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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 (1O/39 STAT CONFI PROPOSED _REPORTS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM GUIDE . PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR INSTALLING AND OPERATING A. - REPORTS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FEWER REPORTS - BETTER REPORTS - AT LESS COST JANUARY 19511 NTIAL atc sty inat4f-le-gt et oats gemp ?*Pt AO ME CUSS C., PAGES 41? art suss di JEST .202 OAT REV 9/011 Anils STAT 11111?1111111111, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 About this booklet and reports management... This booklet is a copy of the proposed "Reports Management Program Gulden written for the Office of the Comptroller, Copies are being made available to other interested parties since, it describes the essentials of any reports management program. 9riefly, the fundamentals of installing and operating a program are: INSTALLEIG TEE PROGRAM 1. The rts Inventory This This inventory is the program's foun- dation0 It provides material for an initial analysis of reports and the establishment of records for continuing the program. Each reporting requirement is described on a data sheet. In addition, it is desirable to attach specimen copies of the report, copies of pertinent directives or instructions and other descriptive material. 2. The Initial Analysis of Reports . The most opportune time for this analysis IS during he Inveritory, It is logical that while a person at the "grass roots" level is describing a reporting require- ment he should be considering recommendations for its improvement. Recommendations can be stated on the inventory data sheet. 3. rvie of the Initial Analysis. This review ensures that at- tentlei7EF7V(RT'UT-UF7E17515-W-End reconnendations of those who conduct the initial analysis. It can be performed by an individual or a group. 10egardless? the person or persons responsible should be qualified to evaluate and act upon the recommendations. It is proposed that a reports review panel perform this function for the Office of the Comptroller. This panel will be composed of a chair. man representing the Corptroller, the Area Records Officer serving as recorder, a menber of the Management Improvement Staff as an advisor, and representatives of the various Staffs or Dsione whose reports are under review. 14., Establishment of rts Records . Case folders and reference files o e e cen i on each reporting requirement to provide a basis for continuing the program. Material for these records will result from the inventory, analysis, and review of reports. CONITNUING THE PROGRAM 1. Review of New orRevised Re orting Requirements . Each new or revis reporeng requeremen s o a screen.. or necessity prior to its ebtablishmento This review can be accomplished at a component Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 chiefes love], by a reports reviek panel, or by an Area Records Officer, depending upon the nature of the report and the degree of review desired. 2. Periodic Reports Review . Each reporting requirement should be re.examined affeasf annually to ensure that its continuance is fully justified 'These reviews may be staggered throughout the year to distribute the workload. The re.evaluation process can be similar to that used to analyze the reports initially during the installation phase. That is, the operating people examine their reporting requirements and submit recomendations to a review body for action. It is important to note that an annual review is adequate only if conditions remain stable. Howevor, programs on 'which infermation is reported may accelerate or decelerate rapidly!, changes in organization take place, and new forces or trends come into bearing. Under such conditions reports should be continually appraised to ensure that they are economically serving the pur- poses for which they Imre established. The fundamentals outlined above can be applied in one degree or another to managing the reports of any component, regardless of its size, organization, or functions. A staff member will be pleased to discuss your reportinp nroblems and haw reports manage- .ment can solve them. Call STAT .2. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 tduarlvtalial, FOREWORD Reporting systems are necessary. However, which of the reporting requirements in each system are essential in every respect? Which can be revised in terms of re- ductions in scope or frequency, improved formats, simpli- fied procedures, better content, and other improvements? Which should be eliminated entirely? Moreover, should certain proposed reporting requirements be instituted if the information can be obtained from existing sources. These questions introduce us to the objective of our Reports Management Program. In briefs a continuing review of reporting requirements to result in fewer reports, better reports, at a saving in manpower and materials. Accomplishing this objective depends upon a continuing appraisal of reports at their "grass roots" level. You, the operating personnel, can do much to provide manage- ment with recommendations from that perspective. Frank, constructive criticism for the improvement of this Office's reports, and the Program in general, will always be wel- comed CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 WAIF l'ATIAL CONTENTS PAGE Section I GENERAL Paragraph 1. Objectives 1 Paragraph 2. Definitions 1 Paragraph 3. Program Scope 2 Section II INSTALLING THE PROGRAM Paragraph 1. Responsibilities 2 Paragraph 2. Procedures a. Conducting the Inventory 3 b. Individual Analysis of Reports c. Submission of Material to'the Area Records Officer 5 di Review of Reports by the Reports Review Panel 6 e. Compilation of an Accomplishment Report 6 Section III OPERATING THE PROGRAM Paragraph 1. Responsibilities 7 Paragraph 2, Area Records Officeris Reports Records 8 Paragraph 3. Procedure for Securing Approval of Reporting Requirements Originated within the Office of the Comptroller a. Category of Reports Requiring Approval 10 b. Submission of Requests for Approval 11 c. Review of Requests by Staff or Division Chief 11 d. Review of Request by the Area Records 'Officer and the Reports Review Panel 11 e. Notification of Action Taken on Requests 12 Paragraph 4. Procedure for Scheduling and Conducting Periodic Reappraisals of Reports a. Scheduling Reappraisals 12 b. Inaugurating Reappraisals by the Area Records Officer 13 c, Analysis of Reports by Operating Personnel and Submission of Material to the Area Records Officer 13 d. Review of Reports by the Reports Review Panel 13 Paragraph 5. Submission of Reports Material to the Area Rc?rdsQgficer 14 COgIEWATZIALNF Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENT IAL Section I. GENERAL 1. Objectives. a. In inaugurating a Reports Management Program, our Office has five objectives: (1) Eliminate and prevent unnecessary reporting. (2) Insure that necessary reports supply adequate data and that realistic reporting intervals are established. (3) Insure that reporting forms, instructions, and .procedures for necessary reports are clear and complete, and provide simple correct meth- ods of reporting. (L) Provide management with the types of reports which will better enable it to carry out its assigned functions. (5) Provide a central point of information on reports. b. To inaugurate the Reports Management Program, two initial steps must be taken: (1) Accurately inventory those reports encompassed by the Program's scope, and (2) review these reports to determine whereby improve- ments can be initially effected. Accomplishing objective (1) will provide the Area Records Officer with material needed to establish information and analysis files on reports under his cognizance. Objective (2) makes possible an initial twofold analysis of each report inventoried, i.e., an analysis from the standpoint of offices requiring reports as well as a review in con- sideration of those offices which prepare and submit reports. Requiring offices will be expected to review their reporting requirements for possible improvements and to justify the need for each report; preparing offices will be given an opportunity to recommend such improvements as reductions in the scope or frequency of reports, consolidations, procedural improvements, de- sign of reports forms, etc. 2. Definitions. a. Administrative or Management Report - Any written narrative, tabular, punch card, or graphic information transmitted from one organizational element to another for the purpose of providing administrative or management control of operations. CONFIDENTIAL - 1 - , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 uumitimulAL ? b. Recurring Report - Either a periodic report which conveys essen- tially the same type of information regularly at prescribed intervals, or a situation report which is prepared upon each occurrence of an event of certain prescribed characteristics. c. Required Report (Incoming Report) - A report which a particular organizational element requires from one or more other elements. The report is an incoming report to the office which requires it. d. Prepared Report (Outgoing Report) - A report which a particular organizational element prepares at the request of another element. The report is an outgoing report from the office which prepares it. 3. Program Scope. Appendix A lists those reports and documents exempted from the Reports Management Program. The Program will therefore encompass all other administrative and management reports submitted between elements of the Comptroller's Office and: (1) Other components of the Office, (2) other components of Headquarters, (3) any continental or field station, or (4) any organization (Federal or private) outside CIA. Etphasis is placed on managing recurring reports. However, this does not preclude screening requirements for one-time reports, if by such examination unnecessary reporting can be prevented. Section II. INSTALLING THE PROGRAM 1. Responsibilities. a. Area Records Officer. (1) . Advise operating personnel on the method of conducting the initial inventory and analysis of reports. (2) Ensure that inventories and analyses are completed according to schedule. (3) Collect inventory and analysis material from operating personnel and assist the Chairman of the Reports Review Panel with the development of meeting agenda. (4) (5) Serve as recorder of the Reports Review Panel. Notify Panel members of meetings. (6) Compile the report of accomplishment described? in Section Paragraph 2e. b. Operating Personnel. 11(k16 01444/1 assemble the material required in_conducting the reports inventory.' f-"0.(0.9 aSS CONFIDENTIAL -2- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL (2) Perform an initial analysis of each report under their pur- view, using Forms T-1 and T-2 (Appendices C and 1D) to record their find- ings and recommendations. (3) Serve on the Reports Review Panel as requested. c. Reports Review Panel Members." Review each report inventoried, apply- ing the same criteria used by.operating personnel during their preliminary analyses of reports. It is emphasized that the review of a report will not be considered complete until disposition of the report is agreed upon by all voting members of the Panel. Reporting requirements on which full agreement cannot be reached shall be forwarded to the Deputy.Comptroller for resolu- tion. d. Reports Advisory Staff, General Services Office. (1) Assist the Area Records Officer and personnel at the working level conducting the inventory and analysis of reports. (2) Serve on the Reports Review Panel in a non-voting-advisory capacity. .(3) Provide liaison between the Reports Review Panel and organiza- tional elements outside-the:Office of the Comptroller, when'reports con- cerning other elements are being reviewed. 2. Procedures. a. Conducting the Inventory - The responsibility for taking a complete and accurate reports inventory rests with operating personnel who have the most detailed knowledge of the organizational element's reporting require- ments. Personnel in this category shall take the following action for each required or prepared report under their cognizance: (1) Required Reports. (a) Complete an original and one copy of Required Reports Analysis Sheets Form T-1 (Appendix C). (b) To the original of each Form T-1 attach one copy of the directive (or directives) requiring the report and one sample copy of the report. (2) Prepared Re2orts. (a) Complete an original and one copy of Prepared Reports Analysis Sheet, Form T-2 (Appendix D). CONFIDENTIAL - 3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 I9P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL (b) To the original of each Form T-2 attach one copy of the directive (or directives) requiring the report and one sample copy of the report or report form, if this material can be readily obtained without un- due reproduction costs. NOTE: The importance of taking a complete and accurate inventory cannot be overemphasized. Completed Forms T-1 and T-2, and accom- panying material, will not only provide the Reports Review Panel with a basis for its review, but also will constitute basic material for the establishment of information and analysis files by the Area Records Officer. Persons conducting the inventory are therefore . urged to assemble the required material as completely and accurately as possible to increase its value to the Panel and the Area Records Officer. b. Individual Analysis of Reports - Concurrently with taking the inven- tory, operating personnel shall analyze each report under their purview. Forms T-1 and T-2 contain questions establishing criteria by which required and prepared reports shall be evaluated. Appendix B provides a further guide for analyzing required reports. To apply these criteria, operating personnel should perform as a minimum the following analyses for the type of report indicated: ACTION (1) Examine all related reports for evidence of duplication. (2) Review a series of reports to deter.. mine if information reported reflects changes of such significance to justify the reporting frequency, or whether situa- tion reports could be summarized. (3) Determine the number of times the preparing office was unable to meet the due date for the report. What overtime was required? (14) Question what actions were taken on the basis of information reported. Was full utilization made of the information? Is are- action being taken at all, or is information being gathered because "it's nice to know," or because some day there may be a use for it. 0 0 1 0 6 9 8 9 1 REQUITED PREPARED REPORTS REPORTS X X CONFIDENTIAL - 4 - X e.)003s6, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL ACTION REQUIRED - PREPARED REPORTS REPORTS (5) Examine reports in light of super- vision or inspections which have been (or could be) performed. Would such supervision or inspection serve the same purpose as the report now being submitted? X X (6) Examine copies of reports for adequacy of form or format. Has sufficient space been provided for "fill in?" If the report is on a printed form can it be sub- mitted without a transmittal letter? Does the weight of paper used in preparing the report prevent the typing of legible copies? If copies are duplicated, does the prepara- tion of masters (stencils, ditto, etc.) require considerable typing of headings and hand ruling of columns? If so, perhaps a preprinted master should be used. X (7) Consider the records and procedures used to prepare the report. Are files arranged in such a manner that data can be readily extracted? Do fiscal and other accounting records contain control totals so that the accuracy of detailed data can be checked? Is it possible to carry fiscal or other accounting data on a cumulative basis to eliminate last minute workloads? For historical, progress, and other documentary- type reporting, is a brief running record of significant events and accomplishments maintained to avoid trying to "think back" over a period? Could machine tabulation procedures be used to prepare the report? X X (8) Are directives which require the report adequate with respect to the criteria out- lined in Appendix B. X X Personnel analyzing reports shall record their findings on the original and copy of each Form T-1 and T-2 used in taking the inventory. Be thorough in your analysis, accurate in stating your appraisal. Fully justify the need for each required report; do not hesitate to make recommendations on reports you prepare. c. Submission of Material to the Area Records Officer. Upon completing their analyses, personnel assigned the responsibility for examining reports CONFIDENTIAL - 5 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL shall submit completed Forms T-1 and T-2, together with supporting material, ?to the Area Records Officer. This material should be forwarded approximately five working days prior to the date the Reports Review Panel is scheduled to review the reports of a particular organizational element. d. Review of Reports by the Reports Review Panel. (1) The Reports Review Panel shall convene as necessary to review each report inventoried and analyzed. During these reviews the same criteria applied by the working-level analysts shall govern the Panel's approval of a report. If Panel members consider it necessary, they may request persons who analyzed reports to appear before the Panel to provide additional information or to justify more fully the need for a required report. (2) As reviews are completed, the Panel should develop recommendations on each report susceptible to cancellation, reduction in scope or frequency, format revision, procedural improvement, etc. Recommendations on reports which are prepared for submission outside this Office shall be developed in memoran- dum form for the signature of the Comptroller. Recommendations for improv- ing or cancelling reports which organizational elements of this Office require will be transmitted by memoranda to cognizant divisions or branches. Target dates should be established for accomplishing recommendations or further studies which cannot be effected immediately. (3) The Area Records Officer shall attend each Panel meeting to serve as recorder. In this capacity he will assist Panel members with their review while concurrently recording findings and accomplishments. It is anticipated that this procedure will provide the Area Records Officer with material for establishing Reports Management Program records and compil- ing an accomplishment report, while relieving Panel members of administra- tive burden. e. Compilation of an Accomplishment Report - Upon completion of reviews by the Panel, the Area Records Officer will collect material (case studies, analysis sheets, etc.) on each report reviewed. From this material he shall compile the following data for submission to the Comptroller by 29 January 1954: (1) The number of required reports inventoried at the beginning of the review. (2) (3) (4) The number of required reports cancelled during the review. The number of required reports added during the review. The number of required reports remaining after the review. 00 o 6 9 CONFIDENTIAL - 6 - Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL A (5) The number of required reports revised during the review to afford improvements in terms of simplification, reduction of frequency, etc. (6) The annual man-hour savings resulting from the cancellation and improvement of required reports. (7) The number of prepared reports inventoried and reviewed. (8) The estimated annual man-hour savings that would result if the Reports Review Panel's recommendations on prepared reports were found accept- able to organizational elements outside the Office of the Comptroller which require the reports. (9) A brief on those recommendations which cannot be placed into effect immediately, with estimated target dates for their accomplishment. Section III. OPERATING THE PROGRAM 1. Responsibilities. a. Area Records Officer. (1) Establish and maintain for each report encompassed by the Program those records described in Paragraph 2 of this Section. (2) Employ the use of a follow-up system similar to that described in Paragraph 2b of this Section to provide for a periodic analysis and review of each report required or prepared by this Office. (3) Assist operating personnel with their scheduled periodic re- appraisal of reports. 04) Assist the Reports Review Panel Chairman with the development of meeting schedules and agenda. (5) Serve as a permanent member of the Reports Review Panel in the capacity of recorder. (6) Notify Panel members of scheduled meetings. (7) Confer with Reports Management Staff, General Services Office, on matters which cannot be resolved at the Area Records Officer's level. (8) Compile Program accomplishment reports as requested. (9) Develop and disseminate Program publicity. CONFIDENTIAL - - , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL b. Operating Personnel. (1) In accordance with Paragraph 3 of this Section clear all directives originated within the Office of the Comptroller which either institute a new reporting requirement or prescribe revisions to one in exist- ence. (2) Forward to the Area Records Officer a copy of each approved directive and supporting material that institutes, cancels, or modifies either a required or prepared report of the type encompassed by this Program. (3) Conduct a periodic working-level reappraisal of reports as scheduled by the Area Records Officer. (h) Serve in a permanent or temporary capacity as members of the Reports Review Panel upon request of the Comptroller or the Panel Chairman. c. Reports Review Panel. (1) Convene periodically to review those reports reappraised at the working level. (2) Convene as necessary to approve directives originated in the Office of the Comptroller which either institute a new reporting requirement or prescribe revisions to one in existence. d. Reports Advisory Staff, General Services Office. (1) Assist personnel in the Office of the Comptroller whose responsibilities are set forth in this Guide. (2) Serve on the Reports Review Panel in a non-voting advisory capacity when requested. (3) Provide liaison between the Office of the Comptroller and other CIA organizational elements when reports concerning these other elements are being studied. 2. Area Records Officer's Reports Records. a. Case Files. (1) The Area Records Officer shall establish and maintain a folder on each required or prepared report encompassed by the Program. Material collected during the initial reports inventory and review described in Sec- tion II will constitute a basis for establishing these files. Thereafter, additional case folders shall be established as new reporting requirements are instituted, Existing case files will be kept current or cancelled as changes occur in the reporting requirements they document. 001009891 rt# 003SS . CONFIDENTIAL - 8 - _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL (2) To the extent possible, case folders should fully document the history and current status of a report. The file on each report should therefore contain the following in the Order indicated: (a) A specimen copy of the report (if available) or a sample of the report form. (b) A copy of each directive requiring the report, and if available, instructions for the report's preparation. (c) Related papers such as source records, procedures, analyses, surveys, memoranda, etc. pertaining to the report. (d) Forms T-1, Required Reports Analysis Sheet; T-2, Prepared Reports Analysis Sheet; or T-30 Request for Approval of a New or Revised Reporting Requirement (Appendix E) 1 as appropriate. (3) The label of each folder should contain the title of the report and a subject-numeric file index taken from the Handbook for the Subject Classification and Filing of Correspondence Records, Report titles should be stated with a key functional word first, in order that the case folder may be readily identified. For example, "Monthly Report of Per Diem Allowances" would be stated "Per Diem Allowances; Monthly Report of." It follows that "Per Diem Allowances" is a more precise key than "Monthly Report of" since many monthly reports exist. A completed folder label for the report used in the above example would appear as follows: PER DIEM ALLOWANCES; ACCOUNTING 2-1 MONTHLY REPORT OF PER DIEM The Handbook for the Subject Classification and Filing of Correspondence Records provides further information on the preparation of case folders and their filing arrangement. b. Renorts Follow-up File. The successful continuance of a Reports Management Program is based in part upon a periodic post audit of each report- ing requirement encompassed by the Program. As a means of scheduling these reviews, the Area Records Officer shall maintain a follow-up card on each report. It is recommended that plain 5? x 8" or 3" x 9' cards be used. ?Each card should bear the report title, the subject numeric file index, and the date upon which a reappraisal of the report will be instituted. The card file should be indexed by month, and within each monthly breakdown arranged accord- ing to the scheduled reappraisal date. Cards for a current month may be separated by daily guides numbered from 1 through 31, if the number of reports to be reviewed justifies this arrangement. CONFIDENTIAL -9-. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL c. Alphabetical Cross-file. The Area Records Officer may desire to maintain an alphabetical index of those reports under his cognizance. It is recommended that a plain 511 x,8" or 3" x 511 card be used for each report. Each card should reflect the report's title (stated with a key functional word first) and the subject-numeric file index. Additional information may be kept 'on these cards; however, extensive posting to them is discouraged since case folders should fully document each report. d. Accomplishment Records. To be in a position to report Program accom- plishment and to develop Program publicity, the Area Records Officer should draft briefs on major accomplishments)and projects or surveys being under- taken. Moreover, a record of the following actions should be maintained: (1) The number of proposed reports: (a) Received and approved. (b) Developed and approved. (c) Disapproved. (2) The number of reports revised: (a) ,To provide more adequate data. (b) To reduce paperwork. (c) For miscellaneous changes. (3) The number of existing reports cancelled. (4) The number of report directives developed or revised. (5) The current reports inventory by: (a) Prepared reports. (b) Required reports. 3. Procedure for Securing Approval of Reporting Requirements Originated within the Office of the Comptroller. a. Category of Reports Requiring Approval. (1) For purposes of approving new reporting requirements or revisions to those in existence, reports required by organizational elements of the Office of the Comptroller can be divided into three groups: (a) Those that are required from CIA organizational elements outside the Office of the Comptroller. (b) Those that cut across division or staff lines ed by a division or staff from another division or staff). CONFIDENTIAL (i.e., el,q103S9 requir- 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL (c) Those that are required by an organizational element within a staff or division from other elements within the same staff or division. b. Submission of Requests for Approval. (1) Reporting requirements falling within categories (a) and (b) above shall be approved only by the Reports Review Panel. Category (c) reporting requirements shall be approved by the chiefs of divisions or staffs. To secure an approval, personnel shall submit the following material to either the Reports Review Panel Chairman (through the Area Records Officer), or the chief of their division or staff, as appropriate: (a) An original and one copy of Form T-3, Request for Approval of a New or Revised Reporting Requirement (Appendix E). (b) An original and one copy (in draft form) of the directive which proposes the reporting requirement. (c) Any supporting material which will assist approving officials with their review. c. Review of Requests by Staff or Division Chief - Upon receipt of a request, staff or division chiefs shall thoroughly, review the reporting requirement to ensure that every aspect is justified. It is recommended that during this review officials apply the criteria for analyzing reports out- lined in Appendix B and Section II of this Guide. If necessary, the reviewing official should confer with the originator of the reporting require- ment, as well as with representatives of those offices which will be requir- ed to submit the report. Assistance can also be obtained from the Area Records Officer and the material maintained in his files. d. Review of Requests by the Area Records Officer and the Reports Review Panel. (1) Requests directed to the Reports Review Panel for approval shall be subjected to a preliminary analysis by the Area Records Officer. From an examination of his files, he shall determine whether the proposed reporting requirement duplicates any portion of an existing report. Moreover, he shall analyze the proposal to ensure that the requirement meets every criteria for a sound reporting system. The Area Records Officer shall note his find- ings and recommendations and forward all material pertaining to the report to the Chairman of the Reports Review Panel. (2) ,Upon receipt of a request from the Area Records Officer, the Chairman shall convene permanent panel members, the Area Records Officer, and representatives of organizational elements vitally concerned with the proposed reporting requirement. The latter will serve as temporary voting members. A thorough review of the proposal will be performed in view of the CONFIDENTIAL - U- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 findings and recommendations of the Area Records Officer and facts presented by other Panel members. It is emphasized that the review will not be considered complete until disposition of the proposed reporting requirement is agreed upon by all voting members. Reporting requirements on which complete agreement cannot be reached shall be forwarded to the Deputy Comptroller for resolution. e. Notification of Action Taken on Requests - Upon completion of a review, the chief of a division or staff, or the Reports Review Panel Chair- man, as appropriate, shall record his decision on the original and copy of Form T-3. The copy of Form T-3 together with all material originally sub- mitted, shall be returned to the originator of theproposed reporting re- quirement. The original of Form T-3 shall be forwarded to the Area Records Officer. 4. Procedure for Scheduling and Conducting Periodic Reappraisals of Reports. ' a. Scheduling Reappraisals. (1) To be effective, a Reports Management Program must provide not only for the review of new reporting requirements prior to their establish- ment, but also for scheduled periodic reappraisal of reports in existence. Programs on which information is reported accelerate or decelerate; changes in organizations take place; new forces and trends take effect; etc. There- fore, a periodic re-evaluation of reporting systems is essential to ensure that reports are serving the purposes for which they were instituted. (2) It is difficult to set forth in specific terms the frequency for reappraising individual reporting requirements, or several requirements constituting a reporting system. However, intervals between these reviews shall not exceed the following periods: (a) Six months after the institution of a new reporting require- ment, or a major revision to one in existence, originated within the Office. of the Comptroller. (b) Twelve months after the first post audit prescribed by (a) above. .(c) Twelve months for all other required or prepared reports encompassed by the Program. . (3) The Area Records Officer shall be responsible for maintaining a follow-up file (See Paragraph 2b of this Section) on each report, to ensure that reappraisals are undertaken according to a realistic and effective schedule. In scheduling these reviews, the Area Records Officer should consider three factors: (a) The need for a re-evaluation based upon changing TqcsA ,(9, the desirability of appraising reports by functional groups U0Onsq U 4/ 1 Ifito6460 CONFIDENTIAL - 12 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL under some circumstances; and (c) the desirability of staggering reviews throughout the year for an even distribution of workload. When in doubt about establishing a schedule the Area Records Officer should always confer with the Chairman of the Reports Review Panel or representatives of offices concerned with a report. NOTE: It is emphasized that reappraisal schedules shall be established for required as well as prepared reports. Only in this manner can we provide for a twofold analysis of reports from the standpoint of problems at both levels - -the requiring office and the preparing office. b. Inaugurating Reappraisals by the Area Records Officer - Scheduled reappraisals shall be accomplished on an individual basis by the same method used to analyze and review the entire inventory of reports during the installation phase of the Program. To inaugurate a reappraisal, the Area Records Officer shall take the following action (or actions) appropriate to the type of report being examined: (1) Using an original and one copy of Form Memo T-4 (Appendix F), forward three blank copies of Form T-1 or T-2 to each organizational element concerned with either requiring or preparing the report. (2) Submit Form Memo T-5 (Appendix G) in duplicate to each CIA organizational element outside the Office of the Comptroller which submits the report to an element within this office. c. Analysis of Reports by Operating Personnel and Submission of Material to the Area Records Officer - Upon receipt of a Form Memo T-4, operating personnel shall conduct a thorough analysis of the report. To avoid repeti- tion, attention is invited to Paragraph 2b of Section II, and Appendix B, which provide guidance for analyzing reports. At the completion of their, analyses, operating personnel shall forward an original and one copy of com- pleted Forms T-1 or T-20 together with supporting material, to the Area Records Officer. The reverse of Form Memo T-4 may be used for this purpose. d. Review of Reports by the Reports Review Panel. (1) On the basis of material submitted by operating personnel, the Area Records Officer shall develop an agenda for the review of reports by the Reports Review Panel. The Reports Review Panel shall convene as necessary to review each report emi analyzed. During these reviews the same criteria applied by the working-level analysts shall govern the Panel's approval of a report. If Panel members consider it necessary, they may request persons ifho analyzed reports to appear before them to provide additional information or to justify more fully the need for a required report. CONFIDENTIAL - 13 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL (2) As reviews are completed, the Panel should develop recommenda- tions on each report susceptible to cancellation, reduction in scope or frequency, format revision, procedural improvement, etc. Recommendations on reports which are prepared for submission outside this Office shall be developed in memorandum form for the signature of the Comptroller. Recom- mendations for improving or cancelling reports which organizational elements of this Office require will be transmitted by memoranda to cognizant divisions or branches. Target dates should be established for accomplishing recommenda- tions or further studies which cannot be effected immediately. (3) The Area Records Officer shall attend each Panel meeting to serve as recorder. In this capacity he will assist Panel members with their review while recording findings and accomplishments. It is antic- ipate that this procedure will provide the Area Records Officer with material for maintaining Reports Management Program records while relieving Committee members of administrative burden. 5. Submission of Reports Material to the Area Records Officer. The success- ful ,continuance of our Reports Management Program depends to a major degree upon the adequacy of the Area Records Officer's records. It is therefore incumbent upon each person responsible for a reporting requirement to forward to the Area Records Officer a copy of any correspondence changing the status of a report. In addition, they should forward specimen copies of revised reports or report forms, and any revisions to former instructions for prepar- ing the report. This material is desired each time one of the following actions occur: a. Upon the issuance of a directive for an approved new or revised reporting requirement originated within the Office of the Comptroller. b. Upon the receipt of a new or revised reporting requirement from a source outside the Office of the Comptroller. C. Upon the cancellation of any reporting requirement. 001 069891 CONFIDENTIAL - 14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL TYPES OF REPORTS EXEMPTED FROM THE REPORTS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 1. Reports -providing for the eollections production, and dissemi- nation of intelligence. 2. Reports of inspection prepared by inspectors general., 3. Official reports of audit, survey, or investigation byadminis- trative bodies appointed for that purpose. 4. Formal reports of official,proceedings of formally constituted judicial or administrative bodies appointed for that purpose. 5; Formal reports of findings, recommendations, or actions pre- pared by special committees or boards appointed to inquire into and report on a particular matter. However, recurring reports initiated by such committees or boards to obtain data required for their work are not exempt under this provision. 6.- Comments and/Or concurrences as part of routine clearance of proposed actions, requisitions, or publications. Che-time recommendations, suggestions, or evaluations as to plans, policies, or procedures, and official employee or beneficial suggestions. 8. Replies to requests for suggeited,agenda for meetings. 9, Inter-agency budget requirements: a. The annual budget estimate or request for funds required by law, This exemption does not include periodic collections of data used to develop or supplement budget estimates or fund requests. b. .,Reports upon apportionment and allocation of appropriate& funds, ' APPENDIX A CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL TYPES OF REPORTS EXEMPTED FROM THE. REPORTS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CONT.) 10. The following operating documents: Affidavits Agreements Announcements Applications or requests Authorizations Bids - Bills Bills of lading Certifications Claims Contracts and initial allied papers Depositions Guarantees Identification Leases Liens Oaths of office Payrolls Permits Performance bonds Receipts Receiving-and-inspection forms Requisitions . Sales slii3s Shipping orders Specifications Statements of witnesses This exemption covers only the actual operating decUtents themselves. Reports concerning progress in preparing, numbers processed, etc., are not exempt.' 0 0 1 0 6 9 8 9 -2- CONFIDENTIAL P90(.400 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 GUIDE F0R,ANALY2ING REUIRED REPORTS Persons assigned the responsibility for analyzing reports required by their organizational element should determine first that .the overall need for the report is fully juStified. Consider the following questions: 1. Does the report and individual items therein duplicate existing 'reports or items in other reports? 2. Is the information required by your office appropriate to its assigned functions, responsibilities, and authority? 3. Is the information required by your office actually and actively used as a bdsis for actions, plans, or decisions, and do these uses fully justify the cost required to prepare the report? 4. Is information reported in more detail, submitted more frequently, or given wider distribution than is necessary to serve the purposes for which the report was established? 5. Does the need for the report result from an organizational or pro- cedural problem which should be corrected, rather than reported? 6. Is the report designed to serve a purpose which could be accomplish- ed more effectively some other way, such as through direct supervision or inspection? Once it has been determined that there is a valid need for the report, and each item therein, consideration should be given to the following: 1. Reporting Frequency. The reporting frequency must be consistent with the frequency with which you utilize the information reported. More frequent reporting is not justifiable. 2. Due Date. The date a report is due in your office should, if possible, be one convenient to the reporting activity. Whenever pos- sible, end-of-month, end-of-quarter, and end-of-year reporting should be avoided since reporting workloads are heaviest at these times. More- over, due dates should be based on working days, not calendar days. APPENDIX B Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 GUIDE FOR ANALYZING REQUIRED REPORTS Cont.) 3. Use of a Form. Consideration should be given to requiring that the report be submitted on a standardized form.. A form offers these advantages: a. Reports submitted on forms are considerably easier to prepare than letter-type reports. b. Standard presentation of information enables you, the recip- ient to locate items in the report more readily. c. Instructions for preparation and submission of the report can be placed on the form for ready reference. d. Forms are not always subject to the same mail and file proc- essing as letter-type material. They can be pre-addressed thereby eliminating the need for transmittal letters. 4. Report Directive. Consideration should be given to the adequacy? of directives requiring reports. Remember the proportion: "The al- la of a report coming into an office is directly proportional to the quality of the directive requiring its submission." Consider these ? points: a. PROVIDING A SINGLE SOURCE OF INSTRUCTIONS - b. PURPOSE AND USE Cancel all previous directives which required the report, incorporating necessary past instructions in the new directive as an aid to personnel preparing reports. State clearly the purposes or uses of the data being collected. The office which prepares the report needs to know the purposes and uses to (1) assure that the data reported will accomplish the objectives intended, and (2) make more accurate decisions in doubtful cases. REPORT Indicate the correct title of the report TITLE for later identification. Titles should be descriptive of contents. 001069891 ?000463 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20': CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 GUIDE FOR ANALYZING' REWIRM REPORTS Cont.) d. DUE DATE OF REPORT e? PERIOD OR SITUATION COVERM f. FIRST SUHMISSION OF THE REPORT g. TERAINATION OF REPORT h. PREPARING ACTIVITIES DISTRIBUTIONi. FORMAT (IF NO FORM IS PR)VIDED) Ice USE OF FORM Specify the date on which the report is to arrive at its destination. For situation reports, specify how soon the report must be received after occur- rence of the event. Establish a due date for a recurring report which allows the reporting workload to be more even- ly distributed by the offices preparing and receiving the report. Specify the period of time, las of' date, or precise situation to be cover- ed by the report. If data from several different reports are to be correlated, assure that the periods covered in these reports are comparable. Specify when the requirement becomes ' effective, such as the date that the first recurring report is to he receiv= ed, or the first period to be covered. For a temporary report, specify exactly when it is to be discontinued. State specifically the types of activ- ities which are to prepare the report. Specify the number of copies to be prepared. Specify where each copy is to be sent. Specify the format for the items to be reported to (1) help insure uniformity in data reported and (2) simplify the transcription, comparison, evaluation, or other use of the data when it is received. a. Be sure the form includes informa- tion on where the report is to be for warded, and from whom it is sent ('from' and Ito' information), in order to avoid use of a separate transmittal letter. Request offices not to submit a covering transmittal letter with reports prepared on forms. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 GUIDE FOR ANALYZING REQUIRED REPORTS (Cont.). 1. SOURCE OF DATA ra. PROC MURES FOR COMPILING WORDING 001 0 9 8 9 1 ? b. Specify where, preparing offices are to secure supplies of the form, and the requisitioning procedure. Specify the source from which the information is to be obtained to (1) assist the preparing office in easy compilation, and (2) insure com- parable data from aLl activities. Specify recommended procedures for obtaining and compiling the data. This will (1) aid preparing offices to use the best methods, and (2) insure accuracy and consistency of the report. Give clear instructions on each item to be reported. Use simple active or imperative verbs (as 'Enter the total cost..,'), Give only one instruction in a single sentence. Keep the sentence concise. Be sure that the instructions can be interpreted in only one way. "004 G4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 REQUIPED REPORTS ANALYSIS SHEET 1. Complete an original and one copy for 3. Conduct a thorough analysis. If your submission to your Area Records Officer, findings do not justify every element of the report, recommend revisions. Your 2. Attach one sample copy of the report accurate appraisal of this report will and a copy of each directive concerning materially assist the Reports Review Panel its submission, with its review. 1. REPORT TITLE 2. DATE ANALYZED 3. DIRECTIVES REQUIRING THIS REPORT , 4. REPORT FORMAT (Form no., memorandum, machine tabulation, etc.) 5. FREQUENCY OF REPORT AND NUMBER OF ELEMENS ODAILY DMONTHLY SEMI-AN. REPORTING 0 SITUATION (No. of reports received annually) WKLY QTRLY ANNUAL OTHER 6. NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION 7. Complete the following using Space 8 if necessary: YES NO a. Does this report duplicate in whole or in part any other report received by your organizational element? If "Yes," elaborate. b. Is the information required by your office appropriate to its assigned functions, responsibilities, and authority? c. Is the information required actually and actively used as a basis for actions, plans, or decisions, and does such use fully justify the cost of preparing the report? d. Is the information reported in more detail, submitted more frequently, or given wider distribution than is necessary to serve the purposes for which the report was established? e. Does the need for this report result from administrative or procedural problems which should be corrected rather than reported? If "Yes," recom- mend changes. f. Is the report designed to serve a purpose which could be accomplished more effectively some other way such as through direct supervision or inspec- tion? If "Yes," recommend revisions. g. Should the report's security classification be revised? h. Are requiring directives adequate with respect to instructions for writing directives contained in "GUIDE FOR ANALYZING REQUIRED REPORTS"? i. Is the form or format of the report adequate with respect to: (1) Spacing? (2) Weight of paper? Can sufficient copies be prepared at one typing? (3) Possible elimination of transmittal letters? FORM T- 1 VER Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 8. What is the justification for continuing this reporting requirement? Recommend any revisions. In your appraisal consider the extent of data collected, organizational changes, program progress, changes in requirements, etc., since the reporting require- ment was instituted. , , , , 1 , \ . , (Continue on a separate sheet, if necessary.) 9. Considering every organizational element of the Agency concerned with this report, what is your best estimate of the total man hours expended annually in its preparation and handling? REPORT' WAS ANALYZED BY: ORGANIZATION BUILDING ROOM NO. PHONE FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS oolog OF THE REPORTS REVIEW PANEL , ' , ' , asi ofb00405 ANNUAL MAN-HOUR SAVINGS SIGNATURE Panel Chairman) , DTE - COMMENTS ARE ATTACHED rnrIkA -r_ I I _ _ ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 PREPARED REPORTS ANALYSIS SHEET 1. Complete an original and one copy for 3. Be thorough in your analysis, accurate submission to the Area Records Officer, in your written appraisal. Do not hesi- tate to make recommendations. Frank con- 2. Attach one sample copy of the report structive criticism is invited. and a copy of each directive concerning its submission, if this material can be 4. Your accurate appraisal of this report obtained without incurring undue repro- will materially assist the Reports Review duction costs. Panel with its review. 1. REPORT TITLE 2. DATE ANALYZED 1 / 3. DIRECTIVES REQUIRING THIS REPORT ' , 4. REPORTING FREQUENCY (Daily, weekly, mon- thly, as situations occur, etc.) 5. REPORT FORMAT (Form no., memo, machine tabulation, etc.) 6. NUMBER OF COPIES PREPARED AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION ? r7. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF METHOD BY WHICH REPORT IS PREPARED (Include information on' records maintained, machines utilized, requirements for data from other offices, aver- age number of pages per report, etc.) _ . . / . , , , , , 8. Considering the elements of preparation outlined what is your best estimate of the total man hours in the preparation and handling of this report? in Space 7, expended annually r(1DM OVER Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 9. Complete the following using space 10 if necessary: YES NO a. Does information in this report duplicate in any manner data contained in other reports prepared? If "Yes," specify the reports. b. Is the information reported-in more detail, submitted more frequently, or given wider distribution than is considered necessary? If "Yes," explain and recommend changes. i c. Is your office able to meet the required submission date for this report without detriment to operations? If "No," explain. Specify if any over- time has been required to meet due dates. Recommend changes. d.'Should the report's security classification be revised? e. Is the form or format prescribed for the report adequate with respect to: (1) Spacing? (2) Weight of paper? Can sufficient copies be made at one typing? , (3) Possible elimination of transmittal letters? f. If the report is reproduced by mimeograph, Ditto, multilith, etc., do you recommend the procurement of masters with the report format (head- ings, lines, etc.) preprinted thereon? g. Are instructions for the preparation of this report clear and complete? h. Would your office continue to: (1) Maintain..... - (2) Compile the data being submitted in this report if the directives for its sub- mission were rescinded? 10. What is your frank appraisal of this report? Recomiiend any impkovements, includ- ing revised-preparation procedures. \ , (Continue on a separate sheet, if necessary.) REPORT WAS ANALYZED BY: ORGANIZATION T BUILDING ROOM NO. PHONE O CONCUR WITH THE ABOVE. CONDIENTO #11.449E)8. 9 SIGNATURE (Chairman, Reports Review Panel) 1 enoo4G6 DATE , , crojlInerwls _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A NEW OR REVISED REPORTING REQUIREMENT CHECK WHICH (See reverse for instruc- ' tions.) TO: Chairman, Reports Review Panel VIA: Area Records Officer DATE REQUEST SUBMITTED 0 TO: , 1. TITLE OF REPORT , 3_CHECK WHICH ONE REVISED 3. IF "REVISED" INDICATE NATURE OF REVISION 4. LIST ANY REPORTS TO BE SUPERSEDED BY THIS NEW OR REVISED REPORTING REQUIREMENT i 5. PROPOSED DURATION OF REPORT INDEFINITE , 0 TEMPORARY (Designate period.) 6. DIRECTIVES OR AUTHORITY (ORIGINATED BY YOUR ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENT) REQUIRING THE SUBMISSION OF THIS REPORT , ' 7. OTHER CURRENT DIRECTIVES, AUTHORITIES, OR INSTRUCTIONS AFFECTING THE REPORT i \ i 8. REPORT FORMAT (Form no., ma- chine tabulation, memo, etc.) 9. REPORTING FRE- QUENCk 10. DATE REPORT IS DUE IN YOUR OFFICE U. SUPPORTING MATERIAL REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE REPORT I , 12. ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENTS OF CIA REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THIS REPORT , , 13. DISTRIBUTION OF REPORTS ORIGINAL: COPIES: , FORM (Over) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 14. DETAILED NEED FOR AND USE OF THIS REPORT 15. PERSON TO CON- TACT REGARDING THIS REPORT: NAME BUIIDING ROOM NO. PHONE CI RETURNED, APPROVED O RETURNED, DISAPPROVED O COMMENTS ARE ATTACHED SIGNATURE (Reviewing Official) DATE INSTRUCTIONS 1. For approval purposes, reports can be divided into three groups: a. Those that are required from CIA organizational elements outside the Office Of the Comptroller. b. 5Those that cut across division or staff lines (i. e., required by a division or staff from another division or staff). c. Those that are required by an organizational element within a staff or division from other elements within the same staff or division. It. Reporting requirements falling within categories a. and b. above shall be approved only by the Reports Review Panel. Category c. reporting requirements shall be approved by chiefs of divisions or staffs. To secure an approval, submit the fol- lowing material to either the Reports Review Panel Chairman (through the Area Rec- ords Officer), or the chief of your division or staff, as appropriate: 1 a. An original and one copy of this form. b. An original and one copy (in draft form) of the directive which proposes the reporting requirement. c. Any supporting material which will assist approving officials with their review4 0010698 1 e0004p7 r?esa,1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved-iWR?erea-s-e2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: (Chief of the organizational element which requires or prepares the report) SUBJECT: (Title of the report) REFERENCE: (Cite the authority for the report) 1. One of the functions of our Reports Management Program is to provide for a periodic re-evaluation of reporting requirements. In this manner nonessential reporting can be disclosed and eliminated, and essential reporting systems can be further improved to provide management with the type of reports which will better enable it to, carry out its assigned functions. 2. Files of the Area Records Officer indicate that your organiza- tion ... 0 Requires D Prepares subject report in accordance with the authority referenced above. 3. It is therefore requested that a working-level analysis of this report be accomplished. Enclosure (1) is provided to assist personnel with their analysis. This form contains questions which establish criteria for evaluating a report. Additional material on analyzing reports is contained in Section II, Paragraph 2b of the Office of the Comptroller Reports Management Program Guide. It is suggested that persons assigned the responsibility for analyzing this report famili- arize themselves with the Guide. 4. Upon completion of the analysis, itlis requested that the enclosed forms, completed in duplicate, be forwarded to the Area Records Officer approximately a week after date of this memorandum. Any directives, correspondence, instructions for the report's preparation, etc. not previously forwarded to the Area Records Officer should also be fur- nished. The reverse side of this Form Memorandum may be used to for- ward this material. Enclosure: FORM MEMO T-4 CONFIDENTIAL Deputy Comptroller APPENDIX F Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 4644gatinr111 MaIORANDUM FOR: The Deputy Comptroller ATTENTION: ? SUBJECT: Area Records Officer (Title of the Report) 1. In accordance with the request expressed on the reverse side of this memorandum, an analysis of the. subject -report. has been accom- plished. . 2. The enclosed material contains our findings and recommendations on this report. ? FORM mAt 4/0 rg..C1 .I. DEN Ett (Signature) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 STAT cor MEMORANDUM FOR: (Chief of the Office) ATTENTION: (Chief of the organizational element within the above office which submits the report to an element within the Office of the Comptroller) SUBJECT: (Title of the Report) REFERENCE: (Cite the authority for the report) 1. The Office of the Comptroller has established a Reports Manage- ment Program which provides for the periodic re-evaluation of report- ing requirements. One means of conducting these re-evaluations is to solicit recommendations from those Offices which prepare reports for submission to organizational elements within our Office. 2. Our records indicate that your Office prepares subject report in accordance with the authority referenced above. Since an analysis of this report at the preparing level would materially assist us in our review, it is requested that the reverse side of this memorandum be completed in duplicate and returned to our Office within approximately ten days. Any additional material which might augment our review would also be appreciated. FORM MEMO T-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Deputy Comptroller APPENDIX G Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 TO: The Deputy Comptroller ATTENTION: Area Records Officer FROM: 1. In accordance with the request expressed on the reverse side of this form, an analysis of the following report has been accomplished: REPORT TITLE 2. Findings and recommendations are reflected through our answers to the following questions: YES NO a. Does information in this report duplicate in any manner data contained in other reports prepared? If "Yes," specify on a separate sheet. b. Is information reported in more detail, submitted more frequently, or given wider distribution than is considered necessary? If "Yes," recommendations would be appreciated. c. Is your office able to meet the required submission date for this report without detriment to operations? If "No," please explain. Specify if any overtime has been required to meet due dates. Recommend changes. d. Should the report's security classification be revised? . e. Is the form or format prescribed for the report adequate with respect to4 ? (1) Spacing? (2) Weight of paper? Can sufficient copies be made at one typing? (3) Possible elimination of transmittal letters? f. If the report is reproduced by mimeograph, Ditto, multilith, etc., do you recommend the procurement of masters with the report format (head- ings, lines, etc.) preprinted thereon? , g. Are instructions for the preparation of this report clear andcomplete? , h. Would your office continueito: (1) Maintain (2) Compile the data being submitted in this report if the directives for its sub- mission were rescinded? i. What is your frank appraisal of this report? Your opinion will bear consider- able weight. - (Please continue on a separate sheet, if necessary.) a. The person to contact regarding this report is: NAM ORGANIZATION BUIIDING ROOM NO. PHONE SIGNATURE: 0 1 0 6 9 8 9 1 "00409 rnonn nArlan 1"-M f n " rnm141VNTTAT. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 ? SAMPIE REGUTATION FOR OPERATING AN AREA REPORTS n6iNAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORTS MANAGEMENT 1. PURPOSE Reports are vital to our Agency mission and to the efficient administra- tion of our internal affairs. Also, reports make up a large, portion of our paperwork. For these reasons we are obligated to assure that essential reports of the right type and highest quality meet our needs efficiently and economically. Such assurance can result from a systematic continuing review of our requirements for reports. This regulation therefore, pro- vides for this review and for the coordination of our reports management objectives with those of other Agency components. 2. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES The (component's title) Reports Management Program shall be continued to ensure that: a. Reports provide adequate, accurate and timely data for the purposes required, b. Reporting workloads are minimized and restricted to the capabilities of preparing and using components; and that peakloads and overtime are avoided. c. Only essential reports are established or continued. d. Reports are appropriate to the missions of using components; and that preparing components are the best sources of the data. e. Reporting procedures and systems are simple and orderly. f. Instructions, definitions, and forms are clear and complete. g. Existing sources of information are publicized, 3. DEFINITIONS a. Report An account or statement of information in written narrative, tabular, punch card, or graphic form, transmitted from one organiza- tional element to another in response to an expressed or assumed need for information. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 (1) Administrative or Management Report. A report that provides for administrative or management control over an activity or operation, as distinguished from an operational or intelligence report.; (2) Recurring Report. A report for which there is a standing require- ment for its submission. It may be either a periodic report which conveys essentially the same type of information at prescribed intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), or a situation report which is prepared on each occurrence of an event of certain pre- scribed characteristics (e.g., report of an accident). (3) (4) (5) External Report. A report required from, or prepared for, any organization outside the (component's title). Reports Management Officer. The official responsible for operating the (component's title) Reports Management Program. Reports Control Symbol. An identifying symbol assigned to an approved reporting requirement. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AND SCOPE a. All organizational elements of the (component's title) shall take part in the program. Each Division and Staff Chief shall establish measures to control and improve intra-division or staff reports, and to coordinate requirements for all other reports with the Reports Management Officer. Under this concept division and staff programs can be tailored to meet specific needs, with top level support and guidance being furnished for the control and improvement of external and inter-division or staff reports. The Reports Management Officer and a representative from each division and staff shall comprise A panel to review requirements for external and inter-division or staff reports. b. With the exception of the types of documents listed in Attachment 1, the (component's title) Reports Management Program shall cover all recurring administrative or management reports: (1) Submitted within the (component's title). (2) Received from or submitted to other headquarters components, domestic or overseas field installations, or organizations, Federal or private outside the Agency. Emphasis shall thus be placed on managing all recurring reports, whether prepared voluntarily, upon request, or by direction. However, this should not preclude the screening and review- ing of requests for one-time reports, if by such examination non- essential or inadequate reporting can be prevented. POLICIES a.- Report Directives. Requirements for reports and rescissions thereof shall be stated clearly and completely in writing. b. EA4wntiality. Reports shall be required only to collect essential informa- tion, as ?distinct from that ?which is merely interesting or informative. -2- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 c. Duration and Frequency. Reporting requirements shall be continued only as long and submitted only as frequently as circumstances dictate. d. Consolidation. Related reports in the same subject matter area shall be consolidated wherever possible. e. Summarization. Reports shall be summary in nature insofar as practicable, and devoid of unnecessary detail. f. Economical Procedures. Reporting procedures shall be as simple and direct as possible. Existing basic records shall be employed as sources to the fullest extent. Methods of preparing and transmitting reports shall be the most economical consistent with the end use of the required information. Reports that are self identifying shall be forwarded with- out transmittal correspondence. g. Creation Control. The following controls shall be maintained: (1) Each proposal to establish or revise a requirement for an external or inter-division or staff report shall be cleared through the Reports Management Officer. (2) Each approved requirement for a report shall be assigned a reports control symbol. Reports exempted from control shall be so identified. Reports control symbols or exemption statements shall be cited in report directives and in reports submitted accordingly. Personnel receiving a report directive which does not cite either a reports control symbol or an exemption clause shall so notify the Reports Management Officer and defer complyirig with the directive pending notification that the reporting requirement has been approved by appropriate authority. h. Reappraisals. Existing reporting requirements approved in accordance with this regulation shall be reappraised at least annually. New or revised requirements shall be reappraised initially within from three to six months after submission of the first report and annually there- after. 6. RESPOTISIBITITIES a. Each Division and Staff Chief shall: (1) Ensure that an active program for controlling and improving reports is carried.out within his organization. (2) Designate a person to represent his organization as a member of the (component's title) Reports Review Panel. The person selected should have a broad lnowledge of his organization's reporting activities and requirements and be in a position to act on administrative matters. The name of this person shall be furnished the Reports Management Officer. ?3-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 15. The Reports Management Officer shall: (1) Direct and coordinate the Program by providing staff guidance and all basic plans, policies, and procedures. (2) Review and coordinate for approval by the Reports Review Panel all requirements for external and inter-division or staff reports. (3) (4) (5) Assign reports control symbol to approved requirements for inter- division or staff reports, and identify those reports exempted from control. Coordinate requirements for external reports with the Deputy Director's Management Advisor for Reports, Management Staff. Serve as Chairman of the (component's title)Reports Review Panel, and as a voting member of the Deputy Director's Reports Review Panel. (6) Conduct studies and reappraisals of, maintain records on, and publish lists of requirements for external and inter-division or staff reports. 7. PROCEDURES a. Request for Approval of a New or Revised Reporting Requirement. Any proposal to establish or revise a requirement for an external or inter- division or staff report shall be submitted to the Reports Management Officer. The originator shall submit the following material: (1) An original and two copies of Form No. 142 (Attachment 2). (2) An original and one copy (in draft form) of the proposed report directive, including all forms, instructions, and procedures proposed to be issued. (3) Any additional supperting material that will assist approving officials with their review. - If the proposal concerns an external report, the Reports Management Officer shall place his recommendations on two copies of Form No. 142 submitted to him, and forward them with a copy of all supporting material to the Deputy Director's Management Advisor for Reports. b. Transmitting Copies of Directives. Immediately upon issuing a directive which initiate,revises or rescinds a requirement for an external or inter-division or staff report, the ortgtdatPrshall forward a copy of the directive to the Reports Management Officer. The Reports Management Officer shall forward to the Deputy Director's Management Advisor fcr Reports,Management Staff, a copy of each directive concerning an external report. U. R. WRIGHT Director of (Component) Attachments: . 1. Types of Reports and Documents Exempted from the Reports Management Program. 2. Form No, 142, Request for Approval of a New or Revised Reporting Require- ment. 14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 TYPES OF REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS EXEMPTED FROM THE REPORTS MANA(17MENT PROGRAM 1. Formal reports of audit, survey, "or investigation by administrative bodies appointed for that purpose. However, recurring reports initiated by such bodies to obtain data are not exempt. 2. Comments and/or concurrences as part of routine clearance of proposed actions,requisiticns, or publications. 3. Agency budget requirements: a. The annual estimate or request for funds required by law. This exemption does not include periodic collections of data used to develop or supplement budget estimates or fund requests. b. Reports upon apportionment and allocation of appropriated funds, 4. The following operating documents: Accounting records Affidavits Agreements Announcements Applications or requests Authorizations Bids Bills of lading Certifications Claims Bills Contracts and initial allied papers Depositicns Guarantees Identification Leases Liens Oaths of office Payrolls Permits Performance bonds Receipts Receiving-and-inspection forms Requisitions Sales slips Shipping orders Specifications Statements of witnesses .This exemption covers only the actual operating documents themselves. Reports concerning progress in preparing, numbers processed, etc., are not exempt. ATTACHMENT 2 neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 a SAITLE OFFICE REGULATION FOR OPERATING A R.EPOR TS NANAGEMNT PROGRAII REPORTS MANAGENENT Rescission: ABC Office Notice No. 00 CONTENTS Page Page PURPOSE 1 DialiVITIONS 3 SCOPE 1 RESPONSIBILITIES 4 POLICIES 2 PROCEDURES 5 1, PURPOSE This Regulation establishes requirements for a continuing Office-wide Reports Management Program designed to: a. Eliminate and prevent ,unnecessary reporting. b. Insure that instructions; forms, and procedures for necessary reporting are clear and complete, pnd provide simple, direct, reporting methq.ds. c. Improve the quality .of reports. d. Provide central reference points for information on reports. In brief, our objective is fewer reports, better reports, at less cost. 2. SCOPE With the exception of thdse rdnorts and ,docilments listed in Enclosure 1, the Program includes all recurring administrative Or management reports which ABC Office components either re- quire from, or nrepare for: Other Headquarters components, including those in the ABC Office. b. Any continental or overseas field activity. c. Any organization (Federal or private) outside the Agency. Emphasis is thus placed on managing recurring administrative or management reports. However, this does not exclude applying 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 '1? ? reports management principles to one-time reports, or those which provide for the collection, production, or dissemination of intelligence. ? POLICIES a. 4/eport Directives. Requirements for reports shall be stated in clear and complete written directives rather than orally. b. Essentiality. Reports shall be required only to collect essential information, as distinct from that which is merely interesting or informative. Duration and Frequency. Reporting requirements shall be continued only as long and submitted only as frequently as circumstances dictate. d. Consolidation. Related reports in the same subject matter area shall be consolidated wherever possible. e. Summarization. Reports shall be summary in nature insofar as practicable, and devoid of unnecessary detail. f. Economical Procedures. Reporting procedures shall be as simple and direct as possible. EXisting basic records shall be employed as sources to the fullest extent. Methods of preparing and transmitting reports shall be the most econom- ical consistent with the end use of the required information. Reports that are self-identifying shall be forwarded without transmittal correspondence. g. Creation Control. The following controls over the creation of reporting requirements shall be maintained: Proposed reporting requirements shall be reviewed and approved by a Reports Control Authority. Each new or revised requirement for a recurring report shall be reappraised within three months after submis- sion of the first report. Each reporting requirement initiated by an ABC Office component and not exempted from the Program shall be assigned a reports control symbol. Such a symbol will identify a requirement and indicate to activities or offices which are to prepare the report that the re- quirement has been approved by appropriate authority. A reporting requirement exempted from the Program shall be so identified in the report directive. Reports 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 control symbols shall be cited in report directives and in reports submitted accordingly. Personnel re- ceiving a report directive which does not cite a reports control symbol or an exemption clause shall refer the matter to their Reports Control Authority. h. Periodic Review. Each requirement for a recurring report which an ABC Office component has established, and each similar requirement placed upon an ABC Office component, shall be reappraised at least annually. The need for required reports shall be fully justified. Prepared re- ports shall be analyzed with a view to improving prepa- ration procedures, and recommending to requiring offices ways to reduce or simplify reporting. 4. DEFINI1IONS a. Report. An account or statement of information in written narrative, tabular, punch card, or graphic form, and trans- mitted from one organizational element to another on a one time or recurring basis. b. Administrative or Management Report. As distinguished from an operational or intelligence report, it is a report that provides for administrative or management control over an activity or operation. c. Recurring Report. Either a periodic report essentially the same type of information at intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) or report which is prepared on each occurrence of certainprescribed characteristics. which conveys prescribed a situation of an event d. Required Report (Incoming Report). A report which a com- ponent requires from one or more other elements. The report is an incoming report to the office which requires it, Prepared Report (Outgoing Report). A report which a com- ponent prepares at the request of another element. The report is an outgoing report from the office which prepares it. f. Reports Control Authority. An official responsible for reviewing and approving ABC Office reporting requirements and assigning reports control symbols thereto. Reports control authority is assigned to: (1) The ABC Office Area Records Officer who has jurisdiction over: (a) Reports required from, or submitted to, Agency components outside the ABC Office. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 (b) Reports submitted from one ABC staff or division to another. (2) Division and Staff Chiefs D r their designees who have jurisdiction over reports submitted solely within their respective components. b. Reoorts Control Symbol. A symbol of identification and approyal assigned to a reporting requirement by a Reports Control Authority. A reports control symbol is composed of the organizational symbol of the component which requires the report, the abbreviation "rep" for "report," and the numericp1 designation of the reporting requirement. Numerical designations are assigned in consecutive order as reporting requirements are reviewed and approved by a Reports Control Authority. Numerical designations for intra division or staff reporting requirements are enclosed in parentheses?e.g., MC/PD-Rep-(l). Designations for inter division or staff reporting requirements, and those placed upon Agency components outside the ABC Office, are not so enclosed--e.g., ABC/PD-Rep-i. RESPONSIBILITIES a. The Chief, Administrative Staff, in collaboration with the ABC Office Area Records Officer, shall: (1) Direct and coordinate the overall Program by providing staff guidance and all basic plans, policies, and procedures. (2) Review and approve reporting requirements under juris- diction of the Area Records Officer, and, recommend ways to eliminate, simplify), or otherwise improve reports. Recommendations which cannot be resolved between the Chief, Administrative Staff and chiefs of other com- ,ponents shall be referred to the Chief of ABC. (3) Conduct studies and reappraisals, maintain records, publish lists of reporting requirements, and submit reports in accordance with this Regulation and the "ABC Office Reports Management Program Guide." Maintain liaison with the Management Staff, ? Reports and Correspondence Management Branch, for staff guidance and participation in the Agency Reports Management Program. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 b. Division and Staff Chiefs or their designees shall review and approve reporting requirements under their jurisdiction, conduct studies and reappraisals, and perform such other Reports, Control Authority functions as necessary to meet the requirements of this Regulation and the "ABC Office Reports Management Program Guide." 6. PROCEDURES a. Request for Approval of a New or Revised Reporting Requirement. All new or revised reporting requirements originated within the ABC Office shall be submitted to the appropriate Reports Control Authority for approval prior to being established. Originators shall submit the following material through chan- nels: (1) An original and one copy of Form No. 142 (Enclosure 2). (2) An original and one copy (in draft form) of the proposed report directive, including all forms, instructions, and procedures proposed to be issued. (3) Any additional supporting material that will assist approving officials with their review. b. Transmitting Copies of Report Directives to Reports Control Authorities. Immediately upon issuing a directive which initiates, revises or rescinds a reporting requirement, the originator shall forward a copy of the directive and all supporting material to his Reports Control Authority. Discontinuing Reporting Requirements. The. appropriate Reports _Control Authority shall be notified immediately upon the dis- continuance of a reporting requirement. d. Requests for Reports Received from Components Outside the ABC Office. All requests received directly from components out- side the ABC Office shall be brought to the attention of the Chief, Administrative Staff. U. R. WRIGHT Chief of ABC Enclosures: 1. Types of Reports and Documents Exempted from the ABC Office Reports Management Program 2. Form No. 142, Request for Approval of a New or Revised Reporting Requirement 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 TYPES ,OF REPORTS AND rocumTs EXEMPTED FIM THE 'ABC OFFICE REPORTS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 1, Reports providing for the collection, production, and dis- semination of intelligence. 2, Reports of inspection prepared by inspectors general. 3. Official reports of audit, survey, or investigation by administrative bodies appointed for that purpose. 4. Formal reports of official proceedings of formally con- stituted judicial or administrative bodies appointed for that purpose. S. Formal reports of findings, recommendations, or actions pre- pared by special committees or boards appointed to inquire into and report on a particular matter. However, recurring reports initiated by such committees or boards to obtain data required for their work are not exempt under this pro- vision. , 6. Comments and/or concurrences as part of routine clearance of proposed actions, requisitions, or publications. 7. One-time recommendations, suggestions, or evaluations as to plans, policies, or procedures, and official employee or beneficial suggestions. 8. Replies to requests for suggested agenda for meetings. 9. Agency budget requirements: a. The annual budget estimate or request for funds re- quired by law. This exemption does not include periodic collections of data used to develop or Sup- plement budget estimates or fund requests. b. Reports upon apportionment and allocation of appropriated funds. ENCIOSURE 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 TYPES OF REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS EXEMPTED FROM ME ABC OFFICE REPORTS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CONTINUED) 10. The following operating documents: Affidavits Agreements Announcements Applications or requests, Authorizations Bids Bills Bills of lading Certifications Claims Contracts and initial allied papers Depositions Guarantees Identification Leases Liens Oaths of office Payrolls Permits Performance bonds Receipts Receiving-and-inspection forms Requisitions Sales slips Shipping orders Specifications Statements of witnesses This exemption covers only the actual operating documents them- selves. Reports concerning progress in preparing, numbers proc- essed, etc., are not exempt. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Coov Aooroved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 APPROVAL OF A OR REVISED REPORTING REQUIREMENT TO: DATE REQUEST SUBMITTED . THROUGH: ,-: , 0 TITLE OF'REPORT-- . CHECK WHICH NEd 0 REVISED 3. IF REVISED., INDICATE NATURE OF REVISION 14. LIST ANY REPORTS TO BE SUPERSEDED BY THIS NEW OR REVISED REPORTING REQUIREMEF S. PROPOSED DURATION OF REPORT 0 INDEF DIM 0 TEMPORARY (Designate period.) 6. DIRECTIVES OR AUTHORITY (ORIGINATED BY YOUR ORGANIZATIONAL FLEMMIT) REQUIRING THE SUBMISSION OF THIS REPORT 0 OTHER CURRENT DIRECTIVES, AUTHORITIES OR INSTRUCTIONS AFFECTING THE REPORT 8. 'REPORT FORMAT Form no., machine tabulation, Memo, etc.) 90 REPORTING FREQUENCY 10. DATE REPORT IS DUE IN YOUR OFFICE 11. SUPPORTING MATERIAL REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE REPORT 12, ACTIVITIES OR COMPONENTS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THIS REPORT , ' .. 13. DISTRIBUTION OF REPORT . ,ORIGINAL: COPIES: , wnPm 9 T oc+ 61 el. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 14. DETAILED., NEED FOR AND USE OF THIS REPORT , . 1 Gq690i00 . . . ? ' ? , 15. PERSON TO CON- ' TACT REGARDING THIS REPORT: .? . : .? . NA'A . ' * BUILDING . ROOM NO. PHONE REVIEW BY CHD,.I.S OF COMPONENTS . RECOMMENDATIONS: 0 ' S 0 . - - . ? ? SIGNATURE TITLE. DATE RECOMENtiTIONS ? ? . SIGNATURE ' TITLE ' . DATE . Et RETURNED, APPROVED .0 RETURNED, DISAPPROVED E COMMENTS ARE ATTACHED SIGNATURE (Reviewing Official) . 40/????dwe 'ale., DATE . FORM 142 (Back) h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7 CONFIDENTIAL _Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-00453A000100030003-7