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W !'ebruary 24, 1 proCc *R 90MqQ$DCtAERtoP*MO(f4hk06'Q'480020073-9 E 657 of these men should not, and cannot die. Although the death of Malcolm X left a major void In spearheading the fight for the world's oppressed peoples we take small consolation in commemorating his spirit and techniques. I wish my distin- guished colleages would join me in hon- oring this man who, without a doubt, was one of the most important and sig- nificant spiritual leaders in the 20th century. FCO INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES HUN. BARBER B. CONABLE, JR. Or NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, February 24, 1975 M. CONABLE. Mr. Speaker, I hereby submit a statement by the Republican Policy Committee on Congressional Oversight of Intelligence Activities: CONGRESSIONAL. OVERSIGHT OF INTELLIGENCE AOTrvrTrEs Recent books and press accounts of abuses in government intelligence activities at home and abroad have focused attention on the, need for Congress to strengthen its over- sight of this sensitive area. The Republican Policy Committee urges the concentration of effort, in a single, bipartisan committee to investigate these reports, formulate such remedies as might be needed and provide continuing oversight of the intelligence activities necessary to national security. A joint House-Senate committee would, of course, be preferable, What is at issue is not whether Congress shou'.d intepsI4 its until now somewhat re- laxeo' 'overs{pkfit of government intelligence, but rather how this task should be accom- plished. Our first concern Is the alarming prolifer- ation of Intelligence oversight committees. A x'~gideptial Qommission was recently initLted with Instructions to report its by April 4 this year. The Senate Via i igs cations subcommittee on Intelli- ~dt ~Fperatfons` has begun hearings and the1ate.,Arpae Services Central Intelli gerice'SUbt`ammittee is also conducting an investigation. Qn January 27 of this year, the Senate enacted S. Res. 21 to establish 11-b3etxlber Sect Committee to Study the house, pursuant to the committee re- 'is s of the gird Congress, the Foreign A$ ",,*s s Committee plans to establish a Sub- eomh7:ft a on Oversight -concerned with, among er topics, foreign intelligence. The House Armed Services Committee will main- tain its Subcommittee on Intelligence. The Judiciary Subcommittee on Civil and Consti- tutional Rights has scheduled hearings later this week on the FBI's role In the alleged abuses, and the Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties and Administration Is con- ducting hearings on FBI and military sur veillanee. Against this background of burgeoning intelligence oversight, the House later this week will consider whether to establish yet another House Select Committee on Intelli- gence. We support a single bipartisan in- quiry and feel strongly that any Select Committee should preempt the separate in- quiries by the standing committees. . To allow further duplication and over- lapping would be both a monumental waste of time when there are many equally-press- ing problems facing the country and an unconscionable waste of money when we We have had cheap gas-too cheap In rela- should be cutting rather than creating new tionship to the cost of other sources of programs. energy. This has encouraged wasteful use. We fear that the growing number of In- It has also discouraged exploratory drilling vestigative committees will favor partisan to find new gas fields. Now we are reaping the political publicity contests rather than the result of our folly. Demand has outpaced extremely serious fact-finding and remedy- supply and there isn't enough gas to go seeking effort needed in response to the im- around. portant and troubling questions raised about In many ways, natural gas is the most de- government Intelligence activities. Such a sirable of fuels. It is cleanest from an en- multitudinous investigative approach could vironmental standpoint. It doesn't require well prove counterproductive to the national extensive refining. It is moved to customers. interest if it led to harmful leaks of sensitive through unseen underground pipelines. Con- information. The fear of, such leaks, further- sumer storage facilities are not needed. No more, could well compromise the effective- wonder gas is so much in demand, ness of the oversight effort. It is imperative In fact, it is estimated that natural gas that careful safeguards be established to pro- now provides about a third of our energy tect against the leaking of national security needs. Some 40 million homes are heated with information. gas. Each year about half a trillion cubic The alleged improper conduct of Federal feet of natural gas is used to produce nitro- agencies concerns both. Republicans and gen for fertilizer. Natural gas is also the Democrats alike, and involves both Republi- feedstock for propane, another source of en- can and Democratic administrations. Inves- ergy on the farm. More than half the farms tigating these allegations should be the re- in the United States use propane to heat sponsibility of a balanced nonpartisan com- and cool homes, dry crops and run pumps. mittee with equal representation of both Yet, natural gas is our cheapest fuel. It parties. is cheapest because of government action- Approving a select committee pursuant to not because of the forces of supply and de- H. Res. 138 would be a step in the wrong mand. This is the heart of the problem. Gas, direction. It promises to have strong partisan among all energy sources, was singled out overtones; it is open-ended in both the about 20 years ago for federal price controls. scope of its Investigation and its cost; it This was not the result of Congressional provides no safeguards for protecting sensi- action, or even an executive order. tive information; and it would delay the es- Gas prices have been controlled because of tablishment of the kind of continuing over- a decision by the United States Supreme sight function that is truly needed. Court. This was the Philips case which was The Republican Policy Committee advo- decided in 1954. That decision interpreted cates the establishment of a single, nonparti- the language of the Natural Gas Act of 1938 san joint House-Senate permanent committee in such a way as to require the Federal to monitor and investigate government In- Power Commission to regulate prices at the telligence activities, both at home and wellhead for gas sold across state lines. abroad, and where necessary to develop rem- For 20 years gas prices have been regu- edies to prevent future illegal activities. A lated, while other forms of energy have re- committee of this type would merit consid- sponded to the forces of supply and demand. erable respect and prestige and would prove Natural gas prices have been held far below far more effective than the current tend to- the cost of competitive fuels. For instance, ward the proliferation and resulting dissipa- at mid-year 1974 prices, natural gas sold by tion of effort. producers in interstate commerce was about We recognize that intelligence efforts are 28 cents per thousand cubic feet, The same vital to national security and prefer the joint amount of energy in crude oil was costing Committee approach as the best way to moni- about $1.30. Equivalent energy In bituminous tor them and thereby guarantee that they coal was costing 60 to 65 cents, and this did will continue to function in the best interest not include the higher costs of transporting of individual citizens and the entire nation. coal. Is it X1, wonder that such bargain prices made sy to sell? Or, that use of natu- ral gas doubled in just two decades? Some- DEREGULATION OF NATURAL GAS thing always happens when you offer rib-eye teak t h b 1 Y s a r m t HON. STEVEN D. SYMMS OF IDAHO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, February 24, 1975 Mr. SYMMS. Mr. Speaker, I recently received one of the finest articles I have read to date on the subject of deregula- tion of natural gas at the wellhead. For the, benefit of my colleagues who will be oonsidering this issue in the, 94th Con- gress, I would like to enter it into the RECORD at this point: LOW PRICE, BUT WHERE'S THE GAS? (By Earl W. McMunn) We are hurting because of the shortage of natural gas. Government orders have forced Industries to make big cutbacks to conserve fuel. This has created layoffs and loss of in- come. Nitrogen plants are working at less than capacity, because they can't get enough gas. This will mean less fertilizer and farm chemicals for the coming crop season. a u ger pr ces, ou soon run ou of steak. That is what is happening to gas. And, for an obvious reason. Political controls were substituted for the economic forces of supply and demand. Again, we are learning that you don't "pro- tect consumers" by controlling prices at un- realistic levels. At least, you can't do it over long periods of time. When prices get out of line, supplies become scarce or disappear completely. There must be gas in the pipe- lines, just as there must be livestock in feed- lots if the people are to prosper. .No one has yet been able to devise a sys- tem which combines low prices with ade- quate supplies. The socialist countries have tried, but with little success. This Is the major reason our production has so far out- paced theirs. Where profit incentives have been permitted to operate, we have had eco- nomic development unmatched in the his- tory of the world. Edward J. Mitchell of the University of Michigan says it this way: "To create a shortage, you simply depress the market price below the level that equates supply and demand. To eliminate the short- age, you free the price and allow it to rise. People clamor for government to "do some- to equate supply' and demand once more. thil}g." The truth is that government "did To create a surplus, you raise the price above something" about 20 years ago. What it did the market-Clearing level. And, to eliminate was the wrong thing. It imposed right price the surplus you let it fall back. We always controls over gas prices at the wellhead, have three options. A market-clearing price; Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 E 6-38 Approvet ( E ~) .rQf/ . +C,()1 i=RPfi7eLN9P)4o ioe9#g 00 I?i-ifai-y 24,'\, a price that gives us shortages; a price that gives us surpluses." These principles are easy enough to under- stand. They are not going to operate in a controlled economy. They don't get the chance. Political pressures are always to keep prices low as a "protection for consumers." .It Is only when supplies disappear that we become aware of the danger. There is lit- tle question but what arbitrary price con- trol on natural gas has been one of the greatest handicaps to energy production. Congress much deregulate the gas business if we are to get production moving in the right direction. Already, there is firm evidence to show that producers will respond to higher prices. Increases In oil prices and higher natural gas prices in the intrastate market have resulted In a sharp turnaround In drilling activity. During the first 16 years after the Supreme Court decision, the number of ex- ploratory gas wells dropped by about 50 percent. During the past three years the number of drill rigs in operation went up more than 50 percent. Energy experts say that our reserves of natural gas are far from exhaustion. But gas in the pipeline is what counts now. And recent price increases to oil and gas pro- ducers can't stimulate enough production any time soon. It takes time-as much as three to five years--to build new equip- ment, find and develop new fields. Vast amounts of new capital must be plowed back into exploration and development. All this in the face of opposition from some dream- ers who clamor that "profits must be elim- inated." We may eliminate profits. If we do, we will also eliminate production. And, it's production we need. It is obvious that federal price control on gas at the wellhead was a bad choice. Only Congress can make a change. And the lawmakers have been slow to act. In fact, legislation to decontrol the Industry has been stalled in the Senate Commerce Com- mittee and the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee for well over a year, Soln'e members say the industry Is "hold- ing back" natural gas reserves. There Is am- ple evidence to the contrary. Others claim that decontrol would cause retail prices to rise, thus hurting individual consumers. Un- til this winter they didn't have to face the stark reality of plant shut down because of gas shortages. This hurts people too! Now we are face to face with the question of whether we want enough gas at higher prices, or low prices and no gas. Gas is much more than a source of heat and power. It is also an important input in farm production. This is because a sub- stantial part of our nitrogen fertilizer production depends upon the use of nat- ural gas. And fertilizer plants in many parts of the country have already had their gas supplies interrupted by action of the Federal Power Commission. Just how much government limitations will affect next spring's fertilizer supplies remains to be seen. Fertilizer shortfalls for 1974 were estimated at between five and 10 percent. Edwin M. Wheeler, president of The Fertilizer Institute, says: "With nitro- gen inventories almost non-existent, the dangers to next year's food production are alarming. Our industry is making an all- out effort to prepare for a booming demand, but with our feedstocks cut off we are pow- erless." We know food reserves are at low levels both here and abroad. Production Is the only cure for shortages. Fertilizer is a nec- essary ingredient if we are to get the pro- duction. We can't leave, enough fertilizer if natural gas supplies are unavailable or interrupted over long periods of time. It is time for Congress to correct the mistake the Supreme Court made 20 years ago. MY RESPONSIBILITY AS A CITIZEN- WINNING ESSAY HON. MARK ANDREWS OF NORTH DAKOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, February 24, 1975 Mr. ANDREWS of North Dakota. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to announce that Miss Janet Doreen Sims of Enderlin, N. Dak., has won the Voice of Democracy essay contest in North Dakota. Miss Sims is currently an 11th grader in high school and an outstanding stu- dent. She has held several school offices and has many achievements and awards to her credit. She plans to enter the University of North Dakota to pursue a career in nursing. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pershing Sims of Enderlin. In her winning essay, entitled "My Re- sponsibility as a Citizen," Miss Sims stressed that freedom is both a privilege and a responsibility, The spirit of respon- sibility that all of us as citizens must have, she says, is "one of generosity, de- termination, and perseverance. It gives freely of its time and energy and is never spent out, because it Is identified with the will to serve." Miss Sims is an outstanding example of one who puts her ideas of citizenship into practice. She has demonstrated her sense of responsibility and citizenship through her accomplishments and activ- ities inside and outside of school. I would again like to congratulate Miss Sims. Her essay deserves public atten- tion and at this time I would like to in- sert it into the RECORD: MY RESPONSIBILITY AS A CITIZEN Being a citizen is certainly a right, but in. a deeper sense, it is truly a privilege. After all, as full-fledged citizens, we are not de- prived of our fundamental rights: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of re- ligipn and the right to petition the govern- ment to correct unjust actions. What do these freedoms consist of? Freedom is often misunderstood as privileges without limita- tions or restrictions: in other words, doing ust as one pleases. Along with freedoms .tome duties or obligations. When children are not taught to follow rules, they will most likely disregard regulations later in life. They will live along the side lines, hesitant, cow- :irdly, and selfish, ready to enjoy the benefits that others provide. The sense of responsibil- ty is rather the realization that one has iertain duties and obligations to fulfill to the neat of one's ability. It involves a recognition of definite laws or principles of behavior and understanding of the distinction between right and wrong, and good and better, The spirit of responsibility Is one of gen- irosity, determination, and perseverance. It fives freely of its time and energy and is never spent out, because it is identified with the will to serve. What is citizenship? Citizenship means full nembership in it country. It signifies some- :hing much more than just a dictionary .neaning. One could read a whole book on eing a responsible citizen, but the reading would be worthless unless the ideas discussed were put into practice. In the days when the Romans ruled, the ,act of being a 'Roman citizen' was a source if individual pride second to none. We, too. should develop this sense of pride in our .ountry. Do we take our citizenship for gran Do we realize how fortunate we are td+, guaranteed of certain rights? The establishment of a goal is the key t(, successful living. The most important step toward achieving responsibility is to firs: define it. To be responsible we must all be leaders, setting good exemples. An effective leader has such qualities. as confidence. en- ergy, concern, a good e t of morals, and above all, faith. When does the sense cf responsibility be- gin? It begins in the home with the parents' influence. If the parents are loyal and honest, their children will most likely radiate their likeness. The seeds of confidence are planted long before a child goes to school. It begins with the successful performance of limited tasks. Parents must see that certain values exist in the home: respect, pride, cooperation, and sharing. Good citizenship goes farther, though, out of the home and into the com- munity and country. In your community, take part in church and school doings, social affairs, organiza- tions and clubs, and so on. Being an active member keeps you well-informed of the com- munity's operations and goals, not only to be informed, but to help the community. Most important, be loyal and true to your country, Have faith in your nation's leaders, even in crucial times, regarding such things as wars, energy crises, and scandalism. These problems implore an increasing need for all people to unite into one Body to solve them. We gain from this atmosphere of unity an inner strength, a sense ou belonging, as well as of responsibility to others. "Life must be revealed not as a dubious and pointless struggle but as a magnificent priv- ilege, a torch that must ')urn as brightly as possible before it is handed on to the next generation," 1 HON. JOHN L. BURTON OF CALIFORNIA : - - IN THE HOUSE OF REP91115SHTATIVES Monday, February 24, 1975 Mr. JOHN L. BURT+ Mr. maker', I am sure all of our copes are con- cerned with finding sO1UUO31s to the energy crisis. I would like to share with the R a letter I have received from the Cali- fornia Service Station Council. t at ad- dresses itself to solving the current prob- lem. The letter follows: CALIFORNIA SERVICE S'SAUON - G'ovmscn.,` Oakland, Calif., February 10, 1975. DEAR CONGi,ESBh1AN Bui,TON: The Califor- nia Service Station Counci I represents several thousand service station dealers in the state of California. We are totally opposed to Presi- dent Ford's plan to conserve energy by rais- ing gasoline taxes. We would propose to you that for a period of ninety days that the fol- lowing six points be implemented: 1. Mandatory allocation per station at 90- 95% of 1972 sales, and equal allocation for every dealer. 2. Major oil companies refinery capacity to be adjusted to 90-95% allocation to con- form to same allocation i.a retail outlets to prevent surplus. 3. Restrict imports to 14?72 allocation frac- tions. I Clark, General Mark W., "What It Take, To Be a Leader." Reader's Digest, July 1967, p. 162. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 13'9 January 15, 1975 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE H 139 HON. DAWSON MATHIS to countries that are aggressors against have seen the malignant influence these . Will the gentleman our allies, and through world monetary OPEC countries have had on the deci- The from Georgia (Mr. SPEAKER1VIAxxis) present him- organizations we loan money to oil and sions in several of the multinational oil currency rich nations that are openly companies. We have no reason to suspect self in the well of the House for the pur- hostile to us. There are many more ex- they would be any more benevolent if pose, of taking the bath of office? amples of how the United States, by its they were to gain complete control of Mr. MATHIS appeared at the bar of courtesy, naivete or pure stupidity has the New York Stock Exchange. Indeed, the House and took the oath of office. put its very existence in jeopardy by their recent attempts to gain control of failing to look out for its own self-inter- Lockheed Aircraft, one of our largest A MAN CALLED KING gists. defense contractors, should be a lesson The recent attempts at detente with to us. (Mr. DELLUMS asked and was given Russia are good in that they decrease Unfortunately, many investment com- permission to address the House for 1 the chances of armed conflict with them. panies and the economic development minute, to revise and extend his remarks However, in our headlong rush to cement arms of many State governments are ap- and include' extraneous matter.) agreements with them, we have gotten parently oblivious to these dangers for Mr, ISELLUMS. Mr. Speaker; I wish to the short end of the deal. We have loaned they are continuing to court and woo the join today in commemorating the 46th them money to purchase our grain and Arab interests. Great Britain did this and anniversary of the birth of Dr. Martin have taken food out of the mouths of as a result would, be liable to near total Luther King, Jr., a man whose struggle our own people. We have agreed to cut collapse of its economy should Arab in- for justice for all people will long be many of our military programs without vestors pull out their money; as they have remembered by all Americans. His life receiving from them arms reductions of threatened to do should that country ended tragically nearly 7 years ago, but an equal magnitude. We have sold to take actions that would have a drastic his "dream" survived and grew. His them our American-developed technol- effect on OPEC. death marked the rededication on the ogy in exchange for raw or processed Other so-called Third World countries form other cartels to them. Our part Of many lbss-fortunate individuals materials from to achieve the ideals of love, peace, and will continue to benefit their country embargo eorp raise the price of resources justice. 'long after we have exhausted the mate- such as copper, iron ore, tin, and phos- This man _ called Ding traveled a rials we received from them. We have phates. These cartels are nothing more very long distance in a very short period not been very tough bargainers at the than alliances to fight an economic war of time. He traveled from Montgomery international market. of aggression againsht the Western to Mempl is, from manhood to martyr- We have allowed a dozen half-devel- world. We and our allies must recognize dom, from the depths of misery to the aped nations to cow us completely with this threat for what it has become and top of the mountain, where truth' and their threats of cutting off our oil sup- take measures to combat it. love reign supreme. It seems to me that plies and we have meekly acquiesced to An organization of grain exporting if he coulcjgo that long distance in that their horrendous and unjustified price countries might be a logical first step. short period of time, then everyone can rises. Wasteful energy practices, a lack The United States, Canada, Australia, come together to take America on a of foresight and the. almost total in- and France are the principal grain ex- iourney, a desperately needed journey, action on the part of the Federal Gov- porters in the world. They are also four from its madness to humanity, from ernmen!t has nearly put us at their countries who have been hit hard by the exploitation to equality, from racism to mercy. Already Arabian countries who OPEC oil policies and would be hurt by freedom and from war to peace. I urge make up the majority of the Organza- other resource cartels. my colleagues today, as we pay tribute tion of Petroleum Exporting Countries- The organization of grain exporting to this great man, to join in that effort. OPEC-are dictating foreign and in- countries could increase by five or six 7,et Dr. King's birthday serve as a ternal policies in many European coun- times the price of grain to countries who reminder not only' to 'black people, but tries who depend on these countries for are harming us with their natural re- to ail people that the struggle for justice 80 to 90 percent of their petroleum. A source cartels. Since there is a worldwide and individual rights is eternal. Today, good example of this is in the Nether- grain shortage, our export trade is not nearly 7 years after his death, his words lands, long an ardent supporter of Israel. likely to be diminished by the increased continue, to echo throughout America Since the oil embargo of 1973, Dutch price. The increased price paid for the stirring the national conscience: support for Israel has been almost grain would improve our balance of pay- When we let freedom ring, we let it ring totally nonexistent. Other subtle changes ments situation. Of course, there must be from every . village' and every hamlet, from in policies have taken place. We must provisions for waiving the cartel prices every state and every city, we will be able not allow 'hat to happen here. We would for those countries who are not guilty of ta.g eed up that day when all of God's chil- respond with force to any other coon- economic aggression against us. The car- dren, black people and white people, Jews try's attempts to control our affairs by tel would also have the additional bene- and be able to Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will military force. We must recognize that fit of helping to weaken other cartels. and " join reea at t last! Thank sing In the the God alwords-, Free at last! Free it matters little whether an aggressor Cartels, historically, are unstable and mighty, we are free at last!" conquers another by taking it militarily usually short-lived affairs. They are an or economically. artificial system of pricing that have no Even if we prevent the OPEC coun- relationship to supply and demand. Any LET'S FIGHT BACK tries from controlling or influencing us system such as this has a limited life un- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a 'politically through their economic pres- less artificially supported. A grain car- previous order of the House, the gentle- sures, they have another perfectly legal tel would, I feel, have a destabilizing ef- man, from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN) is avenue which they are pursuing vigor- fect on OPEC and other similar orga- recbgnized for 16 minutes. ously. They are investing their billions nizations. I do not favor indefinite par- Mr, COCHRAN. Mr. Speaker, the of surplus dollars in our property and ticipation by the United States in such United States is in danger of becoming corporations. Through these purchases, cartels, but we may find that this limited a second-rate world power. It has been they can literally buy large segments of action is preferable to the inaction that put in this danger not by any malevolent our economy and through the purchases allows us to be trod upon worldwide. foreign power or internal conspiracy, control them. And since large companies The United States must wake up to but by the excessive use of our good will have varying degrees of influence in the realize that no one respects a patsy. Al- and patience, and by our failure to apply country, the effect is obvious. According though it did the United States no good, the needed caution in our dealings with to estimates by economists, Saudi Arabia I have to respect the decision a few other nations. We export coal and other alone could buy IBM with 143 days of its weeks ago by Canada's Prime Minister energy sources when we ' do not have currency surpluses accumulated from oil Pierre Trudeau to shut off their Petro- adequate supplies at home. We export sales to us and other Western nations. leum exports to the United States. His grain to the Soviet Union in the name Using the same yardstick that country reasons were simple: even though they of detente and thereby drive the price could purchase every company on the are our allies, their own self-interest of a loaf' of bread beyond the budgets of New York Stock Exchange in 9 years or and predicted shortfalls -of energy dic- many of our own people. We sell arms Exxon Corp. in 79 days. In the past we tated that they cease exporting that Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 j Approved, or Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020093=~, H 140 C( which they did not have in safficiert sup- ply. It is time for the United States to start looking out for its own self-inter- ests. We must, of coluse, cooperate with our allies and search for solutions to the shortages and animosities that have spawned the cartels. We must use more caution in our dealings with other countries and make sure that our bene- fits are commensurate with those re- ceived by the other side. We must de- velop the sorts of alternate energy sources and natural resource stockpiles that grant us the highest degree of independ- ence from the influences of third world cartels and other foreign powers. We must erect safeguards to 1mit foreign investments whose presence and threat of withdrawal offers the specter of out- side hegemony. In short, we must make the sacrifices and take the actions that will assure that the United States of America will not slide into the depths of mediocrity on a board greased with Arabian oil, INTRODUCTION OF A BILL TO III CREATE A JOINT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentle- man from Minnesota (Mr. RENZEL) is recognized for 15 minutes. Mr. FRENZEL. I rise on behalf of my- self and Representative STEELMAN of Texas. Recently there has been a grow- ing concern, both here and in the other body, with the obvious lack of oversight which we in the Congress have over the various Federal intelligence-oriented agencies. It is our own fault that the present situation exists. For too many years Con- gress has been extremely reluctant to ask the kind of questions which could insure policy supervision and accountability for actions taken by the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and several others which we are only now learning about. To correct some of the ab ises which we have seen and to strengthen congres- sional oversight, Congressman STEELMAN and I are today reintroducing legislation to establish a Joint Committee on Intel- n e jurisdiction ligence Oversight. It will be provided with Ommittee of both Houses. it is a respon- of the joint committee. broad powers to authorize, investigate, ability which we can no longer Ignore. (b) The Director of tie Central Intemi- and legislate on matters related to the This bill is not the only congressional gence Agency, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Direc specific intelligence agencies as well as `suggestion which will be heard in the Secret a Investigation, the Direcl tion, the of the nor De of f the se, other intelligence inatters considered ;cling months, but, regardless of what is Intelligence Agency, and' he Director ofthe throughout the federal system. Inally enacted, this body must assume National Security Agent shall keep the The Joint Committee, would be col- 'esponsibility for the actions of U.S. se- joint committee fully s-d currently in- posed of t4 mtee, 7 would b z which the chalr- sfonal expense for security personnel or mail is a Member. office and equipment modification. (c) A majority of the members of the joint committee shall constiti e a quorum for this It is not our purpose, however, to de- transaction of business,, xcept that the joint prive committees with current oversight committee may fix a ll?sser number as i?. jurisdiction, such as armed services, quorum for the purpose d taking testimony= foreign relations, appropriations, et Vacancies in the men' 'rship of the joint: cetera, from discharging their duties or committee shall not affent the power of the, to limit their ability to monitor the total remaining; members to e: ecute the functions=. of activities within their fields. But our of the joint committee Urid shall be fined iii bill Sim i the same manner as in tie case of the origi- p y provides that no legislation, nal appointment. or provision contained in any legislation, (d) Service of a genatc,r as a member or a?: regarding matters within the purview of chairman of the joint c imrnittee shall rio . ' the Joint Committee can be considered be taken into account or the purpose'ssos by either House unless it has been sub- paragraph o of rule X1i V of the Standing mitted by the Joint Committee or is a Rules of the Senate. floor amendment to such legislation. DUTIES OF THE Jor. rT COMMITTEE The litany of offenses committed in SEC. 3. (a) It shall be the duty of the joint the name of national security is too long committee to conduct r: continuing study to list. It has been well documented both and investigation of the activities and op- here on the floor and in the national Me._ Aerations of (1) the I 'astral Intelligence dir. Somethi Ay, (2) the Federal )=ricer of Investiga- ng must be done. The irli- tion, Department of. Just*ce, (3) the United tiative's taken by the President is erect.- States Secret Service, (4) the Defense Intel- ing the Commission on CIA Activities ligence Agency. Department of Defense, (5) and launching other executive investi- the National Security A ^ency, and all gations are an excellent beginning. So is other departments and a envies of th(6) ed- this Hon e'S action in creating a select eral Government insofar s,s the activities and committee. But as much as we applaud agencies tions t to oother departments gathers and these actions, however, Congress must sur surveillance offipe cons; id tree sliderripro- follow up, regardless of the immediate ef- posals for the iniproven,'nt and reorgani- rects of these efforts, with long-term zation of agencies and r`spartments of the uupervision and control through a joint Federal Government witl ! th ,Approveor"elease 2005/11/21 CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 575 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE operations of any other department or agency of tho Federal Government shall be referred to the joint committee: (2) No funds may be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out any intelligence or surveillance activity or' operation by any office, or any department or agency of the Federal Caovernment, unless such funds for such activity or operation have been specif- ically authorized by legislation enacted after the date of enactment of this Act. (3) No bill or resolution, and no amend- ment to any bill orresolution, and no matter contained in any bill 'or resolution in either House, dealing with any matter which is within the jurisdiction of the joint commit- tee shall be considered in that House unless it is :a bill or resolution which has been re- liorted by the joint committee of that House (or from the consideration of which such committee has been discharged) or unless it is an amendment to such a bill or resolution. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to deprive any committee of either House from exercising legislative oversight with respect to intelligence acid surveillance activi- ties and operations related to the jurisdic- tion of such committee. (4) Members of the joint committee who are Members of the Senate shall from time to time report to the Senate, and members of the joint committee who are Members of the ; House of Representatives shall from time to time report to the House, by bill or otherwise, their recommendations with` re- spect to matters within the jurisdiction of their respective Houses and which are re- ferred to the joint committee or otherwise within the _ jurisdiction `of the joint com- mittee. ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS Szc. 4. (a) The joint committee, or any subcommittee thereof, is authorized, in its discretion: to make expenditures; to employ personnel; to adopt rules respecting its or- ganization and procedures; to hold hearings; to sit and act at any time or place; to sub- pens witnesses and documents; with the prior consent of the Federal department or agency concerned, to use on a reimbursable basis the services of personnel, Information, and, facilities of any such department or agency; to procure printing and binding; to procure the temporary services (not in ex- cess of one year) or intermittent services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof, and to provide assistance for the training of its professional staff, in the same manner and under the same conditions as a standing committee of the Senate may pro- cure such services and provide such assist- ance under subsections `(i) and (j), respec- tively, of section 202 of the Legislative Re- organization Act of 1946; and to take depo- sitions and other testimony. (b) Subpenas may be issued over the sig- nature of the chairman of the joint commit- tee or, by any member designated by him or the Joint committee, and may be served by such person as may be designated by such chairman or member. The chairman of the joint committee or any member thereof may administer oaths to witnesses. The provisions of sections 102 to 104 of the Revised Statutes (2 U.S.G. 192-194) shall apply in the case of any failure of any witness to comply with a sub )ena or to testify when summoned under authority of this subsection. CLASSIFICATION OF INFORMATION SE:C. 6. The joint committee may classify information originating within the commit. tee in accordance with standards used gen- erally by the executive branch for classifying restricted data or defense information. RECORDS OF JOINT COMMITTEE SEC, 6. The joint committee shall keep a complete record of all joint committee ac- tions, including a record of the votes on any questiolron which a record vote is demanded. All records, data, charts, and files of the joint committee shall be the property of the joint committee and shall be kept in the offices of the joint committee or such other places as the joint committee may direct. EXPENSES OF JOINT COMMITTEE SEC. 7. The expenses of the joint com- mittee shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate from funds appropriated for the joint committee, upon vouchers signed by the, chairman of the joint commit- tee or by any member of the joint committee authorized by the chairman. - HOUSE COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL SECURITY The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentle- man from Maryland (Mr. BAUMAN) is rec- ognized for 5 minutes. Mr. BAUMAN. Mr. Speaker, yesterday the House, in an extremely unfortunate decision, decided to abolish the House Committee on Internal Security. The crucial vote came on the previous ques- tion on the new House rules and the vote was 247 in favor of abolishing the com- mittee and 172 against. On this vote, the House accomplished what the commit- tee's enemies including the Communist Party have been trying to do for more than thirty years; to destroy one of the most effective arms anticommunism has had in this Nation. I'have no doubt in my mind that if a separate roll call vote on abolishing the committee had been allowed, the major- ity would have favored its continuance. Unfortunately, the Democratic Caucus voted in secret on this matter and be- cause of the parliamentary situation members were not forced, as they should have been, to vote directly on this issue. In past sessions of the Congress a ma- jority has voted consistently to,'retain this committee-most recently on Octo- ber 2, 1974, when the vote was 246 in favor and 164 opposed. As was pointed out in yesterday's debate, the Committee on Internal Security has been the only stalding committee in the House charged with conducting continuing investiga- tions in order to inform the House con- cerning subversion. At a time when our democratic institutions are threatened, both within and without our borders, by international revolutionary forces, this House has voted to weaken the internal security of our Nation. During the Republican Conference which was held yesterday, I offered a mo- tion that the Republican Party in the House go on record in' support of the colitinuation of the House Committee on Internal Security. This motion was adopted on a standing vote of 68 to 26 which demonstrates the overwhelming support the committee has amongst our Republican members. I am proud that my party was willing to take this stand and was also willing to go on record on this issue. I intend to join others in the House in an, effort to renew the mandate of this committee and its existence because I be- lieve it is a vital part of our national in- terest in fighting subversion. H 141 COMPREHENSIVE 'RIGHT TO PRIVACY The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentle- man from California (Mr. GOLDWATER) is recognized for 30 minutes. Mr. GOLDWATER. Mr. Speaker, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to an- nounce to the House that the bipartisan coalition of Congressman ED KOCH and myself on the issue of comprehensive privacy legislation will continue in the 94th Congress. Today, we are introducing a revised Koch-Goldwater Comprehen- sive Right to Privacy Act. Because of the successful passage of privacy legislation in the closing days of the last Congress, and because that leg- islation applied solely to the Federal Government, the new Koch-Goldwater legislation will contain provisions that apply only to the States and localities, to private enterprise and to nonprofit organizations. A brief description of the legislation and the text, as introduced, will follow my remarks. Congressman KocH and myself intend to offer this legislation for cosponsor- ship and a "Dear Colleague" soliciting your support will be sent out in a few days. Both of us encourage each of our colleagues to consider our proposal care- fully. We believe that you will find the simplicity, clarity, and flexibility of our proposal worthy of your support. Our legislation contains the following provisions: RIGHT To PRIVACY ACT: SUMMARY OF NEW LEGISLATION FINDINGS AND DECLARATION OF PURPOSE An individual's personal privacy is af- fected by the extensiveness of collection, use, and disclosure of information about him. Organizations keeping personal infor- mation should allow individuals the right to know files exist, to inspect them, and correct inaccurate statements. The increasing use of computers and sophisticated information technology has greatly magnified the harm that can occur from misuse of personal informa- tion. Personal information includes any- thing that describes an individual, such as his education, financial transactions, medical or employment records, and life- style. SAFEGUARD REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS All State and local governments and. business organizations and nonprofit organizations must comply with these requirements, whether having manual or computer based information systems. Information collected should be ap- propriate to needs of the organization seeking it, maintained completely and competently, and personal information must not be given to third parties with- out the individual's consent. Whefi information is collected, the in- dividual must be told if the request is mandatory or voluntary and what pen- alty or loss of benefit will result for non- compliance. Several categories of privileged, sensi- tive information should be established by organizations and particular require- Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9- Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 11142 CO.'v GRESSIONAL RECORD -- HOUSE ments set before the information is dis- seminated. Information about Americans cannot be transferred to a foreign e)untry un- less the provisions of the act are extended by any receiving country. Persons involved in handling personal information must act under a code of professional secrecy and be subject to penalties for any breaches. Anyone wishing to stop receiving mail because his name is on a mailing list can do so. Individuals cannot be required to give their social security number fcr any pur- pose not related to their social security account. PUBLIC NOTICE AND INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Organizations using personal informa- tion must give annual public notice describing their information systems. An individual may receive at reason- able cost a copy of his file including in- vestigative reports, which must contain its uses and transfers to third parties, be able to challenge inaccurate c:r undocu- mented information, and have his posi- tion in a dispute added to his file. Individuals must be notified that in- formation is being maintained about them. for private lands. County governments would then:, at their option, receive pay- ments from the Federal Government based on the actual value of the Federal lands within their boundaries or con- tinue to receive the Federal revenues that normally flow from those lands un- der other Federal programs. The bill is relatively simple in concept, uncomplicated to administer, and it of- fers a solution to a number of serious Problems associated with Federal land ownership. In the Western States, where much of the land is publicly owned, the impact of the Federal presence is highly visible. But anywhere that the Federal Govern- ment owns land, there is an impact, and 'eason dictates that there should be an )rderly and logical way to deal with that mpact. In Utah, with over 70 percent ;)f the land owned by the Federal Gov- -,rnment, the impact of public lands on adjacent communities is of real concern to us. We enjoy benefits from Federal :and, but the Federal presence generates certain responsibilities and certain diffi- .ulties that are being met only haphaz- urdly. There are a number of programs under which local governments are compen- =ated in part for Federal land holdings. however, none of these programs is tied o the actual impact of Federal land, nor ,to they assure the localities that the oats generated by the Federal presence will be met in Federal revenues. Life in rural America traditionally has reen complicated by some unique prob- ?ems. The many services taken for ,.ranted in our towns and cities, such as , lectricity, water, telephones, health ervices, and law enforcement, are carce, high priced, or even nonexistent. One major cause for this situation is the lack of a strong property tax base to inance services. In more densely popu- ated areas of the Nation, local govern- =nents have come under increasing pres- ure as they try to reconcile rising ex- >ectations for services with inflation that ' Eats into budgets and increase prices be- ,ond the scope of affordability. Rural ,;;overnments suffer these burdens, as well s the added problems of low tax bases .rid greater per capita expenses. And the i problem is compounded where the pres- nee of Federal lands generate a need or governmental services, while denying he corresponding tax base to finance hose services. Installations located on Federal land, laineral development and recreational i se of Federal land-all attract popu:la- i on to adjacent areas. This population requires many services and services cost i lre State and local governments money. `?et the tax base to finance these services i ; absent, in part, due to the fact that i tderal land is nontaxable. The injustice c'f this situation has been recognized in l tw by the compensation of local govern- ments where Federal Installations have depleted the property tax for schools eral land. Under a sy,c, ';em of pa` a,. in lieu of taxes, feirne s would be ins? tuted and the Governor=ant would provide a logical share of the coats associated with the impact of Fedt rat lands. This. idea is not ne' -. It was recom- mended by the Public and Law Revie+x Commission of 1971). Herrings on the pro posal were held last ye Rr in my distric' We need this legis'=.atiog more than ever With unprecedented denands for energy and the recognition th1t we must move to develop the mineral 4-esources on Fed- eral lands, we need a s>< stem of compen- sation that will meet he needs of the times. This bill will gin to local govern- ments the flexibility tli ey must have to meet the rapid influx r.f population as- sociated problems of resource develop- ment. I urge my colleague to join me in support of this measure EXCEPTIONS Criminal law enforcement, press files, and certain administrative ir. formation systems are excluded if specifically ex- empted by statute or Executive order where Congress is duly informed. FEDERAL PRIVACY BOARD Establish a five-member Federal Pri- vacy Board serving on a full-Line basis, appointed by the President a th Senate confirmation, having 3-year te.-ms. The Board will collect and publish information on personal information sys- tems, issue regulations, conduct research on improving standards, inspect systems when noncompliance is suspe,ted, hear requesst for exceptions, and transmit annual reports to Congress anc the Pres- ident. Only Congress can grant e.semptions or exclusions from this act. States and localities will be encouraged to establish privacy authorities to have the same duties as the Federal Board. PENAL"IES There are civil and criminal penalties to be assessed by the courts, at the re- quest of individuals or the Board. Injunctions can be sought by the Attorney General to s' op practices violat- ing the act. LOCAL GOVERNMENT TAX IMMUNITY The SPEAKER pro temporc Under a previous order of the House, tae gentle- man from Utah (Mr. McKAY) is recog- nized for 5 minutes. Mr. McKAY. Mr. Speaker, I join today with my colleague from Utah, Mr.- Hows, in introducing a bill to provid?: an equi- table system of compensation to local governments for the tax immunity of Federal lands within their boundaries, Under the terms of this legislation, Fed- eral land would be appraised at a rate comparable to the applicable tax rate '-,-bile causing an influx of population. alone, would be 720 per -ent. The dollar I tut, as yet, there is no uniform, fair, and amount of Federal rev=enue associated l:,gical way to provide compensation to with land fees in 1973 vrould have risen local governments for the taxes lost to from $36,463 to $285.71='5 under the in t aem and the added burdens placed upon lieu tax proposal, t::ieir treasuries by the presence of Fed- The aggregate tax loss to the Western GOVERN??,2ENT IMMUNI rY The SPEAKER, pro t=pore. Under a previous order of the P Ouse, the gentle- man from Utah (Mr. h-IowE) is recog- nized for 5 minutes. Mr. HOWE. Mr. Speaker, many of our Western States have substantial portions of their land areas in F?,deral ownership, Unlike most other States, these lands have never passed thror gh the historical process of grant and h mmestead to pri- vate ownership. While I -altzing the ulti- mate goal would be th, s private owner- ship of these lands, the 1. ill offered, today, addresses the more exi ?ent demand for tax equity and econon-fc development. The Federal ownershir of these lands creates substantial reve::ue inequities for these States by deprivir;g their counties of any right to levy taxes on these lands. An artificial expedient has been at- tempted through the r?-turn of royalty payments and grazing I .,?es to the coun- ties affected. In my ow-i State of Utah these fees uniformally 'all far short of what the individual co=rntfes would re- ceive in property tax r lvenues if these lands were privately ovuied. On Forest Service lands, for examp_e, these counties get an average return f-om the Federal Government of 4 cents = oer acre. In con- trast{ to this temporizfnt solution now in effect, both reason and c qulty would dic- tate the Federal Gover-ment should be treated as the land owi-er which It has become. The Federal Government would, then, be required to mak a fair payment in lieu of those taxes wh; ^h such counties would otherwise receive To underscore the dis rarity currently existing, the testimony c ` Vernon L. Hol- man, chairman of the Jtah State Tax Commission--before the House Environ- mental Subcommittee o) September 13, 1974 at Salt Lake City. Utah, indicated an in lieu tax bill won; d increase Fed- eral revenue in the four counties sur- veyed: Emery, Garfield, Kane, and Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 February 19, 1 Wi roved Fo AA21 MAMP-Z R08U "734 871 (1) by striking out "$85,000,000" and in- Sac. B. Section 303(c) (1) of the Regional serting in lieu thereof "$282,000,000"; and Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 (45 U.S.C. (2) by adding at the end thereof the fol. 745 (c)(1)) is amended by striking out the lowing new sentence; "Of amounts au- last word of paragraph (A), by striking out thorizcd tope appropriated under this sub- the period at the end of paragraph (B) and section, $50.,000,000, shall be available solely inserting "; and" in lieu thereof, and by in- to pay to the trustees of railroads in reor- sorting after paragraph (B) the following ganization such sums as may be necessary new paragraph: revenues attributable to tariff increases propoa;ed by such railroads and suspended by the Interstate Commerce Commission during the calendar year 1975, if the Secretary deter- mines that such payments are necessary to carry out this section.". SEc. 7. Section 216 of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 (45 U.S.C. 725) is amended to read as follows: "INTERIM AGREEMENTS "SEc. 215. (a) PURPOSEs. Prior to the date' upon which rail properties are conveyed to the Corporation under this Act, the Secre- tary, with the approval of the Association, is authorized to enter into agreements with the trustees of the railroads in reorganiza- tion In the region (or railroads leased, op- erated, or controlled by ? railroads in reorganization) - oy a railroad in reorganization from an en- tity other than the Corporation for the sale, lease, or transfer of property subject to an agreement under section 213 or section 215 (a) (1) or (2) of this Act reflects value attributable to the maintenance or improve- ment provided pursuant to the agreement.". SEC. 9. Title VI of the Regional Rail Re- organization Act of 1973 is amended by add- ing at the end thereof the following new section: The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois (Mr. MURPHY) is recognized for 1 hour. Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I yield 30 minutes to the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ANDERSON) pending which I yield myself such time as I may consume. (Mr. MURPHY of Illinois asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 174 provides for an open rule with 1 hour of general debate on House Resolution 138, a resolution establishing a Select Committee on In- telligence. House Resolution 138 authorizes th e "TAX PAYMENTS TO STATES Select Commitee on Intelligence to con - "SEC 605. (a) Notwithstanding any other duct an inquiry into the collection and provision of law, no railroad in reorganiza- use of intelligence information and aile- tion shall withhold from any State, or any of intelligence of improper and illegal activities political subdivision thereof, the payment of intelligence agencies in the United of the portion of any tax owed by such rail- States and abroad. road to such State or subdivision, which por- House Resoluton 138 also authorizes tion has been collected by such railroad the Select Committ f t ee rom any tenant thereof. o inquire into the "(1) to perform the program maintenance "(b) Any railroad which violates the pro. ties in activities of furtherance certain of their study. government agen- on designated rail properties of such rail- visions of subsection (a) of this section by roads until the date rail properties are con- withholding any portion of a tax referred to Mr. Speaker, I urge the adoption Of veyed under this Act; in such subsection shall be fined not more House Resolution 174 in order that we "(2) to improve rail properties of such than $10,000 for each such violation.". may discuss, debate, and pass House Res- railroads; and olution 138. "(3) to acquire rail properties for lease The motion was agreed to. (Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. or loan to any such railroads until the date The Senate bill was ordered to be Speaker, I yield myself such time as I such rail properties are conveyed under this read a third time, was read the third may require. Act, and subsequently for conveyance pur- time and passed, and a motion to re- suant to the final system plan, or to acquire consider was laid on the table. (Mr? ANDERSON of Illinois asked and interests in such rail properties owned by A similar House bill (H.R. 2051) cc a s was given permission to revise and ex- or lea4rd to ally such railroads or in p?r_ . .- to subsection (a) of this section shall cony tain such reasonable terms and conditions as the Secretary may prescribe. In addition, agreements under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) of this section shall pro- vide that- "(1) to the extent that physical condi- tion is used as. a basis for determining, under section 206(f) or 303(c) of this Act, the value of properties subject to such an agreement and designated for transfer to the Corporation under, the final system plan, the physical condition of the properties on "(2) in the event that property subject to the e agr ement is sold, leased, or transferred to an entity other than the Corporation, the trustees or railroad shall pay or assign to the Secretary that portion of the proceeds of such sale, lease, or transfer which reflects value attributable to the maintenance and imnprovenie;lt provided pursuant to the agree- ment. "(C) OBLIGATIONS.--Notwithstanding sec- tion 210 (b) of this title, the Association shall issue obligations under section 210(a) of this title in an amount sufficient to finance such agreements and shall require the Cor- poration to assume any such obligations. The aggf' ,gate amount of obligations issued un- der this section and outstanding at any one time shall. not exceed $300,000,000. The As- soci ti a on, with the approval of the Secretary, shall designate in the final system plan that portion of such obligations issued or to be GENERAL LEAVE Mr. STAGGERS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members may have 5 legislative days in which to extend their remarks on the bill just passed. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from West Virginia? There was no objection. Mr. Speaker,, I think Ot a di tinguished gn- tlenlan from Illinois (Mr. MURPHY) , my colleague on the Committee on Rules, has explained the purpose of this resolu- tion. I would merely add that it makes in order House Resolution 138, which in- volves the original jurisdiction of the House Committee on Rules because it would establish a Select Committee on Intelligence. It would have, of course, been possible under the rules of the House to bring that matter bef t ore his body as a privi- ESTABLISHING A SELECT COMMIT- leged matter, not subject to amendment, TEE ON INTELLIGENCE in which :t . _ case Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, sary for me, or someone on this side of by direction of the Committee on Rules, movt the edit urgge e the o theeof at of ghestion ous I call up House Resolution 174 and ask question ur submit a the s for its immediate consideration. which in would order be open submit a dme t. resolution The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lows: Mr. Speaker, I am grateful to my col- H. RES. 174 league on the committee, the gentleman Resolved, That upon the adoption of this from Missouri (Mr. BOLLING) , who of- resolution it shall be in order to move that feted in the Committee on Rules a mo- the House resolve itself into the committee tide for an open rule, a resolution mak- Union for the ec nHouse an the sideratio of thestate solof the ing this ution a completely topenbule, which Itthink is (H. Res. 138) establishing a Select Committee proper procedure in view of the very im- on Intelligence. After general debate, which portant issues involved and the fact that shall be confined to the resolution and shall I have four amendments that I wish to continue not to exceed one hour, to be equal- ly divided and controlled by the chairman offer to the ersOllltiOn. There may be, and ranking minority member of the Corn- of course. others who h- i ea ---- be reaa _-t n addition to the four that I and t for amendment terms thereof, and that portion from which under the five-minute rule. have to offer, but I will not take the time the Corpo.-ation shall be released of its obli- At the conclusion of the consideration of now under the rule to discuss those gations. the resolution for amendment, the Commit- amendments. We will have an hour to tee (d) shall rise and report the resolution to the do so under general debate, and at that " CONVEYANCE.-The Secretary may House kvith such amendments as may have convey to the Corporation, with or without been adopted, and the previous question time I will in Which with those receipt of consideration, any property or in- shall be considered as ordered on the resolu- terests particulars in whicch h I, , differ With the acquired by, transferred to, or other- tion and amendments thereto to final passage drafters of House Resolution 138 and wise held by the Secretary pursuant to this without intervening motion except one mo- think that their product could be im- section or section 213 of this Act.", tion to recommit. proved upon. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 Approved For Rft\sF_J 1K 00400020&$a9tct'r 19, 1915 .H 872 11 YA . %1~`c 9Q 4 J Mr. Speaker, I woul t oin my colleague I will have, however, some amend- reorganized oversight by the Congress of from Illinois in urging the acoption of r rents, I point out to the gentlemen, to U.S. intelligence activities. also a thorizes the rule that can or.eed with 2e lutiontwe expense, to au- thelselectcom mittee to inquireuinto the the debate e on this s evolutl tion. Mr. BAUMAN. Mr. Speaker, will the uhorization and replace s it with the ceil- acivies of outside es in furtherance llofotheir study. agen ;;entleman yield? ; og, and a subceiling, Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. I yield to 0 orisultants, and I think, also, change the These agencies include, among others, the gentleman from Maryland. eporting date, to try to compress into a the National Security Council; the Cen- Mr. BAUMAN. Mr. Speaker, I would ,.snorter time scale the work of the com- tral Intelligence Agency; the intelligence like to ask the gentleman frc-rn Illinois nittee, so that they would not be en- components of the Departments of the ving , and Into A he In co give his opinion on this set a of cr. ial hese :ouraged to endlessly go on De- and they would film h their gene and Research Bur eau tof thetelli have by a 1~?:e tvork quickly and expeditiously. partment of State; the Federal Bureau comm sssicon: headed We omn devoting president reside dg itself to a complete investiga- So I am going to try in these amend- of Investigation; the Department of the tion of the issues this select committee :rnents to answer some of the various Treasury: and the Department of Justice. would consider. tuestions the gentleman has expressed. Mr. Chairman, I think this resolu- We have a committee of the other Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, tion is long overdue. Earlier one of the body, which will do the same ..ling. Now move the previous question on the res- Members questioned the idea of why r )iu.tion. the Hou:,e is engaging in the same ac- which maytior~ may thirdnot cooperate ]with The previous question was ordered. tivity that the Presidential Commis- these other groups which wll go over The resolution was ageed to. sion and the Senates already engaged the same ground. We have just abolished A motion to reconsider was laid on the in. I would like to answer that question the House Internal Security Committee, -able. in this way: and one of the arguments was that it was Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, As far as the Presidential Commis- the duty of other agencies to investigate I move that the House resolve itself into sion is concernec., we have the execu- subversion and that committee was not the Committee of the Whole House on the tive department invesi,igating itself, in- needed. How, in times when v e are faced State of the Union for the consideration vestigating an executive agency. As far with economic problems and the need to +'>f the resolution (H. Res. 138) estab- as the Senate is 0onccnied, I agree with, cut back on the budget, can we justify fishing a Select Committee on Intelli- my colleague, the gentleman from 1111.. hence. not.- (Mr'. ANDERSON), that possibly this creating still anothd committed to go The SPEAKER. The question is on the should have been a joint committee. over this same grounnd.? Will the gentle- motion offered by the gentleman from However, the Senate committee is al- man address himself to thy:? ;-llinois (Mr. MURPHY). ready well on the road in its investiga - Mr. ANDERSON of Illin is. I think The motion was agreed to. Lion, and I think: the House is justified there are some very relevar_i, and justi- fiable concerns about the p?>ssibility of err THE COMMITTrE or THE wxoI in pursuing its own investigation. duplication, and those hav> been ex- Accordingly the House resolved -itself Mr. Chairman, yesterday the Commit- pressed by many Members of this body. into the Committee of the Whole House tee on Rules adopted four amendments The Presidential Commisio i, to whieL on the State of the Union for the consid- to this resolution of original jurisdiction haseman ERSC e gentl some f rurom n m the gentleman refer s, I belie ye is sexed- eration of House Resolution 138, with and understand tiled to report on or about the 4th of Mr. FLYNT in the chair. (Mr. Aw) April 1975, and I think there are sever. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ttherryamendments he intends to offer other members on that Commission IL Lion. of Illinois. Mr. was felt, and I think with some justifica- By unanimous consent, the first read- Mr. I ANDERSyield ON myself 10 minutes. tion, that in addition to having the, ing of the resolution was dispensed with. Chairman, asked and executive branch review this matter, than The CHAIRMAN. Under the rule, the (Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois and en:- Congress, with its independent authority gentleman from Illinois (Mr. MURPHY) was given ssion to revise and with its independent r-sponsibility will be recognized for 30 minutes, and the tend his remarks.) permi Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chai?, - for oversight, should refere ce. a sflmilafrankly, r wil tbe investigation. My preference, re cognized for 30 minutes. Dpi+soN> man, as I indicated ill the brief Cho colloquy would have been for a join' committee:, The Chair recognizes the gentleman I had with the genlexnan from Maryland I introduced, along with tee gentleman from Illinois (Mr. MURPHY). (Mr. with BAUMAN) moments ago, certainly from Pennsylvania (Mr. BizsTER), earlier Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Chair- my preference mould have been for the this year a resolution-we I: ad some co- man, I yield myself such time as k may creation of a joint committee in order to sponsors, as I recall it-with the idea of a consu r MURPHY of Illinois asked and eliminate the posaibi ities of duplication joint Senate.-House cola se to conduct tMr. and waste that are inherent, I thn;k, oversight on this whole question. ahead given permission to revise and ex- when we have two committees functxon- tunately, the Senate chose to go ahead tend his remarks.) w in, in the same area. rather quickly and establish their own Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Chair- Hawaver, I think we have passed that Senate select committee. think that man, House Resolution 138 establishes a point, as illy thinkgvie has just pointed pretty well preempts any a;action on the House Select Committee on Intelligence, out. part of the House to set up a joint com to be compyosed of 10 members, to be mittee. It would be rather futile for us to appointed b the Speaker, who shall des- I want to start by saying that I cer-w proceed with that idea because there i,, ignate one of the members as chairman. to wl of the of h they convi tion that in little likelihood the, Senate will rescind iii House Resolution 138, as reported by aiy action. ht idea think that w n orimi? tee amendme is which std ngth- in view of theereport thatithat orgae nniizaa-- earlier ceWe are the best roag e odic,inally. en the resolution. tion had been conducting a widespread a:lead. I the haa.fatc House Resolution 138 authorizes the and illegal operatic" in the late 1960's that We e a the now Senate on ors s g gd with gone and in th^ early 1q"n's and that it had this morning that on yesterday the senia Select Committee on Intelligence to con- and t keeping lyes on 10,000 Americans Senator from Idaho, the chairman o duct an inquiry into the collection and hake unit reporting o ng ,0 Der cans that committee, has announced he wil'; use of intelligence information and al- by We eachldnit repo our oversight the rsight authoror, to coordinate the work of hi, legations of improper and illegal activi- we sh tuld ma ercis committee with the work ai any commit- ties of intelligence agencies in the United in s ter. tee suggested by this Hous?' to avoid thi States and abroad. The resolution au- And there were tii.e other reports that duplication e carries out that pledge-and I have the procedures and effectiveness of review tiwere given on about domestic xbreak- break-ins andc If h wire no reason to doubt that he will--perha>~ 5 dination between the various intelligence tappings and covert mail inspections . some of the duplications and the xreedlers components of the U.S. Government. The Certainly I think that this entitles us-- more ine whether expensdeter than avoided that might; be iii=:ur-red can be orm otttheie isl a also i Q d fornimproved or d tes our concern-to exert se our sups - avoided. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 February 19, 197 proved F f8fqXJ/2 W1271 1A# 4R000400020073-9 H 873 , visory role, our oversight authority in this area. I cannot help but recall for the Mem- bers of this body, as I did for the mem- bers of my committee, that it was 12 years ago, in the` 88th Congress, that I sponsored a resolution for a joint com- mitter;. Our now absent colleague, at that time the gentleman from New York, Mr. Lindsay being the principal sponsor, I felt then and I feel now that a committee specifically devoted and charged with the responsibility of oversight in this area is necessary and is important. But having said all of that, it seems to me, as I read this particular resolution, that it grants the most sweeping au- thority imaginable. There is literally no Federal agency, as I read this legisla- tion,' that would be entirely immune from a probe because it gives no deft- nitioi7. of "intelligence." In section 3 it lists all of the agencies that were mentioned a moment ago by the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. MUR- PHY). These include all great depart- ments of the Government like the De- partment of Justice and the Department of the Treasury, even the Energy, Re- search and Development Administration, as well as those intelligence agencies with which we are more familiar, the Q1Pyy the FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and all of the defense intelli- gence components of the Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. This is sweeping authority indeed, and it. seems to me that we have to be very careful that we do, therefore, make the terms of the investigative effort so broad and so all-encompassing, without any 'Zoundarles,,wh tsoever, that we get into tly mirk andh morass of investiga- tive ctivity that would cost untold hun- dredS,of.tlaausando, even millions, of dol lars and yet not be productive of the kind of recommendations that we hope will come out of this committee if it is created and out of the committee in the Senate It is for that reason, not because I oppose the idea that we have a legitimate oversight function with which we ought to be concerned, that I have circulated these four amendments and commended them to the membership of this body, with the hope that . they would adopt them today as amendments to House Resolution 138. First of all, I want to refer to the one that would provide for a five and five membership on, the committee. This res- olution will follow otherwise the rule of the Democratic caucus, which provides for two-thirds plus ,one as the ratio of Democrats to Republicans on this committee. This is not a legislative committee. Whatever justification the Members on this side of the aisle may have for such a rule in the House caucus as it applies to legislative committees, it should not apply to a select committee investigating one of the most delicate, sensitive areas that could possibly be encompassed within the scope of any congressional investigation. I make no blind, blatant charges of partisanship over here. I make no charges that anyone is out on a fishing expedition designed to embarrass the past administration or the present ad- ministration, because this problem ex- tends back for many years into adminis- trations both Democrat and Republican. At least since the time, I believe, of, John F. Kennedy there has been increas- ing involvement, apparently, on the part of the CIA particularly and perhaps other ii "efl1 ence agencies of the Federal Government as well, in some of these activities, both covert and overt, that have stirred recent alarms. Therefore, I think that it is a bipartisan problem. It ought to be approached in a biparti- san fashion, and I would hope, therefore, that in establishing ratios on this com- mittee, we would not be bound by some standard rule as it deals with the ordi- nary legislative committee. Let me point out one specific example. In the last Congress, when we set out to investigate the operations of this Con- gress-and what could be nearer and dearer to our hearts than that? And more sensitive, really, to our individual role as legislators, than the operations of this body? We did not establish that com- mittee with a partisan ratio. We estab- lished it under the chairmanship-and the very able chairmanship-of the gen- tleman from Missouri (Mr. BOLLING) on a 5-to-5 ratio, 5 Democrats and 5 Re- publicans. They went very thoroughly, for almost 18 months, into all of the ramifications and operations of this House and its committees, and came up with a very excellent report. I think a bipartisan committee can do the same kind of job if they are allowed to function in a truly bipartisan manner, as I have suggested. Second, I think that the fact that there is no price tag on this resolution makes it defective; that, just as the Sen- ate did in its resolution, it provided $750,- 000 as an expense budget, and a $100,- 000 subceiling budget for outside con- sultants. It makes good sense to do, that in this resolution. If the committee finds that it is going` to have to expend more funds than it can come back an'd get an additional authorization, am sure, for additional expenditures. But let us not start out with what the gentleman from Maryland was worried. about a few min- utes ago so that we get into the kind of boundless investigation that just prolif- erates in all directions at once, because there is absolutely no ceiling at all on the expenditure of funds. I hope that amendment when it is offered will have your support. Third, instead of waiting until next year, until the end of January, let us give, it a September 1 reporting date. Let us coordinate our activities with the activities of the other body. The senior Senator from Idaho, as I said a few minutes ago, said that he is willing to coordinate his efforts and give their re- port by September I. 'So it makes sense to me that we have a similar reporting date so that we can work in tandem with that comittee, then, and better coordi- nate the activities of the two Houses in this area. dealing with the very important matter of specific safeguards for protecting clas- sified materials. There is some very general language in the resolution dealing with, this sub- ject, and it merely says that the com- mittee shall establish rules as they deem necessary to prevent unauthorized dis- closures of information and testimony. I would suggest that better language would be language identical to that in the Senate resolution. I have taken that language exactly as it was passed in the other body, providing that the committee shall set up specific procedures to clear individuals, to provide them with the necessary security clearances before they deal with these very sensitive and, I am sure, highly classified materials. There is nothing very radical about the proposals I have made. I think they will give us the sense in this House that we are moving in a bipartisan and very or- derly fashion in coordination with the activities of the other body so as to get on with the needed business of deciding what went wrong, if it did go wrong and, more importantly, what we can now do to recommend a better and more con- tinuing type of oversight of the intel- ligence community in the future. So I hope the Members will support the amendments that I have described when they are offered, when we debate this under the 5-minute rule, and with those amendments I think we will be able to get on with the very important task that has to be dealt with. Mr. MYERS of Indiana. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. I yield to the gentleman from Indiana. Mr. MYERS of Indiana. Mr. Chairman I think no one would disagree about the oversight authority and responsibility this House has, so far as that oversight pertains to amendments and changes in the law and in the statutes, and also so far as responsibility as to how funds ap- propriated by this Congress are spent as respects various activities, but I am not at all sure that it is intended by the over- sight responsibility to limit them to that. Does the gentleman foresee the pos- sibility that this oversight select com- mittee might get into the policymaking duties of the various agencies? Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. No, I do not think it would attempt to do that. We would have to physically decry any effort to interfere with the legitimate intelligence-gathering functions. The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gen- tleman has expired. Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- man, I yield myself 3 additional minutes. I do not think there. is any disagree- ment-or, I hope there is not any wide- spread disagreement-with the proposi- tion that we need an intelligence service in this country to properly guarantee our national security. Agencies of the kind 'that are listed in this resolution-the Defense Intelligence Agency, the FBI, the -.all are needed. It is a question, however, of making sure that they carry out that intelligence function in a way that does not unconstitutionally violate individual rights of Americans here at Finally, I will offer an amendment home, and also, I think, does not involve Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 H 874 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 Co :)" GRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE F'ebr -wry 19, :/ 97 them in activities that are re=:ily nonger- mane and alien to the true intelligence function. Mr. MYERS of Indiana. Will the gen- tleman yield further? Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois,. I yield to the gentleman from Ladiana. Mr. MYERS of Indiana. I thank the gentleman for yielding. If I understand his response, there is absolutely no intent to give this select committee the authority to influence policymaking by any of the agencies, that they will have the responsibility overall, but it is simply to limit the au- thority to oversight as to Ani ricaus and funds used; is that corect? Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. I want to be very candid with the gentleman. I cannot assure him that they will not make recommendations that in effect would deal in the policy area or with the policymaking function of ;here agen- cies, but let me remind him that this committee has legislative author': T Ides canna pass on any tur 9. A1I"t?x can do is report to us, I" hope, ay Septem- ber 1, 1975, and make recommendations which we as a full House would then act upon. Mr. BAUMAN. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. I yield to the gentleman from Marylatd. Mr. BAUMAN. I thank the gentleman for yielding. There are at least seven different standing committees that have some sort of jurisdiction over intellige:ice activi- ties in the House. I have heard rumors that, regardless of what the :louse may do in creating a select committee, some of these committees or the subcommittee chairmen will proceed with collateral in- vestigations of the same issue. Does the gentleman have any informa- tion about any plans to at least try to consolidate all of these investigations, or are we going to go off in all different directions at once for whatever purposes the individual committees involved may have? Mr. ANDERSON of Iliinoii;. My per- sonal hope would certainly bf that dur- ing the period that this select committee is functioning, if it is establi;;hed, there. would be a moratorium on a lot of in- vestigative activity by these other sub- committees. Obviously. I am x of in a po- sition to speak, however, for the gentle- men who might be in a position to con- tinue to assert that jurisdiction. Mr. BAUMAN. If the gentleman will yield further, there is, however, notsting in this resolution that says Sc'? Mr. ANDERSON of "zilinois. No. There is nothing in here that specifically says there is a moratorium. Mr. GIAIMO. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. I yield to the gentleman from Connecticut. Mr. GIAIMO. I thank the gentleman for yielding. d_ to_pro- iihi jinn any ~. xis ting le 'T`t lve tttao- ee w `eh ?r~~iiiv1s lirt4nn in this area- po rinrt~nv ~te.n+~->y 's'he gentleman is rigs There are about seven committees or sub- committees that do have an Involvement or a partial involvement. Possibly only one could have the overall jurisdiction to cover all aspects. For example, some have jurisdiction over the FBI.- others have jurisdiction over the CIA, et cetera. It is designed that these committees will continue to do what they are empowered to do under the existing rules of the House. This committee Is designed to look at several factors primarily: Is there sub- stance to the allegations of wrong- doing? Should there be recommendations for changes in the methods in which the v: arious intelligence services are condilct- ing their activities-things of that type? It would not be to usurp the powers of the existing committees or subcommit- tees. The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gen- tleman has expired. Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Chair- man, I yield 7 minutes to the gentleman from Connecticut (Mr. GIAIMO). (Mr. GIAIMO asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. GIAIMO. Mr. Chairman, let me explain to the Members why we are ap- fearing here today on this resolution to establish a Select Committee on Intelli- gence. There has been a growing belief among the Members of Congress and among the public at large that all is not well with the Intelligence agencies of the United States or that all may not be well and a growing concern that Con- gress should exercise to a greater degree than it has Its oversight function. We are intending to maintain a good and adequate Intelligence service for the United States. We are equally de- termined to assure the rights of the citi- zens of the United States so that these rights will not be infringed in any way by anyone, and particularly by Federal intelligence agencies. ire ham been yKgy del toes allega- ttctns of possiltle wrongdo_i~non the part ne in`j enre agen 1es, do not know w I sC".8, ' j't iI _are true ell bfit hilt. We ertainly fee tSat rte: i ASS L4 h absoluU to EIIIE_a_ion __ ii 9 riutu tofhe A afar cal]`poop a to look into itandi ,rorMpg. Ifs nnc+ t '14'f-'f1]fl tr n ?~ in rlw rminr =hq,zth r there IS any flierit t.n_t't~Pen n. a lls of wrongdoing. Beyond that, many or-M-ese Intelli- gence agencies have been in existence for many, many years, some from before World War II, and some of our ma.ior ones certainly came into prominence right after World War II. Their means of e.onducting their activities developed in those years, particularly in the late 1940's and early 1950's. Are these activities still proper ones? Are they still wise ones in which those agencies should he involved? Should we, for example. conduct covert operations, in the same way in which we have been doing? This is another area of =nvestigation by this select committee. Therefore, it was the feeling of the averwhelming majority of those Mem- hers of the majority party In their caucus that a committee of the Congress should took into this entire matter of activities of the intelligence agencies. We do not deny to the Executive the right to set en the Commission which they have to look Into the allegations of Impropriety, no=' do we intend to prej clge the work an;i the recommendations of that Carrmis- sion. But certainly as the executive branch has the right te: oversee those ac- tions, very clearly the,'ongresss also does. and this is what we intend to do today. We have many committees which have jurisdiction. For Instance, the Commit- tee on the Judiciary hfc; jurisdiction ove' the FBI. and the Committee on Armed: Services has jurisdiction over the CIA and the Committee on Banking and Cur rency has jurisdiction aver the Treasury and Internal Revenue There are man" committees. The A pprc' riations Commit- tee also has a function here. But I doubt, whether there is e.ny one committee the has overall jurisdiction and can look a f. all the intelligence branches of the U.S. Government, with the possible exception, and I say with the possible exception, o' the Government Operations Committee It may have. Be that as it may. there has been growing feeling among the overwhelm- ing majority of Members that there should be a per se Intelligence Commit- tee to look Into thr e allegations Of wrongdoing. I myself would havw- preferred a joint committee. I am sum that many of w would have, and I am sure the gentle- man from Illinois (11i. ANDERSON) rec- ognizes that as a practical matter the other body has already begun with its select committee and `here is very little hope of having a joint committee. Ini-, dentally, iLwaz well be that one of the rp_m?nandatiolls ,xuigbtA ported if we are serious in our have a single inteilsive inv. stigation ill Mr. ANDE of ino s. vould me u Foreign Relations, ArmQ the place of several duplicative, noncom say to the gentleman that I will offer an fairs and prehensive inquiries. amendment on the sub.ect he has raised Services and Appropriations-we will be . inslly the folly tll_-.6ndex',~'Onamend- and specify that rules and procedures better able to folio.'- , on a conz nu ,s must be adopted by the committee that basis what is being done by our 4orei ii ,nt~ h rh cpt.s _ }~ 1, I$ia, are designed to prevent the disclosure intelligence; apparatz. J. ~lvarll nP for th select cononmimittir: ?Trt? outside of the committee of information Mr. iNWWRSON of I" nois has poi ed i -'- rar tpO We akek know now that the e"Sl t that is not authorized to be disclosed, in introducing II.R.t 1, creating Jo _-? committee phat on Srst date-and and, furthermore, to establish security Committee on Intelligence, and I hc?e ommiteetwill re i-lo are shr>uld al o-Ji- clearance requirements for individuals consideration of sirC l legislation will be I believe that the :riod on res who will be handling the sensitive mate- forthcoming during this session. Unl:ss the it appro of a coordinated hese tail, ? rials. we have a perman.-iit vehicle instit il- suah these important is I would agree that they are more sen- tionalizing supervision over this a. pecL - v an , the proble'n will sueses. . No o responsible Meis deadline would olr sitive, perhaps, than some of the mate- governmental activb on of further if i rials that were before the Committee on return to trouble us in the future.. pose warranted by s but for now, it is most impo tat to strivt the Judiciary in the recent impeachment Mr. KASTEN'M E Mr. Chairman. I but for now, it ost and ccx) nnao strive inquiry. But all kinds of materials will rise in support of House Resolution `3? quiry for an into expeditious the m~:iiaandturbir?~, allegation alltedgatioi~ in be dealt with in this committee. to create a Select Committee on Intel- which have been made. Mr. Chairman, it is essential that we ligence. co3 g .hp 1 of aim coon that tvh bm.x - ;.:t1 ~.. the m= m. , . O ' w m. mF Ed 1 t. Mr. Chairman, as sponsor of legislation ire both the pre vious and present Congress to create a Joint Committee on Intelligence, I rise in support of House Resolution 131 es- tablishing, a Select Committee on Intel- ligence. I will vote for this bll with some givings as I do not feel it is the most preferable way to apps ach the problem. Few would deny that the reports and al- legations involving illegal CIA and other foreign intelligence activities demand the closest examination. It is question- able. I feel, whether the House sl..ou"c, undertake to duplicate much of the >amc investigative inquiry which is already being done by the President's commis- sion and the Senate panel. The proper course ft rr Congress to have taken in this matter would have been to create a johiT. House-Senate committee rather than the two separate efforts we will have should House Resolution 13?: pass. The Hours should be involved firsthand in an ex_- aminatian of what has been done. and for this reason the bill before us should pass. 'I'lre need for some form of on gotn oversight mechanism is not satisfied by the existence of thew: several groups, as important as their immediate objects are. I believe we will Mill need to have a. permanent bony with the authority monitor what is happening in tht. ar4a. of foreign intelligence operations. Right now that authority is fragmented and. for practical purposes, nonexister t 1.y bringing together la one comraittE.e Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 February 19, 1 roved For I a~pppp //1111/21: CIA-RDP77MOO144R000400020073-9 55IlYAL RECORD-HOUSE H 877 While I. have indicated, through my time since the central Intelligence ligence community will, in the long run, spolisorship of House Concurrent Res- Agency was created in 1947, signaling the undermine the security of this Nation olution 18, tl}e, 14rg-range congressional uncontrolled growth of secret intelli- and its citizens. need for a, perzuanent joint House-Sen- gence activities In the executive branch, The Select Committee on intelligence ate oversight couunittee on intelligence the House will have established an ef- can play a major role in the preservation actlyitles, I believe it is essential that we fective mechanism to scrutinize ques- of our "national security" In this broad immediately begin an investigation of tionable intelligence operations. sense. While I regret that It has taken the the costly and little known segments of As one of the original sponsors of the House so long to recognize the need for the Federal Government, our intelligence Select Committee proposal, as well as a this committee, I commend the Democra- agencies, and measure their activities member of the ad hoc committee which tic leadership for finally supporting this against their respective charters. unanimously recommended this resolu- much needed reform. I urge passage of The creation of a select committee to tion, I wish to summarize my under- this resolution so that the select commit- exam:ine the specific agencies, as well as standing of the nature and scope of the tee can begin its long-overdue investiga- the overall conduct and responsibilities proposed select committee's authority. tion of the intelligence community. of the entire intelligence community is The committee-'s major task will b - to -an important undertaking. Such an in- reco itn wha.te ?pr ne.w le 'sl ion an, Mhave n of Ilti er qu Cllaior quiry is long overdue. The demands that and man, I have no further requests for oYexsilrht structLrec Grp needed to5- time. the house .assume its responsibility for s?re that int ntgp.,ce aaencles ar . n_ overseeing the Intelligence agencies, Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- which operate largely in secrecy, can no able to wi ot In n dare accotmt- man, I have no further requests for time, longer be ignored, nreg This necessary y re- The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will read. quires a reconsideration of the policies The Clerk read as follows: Obviously the Nation needs effective and assumptions underlying present in- Resolved, That (a) there is hereby estab- criminal.survelilace programs. No one telligence practice. It requires careful lished in the House of Representatives a seriously disputes, this. and there is no investigation into all intellegence ac- Select Committee on Intelligence to con- one in the Congess who would work to- tivities, particularly those that have re- duct an inquiry into the organization, op- ward undermining the effectiveness of suited in the illegal political operations erations, and oversight of the intelligence our Intelligence agencies in the perform- abroad or In violations of the civil lib- community of the United States Govern- ance of their necessary and legitimate erties of American citizens. Finally, it ment. shall functions, xmuires an pvs+.lnation of the pas (e) The select ers of the House be c em- However, It Is the responsibility of f Gtiyenesa of Hrn,sp intelli rnr 'or_ posed of ten Members of ed House of Rp- peaker in resentatives nsultato be appointed the ch it the of thus , the Congress to define the legitimate slgH+ o_ *??t_,tp?s;n icpa+,;na t Intelligence activities, establish guide- c_.,e& ,nlthin legal h.,,,,,.ag s~1- with the chairmen of thos- . The select COm- standing ing committees having current juris- lines for the, conduct of, such operations mittee proposed today would have au- diction over intelligence matters. The and insure that sucli, guidelines are en- thority to accomplish these tasks. Speaker shall designate one of the Members forced.. We have,, evidence of military My support for the select commit- as chairman. agents spying on. civiliaiys. It has been tee stems. in large part from my belief (c) For the purposes of this resolution acknowledged that the C became in- that existing controls on intelligence ac- the select committee is authorized to sit volve(i In domest ic. s e ce. ,i- tivities, particulalry on the-.IA,, have presen present sessions Congress s the whether House and nott the the ore iolls.congression he House been wholly inadequate. Specifically, the has recessed or adjourned. A A majority of the CIA's secret nroeram in (bile to de members of the select committee shall con- nformation irons Sf hilizpth? Allende eovernmp~~~ha e stitute a quorum for the transaction of buss- ~,,. e ii - yet to be subjected to searching con- ness except that the select committee may ~:www suss c au ori . gressional Inquiry. Likewise, the extent designate a lesser number as a quorum for the These, are matter w 1011 must e v. o domestic surveillance has not purpose of taking testimony. and thoroughly explored. been fu y examined. The House Select COMMrrTEE AMENDMENT As recent test4n.pny before the House Committee on Intelligence would be im- The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will re- Judiciary Subcommittee of which I am powered, along with its more general port the first committee amendment. chairman indicates, the surveillance investigations, to explore these particu- The Clerk read as follows: techniques of domestic intelligence lar intelligence activities. agencies are equally worth of scrutin f amendment: On page 1, line y y Y. It is important to realize that Intel- after ter the the wor ord "Speaker" insert a period and d We have, evidence that warrantless ligence policies and covert operations are strike out all after the period through the wiretaps were conducted for as long as not established without official actions at word "matters." on page 1, line 10. 25 y, ear$. We have. admissions that the the highest levels of the executive branch. The committee amendment was agreed FBI monitored some 40 phone calls be- any complete study of the intelligence tween one Detroit lawyer and his clients. to. nni We have evidence that the Secret Serv- p m~ an" AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. ANDERSON Or tee had access without legal process to isms within the executive branch, es- ILLINOIS eciall the National Security 0 3Zici1, very revealing telephone toll records. We r initiating and cnn .rnlhng intpll' en M1'? ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- Chair- yhave information that the FBI used "'- These matters will -~on- man, I offer an amendment. private bank and credit records without surely con- The Clerk read as follows: tern the Select Committee on Intelligence any legal authority. We have reports of with its subpena power, the committee Amendment offered by Mr. ANDERSON of FBI spying on Members of Congress and would be able to obtain valuable testi- y 11 ands: a page e? strike lines 6 thwing: domestic political groups including ac- mony from all executive branch officials and insert le lico three shall following: tual disruption of political associations. who deal with intelligence policy. (d) The select committee shall of Chairman, we have reached a posed of ten Members the House f T+ hoc Upon yvarnerl in dpha+e ove rthis resentatives to be appointed b the S raker aker point where- the public's confidence in ly Y p ronosal that nerd t, chn?tA +Rtg "_ as follows: (1) five from the majority party, the Nation's law enforcement agencies is nrn t o j-the "na innnt won? ? a +~ is and (2) five from the minority party after legitimately shaken. A thorough house . I a ree. H consultation with the minority leader of the cleaning of the intelligence community tr,s countrv'a cpruri v porn House. The Speaker shall designate one of will go a long way toward restoring that tnnnh on the maintenanre of a rnt of the Members as chairman." confidence. w as it does on f (Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois asked and I urge adoption of House Resolution It is threatened just was given permission to revise and ex- 188 and the speedy selection of the House as seriously by a misguided covert inter- tend his remarks.) Select Committee on Intelligence. vention abroad as it is by insufficient in- Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- Mr. IIAIRRINGTON. Mr. Chairman, telligence gathering and analysis. " the re?olutia . to c, pate a House Select tinal security" means mueb n ~" composition sthis iti n of the select select specifies that the Committee Qr Intelligence represents a mere aGalj,ece b noe by rang h completely s with shall vital first step toward making this cIatms n npnpce,? , ,, : be completely bipartisan, with five Moro- Nation's intelligence community ac- rs from the majority party and five .clal.~ Such an abdication of b congressional from the minority party. The resolution countable to the Congress for the first responsibility and control over the Intel- as reported contains no specific refer- Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 H 878 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020 7 -9 r CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE F c- '?uc, ry 19, 19' ~' ence to the partisan makeup o the com- to 1 or 10 to 0 undess we spell out the n;ittee, but it was made clear ir. our Rules ratio as to the members of the commit- (ommittee hearings that the Democratic ee; is that correct? C;,'ucus rule of 2 to 1 plus 1 w>uld apply Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- to the select committee as well. That Hari, the gentleman is quite correct. But ~vould mean, on a 10-,member committee n fairness to the other side, `I want to such as this, there would be 7 Democrats ?,ay that they made it quite clear in their and only 3 Republicans. testimony in the Committee on Rules Mr. Chairman, I think it Is especially ;.fiat a 7 to 3 ratio is what they intended. important that this committee-having This was the decision of the task force uch broad authority to Probe such sensi- ppointed by the Democratic Policy Live areas spanning Republican and 3teering Committee after it had been Democratic administrations alike-that ?eferred to that group by the Democratic this committee be completely bipartisan J aucus. Therefore, I am satisfied that a o that there is not one hint of partisan- at is going to be 7 and 3 unless we adopt ship. I think we should recall that in the vhis amendment. last Congress we created a bipartisan I think, nevertheless, that the reasons select committee of five Democrats and i have given are good and sufficient rea- five Republicans to investigate this ions why we ought to specify an even House and its committees. Th it commit- division in the membership of the com- tee worked quite well together, and orittee. unanimously reported d comprehensive Mr. GIAIMO. Mr. Chairman, I rise in and constructive product. IT; put par- opposition to the amendment. tisanship aside and acted in what it con- (Mr. GIAIMO asked and was given sidered to be the best interests of the permission to revise and extend his re- House. It would seem doubly important marks.) that we adopt this nonpartisan approach t Mr. GIAIMO addressed the Commit- to investigating the intelligence com- 4 ea. His remarks will appear hereafter in munity so that the committee will act hi the Extensions of Remarks.] the best interests of the tour try. Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman, I make I would also point out that our own the point of order that a quorum is not House Committee on Standards of Offi- rcial Conduct is completely bipartisan, present. The CHAIRMAN. Evidently a quorum with six Demoncrats and six Republi- T is Tot present. cans. If we feel we should be nonpartisan The Chair announces that he will va- t d uc in investigating and policing he con gate proceedings under the call when a w House Members, it should n a follow that quorum of the Committee appears. ve would want to o nonpartisan i n inc Members will record their presence by estigating and policing our g domestic electronic device. ctr and foreign intelligence communities- call was an even more delicate and sensitive area. taken by electronic The Senate select committee on Intel- device. (iuORIIM CALL VACATED ligence has a nearly bipartisan i- The CIi,' IRMAN. One hundred Mern- publicans, with six Democrats and five five Re- publicans, despite the fact that the hers have appeared. A quorunf of the majority party has a 3-to-2 ratio in that Committee of the Whole is present. Pur- body. suant to rule XXIII, clause 2, further I have reviewed the numerous resolu- proceedings under the call shall be con- ted d . as vaca tions referred to our Rules Committee sidere which would establish either House se- The Committee will i'tt son intelligence business. to establish a select committee. It is this institution which I& golr:g? to conduct the oversight and the investigation of the alleged innapairmem of 'lie rights of in- dividual citizens, by mason of illegal, immoral, and unethical activities alleged to have been carried c-;t by the intelli- gence-gathering agencies and, conse- quently, it seems to m:: that we should do this in a responsiblr-, objective man- ner through the establi, iment of a select committee which will he even balanced between the majority 1=nd the minority parties. I want to assure those who are oppos- ing this amendment on the other side of the aisle of our sinterft interest on this side of the aisle of doing the kind of thorough job, not onl;; with respect to this administration, but with respect to prior administrations, and we do not want to have any cove up of any earlier activities, which certainly could result, if the control is there and the political interest is there, to protect and to cover up with respect to an e"-rlier administra- tion. Consequently, I believe that If we are to be truly and truly ob- jective and truly responsible to the American people in catrnection with this select committee. we should support overwhelmingly the amendment offered by my colleague, the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ANDERSON). I hope the House v =1l give that kind of support to this amendment. Mr. RHODES. Mr. chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words, (Mr. RHODES asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. RHODES. Mr. ( =iairman, the gen-. tleman from Illinois (1M1r, ANDERSON) has offered four amendments, all of which I think would be a ? rest improvement to this bill. I axn particularly interested in the amendment which would change the composition of the committee so that it would be equal be?:ween the parties. Select committees, without legislative authority, should be bpartisan. They are customarily evenly, or nearly evenly divided between the 1. arties and I think this precedent follow:td in both Houses should not be abando red. I recognise the ab :icy of the Demo- cratic side, and o< the Democratic caucus, to impose :,.s will upon the House. It Las the vo os to do it, and if it wants to do it, it certainly can, but I ask the Members on my right to think ahead to the possible time when the majorities might be cifferent, and I ask them if they think it would be a good idea for a select committee to be set up by this body which would be seven to three. I also auk the if they think it Is a good idea to change precedent so that the majority party is KLu complete control of something which is as sensitive as the investigation of the intelligence divisions of our Govwi,-nexit t(? lay. It seems to nca that this is such a sensitive operation, such a sensitive area. that the Members of the majority party would be well served if a comniitt ce to perform this very delicate task w( re to be just as bi- partisan as any bodily could possibly make it. icct or Joint comm Almost all of them, introduced by Re- Mr. McC:`LOORY. Mr. Chairman, I move publicans and Democrats alike, would to strike the requisite number of words, have either a bipartisan or nearly bi- and I rise in support of the amendment partisan composition. offered by the gentleman from Illinois And yet, here we have s resolution (Mr. ANDERSON). drafted in the Democratic Steering and (Mr. McCLORY asked and was given Policy Committee which would revert to permission to revise and extend his re- the old partisan ratio of 2 to 1 plus on(,. marks.) I can understand that such a proposal is Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman, it to be.expected from one of the partisan seems to me that if the majority :party organs in the House. But we are now wants to act in a responsible and a bi- a -ting as an institution-no?; as Republi- partisan manner, they can achieve that cans or Democrats-but as Members of end through the acceptance of this Congress interested in doing what amendment. I might say that in support- right for the country and in doing it the ing the general thrust of this resolution right way. And I would suggest that we and the establishment of a Select Com- must act on a matter of this importance mittee, I am just a -interested In the and sensitivity in such a wf.Y that there activities of such a select committee as not even be the appearance of partisan- any Member on the other side of the aisle. ship connected with this investigation. I I think there is the suggestion or the im- urge adoption of rely amendment. plication in this 7 to 3 ratio which sug- Mr, McCLORY. Mr. Chairman, will gests this is going to be a partisan at- the gentleman yield? tack and a partisan effort. Certainly par- Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. I yield to tisan control of this activity should not tine gentleman from Illinois. be patterned after a legislative function. Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman, acct I think the Integrity of this institution, ally the resolution before us does not the House of Representatives, is in- provide for any ratio; it provides for r- volved in this very amendment, because 10-member committee, and it could lx this institution is the one which is going Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 q~proved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 February 19, 1975' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE $ 879 vogue in this Congress, and again that is the prerogative of the majority party to make it so if it desires to do so. But I .also suggest that this investigation is necessary. I agree that I am,pleased that it is going to be done, by a select committee instead. of by various other committees in which there would be overlapping investigations made. That part of it I agree with completely. But it seems to me the people, the citizens of the Republic, would feel much better about the whole thing and would feel much more confident about the findings of this committee--that there would not be a witch hunt-if the members of the committee were evenly divided between the parties. So, Mr. Chairman, I speak for all of the amendments offered by the gentle. man from Illinois, and I particularly address myself to the one involving the content of the committee. Mr. BRODHEAD. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words, and I rise, in opposition to the amendment. (Mr. BRODHEAD asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.), Mr. BRODHEAD, Mr. Chairman, it seems' to me that the amendment to make this committee evenly divided be- tween the two parties would have the effect of to be trying to reverse the re- sults of the last election. If the people wanted the responsibilities to be divided 5O-5o between the two parties they would have voted that way. They did not. They voted two-thirds for one party and one- third for the, other. I do not understand why the minority is trying to obstruct the work of this HQuse by offering such an amendment with respect to this committee.. The CHAIRMAN. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ANEEasON). The question was taken; and the Chairman announced that the noes ap- peared to have it, RECORDED VOTE Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chairman, ,I demand a recorded vote. A recorded vote was ordered. The vote was taken by electronic de- vice; and there were--ayes 141, noes 265, not voting 26, as. follows: [Roll No. 171. AYES--141 Abdnor Carter Erlenborn Abzug. d Cederberg Each An erson, Ill. Clancy Eshleman Andrews, N Dak Clausen, Fenwick ~ oh . Don 11. Findley Cleveland Fish Armstrong Cochran Forsythe Ashbrook Cohen Frenzel Bafalis Collins, Tex. Frey Bauman Conabl e Gilman Beard, Tenn. Conlan Goldwater Bell Conte Goodling Bennett Coughlin Gradison Biester Crane Grassley Breckinridge Daniel, Robert Gude Brooraneld, W., Jr. Guyer Brown, Mich, B Derwinski Hagedorn rown, Ohio _ Devine Hammer- Broyhill B Dickinson Schmidt uchanan Duncan, Tenn. Hansen Burgener, du Pout Harsha Burke, Fla. B Edwards, Ala. Hastings utler Emery Hobert Heckler, Mass. McKinney Shriver Heinz Madigan Shuster Hinshaw Holt Horton Hutchinson Hyde Jeffords Myers, Ind. Johnson, Colo. Myers, Pa. Johnson, Pa. O'Brien Kasten Peyser Kelly Pressler Ketchum Pritchard Kindness Lagomarsino Latta Lent Lott Lujan McClory McCloskey McCollister McDade McDonald McEwen Michel Smith, Nebr. Miller, Ohio Snyder Mitchell, N.Y. Spence Moore Stanton, Mosher J. William Qule Quillen Railsback Regula Rhodes Rinaldo Robinson Rousselot Ruppe Sarasin Schneebeli Sebelius Steelman Steiger, Ariz. Steiger, Wis. Symms Thone Treen Vander Jagt Walsh Wampler Whalen Whiteurst Wiggins Winn Wydler Wylie Young, Alaska Young, Fla. NOES-265 Adams Florio Melcher Addabbo Flowers Metcalfe Alexander Flynt Ambro Ford, Mich. Anderson, Fountain Calif. Fraser Andrews, N.C. Fuqua Annunzio Gaydos Ashley Giaimo Aspin Gibbons AuCoin Ginn Badillo Gonzalez Baldus Green Baucus Haley Bedell Hall Beviil Hamilton Bingham Hanley Blanchard Hanna ford Blouln Harkin Boggs Harrington Murphy, Ili. Boland Harris Murphy, N.Y. Bolling Hawkins Murtha Bonker Hayes, Ind. Natcher Bowen Hays, Ohio Neal Brademas Hechler, W. Va. Nedzi Breaux Hefner Nichols Brinkley Helstoski Nix Brodhead Henderson Nolan Brooks Hicks Nowak Brown, Calif. Hightower Oberstar Burke, Calif. Holland Obey Burke, Mass. Holtzman O'Hara Burleson, Tex. Howard O'Neill Burleson, Mo. Howe Ottinger Burton, John L. Hubbard Patman Burton, Phillip Hughes Patten Byron Hungate Patterson, Calif, Carney Ichord Pattison, N.Y. Carr Jacobs Pepper Casey Jenrette Perkins Chisholm Johnson, Calif. Pickle Clay Jones, Ala. Pike Collins, Ill. Jones, N.C. Poage Conyers Jones, Okla. Prayer Corman Jones, Tenn. Price Cornell Jordan Randall Cotter Karth Rangel D'Amours Kastenmefer Rees Daniel, Dan Kazen Reuss Daniels, Keys Richmond Dominick V. Koch Risenhoover Danielson Krebs Roberts Davis Krueger Rodino de la Garza LaFalce Roe Delaney Landrum Rogers Dellums Lehman Roncalio Dent Levitas Rooney Derrick Litton Rosenthal Dingell Lloyd, Calif. Rostenkowski Dodd Lloyd, Tenn. Roush Downey Long, LA. Roybal Drinan Long, Md. Runnels Duncan, Oreg. McCormack Russo Early McFall Ryan Eckhardt McHugh St Germain Edgar McKay Santini Edwards, Calif. Macdonald Sarbanes English Madden Satterfield Evans, Colo. Maguire Schauer Evans, Ind. Mahon Evins, Tenn. Mann Fascell Mathis Fisher Matsunaga Fithian Mazzoll Flood Meeda Meyner Mezvinsky Mikva Milford Miller, Calif. Mineta Minish Mink Mitchell, Md. Moakley Moffett Mollohan Montgomery Moorhead, Pa. Morgan Schroeder Seiberling Sharp Shipley Simon Sisk Slack Teague Wilson Smith, Iowa Thompson , Charles H Solari Thornton ., Calif. Spellman Traxier Wilson Staggers Tsongas , Charles Tex Stanton, Udall , . Wirth James V. Ullman Wolff Stark Van Deerlin Wright Stephens Vander Veen Yates Stokes Vanik Yatron Stratton Vigorito Young Ga. Stuckey Waggonner , Young, Tex. Studds Waxman Zablocki Sullivan Weaver Zeferetti Symington White Taylor, N.C. Whitten Barrett Foley Passman Beard, R.I. Ford, Tenn. Riegle Bergland Fulton Rose Biaggi Jarman Schulze Chappell Kemp Skubitz Clawson, Del Leggett Steed Diggs Mills Talcott Downing Moorhead, Taylor, Mo. Eilberg Calif. Wilson, Bob So the amendment was rejected. The result of the vote was announced as above recorded, The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will read. The Clerk read as follows: SEC. 2. The select committee is authorized and directed to conduct an inquiry into- (1) the collection, analysis, use, and cost of intelligence information and allegations of improper activities of intelligence agen- cies in the United States and abroad; (2) the procedures and effectiveness of co- ordination among and between the various intelligence components of the United States Government; (3) the nature and extent of executive branch oversight and control of United States intelligence activities; (4) the need for improved or reorganized oversight by the Congress of United States intelligence activities; (5) the necessity, nature, and extent of overt and covert intelligence activities by United States intelligence instrumentalities in the United States and abroad; (6) the procedures for and means of the protection of sensitive intelligence informa- tion; and (7) such other related matters as the se- lect committee shall deem necessary to-carry out the purposes of this resolution. COMMrrTEE: AMENDMENTS The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will re- port the next committee amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Committee amendment: On page 2, line 12, after the word "of" Insert the words "il- legal or". The committee amendment was agreed to. The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will re- port the next committee amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Committee amendment: On page 3, line 2, strike out the word "and" and insert the fol- lowing : "(7) procedures for and means of the pro- tection of rights and privileges of citizens of the United States from illegal or Improper Intelligence activities; and" And renumber the next paragraph accord- ingly. The committee amendment was agreed to. The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will read. The Clerk read as follows: SEC. 3. In carrying out the purposes of this resolution, the select committee is au- thorized to inquire into the activities of the following: (1) the National Security Council; (2) the United States Intelligence Board; Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE February 19, 1975 (3) the Fresidcat's Foreign Intelligence propriate security clearance as determined will. But as a bare iiiinimum, I -think Advisory Board; by the select. committee. The typo of security these safeguards should be clearly stated 'I) the Central intelligence. Agency; clearance to be required in the case of any ) y: by the full House. Given the nature of 5) the Defense Intelligence Agency. .uch employee or person shall, within the de- the investigation, we cannot abide any ((6) the intelligence components of the i,ermination of the $elect committee, be coni- leaks esti tio fro this Committee. Depittinents of the Army. Ni.vy. and Air niensurate with the sensitivity of the chaasi- Force; led information to -hich such employee or Recent past experiences with staff leaks (7) the National Security A!,ency; oer.;on will be given access by the select should be sufficient in impressing on. (8) the Intelligence and Research Bureau committee. us the need for this body to make the of the Department of State; '(c) As a condition for employment as de- concerns and desires of the full House (9) the Federal Bureau of investigation; ice bed in section 5 of this resolution, each membership explicit In this regard. (10) the Department of the Treasury; person shall agree not to accept any honorer- The conduct of this investigation wiill (11) the Energy Research -nd Develop- Sum, royalty, or other payment for a speak- be a reflection on the entire House, and ment. Administration; and ing engagement, magazine article, book, or (12) any other inatrumentiblties of the other endeavor connected with the invests- as such, we must accept full responsibility United States Government ei gaged in or gatiori and study undertaken oy this com- now for insuring that the investigation otherwise responsible for inters Bence opera- mittee." , does not become eithc:?r a Roman circus inns in the United States and abroad. TvMr. ANDERSO" of Illinois (during or a sieve for national secrets. I urge COn:ntrrTEE ANIENDMSNT the reading). Mr. Chairman, I ask unani- adoption of my amendment. The CHAIRMAN. The Ci,_rk will re- mous consent that further reading of the Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Chair- port the last committee amendment. amendment be dispensed with and that limn, will the gentleman yield? The Clerk read as follow, : it be printed in the RECORD. Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. I am Committee amendment: pace 4, line 1. The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection to pleased to yield to the gentleman from the request of the gentleman) front Illi- Illinois (Mr. MURPHY) . strike out the semicolon and acid the follow - ing: "and the Department of Justice;" no;a Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Chair- man, in a spirit of democratic coopera- The committee amendment was agreed te. Mere was no objection. The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will read. (Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois asked and lion, our side will accept the gentleman's The Clerk read as follows: was given permission to revise and ex- amendment. The CHAIRMAN. The question is on SEC. The select committee the redirc,, tend his O the amendment offered by the gentle- and subpena or otherwiserwise, the attendance Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- man from Illinois (Mr. ANDERSON). --- and, testimony of such witnesses and the maYl, production of such books, n:oords, corre- ~npthenine Gkie RLQylsiolyS,pf The amendment w`=:s agreed to. ara' ANDERSON c k spondence, memorandums, papers, and the resolution designed to nTDLec t-.Cl"- AMENDMENT oFi sED = nS documents as it deems necessary. Subpena' ELLIN m~.~al I may he issued over the signature of the Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- member of the select committee or any would stress a the outset that this lan- member designated by him, and may be guage is identical to that contained in man, I offer an amendment, served by any person designated by the Senate Resolution 21 as adopted, estab- The Clerk read as follows: chairman or such member. Thy chairman of lishing the Senate select committee on Amendment offered by W. ANDERSON of the select committee, or any member design intelligence. As the resolution before us Illinois: On page 5, after line 2, insert the nated by him, may adsninistei oaths to ant reads, the committee shall establish following new section and redesignate see- witness. rules and Irocedures it deems tions 7 and 8 as sections 8 and 9, respectively: SEC. 5. To enable the select committee to whatever "SEC. 7. The expenses of the select com- mittee out the purposes of this resolution, ii appropriate to protect such informa- mittee under this resolution shall not exceed is authorized to employ investigators, ac- tion. $750,000 of which amount not to exceed torneys, consultants, or organizationz My amendment simply elaborates on $100,000 shall be available for the procure- this by specifying that such rules and went of the services of individual consultants thereof, and clerical, steno graphic, and other assistance. procedures should be designed to prevent or organizations thereof. Such expenses shall 6. The select such rules and and shall e procedures is e as tI lthe disclosure outside the committee of be paid from the contingent fund of the andSEC. implement House upon vouchers signed by the chair- authorized may deem necessary to prevent the uis- ally information not authorized to be die- man of the select, committee and approved authorized disclosure of information and closed by the committee, and to prevent m he the sell tsetimony taken in executive Session or ob- , the disclosure of information which by t tained by other means. would adversely affect any of our foreign (Mr, ANDERSON of Illinois asked and AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. ANDER.309 c)! J intelligence activities. was given permission to revise and ex- r[.cSNOiS Moreover, the amendment requires that tend his remarks.) Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr the committee establish security clear- Mr. ANDERSON or Illinois. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment. ance requirements for staff people hav- man, this amendment simply sets an ex- The Clerk read as follows: ing access to classified materials, as the pense ceiling of $750,000 for the select Amendment offered by Mr. ANDERSON committee determines is commensurate committee, along with a subceiling of Illinois: On page 4. strike lines 23 through with the sensitivity of the information. $100,000 for outside consultants and serv- 24 and on page 5 strike lines 1 and 2 and I finally, my amendment requires that, ices. As such, it is Identical to the Ian- Stuinsert. in 6. lieu tThe eos the select ectoimmittee shalt as a condition of employment, staff peo- guage in the Senate-passed resolution. carry out such rules les and pro- pie assigned to the committee, as well as In questioning witnesses on this matter Institute and The ce(?,res as it may deem necessary to prevent outside consultants working with the yesterday in Rules, no estimate was given (1) the disclosure, outside tie select mu-, committee, agree not to accept any pay- on what the select committee might cost. miitee, of any information )-elating to thin ment, royalty or honorarium for speak- The gentleman from Michigan, (Mr. activities of the central Intelligence Agency ing engagement, book, article or other NEDzi) said he didn't think it would cost or any other department or agency of thu endeavor in connection with his or her as much as the Senate investigation, de- acderal Government engaged in intelligence activities, obtained by the select committee work on the committee. Again, I would spite the fact that this is due to run 4 during the course of its study and Invests- stress, this language is identical to that months more than the Senate inquiry. It getion, not authorized by tie select corn- contained in the Senate-passed resolu- was also stated that the amount would n:ittee to be disclosed: and (2) the diselo- Lion. be negotiated with the House Administra- sure, outside the select committee, of any Mr. Chairman, while I do not doubt Bari Committee. ttLfor nation which would s.dversely affect ?.he mtelii.xeome at't,i";tips cif the Centsvl that any such committee would establish Well I do not like the idea of jumping Intelligence Agency in foreign countries or necessary safeguards to protect sensitive into something without having any Idea the intelligence activities in foreign coon- information, I think it is important that haw much it will cost. In the last Con- tries of any other department or agency c?f we in the House impose some minimal. gress, when we established the Select the Federal Government; guidelines and requirements from the Committee on Colrilnittee Reform, the No employee of the e4 tell conunittre very outset in order to give guidance to resolution creating that committee, dS re- ;r any person engaged by co;stract or othe) the committee. There is certainly noth- ported from the Rules Committee, con wise to perform services for the select con,- ing in this amendment which would pre- tamed an authorization level. any elassiiiod mince shall be given access o information by the select committee antes elude the committee from adopting other There is no reason whatsoever why we ciucte employee or person has received an al?- rules In this area, and I am sure they cannot set such a ceiling in this resolu- Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 February 19, roved For R VM Rq*dW.711pA9(1 fR000400020073-9 like to point out to the members of the Committee that we have taken precau- tions here to see to it that the select com- mittee is limited in duration to the end of this year, January 31, 1976. It is not our intention nor our desire to perpetu- ate the Select Committee on Intelligence year after year after year. At the same time-and I am sure that my good friend, the gentleman from Illinois, will agree with me-we want to assure the commit- tee sufficient time to do a creditable job and proper investigation in this area of intelligence activities. We think that the September deadline mentioned in the amendment of the gentleman is not real- istic. It gives very little time. I recognize the fact that the other body has selected that date. However, I would say that the other body has already passed its legislation. It has.a head start of some weeks on this body and, quite frankly, it is our opinion and that of the cosponsors of this legislation that the deadline date which the other body has incorporated into this legislation will not be sufficient to do a proper job, and my guess will be that they will be extend- ing theirs. I do not think it is unreasonable to 'limit the duration of this select commit- tee until January 31, 1976, and I ask that the amendment be voted down. The CHAIRMAN. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentle- man from Illinois (Mr. ANDERSON) The amendment was rejected. Mrs. FENWICK. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the last word. (Mrs. FENWICK asked and was given permission to revise and extend her remarks.) Mrs. FENWICK. I should like to ap- peal, Mr. Chairman, to the Members of this House, and most particularly to my friends on the other side of the aisle. I think we all know that patriotism rath- er than partisanship is what must guide us if we are to respond to what the peo- ple told us to do In the last election. There is more to it. I think an investiga- tory body has to not only do justice but be seen to do justice. I think that we should rise to it. I hope very much, since the section does not describe the mem- bership of the committee, but leaves it entirely to the generosity and the spirit of bipartisanship of the Speaker and of the leadership and of the great majority of Democrats in this House, that per- haps it could be at least 6-to-4, if not 5-to-5. I know that my friends on the other side of the aisle know that I speak in no partisan spirit, but I think it would con- vince'the people of this Nation that we can rise above party, that we are ear- nestly seeking the truth, that we are not trying to go on witch hunts or hurt peo- ple, but that we are trying to protect the integrity of our institutions and the ur- gent and necessary fact that the institu- tions of government cannot be used for personal or political reasons. All this needs to be driven home, and I hope that the composition of the committee will ef- fect it. I thank the Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will read. tion..Moreover, given thq potential scope the intelligence communities, then we of this investigation, covering . as It does should act together as soon as possible every agency of the Federal Government on doing this. There can be no excuse having anythingg to' do with Intelligence- for dragging out the House investigation and broadly d'elined, "intelligence" sim- 4 months beyond that of the Senate, and ply. means Information gathering-I in the meantime delaying necessary and think it is important at the outset that we possibly joint action on this problem. I. establish an overall dollar ceiling so that would add, parenthetically, that I sus- the committee will bd forced to set its pect a recommendation may be made to priorities immediately and get on with establish a Joint Committee on Intelli- the -most important aspects of such an gence Oversight, and, for that reason, it investigation. I suspect that if the com- is imperative that we act promptly And mittee did everything he, could do. under jointly. its authority in this resolution, the in- Mr. Chairman, I know that argument veitlgation could run for years and cost will be made that there is no way our the taxpayers millions. As I mentioned in committee can carry out its assignment -the Rules Committee, this could turn out under this resolution in just 6 months. I to be the biggest fishing expedition since have no doubt that it could take from .Moby Dick. I do not think that is what now until doomsday to do a thorough most Members,pf this body want.,We are job of implementing its mandate. But of .primarily concerned with the more glar- supreme importance, it seems to me, is ing and disturbing allegations of illegal that this committee address itself to the and improper Intelligence activities and most glaring and immediate allegations .operations. And we want this. committee before it, and then turn over the rest to to report back as soon as possible on a more permanent mechanism of the what steps the executive and legislative Congress to continue with. This is what 'branches might take to strengthen their we should have been doing all along, and control ,arid oversight over the intelli- I do not think we have to wait 11 months gencg community. for a select committee to tell us that. We - Mr. Chairman, justas other commit- should move as goon as possible to estab- tees are required to report the expected -lishing such a permanent mechanism cost of , programs they recommend, I and get on with the job. think we have an obligation to require In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, ,I think ,the same of our own In-house activities this reporting deadline is in the best in- ,by setting such cost parameters. I urge terests of the Congress and the Nation .adoption of ally amendment.' , in establishing within. the Congress a Mr. MURPHY 'of Illinois. Mr. Chair- permanent mechanism for conducting man, will the gentleman yield? continuing review and oversight of the - Mr, ANDERSON of'Il inois. I am de- intelligence community. Let us move to- lighted to yield to the gentleman from gather with the other body, on the same Illinois. timetable and deadline in accomplishing Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Chair- that larger end. ;>n,:ln, in a further demotration of that I urge adoption of my amendment. same spirit of conciliation and coopera- Mr. Chairman; I do not see the gentle- tion, we will accept the amendment on man from Illinois, my colleague on the this side. committee, rising, asking me to yield, The CHAIRMAN. The question is on so I must assume that the same spirit of the amendment offered by the gentleman conciliation and cooperation 'does not from Illinois (1bfr. ANDERSON). prevail, on this fourth and final amend- ' The amendment was agreed to. ment that I offer to House Resolution The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will read. 13$, but I now yield to the gentleman The Clerk read as follows: from Illinois in the hope that the gentle- SEe. 7. The select committee is aut'iorized man has changed his mind after listen- and directed to report to the House With re- ing to my remarks. spent to the matters covered by this resolu- Mr. MURPHY of Illinois. Mr. Chair- tion as soon as practicable but no later than man, I must say to my colleague, the- January 31, 1976. gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ANDERSON) AIWENDMENT OFFERED HY MR. ANDERSON OF that the same spirit of conciliation and II.LINOis cooperation that prevailed with regard Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- to the other amendments does not pre- n}an, I offer an' amendment. vail in regard to this amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- Amendment QfYered by Mr. ANDERSON of man, I regret that the gentleman from Illlnofs; 'On' rage 8, strike all of line 6 and Illinois .does not have the same feeling insert in lieu thereof. the following: ,Sep- of conciliation and cooperation with re- te:arber 1, 1975." spect to this amendment, but, regardless (Mr. ANDEI3SON,of Illinois asked and of where we stand on the political aisle, was given permission to revise and ex- I would invite the support of the gentle- tend his remarks.) man for the amendment because I con- Mr.-ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- sider that it is in the interest of getting man, this amendment would change the the kind of an investigation that we want reporting deadline for the select commit- on both sides of the political aisle. tee from January 31., 1976 to September _ Mr. GIAIMO. Mr. Chairman, I rise in 1, 1975. Again, the deadline contained In opposition to the amendment offered by my amendment, is identical to that of`the the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ANDER- Senate committee. And I think for a very soN). obvious, and practical reason.. If both of 71Vtr. GIAIMO asked and was given these committees will be making recom- ' permission to revise and extend his improve and strengthen Its oversight of ' Mr. GIAIMO. Mr. Chairman, I should Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000400020073-9 H 882 Approved For R s~J~%lUN~~~ Yg7Mff3tt4 000400021 cw 9at,a .19 1975 SEC. 8. The authority granted herein shall expire three months after the fllinl, of the re- port with the House of Representatives. The CHAIRMAN. If there are no further amendments, under the rule, the Committee rises. Accordingly the Committee rose; and the Speaker having resumed the chair, Mr. FLYNT, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, reported that that Committee, having had under consideration the res- olution (H. Res, 138) establishing a Select Committee on Intelligence, pur- suant to House Resolution 174, he re- ported the resolution back to the House with sundry amendments adopted by the Committee of the Whole. The SPEAKER. Under the rule, the previous question Is ordered. Is a separate vote demanded on any amendment? If not, the Chair will put them en gros. The amendments were agreed to. The SPEAKER. The question is on the resolution. Mr. BAUMAN. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. The vote was taken by electronic de- vice, and there were-yeas 286, nays 120, not voting 26, as follows: [Roll No. 18] YEAS-286 Abzug de Is Garza Heckler, W. Va. Adams Delaney Heckler, Mass. Addabbo Dellums Hefner Alexander Dent Roth's Ambro Derwinski Helsi oski Anderson, Dingell Heno erson Calif. Dodd Hightower Anderson, Ill. Downey Hllli Andrews, N.C. Drinan Holly nd Andrews, du Pont lioltienan N. Da.k. Early How;;rd Annunzio Eckhardt Howr Armstrong Edgar Hughes Ashley Edwards, Calif. Huni;ate Aspin Emery Icho"d Bodillo English Jacobs Baldus Erlenborn Johnson, Calif. BaucuS Each Johnson, Colo. Beard, R.I. Evans, Colo. Jone. i, Ala. Bedell Evans, Ind. Jone:;, N.C. Bell Evins. Than. Jone:;, Okla. Bennett Fascell Jones, Tenn. Biaggi Fenwick Jordi;n Btester Findley Kart:i Bingham Fish East 'n Blanchard Fisher. Kast;nmeier Blouin Fithian Kazan Boggs Flood Keys Boland Florio Koc1" Boiling Flowers Kreb3 Boater Flynt Lehman Bowen Foley Litton Ilradmas Ford, Mich. Lloyt'., Tenn. 3reaux Ford, Than. Long, La. Breckinridge Fraser Long, Md. Brodhead Frenzel Luja ; Brooks Frey McClory Broomfield Fuqua McCloskey Brown, Calif. Gaydos MCCG,rmack Brown, Ohio Glaimo McD: ,de Broyhill Gibbons Burke, Calif. Gilman MOE' igh Burke, Mass. Gonzales McKay Burlison, Mo. Oradison Mes. may Burton, John L.Grasaley Macdonald Burton, Phillip Green Madden Carney Glide Madigan Carr Haley Maguire Chisholm Hall Mahon lay Hamilton Nan at Cohen Hanley Mat:, _inaga Collins, 111. Hannaford Maz:?oli Conte Harkin Heeds Conyers Harrington Meh. -,or orman Harris Metelfe tter Hastings Mey; er Daniels, Ilawkins Mezvinsky Dominick V. Hayes, Ind. Mikva Danielson Hays, Ohio Miller, Calif. Davis Hebert Mineta N!: inish Q?lie N nk Ratisback A:itchell, Md. Randall A tchel1, N.Y. Rangel N akley Rees Ii offett Regina Adlohan Reuss &. :orhead, Pa. Richmond Sad- organ R.ualdo 1t'.osher Ruenhoover R^,-'oss Rodino IV ottl Saurphy, Ill. N nrphy, N.Y. A,,""urtha N etcher Nest 1V r dzi nix Nowak Oberstar t obey "'Brien O'Hara O'Neill Ottinger 1' ttman Roe Rogers Ronealio Rooney Rosenthal Rostenkowski Roush Roybal Runnels Rtuppe Russo Rvan St Germain Sarasin $arbanes Schauer Patterson, Caltf.Sebroeder i- attison, N.Y. Beiberling I'pper P'rkins F'vser P;ckle I? ke Pressler P;?eyer Price P "i tchard Sharp Shipley Slrriver Billion Sisk Slack Smith, Iowa Solarr. Spellman NAYS-120 Staggers Stanton, J. William Stanton. James V. Stark Steelman Stokes Studds Sullivan Symington Thompson Thornton Treen Tson_;as Udall Ullman Vander Veen Vanik Vigorito Wampler Waxman Weaver Whalen Wilson, Charles H., Calif. Wilson, Charles, Tex. Wirth Wolff Wright Yates Yatron Young, Alaska Young, Ga. Zablocki Zeferotti A dner Forsythe Nichols A-cher Fountain Nolan A ihbrook Ginn Passman AaCoin Goodling Patten Bafalis Guyer Poage Bauman ~iagedorn Quillen Beard, Tenn./ Hammer Rhodes llavill schimidt Roberts ilsinkley Hansen Robinson Brown, Mich. Harsher Rousselot ilxchanan Hicks Santini liurgener Hinshaw Satterfield I1-rke, Fla. Holt Schneebeli Burleson, Tex. Hubbard Sebelius Butler Hutchinson Shuster li:ron Jenrette Sikes C i rter Johnson, Pa. Skubitz Casey Kelly Smith. Nebr. }C derberg ][emp Snyder C:ancy etchum Spence C ausen, Kindness d/]telger, Ariz. Don H. Krueger Steiger, Wis. C,eveland LaFalce Stephens t., iehran gomarsino Stuckey C dins, Tex. O'Landruln Symms 1' riable Latta Taylor, N_C. C?7nien Lent Teague Cornell Levitas hone t:,ughlin Lloyd, Calif. Van Deerlin C: -s'ne Lott Vander Jagt i a Amours M