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25X1C10b Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900300001_g5X1A8a 25X1A6c Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900300001-8 Spnitized -Approved For Release : Cl 915R000900300001-8 THE TACT WS OF TER SURM,A COMMI aT PARTY AND THEIR RZLATtoN TO THE DOCTR7biz& or WORLD COMMUNISM In Sa4savouring to understan4 the behavior of Communists and Cora tst Parties there Is one factor that must be constantly berms In mind. Conu=uists bellow that In the writings and sayings of than great Communist leaders they have the explanation, for all ev*ats In human history and the answers to all problems. Whem- eusr they are faced with a zww situation or a difficult decision they turn to the Canumm st Scriptures for guidance as to their course of action. They may sometimes stretch these doctrines pretty such aid of shape to justify a decision which they believe deair- able, but the doctrinal basis must be there, no uaatter how distorted. While dw overall alms of Communism, whether worldwide or in a elms counttry, remain unchanged--that ta, revolution, seizure of power. the dictatorship of the proletariat, and to on--the tactics to be followed at any particular hisftrical moment must vary widely. C t writers again and again have strand the necessity of Alextbilityi to advance and retreat, to take Beres steps forward and two steps back, to shift from one form of struggle to another as the situation changes. but never to lose sight of the fundamental objec- tives. As Lenin once said. "Tt is our duty as Communists to master all forms, to learn how to supplement with the rnazitnurm rapidity a form for another and to adapt our tactics to every cisaege that Is called forth by sasna#LI~og other than our class or our efforts. " V. L Lenin, "Left Wing Cohn- a-"tam, " 4~rks, Vol X, p. 147. Lrasin's Successor as the fountainhead of Communist wisdom, wrote similarly: ". . . In a given phase of the revolution. tactics can cM ge repeatedly, according as the revoiutioaary tide, Is r btag or hewing, according as the revolutionary ampWaft" Is advancing or receding. " J. V. Stalin. temr of anitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900300001-8 A more recent statement from an authoritative Communist writer Indicates that Communist doctrine an this point has not sty stgntfica-nt changes. ioaary struggle tactics can change many times. The vatnterruptedly rising wave; it develops in flows and Ubbs, attacks and retreats. These changes must also be considered by the tactics of the revolutionary prole- tauriatt Its most important task to the definition of ways await means, forms and methods of struggle which most of all correspond to the given aituation and most truly pe+epare strategic suecase. " N. V. Tropktn. " 0n The t tons of We Strategy and Tactics of Leninism." Moscow$ 1955 neglected this aspect of their doctrine. As anyone who has followed the twists and turns of Burrs Communist Party tactics since 1947 can testify, in this respect Thskiii Than Tun has learned his Marxisan- l antiaism well. Cionsmunist classics, how each and envy important decision and change of tactics by the Burma Communist Party can be explained an the basis of the meter doctrine laid down by the theoreticians of international Communism. gm AtWorld War II of the war and the expulsion of the Japanese from , Communists, Independents such as Rung Satiation and agreement. all except the Communists felt that it would be a good thing to try it. Certainly If Independence could be achieved without adding the effects of another resistance struggle to the devastation of the war, this would be all to the good. If the Bri- ~nitized - ApproX c r Tease : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900300001-8 I Couosmmunists refused to accept any such policy. They and began the insurrection. icy becomes easy to understand when y believes that the revolution against capitalism as V Nu has said, the "cult of the gun. " Communists may sometimes esiavour to persuade the would that they have changed and are pre-, paned to seek their goals through peaceful moans, but this is simply en ownple of the flexibility of their tactics--they do not really mean It. mexe to that some of the Communist masters have had to say ab revolutions. i advanced countries at Socialism can be attained. Such of the Communists." Bukbarin. Piro . i!, ..~ d h !g ? 1920. P. 95. "Mw substitution of the proletarian state for the bourgeois two is twimastble without a violent revolution. " V. L Liewlew The W2 =A * olution, Selected Works, Vol. Vt p. 21. "Lein to perfectly right when he says 'the Proletarian. revolution cannot take place without the forcible destruc- cam of &* bourgeois State machtee! " J. V. Stall a, Pr admen i Dictionary, 1947. ass is a general law unitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900300001-8 e. V "Rwvolution Is the solving of problems by w .t". Ma T"-tWM& fghgg.4 ~Lqt Vol. IL P. 505. It s ld be plain from the above statements what a Cos xsssaunist wally mo*" when he Wks about revolution, however much he may pretend he I. talking about a "peaceful" revolution. it yt tld 41 60 be plain why Thaakin Than Tun and his foliowess, as 00,041 Guts, could not possibly accept revolution which ended Srttish imperialist rule without bloodshed. This would have been a violation of one of their most fundamental doctrines. Wilke It is trees as we have sees above that the Ccroswtntst believes riaoortad to only when what Ca stets can the "revolutionary sit- s eaa" has developed-? t to, when t ho time is ripe for the violent. aa+ex xsraw of th a ucisttnd wetnmet:t. Lotus see how Stalin defined this cituaatton. anitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-01915R000900300001-8 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900300t01-8 iU at psrtkulnr hlatorlcal t had been a mistah rowobsOm was not a success. Lenin had before provided gut. taus for hauled Camsaacsnists who found themselves to such a att? iatia. Tun did not desire to commit such a "crime" ebvtcusly going badly it was necessary to put an end to it and seek to any an the revolution by other means. Now was the tuns to display some of the "flex thiltty" of tactics which the founders of can had rated so highly. So it was that from the latter part of 1955 down to the present the Burma Communist Party has oam& to liquidate the insurrection which was going so badly and cwt itself as a legal, respectable political party and party- e In the democratic processes and institutions of the country. The BCC" utilised: Its front organizations such as the Peace wove- nati it cursed mass** of misguided young students; it used the IsAbsexce of the aboveground Communists in the SWP and made per- swAl appeals to Government leaders; all to persuade the Govern- se st to let the Communist insurgents comae out of the Jungle (leav- ing their arms safely hidden for future use. you. may be sure) and esar the political life of the country. CuummaAa doctrine states clearly that at certain times and ust as clearly what must be the purposes ho take part in democratic political pro- "rtunises are necessary oven with the direct enemy if they are concluded In order to escape destruction and to preserve one's forces for attacking the enemy in the h" To- U N. V. Tropkin. eg the Foua sttons of the Strategy 1756 sad 1"a41cs of latnlaaaa< M*scows time you must work inside them." V.1. Lenin, Left W Clearly Than Tim and the BC? were acting strictly in accordance doctrine when they sought to escape destruction by ending their l *l petty to Its participation is demo- S~anitized -ApprdvWVcoetRulie sr tm3 7-aoHftd9~AMOt 1-9 oritGes. 6 Lei Sanitized, pproved For Release : CIA- 5R000900300001-8 "therefore: there can be a gseation only of uttiining bsaaspots state Institutions with the object of destroying *Am The Ce untst Party enters such institutions not in order to do constructive work, but in order to dir- ect the masses to destroy from within the whole bourgeois teats amachins and Parliament itself. " "The Cananhunist Party and Parltsmentartaniam. " Theses Adopted at the Gaga se of the C anise ernasi a. 1920. In no way serve as the arena of a .. Therefore It to the immediate tus out of the hands of the ruling classes, to break and destroy it. and to create In its place a new proletarian apparatus. At the same time, however, the revelatieaary general staff. .. is vitally concerned in having its scouting parties In the parliamentary institutions. . . to arder to facilitate this task of destruction." Those! and aggift of the ThIr4 n atst rangy 1. it is only possible to speak of utilising the bezineots State organizations with the object of destroying them. The question can be discussed only and exclusively on each a plans." W 2j sea and Statutes of the Third Com- amoist Itstprtaaticsaal atton." Roger Garaaudy, 2whiers purposes and goals of Than Tun or eves as Cabinet Ministers? Can there be any doubt as to the pur- pesss and goals of the BWP members who already occupy such post- tions, for remember that they too know their Communist scriptures. To reaasove any lingering doubt that Than Tun himself understands these basic doctrines of the Communist movement, here are his own words in a question and answer session during a conference of the Burma Communist Party. These statements were contained in a document prepared for the Central Committee of the SCP which the Army captured in Pakokku District. nitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900300001-8 . uw . nitized Approved For Release : CIA-RD000900300001-8 a* tem of a coalition with the Na government. The let SW of seising power must be t m%h violent mos. 'her's is thus a change in strategy. It to not to !corm a coielltlon with the Nu government. but to sradi- .truggts will have to be hold in abeyance, but in all its baffling twists and its decisions determined by the body of Communist doctrine these are only the expression of the tacti- but the fumla:mental marines written in of the public. Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900300001-8