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25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved or a ease SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Thursday - 6 November 1975 12. I I BRIEFINGS Accompanied the Director and Messrs. Nelson and Parmenter to a briefing of the full- Relations n iH-won the subject of Africa. See Memo for Record. 13. LIAISON Charles Lombard, Senate Aeronautics and Space Sciences Committee staff, called with three items on his mind. He wanted to know if we had seen Senator Barry Goldwater's remarks on the floor of the Senate about the Director's dismissal and the need for continued Select Committee investigations. I told him we had indeed seen them and forwarded them to the Director. Secondly, Lombard asked if we were aware of any newspaper clippings which would support the argument that the proceedings; of the Select Committees were damaging the Agency's operations abroad. I suggested he raise this with Review Staff. Thirdly, Lombard said is interested in a position with the Agency when the current investigations are completed and asked if I could check on the possibilities for him. I suggested to Lombard that he send me a resume or hich he said he would do. 25X1 14. ADMINISTRATIVE Called Mr. James 25X1A Stimpson, B , regarding his suggestions tol that we make certain changes in our prepared statement before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee al Administrative Practice and Procedure tomorrow. I told Stimpson that the statement was completed and ready to go to the Subcommittee and I felt we had adequately covered the points which he raised in slightly different words. After going over these items individually, Stimpson agreed but made it clear that we should not take a position with the Subcommittee . which would be construed as support: for Chairman Edward M. Kennedy's (D. , Mass.) bill, S. 2515. 15. I I LIAISON Called Guy McCon)nell, Senate Appropriations Con- mittee staff, to advise him the Senate Subcommittees of Health and Administrative Practice and Procedure -staffers were pressing us very hard to declassify several documents including IG reports which we felt we could not make public. I told MCConn,:ll I would. appreciate it if he would inform Chairman McClellan of this develcpment in the event he .fell: it appropriate to take the matter up with S :nat:or Edwa.rd.Kennedy (D. , Mass, ) at tomorrow's hearing. McConnell said he Would talk with the Senator about it. 25X1 I Approved For Release 400 A01 4R000300050033-1 Approved For Rala2ae 2907/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050033-1 I CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel rte, . ) Wednesday - 5 November 1975 Foreign Re a ions Commit e, called concerning reports in the press that Colby was staying on for a while. He said if that was the case he assumed Mr. Colby could appear before the Committee tomorrow as previously scheduled. I told him the Director was at the White House at the moment meeting with the President and I would find out as soon as he returns whether or not he is staying and if he can make the briefing. I told Holt I would call him back as soon as I find out. Later in the day, I called Holt and told him the Director would. be staying with the Agency until Ambassador Bush's confirmation and he would be available for the briefing at 10:00 a. m. tomorrow. Bolt said. he understood the problems we have and would look forward to seeing us tomorrow. --Avcu a t.:ali iroin Larry Pezzu o, Congressional Relations, State Department, who wanted to know if the Director was going to appear before the Senate Foreign Relations 2 2 itt~ tomorrow on Africa. I told him I didn't know at the moment; that I was waiting for the Director to return from the White House.. I said I would get back in touch with him. Later, I informed Pezzullo that the Director would appear tomorrow. 7. I LIAISON Called William Coates, in the office of SUna or Strom Thurmond (R. , S. C. ), and advised him of our contacts ,,with the Kennedy Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure of Senate Judiciary Committee, concerning the drug experimentation program, and the hearing coming up on Friday. He said he hoped to be there. I asked if Senator Thurmond would attend and Coates said he would do his best to get him there. 8. I Chuck Snodgrass, House Appropriations Committee staff, called and asked if there was any chance of his reading some of the "proposals" that are "kicking around. " (Obviously referring to the "Taylor Report'.). He said he would make no reference to the document in any discussions, but would like to have it for his background information. I asked Snodgrass to pass a message to Ralph Preston, Staff Assistant of the Committee, that after talking with the President today, Mr. Colby was asked to stay until Ambassador Bush is confirmed and Mr. Colby agreed to do so. n Ch ----- ( ie Counsel, lluuse Armed Services Committee), Guy McConnell (staff of Senate Appropriations Committee) and Clark McFadden (General Counsel, Senates Armed Services Committee), and advised them that the President asked Mr. Colby tq.stay on until A4*8"&Ca2s6a ~Ol?>:81-F~P77~1Qjg9~`~P-~o SO. CONFIDFN 1411 7/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050033-1 CONFIDENTIAL JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 4 November 1975 1. I I LIAISON Received a call from Dick White, Adrninistrative Assistant to Representative Dale Milford (D., Texas), who said that the best possible time for the Representative to meet with General Vernon A. Walters (DDCI) wol'ld beat breakfast on the morning of 6 November. Transportation will be arranged for the Representative to be picked up at the Southeast entrance to the Cannon Building, 1st and C Streets, S. E. , at 0730 hours. General Walters' office has been advised. George, Cary and Chief, Review Staff, will also attend. Services Committee, called and said that Ed Braswell., Chief Counsel and Staff Director, of the above Committee, would like us to make available for Don Lynch, staff member, of the above Committee, our World Wrapup Presentation for fiscal year 1976. He said they had tran- scripts for the 1974 and 1975 briefings but there was no transcript for 1976. Ticer thought we might have a memorandum or other background material that could be useful to Lynch. I told him I would check and be back in touch with him. Senate Forei n Relations Committee to tell hint that in view of the announce- ment of the Directors ismissal, it was quite possible that Mr. Colby would not be available for the Committee briefing scheduled for this Thursday on .Africa. Holt indicated that they did not necessarily need the Director under the circumstances and they would be willing to accept: some other qualified witness. I told Holt I would check on this and get back in touch with hitn. Later in the day, after checking with the Director and Mr. Nelson, DDO, I advised Holt that the Director would not be available for the- 'Thursday session, that General Walters, DDCI, would be out of the city and that the best substitute witness, Bill Nelson, is tied up in hearings with the House and Senate Select Committees for the balance of the week. I asked Holt for the, Committee's indulgence ii rescheduling our hearing at a later date at which time Mr. Pelson would he glad to appear. Holt said he thought: he would have to go ahead with the session of Joseph Sisco, Department: of,;State, this week and since Nelson would no-. be available next: week, they would have to wait until after the Thanl:sgivin.frrecess .for Nelson's briefing. ng. (Nelson and 2007i ~7MO0144RO003 u~_s F`~_-,uu '9 9 ir.~t'o[.r GL rxl :?:.~. COQ '171 Approved For Release 20~ CONFIDENTIAL 'Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Monday - 3 November 1975 25X1 25X11 I ST! TSPEC Minority Counsel to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice. I. asked if what appeared in the Congressional Record was accurate, namely that the Committee was going to hold mark-up on H. R. 214, electronic surveillance. IIe said it was not true that mark-up sessions were planned in the near future, and he would keep me advised. 18? I I LIAISON Kathy Seddon, of i.- Representative ' Bob Eckharclt's . ,'texas office, called to ask if I had been successful in finding a copy of Where's What. I told her that we only had one extra copy 25X1 and that we were going to put it in the Library of Congress. We talked about the dismissal of Mr. Colby, Which the Senator deplored. He said the Director had clone a fine job and was "an innocent victim. " 20. LIAISON Bill Ashworth Senate Tore; ter, Relations C and said they had never received answers to the questions raised during the 29 July 1975 briefing by Mr. Duckett of the Arms Control, International Organizations and Security Agreements Subcommittee. He said they had received answers to the questions submitted after the briefing but in the transcript there were a number of questions which remain unanswered. I apologized and said we would check into this right away. He said it was his error also and said, there was no great rush. 21. Charles Per c for Scott Cohen, in the office of Senator i called and asked that he be piit on d:istribut:ion I I told him we would take care of it. 25XI CON DEN I Approved Fur Mlease-m 07/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050033-1 -4" AnnrnvPd For RPIPasP 2om/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050033-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday 31 October 1975 Page 2 5. 1 1 LIAISON Guy McConnell, Senate Appropriations Coirirnittee staff, called in connection with the stories in the paper today that the 40 Committee had had no meetings during the period 1972 through 1974 and said he had been i.n.structed. to find out the facts. I said that I believe that the lack of meetings is essentially correct but that the real point is whether the actions were coordinated, and they were, through papers, phone calls, and supporting staff procedures. McConnell said that they would .like to have a letter from the Director on this. Mr. Cary will follow-up. 6.1 I LEGISLATION Sheridan B rinley, AID, called acknowledging receipt of the points paper we had sent to him last night for use in the Senate Forei n R i .s Cai-nn)ittf~ backup book in connection witMcGovern amend:rnent, #959 to 1-I. R. 9005. He indicated he would use a great majority of it except for the separation of powers argument. I said I could appreciate the political expediency in doing this but as a matter of principle it is the soundest and strongest argument . 25X1 7. I ILIAISON Tiny Ingram, Staff Director, Subcommittee on Government Information fz Individual Rights, House Government Operations Corrrmittee, called -prior to our. sessi.q~rl scheduled for 1:30 p.m. today to ask if we would be bringing with us STATINTL the reports prepared by I las a result of his periodic review of the Warren Co a rial in the possession of the Archives. STATINTL After checking with I C/Services Staff, I informed Ingrain that there were no reports but rather letters to the Archivist and we had authorized the Archivist to send two of those letters to the, Subcommittee. Later, in the company of I I met with Ingram, Bill STATINTL Florence, of the Subcommittees , ovan Gay, of the Library of Congress,to discuss the guidelines used by the Agency in connection with the declassification of information, particularly they Warren Coniinission. information. The session went very well and Engrain said he would send us a letter covering the follow-ups from the session. Mr. la l.oreince seemed to be primarily interested in the mechanism and laws relating to the Freedom of Information Act. Mr. Donovan, who apparently has reviewed much of the Warren Commission holdings in the Archives, was basically interested in whether we would use the national security "excuse" for non--d.~classification. Mr. Ingrain seemed. to be interested in assuring that the n- aterial we were reviewing for declassification included material which may have developed subsequent to the Warren CoiTiniissi.on investi-- gation and especially any material provided the Roclccfellc:r Corns-rissioil. Ingrain maintains that there were four not three periodic reviews and reports STATINTL to the .Archives. will check to sec if there was a letter to the AAP9rWed rfQr base /07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050033-1 A roved For Release 2 07/ ourna - - i.ce W. _ . - . 1at1ve t" ti, Friday 31 October 1975 Page 3 8. I I LIAISON Spoke several times during the day with Frank Slatinshek and Bill Hogan, Chief Counsel. and Counsel, I-louse Armed Services Committee, and then later in the afternoon while on the Hill, Ilogan advised that Chairman Lucien Nedzi (D., Mich.) had agreed 99 percent with the proposed sale of the residual assets of Air America but was reserving the one percent until he had in hand GAO's written report. Chairman Nedzi gave us the go ahead to explain the matter to Chairman Jack Brooks, I-louse Government Operations Committee. An appointment was set for 2:30 p.m. on Monday, 3 November with the Chairman. LEGISLATION Called Pat Holt, Chief of Staff Senate , orei lati o-~ =n. ittee, r-,egarding the McGovern amendment, # 959 to I-I. R. 9005, and said that it would appear to be in the best interest of the United States as a whole that the McGovern amendment not bye pushed and he agreed that it would not hurt to see Senator McGovern on this either directly or raise this point with him indirectly with another Senator. Although there is nothing to stop a member of Congress from introducing such proposals, I argued the fact that these things are reported to six committees of Congress and assures a fairly broad cross section and that every effort should be made to channel reactions privately back to the Executive Branch rather than publicly in amendments such as this. 10. I I LIAISON Spoke with Benson Buffham, DD NSA, and provided some suggestions with respect to dealing with a particular Subcommittee. 11. IAISON Alan Romberg, in the office of Representative David Obey (D., Wis.), called concerning the request for the Middle East briefing for Representative Obey and several other Congressmen and asked that there be included in it some assessment of the Israeli political situation and the dynamics of the pressure on it as a result of congressional action on the Foreign Assistance bill., e.g., if the total amount recommended by the Administration was not approved, etc. R-A yr Approved Fur 07/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000300050033-1