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Page _of besp. No rren, "Approved For Releas S-Mi NeViliaber 230 1957 (eusarery Translation) 1:43-Mfi a TRA.DE? UNION ROVEMIT ? Page End. No. -0091 51RWM From_ Be. by Tauxo 31, Reewmatly there hav been iysi dismission* on the tivjti?i of the AX and its ettitude in various d taesa 'It has been said that given up the decleions made in at whieh the org founded, It has been said that it has mitered: a ivad that will lead breaking up of the whole trade mei= systeet, :This opinion seese ;justified when me observes the activities of the SAX Agents among the union* which have net accepted the recent trend of the -SAX, and which have criticised the wage aad labor contract policy of the SAX,. The general opinion is that the trade union OV.R4 ahou1 am n interest in the managemeat of the worker& wogs and co ontract questions,, Recently howeVer, the SO-leaders have support political activities which do not ittifill'this PIWPOSIO and whis improve the well-being of the trade union memberev; - 'A seems -that the SAX supporting Agrarian aims and is serving the personal interests of soma atttioue individnals.,, In this way,, the SAX is losing the confidence of its memberst; The founding principle of the SAX was /to promote vocational Orgeudaation among the workers for Unmoving their economic positions, by being an independent organ,- inetion free from political parties' It is deplorable that under peaoetiess condition: it is not possible guide the organisation according to these principles? In 1946 it was decided that when acting in the tnd. ludo* movemext the Democrats start from the point that the movemat can have fighting power when it can include within its Reaps 41 wage **Mire disregardiag party!, laagnage and religious opiaions. Above aUsthe organisation mat be kept independent from political parties When we regard the preseet-4IW rade union movement aVildA OgitiVilit of the central organisation, we mast admit that there which are difficult to corrects, and that these mistakes have no in the bevelling of wage questions but also in the use of mow co the menters. There have hem attespts to use these funds for purposes quite foreign to the trade union. movelsoxtz Thus it is no wonder that the are passive and iediffereat and that they wish te resign from the organisation,. But this wou.14 not solve the problem., The members should join together OM closers, take lively interest in the =Ater* and direct the leaders of the organisation to not according to principles approved by the trade intim mvemento because the poser of the trade MUM movemet lies in the matter sad activity or itmberso TINcLasnPIEZ Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000600030027-3 State Dept declassification instructions on file FROM TO , REF AP. POUCH' - UNCLASSIF Appi6Vea For Release 2000$98147aa -0091 -.FOREIGN SERVICE DESPATCH Amembassy, HELSINKI THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WASHINGTON. 282 DESP, NO. DO NOT TYPE IN THIS SPACE 5V00600030027-3 66; z )17/Q I, 0 December 20 1917 0 DATE 195'7 CERP8 Section D - Item VI - B 2, EMbDes No. 246 of Nov. 13p 195/ Forcttept. Use Only I SUBJECT: ACTION DEPT. F OTHER Polittcal Activities of S Under ack A number of articles have appeared recently criticizing the apolitical activities" of the SAK$ The attached article (See Enclosure No. 1) was, printed in the SD paper "Sosialiderokraatti" which is controlled by the regular SD Party leadership$ The author is Tauno Sutinen9 an official of the pro-Lindblom Wood '- workers Federation Sutinen points out that since its foundation? the SAX has attempt non-political, and that the present trend is therefore contrary to the most basic principles of the Finnish trade union movement. He implies that the membership is losing interest in trade unibnism, and that SAK leaders are mismanaging wage neg iations and union fundaQ For the Char6 d,Affaires aoiel Eller R. Cook Second, secretary of Embassy Enclos Summary Translation: Trade Union Movement and Social Democracy, Department please Pass copies to: STOCKHOLM, OSLO, COPENHAGEN UNCLASSIFIED lattGooki"TER accor ance with seeln.4iY ApprovecliftoriReiMOOPQM.Zr9C)AsROID78-00915R000600030027-3