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Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R0006 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 30 July 1975 CONFIDENTIAL Page 8 30. Returned a call from Mark Kleiman, on the staff of Representative Les Aspin (D., Wis.), who said the Congressman would appreciate a briefing from Carl Duckett, DDS&T, on SALT and the Vladivostok agreements. He said the Congressman would be in town next week and suggested that we try to schedule a meeting during that time. He mentioned in passing that Mr. Aspin would also be getting some briefings next week from the National Security Council staff on this subject. 25X1 25X1 25X1 CONFIDENTIAI- Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Journa4pprOy FoolRgIga 14R05/08t24 -,CIAlRDP77M00144R00060013.0020-3Q E 33, I land I met with Senator Lloyd Bentsin 73, , ex, in response to his request for a briefing on Portugal. I confronted the Senator with his disclosure of information on Portugal which we had given to Sally Shelton, of his staff, as press infor- mation The Senator was obviously ;set that tnroug some mistake he had acted contrary to the Agency's ground rules in this matter and offered to confront Miss Shelton on this in our presence. (See Memo for the Record). - -e 41811 Relations, in response to his request and he asked if we could give Senator Stuart Symington's (D., Mo.) Subcommittee on Arms Control, International Organizations and Security Agreements, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a briefing on Tuesday, the 29th of July covering nuclear weapons developments in the 29 nations who are parties to the international agreement for cooperation. He said that Symington has gone to the IDEA on this matter and plans to hold hearings next Tuesday which will include in addition to the Agency witness, Messrs. Freedman of ERDA, Kratzer of State and George Vest, Director of Politico-Military Affairs, He said the Senator would want our witness (presumably Carl Duckett) to discuss the steps which each nation has taken (or has not taken) in the development of nuclear weapons. He said he would also want us to cover those countries who we thought would join the "nuclear club" whether or not they were parties to the international agreement. He specifically mentioned Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, Argentina and India. He also cautioned against our invoking the safeguard provisions since, as he put it, Senator Symington can effectively dispel this argument. I told him I would be back to him on this tomorrow. 35. I I Called Bob Carlstrom, OMB, to alert him to our reports on IT. R. 61 and S. 1428 (criminal justice information) and to ask, him to expedite their clearance. I pointed out that they were virtually identical to the report the Agency submitted earlier on the Justice Department draft bill on criminal justice information. He said he would do GE'O t, GEL. CA Legislative Counsel cc: O/DDCI Mr. Warner Mr. Lehman EA/DDO DDA, DDI, DDS&T Compt Approved For Release 20051.08/24: CIA-RDP7 Mr. Thuermer Mr. Clarke 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Wage T11C,s:rlav 77 T?l.. 1 (1 -7r 22` Called Robert Pratt, in the office of Representative Robert F. Drinan (D. , Mass. ), in response to the Representative's letter to Robert S. Young, Freedom of Information Coordinator, on behalf of a constituent, I I who claims that the Agency had not yet responded to his FOI request of a mon:-Ith ago. I explained to Pratt that the Agency has no record of any prior cor)-es- pondence from however, we were corresponding based on Representative Drinan's letter, with h i him directly kljaluk- 0-i Representative George Miller (D. , Calif. ), in response to his call to, Mr. Thuermer's office inquiring as to the status of a Freedom of Information request from a constituent, E_: I I informed Rob that a final response was being sent is week. prepared statement for the Representative Bella. Abzu z1VA~ . Ya.azn hearing, 23 July 1975, to Tim Ingram, of the House Govc r?nn ij. ( Operations Committee staff. 25. Picked up a. letter from Senator Adlai F. Stevenson, . , I11.) for Mr. George L. Cary. . v . JVJ.A a Yv arner- s prepared statement, for the Representative Bella Abzug (D. , N. Y . Y ) hearing of 2,3 July 1975, to one staff member from each. of our oversight committees, Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Committee staff, Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, and Guy McConnell, Senate Appropriations Committee staff. 27. Called Steve,Skarickea NSC staff , and asked him if he had received the transcripts of the U-2 incident fron - _e and Defense. He said he had received them and had sent them with their ecorn-- mendations to General Brent Scowcroft, USAF, Deputy Assistant for National- Security Affairs. I then called Donna Larsen, in the office of John 0. Marsll, Counsellor to the President, and advised her of the situation, I asked if she could check with Mr. Marsh and see if he could do anything to hurry this up for us as the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was giving us a had t:i:me. She said she would talk to Mr. Marsh as soon as possible. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Journal -- Office of Legislative Counsel I -`' , 'ri rovdB Foal ele*fe 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 T>e 6 !A INTERNAL USE ONLY 4. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Called Richard Kaufman, Gceneral Counsel, Joint Economic Committee, and told him that t:he transcript of the Director's I8 June 1975 testimony before the Subcommittee on Prioriti.e and Economy in Government had been sanitized and approved and would be delivered by courier to his office this afternoon. In addition, the courier would give him for his review, and later pick up a copy of the paper on Soviet military expenditures that he had requested. 5. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Spoke with Joanne O'Neal, on the staff of Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr. (I., Va. ), and nave her an cxTalana.f.i.or,. fol- the turn-down of the application of whose father h-,d written to the Director and had provided a copy of his letter to, Senator STAT Byrd. Ms. O'Neal appreciated our letter to the Senator and this follow---up,. 6. (Unclassified - RJK) William Wilson, on the staff of Repres?rnta:t:iW Frederick W. Richmond (D. , N. Y. ), called to ask sols-ie questions about` the Agency method of responding to constituent requests under the IOTA. T was happy to answer his questions to his complete saflararfink, STAT Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 JournAal rovOef eleLs lt/b ? s Page 2 Thursy f~ioe U'y 19 7~D12' '1~-PbP77M00144R000600130020-3 ~fA' INT NAC 'USE ONLY 7. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Spoke with David Nickels, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, cn nt to who wanted. to know whether Representative Les Aspin (D. , Wisc.) has ever been briefed at the compartmented level. He understands that we do not "clear" Congressman.. I told him that as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Aspin. had been present at Agency briefings where at least a portion of the information was in the compartmented area. 8. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Richard Kaufman, General Counsel,. STAT Joint Economic Committee, called to ask for a second review of an Agency publication on Soviet military expenditures which Congre-s._, sional Support Officer, OCI, let him see some time ago. I told him we would try to get it up to him tomorrow. I Iwill provide us with a STAT copy of it. 9. (Unclassified - TW) Spoke with Mr. Reeves, in the office of Representative Carl D. Perkins (D. , Ky. ), regarding a sealed envelope forwarded to the Director by Perkins. Per Perkins' letter to Director Colby, the envelope was; given to Perkins by Ronald Herald of Newport, Ky.. The envelope contained a letter from a Marion Herald in which Mr. Herald: complained of activities emanating from the Court House in Newport, Ky.. After discussing the subject matter with Reeves, he stated that no further response was necessary. 10. (Unclassified - TW) I spoke with Tim Ingram, Counsel, House Government Operations Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual Rights, regarding his list of items for follow-up arising out of the 25 June hearing before that Subcommittee. I mentioned that we were finalizing our response to questions raised at the hearing and would like to have his list in order to address all items in our package. He stated he had already sent the list which apparently got lost and would send us another copy. I said we would forward our response within a couple of days after receipt of his list. He seemed satisfied with this timetable. Mfi iNT MAL USE UN[ Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Journal -Office of Le'is.lative Co., . F 05/08/2 61 00144R00060013002d ,j 1tce `l JIT1#L Met with Repress r~t~r.tive Lucien Nedzi. (D. , Mich. ) outside of the House Chamber and provided him with a copy of the Director's letter to the Postmaster General, of 16 3uly 1975. Mr. Nedzi had received this information earlier from Reprersent:ative David Henderson, (D. , N. C. ) Chairman of the House Post Office, and Civil Service Committee. I also provided a copy of the letter a n.d alert to the Postmaster General's possible release of it this a.f_teacr,oon to our oversight committees (Messrs. Frank Slatinsh.ek, Ralph Preston, CJ ark McFadden, and Guy McConnell. ). 15. Received a call from Mark lle.inrnan, orl the staff of Representative Les Aspin (D. , Wis. ), who wan tecl to talk about Somalia. He asked if there was any possibility that what the members who visited Somalia saw and what: has been reported at Berbe-rri does not really exist. I told Kleinman there was no chance of this since not only had the members seen it, but we had photographed it. He said fine and then I went on to ask if I could have someone. talk to him about 25X1 the possibility that the-AID cut-off had ar.ythirig to do with the Somalia coup. I told him I would have got in touch wit:li him on. tl-his_ 17, Talked with Jack Maury, Deputy- Assistant y ~Secretary o e ense, Legislative Affairs, who said among other thintrs, that he was accompanying Secretary James R. Schlesinger to a rneet:in, with Senator John L. McClellan (D. , Ark.) this afternoon for the purpose of briefing him on "the recent information concerning Chile, " He said the Secret h ary as already seen Chairmen Melvin Price (D. , 111,) and John Stennis (D. , Miss. ). i :N PA r . 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 25X 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Journ4ppr"TpkEpp rc .gtpjis ~qp/ ofi9SIQe1RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 CONFIDENT AL Page 5 25X1 18. Hand carried the statistics of five inserts in the domestic mail to George Gould, on the staff of the Post Office and Civil Service Subcommittee on Postal Facilities, Mail and Labor Mana'en-lcnt... These statistics were coordinated with and a copy of the 25X1 statistics, along with the Director's testimony on insertions were sent to Don Purcell. 19. Called Donna Larson, in the office of Mr. John Marsh, Counsellor to the President, and asked if she could check with the NSC staff and find out when we might, expect a decision on the sanitization of the U-2 incident transcripts. She said she would check and let me know. Later in the day, I received a call from Steve Skancke, of the NSC staff, regarding the transcripts. He asked if we had cleared these with " 10 State Departmeent or Defense Department. After checking I told him we had not. He said he would send each of these Departments a copy and get their opinions. I asked how long this would take, adding that we were really being pushed by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to give them an answer. Skancke said he should have an answer hack by Monday, 21 July. 20. Oija Stacks, in the office of Representative Jack Edwards (R. , Ala. ), called and said they had never received a. responses to their letter of 24 June concerning the FOI.A request of 25X1 told her I would have call her back. i,EOR4E L. CARP Legislative Counsel 25X1 Mx. Lehman .?'! F ID [N i Mr. Clarke Ex. Sec. EA/DDO DDI C om pt. DDA Mr. Thuerrner DDSRIproved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Mr. Warner cc, O/DDCI 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 15 July 1975 cr, INiAu USE ONLY 1. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Had several conversations during the day with Donald Williams of the FBI, concerning the Agencys and the.- Bureau's replies to the request of Chairman Frank Church (D., Idaho) and Vice-Chairman John G. Tower (R., Texas) on the files of members of the Senate Select Committee. In response to my query, Mr.. Williams sad. that no CIA material was involved in their replies and I reviewed the references- to FBI material involved in our proposed replies. 2. (Unclassified -- LLM) George Berdes, consultant to Chairman Clement Zablocki's (D., Wisc. ) House International Relations Subcommittee on Internal Security and Scientific Affairs, called to request: a briefing? of the Subcommittee by Mr. Duckett on the afternoon of 23 July 1975 in the context of the Vladivostok accords. Mr. Berdes said that the Subcommittee had found previous such briefings by Mr. Duckett to be most helpful and I told him we would see what arrangements could be made. 3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Called Joseph Murray? Inter national Division of the General Accounting Office, concerning his earlier calls on. Agency information concerning the effectiveness of control of nuclear material and told him that on two of the topics, we would have to refer him. back to ERDA and on the third, on which we do have some information, we would prefer to deal directly with the House International Relations Committee. Mr. Murray had no problem with this response, but requested a letter frorn us which he could show to the International Relations Committee:. which had levied the requirement on GAO. I then explained this would not be necessary as we had already discussed this with Marian Czarnecki, Chief of Staff, Committee on International Relations and Murray agreed. 4. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Called Emerson Brown,.. Ski-. 1't.e sartir nt:,. and he agreed that State's response to the request of the Multinational Corporations. Subcommittee, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, for information on Gulf Oil Corporations' political contributions in Korea would not be extended to the GIA., (See Journal Item - 3 July 1975). CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page Z Monday - 14 July 1975 CIA 1N E .NM: USE ONLY 6. (Unclassified - LLM) Ron Taminen, Legislative Assistant to Senator William W. Proxmire (D. , Wis. ), called to advise that the Senator would be speaking on the Senate floor this afternoon to cover the material contained in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies' report on Mr. Duckett's testimony of 4 June 1975. The Director's and Mi-. Duckett's offices, and Mr. Thuermer were advised. 7. (Unclassified - LLM) Emerson Brown TNR. Stas-e, culled in connection with the handling of a request received by State from the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations for information on political payments in Korea by Gulf Oil. Brown said they had a. statement from of the Agency, that the Agency possessed no information on this subject, and the responsible State official wanted to include that statement in State's reply. This was contrary to the agreement reached by Brown and myself on 3 July 1975, which is the reason why Brown called. I told him I would get back to him. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Accompaniec STAT to a briefing session with Dan Spiegel., Legislative Assistant to Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (D. Minn.), and Steve Bryon, Executive Assistant to Senator Clifford P. Case (R. , N. J. ). In addition to being on the personal staffs of Humphrey and Case, Spiegel and Bryen also served the Senators in connection with their Foreign STAT Relations Committees responsibilities. The briefing was on economical, political, in preparation for a trip by the staffers to this area. The briefing went very well, with Bryen taking an assertive lead in ;questioning. There were several. follow- up items and both agreed that the briefing would be treated as off-the-record and not for attribution. STAT 10. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Spoke with Jim Guirard, Adn-iinistra.?- tive Assistant to Senator Russell B. Long (D. , La. ).. He wanted to get Secret or Top Secret clearances in order to be able to sit in on some of the briefings Senator Long receives and has the Senator's approval to do so. I explained our method of dealing with our Committee staff and the "need to know" principle. I suggested to Guirard that he raise the questions of DOD representative and he said that be would. his clearances with V Re~~z 1 ~' a~se 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Monda pr yl ,,py I, 3? Met with Representative Robert Giaimo (D. , Conn. ) this afternoon to tell him the Director felt he had had a. good tall-, with him on the phone the other day and wanted him to have the thrust of his (the Director's) letter of 25 June 1975 to Chairman George H. Mahon (D., Tex.) House Appropriations Committee, on the intelligence community budget. I left with Giaimo a blind copy of this letter. I also discussed with Mr. Giaimo the same points which I had covered in greater detail with Ralph Preston and Chuck Snodgrass, House Subcomi-nittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations staff, at lunch earlier in the day. I mentioned to Mr. Giaimo that I had received from the Office of Training, some of the comments which had been matte by the Members of the Advanced Intelligence Seminar which he spoke to some time ago in their critique of the speakers who addressed them. I told hire the comments I was: giving him a copy of (without attribution to individuals, of course) was not all inclusive but was representative of the critiques given of his talk. In general, the comments were that Mr. Giaimo was fair and candid,, although he admittedly did not know an awful lot about the intelligence community or its processes. He appeared genuinely interested in these comments: and in response to my suggestion that he speak to one of these groups again after we had given him a break, he said he would be happy to do so. 24. Since I was on the hill, l: dropped by to see Pat Holt, on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, in response to ha s> telephone call to the office. Holt very politely needled me about the transcript: of the Dulles testimony on the U-2 incident which he had sent: to us for security review some time ago. I told him we had been quite prepared to send this bacl,, to the Committee some time ago, but when we found that the, Committee- had made queries to the Department of Defense and on the testimony of other witnesses on this subject and that there were inter--related interests between State, Defense and ourselves of the testimony of each other,, that this had slowed down the security review process considerably. I told him that it was high time this had been completed, however, and that I would make every effort to get the transcript back to him within the next. few days. I took this opportunity to mention to Holt thatl had planned 25X1 to be back in touch with him concerning his inquiry about Mobutu during my absence several weeks ago, but that other priorities had pushed this to the back burner temporarily. We went over the subject including and. 25X1 conversations with him and I told hi.rn if tbore was anything further on this subject that would be back in touch. with him .. 25. Called Naomi Sweeney, OMB, regarding propose regulations covering garnishment proceedings against federal ea-nployees. Such proceedings were authorized under PL 93-64:7. Ms. Sweeney gave me flat- impros sion that: things weren't moving too rapidly on this matter and referred: nee to ss I o e {z~! ~c ri~l~ ~ a~z~~~e~4t ~4~~? 1Q'Q- c r the specifics. r+ y Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page ? Thurso rovePJFK1f 91j 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 E-T 7. Called Gary Clary, Administrative Assistant to Senator Strom Thurmond (IR. , S. C. ), rerfardin-a the- Senator's bill, S. 1395, to insulate armed forces medical personnel from. malpractice suits. About a month ago I had asked Clary to see if the Senator might be willing to add CIA physicians to this bill, but had received no -response from.. Clary. He said he had mentioned it to Senator Thurmond but had r:xot. received a final response and would ask him again. I told Clary I would ask Mr. Cary tq call the Senator to promote such a move. 8 First thing this morning, I received. a call from. Chairman Lucien Nedzi (D., Mich.) expressing further concern over the articles reporting on Searle Field's, of House Select Committee staff, memorandum of what he saw in Agency files about CIA, "infiltration" at the White House. He said. he would like to review the material seen by Field and Jack Boos, I-louse Select Committee staff, at Headquarters when. they visited here. I told him I would be happy to bring the material to him a-ad have Walter Elder, of the Review Staff, go up to talk to him about it this morning if he wished. Elder and I subsequently met with the Cha.irrnan at 10:00 a. m. in his office. He reviewed the material and could find no logical basis for the conclusions stated in Field's memora.ndtuum. He then asked if it would be possible for us to release the text of the page of the summary of the 13 August 1973 document that contained references to the detailed Agency personnel to the White House staff. Elder and I agreed to look into this, 1725X1 expressed some concern about including names of individuals especially in reference to We talked to Mr. Nedzi about seeing Representative Robert W. (R., Wis.) on this since Kasten had made a number of public statements based on Field's memorandum and staff briefings on this subject. M.r. Neciri suggested that we leave this in his hands for the moment and. we gladly acceded. He also commented that he planned to talk to Searle Field on the subject. A short time later, Nedzi contacted me and asked to look at the material again because of references Field made to statements in the documents pertaining, In view of another commitment that I I' ad, I left this matter in Mr. Elder's hands. 9. At the request of Yrank Slatinshek, of the House Armed Services Committee staff, I called Ken I-larcling, Sera ea.n.t a t. Arms of the House of Representatives. I said I under stood that be was 25X1 interested in recommending; for Agency eniployrnent. Harding said he did indeed, he added was in the Washington area temporarily, visiting his parents. He is winding au:p his work on his 25X1 in Russian and Harding strongly oficienc ith l y anguage pr doctoral degree w recommended him to us. I subsequently calledl >arerat:s, borne and said I would arrange a personal interview for him with our recs. uitnment. `~'5r%tS'2 `li-'fP77f{pV1D914ROOfOOb-3 25X1 roved XP_ 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 9 July 1975 Pagel 26. Emerson Brown, State Department, called regarding the paper which he had LDX'd to yester ay. 25X1 wanted to make it clear that when the Department replies they will only do so for the Department and not the Agency. I told Mr. Brown thati 25X1 action in bsence. 25X1 25X1 cc: O/DDCI Ex. Sec. DDT D DA DDS&T EA/DDO Compt Mr. Warner Mr. Parmenter Mr. Thuermer Mr. Clarke GEORGE L. CARY Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 25X11 25X1 i 25X11 25X' it 25X1 25X1. Jour ro~+~f~F`q~ F~ Ida 0 k2 : CIAsR~P77MO0144RO00600130020-3 Thursday - 3 July 1975 , * GUtJ~J llI11 L Page 5 17. Received a call from Jack Marsh, Counsellor to te President for Legislative Affairs, who said that Representative George H. Mahon (D., Tex.) had contacted the White House and expressed opposition to the Agency's appointment of I las 25X1 special counsel. Marsh was interested in my reaction to Mahon's attitude and asked whether anyone had alerted the White House on this matter in advance. I gave Marsh my rationale for Mr. Mahon's position, which is based on pressure I believe he is receiving from certain members of the 25X1 Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, and I advised him that the matter of a special counsel had been discussed in advance with Philip Buchen, Counsel to the President, and had talked with Buchen this morning about the selection of I lan Buchen had indicated he thought was a good choice. Mars asked me for this information. He said this was probably a matter that would receive the attention of the President. 18. Mr. Duckett called to advise me of the contact made witti im by General Don Johnson, Director, Defense Nuclear Agency, concerning Duckett's testimony before Senator William Proxmire'[. (D., Wis.) Appropriations Subcommittee regarding the Soyuz/Apollo flight. General Johnson told Duckett that he was in agreement with Duckett's statement as. released by Senator Proxmire and that he intends to contact George Lowe, Deputy Director of NASA about the danger of proceeding with the flight while the present Soviet spacecraft is in orbit.. Mr. Duckett merely wanted to alert me to these facts. 19. Emerson Brown, INR, Sttatee called in connection with a request they had received from the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational ' Corporations, for information on political payments in Korea by Gulf Oil Corporation. Brown said that the responsible State official wanted to know what information the Agency possessed and said he had been told by Agency officials that they would not respond without a written request from State. In response to my question, Brown said the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations' request was limited to State information and on that basis, I 'recommended that State's response be limited to that request, explaining that we had met with the Subcommittee staff on this subject; that as a matter of policy, we prefer to deal directly with the requester and the Subcommittee is aware that U. S. corporations are outside of our general charter and any substantial information we have incidentally collected is referred to the appropriate departments or agencies. Brown agreed with our approach and felt that the State official 25X1 was beitify too 25X1 COIN H1 D'N i I A L Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 2 July 1975 Page 2 Confirmed with Emerson Brown, that he now had sufficient information to handle the request received by Assistant Secretary Philip Habib (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs) State Department from Representative Bill Chappell (D., Fla.) concerning the Agency publication dealing with Communist trade activities in less developed countries. 6. In response to his earlier query, spoke with Martin Thibault, Staff Assistant to Representative James Manley (D. , N. Y.) and informed him of my conversation with Mr. Manley on 1 May on a sensitive'Agency project and that we are in the process of making arrangements to brief Arthur Sampson of GSA on this matter. I told him that Mr. Hanley had indicated that there was no need for GSA to reply to his letter and Thibault said he would. remind Mr. Hanley of this conversation and be back in touch with us if anything further is needed. 7. Ted Lunger, House Armed Services Committee staff, called concerning arrangements for our assistance in connection with the travel of a congressional delegation from the House Armed Services Committee to Somalia. 8. Met with John Ford, House Armed. Services Committee staff, and arrangements were made to brief he and Ted Lunger and possibly Representative Robert Leggett, who may be added to the congressional delegation traveling to Somalia, for 0930 hours tomorrow. I also reviewed with Ford certain sensitive information bearing on their trip. 9. Bill Hogan, House Armed Services Committee staff, called to report the outcome of his review of Committee records on the delivery of the statement of Director of Central Intelligence Hillenkoetter before the House Armed Services Committee on 8 April 1948 on H. R. 5871, the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. Hogan reported that Chairman Shaffer of Subcommittee Number Three had started to report on the provisions of H. R. 5871 on 15 May but that the minutes indicate that he did not get very far. On 4 May, Hillenkoetter appeared in executive session before the full Committee and it is clear from the minutes of that session that there had been previous Subcommittee hearings and. presumably this did happen on 8 April 1948 but the full Committee minutes are not clear on this point. Hogan said there are no transcripts available; all. sessions were executive and the only records are the minutes from which he garnered the only relevant information as reported above. Approved For Releas 9 05/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 0. Jane Mathias, in the office of Senator 'Ford called and asked if Mr. Colby testified last year I said he did and that Senator Stuart Symington had placed the testimony in the Congressional Record. I told her I would call her back with the date and page numbers. 25X1 11. Talked with Jack Boos, I-louse Select Committee staff, and advised him I had talked with Chairman Lucien Nedzi last night concerning Boos' request for a low-key briefing on the organization of the Agency. I told Boos we would give them a "Brookings type" briefing and we scheduled a meeting on the Hill for 3:00 p.m. on Monday, 7 July. 12. Marian Czarnecki, House International Relations Committee staff, called to alert us to the fact that the Committee may possibly call the Director on a moment's notice to come up on Tuesday, 8 July, I Czarnecki said this was very tentative but they 25X1 are thinking of havinj Dr_ Kissinger_up in the morning and might want the Director in the afternoon. He will be back in touch with us. has been alerted. 13. Jack Blake, DDA, called to alert me to the fact thajilije D a n apparently is responding to an inquiry from. Representative Jack Brooks about the destruction or abandonment of money in Saigon prior to the U. S. withdrawal. According to Blake's information, State's original intention was to take the total figure of funds destroyed or abandoned and prorate that figure among the various U. S. departments and agencies. Our Finance people ,objected to this especially since no Agency money was lost. Blake thought we might want to make our position clear to Brooks. I called Sam Goldberg, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations, and asked him about this inquiry and State's proposed reply. Goldberg said he had heard about the incoming inquiry and said the reply would come through his office. I told him I would be-.interested in knowing how State proposes to answer this question and indicated to Goldberg that no Agency funds were either destroyed or abandoned. Goldberg promised to call me back on this. 14. Called Bill Hogan, House Armed Services Committee staff, to alert him to reports we have received from sensitive source: concerning activities going on in Somalia in anticipation of the U. S. congres siona d Richard Lunger, of the Committee staff, today and would give them the details on this. Hogan appreciated my calling him and said as long as Ford and Lunger get r 'F~i~ @F~a ~0 ~4 /2 I~SR ~1~ 144 ~~6~ ~-3 III CCU ..~ visitors. I told him that I would be talking with John Ford an 25X 25X 25X 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 rP- crlny - 1 Ti,1lr 1Q7K It 40"'W l~w7re.1 C R h ' 11. Emerson Brown- i`~fe-nP~artmen called to report that Representative Bill Chappell (D. Fla.) had asked Assistant Secretary Philip Habib (Bureau of East Asian and. Pacific Affairs) State Department during the session of the Subcommittee on. Foreign Operations, House Appropriations Committee, to check to determine why he had been cut off from distribution of an Agency publication dealing with Communist trade activities with less developed countries. After checking with OCI, I learned that this series, classified. secret, is turned into an unclassified report once a year and since we have no record of having provided it to Mr. Chappell, it probably was forwarded by State. will close this out with Mr. Brown. I discussed with Brown the pending Intelligence Sources and Methods legislation and it was his opinion that the USIB session had not served the purpose we originally had hoped to attain. Interestingly, as a. result of our education on this issue, State is now thinking of separate legislation to take care of their problem which would not be covered by the Director's proposal. I said that I did not think there would be any problem in drafting a specific,narrow statute and they might be able to use terms such as information provided by foreign governments in confidence or obtained in confidence as at least part of the definition of the information. to be protected from unauthorized disclosure. 12. Spoke with Representative Paul Sarbanes (D., Md.) and closed out a follow up item from the Director's session on Wednesday, 25 June,. He was very appreciative of our follow up. 13. In response to a call from Charles Snodgrass, House Appropriations Committee staff, I told him where he could get a copy of the Murphy Commission Report and if that did. not work, I would find him a copy. I also promised to supply hint a transcript of Mr. Colby's "Meet the Press" appearance last Sunday. 14. Called Bill Hogan, House Armed Services Committee staff, and asked if he would be kind enough to review Committee records to determine if Director of Central Intelligence Hillenkoetter had -indeed testified on 8 April 1948 on H. R. 5871, the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. He said he would do this. S E R Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600130020-3