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Approved ?For Release 2000/08127 :CIA-RDP78-009158000700200021-9
~-# the Go
!~ ~`~oints fn the development
st F~arty of ~'bfn~-. 'ivtao ~`sE-t~-pnt part~t a~-li
non>Psrtq cadre thr~rstgh an fz-te~sive ideolo~fea~ f~ds~trfaatfoa
pragra~n in order to a
task ahead.
orct ~ ~ettt l+~ae#ar,l~ aggr~a+~h to tht
~. 'the first ~d ~ fnt~nsf?ve of these programs (Cheeng
mgr Pang I~+rivr:n s~-eme nt~r~ which lasted front l'~# to about 1944
ess-solidsted the Ghia~s~e Craznrnunist Party ae wcll ors A~ao's leading
~a-rltia~ and readied the leadership corps for t'he past-v*ar showdown
with flee ~in
second - -and l+e s s lino,
~''itres $easoas Reiartn~ was iteitiated fn the snmmer of l~5tt
ttfon of sta#c po+~er fry x~4~ and app+~ars to t~a-vc
1~eea geared to the enan~ing c2aas straggle perfod whfch calxr3inated
is I4S5-~6 with the drastic and rapid cosnm,t~nfsatfon of Chfna's
agricultural and industrial bss+t.
3. 'l'hc eur.rer~t Che~Fen~which was set in mntion by )loo's
~ ~%s~
report to the i5uprenxe State Conference (~7 Febraary to March and
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Approved For Release 2000/08/27
his ~B March speech to the 2~tatiaa~al Ca-nference of Propa~aada
?rk, caa readily be lined with the eux rgin~ ~ac~~l ~?ive -Year
to rua troxxx 19~s to l9bZ. H~sld agai~ust th+~ bacronad of
nd dissatisfactions creakted by th~a rip-id cax~ana~iaa-
193 and 1956, sgccess ~rx fa-ilstre saf the Sacoz3d Five-
?year PL-a
ell dst~ern~fa~e
coexse e~f ev~ss-ts v-ithis~
~'hina. ~ stiot+~ apprehensi,c~a is discersible 3a the ? ,Tuaa ams~ounce
e~aRt opt the "aatioaai coalsrsnce of d~siy~" at which thQ gz~id,3aa,~
pr#nciplas t~f the S eco~ Five -Y'ear Pion rrare~ discussed. Accosdis~g
to a i+i'e~v York 'f`ees d#sgatch from &i4ag ~a ~ Joys, ~,tbx
+eat said that the fasters that guitdsd incipies of t
Stcs~asd Five -'Year Plea were the r+~alias.tioa that +G
bid aysi+~ilturai cov~ry with a xnaager fndnstrial fo
it hsd a h
~~ t3t#~, ~4t~) PtrF+nlstna.
ece-norriY ar~d caltura?1 de
still a
s nncves, ~' T'hns, a
p+er3rlvdl beset with xn~Y lcn?tty presble~s is ease ahsad fear Chixea.
T'he current Party l'teforxrs Moveme mt is as alert Eo the entire
Coxaununist Party of China as well as its gavarnmental auxiliaries and
fronts, that its leaders
popularity will be .severely tEated in ita
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.Approved For Rele~e 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-009158000700200021-9
-~ -
yell and ixa~piemeat the Sec~rnd Five -Y'ear Flan,
is I~t+re's fu~dana-ex-tal approach to the leadership
probl~ex~n'~ Although his ,~`abraary a8d hta~ch speeches h~-ve not been
p~tbl#,sherd ss y+at, his thoughts have rlearllr eamer~ed in a variety cif
CI~~' ~r+ankceame~ti Y brna~ iaa. scope to ~~a~ that
fn ~tarpa.at. {"C~ Contradictis~x~". 1937, hey rte addresaea is the
Ch~e"en~ btor~
1942; Report to
Caatra2 ~omna-ittee, Jusu i9~Q~etc, ).
~~} ~ ~
,~? die
rd ~'lea~a cif the
d tbue problem sharply in his Felpruary 1942 Che
p`eag speech when he a4~ed ~,~iow can 3~daraeia#-Lenir~rt theory and the
ty of the Chinese ~tvctiiuton be united?" The body of tho~ht
q~e stiox-.
e sum t+stal caf answers to this
~tence, it is no accident that the coircmon theme of all
three Party- Re~forxA Movements is a~x attack pk't "subjec#ivism" which
~~~ ~~
is Party jargon for insufficient rece-gnitiarn of. and~ad,~us#zncnt #Q
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Approved For Release 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-009~46R000700200021-9
~ ~
~hinese~ ~res~iitir. ''Subject~:vis~nt' aQn~ the l+~adatrthip ~+~-
.~` ~ /
ttC~C>~IL1#t~~l`19~! ~21tg 4it~t3~t2'~}~~'~~1~1~F t f. 8t. a 217~df:2~1C~
?ppl#cation s~f ~arxiet
c-l,~haty#k dca+~trfne; '''adr~xmalisrn~'. i. e.
+~ on ~a~ty jsr$an in prapagas~da; tt~ectarianisxn", #. e.
ctan as ~- xxx~eans of weeding out "peisaned flowers" is,
course, gaud f#rrishe+vit~ practice. Its foil cr~ntrol of tha Prartlr app~-xatns
and the repr+sssly$ state organs, Mad can well afir~rd to say
Leninism is x~ot a#rfd of criticism a~ does not fes.r d4~sc~-ssifla." He
contrais the machinery to ensure t;
.rxfsrri--X,eninis~nn will vain out.
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Approved For RelE,,ase 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-009.158000700200021-9
1~4. Although Maa pisses conspfcuc-us emphasis on the persuasive
aspects at the dic4atarship at this stage, he endr~rses veithout gt=alifications the
~"use of faxc+~ against the enenr~y. "o~is criticism of Malin paralle~ the
position of the 2C1th C~P~U Gangress and Kbrushchev`s secret spe+sch according
to which ~talirs used farce unproductively. ~pecially against the Ct~mz~unist
Tf it is actrepted that Mso's cmncept of the tlictactarship is to estatblish a
corxtct b~-laz~ce bet~reen the persuasive and repressive aspects of the
dictatorship, the question crises as to when ~tao ws~uld consida~r the use
a~ terrc+r jus~ificd. Can the basis of-the available naateriale an Mao"s
~"+sbrua.ry and March speeechcs, the answer is obvitxxsly that Mara wr~uld use
ra~presetion ansi terror int~trnally the power pasitiarn of the regime w~are~
threatened. This is evident from his renewed e~ndarsdrrient of soviet
~GfiC. ~
interventie~n ire ~Iungsry at~d franc his position an strikes. Rt$ecting
.7 -
c considers small strikes- as usefu'1
r_a~.~~ -~.-'~
syrnPms of a malt,.dy to bey oe but does not consider tfbig gexuwrai
counterrevc~lutianaries prier
'The figure is open to questiax~arwwt prt-bably reaches into
several million. Mao's statement that terror has not been used.
since 194 is alst- open to question.
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Approved For Rel~se 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-009~,5R000700200021-9
strikes" the same }* because "'they are direete~d against the regixx~e."
It is i~-teresting to speculate on hv~v big a strike in Chians- a~uld have
fr 817 (Jr'/ W - _
to bens be c+~a,sidexed a threat to the regime, ~ the light of grit
e~cp+eri+s~c+~, it ie iair to assume that the deeterrrination v~ ~vvhat constitutes
a threat to the regime would be made arbitrarily.
~'ar ee~arnple, !t rr~ap be uscfui to recall that in ~epternber 19gZ
Lo dui-Ch'ing, h+t#r-ister of ~~cblie gecuritp, announced that "thzough th+e
[or eupprets~ion of cr~ayaterrcvoluti~a.ries with 'arc" frtam
1~eceer 1950 o~awards, "~ succeeded basica;liy in elearfr~g up the
uencs of cvur~ter` ~~ravol~ttfc~u ~u th+~ rnai~a~ad ~rf ~h3us."
~ ~evarthsl~ass,
eighteen rzionths j~'ebruary 1954}, Liu.
s~ 8hao-ch'i snx~ounced, iu eoxuu~:ctiaa with a Party purge, that
the regirxa:s sad the ~nassss a*ere in~reas~ threatened by tounttr
revctlutie~narie~s ~'~!~ within, the ratiax~ali~aatiQn befx~.g that "th~a more are
ad~ra~-ce in cur economic ct~nstructic+n, the xnore rricious mill be th~r seahatage
oi' eenexzai~s at hoxxas attd abroad. " ~ ~`he .b+~iuistex cr~f Public 5ecuritp, rovho
w his orrnt~sti~n is rem iscent mf Vital
'mistaken" concept that the
intensity of the class struggle increases as sacialfsm prsgresses.
.. lb
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Approved For Release 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-009,158000700200021-9
Q ax~a-ou>~aced eoatarapletita,ar~ o!' the 'tt~asic" suppxessim~rt rmf cptalliter
:verltaGtias~a'riea, izi l~i~~ bia~adly to:r~tlainee! that those previously ettppressed
were ovext cov-nt~ar r~evtaluti~rnarfea atnd that'tunder-cover" etran9ntelx
ra~vc~lutis~n~-xies w~taree the target of the fnt+enaeive 19~ drive.
'1'hre~+a i~rad~+arst si~tearanents show haw arbitrarily their chaxacteriaatfoan
of the situatioan ha.s chaegcrd in the pas#, and raises questions a^ ts~ hnw
maar~y years the preseant policy will last.
7E'he tsew line is agaian that "the remaoaants of the coantex ravolutic~~ariee
have berm bae~ically elixacainated." 'T'hese are alrt~pat exactly the saann+e woxds
ased by the A~ixxister of Put-lic gecurity in i952. Within two years he
arnt:cliiied his ~tatemeant to allow for a atevn, brutal eaunte~reva2tttioana~ry drive.
ar the initiation of the Y9~'~ Chi
an,~, peca best 1"~ai~
painted out that the class struggle coar~tintxes. Given this
pattern of flexib
'ipersuasive" aspects of Maoism which are
cuxresitly being saran hasiaed cannot be pro,~ected into the future.
~~ 1 ~ s 7 ~;~. 1~ c2o '~ r ~
1~, f~'~"he Ghiae ere Rerrs~lutfan has cail.id~sd. with the 'ha~rel reality and
pxoblea~ts of constructive planaaing sand builelin$ at a Lima whsan the soviet
tJanion and the Ft,aerterx~ ~exropean Satellites axe beset with ianteranal
p~litiCal-e+caancarnie difficulties.
ixt A~aots ta,stansibly realistic and Sinified approach to the leaSexship ~
Ap~ro?vec~o~'e~ease bb0/08/27 : CIS-RDP78-009158000700200021-9
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-009468000700200021-9
.~ that no aix~ovu~xt st '+brainwaehing" can ehge car a~f~ect the
-"rnain" cantradicticrns "between the peoples danaa.r~d ir~r rapid
e~ ct+norz~,ic axm~ cultural gxc~~-vth and the psa sent eca-nornie and cultural
conditions that thwart this demand. #'
bj that ~-o arnaunt of fr+~e or osttnsibly free discussion ~~
aon-antagonistic cnntradictians and their reasane- can change the
hard facts cif Chi.~s'a's econazny. The Brice o[ caxtsuzra g,s+sds is ~nc-t
$atern7ined by ideologfcal consideratftans.
~} that an 't,~,nbureaueratic" Party leadership may listen to criticism
but is not obligated to a-ccesp&r ace it sti~~. is bt~und by "d~c~nocratic
centralism": i. e . , by policy decisivs~s of higlxer Party echelons, it
rbitrarily xe,~ect and brand as "uacc-nstructive" any` criticism
which c+~n!"iicts +ovith Party p~lici~as and! programs.
that the slogan "I..et
any ilo~errs 'bloorxa" is
ed down
by the fact that the intellectuals have been brought under tight Party
discipline through their rases c~rganis~ation yr in gtsveanxx~ent agencfes
v-here they wo rh.
a} that the slogan of long term cr~existence azai mt~tt~tl supervision
by'nrr~a-GomrzYUnist Partials is rnsaningless since the nanwCs~znmunist
Forties are manipulated by the Corrsx~unist Party.
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.Approved For Release 2000/08127 :CIA-RDP78-(149158000700200021-9
f~ that the pslicy of "building the country on iztc?lurtry and thrift,
which #r tee be pxcrpagated is a euphemism for an austerity program,
16. A Pravda report of 9 ~'une ~s+re N'. Y', 'Time s. 1{~ ~'u~ne, page 63
#llurtrates clearly the bsiilt-ta caatrad#ctians inherent in the Chex~g Feag
campaign. 'The Chixxese Gamxnun#st Party fs being brainrovarhed and
retrained #n order to steel itself for a propaganda job which naay yet turn
out to he cvunterpraduct#ve. According to the N. 'Y'. Tiracr account,
"Party r~~ic#als in Sian J in lr#"e~rthe~-est China/ told Pravda they had
appointed their brat ease as propa,garidists to help the people ur~derrtand
the cc+ntradict#ax~s that arise in the crturre s~f socialist ccrostructiaszs and to
make them ree more clearly the wonderful tomorr+~w bf our homeland and
thus caasolidate the fe-rc+as of our people." Pravkda also illurtratea haw
the CCP is forced to deal with the presblems of today. Aecoxding to the
~ Y Times version t4party propagandists directly and candidly ~-nd in
detail tell the rna.rser rovhy cansurs~pt#an cif cotton textiles had t? be cut, why
prices wwent up ~aa certain goody, why there rover a substantial shortage of
housing sgace, why propaganda to Iim#t births had begun #n Chixia, and why
queues far street cars, buses and in butcher shops were still inevitable.
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP78-009158000700200021-9