Quarterly Summary of Career Service Activities for the Period 15 December 1952 to 15 March 1953

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Approved Folease 2002/08/23 CIA-RDP78-006900100070001-0 . ;..T - I ormation Saor 17 April 1953 MCRMMD FOR: CIA Career Service Board FROM; Executive Secretor, CIA Career Service Board SUBJ ICT, Quarterly Summrasry of Career Service Activities for the Period 15 December 1952 to 3S March 1953 Part I. Ao General 25X1 25X1 The CIA Career Service Program has now been operating appro ately nine months. During that time, Career Service Boards have been organized in all the major components of the Agency. T ,functional groups,, the Professional Selection Panel and the CIA! Honor Awards Boards are operating under the mandate furnished by CIA Notice Another group,# the Working Group on Hazardous t y9 has made a1 report and has been disbanded since It has been determined that there is no need at this time for a Hazardous Dtttyy Boards Be Rotation Loan Slot Utilization The a13of Rotation Loan Slots in accordance with Schedule B of CIn Notice and the present status of their utilization as shown either by the component concerned or by official Personnel records is as follows Component Allotted Used Component Allotted Used DCl 1 0 OCX 3 2 0TH 1 0 031 3 0 cc 3 0 00 2 0 DD/P 1 0 DD/A 1 0 Personnel 1 0 PP (OPC) 5 3 security 1 0 TSS 1. 0 Comptroller 1 0 DD/I 1 0 General Services 1 0 COD 2 0 Hold in reserve ORR 4 4 by CIA/CSB 10, 0 ONE 3 P. Docum -nt Nc. CA Total Allotted - 50 Total Used W 12 NO CHANGE in Class. ,G3 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGES TO I TS S Approved For Release 2002ib8 CIA-RDP7A%"J9 .~..~.,.0 Dates J L 1YI 0 .5X1 Approved Folease 2002/08/23: CIA-RDP78-006900100070001-0 SSE.-G-R-.T Secure The attached form, Career Service Board Record (Form Nod 37--1W), is now being used by the Career Service Boards in the DD/P areao The purpose of this card is to enable Career Service Boards to have at hand concise records. on all people for whom they have career planning reaponw sibilityo Form 37-160 is not intended to duplicate the Employee Record Card (Form OF-4b) which is designed for use by the administrative level responsible for the initiation of personnel actions* There has been an increasing need for a brief record outlining the background and qualifi- cations of personnel who by career designation have been attached to the various Staff Boards within the DI ?o The Career Service Board Record is accomplishing this end, and is being distributed for the information of Career Service Boards in other parts of the Agencyo Do Personnel Evaluation The Agency 'valuations Officer reports that the Personnel Office has completely implemented the Personnel Evaluation Program for all Departmental personnel in regard to the preparation of initial reports, A conference is planned in the immediate future with representatives of those Offices having field and overseas personnel in order to provide for implementation of the program to include personnel serving outside the Departmental Service. to Extra-CIA Traiping The attached tabulation indicates the various types of extra- CIA training that has been reported by the component Boards for the period, ?teen Boards report over two hundred persons who were in training outside of the Agency during the period, in more than thirty different facilities. It should be noted that while much of this training is full- ti.neea a substantial portions though Agency subsidized$ is taken either part-time or during non-vorIstng hours A. Office Board Activities 25X1A9A The reports which follow are summaries prepared from reports and minutes, submitted monthly by each of the component Career Service Boards 1 o Office of Training do Inter-Office Rota ions:Orono reported 2 bo Secretariats co Meetingst Mo ao Membership: Baird (ch)s 25X1A9A 2 1-%, Approved For Release 2002/0&3- P78-00699A000100070001-0 Approved Foelease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-00600100070001-0 e. Extra-Agency Training: 1 f o Rotation Loan Slog: authorized, 1; used, 0 g. Summary of Activities: The Board considered the matter of rotation loan slots0 The general consensus was that there was a "fuzziness" throughout the Agency concerning the nature, use, and location of such slots, and the Secretary was requested to gather clarifying information on the matter. There was extensive discussion on the handling of PFTts and the subject matter to be involved. Pike receive close scrutiny within OTR, and steps are being taken to set up a "career schedule" for each individual based on recommended actions in the reportso At a subsequent meeting a plan for processing and reviewing PFRs and scheduling of recommended actions was presented and approved. The Chairman described this plan as.an attempt to set up career planning within OTR and asked that memm bere give further thought to it. The Chairman directed the Secretary to meet with representatives of each major component of OTR to develop a standard for the presen- tation of promotion actions to the Board. A Board member has attended a number of meetings of the DD/P Boards and has identified for them the types of TRS assignments which must be filled by officers from the Clandestine Services. He also submitted to the appropriate DO/P Boards the names of individuals within TRS who are eligible for rotation within the next six months0 Inquiry was made regarding the feasibility of exchanging OTR clerical-stenographic employees who desire foreign service for DD/P persons with similar skills who do not desire to go overseas. It was reported that the ratio of persons desiring overseas service is so high in the Agency that the DD/P offices at present are not in a position to make such arrangementso A Placement Officer, PDC, was present at meetings held during the period and briefed the Board on disposition of employees surplus to the needs of an office, on promotion procedure used by the Personnel Office, and on the disposition of surplus or unsatisfactory employees. The Board also considered forty-six promotion actions during the periodo &1TAL Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-.RDP78-00699A000100070001-0 Approved Felease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-0061000100070001-0 T p iT SGcA4r&Z-,On 2e Ox'$ice of 4 miuxtications r4 mbership t by Seearetariadi I I I 25X1A9A Go eetingsI da Interoffice, Itatioan t none as bctra gency L eining s i. to Betaticta Loan S1 tra r aut terieed, 3; usltds 1 go Sw=ary of Activitiest A number of studies were completed or initiated during the reporting period for the Board0 Among t}*i were to A survey of individuals subject to rotation under Supplementary Activities was completed and reoor nendatione were made concerning duty toward providing for an experienced nuoleue of personnel to maintain orations for at least two ye to So A review was completed on causes for the high rata of separation among engineering empl ees0 It was determined that the high rate can be attributed to the favorable salary conditions in industry0 The bard has been directed to review the cases of all individuals who may qualify for promotion and reecanmend appropriate action. 3o A survey has been initiated to determine the reasons for the high rate of clerical separations6 The Board participated in discussion regarding tenure as related to the Career Service Program with representatives of the Personnel office* It was the consensus of Berard anmaberehip that until a reduction-In-force selection review process is established, there is no position security in a legal sense under the Prograan although the Board noted that position security is certainly extremely good in view of Agency policy extending the separation procedures of the .Veterans Preference Act of 191 to all Agency employees. The Board continues its policy of inviting interested persons to its meetings for the purpose of observing the methods and procedures utilized sdthin the office of Oomrnusicationo to i mplemnt the Career Service Program. The Board considered a total of 58 rotation actions, 33 promotionsp 4 transfers, and 6 other actions during they periodo The Chairman points out, in reporting these figures, that the Board has cognizance of and actively participates in actions effecting the prc tion and rotation Approved For Release 2002/ i; , DP78-00699A000100070001-0 Approved Fctelease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-00600100070001-0 s-r..-cEwZ Seev%Mfififf,sn assignment of every indivi:.lual ausigned to the Office. The Board has established the policy that persons re- turning from overseas will be Informed prior to their departure from their station of the tentative plans that have been made for their next asS gnnent. This program has now reached the stage where plans for the rotation of all Coax personnel are complete six monthe in advance of due dates. The Board has been concerned with the length of overseas tours of duty'.v with rotation of personnel from one overseas cover to another0 3- Deputy Director (Plans) as Membership: b. Secretariat: 25X1A9A a. Meetings: On call of Chairman (not lets than owe a month) d. Rotation Loan Slots: aanthorized, I& used, 0 eo Summary of Activities: The Board set up procedures whereby all appointment actions of Mission or Station Chiefs would be channeled through it. It also set up a working group composed of the Career Management Officers of the Senior Staff Boards to make staff studies and perform other duties. It agreed that negotiation be conducted with the appropriate author- ities within the Department of Defense leading toward the designation of CIA Service as a career field within the Armed Forces for military personnel. Certain areas of training activity were discussed, and it was decided that all Branch Chiefs and above would be provided further training to the fullest extent possible. Norrai.nations for training to the various Department of Defense Schools of 1)1)/P personnel will be considered by the Board in the future. The Board reviewed and .rude comments on the following proposed Agency Regulations or pers s a, Hazardous Duty Pay Plan, b? Categories of CIA Personnel, Co Basic Intelligence Truing Regulations, and d. Staff Study on Oral amination of Applicantso It reviewed and acted upon a number of promotions, appointment and reassign rent actions for senior personnel within the DD/P area, 5- AV Doi; Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-00699A000100070001-0 Approved Fc*telease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-0069,x,00100070001-0 Seccigi?jon 1 rreign Intelligence Staff a. Membership: . c, Meetings: Week d. Inter-Office Rotation: 1 e, Lctra-Agency Training: none reported f a Rotation Loan Slots: authorized, (OSO) S; used, 1 g, Summary of Activities: The Board has been reviewing and making recorx mendations on all Requests for Personnel Action including requests for change in career designation. All actions on FI personnel at the GS-13 level and above are forwarded through the 11/P Career service Board for review. The Board also is notified at least sixty days in advance of the. return of FI personnel from the field,# and reviews proposed assignment planse The Secretary main- tains a record of available FI personnel., and the various components of the D1l/P complex are more and more frequently requesting that the Board suggest candidates to fill existing Fl vacancies. An arrangement has been made with the Office of Training whereby OTR will make known the names of officers who could be released for assignment in Fl. The FI Board, in turn, will refer available FI officers to OTR for training assignments. The Board reports that there seems to be disagreement as to whether the Board or the Area Divisions should have the copies of PERs for career planning purposese It further reports that the procedures and mechanics for rotation loan slots, insofar as they apply to the M/P area, need clarification, During the latter part of the period, 16 reassignment actions and 15 promotions at the OS-13 level and above were reviewed,, Paramilitary Staff a. Membership: be. Secretariats co Meetings: Monthly (plus informal meetings) d. IrttersOffice Rotation: none reported e.Hctra-Agency Training: none reported 25X1A9A f. Rotation Loan Slots: authorized, 0; usedp 0 g. Summary of Activities: The Chairman reports that the listing of FM career desig- nations has been completed and that posting of the Career Approved For Release 20021081'23~P78-00699A000100070001-0 b, Secretariat: I 25X1 A9A Approved Fo elease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-0069 000100070001-0 S-E-R-Erb' Sur""~'n Service Board Record (Fa m. No, 37-160) is progressing according to schedule* Differences in listings among the various DIVP &ssrnponents will subject the PM Usting to f her revision. The Chairman notes that the board is concerned about the we of Personnel "aluaticn Revert, by M /P elemets0 ibile the ecigiw- a intent was that the Deports would be utilized by the Meer R#snageersent Offi+aeo of the Staff for career paanaing puroosseso it develops that the original of the is being sent to PD/C? for inclusion in the employee ?s .folders and the copy is boing retained by the Area Division, This. Procedure by-sasses the Career Mamage- mes?t officer except for the P Ilse of the immediate R1 :Staff, Steps are being taken to sole this prblemko Additi:ynal Board activities included decisions on the toUowings that PFRts should be shown to the evaluee by his supervisor, that discussion of promotion oritenia be postponed until a later date,, and that in prinapla it concurred in the desirability of assisting the Office of Training in the rotation of anployees0 The Board considered the following actions during the period: 34 prcrnotions,e 853.reassignm:ntsa 43 resigpatione (including changes to SA),* 34 appointments from within CIA,, 22 new appointments, and 3 miscallanzsous actions Political and Psychological Warfare Staff 25X1A9A as Memberships be Secretariats co Meetings:BI-meekly do Inter-Office Rotation: 4 e, Extra-Agency Training s P fo Rotation Lain Slots: authorized,, (OPC) Sl used, 3 gn Stiuumary of Activities # The Board discussed the subject of military credit for CIA service and noted that investigation of this matter is now underisayn A discussion of tentative promotion and selection standards took place emphasizing in this regard the need for recent training at any point in an individualte career, A policy was established for application in cases where the Career Service Officer or Board questions the qualifications of an individual from an Area Division in proposed assign- mente transfers or promotion. It was agreed that slot cr ?- Approved For Release 2002/08/ -RDP78-00699A000100070001-0 S- Approved Fdelease 2002/08/23: CIA-RDP78-0069000100070001-0 who had been declared s us tap W" reviewed, I TO T nica2 Semi c i a Staff an Memberships bo Seer'etariatt Rio I stings ions y do Inter*Officj. Rotations now reported so Extra-Agenney Traininga 19 f o Rotation T;= Mots a intthorl 11 uaed4 0 go Summary 0,' Activities, The Board has considered the general question of promotirns0 No .definite conclusions were reached except that it was decided that the Board would not act as a promotion panel innmediately0 A series of le?tums delivered by outstanding men in the s4en Uto field has been inaugurated for TSS pereonJela It is planned that there mill be .such lecture at approximately six week intervals, The Board also discussed the "earmarking% uwlertaklng (Career Designations), and concluded that identiti,- eatiem of employees will assist TSS in carrying out its mission, in that there will be less tendency for TS$ personnel, to become aboerbed and *lost" in field etatican activities having no direct bearing on the enployeets background and training, The use of the Career Tkesignation device affords opportunity for TSS guidance in the use of technical personnel In the, fields 8o Office of Collection and Dissemination at, Membership? b, Go d, e0 f$ Sem--1 cases v M be referred to the appropriate PP Staff Division for recomwndatlon to the Career Service Board and consultation an the subject will be held between the Board car its representative and the Area Division In addition, the Board considered many promotion and reassignment a ? The question of pereoft el Se`cretari&,: Meetings s roc' yy Interf'fife Rotations 2 Extra-AgenEy Training, 21 Rotation IMn Slots s au prised, 2; used, C =9 Approved For Release 200 ~' P78-00699A000100070001-0 25X1 25X1A9A 25X1A9A Approved Felease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-006000100070001-0 ton &ANUy of Activities Diacnsein took aces during the period regarding the diftseulty in providing pro3eeta for OCD provisionally cleared personnel and proposals were mob regarding utilization of such personnalo The Board decl4od that it would pe uo a liberal policy in considering training requests in keeping with the broad aim of the Career service migrate In carrying out this aim the Board spent much time duri:g the period In dissension of variona training oogramss and in reviewing individual owes there a oplicatione for training have been rzadeo Henceforth, OCD personnel participating in external training programs will submit, a report to the Board an the courses talon., indicating the value derived from theses A seanuary of action taken on Personnel Evaluation Reports reviewed by OCD Adminie"Lratlves staff was consideredo FoUw#-up action on :sore than half of the 1456 prepared reports has been. conduotedn The Board also considered a number of rotation cases both intra-and interOOffiae, and inquiry was made regarding the possibilities for rotation of represen~ tativee of other government agencies to OCD0 lid Office of Reeearc)1 and Reports a0 Memberships bo Secretariat: cc Meetings: Semi--Monthly . do inter-office Rotations 2 ?o Extra-Agency Traininga 59 fe Rotation Loan Slots: autho i zed# fie; used, 4 go Summary of Activities: The Board recommended a plan for its rotating member- ship to the AD/ER who approvedo Each of the rotating members will serve overlapping term of nine months* The AD/AR has approved the following policy at the suggestion of the Board governing its actions in conne"ion with the consideration at requests for non.-CIA training, after hours, Agency subsidizedo The Boards 'i-o encourages training related to Agency activities Approved For Rele~/! tive CONFFI IjTIAL R-EWT cur 25X1A9A Approved Fcrelease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-0069000100070001-0 and at personal emits initiatife of this type will be a factor in considering requests fbr addi- tional training under Agene r slcbaid7 eaatioog bo will review with favor requests for training under Agency subsidization Ewen such training is of direct benefit in improving the individuslve performea as in his assigned field of responsibility and/or has been speetlfieally rec osv ended by his sued and considers training for advancement into another field of specialization - eago,, clerical to p otes- atonal or between profes. icnal disciplines $ to be the responsibility of the Individual and, there fore, not subject to Agency subsidization unless such training is specifically requested of the individual by the Agency, or previous initiative of the individual In obtaining training at personal cost and for this purpose warrants special eansiderationo" The Board recarrended that aptitude tests for all clerical personnel wing to ORR from her CIA Qtficeae who are simultaneously transferring to professional status, be required prior to review of the cam by the Board on their eligibility for transfero The Secretary presented a study of lengths of time inn. grads before promotion in the interest of developing a standardized ORR emotion '.'olie y,, and reviewed the Personnel Evaluation Report a ORR personnel. The Board reviewed and recomzrnndsd certification of 64 persons as having served, as of 1 December 1952, an aggregate of at least ton years in the field of Uo So intellige nceo During the period the Board reviewed 1 rotation, 1 intra.offloe transfere 25 training requests, 43 promotion actions (2 involving reassignment from clerical to professional)o and 2 reassignments from Clerical to professional involving no promotions, -10- Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-00699A000100070001-0 Approved Fc elease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-006 00100070001-0 10o Office of National E timatee ap Ibips bo Secretariats do interOfftce Rotations 3 (rev eroisnery interest by DINE) so Extra-Agengt Trainings 2 f b Rotation Loan MOs s authorized, 3; used,, 2 g0 $u mart' of A vitiest During the period the Board held one roasting at which time it establi ed two principles f w determining whether or not to accept rotation candidates of other offices to OAEe These are that the candidates 1) be qu a1tfied to fill a vacancy for which 0/NE is actively recruiting; or L) be identified as a trainee requiring e ential trains kg which only O/NfE can provide. The Bard also teat. action in cases concerning rotations training, Promot,ion, reasei ent. and appointment, III Office of (ant Intralli,genc as Memberships bo Sec rretariat s 25X1A9A 25X1A9A c, Meetings I Month it' do Inter"fice Rest ktions 2 so UtraaAgeaneV i a. ping s 2 ft, I tion Loan St Atas authorized, 3; used, 2 go teary of Actirrtiesg A summary of O(I Career Service Board transactions fro its inoeption io 10 PArch 1953 was, prepared for the Board and has aeon distributed to all OC1 pereeMsol so that the ntatura of Career Service matters in OCI wi be made known .o all concerned* The Board has given ms attentiorr, to epeaific training opportunities for . OC Personnel including training at overseas loaationa and area refiisher missioaso A report on the OCI Orientation Course given for OCI personnel wan coneideredo It i ndtcate=i: that newcomers were not as ow k interested in administrative aai;' a rganisa %o matters, which was the ostensible purpose of the course., as in the inte1 ligence briefings presented by some of the divisions, The Board Lai; screened and made recommendations on all nominees VT extra CIA-training forwarded to the Office of Trai nin , An analysis of PER's has been made in = Ulft Approved For Release 2002/0CF m A-00699A000100070001-0 Approved Fdtelease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-0069W000100070001-0 relation to rendead training, rotat ions and foreign travel; a tabulation being prepared for the Beard wily furnish indicated scheduling for develop- n anta1 activity over the next three or four years which will involve apprmdr.utg,y 6% of the total O(M effort each yearn Twenty-two promotions were considered by the r3oard and made effective during the wriod0 120 Office of Scientific Inta-ligeno a0 bo 00 d8 to' go t*ambersh ipt Secretariats A3eeting e t Bt week Inter-Office FOtations now reported Batra-Agenty Training s 33 station Loan States authorised, ?; usedo 0 Summary of Activitiesi The Board held seven meetings during the report period0 It reviewed a number of Personnel Evaluation Repo rts& and noted improvement in their preparation, It agreed that the 'OSI Personnel Evaluation Officer should collate reeconmendations and submit them to the Administrative TIranch which will be responsible for maintaining records and following up on the recommea dations0 A report was made an the Wnrml discussion periods that are being planned. with. thr, Boardus approval for members of the Chemistry 'division and other personnelo These discussions previde background information and training by inviting ottstanding authorities in various fields to attend., The Board reviewed a number of training requests ineluding those for external professional training and reviewed material submitted regarding the JOT pr gramo It also considered eight parcr.3otion actions during the period, The Aoard reviewed a swmmary prepared for its considers. tiara of all.OSIGIAA sponsored external training during the first seven months of Fiscal Yew l953a The Bayard has made preliminary plane far implementing the Exeea utive Inventory pace the WA Career Service Board announces that It is ready to proceed with this management device. ONFID Approved For Release 2002/08/23 CIA-RDP78-00699A000100070001-0 25X1A9A Approved Fcelease 2002108/23 : CIA-RDP78-0069W00100070001-0 S-54-R -E-T -SecO SF&WIon 13. Office of Operations a. Tftd eraMp: 25X1A9A a. Meetings: Intermittent do Inter-Office Rotation: 1 e. Extra-Agency Training: 37 f. Rotation Loan Slots: authorized, 2; used, 0 g. Sunrfary of Activities: Due to separation of 00 Divisions much of the Career Pro- gram is centered under Division Chiefs who also serve on the 00 Board. Meetings are infrequent, but Career Service problems are discussed at AD/O staff meetings. Among these were the Human Resources Program (active in FDD and being considered absorption of surplus personnel (interest in 37 files )s revi.ew.of PERs of GS-14 and 159 FOIAB3B1 and a report indicating that 28% of 00 personnel have been on duty over five years, and 63% over two, shoring that most 00 personnel intend to make CIA a career. b. Secretariat: 16 Deputy Director (Administration) f Rotation Loan Slots: authorized, 1; used,0 g Sunnary of Activities: As of 15 March the organization of the Board was not completed and no reports have been received. 15a Personnel Office a. Membership: 16. d. Inter-Office Rotation: none e. Extra-Agency Training: none f. Rotation Loan Slots: authorized, 1; used, 0 g. Summary of Activities: The Board held no meetings during the period 15 December to 15 March. It has, however, held three meetings since 19 March, These will be summarized in the next quarterly report, ce Meetings: none be Secretariat Security Office a. Membership: b. Secretariat: 13 - 25X1A9A 25X1A9A Approved For Release 200AIRDP78-00699A000100070001-0 Approved Fcelease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-00600100070001-0 S R=ET Secct~I'il~~?n a? Maetings s Manth d, Inter Office Rotations none reported eo Extra-Agency Training* 1 fo Rotation Loan Slotst autherised$ 1; used, 0 go cute of ftCtiVitios t The Board discussed the training possibilities for personnel of Security0 Language training hoe been ride available by the Office of Training for Security field personnel through the nadiuna of recordings Tteentya'three requests have already been received from Security field personnel for this type of 'training. At the present time w Security employce is attending the Agency C rations Training Coursoo Arrangements are being made itth the - Office of Training to allow a lit'44ted n aber of Security personnel to attend each futuure Course,, It was noted that some office Career Service Boards perform functions which are handled by Staff and Division Chiefs in Security. It was agreed that such funotite e are being rfor sed in Security in a highly cooperrativo and satisfactory manner, and to the best intezree .s of the a aploreess. It was concluded that this procedure in satissfactor 0 Criteria were determined for rota tion r' 'peraects d within Security, and nomination of individuals for rotation v 4s requested0 The Board is to vidertake a review of the files of newly appointed personnel in grades QS-7 through nS41, and will also review a representative number of PSRQ s during future m aetines o 17q Office of the Comptz oUor a.a PPerabership t bo Secretariat: do Meetings: Mom do Inter-Office Rotation: none reported em' R raac gency Training= none reported f.0 ? Rotation Loan: Slots authorized, 1; used, 0 g. Summary of Activities s The Board gave consideration to training possibilities for Comptroller personnel osspeciaally as related to opportunities for internal training. It also reviewed o ,An Personnel Evaluation Reports, and engaged in gore:rail diaoussion 'relat'ing to them especially in regard to Xte n 23 which provides reporting the aspects of perform nee ire it rovewmmit i.s suggestedo It toms sited outthat this entry should be aarefuUy handled 80 as to make it constructive in assisting the employee Approved For Release 2002/0&214 QA-RDP78-00699A000100070001-0 25 X1A9A CO ~l~~I Approved Foelease 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP78-0069,000100070001-0 s -V-T Security Int"Wation CONFIDENTIAL to review his efforts towaxd self-improvemmt, rather than destructive by undermining his morale. The secretariat was assigned the responsibility of re- viewing CIA Career Serwi oe Board agenda and minutem to that items of interest could be highlighted,, and properly directed within the office to the interested pert$eeo 18o Logistics office a,, memberships bo Secretariat: O Meetings s one during revert period do Inter-sdffioe Rotation: none reported 0 o Extra. Agency ?raining s n reported to ' Baeation Lan Slats: authorised, Oi used, 0 go Su ry of Activities: The Board has discussed the honor aw-da prop-an and the commendatory letter projects it has also devoted much thought to the abject of extending the technical control and supervision of the PSO to logistical positi2ns and personnel now assigned to other Agency activities in this country and abroad, It was agreed that a staff study to the 'A should be prepared reo n ending a courses of aotiona 190 Msieal Office ao Vienborships bo Secretariat : e Meetings: do Irzte -Offioe 1 ations none so Extra-Agency Training s I to Rotation Loan, Slots : aathoriseds 0; used, 0 go Summery of Activities s A Career Service Program for the Medal office w&s formulated, dividing medical personnel into the. staff categories of Professional1 Administrative Supports, Clinical Support, and Nursingo General,. policy recom- mendations were submitted in regard to such factors as hazardous duty pays honor awards, Insurance coverage, retirement benefits, assignment, rotations training, professional developments promotion, and terminations In addition, transfers,; promoti-)ns and other personnel acti.ins involving media. personnel assigned to all Agency cc penents were reviewed and appropriate reoomw meatedati sacs submitted, 25X1A9A 25X1A9A Approved For Release 2002/08/23 +IA-RDP78-00699A000100070001-0 CONFIDENTIAL S-E-#-4-E, tlT Approved Foelease 2002/08/23: CIA-RDP78-00600100070001-0 3a Office of General Services cry Member e bo Secretariat i eo ) etlMs a now repo do InterOffiose Rotation a now reported Co Extra-Agcmcy Traininge 38 to Wtation I Motes aullbO .w+ i,; teserd# 0 go Of Activities Y A training program in Records M4nagmment in caiperatieaa witch the Office of Training is to begin 14 Apri1Q It AU be present ed by staff members of 005 and by mix experts in the records management field from outeide the WmWo A brochure has been prepared setting forth the training programs in each of the 005 Divisions to be followed by individuals nominated for rataticn* 1 ontivo Secretary Attachments 25X1A9A 25X1A9A Approved For Release 2002/0 78-00699A000100070001-0