PROFESSIONAL SELECTION PANEL Qualities Bearing on Suitability for Career Service in CIA

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Document Release Date: 
July 8, 1998
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Publication Date: 
June 17, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-00699A000100010012-4.pdf153.04 KB
Approvecr Release : CIA-RDP,78-0069900100010012-4 PIOFESSIONAL SELECTION PANEL Qualities, Bearin on Suitabilit for Career Service in Cu or g s , June There are set forth below certain basic qualities which are to be sought in applicants and trial period eeployeesm Under each quality are listed one or more questions which are among those the Panel would attempt to answer in an effort to decide whether the individual applicant was possessed of the desired quality; These qualities do not take into account technical qualifications to fill a specific p` posi icno L'ALITIF INTEGRITY Would lack of supervision lower his standard of performance? Can he be expected to remain honest to hre].f and to others? Does he have intellectual, moral and cultural honesty? MORALITY` Can he maintain high moral standards for his personal conduct? Could he engage in activities which conflict with those standards? Will he loyally support a course of action even though he may disagree? Would he secretly try to undermine a policy while outwardly supporting it? Can he reach logical conclusions despite personal bias? ADAPTABILITY Can he willingly conform to new Job requirements? Can el P'bMTdMY* $1 \ R V $99A000100010012-4 ~14l1 Approve or Release : CIA-RDP78-0069W000100010012-4 Does he accept the fact that public notice is incompatible with a Career in CIA? Does he feel compelled to will attention to himself? ~/6o ANONTTY V o ACCEPTANCE OF DISCIPLINE Can he relinquish independence of action in the interest of organisational integrity and control? EMOTIONAL CONTROL Can he maintain effectiveness despite unusual or disturbing working conditions? V9? CAREER, DESIRE Are his reasons sound for seeking an intelligence career in CIA? Is he willing to give the job and the Agency a fair trial? v 10. DISCRETION Has he an appreciation of the need,for discretion in the handling of official information? Rae he an appreciation of the need for discretion in handling people? ll. EPONOMIC PREPAREDNESS Can he accept the limitations of a Government salary? U FREEDOM OF ACTION To what extent will family, economic, religious, political or moral considerations interfere with his freedom of action? ,Approved For Release : CIcDP78-00699A000100010012-4 Approveor Release : CIA-RDP78-006900100010012-4 / 1,30 S ME OF PERSONAL PROPORTION Does he take himself too seriously? f/149 SOCIAL ACCEPTABILITY is he a person with whom you could get along in a close work relation-. ship? Has he traits or characteristics which would make it difficult for a group to accept him as one of the "gangs " in non duty situations? 0 COOPERATION Does he establish congenial relationships with others? Can he work effectively as a member of a team? V 160 INDUSTRY Is he capable of sustained hard work? k 170 EFFECTIVE INTELLIGENCE Is he capable of resourcefulness in planning and carrying out activities? Can he make decisions effectively? Can he learn and remember detailed knowledge? Can he express himself adequately? Can he effectively use the services and abilities of other people? Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00699A000100010012-4 Approvor Release : CIA-RDP78-006000100010012-4 Can he think and act imaginativ+e37? V2180 VISION JUD ENT Dose he have common sense? Does he have a sense of timing? Is he impulsive? Are his actions the result of calm discrimination and critical estimate? Ift 4m Approved For Release : JA-RDP78-00699A000100010012-4