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Journal - Office of T.nv;ci~f;x.o r..,,_.._, M 0144R000300100017-3 , jRft*,,e(tF-offRejezaeW9X/03~ 1bNTlA1 AL USE ONLY 20. (Confidential - WPB) Shirlee McGloon, administrative assistant to Representative J. William Stanton, (R. , Ohio), phoned to inquire how a constituent in Columbus, Ohio would go about reporting to the Agency information which he believed was of signi- ficant intelligence value. Apparently, the constituent in question had once been in military intelligence. I told her I would get back 21. (Internal Use Only - PLC) Called Ralph Malvik, Office of Management and Budget, and inquired as to the status of the Agency's proposal to amend the CIA Retirement Act. Malvik said he had asked for comments from two agencies--the Civil Service Commission and Treasury. He had heard from Treasury and they had no problems with the funding proposal. He had not as yet heard from the Civil Service Commission and thought they might have some problems. Once he hears from them, the measure will be cleared for fission to the Congress. 25X1A I subsequently calledi DD/PERS, and he said he would immediately call his contacts in the Civil Service Commission and see what the hold-up was. 22. (Internal Use Only - PLC) Received a call from Andy Gabriel, in the Legislative Liaison office of the Vice President, and discussed in general the Agency's handling of requests by individuals under the Freedom of Information Act for any information that the Agency may have concerning them. Gabriel wanted this as information in handling requests which he has been receiving from individuals from time to time, 23. (Internal Use Only -- PLC) Mike Cavanagh, Staff Assistant, House Post Office and Civil Service Subcommittee on Postal Facilities, Mail, and Labor Management, called to advise us that the letter to the Director requesting his appearance to discuss the mail survey program would be ready for pick up tomorrow morning, 19 June 1975, in the office of Chairman Charles H. Wilson (D. , Calif. ). Cavanagh said the date for the meeting would be left open since the original date of 24 June presents problems. I again made it clear that there was no firm commitment being made as to the Director's appearance. 24. (Internal Use Only - FMC) Received a call from Al Tarabochia, `- T"=' ,- r'T- Subcomn-iittee on Internal Security staff, who asked for the Cuban ambassadors to Panama and Portugal. After calling LA Division ix.;ft, _ __ _ and checkin g CIA INTERNAL 10 E Q?_! CONFIDENR-IL Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100017-3 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100017-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 17 June 1975 Pages C INTERNAL USE o SECRET 16. (Confidential - PLC) Judy, in Representative Otis G. Pike's (D. , N. Y.) office, called on behalf of a constituent who wanted a copy of an unclassified report which the constituent said the Agency published on Soviet missiles. After checking with OCI, I called her back and said we had not issued any such report. I referred her to an open publication by Secretary of Defense, Schlesinger on Soviet weapons. A 18. (Confidential - PLC) Called Myrna Sanchez in the San Francisco office of Senator Alan Cranston (D. , Calif.) and informed her that a final decision had not yet been made in the case of Agency contract employee, I I l: told her I would let her know immediately when a decision is made. She had called the Director's office earlier and spoke tol claiming that she had talked to someone in the Office of Legislative Counsel last week on the case but had not recorded his name and telephone number? Sanchez asked what the appeal procedures would 25X1A be if contract is terminated. I explained that the final decision would undoubtedly rest with the Director. I subsequently called Office of Personnel, and we agreed that it might be best if the final decision in this case was made by the Director. to INTERNAL USE ONLY cc: O/ DDCI Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T EA/DDO RGE L. CARY egislative Counsel Comptroller Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100017-3 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100017-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 6 Monday - 16 June 1975 ~~~~~~D~~~~~ CAA INTERNAL USE ONLY A[ 26. (Internal Use Only - FMC) Received a call from Bill Kennedy, House Armed Services Committee staff, who called to notify us of a hearing which would be going to GPO for printing so we could call them and "ride the jacket" for the copies we needed. After checking with Mr. Gary, I called Library Acquisitions and had them order 200 copies of "Hearing before the Special Subcommittee on Intelligence of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, Inquiry into Matters Regarding Classified Testimony Taken on April 22, 1974, concerning the CIA and Chile. " 27. (Confidential - PLC) Called Clark McFadden, Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, and advised him that I had spoken to Douglas Lea, Counsel, bcomm" on Constitutional Rights, and confirmed wit im the problems invo ve in an Agency representative appearing in open session to discuss the Agency's research and development in all aspects of surveillance. I suggested that Chairman John V. Tunney (D. , Calif. ) may wish to discuss this with Chairman John C. Stennis (D. , Miss. Senate Armed Services Committee. I also told McFadden that Mr. Cary had informed Senator Stennis of the request. Ul'A I, INTERNAL USE ONLY EORGE L. CAR, z-' egislative Counsel cc: O /DDC I Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T Mr. Warner EA/DDO Compt. Mr. Thuer)ner Item 111 -- OP Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100017-3 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100017-3 Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 13 June 1975 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY D~'ti Page 5 20. (Unclassified -- PLC) Chuck Kline, Press Secretary to Representative Ronald A. Sarasin (R. , Conn, ), called regarding a Freedom of Information request and I gave him the procedures to be followed, suggesting that it would be best for the individual to write directly to the Freedom of Information Coordinator. 22, (Confidential - PLC) After a discussion with Mr. Gary, I called Douglas Lea, Counsel-q,-nata udiciarv_Si~h~ca ittee on Constitutional Rights, concerning Chairman John V. Tunney's (D. , Calif. ) request for an Agency representative to appear before an open hearing on 23 June 1975 to discuss the Agency's research and development in all aspects of surveillance. I confirmed the Agency's position that our appearance would present serious problems and suggested that Chairman Tunney might wish to discuss this with Chairman John C. Stennis (D. , Miss. Senate Armed Services Committee. Lea said he would discuss this with the Chairman and would let me know. STATOTHR 23. (Internal Use Only - PLC) Handled a call made by Ito Mr. Thuermer's office seeking to know the whereabouts of an individual previously assigned in Vietnam. claimed to be calling STATOTHR on behalf of Representative Paul N. McCloskey, Jr, (R, , Calif. ). Inquiries determined there is no such individual in McCloskey's office. See Memorandum to the Office of Security CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY, GV ORGE L. CARY Legislative Counsel cc: O /DDC I Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T Mr. Warner Comet. Mr. Thuermer Approved For Release 2007/03/06: CIA-RDP77MO01-44R00030b1'O001- :l~: Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100017-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Wednesday - 11 June 1975 C NFlu"E TI. L MN TERNAC USE 23. (Internal Use Only - PLC) Mike Cavanagh, Staff Assistant, House Post Office and Civil Service Subcommittee on Postal Facilities, Mail, and Labor Management, called concerning the Subcommittee' ss request for the Director to appear on 24 June 1975 to discuss the mail intercept program. I explained that the Agency still had serious problems since this matter is being investigated by the select committees. I requested that the Subcommittee submit a letter requesting the Di.r..ector'.s appearance and detailing those items which they are going to cover. Cavanagh said he would check and call me back. 24. (Confidential - PLC) Douglas Lea, Counsel, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, called and reques -.ef that an Agency representative testify in an open hearing to be held on Monday, 23 June 1975 on "surveillance technology. '! The hearing will be held jointly with the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Commerce which is chaired by Senator John V. Tunney (D. , Calif. ) who is Chairman of both these subcommittees. Lea requested a full rundown on the technology research and development and state all aspects of surveillance including electronic eavesdropping, laser beams, etc. The purpose of the hearing is to recommend necessary safeguards and controls on such activities to protect personal privacy. All security and law enforcement agencies are being requested to testify. I raised strong objections to the Agency's appearance on the grounds of intelligence sources and methods and also that the select committees will be including such matters in their investigation. He would not accept either objection and asked that I check the request out and call him back. I subsequently discussed the call with. Clark McFadden, Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee. He agreed that the Agency should not appear and was certain that Chairman Stennis would back us up. He said he did not feel it was necessary to discuss this with the Senator at this time. CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 25X1A A_ Legislative Counsel cc: O/DDCI I Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T Mr. Warner EA /DDO Compt. Mr. Thuermer Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100017-3