: ity" d n- onstrations with
countries such too Iraq and to taoo need for such
1 conearnic" a!-Site tion as protests: against
x ilitary ex; a;ndi1 uree, dens e for peaceful
trade w .th t fy E o Wit.iitit bloc an =oarxs of
relieving u?ocxtli33ymeszt, etc.
Thei acv-oath direet5. r to a c411 for
(and prvinina o) i provea =ent of international
support for Corn taint :por es, It applies 'not
only to ;3uch coo triee as those of the Bloc
but also to inch 1:.ornrnun st part .cs as those. of
France, It Gl,~, a:xd India, which have had long.'
ditto: a of
Soviet ertthtx 3iasro for. the "liberation
sstrategv" in Latia An_- rien was expressed-by
D. Ponox '?ar v, .i loading Party theoretician,
in an a rtici pu.b`.ished in x ist in
October 1956 which vs entitle "The
International Cosnx ..~unx:ist )A bve= nt in Its
New Sto e?I? 1 t- zon-.arev stated: "The
.people of L .t:in I.xnerx-a are all the more
decisivcsly i*zwre~,si o the struggl a .to defend
their national wealth :xuxcd dernoecrr tic freedoms...
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA=RDP78-0091-5RO01000020001-7'
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
outburots &re ts.l:i;asu places vAL cb arp sweeping
z y reactio uaty re iirne.3 cmd are lcaosercin3
the nooses w icb. the MOT.;s ^1tes of the US
had tlirown on tthvtr -tconr..:-ny....
"An important cac.raia ertzttc of tYac current
struggle in LRrAta At r .o? k c c to the cantir wally
increasing .tole of t hr, virovktnBB class. That is,
the pm rt:icipation of tic wr,.wridng elk ss irapa rt3
to the na-tio aa! 11')ert tion rroovcrent .in L- In
America a y rr.axke. ?; ertallst
lantern-ationcl C:rt;trtt: tttiornn to the Pro radaa. of
? bo cetera policy ecvabllshed by the
Internal or l Co r .na Waist :Y'Icvernent to begin;
prat Into pra ttiot:,? v4 ;h t ht' aup cart, { Adaar ce,
d aa3ig -c= tT the ' "'' ' mid Ito b1oe
'urnerous i!,s .leg o-f International
C mrnunt t fu ancing of L.Y,t?n American labor
t %ozxs have liable no'to:d. in 1937 CJ'rGb (Child)
Was said to ha i racowed. $5, 000 Erma WFTt3
headquarters. : h xatrne;,' wvv.r, received by
Elias 1;* lleo,t r; vo tizila at +=rtdirsg a' Ccr4ererLce
of Mal Wori r in Prate.
Rub m tscaro, , eacrctxtry General of the
Constructir, t \ erker 3 'Jon and t
the ~ti xn. eiJc Pro :r, rr:ncr tzacibax e Inde.
pendlencta des los Siardtcatos of Ar nttt a,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP.78-00915R001000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP.78-00915R001000020001-7
was forced to adr:at when coafro ated with
the facts that he lad received funds from the
WFTU to pay the 4xix,,fsOEi of delegates to the
First World Corxfa ?ence of Young Workers
spensore.d by th t.FT(1 in Prague 14-20 July
In at lca,at tie) ira$'aanecs funds were
re ported to have eon received from the
Soviet Thnbat r y In Me.,:ic o City for uee in
fomenting lahar s :rife. The beat known of
these was tt. t: of he n`s:Yr i'fCli3 ')1.:C"Wilioiial:riefense pacts
in wbtc 4t xe a jo:? -i,? ntcrn powe-*s participate,
poor/ of l;l (x ai &--le i _sit r_ ;rrycE r,enta with
these 1~ 56;Y errE 'In'1LiWatjoabf national
?t tverei;5.1rtyl', are obviowly attc rr is to
appeal to z~=stir xt;lir t- ,entirxient and to
d vela tf! i a.. 1;1.,-:r t cl~ idea. Of all
1>c~ssL i ~ x~:4; ~ :, f+t f:ie sl + weds, they
fire in haax;;l f, -.t( t t . e least u23,r.iul in advancing
tixe refitt-_,- of c t. 13x=t, to tl.e degree that
they ij,, Rrrc rd on of prc E dre or denouncing
ref a nationlil g werra,.-n.~xt 'bgr:it opponents, they
do ZO:7va t"]': 4~ JI STIy:~a1f1 a t:s9 a
TLC' t7i?y. cDe ~.?- za?eapoxa C3n1paign9 are
r:x x: t is : .3 1;1. . .s i Ei `zknofa article;#'. Y" "t:: la-rS , 11,1c. CTS.?-p, Z"tAi-CO ist Complex
s hick av l t~roc 0rr=o 11e five is recent ara o u
pod..t out" the :e are o hrer grOwps of a nonce
this th it sincerity' cannot lie
;xs:otita.~t e.. h~ faLt, .at fs v r.y Significant
note ma' x points is that
50venay: at must
r co tl::.n vie T a1u of these :"Dices and avoid.
pol,ici,3S :wml t-,c ions which ccul..l lead to direct
clad . s nevi, pon dY'`Ye roxncev with them. It
im in thi3 field Of Cm.. unist p ns that
they s The
witio it li;j,,3r sion ttyate y co -yes under
4e:, 'am g3tac :i In, r: ~!df H&.ly at dais points and
f'pawe1gzgtl-, attert o-i not only by A.rgentinos
but by otac:c l ~^ i c artfsazi.3 of Latin America
and the Soviet s crld. Further expansion of
Communist ac"tiritiei3 that followed this
conference e. to the closing ddwn of the
Peace oux cif i i-early 1959.
TIe I n";r=,rrsi is 1ti:cjn of effort in Latin
Arnerie.a in early l95D led to the return of
key Latin f..=:ncr, e n '..onnnunists from the.
posts they 1,ad cc:cupi,:) in the international
Peace Coimcil E ecr?etariat in Vienna. Lobo:.
Carneiro of Ere zil a:)d Alfredo IVarela of
Argentina bath ~.'e t-arzs.ed, to concentrate on
work at home. Jorge ryalarrea Eorda, a
hey Latin J.:,pier Ica; :orszrrEuniat Lon- active
in Vienna i.a bot t r%lc aiYc and Yotxth front
activity, return ~d in the sumrn+r of 1959 and
is likely to 7Iay a hey role in the regional
or ;anii anon and La coordination
Perh:.~?p,:3 the; r.or;t. disquieting aspect of
Peace Council c ctivity during ttie years since
1955 ha.s bean fl e number of riembers of Latin
Sanitized Approved For Relee$e : CIA-RDP78-009.15RO0100.0020.001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
.Am, 4-rica1l f;o ~tid'il~ it? t legislator's, etc.. who have 1P-?c: irnv J11ved.. A nunnbtr of those
p 'o ni-aeF t si' v:re ss ce dropped out
of the i cv? rw!.nt{. `'oit)z-o were, however,
twe-nt.-two' : :? ;t .,,r o~7 thi PerUVIlan
parlian.-a at at the t:C,c k -. ohn T et ng in May
of 1959, ;ind a -l. t tcidi t>at Lazzaro:C ,rdenae of
lezzico c Dnt ,ra,es -:o sivipt rt the Movezu nt.
Duri. 1;.'56 tl,c l wL,.co Committee work',
was disrtptad i; iiel. t3:s+~t,,, tb r:.arr,cey~oiribas ro j i1cd in y
such bi o d and ua,E1ay4.,d queWs?C.ione i~i~.~e Sue z
crisis an i the Hur a. ic,:sy a:td ?oiih crises.
They were also r-Aversioly affect{-,d by the Soviet
Communist attack c Iv A It:akc v':1 ?tatenr;ent on
atomic w4ar. ~?ve t of 1-(. fare Councils established
co -act ct fith y tlan a ?;yri n trnba sies and
Le"3atioi2 7{+Y. iU. of al;itztlo:c l e p ort-??
and Zc qu4Jtu Tor ?. na racial aid l 'here Was SWIM
effort to r.f-;nl . Latir 1,,-.1erican anti'colonialisr
17111th that o' 1 " ypt, Vrit': b? , little Success.
:": :h bodies as a ei vaclviri .A> sorULtion in Chile .
tt: rdnpted to or- a;r.iv4k, with the su port of the
Cornrrau.nist pr,asa, a rniss de ..oa tration of
-ti-colons ?rl : Olicl: ity in tynppDw t of Egypt and
the colon-4 l ,s calals s of Africa. in this . .
agitation, t ey adh ocatt:; Wl that l'r,ri ma fallow the
yptian air 5pie to l rt?t; ?rtalize the Canal.
it f,n intorectircZ $:o note 140V1 few of these voices
have echctd arty of t :::~ .ittor lessons which the
people of 17-,7j-,Tt an i }- trig Fave leazncd in their
unholy alliaartca: with Co . -rnuniew. Dina 1954.
It is indijr su.ta ale ti t.the *,pace programs
sponsored by the rat?, in Latin
.A:rntric .hAve r>ou Lt to Litpire participation by
Sanitized -'Approved For. :.CIA-RDP78-0091'5R001000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
leading p :: E nn,ral.ti i3--bcth ecclesiastics and
laymen.. of the E+t.xurcil. To the e::tont that
the Coa arrau.r fast t; po.nai)r?3hip and direction of
any car;paic,1t is -apl:a--ent, rcloction of their
unity appeals in ?-or p-axa.ively sire lo.
iovreve;-, wl;arc secret Cornmunist sponsorship
is invol^red, >r v.1--on nn idenU.f;table link to
the C onmrtat i s t 1? : o*re z:...c: i. can bo d : tec ted in
a grt tip whose px ograe a $. 3 consistent with
Cornr:au aiEst cuutright refection is -
.in many inst~Lnce as unwise as it is difficult.
The c ~n-ncs designed to inform
Con-111:uiai.rts of t hu -prcpex,? tactic to be
canployed in peace c;tru"glovs, brings out
the face tliz*:t ther i.i w cucial: factor that
must be exc'ludoc frovs any peace pro rarn
if it is t ao worthy cif approval.;: This .actor,
.the crucial pivot upon %1VI ch t ho
+s hole i ac s rt r;; ~:iE dozx"n.da, is any.
challen e. of the tze d > t r it ft?ll r0sponsibi y
f_ Cite .oid `,gar eLt l ixs`3on t'Ia c{apitalfst
tea.. ....+?.+r.+. .?w ..:_.. :-w~......~.a..w.+d......:,.~.......~
ixsxp x A St ~s. . t: on this point
that the bre.': v}i-:h Yu 'osavia a ti e--for
it is on ;h o *?czarat, 'ex. Shp ao nak es clear,
that th.e dynamic rorce o.r"the mass peace
struggle depindt3. .ass I;aositiosx of absolute
netitralit.y or pos:.tive ;:teutralis-nip is in
`p4 Sao's viovi, acc: i ta...iea. But criticism of
past actionscf the cvid the activities of the
P+ aces Mcv se: t < tng_ the two years prior
to i ay of t."Li17 ,'ear.
Ti w olf.% c I (o: nt iar xt t -youth ,ndi 17ti ei nt
t i '~-rt' V t'l7"n13 i y..Elr a?rr of ti
? " satl? nal
1AL, v4 ttr a =`c.v r z~x t: in f...t"in `',.a erica
it.s ?1yr%5wr_ t;i Latin A,r rtcat, the
Tate nastitga,:k CC,1-nsxr.t4 sst ..pis vtricnt has
Used pr1n.t:~.iiy the: %iorld r> cc ation,of
D. ocra tir o, th (.1TDY) an 'th , fntcraatioru
Union -sa t.dre si (It-`'') as its or nizatic tal -
s `0, p a-s. ?:'Ixe s ora;~a .lz bons hat+r CtT(;tic ,2 t
1 vi esrtsc-t m.-ti Sty a port of this n tion.aal
l.t.tin :Am rica during
two ; ,~3rrs:t i";cr. tT it creation; until 19,13 and
frog 1954 to flat ,
Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R0010.00020001.-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
The, Vi',) : t ai4 t{: ta%.en by th,3E." V,,* :.VY
and t4^.e IU 61?u t + 0i, V 19111-1) l period V a
Pt t`t:2ii? jGint yI spa r ored
;C "i:'.'^ o ih! $~ rid i9 "Youth and
t hr.t 't:`~a3s.i:ttfl (ct,'.z4 "''s?ct'.e of relia..b
t.p. t'.v*' to C ic:: I113, t, fP..iZ # R 3eL i4 co, P mama
iit2'`sE ti'rl~w3i:: I.? "to t 'y a:t First sand th.e
oo.zdWo , a-n.d Ii 'e rte o;a? ~' d Sa o otanlfirxaa
at ixx rt 1~:..1 that t' .:} r. rv" -ldLtior> cif misery and
loft tine Of yc :t . r4N u1t-:d .f ^ti:r. tl role of
in vr_n.,jnta',.-nInj feudal
on iv. 4,,r Lc%:.1tixrry+, In 3)x e i entix industrial
$a_ix the rolxticat and
tc o a. -I;Jc li : of u%xtry. etc. The
`' ~ c l ~"- w,c ? t ?c-%' ;< .l~t.,x also at'. le ztl in secondary
schools . -,.~ Cc i-'rE z 1"jJa:et.
ttt :. XS diar M tl is period.
L ul Ir, r tL:; ica. The \W?FD
cIC Mly r pot d t ,, . ent { ivixn as. aggro .five and
r vc.ieati art t? w 4 t o.a xl,. < nd ,~ roar a.nda
'ts tru ~ nt of th 4 a nt:.S.:iona).
there ij, zx ..~r d:sz. fiUatior b kr.the
i i9lze i e: n+ r
=.s ,r.~ srf t g y t a s from the
Fred Vic ~rld, a~ T'Y" r "3 71 oUort b 1 em , a
:prod adtr bate. of v.p ost d} ?itx this aria of
viol?rtt r Ovol ,,tier ry c traatep y (_id rx&&ot with ..
' i pii3 t Ctw1 I 1~d.rai D.X t M,.~a fltt *t 'o tad3tjo a1
Youth or;p o1+ !tio i:3 (o4! t:}ver 'half.trio total
SYY .~ L.,. . ht-w bo 1ie ? also Zerve
as b e.-.dizxu grc u ?:ti:, riot for t ho Shock troops
of ,oz r ;u h rpit, but 'or leaders an+
for t ce 'c; w 7 .3 iATR~~i'r ~L. ?
1 oft e 1 tc~. e t n l its iaf .uance
Tyr 0:0 t1 t;Y,_a.f: n2a'ticimlly representative
oe ~ titnt t,.tch i.% in.. rmat .nd politically
influ.entiO 4s iit tag t;t? Gt 9l, the lU b-gaze
4: oft A; it ;~ its .i:ic and ino5 "Jittg Stis tactics
drastically ,ri l 1 r t i r K=rd, the 1US
had to ;;o to are 4 le::.:,.? liliD to dio is a;: tea
auspicio s of xatu.- Mly criti= 1 roux, . '['i
JUS ice tis(: its :ormtii in 19953 to provide,.
for the fir-it tkzx: e;, Dx~t : As :octat , 1, t `iborshipi'
cata_-,orv`'a cb iu. po: to Iy. leer rills each
.t .) 1 r tr .eat uxxio i to detir:a in a as itYczx
a $ w; 11,& 11 a the I- S th anthorized limits
of its rnt=; m-i.r > ip aril a+.tivit;t. However,
while- such in of re mcait -rsin'lat ~ttat , for
+ x. niple, tl iat tl a x a . o ; l . p l at union
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ccY r, ct t: .~~ iti li from IUS
s oiitf:z t l 4.r1#?r: r. of iJro ;~ya? alit lip = :ts
only t I %rt t dl ' non..
J ,:rs,i.; n i.:'ttd. a t-al lei cAwra 1, rp its
and travel ai:V Vit"'^w:,3, ca--ca are ;tit, "gor aalitit'8's
e '^d ? t;a'r 1 ,,;Cc to t: , 1tl' .. The IUS has
to 'hance its
prc st ye a i:A t;, l?.;' p create thhi Musiort of
b 1 g : t `":r a m 'r t .i!v O :u`i rtt
orY -^i:. 4f,c .. In no imitaz ce bi I. tip E .: a zie
of as - .: ti a 21~i Oven rnway cif-their
-mcrx3 t3;i'f Wave to bt img aveaulted by a.
coast at twrr; a of ii. lx1j political IUS
cl.:'li n: d to orient them .,ai ist
t~ a t d i
aT:x -11 z, tr U1131-`Z& in Vat
r1i !! Uortr to ?'b.+~..:1'2i v' ' be tt r neAt of
Politi:31, +!co ors?.i.c and 30citl con itio z$.
Tt l 3c - x V
tia it$ 1 affiliation
Pol.ic;r, txxz Itri,' been cngpa din.; and
dtv r a H . i4 lw c r rx~ f . tixctio r ore and
u=ts, (.. e a "gar ice 1952 and 1533 in as
effort. to ..,t3. a - t tie Txwado t o iblo s ?p c rt ad
try ?yyceyie. co - ti.~4of no2i.-sbsF.q~rab-tr uad:ut
F V 04 3 ` ! c x - i t h Z i ! i a of " th-
V $ V Y r i. Y.Y ii int :1i 4 1i7 t
and nkedri, re4jo:.,3 l y, tcr;drr: ically, culturally,
awlltic:l~r?i1" and
of lf~e iz:~ -o .t cai or reliji tius b6liexs.
vucer a of t183 t cti lays been
Pt3F ` ici?it t#`:r y':"wt$+~' . i The V -'? .C T from
1954 to t h,,, e4-.% ly 3art cFf 10 59 slag inton4ified
a c t i v `t y " i:: e a : ' = , 3o vt it the nati a & 1 liberation
txu Lr~ 3~ ?t s A ;:, e rica. xt is i~xtercctin
Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA-.RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
aa4l Peace*
that in lz t. 15'5 the a'4.?'~ Sow ht hard to
e_:g olu . I, aj::ra ,:' r-got 5?k .s` n eve nt it% its ai:att-
coloa a.1 asp do as.f Iib_-r4t1ca elfo. tg
elzlwm a're i*a ttion ? f the U.vercity
of ua,7a;aar
L I tl"e ca c,,r V e F' : 'D" '. Its "lharder"
Mae eZ r. to t .f old al,r:-?R; st raRr.uit ;nr.z wir,1 levels.
In l953 the IUS revi,r d its eor :e r.-gat
moribund Dtiire i of xd en s ki ;ht U
i 4% ainst
Colonialism anoI used it EL$ a ceatrajl coordinating
point for #ror?: ~ i;r~sPare: a:iti-col nial activity.
At its Fourth C?in r wss iii -'Plra i e, Au, ust 1956,
the IU ore aKairi took i1nore drastic measures
to gain or .'stair: the a::filfittion and unity-of-action.
of nat'a naU,y re 'rev:n .tiva etude t tmiartt , most
of vruich ta:Ion;.-:d tc the 11:3E3I -CE3'11munist COSEC.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP.78-00915R001000020001-7
To 'eniovE; the a? .Y..y:Sti:.i:~^.'-i:. arun- nt used
by 4"F ! f':'Ct ps 't.-a -?is-t LM, c'tfs .liratio. --t~'at
they CCV'4i'a. wt 5..~c ".:.'rC- enta live
rniauri:y 22 ~ror vh iz d 4 ," ~4'ctiv
co itr e .'. re ~ e. ` y is?"3b^.i; r .-t'ry` lus
ace yr' k G L Z~ }S3i} l3 G:.s ayi o? alt
d1am_.t cwla ii Lii p r. s, +~#i,.cw: 4-R ? .~~ r L ,otity ct:Lde .fit fronts
tin tie .?"rl: o "v'w or;.s . ( peso fronts, however,
cont .t'o to ~:'a A' lr w4'.y p- t-t of IUS o".. eJ `.Wives
either ~,-+y r cwx; a z .,j t>ria tar r body, or
by .?a .w: y 3 wi`~ it with '?"~ '~ in ,{~
s'a.4A.:~i?~ ..r >~. ... y i~i.: ~}w`
of (o `I: L"aa t1 ixs .Ii ;.'.::7c It revised its
c o tit ae.ic it. to rwe a-c:,,a for "Cc>.z=.yultative ?'
r.Le"r:jberc,hf j-?ti:-- ir:a ezt :oszibl form -- an d
tried to l ca ,f ti l-- tae :.tic a1 L.~ ~ c it unions
by as sctr:av.~.!> c ii It
a.i t..p`- r'.'yppa"uaia of action
aniL a of : ecy olutsc,ne cc =o nin j th2i
U t ~ryryanl o+'Lyty'~he IrJSay and its affiliates
~ . o MG 1,^` - r4.?- ~1 ur A4ed '1A ~YL'^.v~t-W ale y ~dppori. t1V!
u .tior l IiZ .`raticn n-,ovez ozts.
"I~l x i 't L I1 C:c a resa. in e n
rie 195S, g.v.- j eatly increa e4
irr: art uce to I. ati F= icr . In contrast
to its ' ' lur%'a Cc r e s i 1956 which dial not
adopt 2:n T 7S' ~fC a rrTsolutione, off, Latin
a.e.:t7:erit:e', ti;?`: ''tfC. I tr Cor.'.,rabs ado, t ~..
acv u ~c* .:?tio un of t;a~:.c..ri.t 'ov ti stu erxt .
is T1X13i . $.i:;l 1~u ?>,32'Y~G1:3i Gt t "ttriea (L r.3 uv,
. fataxttith - :xcribed a 'Guat r_=..lan
territory, '? I?rr X11. ~a x . Guadeloupe, Cuiana.
l~ arti fl , ifc .~L t , "cru. aazd Venezuela), as W,.l', as a sift; .ratr! twO.pp ge resolution on nxt-"ric .. " b Cris re--olution the IUS
Ccae;r da;ci Lrci to :' t1 4'a lull Support to the
Sanitized - Approved For Release :'C1A-RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
tl$w L'i;f i of } 4: Y3 r I--,-? ).'f+--t ryiX3sL 7 t it:7 osas
for ''..ati~) . t".t.'?der".'. enco r^...T_d co cw'truct,oi,
a ainv t - ! C, p r; E loll, for the
reform o t crrt:,,;3.tiion a n `. :c ~ Ic ~F.:t' at of their
nwt{v..^l r: r=~ ; :sir ct rxdytioae of life
and al v,r c e to render all
poe,.ible alp. ~:acsi sr; :% s, health
egtUpl or..ti t aid 0 1:::r aSUwi-'AZ-;ice to
Latin 1 -xr,eri,.,w n st i :,n c'r; nAz bons, including
J.1,?e ioXa l activities.
S a t Y ce ht or St
:i-x,i-:; : ii o of y art cul^.r
I IV. it 's3 se) fa.r wr Lt.t America was
!~ ,+^y
YY~~yyJmiy.yNi S~F~1 Sy fhf Latin y yj c4'~1?..*.l.$r~L" tri~s ~? and
i~it )~..~'.~'~f?tr i?~ii
x do ral tt5 ' z'kt a. io"x j'vor ~ror: M < t r?
Ou ttrxrlU, inclu t l'-, ttV4-,1V s national student
t3nio:A3, t.^xao trtrn xsaa2;r* c:tt moat groups amd only
3eve:n Ii7;.1 fi l.i .' cE3). ;tit cial :?i tin t3
Latin Vii: ex'~whn re r'r t z-.:-n waive were field
duri::t. fax; Conlxe .- oZram is
coa Fate:at ~:~a G'le raor s: rt;; t!r.3--o tl or secret-
-`'y ". hl.:,; 1 .Mc 1955 r organized various
cor:~"po'Ecnt vs~. t c ; ii '?!ttz:dqua t*re in s.~3;it'1~ cst
in t w r to & : tzq tv Iy DY'e
c''';4.'aIMF.Y p3"t,.-,X"aX n of
actwc , fi^ya . Z.V 0! a:c A fY
a eCiali4-ed z.. tl~r.a.t 13 f:Ir 'YOU a", .poopIo in tile
or ? ~ ' 3 r o ! 2 , ) w O ? ? , . a r. I'. a roc' t eff iVO way to
ac i-?vc ;h EG+ m mw ZCt up in
accord..utci -.nth z. t~i-x~ ;~~ti~~~m i. cu d by too
'a~,irt?r a :".: ' Co' c.: ; In qtr ~:st 1957 and
4s' 5~ or?a 93?tw^C .wt ," uY f4 s~ i's t !tq ~ iJ S f{~v ~f Lciw
aT". C 1iimu I i
~1sla ~ e t.ELivu. 3cr~,;o Galarxa has been
jorv~r,in ;:l';iscw.aac cw.,,-)acity since 1956.
~~+3 h r,.*4ac 3 .frai:n Alvarez Parades.
" ~14:t c x t lie (:nlor bIan `:11ati.onal V iou
,of '-tzlsawnt:? (UNEC.) i not afr:f-liated
' `a 4=.; s' the c N1c^~1,1so Alvarado
(lit XrmF. }beyp of 14N-k~cC ExecutiYe
(o '"a`? 'r'tttautlr until Ylay 1959) i 3r`
working at 1.IJS Ellad-
.uar..erss !'2 Prap'kz as the Sparr ish
1',"41V r of t_ n IUS f ont iy organ,
'Or rli'",t4 t-' N .,w . This is, of
w4?'t$" s , ;. [`e f# tire i:i3 tactit:c:t effort
tj3 J I-=i a t h of the Colombian
;, t..Irt?,or w' Stu3onts, Alvarado
1 e la. a :=: c3 a tt $n 1 x '71-'e in jaauary.
' ). whe a ho rc t ca d Anto io hlaosi p,
ti~ r~u i s: s `:xa c ,.?v tl a `~~ yank Editor
L "51 i .b ; ent Nev's at IUS, .eaclq ratters
6 tw is 1 'e - i E . 7 i s tt z' q'icl ly
ret t , Cuba after the fall of the
l ti ,- r rfnie anc: Gan be exacted to
Uscri,.:: Hurt active in the regional
h.,rog Pax..:
Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA:RDP78-00915R001000020001-7
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01000020001-7
3 a :y of ts.. Lst.ia Ar eric;an C o.-r~rmurai, is
IU" LCD L: va Lto:-h":d at tkd ``DY or IU ' HHead-
c 1.ra.rt _Rr r not cnl`), re,ceivt^;td special cadre
traiaing it j arty schools in the Soviet
IT-iior and. Ch. E:avzt blec before
rd t r .:sn,z Latin ~.xxieriaa but on
t :.eir re ua-:a were also rr.,.z:do rcsponsible
fc.r oi,cr,av,,v, the Communist party's
rt:ta. 'S3s?Y . h+s1G6, a rec.& ived special
t a : f rar. i.a orgarA i-ria sfiri1wes and
e w r t~ a~31;~ 3i a ~?i ~, t eta at form's of
p:r itq at ..tioa in Latina .gym? i~-
t?3,c w: s '?.i:l~.'. 1 k' u~? E w'>3f s icy
1 dye pp
1~_5,+-x -'~ u?s not
t+.f Or" "a- i Eony
?. ?+ i~:,;:+.r1 Sir
,,,,{~ t
cr':iv~aii i1=?:Ga jai w`,~~+..ta-. ?11rL.i`rr3 v{.~,'ca ~.i?t;3. wa" ..:y`3^:C`
teA '"~~Y? s ~o:.i .vt +ow k~...e.. 'ry >s t~:~cr~~i-~~ z rt
.'~??f mt'' r:. 7s&~
r. w y .~ V~t s'9
c ~rA . rrl. ,.~,G. 41r
a'.'a+... ...
3?. 7 '4 r: irn,, r.'1~'",'ac d Y5 .I 3r..
dx;.EA ..} ~w.t., .:.~+~: +',s~ w:..'Y+ k .fi ?A :?~L+FA* V~.~~' ~.i::=Y }4w'>~4W &-K+~~
?::~ k%vk L 7 R+'$
a Z i tP, Co'''at- im cc 'X v.O. ~
c :!7'
rind*( F rill Ox;,,