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Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000800120011-2
Approved For ReleasVRift}}W9tkiRFJO9Arai42tIW6BTA120911.-2-jukli.-...01-.V T.I._..?...,
.. .. ? '/
aeryiCe in such action or proceeeing except prosecuting a civil action under this section . . (3) the term PComptroller Generale inea"e`see
at the request or. with the approval of the may be represented In such action py, such the Comptroller _ General , of., ,the . United,:
Congreselonel Legal Counsel or either House attorneys as it may deslgna.te., ..., ?i ? ..:. , 't..ates;
ef- nengeeas; and "(c) A. civil action commenced on prose.- e ' - (4) _ the terrne"iiep.entlent'.'' Mee-rief dePei:
(3) transfer all Materiale relevant -tea the mated under. this section . may . not ? be au- -- dent as defined In .eection'152....of theeejile. e
representation authorized under section. 203 tlaoriz,ed pursuant to the Standing Order of. ternal Revenue Code of-1954; ?-,- ' .., .,,,,ae.;
(e) to the Congressional. Legal Counsel-.. . the Senate 'authorizing sults, by senate Corn---. .0) the term "employee" inclUcies an?y. ene....tlee:
Provided,' however, That nothing ba this sebe- ? _Inittees'? (S. Jour. 572, 70-1, May 28-, 192a.".., ... .. ployee designated under section 2105 of titiee.:,
section shall limit any right of the Attorney , ee(b). The :analysis, of such chapter 85 is 5, United States Code,. and any employee -ll
amended by addingat the end- thereof: the the. United States Postal Service. or of tEi
Gene.ral under existing law- to intervene or .. ea an-
following?new item: .. . .... ..., .- .,-, . ... . Poetal Rate Commission;
appear as amicus-? curiae In such action or ...
" meaii-e-ee
proceeding.. e ? -, es ... ,. .,.,...___, ... .13.84..Cengreeeional actiactions.",:?? - -- - . -,- . ? (6) the term Immediate family"
(b) The Attorney General shall. notify the ''-,--Tecinercer.--?,:e_een colseoaereNc'e`..i&YENni%,iENTS (A) '
spouse of an individual (B)th
Congreasional Legal Couneel with respect ? - - e - --.",-? -.- - --.. . ,.. ,.., . ... ...... . - ., child, , parent,.. -grandparent, ., grandchildA
Seca.214.., (a)- Segtion- 3210 .otetitle..39, - -brother, cr sister of an individual or of
any proceeding in which theUrdted Statee is.?". '""
General or Solicitor General not to appeal
a party of any determination by the Attorney
...(1) .by striking out. "and the Legislative United States- Code is amended-- - - -
Counsels of the House or Representatives - clause, (B)....._.: e.,.. . - -
, amended-,-.- -- - . apause of such, . individual, and (7) : .th,
spouse of any , individual, designatedelak-Z?
- -- - . -
any court decision affecting the constitution-. .. .
and the Senate" In aulasection. (b) (1) -and (7) the terra "income" means groseeireee
ality of a statute enacted by congresS within.
Inserting In lieu thereof ."the Legislative- come as defined in section GI of the Internai',
such time as will enable the Congressional
Counsels of the House of Representatives Revenue Code of 1954; -.. --: - ...: -
Legal Counsel to intervene in e,uch proceed- ? end the Senate,
and the Congressional Legal. . (8) the terneeMember of Congress,' rnean'te
ing pursuant to aeotton, 205.. ,. ; .?...?;,,:-, ? :?,,,: .. Counsel"; and , .. ..- ?: ' ?,- ' ? .. . a Senator. allebres.entative, a Resident Come
....eitocereneet., PROVISIONS. ee ,...,,,.-,r ,; ..; (2) by striking out "or- -the.Legislatiere, .rnIssloner., or a Delegatee". ? ''.i.:.:_?--., e....,...-- --.4.'
SEC.-2.12...(a).-,Pernaisslort to intervene'as-aee Courviel.of. the House or .Representatives or ..,?.7. -ADJ.. the-tel-re.tofficer",ineltideS:any 'offi
party or to; file a. brief alnIcus..curiee under--itlae. Senate-in. subsection (b)(2).-,and in- designated uudere section. 2104- of title .,a
section 205 of this title shall be of right and . serting in ? lieu thereof ? "the ? Legislative United Statee Code, and any officer of "the:a
may be denied by a court only upon an ex-- 'Counsel of the Heuse of Representatives of - United State& Postal Service or. of the. Postel
press finding _that such-Intervention or filing.., the., Senate...L. or ?the eCongressionae , Legal ...etatf3,-ConernIssion; ., e ,-, - . : a a..,..,.:?
is Untimely and-would significantly delay:the- ? Counseneeeree- -1- o --nee,: e; etere. -, - ., ,- - - ,,-.(1.0), the. terne.!`sectirrty!e,.'means ?secuktyI
pending action.... ;: . - , ?, - .. e ? ,: ea: ...e.i.e ---,. e.(b), :Section. 3216(a) (1) (A).-. of such title : aS defined in section .2 of the Securities At
(b) The Congressional Legal counsel,. the es amended by striking out "and the Legis- ecit .1933; as amended (15 U.S.C- 77b);
Deputy Congressional Legal Counsel. or any lative Counsels of the House of Represents--. . (11) the term etransactions in-securitieee
designated eAseletant ' Congressional eLegal tIves and -the Senate"-and inserting Innen -.and commoeitieget. means, any:. acquisit1on4
Counsel, shall be entitled, for the nurnose of thereof "the Legislative Counsels of the --, transfer,, or other disposition -involving anYe
performing his functions under this title, to House of Representatives and. the Senate, - security-cr emnmoditye , . . . a eee:
enter art appearance in any such Oroceeaing and the Congressional Legal Counsel". - (12) the term "uniformed services" mean:4 .
before any court of the United States with- (c) Section, 3219 of: such title Is amended any,of the armed. forced, the commizeloneds:
out compliance-.with. any reenirement for by striking out "or the Legislative Counsel corps, of.. the Public Health Service,. or?.tbee
admission to practice before such court. eX- of the House of Representatives or the Sen.- eommisslonen cores of. the National .0eeanlee
cent that the authorizetion conferred be tbie ate and Inserting In lieu. thereof the Leg- _ and Atmos*.ThPria.Adminletration;.i.. .....:-: -..-;
paragraph shall not apply with reenect to the islattve Counsel of the House of Represents- (13) . the - term- "political- contrilltitiOn"
sdinision of any. nereon to prectice before tires or- the Senate, or. the Congressional means ae contribution as defined_ In. Section:,
the. United States Sunreme Court. " ." Legid Counsel".. ,. ' .. -.. --_,., ...... - ' , 301 of the. Federal Election- Campaign. Act of
(c) Nothing in this title ellen be construed . : .. (d) ? Section 11 of the:. Act . entailed An 1971 (2 U.S.C. 431); and ... ... .-- e
to confer standing on any party seekine to Act making appropriations for sundry- civil (14) the term "expenditure' meane. an
bring, or jurisdiction on any court with re- expenses of the GeivernMent for the fiscal, expenditure re; defined in . section 301 of
snect to,- any civil or criminal action rwainst year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hen- the Federal lereetion CampeigatActi,of net
Congress. either House of Conerees, a Mem-- " mired and seventy-six, and for other pure (2 MEW. 431i-a ee ' :-.-- '.' 2,?? 2e...eel .'?,----,-;;;;'..,-.1.--ae-r.-
bar of Congress, a committee or subcommIt-? poses"; approved March 3, 1875 as amended ..- . - neervinnees InTreJLIED 'To rILE REPORT. ? -: -.
tee of Congress, or any officer, employee of- . (2 U.S.C. 118), is repealed - ? ? .. , .. ?.
.....e. ? .. . ..sec. 30e. ..(a):.?Any .individual .who Is or
lice, or agency of Congress. - - - .' '-'.. - ? - , . -, ,,.. , , .,,,? . was art offiser or employee cleslenated under .
(d) Tn any civil action brought pursuant ? , . . ? . ? . ? .-- .:
SEC; 215..'n any partof this title as held - subsection. ..(b) shalt .file each.- calender year.:
to section 204 of this title, the court shall as-. -.? '
invalid, the remainder of the title shall not a. report- containing -a full_ and complete
sign the case for hearing at the earliest price
be affected thereby any provision of ny financial staeement for the -preceding cal,-
ticable date and cause the caee in every way
part of this title or the application thereof. ender year-If such Individual has occupiedx
review from any .order or Ju in such to any personor, circumstance is held in-- the
ninety days in such ealender year. - a
to be expedited. Any appeal or petition for
._ the office or position for a period in excess ?
action shall be expedited - In the .sanee valid, he - provisions of other parte and
.. , . . . - , . - .e.e._, .,. their application to other persons or cir-: .--2`.... (5) The- officers and .ernpley.eea referred-to-
- ' -- cumstances shall not be affected thereby. . in eubsection (a) are?. - ? e. - . .?
JURISITECT/ON7OP-CONGRIMS/ONAI... ACTIONS ::. . , ...' - ' - ? ' ? ?? ? (1) the President: ? -7 --- ..
bT PPROPRIATIONS ? = -.1-. - ?---- - - ." ,...- ? '
Ste. 213. (a) Chapter 85 of title 28, United -. : ..., (2) the Vice President.e. i ,...?., .. ,,,,,.,..e e,.?
States code, is amended by adding at the end . Sec.-216.- There are authorized to be ape: .. (3) each Member of Congress; _ ?
thereof the following new section: -. -? _. , . propriated to the office for each fiscal year . (4) each Justice or, -judge. of the United.
-through October 30, 1981, such sums as Inay: state,. .
"ii 1364. Congressional actions - . -
be necessary to enable it to carry Out its. , . (5) each officer or-employee of the United
"(a) The District Court for the District ot duties and functions. Until sums ere. first States who is compensated at a rate--equal
Columbia shall have- original jurisdiction, appropriated pursuant to the preceding tem- to or In excess of the minimune rate pre-
without regard to the sum or--value of the- tence. but for a period not eXceeding twelve 'scribed for employees holding the. grade of
matter in controversy, over any civil action months following the effective date of this 08-16 under section 5332(a) of title 5,
brought by Congress, a House of Congress, or sebTection, the expenses or the office shall United i.-5t9tteS Code:- and ? .-- . -
any authorized committee or joint committee be paid from the contingent fund of the (6) each -member of ?a.- uniformed service
of Congress, or any subcommittee thereof, to -Senate, In accordance with the paragraph who is compensated et aerate equal to or
enforce, or secure a declaration concerning
relating to the contingent fund of the. Sen- in excess Of tee monthly rete of pay Pre-
the validity of, any subpena or order issued
ate muler the heading, "UNDER LEGISLA- scribed for grade 0-7. as adjusted under
by Congress, or such tIonee, committee, sub- TTVE" in the Act of October 1, 1888 (28 Stat. scctien 1009 of title 37, United States Cods.
committee, or joint com.Mttee to any entity
54-1; 2 U.S.C. 6e), and upon vouchers ap- . (c) Any reef:Muse who seeks nomination
Soling or purporting to ect under color or
authority of State law or to any nature] per- . pie ved by the director- - ' for elect' en, or election, to the office of Pres-
sen to eecure the product on of documents or TT:-Lle ITI?GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL; Merit, Vice President, or _Member of Congress
other materials. of eny k eld or the answer- 11N",,a_r-fAL DISCLOSURE REQUelele- shall file In any year in which such incit-
ing of any deposition or interrogatory or to . L' L,..'N 1 ' vtdual ha,? ? .. .
? (1) takert,the action necesearyeunder the
secure testimony or any cembluation thereof. .
This section shall not up ily to an action to ? SI:C. 301, fie used, in this -title-- . ,....,' law of:e State to qualify for nomination for
.,.. ? ?
enforee, or secure rt. decl teatime ? concerning (1) the . terra "agency" means. each. au- election, or election, or-
. . _ , a. ..., .
the validity of, any subnt as or order iseued thority of the Government of- the . United - (2) . received- political contributions or
to an officer or employee o' the Federal Gov- States; -. ... . .. .. . made expenditures, or has given CunSent for
ernineni. acting within hie official capacity. (2) the term "commodity future" means any other person to receive political contri-
"(b) The Congress, or el.-her House of Con- commodity future as defined in sections 2 buttons or make expenditures, with a view
ut such. Individual's nonlino-
Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R00.0800120011-2
July 21, 1976
e report containing a full and complete. ,
financial Statement for the preceding cal-
endar year. ? . ?. ?- ? - ? ,
Sac, 303. (a) Each Individual shall inclUde
each report required to be Med by bird'
under section 302 a full-and complete state-?
meet, in such manner and form as the
Comptroller General may prescribe, with re-
spect to-- . -
(1) the amount and source of 'each, item
of income, each item of reimbursement for .-
any cepenclituret and each gift or aggregate -
of gifts from one source (other than: gifts.
received from any member of his immediate .
family) received during the preceding cal.-
ender year which exceeds $100 In amount or
value, including any fee or other honorarium
received for or in connectien with the prep.:
aratton or delivery of any- speech, attend-
sore at any convention or the assembly of
individuals, or the preparation of any article- .
or other composition for publicationt emet't,
(2) the fair market valae and. source of
any item received In kind or aggregate-of
such items received from one source (other
than items received in kind from any mem-
ber of his immediate family), including, but
not limited to, any .transtx)rtation or enter-
tainment received, duriee the. -,receding cal-
ender year if such fair rnarket value for
such item exceeds $500; ? ?
(3) the identity and the cetegory of value:
as designated under sobwectIon (b), of each
asset., other than howeholct furnishings or
goods, jewelry, clothing, or an, vehicle owned
solely for the personal uee of the individual,
his spouse, or any of his dependents, held
during the preceding calendar year which has
a value in excess of $1,000- as of the close
of the preceding calendar year;
(4) the identity anti the category of
amount, as designated under etibection (b),
of each liability owed which is in excess of
*1,000 as of the close of the preceding calen-
dar year; .
(5) the identity the category of amount, as
designated under subsection (b), and date of
any transaction in securities of any business
entity or any tratteection In commodities fu-
tures during the preceding calendar year
which is in excess of $1,000:
(0) the identity and the category of value,
as designated under-subsection (b), of any
purchase or sale of real property or any
interest in any real property during the pre-
ceding calendar year if the value of property
involved in such purchase or sale exceeds
$1,000: ? ...
between such Individual and any person nor
shall it require an individual to report any
information-ovith respect, to any person for
whom services were provided by any firm or
association of which such individual was a
member,' partner, or employee unless such
individual was directly involved in. the pro-
vision of such services. . ' ? -"
----.(b)(1) For purposes- Of 'paragraphs (3)
through (6) of subsection (a), an individual
need not specify the actual amount or value
or each asset, each liability, each transaction
securities of any business entity or In com-
modities futures, or each purchase or Dale
required to be reported under such para-
graphs, but- such individual shall indicate
which of the following categories such
amount or value is within-'
-r. (A), not more than $5,000,
= (13) greater than $5,000 but not more than
515.000, '
(C) -greater than $15,000 but not more-
than $50,000,-, t t-' ? ? , ? .
(D) greater ^ than$50,000, -but-not mora
than $100 000 or ?'? ? . ?
' ? (5) greater than $100,000.
- (2) Each individual shall report the actual
amount or value of any other item required
- to be reported under this section.
For purposee". of paragraphs (1)
through (7) of subsection (a), an individual.
shalt Mamie each- item of income or reim-
bursement and each gift received, each Item
received in kind, each asset held, each liabil-
ity owed, each transection In commodities
futures and in securities, each purchase or
sale, of real property or Interest in any Teal
property, and each patient right or Interest
in, any patent right held by him, his spouse,
or any of his dependents within his control,
or by him and his spouse or dependents
Jointly: or by any person acting on his be-'
half: Provided, That no disclosure shall be
required as to those items of the spouse and
dependents of the reporting individual which
represent their sole property and which are
not in any way, directly or Indirectly, past
or present, derived from the Income, earn-
ings, investments, assets, dividends, prop-
erty, holdings or activities of the covered of-
SEC. 30-1. (a) (1) Each individual req.:tared
to file a re.nert urfi1e-77-lecTion 302(a), oths.r.
tInen an individual excepted unciertpateomplit
(3) of th slachLr.eport
with the Comptroller General nettitate_rortaano
Ni-ay- 15_th. ear. Each such individual,
`other than tbeT-PieT. resident, 'Vice President, a
Member of Congress, a justice or judge of
the United States, any officer or employee of
the Senate ? or the House. of Representatives
or-any court of the United-States, the head
of each agency, each Presidential appointee
in. the Executive Office of the President who .
is not subordinate to the head of an agency
in the Executive Office, or each full-tinne
member-of:a committee, board, or commis-'
slots appointed by the President, stall Me
imm_Litty_pf_nettchotepareeettiothotthe head of the
agency in which such Ii_2Ttl7.1ht intOmptee
nrey nifitt_enneopont.ttternriotthenTaisfe-tfiiie-OS
such report is (ilea' wiW__Irt-m-Ctilbp,frer
(2) 'Each Member, officer, and employee of
the House of Representatives and the Senate
requited to tile as report under section 302
(e) shall Me a copy of such report with the
Clerk of the House of Representatives anti
the Secretary of the Senate, respectively, and
each justice, judge, officer, and employee of
any court of the United States shall Me a
copy of such report with the Director of the
Administrative Office of the 'United States
Courts at the same time AS such report is
filed with the Comptroller General.
(3) The heed of each agency, each Presi-
dential ap ointee In the _executive (Deice of
007.10 ,rtt GIA-RDP77M00444R000
head of so agency lit the Executive ?Mee,
arid each full-time member of a committee,
(7) any patent right or. any Interest In
any patent right; and the- nature of such
patent right. held during the preceding cal-
endar year; and- ? . ?
(3) a description of, the parties to, and the
terms of any contract, promise, or other
agreement between such Individual and any
Person with respect to his employment after
such individual ceases to occupy his office
or position' with the Government, including
any agreement under which such individual
is taking a leave of absence from an office or
Position outside of the Government in order
to occupy an office or position of the Govern-
ment, and a description of and the parties
with -any unfunded pension agreement be-
-Omen such individual and any employer
other than the Government.
Each ihdivIdual designated under paragraphs
(51 and (6) of section 302(h) shall also
inelude in such report the Identity of any
Peuton, other than the Government, who
paid such individual compensation In excess
of $5,000 in any of the five years prior to the
preceding calendar year and the nature and
term of the services such individual per-
formed for such person. The preceding een-
tence shall not require any individual to in-
clude in sucApproved forReleasecl
ti considered contidential as a result of a
prititeged relationehip, entebilehed by law,
S 1211
board, or commission appointed by the-Pree%
dent, shall Mg, a copy of such report with lb
Chairman of the-Civil- Service Commiselm
at the stone time. such report ls flied wiO
the niptroller?General. :' --'? .-,i - _
A ? Th m
e President ey _exempt- any inch
vit in' the- Centrel. Inentittner, nue Ageuct
the Defense Intelligence Agency. or. the Na.
aortal Security Agency. or any indivlduel en
gaged exclusively In Intelligence act3Vities it.
any agency of the United -States.. /teen I.Oe
rp_quirement to file- a report with the Como:
trolnir General lt-The Pratt-rent- nude that
due to the nature of the office or position oc-
cupied by such Individual, public discioeurt
of such report would reveal the identity ce
an undercover agent of the Federal Govern'
merit., Each individual .tuerotitteod by t Inetres-
ideal from. such reqoarements shall. nte, such
r00.1-TtieTtictlfeol-ttlettr tot giettotoetncy in, whtch
he tiecupiee an office or poeitiou tie:my an In-
dilifelltrilitrgeriMritt subsection (1-.1E3), with
th-F-Cifel-rfilte-Ir 6ITie-7 tiCtri-riVire, Com/Ma-
Each Individual required to file.-0, re-
port under section 302(c) shall Me etich re-
port with 'the Comptroller General within
one month after the earliest of either action
which such individual takes under` section
302(0(1) or (2): -- - " -
(c) (I) Any individual who ceases prior to.
May 15 of any calendar year to occupy the
office or pos.-Wort the occupancy of which im-
poses upon him the reporting requirement
contained in section. 302(a) shall file such
report for the preceding calendar year and
the period of such calendar year for which he-
occupies.such office or position on or before
May 15 of such calendar year.
? ?
(2) Any Individual who 'ceases t occupy
such Office or pottitioxt atter- May 15 of any
calendar year shall file such report for thet .
period of- such calendar_ year- which lie oc-
cupies such office- or position on thelasteday
he occupies ? such office or position:. .
(d). The Comptroller General may grant
one or more reasonable extensions of time for
Ming any report but the total of such ex-
tensions- shall not. exceed ninety clays O ,
(e) The Comptroller General_ shall-pro- t-
mulgate such rules and-regulations as are re?
quired to carry out the -provisions anti pur-
pose-of. this title.. t
30_5. (a) (1). Any individual Who know-
!ugly and willfully falsifies- or falls to report
any. Information such individual is required
.to report under section 303, shall be finettin- -
-any amount- not exceeding $10,000, or Impris-
oned for not more than one year, or both., ? '
o (2) The- Attorney General may bring a-
-civil action In any district court or the
Untied tittetee against any Individual who t
. fails to file a- report which such individual Is
required to file,stoder section 302 or who falls
to report any information, which such
vidual is required- to .report Tinder section
-303, The- court in which :etch action is
brought may assess against such incnvidutil -
a penalty in any amount not. to exce.ete.$5,000.
(b) Thetheimit ofmtaelt. agency, the. Clerk
of the 61 fir.-e-p-rese'iTte-tt'Irla respect 1
House of Repreee?ntatives. the Secretary of /-
to any. Member, officer, or cmoloyee of the-
the eneate with respect to any Member, \s.
()facer ,r employee of the Senate-, and the
Directco of the lisitoinietretIve Office- of the
United. -ntate..e Courts -with respect to any -
justice, judge, officer, or employee of .any I
court to -the 'United Staten sheil ettbmin
an alien to- the Comptroller General a corn-
tviotiartrwtrrr-arests.meth ternt
iltottatm. teort_ottidento.T:m t ion 30.ptt
ra liet of tridividuale whot.tieve oeq.,on. or have
tho- House of RepresentetIves, the Senate, or _
any court In 81.1Cb? /
(c) The Coneeeeeeeeaederel-
r-otbReterase,'2 0017/0 21,07,Y: RclAeRlaingAl 0 044 R00 0)300 12,0 tian, 304(a) prior to Meer?15.;`,-
the Attorney Geffigrartne name or any haat- or any Competent court in which alleged ' 1978 and (2) art indt i 1 h ? ? ? ?
. - .
victual the Comptroller General haa reason-
able cause to believe has failed to Ille a report
or hae falsified oi? falleeletotfile Information
required to-be reported. In addition, if such
individual In a, Member,. officer,. or' employee
ci the Senate or, the House-of Representatives,
the Comptroller General shall refer the name
of such individual to the Senate Select Com-
mittee, on Standards and Conduct - or. tile
Committee on Standards of Official Conduct
of the House of Representatives, whichever
is appropriate.,
quo aloe :
criminal conduct of a Member, officer, or em- to file a report during ealeadar year _1973.-e;
ployee of the Senate Is under investigation,, under section. 304 00 or (.c.)-,: 0.11,1Y-beee7e
a. discovery; order of a competent ;court Is -required to include information with
m respeeenee
served-upon the Coptroller General .of the_ to- calendar year 1977: . :. ' ' ee ''?ee''
United Statea directing him, to appear_ and "
produce any reports heed pursuant to- any ;-- Mr. RIBICOFP:-1r.. President, -I /neve
financial discloeuxe requirement,. then the; tO reconsider the- vote by which.-the,bill
Comptroller General shall?e. -? ? , .., . e -. a .. Was pit.ssed.. ' - - ? - - :- -
(A) - if such report is in a sealed envelope,. .... _
unseal. the envelope containing such report, . Mr.. WETCHER. I move . to lay D i'at-t:
motion on the table. - - ' -,'-----:- .'-'
and have an authenticated copy made of
such report, replace such report in such en- . - The motion to lay: on the ta.bIev4r
(d) The President e' the Vice President e velope ELnd reseal and note on such eaveee?agreed to. ..- ,--7'' . .. '::- '-= ' '' ' .'' ' '
Administrative Office. of the United States
either House-of Congressethe Director of the- lope that .? paragraph in response to a subpen it was openedpursuant to this -,:--i' Mr-..-'/;2.113ICOPE. Mthr'tptih?eeslidiarrenit :0Vt-i-43.k5:-IJ
te a. unanimous consent
Coulee, he head- of each agency. or the Civil of which shall be attached to such. envelope,' senator from Maine (Mr. ? muslmo -1,6-:.---
Service Commission may take any appropriate and
added as a cosponsor.
(B) appear in response .to such 'sUbeTena .
personnel or other'aotion against any intileid-- The PRESIDING OPPICER. leVith- 0' ii
and produce the authenticated copy so made, .. - .?
nal failing to- file a report or information objection, it is so ordered.
or falsifying information.
For purposes-. of this paragrepl,. the' term .. 1- '-
C1.75ToDy AND AUDIT ofe, AND IMBLIC ACCkiSS TO, United. States, a state, or the District of Co- ? . sent that the text 'of 'the bill as passed_
- , ....
. ReFORTS ...;
. . . ., Itunble. which has general .JurisclictIon . to be printecl'in the Tt-cOtin .following _t,14-
, SEC. .3013..,.(a).--,elbe, Comptroller ,General hear cases involving crirninaloffenees-againsta;yote., -: ---. .- . :-.1 ...,,---7,,,,, -...,,---._-..?-? . -:-.-;-,."-?
shalt in each report :Med with. him under, the united states,- such State, or-the District . -".The PRESIDING '-OFFICER. WithOif.
seen? 305 available to the public within of Columbia, as the case may be. - ?-- - ? ? ?
.tif teen a alter the receipt of such report
from any individual and provide a copy of.
such ? any person, upon -.a . written
or oral request. ea. ? ... - ... _ . . -..... ...-
(b) The Comptroller General may require
any person receiving, a copy of such report
under subsection (a). to supply. his name
and address and. the name of the- person or
organization, if any, on whose behalf he is.
requesting such copy and to pay a reasonable
fee In any amount which the Comptroller
General finds necessary to recover the ccst
of reproduction or mailing of such report
excluding. any salary of any employee_ in-
volved In such, reproduction or mailing. The
Comptroller General may furnish any copy
of such report without charge or at a
reduced charge if he iletermines that waiver
or reduction of the fee Is in the public inter-
est because furnishing the Information can
he considered as primarily benefiting the
(c) (1) It shall be -unlawful for any person
to inspect or obtain a copy of any report?
(A) for any unlawful purpose; e . - '
(B) for any commercial purpose; '
(C) to determine or establish -the: credit
rating of any -individual; or.
(D) for use directly or indirectly in the
solicitation, . of money for any political,
charitable, or other purpose..
(2) The Attorney General may bring a
civil action--In any. district court of. ,the
United States against any person who in-
spects or obtains such report for any purpose
prohibited in paragraph (1). The court in
which such action is brought may assess
against such individual -a ? penalty.. in. -any
amount not to exceed $1,000. , ? .
(d) Any report received by. the -Comptrol-
ler General shall be held in his cuotody and
made available to the public for, a period-of be? denvered within.. six= months' of -the-en--
five years after . receipt by the Comptroller -
? "competent court" means a court? of the.% RIB COPE. I ask unanimous cort-,-
Jection,At Is so ordered.
? :
(r)(1) The Comptroller General shall, un-
der such, regulations as he may prescribe,
conduct...on a .random basis audits of not
more-thins 5 per- centum or the reports filed-
with him under section 304(a) (1). ? -
(2) .The Comptroller General shall. ,audit.
during each term of an individual holding-
the office-of President-or Nice President ate
least one report file-a- by such Individual.
under section 304(a) (1) during such term.
(3) Tile Comptroller General shall, during
each six-year period beginning after the date
of enactment of this Aot, audit at least one
report filed by each Member of the Senate
and the House of Representatives during such
six-year period. - . .
(4)(A) In conducting an audit under
paragraph (1) (2), or (3), the Comptroller- TRE WASIPNOTON POST: YELLOW.,
General Ls authorized to require by subpena _ - - JOITT-tNALISIVI
the production of' books, papers, and other " -
documents. All such subpenas shalt be Issued. '? Mr. McGOVERN, Mr. President, to-h
and signed by the Comptroller General.= ? day's Washington Post carries the.crtid-,
(B) In case of a refusal to comply with a est ekample of yellow journalisni that-I
subpena issued under subparagraph (A)-- have witnessed in many years. It is a,
(I) the Comptroller General is authorized
to seek an order by. any district court of the pa,ge 2 story by Fukreme L Meyer imPly-':?.
Ing that my-public position on--the Statei'i.,
United Stated. having jurisdkotion of the cle-- . . , ? er,
ca is-Influencea ny the fact that a ee
fondant to require the production of- the
documents Involved; and . piece of property T own has been rented
(ii) such district court may issue such to the= Syrian Ambassador. The article. .:.4
order and enforce-it by contempt proceedings.. can -only be the product of a
SEC. 307. The Civil Service Conerniselon and Spirited, vindictive- -editorial . judgment
the Department or Justice shall each analyze . that sacrl FI es decency_ and fairness to-
regulations and precedures presently In of-- sepaationalism - ? _
terest among- employees. of the Federal Gov- Hyrna.n Bookbinder, executive director of f?
ernment and recommend to the appropriate.
committees or Con...ere-ea for their considera- the American Jewish Committee, sayino"''
that my voti record- and- Staten-tents
tion such legislation as may be necessary et!
Inch/ding comments on amendment num- Israel are "generally-good." .
bared 2031 es submitted. Such reports shall The PRESIDING. OPPICER. Will the
Senator suspend for a .moment, p1ease-?:1;-
Senators will please clear the- well.
Senators wishing to Converse please re-
tire to the cloakroom. Senators will take
their seats. ? -- ? - '
? ? ..
.Mr. RII3IC01-0.P. Mr. President, .I as
unanimous _consent that the Secretary ,
of the Senate be authorized to ma1zestI
technical and clerical corrections in the,-,!:-I I
engrossment of S. 072 and tho-Senate1
amendment to HR. 9460. ? I
objection, it is so ordered.
feet With regard to financial conflicts of The article also carries- a quote by.,.
General of such report. After-such five-year
period, the Comptroller General shall destroy
any such report.
(e) (1) The House of Representatives, the
Serrate, the Director of the Administrative
Office of the United States Courts, the Chair-
man of the Civil Service Commission, and the
her, ci of each agency ehall make provisions
TO tseure that each report shall be viewed
icr tccordance - with any law or regulation
wiee respect to conflicts of interest or con-
fide oirri financial information of officers or
crop .oyeee of the House of Representatives,
the :lerrate, the United States courts or each
suet: agency or in accordance with rules and
1-Fy.i.cations a3 May b's nrescribed.
antmena of this Act. - ? ?
Sec. 308. If any part of this title le held
invalid,-, the -remainder of the. title shall
not be affected thereby. If any provision of
any of this title, or the application thereof
to any person or eircumetance, is held invalid,
the provisions of other parts and their ap-
plIcaelon to other persons Or e1rCUMstaneca
shall sot be affected thereby,
enermazerfore op APPROPRIATIONS
Sac, 309. There are authorized to be appro-
priatei for each fiscal year through Septeme.
her fhe 1981, such sums as may be necessary
to can 1 out the provisions of this title.
(2: Notwithstanding any - law, or resolu- _ E1PEL-rive DATE
lien, whenever In any criminal carter, pending Sac. :AO. The provisions of this title shall
? 'Will Senators clear the well, please? '
The Senator from. South Dakota has a ? ?,,
right to be heard. Please eltar the well
and the aisles.
The Senate will be in orde-.
The Senator from South D*ota.
Mr. 14c-C4OVERN. Continuir g the quote
from Mr. Bookbinder, It says that:
McGor;ern, more often- than Oiher;h, has -
Indicated some less than total eupport for
the current Israeli position. It ands up to a
feeling ish Is soft On the issue. T iere's a lot o.
of easy Arab money around, ,
Zrany competent court in which a member, take etf rot on January 1977, except that (II
o'er employee of the Senate is a defend-
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