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Approved For Release 2902/01/02 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000800070113-5 June 10 1976 S8842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE , SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE, the privileges of the floor during the following senators entered the Chamber Washington, D.C., June 9, 1976. consideration and vote on this bill and and answered to their names: Hon.. MIKE MANSFIELD, all amendments thereto. Ford McGovern Talmadge U.S. Senate, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Garn Sparkman Young Washington, D.C. Humphrey Stennis DEAR SENATOR MANSFIELD: The Select Com- pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I announce AMENDMENT NO. 1752 that the Senator from Arkansas (Mr. to consider, mutes Intelligence today Mr. ALLEN. Mr. President, I Gall UP as you requested, the met the question of destruction ruction BUMPERS), the Senator from Idaho (Mr. of certain records by the intelligence agen- my amendment 1752. CHURCH), the Senator from Michigan ties of the U. S. Government and to make The ACTING PRESIDENT pro ten.' (Mr. PHILIP A. HART) , the Senator from re una unanimously for action. The there committee The clerk will report the amend- Hawaii (Mr. INOUYE), the Senator from uld be a moratorium of the opinion that that ction pore. (Mr. LONG), the Senator from should be a on n tile destruction ent. Louisiana Rhode Island (Mr. PASTORE), the Sena- and these records for approximately six months The legislative clerk read, as follows: and that notice should be given of the more- The Senator from Alabama (Mr. ALLEN) tor from Missouri (Mr. ,9YMINGTON),and torium on destruction so that those who may proposes Strike ail le starting No. 1752 with page 27, the Senator from California (Mr. TUN- wish to take legal or other action may do so. NEY) are necessarily absent. It is further the recommendation of the line 7, through page 32, line 18. I also ennounsa that the Senator from gents Committee agencies that the should CIA and submit an other invenn etoory ry t The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tam- Indiana (Mr. BAYH) is absent because of of the records to be destroyed to the Select pore. The question is on agreeing to the illness. Committee, and that the Select Committee amendment of the Senator from Ala- Mr. HUGH SCOTT. I announce that staff should review documents intended to b, ma. the Senator from New York (Mr. BUCK- be destroyed. Mr. MORGAN. Mr. President, as I re- LEY), the Senator from New Jersey, Mr. With kind regards, call, this amendment has been consid- CASE), the Senator from Arizona (Mr. Aloha, ered before. Mr. President, parliamen- GOLDWATER), the Senator from Michigan CChairman. DANIEL K. INOU , tary inquiry. (Mr. GRIFFIN), the Senator from Nevada . (This same letter to Senator Hugh Scott.) The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- (Mr. LAXALT), the Senator from Mary- pore. The Senator will state his inquiry. land (Mr. MATHIAS), the Senator from OFFICE OF THE MAJORITY LEADER, Mr. MORGAN. Was not this Same Virginia (Mr. WILLIAM L. SCOTT), the Washington, D.C. June 10, 1976. amendment considered yesterday and Senator from Vermont (Mr. STAFFORD), Ron. GEORGE BUSH, tabled? the Senator from Alaska (Mr. STEVENS), Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Wash- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and the Senator from Connecticut Mr. ington, D.C. Not according to the record of the WEICxER) are necessarily absent. DEAR of J. DIRECTOR: took up up reference s your e pore. legislative clerk, Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Honorable substance M Mr. r. M ORGAN. ORGAN. I Mr. . advised. President, parka- I move that the Sergeant at Arms be letter of your r communication o 2,twith h the the subs f your to compel the attendance of to Daniel. K. Inouye, Chairman of the Select mentary inquiry. directed on Intelligence, 'United States The AC'T'ING PRESIDENT pro tem- absent Senators. Senate,-and received from him a reply under pore. The Senator will state it. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask date of June 9, 1976, which we enclose along Mr. MORGAN. Was not the amend- for the yeas and nays. with copies of our letter to Chairman Inouye ment or one substantially like it con- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- under date of June 7 and his reply to us un- der date of June sidered and defeated yesterday? My sec- pore. Is there a sufficient second? There 8. We concur wholeheartedly hion ords indicate that it was. is a sufficient and nays were ordered. of the Committee that t "there should b be a Mr. ALLEN. Mr. President, this amend- The tam-. moratorium on the destruction of these rec- ment has never come before the Senate. The PRESIDENT the ords for approximately six months and that The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem.- pore. The ACTING question is agreeing pro to notice should be given of the moratorium on pore. This amendment in this form is motion of the senator from West Vir- destruction so that those who may wish to identical to an amendment that was ginia. The yeas and nays have been or- take legal or other action may do so." tabled on yesterday, so the amendment dered, and the clerk will call the roll. As ex officio members of the select Corn- is not in order. The legislative clerk called the roll. anittee on intelligence, we approve fully BYRD. I announce of the Committees recommendation "that Mr. MORGAN. Is not in order? Mr. ROBERT C. from Arkansas (Mr. the CIA and other intelligence agencies The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- that the Senator should submit an inventory of the records to pore. That is correct. BUMPERS), the Senator from Florida be destroyed to the select Committee, and The bill is now open for further amend- (Mr.. CHILES), the Senator from Idaho that the select Committee staff should review mehit. (Mr. CHURCH), the Senator from New documents intended to be destroyed." QvORUM CALL_.. Hampshire (Mr. DURKIN), the Senator With best personal wishes and our high- est regards, LMr. ALLEN. I suggest the absence of a from Missouri (Mr. EAGLETON), the Sen- Sincerely, we cerely, are quorum, the first time I have done hat star from Mississippi (Mr. EASTLAND), -HUGH SCOTT, in 2 weeks. the Senator from Alaska (Mr. GRAVEL), Republican Leader. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the Senator from Michigan (Mr. HART), MIKE MANSFIELD, pore. The clerk will call the roll. , the Senator from Indiana (Mr. HARTKE), Majority Leader. The second assistant legislative clerk the Senator from South Carolina (Mr. Mr. INOUYE) , the Senator from Lou si- Mr. MANSFIELD. I yield back the re- ate sd anthe roll and swered to herenafollowing mess: Sen- Iliainder of my time. Ian (Mr JOHNSTON), the Senator from [Quorum Noi No. 19 Leg.] Louisiana (Mr. LONG) , the Senator from ANTITRUST IMPROVEMENTS Allen LJavits eaky Randolph Washington (Mr. MAGNUSON), the Sen- Hugh star from Missouri (Mr. gYMINGTON),the Byrd, Robert C. Leahy Mansfield Scott, OF 1976 Dole Taft t, Fannin Montoya Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. Mc- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Haskell Morgan Thurmond INTYRE), the Senator from Minnesota pore. The Senate will now resume con- Helms Moss NMTY E) the E) , the Senator from New sideration of H.R. 8532, which the clerk Hruska Percy will state. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem.- Mexico (Mr. MONTOYA), the Senator from Georgia (Mr. NUNN) , the Senator from The legislative clerk read as follows: pore. A quorum is not present.- TORE), tSell- Act bill (H.R. 8532) to amend the Clayton Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Rhode ator "from Island Illinois (Mr. P PASTORE) the h ) ,and NON , and TUN- Act to permit State attorneys general to I move that the Sergeant at Arms be In- the Senator from Car. STEV (MN), bring certain antitrust actions, and for strutted to request the attendance of NEY),era rcroily absent. other purposes. absent Senators. also announce c she Senator from The Senate resumed consideration of The motion was agreed to. I Indiana nn t t ishat hee because from the bill. - The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- illneas. Mr. MORGAN. Mr. President, I ask pore. The Sergeant at Arms will execute HUGH SCOTT. Y announce that unanimous consent that Mr. Herb Jolo- the order of the Senate. Mr. vitz of Senator LEAHY'S staff be allowed Pending the execution of the order, the the Senator from New York (Mr. BucK- Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA.RDP77M00144R000800070113-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000800070113-5 June 10, 1976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE S 884 a successful businessman, politics was In- grained into the very being of this man who possessed character and convictimi When he died, I feel an era in American political history died too. Mr. MANSFIELD, Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. RANDOLPH. I yield. Mr. MANSFIELD. I wish to join the distinguished Senator from West Vir- ginia in what he had to say about James KIWANIS CLUB of Farley. I did not know Mr. Farley at the RENO-MOUNT ROSE, beginning of the New Deal, as the dis Reno, Nevada, May 28,1976. tingnished Senator from West Virginia Senator HOWARD W, CANNON, did, who happened Office Building, opened to serve in the Souse Washington, D.C. at th t tim b a e, ut I joint with him in ex- pressing a sense of personal loss of a very great man, an excellent politician, and a man of dedication. Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I as- sociate myself with the remarks made by the able Senator from West Virginia concerning the late James A. Farley. I had the pleasure of being a delegate toe the 1932 Democratic Convention at which Mr. Roosevelt was nominated. Mr. Farley was active, he mad many friends, he organized.a campaign, and he was an unusual political strategist. As he went around the country for some time before that convention, he had a notebook in which he wrote down the names of people he felt would help in that campaign. He later told me it was one of the most valuable things he had ever done in politics. He truly was a great politician, a great man, a great American, and our coun- try has lost an outstanding citizen. Mr. RANDOLPH. I thank my friend from South Carolina. CORRECTION OF THE RECORD- VOTE NO. 251 Mr. WILLIAM L. SCOTT. Mr. Presi- dent, I note from yesterday's RECORD on rollcall vote 251 I am recorded as not voting. I was present and voted and voted "nay," I ask that the RECORD be corrected. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Objection? The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. REVEREND ROBERT A. WELLS Mr. CANNON. Mr. President, I am pleased to call the attention of this body by the Reverend Robert A. We ~of Reno, director of Missions for South rn Reverend Wells has earned his rep community. In addition to his press duties, he serves as minister-at-large f the churches in all of northern Neva which comprises half my State. Reverend Wells is also a member of the Kiwanis with perfect atetndance for over 25 years, joining soon after his col- lege and seminary days were completed. He is currently serving as member of the Kiwanis Club of Reno-Mount. Rose board of directors. For the past 7 years Reverend Wells has ben assisting in the Junior Olympics for the northern Ne- vada area by presenting the opening prayer for these Young people prior to their competition. I am pleased to have my distinguished constitutent serve as Senate Chaplain today. - I ask unanimous consent that a letter from the Kiwanis Club of Reno-Mount Rose to me be Included at this point In the RECORD. There being no objection, the letter was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, DEAR SENATOR 'CANNON: Our Board of Di- rectors voted at their May meeting to write a letter for you to include in the Oongres- stoual- Record on June 10th, 1976. This letter is about our own Rev. Robert A. Wells who is to open the Senate with prayer on that day. Rev. Webs is a Kiwanian with over 25 years of perfect attendance. He is currently serving as a member of our Board of Di- rectors. Our club sponsored the Registration 76-voter's registration campaign in April of this year and annually sponsors the Jun- ior Olympics for the Northern Nevada area. This year more than 700 youths participated with a record number of track records being broken. One past participant in these Junior Olympic events is a strong contender for the International Olympics this summer. For the past seven years Rev. Wells has beenassist- ing these events by presenting the opening prayer for these young people to give their best. The Reno Mt. Rose Kiwanis Club would like to commend Senator Howard W. Cannon for nominating Rev. Robert A. Wells' Di- rector of Missions for Southern Baptists in Northern Nevada and the Lake Tahoe Area of California. He has helped to make ours a club that truly serves In our community. We consider it an honor to our club to hakes him in the United States Senate on this day, June 10th, 1976. Sincerely, Jon E. Mans?N, 1' eiident, AUTHORISATION FOR COMMITTEE ON FINANCE TO FILE REPOR'17 Y END QF SESSION TODAY, Fine r ti e a committee rep fore 1 e of the session The CTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. ere objection? Without objec- DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN REC- ORDS BY THE CENTRAL INTELLI- GENCE AGENCY Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have nrintecl in the RECORD a series of letters relative to the destruction of certain records by the Central Intelligence Agency. There being no objection, the letters were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: CENT'RAL IMTELLIazNCK AGENCY, Washington, D.C., June 2, 1976,. HOD. MIKE MANSFIELD, U.S. Senate, Office of the Majority Leader, Washington, D.C. DEAR SENATOR MANSFIELD: On 27 January 1975, following adoption of S. Rea. 21 creating the Select Committee on Intelligence, you and Senator Hugh Scott requested that the Central Intelligence Agency "not destroy, re- n oY& from [itsl possession or control, or of nerwise dispose or permit the disposal of any records or documents which might. have a bearing on the subjects under investiga- tion, including but not limited to all records or documents pertaining in any way to the mt tters set out insection 2 of S. Res. 21." in response to this request,- the Agency placed in effect, a complete moratorium on tit=' destruction of records, including normal aLiministrative re*wda,scheduled for routine destruction. The purpose of this letter is to advise you Wit it is our intention to proceed with de- st;-uction of records, now that the Select Ct almittee has completed - its investigation and Issued its. final report.. We have so ad- Vj#:ed SenatorCburcb. along with the backlog of routine admin- istrative records, the Agency will destroy relords which were collected and maintained by the Agency and whichwere subject to in- vesaigation by the Rockefeller Commission and the Select Committee. The Agency is re- quired to destroy much of this latter ma- terial by the Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93- 57t,) and by Executive Order 11905. Of course, all records destruction will be fully consist- en with other applicable laws, Presidential directives? and the requirements of pending litigation and, Justice Department investiga- tlo:os. i trust you agree that this action is now necessary and appropriate, and I would ap- pre-aiate your confirmation of this under- sta}nding. I am sending a duplicate of this letter- to Senator Hugh Scott. Sincerely, GEORGE BUSH, Director. OFFICE OF THE MAJORITY LEADER, Washington, D.C., June 7, 1976. Hor~ . DANIEL K. INOUYE, Chairman, Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. M :AR MR. CHAIRMAN: We have received a letter from the Honorable George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, reIauve to the destruction of papers and mat4'rial which he has held for sometime retaiive to our request. Our action was taken to t:rcilltate the inquiry being undertaken by Jour predecessor cormitee under the chai..manship of Senator Frank Church. In view of the fact, as we assume, that all cif Senator Church's committee records have been turned over to your permanent Select C bmmittee, we would appreciate your advt'Ing us asto whether or not you want our original letter to stand and the papers and other materials to still be held. Could you Ave ;us the judgment of you and your Coni:nlttee on this matter? Wi P h best wishes, we are MIKE MANSFIELD, - Majority Leader. HUGH SCOTT, Republican Leader. St "CT Co35BIrTIEE ON INTELLIGENCE, Washington, D.C., June 8, 1976. Hon.. 'MICE MANSFIELD, U.S Was* ingten, D.C. Darns. .SENATOR MAIe5PIELD: I have received your Letter of June 7, 1976, concerning the destruction of records held by the intelli- gence agencies pursuant to your letter of Janlsi:.ry 1975. - The Select Committee on Intelligence will disctit-, this matter at its next meeting on Wediix,sday,'June 9, which you are invited to att:epd.. I will report the views of the Committee following the conclusion of that meeting. Wlta kind regards. Aloha, -- DANIm IL INOUYE, Chairman. Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000800070113-5