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July 1, 1975
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1,:;E'COM MI Vr&i% JAMES O. EAS LANn. MISS., C)IAIHMAN A ~C9-oved ForlRe a 2QU71O3/08 CIA-RDP77M00144R0003001000~ `= ' "" "' '`DY, MA-v_ CFIAIRMAN PHILIP A. /TART. MICH. HI'(Hl SCOTT, PA. f:DWARD M. IC_NNiDY. MASK. STP+)M THIJRMOND, Sc.. 1HIJCH DAY". IND. I.IARLOW W. COOK, KY. EL'EHTIN N. UURDICK, N. DAK. CHARLES ML C. t.IATHIAS, JR., ,An, FIWIEP.Y C. 1'IYR0, W. VA. EDWARD J. G,UI'.NEY, FLA. `II RCH iIAY H, iN:~. q'JS:NTIFf N. L.'AK. JCi-IN V. IUNNEY CALIF. JCHN V. TIJ",KY. CALIF. 1 (.' PETER IA. STDCKETr, ire. ~7 ; y~/' ':/ ~'3'S"I J !"~",~ r IY ~+Y'~'?' CC)h1 ITi EE ON THE JUDICIARY 5USCOMMITTE# ON Ar)MINI STRATIV_ PRACTICE: AND PROCEDURE (PURSUANT TO 7. 5. RES. 54, 5MD CONGRESS) WASHINGTON. D.C. 20510 July 1, 1975 Dear Agency Director: As you know, the 1974 amendments to the Freedom of Information Act require each agency to file with the Speaker o?f the douse of Representatives and the President-of the Senate a report on or before March 1 of each year covering specified. aspects of the administration of the Act during the prior calendar year (S U.S 552(d)). In accordance with established procedures, these repo will be referred to and considered by the Subcommittee on Adniin: strative Practice and Procedure of the Senate Judiciary Commi.t:t( and the Subcommittee on Government Information a ld Indi.vi-.dual Rights of the House Committee on.Government Operations. A model Report Form for providing the information is ellc losecl . We request that you utilize chi s format insofar as pr, ctic ~l)"!. so that the information furnished :ai.ll be un:i_form in style and ll :Facilitate the monr1i.torin compatible as to substance. This tivi. and evaluation of agency efforts to comply S i t .t the prov1c>ion`~ of the Act, as contemplated by the reporting restUlTefflen .s. it will also provide the Congress with data relevcnt to ihecon- sideration of possible clarification or revision of tn.Iv Frce- dam of 'Information Act in the future. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Edward M. Kexhnedy IibJ.1.a. S. 16ML' Ig Approved For Release 2007/03/08 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100006-5 F r)OM OF .L1i ~ 17 t i11 N ACrP Approved For Release 2007/03/08 CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100006-5 ) . rIUAL REPOIt`' TDU`u l,i.^.R(;iJ 1., 191;'c: .PIL1 -SIJAi T TO 5 U.S.C. `>2 d- ..t ? J: i:-__ .r. r; -I lo:ri ng in "orrna ,i_on with respect to the prior ca_lend a. r ye :?r : S.ger as de f: ned in the Frc.c 2dom 0-F' `Cnfc, fmati or as on or before March 1 of each yea:c the Total number of initial determinations not to comply wit with equest for records made under subsection 552(a). Authority relied uoon for each such determination. (a) Exemptions in 552(b): Exempt on :i_nvoked Number of time.- invoked by number) (b) S Qatute s invoked. pursuant to Exemption No. 3: Statutory citation Number of times invoked. Other authority (Specify by category or d.escri_be individually as appropriate -- e . g. , failure adequately to identify records, non-posse lion. of -records; refusal to pay reasonable search or reproduction_ fees, etc. ). Number of times i2`1VO}.c.d Lis names and titles or positions of each person who is responsible for the initial denial of records requested and number of instances of participation of each: Number of instances of Earticz_pa on Total number of intra-agency appeals from adverse initial decisions made pursuant to subsection (a)(6): (a) number' of appeals in upon review, request (b) for information was ,ranted in .full. Dumber of appeals in :r ich, upon eviev;, request for information was denied in .full. Number of appe,'tls in ^_1.c-1, U Xon ev':i_ S'r request .ac der:L. d .3r. p art. Approved For Release 2007/03/08 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100006-5 Approved For Release 2007/03/08 : L9-RDP77M00144R000300100006-5 Specify authority relied upon for total or part.al denials on appeal, using the same format as in 2(a), (b) and (c) above. List names and title or positions of each person on appeal, is responsible for the denial in whole or in part of records requested and the number of instances of par- ticipation of each. Number of Instances of Name Title Participation. Provide a copy of each court opinion or order giving rise to a proceeding under subsection (a)(t)(w'); a copy of the Civil Service Commission findings and recommendations on each such proceeding; and a report of the disciplinary action taken against the officer or employee who was primarily responsible for improperly withholding records or an explanation of why disciplinary action was not taken. Provide an up-to-date copy of all rules or regulations issued pursuant to or in implementation of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). (Only amendments need, be filed with reports for calendar years subsequent to the report filed. for calendar year 1975). Provide separately a copy of the fee schedule adopted and the total dollar amount of fees collected for making records available. furnish as a r_ nimum the l0 . Pursuant to subparagraph (d)(-' ), following information as indicative of efforts to administer fully this section. A. Availability of Records. A list of all new categories or segregable portions of records now being released. upon request. (See e.g., Attorney General's Memorandum, Feburary 1975, pp. 1,-16-22). B. Costs. A statement of incremental costs incurred in a inistering the 1971 amendments to the Act. (See e.g., Attorney General's Memorandum, Feburar; 1975, Tpp endix III--B, p. 13). C. Comul:i.ance with time limitations for a ;e-n- detennin a' ions . Subparagraph a. p A 1)rUVtG.E o e 1n-L U L l .e e rm:i n:.ation to be made on any r eCiuostt O ^ records 1. -'C; 10 Wor"i- r'a day s i.'?.S j _ ; L o :i s` _. c i Approved For Release 2007/03/08 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100006-5 Approved For Release 2007/03/08 : CJ,A_ RDP77M00144R000300100006-5 receipt. In case Oti E:,npe-al_ ~'~?o t all `eii L _ tl denia.l, a de t;nmnaaa.on onhe appea made by the age c'y' with n 20 YJOY''tC:l_1 g days ( flour YI'el s) after 1 ece:i nt r th e ap -je ~,l. The amendrnen- lg Contain two provisions f orexte,-is _ion of Life i'Ore ;O _ t irae l rl.its . (1) an additional 10 days in three type of unusual c:i_rcumstances, and (2) where authorized. by a court. (See the detailed. discussion of these provisions appearing I_- the Attorney General's 2-7). Memorandum, Feburary 1075, Appendix III-D, rip. (Z) Provide the total number of instances in which it was necessary to seek a 10-day extension of time, broken do?,:ri as folloY;s : The need. to search fo and collect the requested. records from field facilities or Other establishments that are separate from the office processing the request. (b) The need. to search for, collect, and appropriate, e. amine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records which are demanded in a single request. con "1 i2:LCi} shall be The need. for ' - __~ultu.tl_Ji , 1+_ conducted. w-t all practicable speed., with another age_-_cy having a su::~ >tar_a,ia1 interest in the dete i:'_r_ination of the request or of among two or more components oL the agency having substantial subject--matter interest therein. (II) Provide the total number of instances where f er- court appeals were taken on the basis o haustion_, of administrative proceci.ures because the agency was unable to comply with the request within the applicable time limits. (III) Provide the total number of instances i n which a court allowed a ;.di ti oral time upon. a showing of exceptional c; rcu_~nstances, together. with a copy of each court" o pinion or order containing ~i such an extension of _ time. D. Internal Peraor?anda. a cop\ of all unpublished 3nter'na'l proaed.u Approved For Release 2007/03/08 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100006-5 ?Approved For Release 2007/03/08.: Clio RDP77M00144R000300100006-5 ad.r:'.nister inL the Act or defining it s coverage ~ to ,e tiler with a, statement indicating whether he me orand.a or :i_nstruct ions- are publicly available or, 7f not,, the legal basis for non-disclosure of any such d.ocurnent . Approved For Release 2007/03/08 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300100006-5 r Ib X UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING LI TO NAME AND ADDRESS DA INITIALS 1 2 . 3 A4 4 5 6 ACTION APPROVAL COMMENT CONCURRENCE DIRECT REPLY DISPATCH FILE INFORMATION PREPARE REPLY RECOMMENDATION RETURN SIGNATURE Remarks : Pat: This is the letter. I inquired about yesterday. We f nd it among our "to be filed" material. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE 6 Jan A roved For Release 2007/03/08 : 1A-RDP77 0144R000 X UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET 00100006-5 FONM NO. 9.17 Use previous editions 00100006-5