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Approved For Release 2005/11/21 CIA-RDP78-004$7A000100170001-4 Records Disposition Authority Records Control Schedule 30-61 for the Records ,Ad. .nIzb -tion Staff is approved and authority given to implement; the disposition instructions contained herein. Preparation: 25 Date Approved: :P-f )6w IM ~ Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78-00487A000100170001-4 Approved For Release 200$/11/21' : CIA-RDP78-00487AO00100170001-4 Old Schedule 30-61 r now 22 Staff A&-ain. File 23 Star I' Case Files 23 Admin. File z 21 Employee Record Card File 25 Courier Classified Mail Receipts 26 Regulatory Issuances 27 Library M- tarial 28 Briefing Material 29 Reports and. Correspondence 30 Records Control Schedules 31 Branch Wrokin Files New Schedule 30-6I. 3. Records Program Files 2 Staff Projects .es 3 A.dn in. Files 4 Employee Card File 5 Courier Pal Receipts 6 Regulatory Issuances Library Material Incorporated. with f1 incorporated with 10 8 Same incorporated *ir th 11 Incorporated with x'10 Incorporated with U 32 Filing Workshop, 33 Staff Working Files 34 Vital Materials Schedules 35 Reference Publications 36 Branch Working Files (Forms) 37 Reference Publications 38 FF orras Me 39 Form Record & Index 40 Form Indexes File 4+1 staff working File 9 Vital Records Schedules a O Records Program Workshops new Incorporated with #1l. 11 Analysts Working Files new Discontinued lh Reference ubl Lc 'dons 12 Forms File Incorporated with 12 and 13. 13 Forms mars Incoroorated with fU Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RbP78-00487A000100170001-4 pprove or Release ,} 0 U,rG0? Ir00170001-4 A 2005/11t," RECORDS CONTF SCHEDULE t+ti~ ael, 25 OFFICE. DIVISION. BRANCH D. . co i. .1 m O CHIEF RECORDS ADMINISTRATION STAFF ITEM FILES IDENTIFICATION VOLUME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS`--.- NO. (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT. AND INCLUSIVE DATES) (CUBIC FT.) 1. RECORDS PROGRAM FILES Correspondence, reports, and other papers which 2.5 Permanent. Disposal not authorized. document the Agency Records Management Programs. Retain in current files for years then The file is used in directing and administering transfer to the Records Center at the end the daily activities of the records programs and of each c in establishing and recommending plans and policies for the management and improvement of paperwork _ 2 3111A. ~ activities throughout the Agency. Files are used for background information, reporting pur- poses and in conducting daily operations. Filed - by program and-by subject thereunder. 2. STAFF PROJECTS FILES These are record copies of special studies, 2.9 Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Retain surveys and reports which were prepared by Staff in current files for three"yeara then trans- 6 members after investigating specific problems or fer to the Records Center if project not of in developing projects for the improvement of current interest. paperwork activities. These include project . 6 t 2'oO. 2` `l~ analysis, recommendations, acoomplishments, . 7 graphics and other documentary material. Arranged organizationally and by subject. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE FILES These files reflect the housekeeping functions 1.5 Temporary. Destroy three years after O of the Staff. Files include correspondence, report ; date retired to Records Center. Break memoranda on personnel, training, security, logisti cs file annually and hold at least one yr. budgeting and other related administrative subjects and retire. (RAB memo 16 July 1971) Filed according to Agency Subject File Mannual. C t - urren . Approved For Release 2005/11/21 CIA- DP78-004 7A000100170001-4 6. 7. 8. FILES IDENTIFICATION VOLUME Approved For Release 200L1 1 & 1 - EMPLOYED, CARD FILE Consists of OFII?b card for each employee of the Staff. A brief summary is recorded of employee's personal and employment history required for daily supervision of personnel activities. Filed alphabetically by surname. COURIER MAIL RECEIPTS Mail receipts prepared on material dispatched from the office and receipted by couriers. Serves as a log. Filed chronologically. (Current) Bound copies of Agency Regulations, Notices and Handbooks which are maintained for reference purposes. Books, guides, manuals on subject of interest to the Records Management Program. Maintained for reference purposes. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULES These are the record copies of Records Control Schedules for Agency components, together with background material per t ndnt t to each office, and where applicable, authority to dispose of records which was obtained from the National Archives and the Congress. a.. Comprehensive schedules for individual components of the Agency. Schedules contain de- tailed information on types of records, use, con- tents, volume and disposition instructions. Filed organizationally. (Current) Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CiM- .4 8. 1.3 Temporary. Destroy 30 days after employee officially resigns from the Agency; if transferred within the Agency forward to gaining component. Temporary. Destroy when one year old. Temporary. Reta3n in current files area. Destroy when obsolete or superseded. Temporary. Return books to OCR Library when no longer of interest to the Staff. Destroy other publications as they become obsolete. Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Place in an inactive file Wien superseded. Trans. _'fer to the Rte=- .,'~ ~. FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS I JAN SR EDITION!. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET Approved For, Release 2005/'t/24i ':"'b'IA P78-00487A000100170001-4 b. Disposal authorizations obtained from National Archives on records not covered by General Schedules. c. Background files. Contain information per- tinent to analyzing specific records problems, including organizational changes, files peculiar to an office, changes in functions or responsi- bilities within an office, and other papers which may have been gathered while conducting a study. Filed organizationally. Copies of schedules prepared for each component identifying the vital reoords to be deposited, frequency of deposit and disposition instructions. Maintained for reference of VR officer on the Staff in reviewing VR program activities. .5 I Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Retain in current files area indefinitely. .3 Files contain lectures, exhibits, slides, 7.0 graphics, guides and reference materials which are used in conducting workshops in-the various elements of records management. Workshops are held in cooperation with Office of Training. File are maintained by program, such as filing, disposi tion, forms, correspondence, vital records, etc. material pertinent to the records management activities. Files are maintained by individual analysts according to each area of interest or responsibility, or brought together as a central file for the group. Used for background in making additional studies and to keep analysts apprised of current happenings. Filed by subject. IT Temporary. Review annually and destroy material no longer pertinent to current activities. Temporary. Destroy when superseded. Temporary. Retain in current files area. Destroy when program becomes inactive. Contain copies of memos, reports statistical 8. Temporary. Screen annually and do;;troy compilations, background information, and related material no longer of current interest. FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS I JAN S6 EDITION!. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RPP78-0048FA000100170001-4 RECORDS COUTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET Cum ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION - - _ k ME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Approved r. a ease 200511 F J~'D_ -U ' qljl - 12. FORMS FILE Contains case files on the official forms 22.0 Permanent. Disposal not authorized. When approved for use in the Agency. Files contain form is superseded or obsolete, remove initial requests and justification, revisions, 5 x 8 card records from folder and place specifications, correspondence, changes, (organ- in inactive file. Retire to the Pxaadd lMc-l/r izational), and a 5 x 8 card record and index of q1t-no- ~ s ^Rs c;ra-Y each form. Filed numerically by form number. i(111gli lye L 0"164 0- 13. FORMS INDEXES FILE These are machine listings of forms used by the Agency - cross referenced alphabetically, numeri- cally, functionally and by OPI; the DARE System cards containing a reduced image of current active forms; and, a 5 x 8 control card on inactive or obsolete forms. Maintained.for control and reference purpose. a. Machine listings .5 temporary. Destroy when new listing is re- ceived (generally quarterly). b. DARE .lt Temporary. Purge file quarterly to remove inactive or obsolete forms. c. Control and Index card. Serves as a per- .3 Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Re- petual inventory of inactive Agency forms. Con- tain in current files indefinitely. tains a complete history of each form. Used for replying to telephone inquiries and for reporting purposes. 14. REFERENCE Pu3LICATIONS These are various publications, brochures, 17. Temporary. Purge file at least annually commercial samples and periodicals relating to all and destroy material of no further interest phases of reco:.'ds management. They are maintained to the Staff. individually by analysts or collectively for re- ference of the Staff. Some topics are forms, filing, equipment, correspondence, reports, mail, and others related to records management programs. Maintained for background and reference purpose. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : 9 F _ > t n ' 000100170001-4 - n ' - , FILES IDENTI~ICATION Approved For Release 2005/11/21: Cl IDENTIAL LIBR.4I Y LIAISON FILE Me os, copies of transirn ttals, lists , and receipts for materials selected for transfer to the National Archives for inclusion in the 'resit dential Libraries. The file reflects the extent of CIA's contributions and participation in the Presidential Libraries Program. File is- Tm int. aired for the CIA representative to the Archivist. Filed chronologically. 1;62 to date). ~~jti'~./~ ~~1Y "a f D1; CIA Records Administration Officer 00100170001-4 M_ Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Incorporate in Agency Archives ti .ien no longer needed for current activities. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 AE_1`, -- k k A000100170001-4 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78-00487A000100170001-4 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 :. CIA-RDP78-00487A000100170001=4 1SCHEDULE NO. 30-61 R E r'b'Fo~LRMW 05/11/21 : A4 I DQ46-0048 - i7A11AG+t~v' IN;T 3TA 'p ADP Ad%rieory Group ITEM NO. 51 FILES IDENTIFICATION (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) F, ADO gi n~~:S' IG fb;M vZ:S VII feeoraae accumulated by gz oupfy to for iae AFP appl?ieatio. for s .ecifie areas, a. Sur veya b. Work Papers c. Ch1 ea r ms; c r ve end 4 oZ,-v imo (1958 a 1960) 52 53 JONTRACT O S2m 3 Propo:esla from fCA, rorki ?aper a g various phases in regard to computer; copies of sub- rnission to GSA and their OK on work to be don-. (Original oif;?1ic3sion and contract with Office of Logistics) PP.a? _1:F shed Agency Notices' Handbooks O. etc . D aintai ?ed for =eferenea VOLUME (CUBIC FT.) 32. CI Permar:mi;. Keep in Current file until project is eomplated and then transfer to Records. Center. Temporary. Keep in current file. until project le. cempletod and then destroy. Will be tranferrod to ADPD (formorly MUM) for their retention or disposal... Temporary. Keep In current file. (Deatroy -vr'ban no longer needed for reference.). Temporary. s'otain in current files area. (Destroy individual issua'~cea only when obsolete or when replaced by current issuance.) I Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-EWP7-8-00487A000100170001-4 FORM NO. 139 USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 EDITIONS. 21, SCHEDULE NO. Rfl 91 eAf0rCRel*W2QQ5/11/21: CIAARDP7L004 001001700013Q-61 95 OFFICE. DIVISION. BRANCH S1( .t 'td~. 07T IT 9 to LL .9 1IIv ate? 07.?,L? ICs , T11 G ~l ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) VOLUME (CUBIC FT.) DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS 54 TRAUTM ME Copies of eorrespotr CRenco 2. Tam oa?a r. Koop in etw ozlit MO. Zo'L to trairAng. career davelo- i o t o borna1 two ywa,; and t'ien dcg? roy. training filed a7.phabet;ica]1y'by empl ao' name, Ron-CIA application filed by data. (1953 1960) Approved For Release 2005/11/21 C1A- DP78-004 7A000100170001-4 SCHEDULE NO. RE !o FogLR(4@R@;R ,Q05/1 ( ~p 0O4 7A00010017000 ^ ~ 8 (~ CONCURRENCE OFFICE. DIVISION.:.BRANCH SIGNATURE DDS/RECORDS ADMINISTRATION STAFF TITLE E Chief, RAI June 1972 ITEM FILES IDENTIFICATION INCLUSIVE DATES A T VOLUME ) CUBIC FT IONS NO. ) , ND (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMEN . ( 16. RECORDS MANAGEMENT BOARD FILES These are the official files of the Records Management Board maintained for the Board by the secretary. The files consist of the minutes and agenda of the Board's meetings, copies of the Board's reports to the Executive Director, memoranda, working papers, contributions by the members, documentation of projects undertaken by the Board members, and other related papers. The Board was established in 1968 to oversee the records management activities for the Agency. Files are maintained by topic or category. a. Official files maintained by the 1.0 Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Cut off secretary. at the end of each calendar year; retain in current files area until no longer needed for current activities then transfer to the Records Center. b. Copies of the Board Files maintained by 3.0 Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed the Chairman and members of the Board. for current reference. 25 PROVED 30June72 Date CIA Records Administration Officer Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : C" "4 400100170001-4