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Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144k000300050070- Journal ?- Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 12 August 1975 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 3 9. Charles Snodgrass, House Appropriation Defense Subcommittee staff, called and we briefly reviewed the discussion between he and yesterday. Snodgrass said that the decision at this point is tentative at best and he would like to get together within early September following the Far East trip. 10. Received a call from Peter Poole, in the office of Senator Charles Percy (R., Ill. ). Ile said they were interested in any reports out of the People's Republic of China on the congressional delegation's visit there. He indicated that for some reason they have not been receiving the FBIS reports and they were particularly interested in any Chinese comment on the Senator's recent visit there. I told him I would check on this and. someone would be back in touch. 11. Talked with Les Janka, NSC staff, about the material we had pulled together `which was responsive to the Sparkman/Fascell/ GAO inquiries regarding theMaya ier incident. We discussed possible responses to Chairman Sparkman and Janka suggested that in effect we send an interim reply in view of the highly sensitive security classification of the post mortem and SitReps which were involved. We could then offer to either brief the Committee in executive session or sit down with the Chairman and discuss the matter further with him. A reply along the lines suggested by Janka has been drafted and sent to the Director. 12. I In response to his earlier call, I contacted Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee staff, to tell him we had checked our files on Agency briefings of their Subcommittee on Chile and found there were in fact two briefings in which there were transcripts and one in which there was no transcript in which Chile was mentioned. I identified. the transcripts as being briefings on 2 and 3 March 1971 and 3 February 1972 and the other one, for which there was no transcript, was 1 June 1972. Preston said since the request and the Chairman's interim answer clearly relate only to transcripts, he was not interested in any others. He also indicated and I agreed that in view of the sensitivity of the material involved. in some of these briefings that he intended to provide the Department of Justice with only those pages of the transcripts that dealt with testimony on Chile. He asked if we would Xerox copies of those pages and send them to him on Thursday. I said I would do so. He pointed out that the Chairman's interim answer to the Justice Department does not make a commitment to provide this material but does indicate that the Chairman will raise this matter with the Subcommittee when the Congress returns from recess in September- CIA IN-rEiRM"" dpprove f` 'd For Release 200/0 f 2y ~A~77 MII0144R000300050070-0 s 25X1 25X1A 25X1A Monday - 11 August 1975 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel MA' INTFPAl 11SF ONE Y CON' H DEN IAL 0 Page 2 `. Contacted Guy McConnell, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, Clark McFadden, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, and Elly Vogtmann, of Pat Holt' s staff on the Senate 'oreinRelations C'nmm;tfi- and asked that they make notations in, their records that on this date we had contacted the Committee to indicate that the Director had received a new Presidential finding under the Foreign Assistance Act on which he was prepared to brief the Committees. (Obviously, this would have to wait the Committees' return in September.) r+?..s~cvu, General Counsel, Senate Agriculture Committee, indicating an interest in information from the Agency regarding crop report studies which the staff must submit to the Committee upon its return in September. He is specifically interested in a briefing on Soviet grain production. I told 25X1A a r_T . of their staff, and had planned to contact him today for just such a purpose. 25X1A After conferring with I advised McLeod that we would be available for a briefing of himself and Henry Casso, Chief Economist, whom he mentioned was also interested. The briefing was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. a c.owc.. o t on this matter. CIA INTERNAL ;JOE M>>_j' NF1DE Oppenheimer, UAU, asking where things stood with respect to their requests for information to be included in the study being prepared on behalf of Representative Dante Fascell's.(D., Fla.) Subcommittee on International Political and Military Affairs, of the House International Relations Committee, having to do with the Mayaguez affair. I told Oppenheimer that we had pulled together considerable information on this but indicated that we were awaiting guidance from the NSC staff as to how to proceed. In response to my question, Oppenheimer , aid they had been in touch with the NSC staff and were advised that they in turn were attempting to get guidance from Dr. Kissinger or Gener l S f h1AL Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Friday - 8 August 1975 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL 10. Received a call from Ralph Preston, Staff Assistant, Defense Subcommittee, House Appropriations Committee, concerning a letter Chairman George H. Mahon (D., Texas) has received from the Assistant Attorney General requesting access to certain Committee documents. (See Memorandum for the Record.) II. The Director called to advise of a telephone conversation he had today with Joseph Sisco, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, State Department, regarding events which transpired during the testimony of Deputy Secretary Robert S. Ingersoll before a Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week. (See Memorandum for the Record.) I2. During the course of the afternoon, I again had several conversations with Howard Feldman, Chief Counsel, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senate Government Operations Committee. The conversation began with Feldman advising me that Senator Henry M. Jackson (D., Wash.) was putting out a press release today stating that there would be a significant shortfall in Soviet grain production this year and on the basis of new information he (Jackson) had received there were indications that the shortfall might double that of 1972. (See Memorandum for the Record.) 13. Called Natalie Desmond, secretary to a Mr. Brown who is the Special :Assistant to the Secretary of Transportation. Ms. Desmond had called OGC, regarding the legislative history of the section in the National Security Act proscribing. police, subpoena, and law enforcement powers of internal security functions, and Sheila asked me if I would call Ms. Desmond. I gave her the numbers of the reports and hearings on the 1947 pct, but none of them touched upon the domestic activities section. I told her I would see what else we had and get back to her next week. CIA (NTiRN,AL IUSE ,LY fi s 1 ~. ~.'u.~.:,Vl\V.Li .L4 vril.a L r Legislative Counsel cc: O/DDCI CO FIDEN I " Ex. Sec. DDI D A S&T Mr. Warner Mr. Parmenter iMMIr. Thuermer IC Staff EA/DDO Cornpt Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 ,, JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL. Thursday - 7 August 1975 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 1. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Delivered to the offices of Senators Dick Clark (D., Iowa), Jacob K. Javits (R . , N. Y-), Mike Mansfield (D., Mont.), Edmund S. Muskie (D., Maine) and Charles H. Percy (R., Ill.) and Representatives Carl Albert (D., Okla.) and Clement Zablocki (D., Wisc.) FBIS items in which their names were mentioned. 2. ' (Unclassified - RJK) Delivered. a package of maps to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee mail room for Richard Moose, of the staff. 3. (Unclassified - RJK) Delivered a package of information for Brian Atwood, on the staff of Sen or Thomas F. Eagleton (D. , Mo.), per arrangements made by 4. (Unclassified - RJK) Delivered a letter from Mr. Cary to the office of Representative Charles C. Diggs, Jr. (D., Mich.). 5. (Unclassified - RJK) In the absence of Richard Kaufman, General Counsel, Joint Economic Committee, left some material with his secretary. It contained graphics for inclusion in the Committee's forthcoming publication resulting from the Director's testimony before the Subcommittee on Priorities and Economy in Government on 18 June. I advised his secretary that we would appreciate return of proof prints of the negatives when Kaufman is finished with them. I also mentioned that when galley proofs of the Committe print are available, our people would be happy to review them in keeping with the agreement with Kaufman. 6. (Unclassified RJK) Met with Tom Smeeton, Minority Staff, House International Relations Committee, and provided him, per his request, with a copy of the Director's prepared statement before the House Select Committee on Intelligence of 6 August. CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY .Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 7 August 1975 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 regarding the letter we received from Chairman John Sparkman, S na Foreign Relations omm;ttee re the Mayaguez incident. (I had forwarded a copy to Janka for his information, especially since the NSC staff is involved in contact with the House International Relations Committee on a study. GAO is doing on that Committee's behalf on the Mayaguez.) Janka suggested we go ahead and work up a draft response to the Sparkman letter using the chronology which has been used by Bob Miller, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. According to Janka, State has prepared a draft response to Sparkman along these lines and he suggested we coordinate with Alex Schnee, State Department Congressional Relations staff, in preparing our draft. I used this opportunity to ask Janka where things stood with respect to the House International Relations Committee study being conducted by GAO. He said he was trying to get some guidance from Dr. Kissinger on this and as soon as he had further information he would be back in touch with us. 25X1 25X1A 12. 25X1 A 25X1A to say he had received further inquiries from DOD regarding the tran i scr pts of the Director's testimony of Wednesday before the House Select Committee on Intelligence. I suggested that he contact since transcripts which will be made and what if any distribution can be made of them is negotiating with the Committee regarding the number of copies o Counsel, Senate Government Operations Permanent Subcommittee on4~~4Y Y Investigations, several times during the course of the afternoon regarding the Soviet grain situation. A meeting with Feldman and Stuart Statler, Minority Counsel, had been scheduled for 2:00 this afternoon,. but it became necessary to cancel that session since we were awaiting White House approval. on passing our new estimated Soviet grain figure to the Hill. Without identifyinj the White House, I bought time with Feldman and ultimately,after the Director talked with General Scowcroft, I advised Feldman the Soviet grain figure estima had been reduced to 165 million tons, but he should regard that figure as confidential until it is announced otherwise. Feldman was most understanding throughout my numerous conversations with him during the afternoon and said he would notify Statler of the information I had given him. I also told him we would probably be in touch with him tomorrow to reschedule the briefing. Feldman noted that :.f, in fact, the agreed figure was 1.65 million tons, this posed a number of serijus problems which could affect all sorts of things including our negotiations with the Soviets on SALT. I told him he probably could then understand why we had to await policy approval before giving him this figure which I again reminded should be treated on -a confidential basis. U'~ pr approved For Release 2007/ ;:~GI~00'f44R000300050070-0 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday 5 August 1.975 P1A- MMTM USF ONL`( CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 5? Talked with Howard 1--eldrna.n., Chief Counsel, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senate Government Operations Committee, and told. hirri that we expected to have our information on Soviet grain production in some kind of shape to report to them very shortly and that we would ge:t in touch with him as soon as we were in a position to arrange a meeting. I also brought up the subject of Feldman and David Vienna's, of the Subcommittee staff, interest in talking with us further about the allegations of CIA. involvement in counterfeiting U.S. currcnrv_ 7 i-r,'ir1 ,uiiii it was xriy unuerstancting thatl had been in touch with him and was available at Feldman's convenience. Feldman confirmed this and said h e had delayed in getting together with because of the absence Vienna on leave. He said they plan to get together in the near future. Relations wFiich the Cor,i,7,i+_tl,e staff, to re Director gave to Senat emphasize the sensitivity o the briefing or Dick Clark (D. , Iowa) and himself yesterday, and that the subject of that briefing sbould not ho f-ali-an 25X1 C our people in the field. as areas where we woul 25X1 C 25X1A the Senator fully understood the point which. I had made - 25X1A Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures, and discussed section 1124, providing criminal penalties for the unauthorized disclosure of classified information in S. 1, and the recent comments by the Justice Department to the Agency's proposed legislation to protect intelligence sources and methods. Sum. mitt stated that the section is unchanged from the version provided to us several months ago but asked that I check with him later to be certain, 8. balled Gassy Benson, Executive Assistant to Representative John E. Moss (D. , Calif. ), and. told her that CIA INTE NAL USE. ONLY Approved For Release 2007/02/07 CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Congressman has no intention of returning until the end of the recess but when he does return She will tell him of our call. would be available to continue going over the material he had been discussing with Pepresentit:ive Moss. Ms. Benson said that as far as she knows the should the Congressman come back into town during the recess . Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 5 August 1975 Page 4 CIA INTt f3NAL USE ONLY 14. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Mr... Thuerzner's office (A/DCT) called to advise that in response to his request:, they had forwarded a copy of the Agency publication ''Potential Implications of 'fronds in World. Population, Food Production and Climate" to Representative Donald D. Clancy (R. , Ohio ). 15. (Internal Use Only ?- RJK) Spoke with Ellie Vogtmna.nn, Senate FoI.eign P el .tinn Cnmmitt-eee staff, and advised her that the transcript. - of the Director's report on a Presidential finding to the Chairman, Senator John Sparkman(D., Ala.) and Senator Clifford P. Case (R., N.. J. ) of 25 July was complete and available upon. the request of the Committee. She appreciated the call and agreed that the scrap mma.ter.i_al from the hearing could be disposed of. 16. (Unclassified ._ DFM) Received a call .from. Dan Murphy,on the staff of Represen.tative'Norma.n. Mineta (D. , Calif. ). Murphy was handling an inquiry from a constituent who had asked the Congressxna.n to find out who was suing the Agency over the allegations of illegal domestic acti.vit:ies and where the suits were being heard. Murphy ask(-,(] if we could supply him this information. Apparently the constituent is irate about the allega- tions and may want to contact: the plaintiffs. I replied that I would check on this matter and get back to CIA !NTE 4'r'ti U E i !'_`~ LCS GE L CARY- ! . `" Counsel cc: O /DD ?: :t. Ex. Sec. DDA DDI DDS&TT.' Mr. Warner Mr. Lehman FA/DDO Corript Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 25X1 25X1A Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 1 August 1975 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 4 Mark Kleiman, Legislative Assistant Les Aspin (D., Wis.), called to review the. statutory, constitutional and Executive Order basis for classification systems and the difference between security clearance for determi_ning..sui:tability and loyalty for handling classified material and the controlling of access to sensitive compartmented information in furtherance of the need-to--know principle. Kleiman said he would review the citations and other works 1. had cited for him and in response to his query, I told him he could call to Representative OGC, for any further elaboration.. 12. I Called Vernon C. Login, Deputy Assistant for Legislative Affairs (Hous.e) at the White House, and determined. State Department will handle the Executive Branch ; espouse. to JRepreserntative Charles Diggs' (D., Mich.) 29 June 1975 cable to multiple, a.cidresisees including CIA, on U. S. dealings with Zaire. No action is required, of CIA. 13. Called Werner W, Brandt,. Legislative, Assistant to Representative Thomas Foley (D., Wash.. ),, Chairman of the. House Agriculture Committee, by way of follow up to the Director's c;onversat3_on with Chairman Foley last night. I told Brandt I just wanted to. be in touch with, him in view of the cancellation and to advise hire we had also bean in touch with the Majority and Minority Staffs of the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee, Senate Government Operations Committee, on the same subject. I explained we had briefed the Majority Staff last week but the figures used in that briefing were now inaccurate and would have to be changed. I told I just wanted hini to understand (should he hear of our session with the Permanent Investigations Subcommittee staff) that we were not refusing a briefing of the Committee while talking with another group. Branch said het understood completely but asked if it would be possible for Robert for, Hyde Murray) in the next few weeks to discuss the whole situation. I said I was sure this could be arranged and I would be back in touch with. him when we had some relatively firm figures to talk about. Gene Moose an himself to come to the Agency and sit down with 14. Called Bill Ashworth, ttio~ s Committee staff, by way of follow up to his conversation with about referc,nces y Brezhnev to the "typhoon. " I told hire this was not an allegorical reference, that in fact tl e Soviets do have some sort of follow-on program to their ]ate#;t'subrnarine hi t we have virtually no information on this... I mentioned, however, tha: th.e Soviets had made reference to the te.rrrn "typhoonn'' before. ,R.:____ {.,- .ra ..,;,. '>:>?... - ...sF r. +,,:.a , /~' ~r PN!r; U E ?I Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050070-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 1 August 1975 CONFIDENTIAL. CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 5 Received a call from Pat Holt, Chief of :ona_#renTnTit ee, who said in follow up to our 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A meetinwith the Chairman and Senator Case the other day, the Chairman would like the Director to get together with Senator Dick Clark before he travels to Africa and give him a fill-in on some of the material covered in the Director's session the other day. I told Holt I thought there would be no problem on this but I would take it up with the Director. 16. In separate meetings I saw Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and Ralph Preston and Chuck Snodgrass, House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee staff, and covered the following items with them: (a) left copies of the Director's two letters to Chairwoman Bella Abzug, House Government Operations Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual Rights, relating to the appearances of Messrs, before her Subcommittee; (b) mentioned the fact that under a recent agreement with the military the Agency would have al (c) advised them regarding the establishment of an FBIS ticker in the Congressional Research Service of Library of Congress. 17. Met with Representative Dan Daniel (D. , Va.. ) and provided him with some information in response to his request about a note he had received thought the mail from England. I provided Daniel with the basic information contained in a memo from the Director of Security dated 25 July 1975 and suggested he might want to follow up on this matter with the FBI. Daniel thanked me for this information. Met with Representative Edward Derwin ski by way of follow up to constituent correspondence he had forwarded to us for information several days ago. This had to with developments in Belize. I provided Derwinski with some background information on the situation in Belize 25X1A and also gave him information on the personalities involved in his constituent's note which were provided b The Congressman was most appreciative and in.-response to my query as to why his source believed that. Belize was possibly going under the influence of Cuba, said he would be glad to follow up on this and see what he could find out, Derwinski volunteered that he would be happy to get together with u5X1A upon his return from his trip to China during the conga e s signal recess. I told him we would be most anxious to tal tt Cu, tINTERNAL USE ON ` 25X1A cc: DDCI Ex. Sec. i _ . DDI DDA DDS&T Mr. Warner Legikative Counsel' Mr. Lehman Mr. Thue rule r EA/d MvLcdcFo,P release 200CO, IC Staff 1 ff 1 Tl 00144R000300050070-0 FA L_