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Approved For Release 2006/03on C AiR EETR0005 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 24 October 1975 ]LIAISON I called on Marian A. Czarnecki, Chief of Staff for the House ommittee on international ltelaL-100b, ailu discussed the background of that CIA, in conjunction with DIA and State Department, invasion of Venezuela. I told him that while charge was planning an charge was basically something DIA should answer, the programs mentioned byl were really only classroom training exercises for young intelligence analysts and could not in any shape or form be construed as plotting against any country. I also discussed the circumstances surrounding leaving the Defense Intelligence School. Mr. Czarnecki said he appreciated the background, that they probably would just file letter and that there was no additional follow-up necessary. 25X1A 3.1 RIEFING I accompanied OCI, to a briefing of Jack Brady and Jack Sullivan, on the staff of the House Committee on International Relations, updating for Brady and Sullivan the current situation in Southeast Asia. The briefing went well report. is writing a memorandum for the record. and Messrs. Brady and Sullivan indicated appreciation for SONFIDENTIAL E-`:LJMPCEr CL MY Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000500010003-6 Approved For Release 200q .Journal --Office of Legislative Counsel --Friday - 24 October 1975 /03/15 :iCW ...+- Ew Cw., , R 6. LIAISON Met with Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counse ouse rxx~.ed Services Committee; Ralph Preston, staff member, House Appropriations Committee; Clark McFadden, Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee; Guy McConnell, staff member, Senate Appropriations Committee, and briefed them on the 25X1A following: the proposed transfer of to the Department of Interior; the transfer of Agency toxins to NIII; the declassification of Agency documents furnished to the 'Warren Comniission, the status of Senator Edward M. Kennedy's (D. , Mass. ), Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure inquiry into human experimentation by the Agency; and the present offer to buy the remaining assets of Air Anric 7. L LEGISLATION Called Jim Michie,. Senate Judiciary u coxnmi ee.on u xninistrative Practice and procedure staff member, and informed him that a decision was made by the Director that we would not make Agency files available to the Subcommittee staff for their review to determine what material they _cons.idered relevant to their inquiry. I confirmed with him our honest intention to be'cooperative and to provide complete information to the Subcommittee necessary and relevant to their proposed legislation. I further explained that any material provided would have to be sanitized to remove names and operational information. He reacted strongly and insisted that they should be permitted to review our material in order to assure themselves that we are not holding anything back. He added that they would put their request for additional material made yesterday in writing and he insisted that the Agency make clear its position in writing. 8. I (ADMINISTRATIVE I-Iank Knoche, IC Staff, called to advise met at the Director had sent his reclama letter to Chairman John McClellan, Senate- Appropriations Committee, to OMB Director Lynn for coordination of an Administration position and then. transmittal to Chairman McClellan. Page 3 9. I I LIAISON Called John Maury, Assistant Secretary for Legislative .--airs, Department of Defense, to discuss the status of DOD contacts with the Senate Judiciary Subcommittees on Administrative Practice and Procedure, and Health for their legislative hearings. Maury was not personally familiar with the case but gave me the name of George Lippincott who is handling this within DOD. -.`I will givs Mr. Lippincott a call. Approved For Release 200 JP,7yjM, [^+1441 000500010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/03/15: CIA-RDP77M00144R0005000 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 23 October 1975 Page 4 14. (Internal Use Only -- PLC) LIAISON Jim Michie, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure staff, I later called Michie back and ask that he put his request in writing, called and requested certain. additional Agency material on the case and human experimentation. (See Memo for the Record) GEORGE L. CAR Legislative Counsel cc: O/DDCI Ex. Sec. DDA DDI DDS&T Mr. Warner Mr. Thuermer Mr. Parmente r IC Staff EA /DDO C orrrpt. Mr. Approved For Release 2006 Page 7 LIAISON Called Bill Hogan, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, concerning the GAO review of the liquidation of the residual assets of Air America and he. said that it looked like we had their endorsemen anc, e will try to get: to Chairman Lucien Nedzi (D., Mich.) soonest. I reminded Hogan to raise with Chairman Nedzi whether he still wanted us to get with Representative Jack Brooks (D., Texas) on this directly. pprove or Release = Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 24 October 1975 20. 1 ( LIAISON Called Elly V ogtmann, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, and told her that Thursday, 6 November at 10:00 a. rn. was find for the Director to come up and brief the Committee. After checking with Pat Holt, Staff Director, Ms. Vogtmann said they would have a transcript. 21. HEARINGS Accompanied Sayre Stevens, A/DDS&T and /BAB/OTS, to brief Jim Michie, Investigator on the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, Senate Judiciary Committee, on past programs in the human experimentation field. (See Memorandum for the Recor GEORGE L Legislative Counsel 25X1A C c: 0/ DDCI Mr. Ex. Sec. DDA DDI DDS&T Mr. Warner Mr. Thuermer Mr. Parmenter IC Staff EA /DDO C ompt. p A ti-WA,1! 4. 00 f y; T Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000500010003-6 '