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Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050071-9 Addendum to Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Thursday - 31 July 1975 SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 9. Received a call from Carl. Marcy, former Staff Director of Senate Foreign Relations Committee who is now representing various foreign policy groups. He said the e-n er for Study of Democratic Institutes, which he described as a reputable organization, and the Fund for Peace (before whom the Director spoke last year) would be sponsoring Pacem in Terris IV on the West Coast in December. He said they are trying to get President Ford and Mr. Brezhnev to speak via satellite and would also like to get Mr. Colby and Senator Frank Church to participate on a panel. I told him someone had been in touch with Angus Thuermer on this subject and I would talk with Thuermer and also with the Director. Marcy said Fred Warner Neal and Harry Ashmore, who are putting this together would like an opportunity to speak with the Director on his designated representative about the possibility of his appearance. 10. Delivered to Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, copies of biographic sketches on Soviet officials. 11.. I Delivered to Ev Bierman, Minority Consultant, House International Relations Committee, a letter from the Director to Representative William S. Broomfield (R. , Mich.) concerning the effects of16 his assistance in getting his family Verry said that 25X1C Senator Kennedy will send a letter -rnbassy. She will let me know of the outcome but was not very optimistic. I explained the Agency has no direct relationship wit 13,. Picked up from J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Internal Security, a paper on Cuban communist influence in Puerto Rico written by an employee of the Puerto Rican Department of Justice who has appeared as a witness before the Subcommittee. He asked that the Agency review the paper written in Spanish and advise him as to whether we consider it worthwhile to be published in Spanish as an exhibit to the hearings. He also asked if the Agency would consider translating the paper to English, if we have a. strong interest in it. , DDO, was advised of this and given the package. CIA INTERNAL USE Ci `SLY SE 12. Met with Jan Verry, in the office of Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D., Mass.), and discussed who has written a letter to Senator Kennedy seeking Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050071-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050071-9 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 30 July 1975 CON 1NTEi'F AL USE Qt1L Page 5 13. Called. Les Janka, NSC staff, concerning the request we received from Tom S:neeton, Minority Counsel., House International Relations Committee, for Representative William. Broomfield (R., Mich.), and Janka agreed with my general concern and said that a letter might not be needed as the issue might be mooted this afternoon on the Senate floor because of parliamentary problems in getting the Senate to a vote on the Turkish aid. Janka promised to keep me advised as to the progress on this problem., 14. Marian Czarnecki, Chief of Staff, Ilouse International Relations Committee, called and as a result we scheduled a briefing by the Director of the Subcommittee on Oversight on a CA project for Thursday, 31 July at 4:00 p.m. 15. Kathy Bennett, in the office of Les Janka, NSC staff, called and reviewed with me the state of play on the Senate floor on the Turkish aid legislation. 16o George Berdes, Consultant:, Subcommittee on International Security and Scientific Affairs, 1-louse International Relations Committee, called and asked if Mr. Duckett, DDS&`T:, would be able to conduct his briefing of the Subcommittee at 2:00 today within one hour. He said the Committee would be starting markup on the Vladivostok Resolution at 3:00. 1 told him I was sure this would be alright but that I would notify Mr. Duckett. 17. I Marge Myhre, Senate_ -Xj,Q Committee st called and said they had a letter for the Dir. ector from Chairman John Sparkman (D., Ala.) that they would like picked up today. I told her someone from our office would be by to pick it up. 18. I Maryann Alberf_son, in the office of Senator Dick Clark (D., Iowa), called and asked that the briefing for the Senator scheduled for today at 2:00 p.m. on Zaire be changed to Friday, 1 August, at 2:00 p.m. OCI, has been alerted.. Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050071-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050071-9 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 30 July 1975 M WOW USE ONLY Carl Marcy, former Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Cnmmi+td now with the Fund for Peace, t!"iled to explore the possibility of the Director appearing jointly with Senator Frank Church (D., Idaho) to address a convocation in Washington, D. C. during the first week of December which is being sponsored by the Santa Barbara Institute and the Fund for Peace. The topic would be "National Security and Democratic Process. i? In other sessions, Marcy mentioned that they were trying to arrange a COMSAT discussion with President Ford and Leonid Breshnev and Secretary of State Kissinger and former Senator William Fulbright (D., Ark.). in STAT the office of the Assistant to the Director, has been informed and will follow up. 2. Bob Boyer, Staff Consultant, House International Relations Committee, called in connection with the study being conducted for the Committee by the GAO on the protection of nuclear material and our desire to deal with the Committee directly rather than through GAO. Boyer, for his. part, explained the problems and obstacles he was running into, mainly with the Department of State, in getting cooperation on this matter. I told him that we were fully prepared to brief the staff at their convenience on what little information, we have on this subject and that I thought it was much better for us to follow the procedures that have been established over the last 25 years in. our dealings with the Committee on such matters until there is an informed judgment reached on changing those procedures which is an issue now pending before the Select Committees. Boyer said our arguments had merit and he uld_r_eflect upon them. I~ ltd E[;NNAr !JSE O i Y _C ?INIWDET CL Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050071-9