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This publication contains clippings from the
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? Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
it4611140110=4ftg-is, 4 ,v4?:**4.m.-4, , ?
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al Affaik
Washington, D. C, Friday, September 7, 1973
01 y
The Office of National
Estimates, which CIA
Director William E. Colby
Is abolishing in a White
House-ordered shakeup, is
to. be replaced by a less
structured group of intelli-
gence analysts who will in-
dividually prepare intelli-
gence estimates under new
Despite an effort by the
CIA leadership in recent
weeks to deny that a radical
shakeup of the intelligence
evaluation procedure has
already been decided upon,
the Star-News has learned:
o That Colby decided more
than two months ago to
abolish the elite 10-man
Board of National Esti-
mates which for more than
20 years carried collective
responsibility for preparing
objective intelligence esti-
mates. The decision Was
discussed among high-
ranking CIA officials late in
June and revealed at a sub-
sequent meeting of the high-
level U.S. Intelligence
Board, but has not been
announced to the agency
rank and file or to the con-
gressional oversight com-
? That the board's distinc-
tive and prestigious prod-
uct, the SO or more National
Intelligence Estimates
(NIEs)it prepared annually,
will now be prepared by.
individual researchers in a
loosely defined group with
the new designation: Na-
tional Intelligence Officials.
? That NIEs henceforth
will be altered to meet long-
standing Nixon administra-
tion dissatisfaction with the
calibrated and scholarly
product of the board and its
20-man staff, which togeth-
er formed the Office of Na-
tional Estimates. Colby is
said to have ordered the
MOs to make their assess-
ments brief, to the point and
To give the new ME for-
mat an added air of mei.'
sion, Colby has reportedly
ordered the abolition of the
long-standing verbal scale
of certainty which used
,such hedge words as "ap-
parent," "Possible." "prob-
able" and "almost certain."
lie Ho
INSTEAD, Colby has or-
dered a numerical scale of
certainty from 1 to 10. The
FBI has for many years
graded informants citillopr
In reports on a T-for-trust-
worthiness scale on which?
T-10 indicates total confi-
dence and T-1 indicates
almost no reliability.
Authoritatives sources in
the intelligence community
have misgivings about these
changes, warning that the
substitution of individual
analysts for the collective
product of the old system
could rob future NIEs of
These same sources scoff
at the new numerical grad-
ing system, calling it a
"cosmetic way to achieve a
false sense of precision."
Despite the frequently
reported complaint of White
House policy makers that
NIEs were too verbose and
took too long to read, intelli-
gence sources familiar with
the estimating process point
out that estimates deliber-
ately written at greater
length in the Nixon adminis-
tration because Henry A.
Kissinger wanted them that
EVIDENTLY distrusting
BNE output from the start,
Kissinger passed the word
that he wanted NIEs to in-
clude a detailed exposition
of the evidence and a clear
development of the analyti-
cal argument as well as the
detailed summary of con-
clusions the NIEs had pre-
viously set forth.
The administration dis-
trust of the existing analyti-
cal function seems to be the
basic motivation behind the
abolition of the ENE and its
staff, despite ' the fear
voiced by knowledgeable
observers that "the inde-
pendence and objectivity of
the national estimates are
threatened by the abolition
of this office."
In an internal bulletin
circulated in the CIA and to
some congressmen a few
days after the Star-News
first reported last month
that the ONE would be abol-
ished, the CIA leadership
declared that "the goal is to
conserve resources and
maintain efficiency by
combining the production of
NIEs with certain other
agency and Intelligence
SI gg g
? -3 51: I
: '
CIA Unit in
S keup
body that had a unique and
symbolic reputation for ob-
jectivity. It is understood
some BNE members and
ONE staffers will continue
to analyze under the new
title of National Intelligence
Official. Others are to be
assigned to a newly created
Office of Political Re-
search, reportedly to be
headed by Ramsey For-
bush, a former member of
the BNE.
WHILE THE new struc-
ture at CIA clearly reflects
White House wishes, the
details are understood to be
Colby's alone. He is espe-
cially credited with the
guidelines calling for nu-
merical rather than verbal
grading and the decision to
remove the estimating func-
tion from collective to indi-
vidual responsibility.
According to one inside
source, Colby has shown
himself to be as much a
stickler for form in his own
arrangements as he was in
setting his precision guide-
lines for writing estimates.
Until he was finally sworn
in as CIA director this
week, he continued to oper-
ate from small offices in the.
CIA headquarters and did
not move into the director's
big suite until the formali-
ties were observed. He also
continued to park his car in
a remote spot in the vast
agency parking lots until
Tuesday, when his title
became official.
tolby's creation of MOs
In place of the ONE struc-
ture is not intended to take,
the CIA's analyzing func-
tion across the line that di-
vides prediction and assess-
ment from policy making,
informed sources stressed.
the analyses which are now
beginning to come from the
NIOs assiduously avoid pol-
icy proposals?thereby ful-
filling for the moment the
CIA leadership's pledge in
its recent bulletin that "the
objectivity of NIEs .will be
For the longer runs, the
relationship of the intelli-
ence community to U.S. foi-
eign policy will not be clear
until Kissinger has settled
into his new position as sec-
retary of State. At present,
he still dominates foreign
policy from the White
House, in his capacity as
head of the 120-man Nation-
al Security Council staff.
But the stature and role of
the revamped CIA in the
second Nixon administra-
tion will not become firm
until Kissinger develops a
modus operandi for his new
dual role as secretary of
State as well as National
Security Council director. A
key unanswered question is
whether he will continue to
rely on his own NSC crew or,
by depending more on crt-
reer bureaucrats at State,
come to depend more on the
product of Colby's newly
reorganized system of pro-
ducing intelligence esti-
mates. ? OSWALD JOHN-
gekia0S08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
the decision is to remove a
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
6 September 1973
The cold warrior in the hot
seat of the CIA
Mr William Egan Colby could be mis- garnet at least know that one of their
taken for one of the thousands of own is again in charge, but his welcome
Middle-aged bureaucrats who drive has not apparently been unanimous.
into Washington from the outer One reason is that he was regarded in
suburbs each morning to shuffle the past as a cold war warrior, perhaps
papers in government departments such because of his Catholic background.
as Agriculture, Transportation, and Another but related reason can be
Health, Education and Welfare. A explained by the functions of the agency
superior bureaucrat (Princeton and the and its organization.
I Columbia Law School) who has culti-
The CIA was established by the
vated the anonymity of his kind: National Security Act of 1947. Its major
glasses, short back and sides, and sack functions are to coordinate the intelli-
gence activities of the several govern-
suit. ent departments and agencies ; to ad-
He is a family man and a devout
Catholic, who once was chairman of the vise the National Security Council in
matters concerning such intelligence
Boy Scouts in Springfield, Maryland.
activities; and evaluate intelligence
He would probably still be chairman
relating to the national security.
except that over the years he served in
Much of this is done by the Directo-
Stockholm, Rome and twice in Saigon,
rate of Intelligence which, in spite of
where in the diplomatic lists he was its name, is mainly staffed by scholarly
described as a first secretary. types from the better universities. Work-
In fact, he was the station chief of
the Central Intelligence Agency in the jog mainlywith information publicly
available they produce the reports on
first two capitals. In Saigon he event- which policy is formulated and presiden-
tially became director of the pacification tial decisions taken. They are respected
programme. On Tuesday, he emerged by their opposite numbers in London,
from his anonymity briefly to go to and Moscow, in spite of the occasional
the White House, where he was sworn envious sneer about their size and
in as Director of the CIA. budget.
Mr Colby is very different from two In my experience, these analysts tend
of his predecessors, the late Allen to be broadminded and liberal. They do
Dulles and Mr Richard Helms. not 4o in for holy wars against the corn-
Mr Dulles was outgoing, liked to have munist Anti-Christ. They believe that
reporters into his Georgetown home for reconnaissance satellites and other elec-
a drink, and was a conStant party-goer. tronic devices are more efficient in
Mr Helms was also frequently seen on policing the Russian and Chinese
the diplomatic cocktail circuit. No grey nuclear armouries than spies and spooks
anonymity for them, but they had one .siv,ith questionable foreign backgrounds.
thing in common with the new director.
They have a distaste for the dirty tricks
They had all been in charge of the of the Directorate of Operations.
agency's Directorate of Operations. It is
The dirty tricks are official work of
usually known as the Department of
Dirty Tricks because this is the branch course. General authority has been
given, even if the wording is somewhat
responsible for espionage and covert oblique. The United States Government
political operations. These are known
Othreganization Manual gives it as follows:
to have included the attempted invason tions agencyac d "performs such other func-
of Cuba and the deposing of foreign duties related to intelligence
rulers unfortunate enough to have been affecting the national security as the
regarded in Washington as ideologically National Security Coiancil may from
unsound. time to time direct ".
Mr Colby is a real professional, a life- Nevertheless, the collective brains of
time intelligence man who began his the agency have long thought that dirty
career during World War II in the Office tricks were old hat, and when ? Mr
of Strategic Services. Then he practised Schlesinger was director an effort was
what he afterwards directed. For made to reduce such covert operations.
instance, his official biography states Mr Colby might well reverse this
that just before the end of the war he pa
rocess, or at least so it is felt at
was parachuted into Norway to sabotage
the railway system. Another reason why his appointment
The thousands who work at the
agency's headquarters in Langley. Vir-
is not universally popular is that Mr
Colby has been a man with two faces in
more ways than one. Pacification in
Vietnam looked an ideal job for a Boy
Scout in that it was supposed to be a
do-gooding organization providing roads
and schools after they had been
demolished by the 1152s, hut it also
ran the Phoenix programme.
This was devised to disrupt and
destroy the infrastructure of the Viet- -
cone, the extraordinary underground
organization which provided the guerril-
las with food and support. According to
Mr Colby's testimony given in 1971
'before the House Foreign Operations
and Government Information Sub-
committee, 20,587 Vietcong were killed
when he was in charge in Phoenix. It is
alleged that many were murdered and
others tortured.
The allegations have been denied of
course. Mr Robert Knitter, who ran
Phoenix before Mr Colby, testified that
the vast majority were killed in open
combat. When asked how many were
killed during interrogation, he replied,
" I would say relatively few. It must
have been way under the 10 per cent
figure. The number killed by torture
would he very, very little."
Mr Colby, when testifying before the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
said, "I would not want to testify that
nobody was killed wrongly or executed
in this kind of a programme. I think it
probably happened, unfortunately ".
Yet one witness, Mr tenon Osborn, a
former intelligence agent, told the
House subcommittee that some Viet-
cong suspects captured by Phoenix
operatives were interrogated in helicop-
ters. Lesser fry were pushed out to
persuade more important suspects to
talk. He also described with horrifying
detail the various methods of torture
practised on the ground.
The truth. will probably never ? be
known. Certainly no Peers Commission
has been convened to inquire into
charges and oblique admissions indicatI
.ing that in comparison My Lai was bu
an unfortunate incident. But the que
tion now is whether Mr Colby is th
right man to direct intelligence ()per
tions upon which presidential decision
of far reaching consequences will b
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 2 CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
Louis Heren
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
9 Seplember 1973
Nixon Zeroes In on CIA Unit.
Loss of Objectivity Feared in Upheaval
By Laurence Stern
Waahlnaton Pest Staff Wrtter
1 In abolishing the Central
Intelligence Agency's Office
of National Estimates, the.
Nixon . administration exc..
'euted a bearer of often un-
'welcome tidings.
That fact is central 'to the
quiet upheaval in the na-
tional intelligence bbreauc-?
racy that is being carried.
out under White House
prodding by the CIA'S new
director, William E. Colby:.
Because of the heavy coat-
ing of official secrecy that
surrounds the issues and the',
personalities it is unlikely
that the merits a theintelli-
gence reorganization will
'ever be thrashed ont in pub-
lie or subjected to full con-
gressional review.
Yet it could, in the ?pin-.
jinn of some senior intelli-
gence professionals, pro-
foundly affect the quality
and objectivity of the gov-
ernment's judgments on a
wide range of strategie.
'questions: Soviet military.
"capacity, disarmament pal-
'icy, U.S. intervention in
"third world" crises, deter-
Mining whether certain gov-
ernments will stand or fall. -
t On matters such as these
,the Office of National Esti-
mates has over the past 20
years delivered its judg-
ments to four Presidents
In formal papers? anony-
'mously and with little ap-
\parent controversy until the
later years of the Vietnam
!war and the accession of the.
Nixon administration.
' Since 1969, hoWever, a
,widening breach MS opened
,between the CIA's team of
'professional evaluators and ,
:the White House national!
'security staff commanded
by Henry A. Kissinger, the
President's national security
'adviser; ,
On strategic military,
questions, such as Soviet
missile and antiballistic mis-
sile technology, there have'
'also been abrasive differ-
ences between the CIA ana-
lysts and Pentagon represen-
tatives on the interagency,
team that produces the na-
; tional estimates.
Kissinger is reported by
41uthoritative White House
sources to have found the
CIA's National Intelligence
Eatimates "deplorable" In
style and content. They
were also sharply at diver-
tgenee from the policies purl
:stied by the Nixon adminia-
hem: Early in 1070 the
CIA provided the Pgpsimved ? WtlkieWMLIt20101#08107 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
one of the stories on the ?
-House with an estimate that
expressed grave pessimism
over the prospects for long-
term survival of the Lon
Nol government in Cambo-
dia. Nevertheless the admin-
istration steadily increased-
military aid to Lon.-Nel and
the President was to pro;
flounce the Cambodian ef-
Ott as "the Nixon Doctrine
'in its purest form."
Item: Shortly after the
outbreak Of Pakistani army
hostilities in East Pakistan
(now Bangladesh) in Marcli
1971 the CIA produced a na-
tional estimate warning tint.
India would be drawn into
the war, that Pakistan
'would be dismembered and
that Soviet influence in 'the
subcontinent would be
greatly enhanced. ("The
'White House later com-
plainel that the estimate
didn't have enough zing and
'Impact," said one CIA evalu-
:ator. "We wondered if they'
read it.")
Item: In 1969 and 1970 the:
C1A:s strategic ? 9nalysts
were far more conservative
than Pentagon eValuatori in
their reading of Soviet ABM
and MIRV (multiple inde-
pendently targetable re-eta-
'try vehicle) .capability.
Tent Pentagon assessments'
Of Soviet MIRV develop-
ment tend to support the;
'more conservative appraisal.;
- White House sources
stress that the dissatisfac-,4,
,tion with, the intelligence
products of the CIA stertv,:
.med mainly from,their
"mushiness," their inoncliv
Sive style and the sense that,
the agency was trying to im-
pose policy on the President,
:through its control' of intelli-!
gence data and evaluations.
' CIA analysts familiar with,
the national estimating',
process say it was at Kis-
singer's insistence that the
reports, grew longer and
more detailed. Kissinger,
,they said, wanted them to'
include the arguments and
justifications In the formal
During the turbulent in-
terregnum of .lames R.
Schlesinger's five-monthi
term as CIA director this
year the Office of National
Estimates became one of the
chief targets of a broad
house-cleaning reiriew. (The
other was the CIA's Clan-
destine Service. otherwise
:known as the Department of,
Dirty Trick's.)
.cocktail grapevine, an-i
flounced to several members
of, the Board, of, .National.
,Estimates: "This,looks like re-,
igentlemen's club arid I'm no
But it was 'not until aftetq
Schlesinger's departure to-;
the Pentagon that Colby,
'reached the decision to
'phase out the board, even.
though he has yet to ac-
knowledge that he has abol-
ished the office.'
Its demise was most
Clearly sighaled by the de-.
'narture of John Huizenga:
chairman of the ? Board of,
.:National Estimates, who left,
,the agency early in the sum-,
mer on a basis that was/"not'
lluizenga's departure was;
described by 'the CIA's pub..'
the information office as nor:A.
;mal-.and volun ary. rettre-
!tnent et age 60. It was not,:
;according , to a thoritativo
CIA sources.
The new national.. esti-
mates, setup envisions vt"
much smaller staff of anti-..
lysts from various agencies,
in the Washington intelli-
gence community. -(The pre-'
vious estimating ,body num--.
bered 40 to 45 staff and I
board members.)
Rather than 'produc'ing
collective product reflecting,,
the judgment of the corri--.1
bined staff, the new empha."
sis will be on individual as-
sessments by. intelligence
:specialists. r
Some senior, Intelligencev.;
:officials are fearful that the
new system ,*ill dilute the:
objectivity of' the national!
:estimates.' Specialists', ? they,
argue, will tend to reflect,
the institutional biases ofi
.their, own agencies, parbiOu'l.:
,jarly the military. c,
Under the , previdus syst
tern differences were
thrashed out before the
draftittg of a formal esti-
Mate. Dissenters registered
their opposition in foot-,
:fietes, 'which were passed"
_Wong to. the, White House
,With the main body of the.
One former member of
?the nationfil estimatet team
expressed the underlying
,concern of those who oppose.
,the change:
..? "They're selling out to the
,Pentagon and.Defense Intel.
iiigebee? Age,hey. If the CIA: ??
:made. any.. contribution to, -
?the -intelligenee 'community
it was that its intelligence
tenalysts had no axes to
:? grind; no military hardware
"programs and ho 'policies to't
it was the CIA's influence;
over the intelligence inter-, ?
pretation that irritated. Kis-%
singer and possibly other'
White House inhabitents. Onet;
administration official de?
scribed the' CIA papers as,
,"homogenized" and com.1:
plained that the objections '
of other intelligence ageri- ?
'cies were submerged , in
,fuzzy prose. ?
. E'i?e'n some CIA loyalista!
'concede that there was some,
,justice to Schlesinger's
cism that the 20-year-old Of-
fice of National Estimates,.
'had become stale and
grpwn-.-in .effect a gentle--
man's club?and needed an'
infusion of new blood.
, "Same of the staff people
had been there since the
,?'Year One." said a former
'.memhei4 of the estimate*
..staff. "But . the bash, strue-
ture was sound and inde-
pendent. People .respected
'each other's integrity and'
.1eIt',? free to disagree., We
,Weren't beholden to special
? is
!: Colby, in a reeent bulletin
to CIA employees, assured
them that the "indepen..
dence and objectivity" Of the
national estimates would he
preserved. In the same but
letin, he said that no dect
sion had hoe n reached tc
abolish 'the office.
"That was hil absurd no.
tier." reflected one senior
intelligence official. "Every-
one concerned knew that the
Office of, Estimates had at
ready liett! a bollshed.'!
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
20 September 1973
C.I.A. Will Abolish
Estimates System,
Form a New Board
By The Amor%MN) Press?
The Central Intelligence Agency
is planning to abolish the .15-
year-old system of turning out
what it calls national intelli-
gence estimates, sometimes as
many as 50 a year.
The estimates on critical is-
'sues facing United States pol-
icy-makers drew on contribu-
tions from as many as seven
intelligence-gathering agencies
and sometimes from outside ex-
perts. They were drafted by the
'staff of the 10-member Board
of national estimates, consist-
ing of both "generalists" and
specialists, and put Into final
form by the board. '
The new Director of Central
Intelligence, William Colby,
himself a career professional,
decided that this system of
analysis and assessment no
longer suits the needs of the
White House, his main cus-
tomer, or the intelligence com-
In place of the board Mr.
Colby intends to appoint about
10 problem-oriented, specialists
to be known as national intel-
ligence officers. He is doing
his selecting from abotit 50
candidatesl the bulk in the
C.I.A. but some in other in-
telligence agencies and some
outside the intelligence profes-
They will be empowered to
range throughout the Intelli-
gence-gathering agencies and
into the academic world to pull
. together assessments of current
issues. They will act as Mr.
Colby's staff officers.
Som are to focus on obvious
problem areas like the Soviet
Union, China,. Europe and the
Middle East. Others will be
assigned to issues like control
of strategic arms and econom-
ics. At the moment no na-
tional intelligence officer will
be assigned to Africa: should
an African problem hecomesuf-
ficlently critical Mr. Colby
.would assign an officer to it.
. He has emphasized that the
.estimative process is not be-
ing abolished by his reform.
Rathtr,, it is being reorgan-
ized .to enable his officers to
draw more fully on intelligence
expertise that has developed
outside the big C.I.A. corn-
21 SPplembP.r 1973
CIA Seeking to Eliminate
100 Pages of Upcoming Book
By Laurence Stern Warner is negotiating the straining order in U.S. District
terms of publication with Court in Alexandria in April,
Wulf, but said that details 1972, to prohibit Marchetti
could not be disclosed. "There from circulating an outline of
the book to publishers.
A trial was held in camera,
and attorneys for the authors
Invoked the defense employed
in the Pentagon Papers ease:
Washington Post Staff Writer
The Central Intelligence ?
Agency is seeking to expunge
100 pages of a 530-page book
profiling the agency's opera-
tions in the United States and
abroad, attorneys for the au-
thors said yesterday.
The book, "The CIA and the
definitely are security prob-
lems," the CIA spokesman
Marchetti insisted yesterday
that "there is nothing in this
book that would jeopardize
Cult of Intelligence," was writ- the national security of my
ten by former CIA analyst country. There is nothiog in
Victor Marchetti and John the book that would jeopard-
Marks, a former State Depart- ize the lives of any agents, and irrevocable injury to the
ment intelligence officer and sink any ships or give away United States.
U.S. Senate aide. It is to be any codes." The court held with the
published by Knopf. Among the subjects with CIA's argument that it could
Melvin * Wulf, Chief Amen- which the book deals are the enforce the oath of secrecy
can Civil Liberties Union at- CIA's role in the 1970 Chilean that was a condition to Mar-
torney on the case, said he election, the disbursement of chetti's employment by the
was informed by a CIA offi- CIA funds to a. number of agency, a decision that was ap-
cial yesterday that the agency world leaders, alleged misuse pealed.
?acting under a court injunc- of the CIA director's contin- The federal appellate court
tion?would seek to eliminate gency funds and internal U.S. found that the agency had a
hourly a iifth of the manu- operations of the CIA. right to delete classified mate-
Script. - This is the first time, ac- rial from the book after a re-
Wulf identified the CIA offi- cording to lawyers in the case, view prior to submission of
cial as John Warner, the agen- that a government agency has the manuscript to its pub-
cy's general counsel, exercised prior restraint over Usher. The Supreme Court de-
A spokesman for the agency a book under a court order. dined to take jurisdiction of
acknowledged yesterday that The CIA., obtained a re- the matter.
17 September 1973
Between Coups, Employes of C.I.A.
that censorship could be justi-
fied only if it could be shown
that there might be immediate
Learn to Knit, Bowl and Play Softball
Special to The New York Times
LANGLEY. Va., Sept. 16?
When they are not stealing
secrets or considering coups
d'etat, employes of the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency in-
dulge in such innocent pas-
times as learning to knit,
repair cars, bowl, play soft-
ball, collect , coins and. fly
.small planes.
These are among the popu-
lar endeavors sponsored by
the Employe Activities Asso-
ciation of the C.I.A., which
also maintains a credit union
and an insurance agency for
its spies and other employes.
Knitting classes, according
to the bulletin board an-
nouncement, areleld Wednes-
days and Fridays at noon.
For those with more martial
inclinations, there are karate'
classes and training in rifle
and pistol shooting. The
C.I.A. softball league features
teams calling themselves the
Lollipops, the Cardinals and
the ,Charlie Browns.
In the basement there is a
rubber-covered track for jog-
gers, a favorite of the former
director,. Richard Helms. In
his day, the track rules pre-
scribed: "Never talk to the
director while' he it doing
his laps and never pass the
director' while he is doing
Approved F801311Mcg. 91-inlingin7 ?
With a degree of pride,
agency officials display their
art, the work of the C.I.A.
Fine Arts Commission, which
has hung huge abstracts in
corridors wide enough to
play soccer. The ends of the
corridors have been "color-
coordinated" by the commis-
sion, with tints ranging from
cool to warm and warm to
The fine arts people have
arranged for enormous pho-
tographic blowups of maps
of the C.I.A.'s favorite for-
eign cities?London, Lenin-
grad, Paris and Rome?past-
ed up on the elevator shafts.
' Courtyard Flowers
,? They also watch over the
?agency's exquisite courtyard
ilower bed and its handsome
stands of trees. The grounds
outside are called "the cam-
Like factory workers,
C.I.A. employes eat early
and practice temperance, try-
ing to get to the in,- house
Rendezvous Cafe before the
noon rush. The strongest
drink is iced tea and the
serve- yourself meals cost
A vititor asking for an
explanation of the 40-foot-
wide corridors and the IS
to the 14-year-old building
is told that the agency leader-
ship wanted "airiness" in-
stead of a close atmosphere.
Whatever the motivation,
the effect has been to cause
the agency's employes to
walk three and four abreast
? when they move around the
? Certain undercover habits
persist, as in the C.I.A. car:
pool. If you want a ride to
or from Langley. you fill in a
card with all the particulars
of office extension number?
? time and place, but only your
first name or nickname and
the request: "Call Fred."
C.I.A. people also' indulge
heavily in jargon, from the
boss on down. They talk of
"wiring diagrams" when they
mean "organjzational plans"
and "patterti'M response" in-
stead of "straight answer."
But the new boss, and old
C.I.A. man named William
Colby ? his car-pool request,
would read, "Call William"?,
has also picked up some cur-,
rent pop phraseology. He was
recently heard saying. "I
haven't g,o,t any hang-upti?sabout ,
? ? ?
. The C.I.A. also tends tia use
abbreviations and shorthand.
The institution's house sym-
phony orchestra is referred o,
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R00010023D001-1
21 September 1973
C.I.A .,Will Seek to Excise
Parts ,of Book by Ex-Aide
spew to The New York Imes
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 intended to write both the book
and a magazine article on in-
telligence operations, it secured
an injunction, based on a draft
of the article and an outline
for the book that prohibited
him from 'presenting his writ-
ings to a publisher without al-
lowing the agency to review
the contents.
The Government maintained
In its argument for the injunc-
tion that the agency was en-
titled to such prior ?review un-
der an employment agreement
signed by Mr. Marchetti in whic
he agreed not to disclose classi-
fied information obtained by
reason of his employment with
the agency.
The injunction, which stpu-
lates that fiction, as well' as
non-fiction materials written by
Mr. Marchetti must be sub-
mitted for review, was upheld
by a ,Federal appeals court de-
The Central Intelligence Agency
has told the American Civil
Liberties Union that it will op-
, pose the publication of about
100 pages of allegedly classified
material contained in an ac-
count by a former C.I.A. of-
ficial of the agency's internal
Melvin L. Wulf, legal direc-
tor for the A.C.L.U. in New
'York City, said today that he
had been notified by the agen-
cy that officials there planned
to excise "near to a hundred
pages" from a 530-page manu-
script by his client, Victor L.
Marchetti, a former assistant to
the C.I.A.'s deputy director.
Mr. Wulf submitted the man-
uscript to the intelligence agen-
cy for review on Aug. 27, un-
der the terms of a Federal
court order handed down a
year ago.
That occasion marked "the cison in August of last year.
first time in the history of the The court also maintained
United States," according to that the issue was not one of
Mr. Wulf, that an anthor had Mr. ?Marchetti's First Amend-
been required by judicial order ment tights of free speech, as
to submit a manuscript to the Mr. Wulf has argued, but
Government for prior ceitsor. rather one involving the terms
of the contract that Mr.
ship. Marchetti entered into with the
Security Peril Denied agency "by accepting employ-
Both Mr. Wulf and Mr. Mar- *lent WitIt the C.I.A. and by
chetti, who are the only two
individuals outside the C.I.A. to
have seen the manuscript in
Its entirety, said that they be-
lieved it contained nothing that
would jeopardize the national
But a knowledgeable Govern-
ment official described some of
the material in an outline for
the Marchetti book, tentatively
titled "The Cult of Intelli-
genve," as dangerous, and said
that, if had allowed
Its publication, it "would have
' blown us out of the water in
a lot of places?identities, oper-
Mr. Wulf said that he ex-
' pec ted to receive from the
next week a letter de-
tailing the passages to which
the agency objected. He said
that he and Mr. Marchetti would
; then meet with representatives
of the Alfred A. Knopf Com-
pany, the prospective publish-
er, to decide on their response.
Mr. Marchetti said in a tele-
phone interview that although
'he wanted to wait until he
knew precisely which passages
.the agency was focusing on.
, "my feeling is to fight back as
hard as we can to publish."
' Mr Wulf said that he antici-
mated the possibility of going
"back to court Rol try again
to raise the generic question
of their power to do this." Mr.
;Marchetti added that if the
courts upheld the C.I.A.'s op-
position to the material it was
possible that he "would go to
jail before I would permit them
to quash the book.'
Employment Agreement
When the C.I.A. discovered
last year that Mr. Spriskveni
signing a secrecy agreement!'
The Supreme Court later de-
clined to hear an appeal of
the appellate decision, which'
stipulated that Mr. Marchetti:
could seek judicial review of
any disapproval of a manu-
script, or, portions of one by
the CIA.
Mr Marchetti, who spent 14'
years with the C.I.A. before
retiring in 1969, has previously
published one novel. "The Rope
Dancer," which concerns the
activities of a fictional "na-
tional intelligence agency," and
an article, in the April 3, 1972,
issue of The Nation magazine
that was critical of some of
the agency's activities.
He said today that he was
currently working on a second
novel that was based on a
"purely fictional" insane asylu
operated by the ageacy were
wayward or "burned-out" op-
eratives were sent to recover.
Although Mr. Marchetti
submitted "The Rope Dancer"
to the C.I.A. for review, an-
other former agency employe,
E. Howard Hunt Jr., wrote
several dozen novels under
different pseudonyms, during
his service with the agency,
many of which dealt with the
exploits of fictional intelli-
gence operatives.
A knowledgeable source said
yesterday that Hunt, who
pleaded guilty in January to
charges of bugging the Dem-
ocratic party's Watergate of-
fices, was never required. to
submit his works for revfew
because the agency was un-
aware that they were being
published. '
5 Sept 1973.
17 September 1973
Ptloynihan Decision
Ambassador Daniel Moy-
nihan Said that a report he
. has turned down an Offer to
'become a top assistant to
Secretary of State-designate
Henry lkissinger were
Quoting authoritative
American sources in New
Delhi, where he is ambassa-
dor, the Associated Press
said he had declined the of-
fer because- he prefers to '
stay in India to work for im-
proved relations between
New Delhi and Washington. :
Al' reported that Moyni- '
han cabled and telephoned
his wife in New Delhi to tell
her "not to start packing." it
quoted an embassy source
as saying, "He's going to re-
turn to New Delhi and con- .
tinue as ambassador."
In Washington, where he
is home for consultations,
'Moynihan confirmed the
.message to his wife, but
Said: "I .have to make the
.decision this week and I
haven't =de it yet.'
Proper Use of CIA
William Colby, who was sworn in as
director of the Central Intelligence
Agency, is faced with the difficult. job
Of rebuilding the image of the organi-
zation. That image has been tar-
nished by the agency's association
with the people involved in the Water-
gate and Ellsberg break-ins.
There has always been a faction op
posed to the CIA, and the recent con-
troversy has again raised Ihe ques-
tion of tlw agency's proper functions
in the foreign affairs of this country.
What does the Cl: Contribute? Does
our government need intelligence, se-
cret or otherwise?
The answer to the first question is
that the agency has two missjons: to
carry on espionage and ceunterespion-
a gc work overseas and to provide the
President with objective estimates of
foreign events and situations.
The answer to the second question
Is "yes." A classic example of the
value of intelligence is the Cuban mis-
sile crisis. Without a specialist on So-
Viet crates who could ittrIle what was
inside the boxes on the dcuks ol Soviet
freighters going to Cuba. e:xnerts
Soviet launching sites. previous 1%2
For R&Iii4e2151:14 ?Aro C1At-i l7h7I004flQ001 00230001-1
nary-technical data from a top-level
agent in Moscow and some leads pro-
vided by agents inside Cuba, Presi-
dent Kennedy probably would not
have been able to take preventive ac?
tion before the Soviet missiles be-
came operational.
_I tarry tfif zke....on former agent for
trj-M".:-.7.,i11,: Office of Strategic
Services, writing in 11w I its AlnIticS
Times, mitkes tit, valid Point that
while the CIA cannot claim perlee-
tiem, the chief dill lenity involving in-
telligencx has been the failure of poli-
cy?makers to make better use of the
inforM at ion they are given.
Rositzlec sees the Vietnam war as a
tragic esample of that. Ile points out
that, "It was an CMCI1SiVe.
CIA study in the mid-'60s that first
convinced the Secretary of Defense
that the Vietnamese war would he a
long one and that it conkd not be won
on the battle! ield."
There is a place in the order of
things for an intelligence gathering
organization such as the CIA, it is up
to Colby and the policy-mal:ers to
Nyhoin he reperts to mike mire that
thn gathered is used prop-
Approved For Release 201108107 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
1 17 September 1973
1. Sen. Stennis Seeks fo Restrict CIA
By Judy Nicol
Washinoton Post Staff Writer
Sen. John C. Stennis, chair-
man of the Senate Armed
Services Committee, said yes-
terday that he hopes to hold
hearings aimed at further re-
stricting the Central Intelli-
gence Agency's involvetnent In
domestic affairs.
"The main- thing is to limit
(CIA) operations, domestic op-
erations," said Stennis on
Face the Nation, a CBS inter-
view program. , ?
' "I totally disapprove" oftdo-
mestic political intelligence
operations by the CIA, said
the Mississippi Democrat who
Is chairman of the Central In-
telligence Subcommittee of
his Armed Services Commit-
He said he was told in June,
1972, by ?Richard M. Helms,
then CIA director, that the
CIA had no involvement in
hb Watergate burglary. He
said Helms, now ambassador
to Iran, "came to my office a
very "few days thereafter and
assured me they did not have
anything to do with planning
jor anything in connection with ,
that break-in" (of the Demo-
cratic National Committee of- 11i affecting tional security as the National,
Securiy Council may from
time to time direct.'
Stennis, speaking' of 'the
Watergate scandals that un-
folded as he was convelescing
from gunshot wounds received
in a January robbery, said,
"As an American citizen I'm
asharneci of it."
The senator said that he had
attended a recent hearing at
the U.S. Court of Appealr, on
President Nixon's refusal t.;
tutn over tapes of conversa-
tions relating . to the Water-
gate matter.
If the-Suprerne Court \rules
that Mr. Nixon should turn
over the Watergate tapes and
'the President refuses, Stennis
said, "I think it would be the
most grave situation that's
arisen maybe in a hundred
, In an ABC broadcast yester-
day, Sen. Howard Hughes (I).
Iowa) said that the American;
people "shoula not be afraid
of the impeachment probess.
I"To be afraid to use (the im-
peachment , power) would
fisces in the Watergate office
building.) ,
Helms could not be reached
for comment yesterday.
Helms' successor, William E.
Colby, has acknowledged that
the CIA had erred in prepar-
lng a pOchiatric profile of
Pentagon Papers defendant
Daniel EllSberg and in provid-
ing cameras, tape recorders
and disguises to White House
aides E. Howard Hunt Jr.
and G. Gordon Liddy. /Liddy
and Hunt were later convicted'
Iin the Watergate break-in.
The CIA's charter, the 1947
National Security Act,- says
"the agency shall have no po-
lice, subpoena, law-enforce-
ment powers or internal secu-
rity functions" in the Upied
States. /
But the 1947 statute con-
tai,ns' a loophole which has'
served as a charter for special
foreign and 'domestic ?pert-
tions. It says that the agency
shall "perform such other
functions and duties related to
Cu ans Aren't
By Jack Anderson
The four Cubans who were
caught insitie the Watergate in
the crime that has rocked the
nation have written some
poignant letters from prison.
Although they were recruited
to do the dirty work and then
were abandoned behind bars,
their letters aren't bitter.
"All things considered,"
wrote Bernard Barker to his
daughter, Maria Elena Moffett,
"we are all pretty damn lucky
Another Watergate prisoner,
Frank Sturgis, wrote to his wife
Janet: "I've been thinking of
you constantly and dream of
you always. Keep your chin up
baby. Things will somehow
work out."
The letters were shown to us
by friends of the four. Although
Barker and Sturgis were reluc-
tant to let the world read their
personal sentiments, they gave
us permission to quote from the
Barker, for instance, called
upon Watergate ringleader E.
Howard Hunt inside the White
House and came away with the
impression that the Watergate
break-in and the earlier Los
Angeles burglary were na-
tional security assignments. Af-
terwards, the Cubans wound up
In prison while those who plot-
ted the Watergate crimes re-
mained free.
Domestic' Role
e gence the mt.!
Yet on Father's Day, Barker
wrote to his daughter and her
husband: "If you are lucky and
wise, you will be of those se-
lected few that will know real
happiness in life. Your mother
and I have it, and you two have
it now and should have it more
than us because you don't ar-
gue the way we do."
Again on Aug. 24, he wrote to
his daughter in Spanish: "I
have always been proud of you,
but now I walk around with a
special smile on my lips since
now it also includes your hus-
band. . ."
He concluded the letter with
this rueful apology: "Well, my
love, receive all the love from
your problematic progenitor, a
relic of a problematic genera-
tion that has been unable to
give more than what it has and
that can only distribute its
Sturgis wrote hopefully to his
wife about a visit from Sen. Lo-
well P. Weicker Jr. (R,-Conn.),
one of the Senate Watergate
committee members. "I think
he wants to help us somehow. to-
hope so! He may come back to
see us again," wrote Sturgis.
He explained to the Senator,
Sturgis told his wife, how "the
CIA trains men to infiltrate in-
dustries past their security
guard and if caught say noth-
hug because someone will make
contact and ball us out and if
anything happens, it is common
knowledge that your family will
be taken care of. '
"No one spoke to us about
that, but our chief was Howard
(Hunt)?ex-CIA official and
White House aide. We thought
it was gov: operation and it may
still be one."
The Senator "feels that the
three of us took orders from Ma-
cho (Barker) and thinks Macho
is holding back, "related Stur-
gis. "We three do not know if
that is so but the Sen. has an
idea that he may know some-
thing on that order."
Hunt was taken away to tes-
tify on Aug. 16. Reported Stur-
gis to his wife: "Howard has not
returned as yet. Everybody
thinks he is talking his butt off.
If he is, he can only help us and
not hurt us."
But Sturgis wound up
cheerfully: "We still may win
this yet. Keep the faith, honey! I
Igve you always."
Footnote: Perhaps the most
fascinating reference was to
columnist William Buckley. "I
don't know if I told you before,"
Sturgis wrote to his wife, "but
William F. Buckley used to
work for CIA and I don't know if
he still does. When he found out
that Howard (Hunt) was going
to work in the White House, he
told Howard it was good that he
could be so close to the Presi-
dent but Howard told him that
mean we would be placing in
the hands of this President
and all future Presidents an
implied power that they could
do anything they wanted to in
defiance of the law and the
courts . . with inpunity,
with immunity," Hughes said
on ABC's Issues and Answer
"If the facts indicate that-
the President is In violation of
the law, or if the President is
refusing to obey the direct or-
ders of the Supreme Court,
then not-to use (impeachment)
would be a failure of the sys-
tem entirely," said Hughes.
A third Democratic senator,
in remarks prepared for delivr'
ery in the.Senate today, called
,for a Comtnission on the Of-
fice of the Presidency to. ex-
amine the institution.
Sen. Walter F. Mondale (D.
Mimi.) said "the American
[people seem to ?have gone be...
yond simple respect for the of-
fice of the Presidency. . .In-
stead we have begun to create
a monarchy out of an office in-
tended to be the bulwark of
ate rgate
he was there to take orders and
not to influence anyone. Tna
was a good answer! I'm noif
clear whether this is what How
ard or Buckley really said!!'
Reached for comment, Buckle
frankly admitted he was a...
"deep cover agent" for the CIA',
from July, 1951 to March, 1952,
but said he had not worked for
them since. He declined to say
what his CIA role was.
Reluctant Regulator?When
Charles King Mallory, a young
New Orleans lawyer, was
named as the Interior Depart-
ment's power resources chief,
Interior's publicity mill ground
out a press release praising
him for his dedication to "pub-
lic utility . . . securities regula-
.tion (and) antitrust" activities.
The implication was clear
:that the administration at last
;had found a consumer advocate
to ride herd on the energy mog-
uls. In fact, the new deputy as-
sistant secretary is not a con-
,sumer lawyer at all but one who
represented Louisiana Power
and Light which is charged ht.
consumer suits with antitrust
violations and conspiring
against consumers.
Although several of Mallory's
other clients were also lined up
against the consumers, Malloryl
assured us that his publicity
men "had no intention to mis.0-
lead" in their handout on him.
? I= WW1 Feature knidleitie '
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Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
3 8 Se I) I onibe r 1 97 3
Xlunt. Asks Plea Shift
; By Timothy S. Robinson
Washirieton Post Staff Writer
Attorneys for convicted Watergate co-
conspirator E. Howard Hunt asked a fed-
cral judge ? yesterday to allow Hunt to
; withdraw his guilty plea and to dismiss
charges against him because,' among
, other reasons, Hunt thought that top.
White House officials had approved the
Watergate bitrglary.
; Hunt's lawyers told Judge John J.
Sirica in a long written motion that Hunt:
bellied plan and participated in the bur-
glary because he had been led to believe,
the mission was approved by the White
House "pursuant to the President's power
to protect the national security."
; Hunt's motion traced the origin of the
Watergate break-in back to the formation
of the White House "plumbers" unit by
"President Nixon to investigate leaks of
classified information, and the subsequent
approval ;of "Gemstone," a large-scale
;intelligence and counter-intelligence pro-
gram. Hunt specifically accused G.
Gordon Liddy, who participated in both
groups, of leading him to believe the
Watergate break-in was a legitimate act.
"Defendant was led by Mr. Liddy to
believe that program (Gemstone) was re-
quired by the Attorney, General, John N.
, Mitchell, and that it was approved also
by Messrs. Liddy; Jeb Stuart IVIagruder,'
' a former White House aide; John W.
,Dean III, counsel to the President, and
Charles W. Colson, special counsel to the
President," the motion stated.
Liddy was convicted in
the Watergate break-in and
has refused to talk about its
origins to any government
body. Magruder has pleaded
guilty to, participating- in a
cover-up of the scope of the
eriginal break-in; Dean and ?
Mitchell face possible indict-
ment by a grand juryinves-
tigating that cover-up; and
Colson is reptirtedly under
investigation by a second
Watergate-related grand
jury here.
'As another reason for
changing his guilty plea,l
" Hunt's lawyers cited alleged
government misconduct "in
the White House and down
through the executive office
of the ,President and the De-
partment of Justice.
"The investigation and
prosecution of this case
were replete with deliberate
obstruction of justice, de-
struction and withholding of
evidence, perjury and subor-
dination of perjury?all by
responsible government offi-
cials," Hunt's attorneys said.
Hunt had pleaded guilty
to charges of conspiracy,
burglary and wiretapping at
the beginning of the Water-
gate break-in trial last Janu-
ary. His motion yesterday to
vacate his plea follows by
three days a similar attempt
by four Miamians who
pleaded guilty in the same
trial to change their pleas to
, The four Miamians had
claimed that their pleas
were entered because they
felt they were under proved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
sure to do so from Hunt
"high. officials of the execu-
tive branch of government."
They had claimed they had
participated in the Water-
gate break-in because they
had been told it was a legiti-
mate government intelli-
gence operation.
In explaining Hunt's claim
of two "valid defenses", to
the charges against him, in
the break-in, his lawyers,? .
headed by Sidney S. Sachs,
Said in yesterday's motion:
. "The first is that his acts
were lawful because they
were performed pursuant to.
the President's ? power ,to
protect the national secu-
"The second, assuming
(for the sake of argument)
that the acts were not law-
ful, is that he was justified
in believing they were law-
.Hunt was "coerced into
abandoning these defenses,"
the motion claimed, because
the government "unconstitu-
tionally deprived him of evi-
'dence to support them."
Testimony to back him up
concerning much of that evi-
dence, Hunt claims, has
since been unearthed by
subsequent grand jury in-
vestigations, testimony be-
fore the Senate Watergate
committee and depositions
in civil suits growing out of
the Watergate scandal.
Yesterday's motion con-
tained a summary of such
evidence in the case to show
"that the investigation and
prosecution of this case
were contaminated by mis-
conduct by many responsi-
ble White House and law en-
forcement officials."
Hunt pointed specifically
to the destruction of materi-
als from his White House
safe by acting FBI Director
L. Patrick Gray III; failure
of the White House to dis-
close that President Nixon
had taped conversations in
the White House, and in-
stances of perjury by gov-
ernment officials before the
original Watergate grand jury
and in the trial.
Hunt's attorneys sup-
ported their claims that his
announced defenses are va-
lid by relying on the Presi-
dent's constitutional powers
to "preserve, protect and de-
fend the Constitution of the
United States. ?
"On this authority, the
Watergate entry can be
strongly defended as a valid
exercise of the President's
national security power. .
"The Watengate entry, a
part of the Gemstone pro-
gram, was based on a report
by (an undisclosed) govern-
ment agency (transmitted to
'Hunt by Liddy) that foreign.
governments were supplying
funds to the Democratic
Party campaign," the mot-
ion stated.
Even if the acts were ille-
gal, Hunt's lawyers claim
their client "cannot be con-
victed for acts committed
within the scope of his em-
ployment at the direction of
high government officials."
(The President's "consti-
tutional powers" were also
cited in another case Involv-
ing Hunt. John D. Ehrlich-
man, former top domestic
adviser to the President,
told the Senate Watergate
committee in July that the
Hunt-directed break-in at
the office of the psychiatrist
of Pentagon Papers defend-
ant Daniel Ellsberg was,
"within the President's in-
herent powers as spelled out
by federal law."
("I think it is clearly
understood that the Presi-
dent has the constitutional
power to prevent the be-
trayal of national security
secrets, as I understand he
does, and that is well under-
stood by the American pub.
lie," Ehrlichman told .the
committee.) ,
The motion referred often
to alleged government mis-
conduct in the case as a rea-
son all charges against Hunt
should be dismissed.
"Surely in the history of
this country there has been
no case in which the govern-
ment more outrageously has
perverted the administra-
tion of justice and sub-
verted the Constitution," AC-
cording to the motion.
To illustrate what the.
attorneys claimed was "the
depth to which the corrup-
tion penetrated the govern-.
meat," the motion named 11
top government officials al-
legedly involved.
In .addition to Colson, Mit-
chell, Gray, Magruder, Dean
and Elirlichman, the motion
listed former White House
chief of staff H. R. (Bob)
'Haldeman, former Com-
merce Secretary and Nixon
fund-raiser Maurice H.
Stans, and former White
House aides Egli Krogh Jr.,
David R. Young and Fred-
erick C. LaRue.
Ironically, Hunt's attor-
neys cited the decision of
Federal Judge W. Matthew
Byrne in dismissing charges
against Ellsberg as a reason
the charges against Hunt
should be dismissed. The,
-break-in at the office of Ells- ?
berg's psychiatrist was one
example of "government
misconduct" in that case.
"The constitutional princi-
ple which protected Dr. Ells-
berg applies as well to
(Hunt)," his attornes said.
Meanwhile yesterday af-
ternoon, coeon ipirators
Bernard Barker ad Euge-
nio Martinex app dared be-
fore the federal grand jury
that is investigating federal
violation connected with the
Ellsberg break-in and other
Watergate-related issues.
Their attorney, Daniel
Schultz, said Special Water.
gate Prosecutor Archibald
Cox had informed him the
two men faced probable in-
dictment in connection with
the break-in and they
wanted to appear before
that group before it acted.
One source termed their
appearance a "mere plea,"
in hopes the grand jury
would not indict them in the
case. Schultz would say only
that they wanted to tell the
grand jury "what Mr. Cot
apparently doesn't under-
The grand jury is ex-
pected to return its indict-
ments in about. a week,
sources said yesterday. An
earlier return was expected,
but an early draft of the in-
dictment was ordered rev-
ritten by Cox, the sources
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
Washington, 0. C., Friday, September 7, 1973
Colson Talked t
About Ellsb
By Martha Angle
Star-Nem Staff Writer
A day after the Supreme Court gave
.the go-ahead for publication of the Pen-
itagon Papers in 1971, former White
House aide Charles W. Colson sounded
? . out E. Howard Hunt Jr. on "nailing"
Daniel Ellsberg, according to docu-
ments in the hands of Senate investiga-
1 A transcript of a Colson-Hunt tele-
phone call on July 1, 1971, a day after ,
, the high court's ruling, shows that Col-
son asked whether "we should go down
the line to nail the guy (Ellsberg) cold,"
and Hunt replied affirmatively.
' At Colson's recommendation, Hunt
was hired as a White House consultant',
'less than a week later and former presi-
idential adviser John D. Ehrlichman'
asked the CIA to help him. Three
months later, Hunt participated in the
break-in at the office of Ellsberg's psy-
chiatrist in California.
COLSON yesterday admitted he tape
recorded his July 1, 1971, conversation
with Hunt and sent a transcript of it to
'former White House chief of staff H. R.
Haldeman the following day.
"The more I think about Howard
Hunt's background, politics, disposition.
and experience, the more I think it
would be worth your time to meet him,"
Colson said in a cover memo to Heide-
man on July 2.
"If you want to get a feel of his atti-
tude, I transcribed a conversation with
him yesterday on it. Needless to say, I
did not even approach what we had
been talking about, but merely sounded
out his own ideas," Colson told Halde-
Colson yesterday said
that what he and Haldeman
had been "talking about",;
'was the possibility.of hiring;
,Hunt "to come onto the.i.
White House Staff to coordi-
nate research on the Penta-
gon Papers and serve as li-
aison with the Hill."
'? COLSON repeated earlier
denials that he had any
advance knowledge of plans
for a break-in at Ellsberg's
psychiatrist's office, saying
he learned of that burglary
"sometime after it occurred
?I can't pin down the
In his July 1 call to Hunt,
;Colson said, "we were
trying to figure out how to
recoup lost political
ground" in regard to the
;Pentagon Papers cast.
' In the conversation, tot-
son asked Hunt his opinion
of the government's prose-
cution of Ellsberg in regard
to the theft of the Pentagon
Papers and the possibility
that a conspiracy was in-
volved-'-"the bureaucrats
conspiring against the Pres-
"when I first heard about
this I assumed that Mort
Halperin was responsible
. . "the transcript shows.
,! Morton S. Halperin, a'
former National Security
'Council consultant now ati
the Brookings Institution
was one of 17 NSC officials
'and newsmen subjected to
'presidentially ordered wire-
taps between 1969 and 1971.
The disclosure that Ms-
berg, a friend of Halperin
had been overheard on Hal-
perin's telephone was one
factor which led to a dismis-
sal this past May of the
case . against- Ellsberg.
In the phone conversation
with Hunt, Colson suggested
the Pentagon Papers affair
"could go one of two ways.
Ellsberg could be turned
into a martyr ot the new lett
e- he probably will be any-
'way ? or it could become
another Alger Hiss case,
t where the guy is exposed,
. other people were operating
:with 'him, and this may be
the way to really carry it
out. We might be able to put
this 'bastard into a helluva
situation and discredit the
new left."
Hunt replied that "it
would be a marvelous way
if we could do it,' but of
course you've got the
(New York) Times, the
: (Washington) Post and the
(Christian Science) Monitor
and all sorts of things."
"THEY'VE GOT to print
the news, you know, if this
thing really turns into a
sensational case," Colson
"Well you of course,
y,ou're in a much better spot
to see how the administra-
tion stands to gain from it,"
Hunt said, "and at this
point I would be willing. to
set aside my personal yep
for vengeance to mak sure
that the administration
profits from this."
Colson went on to ask
Hunt whether "you think
that with the right re-
sources employed that this
thing could be turned into a
major public case against'
Ellsberg and co-conspira-
tors," the transcript shows.
Hunt responded that he,
thought this was possible
"with the proper re-
sources.' Colson said, "I
think the resources are
there" and asked Hunt
'whether "your answer
would be we should go down
the line to nail the guy
Cold," '
"Go down the line to nail
the guy cold, yes," Hunt
COLSON went on to sug-
gest there was "profit to us
in nailing any sonofabitch
who would steal a secret
document of the govern-
ment and publish, it or
would conspire to steal it.'
ne.tald Hunt .the case
"won't be tried in the
court" but "in the newspa-
pers" and added, "so it's
going to take some? re-
sourceful engineering . ."
, Hunt said, "I want to see
the guy hung if it can be
done to the advantage of the
"I think it can be done,"
Colson replied. "I think
there are ways to de it and I
don't think this guy is oper-
ating alone."
Hunt: "Well of course he
Isn't 'operating atone. He's
got a, congeries of people
'who are supporting him,
aiding and abetting him,.
there's no question about
Colson: "But I'm not so
sure it doesn't go deeper
than that."
' Hunt: "Oh really? You're'
thinking of like (Dem-
ocratic Chairman Law-
. rence) O'Brien or. "
? COLSON: "Oh no, I'm
thinking of the enemy. . ."
Hunt: "The real enemy.
Well of course, they stand to
profit more, the most, no
question about it. You've
got codes and policy making
apparatus stripped bare for
public examination; all that
sort of thing.
"Supposing we could get
a look at these documents
from inside the Kremlin or
Peking.' Former CIA Direc-
tor Richard Helms could be
retired forthwith and you'd
cut down 90 percent of our
expenditures across, the
river. . ."
Colson: "I think there is a
fertile field here and I just
thought I'd try it out on you
to see what you thought of
AFTER some more con-
versation, Colson told Hunt
that "I'll be back to you"
and promised to visit him
soon to dine on "fine stone
crabs" which. Hunt offered
to share.
Colson yesterday said he
had tape-recorded the tele-
phone call witle Hunt "for.
the benefit of Bob Halde-
man. . . I thought it would
give a good measure of the
man (Hunt)."
Colson said that on the
basis of the transcript,
Haldeman told him to Out
Hunt in touch with Ehrlich-
man and "if Ehrlichman
likes him, go ahead and hire
. him."
He said Ehrlichman inter-
viewed Hunt on July 7, 1971,
the same day Gen. Robert
. E. Cushman, former deputy
director of the CIA, has tes-
tified that he received a call
from Ehrlichman asking the
CIA to help Hunt in his work
for the White House.
Later that month ? on
July 23, 1971 ? Hunt visited
the CIA and Cushman au-
therized the agency's tech-
nical services division to
provide him fake identifica-
tion, a wig and a voice-al-
tering device, Cushman told
the Senate Watergate.
WHILE at the White
House, Hunt was part of the
"plumbers" unit headed by
Egil Krogh. David R.
Young and G. Gordon Liddy:
(who, like Hunt, was later,.
convicted in the Watergate,
case) were other members.
of the team. ?
An Aug. 11, 1971 memo:
previously introduced in the,
hearing record showed that,
Ehrlichman specifically;
approved a recommenda-
tion by Young and Krogh.
"that a covert operation be,
undertaken ? to examine all
the medical files still held
by Ellsberg's psychoanalyst
covering the two-year peri-
od in which he was undergo-
ing analysis."
Underneath his approval,
Ehrlichman scribbled, "if
done under your assurance
that it is not traceable."
DURING his Se-nate testi-
.mony seven weeks ago,
,Ehrlichman denied that the
"covert operation" he ap-
proved was e .break-in, as-
serting that he 'learned of
the burglary bf Ellsberg's
'psychia trist's 'office only'
after it occurred. ?
But Ehrlichman, Krogh,
'wereand Liddy this week
were indicted by a Los An-
geles County grand jury.
Hunt had testified before
the grand jury in regard to
the September, 1971 break-
in after receiving immunity
from prosecution in that
Colson is expected to be
questioned about his July 1,'
1971, conversation with
Hunt ? and his memo to
Haldeman the following day
?when he testifies before
the Senate Watergate
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Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
Committee later this month.
? SOURCES said the tr6-
script of that call, and the
accompanying memo, were
turned over to the commit-
tee investigators on July 31
by a former Colson secre-
tary. They have not thus far
been introduced into the
public hearing record.
"This is the latest in a
long and steady stream of '
leaks by the Senate Water-
gate Committee," Colson
charged yesterday.
"I'm not surprised but. I
continue to be disappointed
in their utter lack of judi-
ciousness in handling mate-
rial provided them by wit-
"Maybe it's time they ti-
died up their own store," he
16 September 1973
Shredder Also Destroy Tons
of Classified 'Material
?Special "burn bags" and
shredders regularly consume
tons of outdated classified ma-
terial and other documents con-
sidered sensitive in this secur-
ity-conscious capital.
, The classified papers may
contain military, technical or
security- information. Also de-
destroyed are drafts, memoran-
&Ms, messages, message re-
? } ponses, studies, reports and
(just about any other stack of
! paper an official regards as sen-
L Patrick Gray 3d, former
incting director of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, said
? :he was unaware his office had
?fa "bum basket." He .told the
'Senate Watergate committee
? .that he burned some Watergate-
:related material last December
k!With the Christmas trash at his
borne in Stonington, Conn.
At the F.B.I. Headquarters,
*here all messages are regard-
led as confidential, all paper
trash is collected in special
"burn bags" from white-rim-
med waste-baskets for burning
by security men. The super-
!market-size paper bags are
, marked with red diagonal
stripes and the words, "Classi-
'fled Burn."
900,000 Burn Bags
! The General Services Admin-
/ istration says it spent $31,000
for 900,000 official bum bags
?! last year in the capital. The
;bags are -also used to collect
itmaterial for shredders.
; The Defense Department, the
-Atomic Energy Commission and
? ',the National Aeronautics and
Space Adminstartion are among
r, agencies with specific proce-
dures for destroying material.
On occasion, a NASAAml.
suit and tie can be seen WEI
8 September 1971
Soviets Tie Watergate v oes,
To U.S. Foreign Policy Foes'
By Robert G. Kaiser
Washington Post Foreign Service
MOSCOW, Sept. 7?Soviet
political lecturers are telling
their audiences that President
Nixon's troubles over Water-
gate were caused by reaction-
ary influences opposed to Mr.
Nixon's foreign policy.
A lecturer in Moscow- said
recently that "election cam-I
paigns in the West often?un-
fortunately?Involve many;
dirty activities," and that this
was well understood in the
Western countries. "It was not I
by chance," he added, that
"some circles" in the pnited
States decided to make a big
Issue of last year's dirty 'activi-
ble, and thus earned the direct 'combination of forces repre-
support of the Soviet Union. senting "the military-indus-
Senior Soviet leaders have trial complex"; politicians anti
taken a similar position in comentators who "made a liv-
conversations with visiungt ing on the cold war" and
Americans in recent weeks. hated 'to see it end; elements
Political lecturers are a key
of the press, and "Zionist cir-
element in the official Soviet cies." Zionists have now be-
system of political education., come the world's leading reac-
Millions of citizens hear lee; tionaries in all Soviet props-
turers at their places of work, ganda.
study or residence. Lecturers "Seventy-five per cent of the
are often used to convey in. means of inass communication
formation about subjects con- [in the U.S.] are' under the
sidered too sensitive for the control, directly or indirectly,
open press, which is read by of Zionist circles and Jews,"
foreigners and regarded as of-
he lecturer claimed.
ficial. He quoted Israeli Prime
The press has handled the Minister Golda Meir as saying
Watergate affair with 'extreme that Watergate had weakened
care, never publishing any-
Mr. Nixon, as if to show that
thing that reflected badly on Mrs. Meir approved.
The lecturer also warned
The lecturer quoted Mr. President Nixon, and never re-
Nixon as saying: "They hs-. I ally explaining what the crisis
tened in on people's telephone was all about.
calls under Eisenhower, they
listened in under Johnson,
they listened in under Kennedy,
so why do they pick on me
The answer, the lecturer,
suggested, was obvious.
"We always knew that pow-
erful circles would oppose any
Improvements in America's re-
lations with the Soviet Union,"
he added.
The implication of this line
appears to be that. Mr. Nixon
personally made detente possi-
Urban Arlington stoking reams
of papers into an air-jet
spurred incinerator used by
several Federal agencies.
The Richards C omp a n y,
which owns the incinerator, has
burn contracts with the Fed-
eral Aviation Administration,
the Federal Home Loan Bank
Board and the Agriculture De-
partment's Foreign Agricultural
Service, as well as with NASA.
Corporate Customers
Several banks, ? the Interna-
tional- Business Machines Cor-
poration and the telephone
company also use the facility,
a company spokesman said.
The Secret Service destroys
White House information. How-
ever, John Murray, a Secret
Service spokesman, says: "So
far as how, or what, or when,
We won't comment."
Among the material destroy-
ed, by the Justice Department
are rough, drafts of Federal
suits, which may be modified
before reaching court, and busi-
ness information used in anti-
trust suits.
Because of environmental re-
strictions on burhing, several
agency officials say the Govern-
ment leans toward shredders.
Two New York companies
are on the G.S.A.-approved
contractors list. They offer
shredders at prices raneine
efrfro 0E6'422081 /fMa
shredders can chew up a ton
and a quarter of paper an hour.
The lecturer here did not of-
fer any explanation either, but
he made it clear that members
of his audience should be syne
pathetic to Mr. Nixon, and not
to his critics.
The lecturer also disclosed
that polls showed 25 per cent'
of the American public favor- ,
ing Mr. Nixon's retirement or'
removal from office, a fact
that at least gives Soviet citi-
zens an idea of the seriousness
of the affair.
The lecturer described the
President's oPponents as a
that "there are people in the
United States who would like
to have a new war tomorrow?
people who make arms for the
arms race, and earn profits
from it."
Even if this line is only
propaganda, there is little
doubt that-the Soviets are baf-
fled by Watergate. From the
mighty to the masses, they
have expressed bewilderment
to Americans here. In a coun-
try where respect for author-
ity is axiomatic, many ask how
Americans could treat their
President so badly,
: CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
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REGISTa, Springfield,
30 August 1973
Hy Chris Dettro
Convicted Watcrhiweer
Jame.: McCord said Wednos:
day he thinks :1:11-tila
CII "can priwide mieful Witt%
mat inn'' In the Senate Select
Committee on IVatergate if
she is Called to test ifv.
Merord spoke to about
1.0f/0 Sangamon Stali.,
versity students and the
general public packed into
the SSU cafeteria Wednes-
day nitit alter spending
most of the afternoon talking
informally ?vith i4tidonts at
both the downtown and lake
campuses of the university.
The lormer Air Force.
FBI and ("Lk man said that
he first mel the wife of the
former attorney general m
the fall of 1971 and found her
"outspoken and with a great
deal of inte4rity. She is an
easy person to ;teal with."
he said. McCord was in
charge of security for the
Mitchell,: alter Mareli. 1972,
when Mitchell resigned the
attorney general's post to
head the Committee to lb,-
elect I he ()resilient
(CREEP). for which Me('ord
was chief of secitrity.
Ile said Mrs. Mitchell's
latest phone call to UPI's
!felon Thomas in which she
said she had seen 0 book of
polit leaf espionage plans
prvpared by White !louse
Chief of Stall It. It.
If:adman and President
Nixon is "a major develop-
ment which inav lead to
more facts coorerning the
Watergate ca,.e."
Martha Mitchell has asked
to testify hi.lore the Ervin
Committee in executive Se:l-
sion, and 'McCord said. "I
hope she 1,,ists that onportuni.
0'. She somethille to
contribute and I hell 'vi'
r11c('ord. repeated his pre-
%nous IttIiit. !hill he does
not believe Ifichard Nixon.
II. It. Itoideinati John Er.
lichmanit out Martha's hit i?
band John, km
Ile said that Haldeman.
Erlielinvin and Mitchel;
'have lied ' lotore tho ?Viit?
create Con:notice and atil
\silting to ho sued tor
statement. In tact, I'm rani,
,A A
Li V 'fa 144 a
er intriested in a civil suit
mm this subwet."
Ile said he believes Nixon
was not telling all he know
in his teli,vision appearances
on the Watergate affair and
said that his comment about
the lune 17. 1972 break-in at
Democratic National !dead-
quarter's !wing the plan of "a
few overmdous individuals"
is "a spacious answer."
McCord admitted that the
five men arrested inside the
Washington hotel. of which
he was one, were indeed
?rhe b;2st wireman in the
timothy." us he was termed
by one of those \vim testified
beforo the Ervin Committee,
repeated his belief that Nix.
nti not only participaCed
the enyerup lint also anthor-
',zed the break-in itself.
"I believe' Nixon author-
lied the operation and he
rdwintrsly authorized I ho
covet-Lin," he said. "this
statements have been to the
contrary but I don't believe
Part of this opinion is
based on information he said
fie was told. by another bug-
ging conspirator. G. Gordon,
Liddy. laddy, however, is
not talking: and ?vont verify
what hi., told :OcCord. Liddy
fold him. MCC1,R1 :411111. that
Mitchell and fowler White
I loose Counsel .1ohn I /ran
liii apfiroycil t he break-in
plans. slet'oril said he dots,-;.
not Ircl Mitchell aid Dean
would improve the pkois
withiml the l'ia'Sidellt.S CO11.
kiloW ho',' tiwy ?per-
-ate,'? he said.
Ile still has lopes, he said,
not only that Gordon Liddy
will talk, but that the four
Cobans arested inside the
howl tiornaril Harker.
Frank Sturgis. Engonio Mar.
tines/ and Virellia Gonialez
? ?nit! rea,,pear
Judge John Sint t :Inri U.11110
fin?y ply;olod nih v 11!).
01,?:??Ule -PIC\ ill it .Olod
iiittt 11114kr .4!,11,?:,.: and
pf fr,nti,,:; (it
1?111.1... N11.1'1/;41 "'Filet/
11,111 1110 Sit 1111 in,elves dur-
ing the hist weehs of the
Ile said he, does believe
IJ" ;',1?d
ge:2 "h gr..1 0:,1111
the committee testimony of
Jeb Magruder and "the
substance of John Dean's
testimony" in which he im-
plicated Nixon. "Dean may.
be wrong on a few dates,"
he said.
YOU Mirja be the only col-
leo audience to hear me."
said the balding burglar in
reterence to U.S. Judge Sun-
Co's decision on the Presi-
dential tapes Wednesday.
Sirica said he was going to
reconsider letting NIcCord
and former CHEEP staffer
bit Smart Mintriater stump
the country to kit their side
of the Watergate btisiness.
Iceord said that Special
Watergate Prosecutor Archi-
bald Cox "interposed an
oliWction" to his and Magru-
der's speaking engagements
to Siriea.
'1 think he felt Iliat our
talking may in seine. way
prejudice those persons %vim
111:11' be indicted in the In-
hint'.'' he said. Ile cited the
"two million words of testi-
mony that have been heard
on national television" dur-
ing Senate Committee hear-
ings and said ''l ean't see
how my talking in Spring.
held. Illinois will prejudice a
airy in Washington. D.C.
Mine is a minute cont rum-
tout and I can't Si'.' how I'll
alive( their rijits." he said.
McCord has already spo-
ken to some 20 civic and
church group:: and is pre-
pared to speak at about 40
additional colleges and uni-
versities :Iner SSlj. I he said
all hut one of his scheduled
appearances are outside
lle'olso pointed
out th:11 the seven senators
the I.VatcreAte ioirmittee
.ind !mile ot !twit skill aro
nit ihirg speeehe:;,
slmou fee for the
ii;' 5;t will go to-
?..e,(1 paving off the sill to
stoihdOd in legal lees he ex-
ATV .7111
ll er
ports to accumnlate by next
The convicted coespiratori
praised the CIA. -iIit. which
he worked for '20 years. and?
said an attempt to blame Ow
Watergate nperat con en thi?
rl.1 was instrionental in his
(tel Plvadimt guilty an?I eveo-
litany sending a NI:H:11.23.
19/3 letter to Sirica which.
touched off a valid investiga-.
lion of the events surround-.
ing Watergate.
Ile said the CIA
most tremendous people ill
govermnent, very hielhuali-
ber .1).?ople."- and that the
agency "is extremely highly
supervised, despite publie
opinion and Ilw opinion of
some Senate subcommittees.
It is very closely supervised
by the President." he said.
lie also has goiid words
for CHEEP. -
Whin) he was hired as
security chief in Sept !sit,
thew Wore pc:??? ?
0,1 ;hr. Sluff. O.);,14?? :??
over from the White House.
he said. "It grew ? to 200 to
409 people." he said, "and
they were a delightful. Ideas-
ant gimp to work with. Most
ill them very yilintg.. clean.
cut and very dedicated."
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10 Sept. 1973
A Plumber's Works
Everybody knows E. Howard I twit
Jr., the Watergate "plumber" and ex-
CIA agent, but how about Howard Hunt
the novelist? The 51-year-old Hunt has
written 47 books, mostly spy thrillers
published under such psendonyins as
Itobert Dietrich, David St. John and Cor-
don Davis. While I hint is serving out a
35-year sentence for? conspiracy at Dan-
bury prison, many of his books are being
republished. Ile has Written nothing dur-
ing his first five months in jail (aml is not
even allowed a typewriter), but seven-
teen of Isis spy series?featuring steely
CIA agent Peter Ward or Commie-crip-
pling accountant Steve Bentley?are be-
ing rushed into paperback reissue. In
addition, two new I Innt books are coin-
ing out this fall; and I flint has yet an-
other to sell, "Mosccnv Calling."
The two new books are a revealing
package. THE BERLIN ENDING (310 pages.
Putnam. $6.95) is a sexpionage roman a
He/ I hint wrote between the Watergate
break-in and the death of his wife in an
air crash. It follows ex-CIA agent Neal
Thoipe's efforts to save the daughter of
a treacherous West German foreign min-
ister, one of several seemingly non-Coin-.
munist world muckamucks secretly in
thrall to isfoscow. The fidional identity
of the blackguard minister was tipped
off by Ihmt, who sent his editor a news
photo of Willy Brandt and Leonid Brezli-
. ney inscribed: "I icre's the dirty dog and
his master."
Bitter: I hint's other new book is non-
fiction?at least ostensibly?I:ivy us THIS
DAV (235 pages. Arlington. $7.95). Origi-
nally written in 1967 "in a mood of nos-
talgic bitterness," it narrates his CIA role
its the "needless failure" of die Bay of
Pigs. I hill describes bow he made a se-
cret trip to (?:astrn's grim new Cuba aml
returned to recommend to the CIA that
Castro be liquidated. Ile refutes the
Kennedy Administration line that the
CIA had laingled the job by counting on
a popular ;prising inside Cuba that nes.-
er happened. No revolt was plaolicd or
expected, insists flout. Instead,. the CIA
was sandbagged at the last minute by
the White House's cancellation of air
support and forced to shoulder blame
that, declares Ilunt, should fall on the
Pentagon planners who picked the disas-
trous site.
The book is expectably full of colorful
anecdotes. CIA planners wanted to use
Cozumel island's airstrip as a refueling
base for their limited-range 11-26's. But
the Mexican Air Force officer in charge
demanded a non?egotiable bribe of four
air-conditioned Thunderbird converti-
bles. Irked at his "brazen venality," the
CIA looked elsewhere, in vain. And two
familiar characters also appear as antit
Castroites in I hint's story: Watergate
burglars Bernard Barker and Frank Mo-
rita, alias Frank Sturgis.
Books by writer Ihnit raise intriguing
questions ;dung agent limit. A penciled
phone number Thorpe carelessly leaves
in his apartment almost leads to a Soviet
triumph. I limes White I liaise plume
number and initials, found iii Barker's ad-
dress book, linked the Nixon Adminis-
tration to the scandal and proved Hunt's
undoing. In one of Hunt's Peter Ward
adventures, he describes an unnoticeable
metal plate CIA burglars use to secure a
forced door. !hint's own Watergate op-
eratives used glaringly apparent black
tape. And in an early novel, "Bimini
Bun," the Alan Ladd-like hero is "Ilank
Sturgis"?surely the ancestor of "Frank
Several characters in "The Berlin End-
ing" are revealing Ihint surrogates. Cer-
tainly danger-addict(, romance-ridden
Thorpe, who thinks the CIA has gone
soft but who handles women like price-
less china dolls, is Hunt's voung-buvk
?ision of himself, lint whose resigned,
aching loneliness is that piethred in ail-
ing, aging, ex-CIA chief Alton Ilegester?
Ile gazes sadly at his dead wife's por-
trait, eulogizes the "crystalline figures"
of spydom's pre-"floisam" days, munnurs
ruefully: "Peace, wliat crimes are etnn-
milled in thy itaine"?and "I'm a dinosaur,
a species alniost extinct." And cold that
Soviet agent's bitter anxiety overibecom-
ing a "burned-out Is to he discarded
and forgotten" be empathy front the man
blocked from promotion in the CIA who
joined a Washington I'll lirin and then
signed on at the White !louse to ping
One of Hunt's 'first endeavors CI. re
was to study Imp on the mysterie,
rounding Chappaquiddick. Then the op-
erative used to State Department cover
assignments donned his red wig to nudge
ITT's Dita Beard into recanting her
?anno. Ile doctored cal des purporting to
show President Kennedy's complicity in
Ngo Dinh Diem's assassination.
Fate: Nov, suffering from ulcers, 23
pounds lighter, a chained. and manacled
Hunt has left Danbury prison nineteen
ones to testify (he is due to appear later
this month before the Ervin conunittee).
Ile is likely to go down as the Willy Lo-
man of the spy business, a dedicated
hireling hanging in there in a changing
world. What Tommy his books !wing in,
he declares, goes to lawyers. II is four
children at the big, brick house in Poto-
mac', NId., called "Witches 1st:tint," are
parentless, though good friend William
F. Buckley Jr. is acting as "a sort of god-
father." I hint recently complained bitter-
ly that the Watergate "leg men" drew
long sentences, while the "prime conspir-
ators" arc still free. And he even hinted
he suspects betrayal by a double agent
in his ranks on that fateful June 17 night.
More poignantly, he says that his wife
thought the original ending of "Ending"
?in which the good guys, our guys, win
?was "too pat." Out the way to the airpmt
with the fabled $10,000, she told flaunt:
''The evildoers of the world me not al- .
ways punished. Sona times the s.o.b. gets
away with it and the ?good People doll).-
Ilunt says lie was just finishing up the
new, more pessimistic close to the novel
when his son told him of his wife's fatal
plane crash. Ile subtitled the book: "A
Novel of Discovery."
6 Auguat 1973
New Impetus for CIA_Review
Senate confirmation of the . involvement in Cambodia, with the
appointment of William E. Colby to CIA again active. The fear expressed
head the Central Intelligence Agency by Sen. Harold E. Hughes of Iowa
gives new emphasis to familiar prior to Colby's confirmation - that as
questions. Colby has aptly been CIA chief "he might acquiesce in
described as "the epitome of the another secret war" - is not
covert man": his experience has been unfounded,
largely in this aspect. of CIA This and other possibilities for
activities, rather than in the agency's operations on a burid scale
routine intelligence-gathering , argue for legislative surveillance of
operations. With such a man at the the CIA's funding and activities. Such
helm, the need for continuing, surveillance: a considerable step
effective congressional review of the beyond the present far from stringent,
CIA is more urgent that ever, oversight, would be 'desirable in
Colby is said to- have played an any case. It becomes all the more
important role in the planning and desirable now that a man of Colby's
execution of what virtually amounted bent - a competent professional, but
to a CIA-operated secret war in Laos one oriented toward clandestine in-
in the 1960s. Now there are hints of volvement in other nations' affairs -
AgiptitiVer keleesen2WA1 IO8S07 : igtARER7daga4pRO001002001-1
Approved For Release 2001/08/0
HERALD, Cincinnati
1.Septeuber 1973
f '4)r
War: Is
Jim Rotonda, spokesman for
the National Caucus of Labor
Committees (NCLC) and U. S.
LAO,' 'Party ca rulida t Inc ft,la y -
or of Newark today made the
following statement on recent
developments in Newark:
"Events in Newark prove all
of what the NCLC predicted in
Its pamphlet, 'Papa Doc Baraka:
Fascism in Newark,' :and all
of what 11.S. Labor Party can-
didates have been saying for
weeks in their c a in pa igns
around the count;:y.
The Central Intelligence Ag-
ency (CIA), working through its
two FO-.Z:erh'fascist operatives,
Imainu Baraka (Leroi Jones)
and Assemblyman Anthony lin-
periale, have moved in the last
week to immediately end the ad-
ministration (if Newark Mayor
Kenneth Gilemn. The.move . is
part of :in attempted CIA plan
to establish fascist rule in New-
ark by the time of the scheduled
June, 1974 mayoral election.
The forced move to dump
Gibson indicated that the CIA
plans to accelerate the take-
over process. This acceleration
is a direct result of the U.S.
La bor Party's national cam-
paign to expose and destroy
16 Sept. 1973
/4cc- pe)
4. 11,1
r,r1; (I Ei'.N
i?yifioson Out
Baraka's organization, to drive
this fascist apparatus out of
Newark. ?
'Gibson has proven worth-
less to the capitalists. Ile has
been incapable of implementing
the real union-busting and aus-
terity programs which employ-
ers need to run a bankrupt city
like Newark in a depression, and
he has refused to cooperate fully
with the CIA's choice for the
next rulers of Newark, Baraka
and Imperiale. The CIA has
ordered that Gibson be (lumped
so that he and his few friends
don't get in the way of ipraka's
strike - breaking and union-
busting, or most importantly,
in the way of the CIA - ma nary('
race riot that Baraka and lin-
periale have been told totiment
in order to bring the lascist
movement to power in this
"Gibson has been aggravated
by Baraka's charge that he is
a 'inippc.t of Prudential,' and
by the jeers of .13araka hench-
man, Councitman Dennis West-
brooks (also known as Mjumba)
? that he was incapable of break-
ing, the Newark sanitationnien's
union. In response. the Mayor
allowed a phony liaraka demon-
stration On Aug. 1 5, to turn
arrison Planned
To Link General
To JFK Slayng
By Iris Kelso
si?????ini in Me W1101111C:011 Ewa
federal court here.
The account of how Garri?
son developed his theory
that Callen masterminded
the Kennedy assassi nal hin
is said by some to suggesi
the way GasTison developed
his vase aninst New Orle?
ails businessman Clay Shaw,
whom he did charge.
Aceording to thr tape
Garrison talked with Per.-ai-
ing Gervais, his former chief
investiitattir and close !..t
friend, almm the cats,11
pry N'arrh 9. 1971.
Garrison had Izotien
Cahell's name from "Who's
Whoill the Snot It arid
Southwest.- Ito Ntas pre.
pared to tharze I;e11. Cabe!!
if he eonid e.?;anti,i, ilia, 1-n,
hell had ;wen te \pw
Orleans District At
Jim Garrison. as late as
March 1971, was in?eparim:
to accuse another person of
conspiring to assassinate
President John Kennedy.
Garrison's intended de-
fendant this time was the
late Air Force Gen. Charles
Calla, former deputy (I let-
tar of tilt- Central Intelli?
.?...ionuy anti brother
of Kati Cattell Earl Catlett,
'who later became a erin?
cressinati, was 111:1 1);II.
las at the Inn(' of the iiSS;0??
The Cabell story is
bronchi out iti tape record.
Ines introduced in Gart?i?
son's pinball briber% trial in
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
into a confrontation between
members and sympathizers of
Baraka's Committee for Unified
Newark (CFUN) and over sixty
white riot cops. The demon-
stration ostensibly demanded
the 'accountability' of Newark's
sanitationmen, accountability to
Baraka. It was actually designod
to provide a cover for Jim
Nance, head of Baraka front
group, the Federation of Afro-
American Police Officers, by
provoking the w:lite cops into
arresting and roughing him up
in the presence of witnesses
and the press. As is well-
known in Newark, Nance was
one of Baraka's early fascist
recruits and Once held the post
tion of 'security,' head goon
in Baraka 's organization, a per-
fed candidate for director of
the future Baraka controlled
black police force, split from
a white force controlled by
'Barak-a, through his mouth-
piece Westbrooks, is using
these contrived 'atrocities' to,
call for the resignation of Gib-
son and Gibson's sidekick, Po-
lice Director Edward Kerr, The
black fascist is now making
demands that the police and
service employees ot the South
ans any time ,around the
date of the assassination.
Nov. 22, 1963.
Gervais. at the time of the
conversation, had gone to
Garrison's home to deliver
$1,000 the federal govern-
ment says was a pinhall brib-
ery payment. Gervais. who
thcn was ?yfirki" with the
government, Ivor(' a voice
transmitter tinder his coat.
Garrison's iniagination was
triggered when he learned
Gen. Cabell was former
Mayor Cabell's brother. Gar-
rison's theory was that the
CIA was behind the assassi-
nation and that the Dallas
city government and pout-'
department cooperated in it.
He thought the assassina-
tion mias masterminded mut
of New Orleaiis. Ile Wanted
Gervai,;)o cheek the records
at ",; motel in New Orleans
to learn if Ceti. Cahill had
been there around Novem-
ber 1963.
.In the tape, Garrison's
wore could he heard sayin,
"If I tan out him in the
Fontainebleau Motel, then
I've got cnouh to grah him
by the ,
"OK." Gertais com-
mented. Garrison: "No?a the
at er;L:e guy, .me
dap't want to hear an'' rnrn't?
and Central Wards of Newark
be made accountable tEl the
'community -- accountably to
111111. f!.,irakti used the sante
demand to destroy the Newark
Teachers Union (NIT).
'lite Labor Committees have
known for months that the CIA
has been working for more than
five years to build the apar-
atuS capable of turning Newark
into the first urban American-
fascist stronghold.
Labor Committee members
are exposing the dottiest ie. polo -
ical organizing activities of the
CIA and its frontmen in a na-
tional anti-lharaka educational
and t)ropaganda campaign. At
this moment the deadly !rand
of 'accountability' -?-? Baraka's
favorite union-busting tactic--
is twing exposed on the floor
of the national convention of the
American Federation (if Teach-
ers(A FT) in Washington D.C.
by NCLC, NU-WI?) and RIM
organi znrs. The NCLC will con-
tinue to expose every actual or
threatened capitol:thou to such
faseist tactics among the union-
ized, the unorganized, and the
unemployed, and, with each ex-
posure, build forces to remove
these CIA front opera! ions I coin
American cities branch and
when he .finds out that the
Number Two man in the
CIA is the brother of the
mayor of Dallas."
Later Garrison said. "Waif
till the country finds out
hat---1 been yelling CIA,
wail till they find init that
the Number Two man in this
('l.? is the man in ehart;r of
the Bay of Pigs and , the
brother of the mayor of 1)al-
Gen. Cahell was deputy
director of the CIA 11111i I his
resit:nal ion effect ti. 31, ?
1952. Ills twot her, formi?i?
Pep. Cabc11, sa?-s the gen?
cral was -the et:MONT" of
the Ray of Ph,:s nocrApith
Garrison fare0 the liossi?
hility that t;en, just
lint .haVr' I .:isi-red at
the FontaitiehIer ii around
the a zwr-:?inat ion date. In
that rose, lie said, lin wttultl
Iii'itig opOH' Gi?oci?al's name
at some time when hi' had a
011,11'11u, in it 1.'10-
'11,11111 Shot.; Or PI :I
',TWI' I; lIlt ('S Ii unit' in
the tapes that Gervais ever
rtiecked the motel record....
Cahill's name was net PI'
TIV.11:? \V?
hittl< lit ( I 1*--.171.S.
?sk ay. Ile li-td lin defendant.,
Gem Cabe)! had died in 1970
.?several InoilthS before
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
The Washington Merry.Go4tomid THE WASHINGTON POST
Thursday, Sept. 13, 193
Asian Guerrillas Offer Opium
By Jack Anderson
The colorful Shan guerrillas
have offered to sell the United
States most of the Southeast
Asian opium crop and to wage
war on any other opium con-
voys that may try to operate in
the area. In exchange, they
want $12 million in hard cash
and a U.S. promise to help them
'win autonomy from Burma.
This astonishing proposal
was made in writing by two top
Shan leaders who sent an emis?
sary down from the hills te
'meet clandestinely In Sangkok
with Rep, Lester Wolff (D-N.y.).
As chairman of e House narcot-
ics subcommittee, Wolff la the
House's leading expert on
Burma-Thailand-Laos opium
production. HA wet In Bangkok
last month one survey with five
other congressmen.
The signed Shan offer to de-
stroy up to 400 tons of high-
grade Asiatt oplem, combined
with the U.S.-sponsored Crack-
down on Turkish opium, theo-
retically could wipe nut 75 per
cent of the supply of heroin on
America's streets, And $12 mil-
lion admittedly Would be
eheaper than trying to stop the
smuggling operation the hard
As Wolff recounts his dra-
matic encounter In Bangkok,
the Shan emissary, On MOM-
Men, arranged by letter and tel-
ephone td meet With him in
hotel lobby away from his cori-
fum* al colleagues. A tel'
owcup meeting was held la a
pack aft 4 twilling Bengal*
? The Englishman handed him
the two-page propoial signed
by Gen. Law Hain Han and
Boon Tai, the two rebel leaders,
who also sent, as evidence of
good faith a handwritten list of
Ill recent opium shipments by
mule, backpack and trucks with
in the vast Shan state area. .
Skeptical at first but eager to
explore the offer, Wolff invited
American diplomatic, narcotics
and CIA officials in Thailand to
a meeting where he laid out the
strange Shan proposal.
? At this private session, the
authorities confirmed that the
Englishman was an authentic
Shan contact and that some of
the hendwritten reports of
opium convoys agreed pre-
cisely with their own secret in-
formation. Our own sources re-
port that both the State Depart-
ment and CIA had also been ap-
proached by the Shan insuri
gents but that the negotiations
had been aborted by Washing-
Wolff left it to the American
officials in Bangkok to pursue
the offer but asked for quick
progress report, fearing the
unorthodox Shan gambit might
become snarled in red tape and
bureaucratic timidity. When
Wolff reached Hong Kong four
days later, he was called by his
Shan contact, who reported
nothing whatsoever was being
done about the Shan otter.
At our request, Wolff has now
agreed to show us the proposal
in hopes this might stir at least
preliminary talks on the feesI-
Witty of buying up the Shan
opium prop. After all, the
United States has subsidized
Turkish opium farmers with $35
million. .a year so they would
stop growing the lethal stuff.
The United States also secretly
paid $1 million to Chinese traf-
fickers and others in Thailand
for contraband opium, which
was burned. (A secret CIA re-
port claims, however, that the
U.S. authorities were deceived
and really burned cheap fodder
covered with opium)
Wolff's document, typed be-
neath the crossed swords let-
terhead of the Shan State Army,
is titled "Proposals to Termi-
nate the Opium Trade in Shan
State." It beg mm
"The Shan State Army and Its
einem will invite. . ,the United
States Narcotics Bureau, or any
similar body, to visit the opium
areas of Shan State and to
transmit Information about
opium (moven on their own
"The S.S.A. and Its allies will
ensure thet all opium Con-
trolled by their armies is burnt
under international sunerV1-
sion. The opium will he sold at
a pried to be negotiated later,
but the basis. 4 should be the
Thal border price." At present,
this would amount to roughly
$18 million Sot 400 tons of
In return loll. these "tempo-
rary measures," the Shen ar-
mies want a "permanent saki-
tion" based on political self-de-
terminetion for the Shuns afid
agricultural assistance from
the United States to "replace
opium with other crops." U this
is finally accomplished, prom-
ise the Shan leaders, they will
"filloW helicopters under inter-
national aupervision to search
out and destroy any opium
fields that still remain."
In Wolff's view, the advantage
of destroying 400 tons of opium
far outweighs the ruffling of of-
ficial Burmese feathers. which
direct dealings with the Shams
would cause.
Our own CIA sources confirm
that the Shan State Army is a
tremendous factor in the South-
east Asian drug traffic. One se-
cret repo by the CIA's Basic
and Geogi..,-hic Intelligence
Office asserts. 'The Shan State
Army, the tars ' of several
forces that have fighting
for Shan independel.-, from
Burma . . . is also
volved in the opium business.'
Another .CIA document tells
of caravans of "up to 600 horses
and donkeys and 300 to 400 men
carrying in excess of 16
tons" moving out of the Shan
State. Classified CIA and Jus-
tice Department documents say
400 tons of the 700 to 750 tons of
nnititn produced in Southeast
Asia come from Burma, much of
It from regions controlled or
near the Shan State armies.
Wolff, while reluctant to
leave Coogresi during the
wind-up of the '1973 session, is
willing to serve as an emissary
to' the Shan generals if it will
help get negotiations going. Al,
though he la unwilling to vouch
for the Shan generals' ability tai
deliver on their proposals, he
feels they fit least warrant seri.,
eus talk. "go far," he told us;
"the U.S, government.seems?thr
more eager to wipe out instil.;
gents than to wipe out the he 4
Din trade." ,
?1913, United Feature Syndicate '
Gervais, who probably
knew Garrison better than
Any other por.vm. was no.
torinusly indifferent to Gar-
rison's assassination theo-
In anothyr tape Gervais
told a pinball operator,
-Clay Shaw bad no more to
do with that bull? than you
did. Garrison rte.% thme4ht
he was 20iIIL! Io link(' Infn-
self a hit: mao mit of that
pile of ? --?"
Earl Cahill. livin Dai?
las since his retirement
.from C.otr4ress, ha .l heard
that it was him. rat.t?r than
his brother chAlliprai/eld
Garrison hoped to link lo
the assassination.
At any rate. wa.;
not disturbed. Of Gorrison,
he said, -That zto is nuttier
than a fruitcake.-
The story of Garrison's in-
terest in Gen. (MN-di could
be important in NeW Orle-
ans. Althetiji Clay Shaw
was arc:Mimi of he assasst-
nat ion cl'inspinii?
Inany'vi,ti'r, SIM 1111k Gar-
riSeti -had corl!'thint:...
III the tont: run the Cabell
story rould be mere si,4n.:fi?
cant than the 41:1et-noir:W5
cliarc.e that G.irrison was
2ttilty of taldm,.. payoffs
Fofirlaienahsalellonos8/07 : CIPAIDP77-00432R000100230001-1
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
INQUIRER, Philadelphia ?
3 September 1973
''. 111
it) it ? ? Ctil
Part of "the ?serious fallout
from the 'Watergate investiga-
tion, in "the" ' judgment of the
American 'people, is that the
reputations of both the FBI
and the:CIA have been "dam-
agediy ???
By 52-36 percent the public
feels the FBI was used to its
detriment in a coven!) of the
Watergate affair, while a 46-33
percent plurality ..feels, the
same way about the CIA.
In the hearings, testimony
was given that L. Patrick
Gray 3d, former acting head
of the. FBI, burned papers
that later might have been ev-
idence, allegedly on instruc-
tion from Presidential aide
John Ehrlichman.
In the case of the CIA, sev-
eral Men who were caught in
the Watergate break-in were
former CIA employes, and E.
Howard lint, a Watergate
operative, had borrowed, dis-
guises and a camera from the
CIA, for which he had worked
for a number of years..
High-ranking CIA officials
have suggested under oath
that they felt the White House
tried to involve tha CIA in the
24 Sept. 1973 .
The Multiple Agent
In the cramped. seedy Mice that the
Hearst Newspapers maintain for their
London correspondent. Seymour Freid-
in sits among some of the mementos of
a long and prolific career. There is a ci-
tation from the Overseas Press Club for
distinguished foreign reporting. There is
an autographed picture of his friend.
Senator Henry Jackson. To his credit
arc four books. doiens of magazine ar-
ticles, countless newspaper stories and
columns going back to World War
None of these. however, earned Freidin
the attention he has received since Jack
Anderson recently named him as an
agent paid by the Republicans to spy
on Democratic presidential candidates
in 1968 and 1972.
Freidin disagrees with the label, but
acknowledges the activity. Actually, he
was the original "Chapman's friend."
the code name that Nixon Campaign
Aide Murray C'hotiner gave to two paid
informants who traveled with the !kiln-
piney and Maio\ ern press parties. The
material they delivered was pretty tame.
Freidin and the woman who succeeded
him as the second Chapman's friend,
Lucianne Cummings Goldberg. report-
ed the candidate's latest spaeches. ac-
tivities and statements to Chotiner,
Freidin added some anal!.sis of his own.
John Mitchell called the material
-junk." and it appears that nothing real-
ly confidential or damaeine %las sent,
Goldberg's name surfaced first. She
is a freelancer on the fringes of Wash-
ington journalism, and her participatiop
LL r (Idttet
( \OA.
T-n eifATII J a Vi" .r(31.
4 ? ?
3.11fTeS 'EMU 61101.1. V It (11'717 S
v..31 '
On Aug. 18-19, the Harris
Survey conducted in-person
interviews among a cross-sec-
tion of 1,536 households na-
tionwide, asking about those
alleged Whi:e House effoi is to
use the CIA and FBI. Fifty-
six ? permit felt there had
been an attempt to get the
agencies to cover up the 'Wa-
tergate affair. Twenty percent
felt, that that was not the
Former CIA director Rich-
ard helms not only related in
his testimony that he tesiled
inferences that the CIA take
some responsibility for Water-
gate and the payments made
to the defendants, but he de-
nied vehemently that the CIA
had any direct or indirect in-
volvement in the burglarizing
of Democratic headquarters
or the subsequent coverup.
..Nonetheles.o in the public's
mind, the notion persists quite
strongly that somehow the
CIA was involved in the Wa-
Forty-five percent felt that
the CIA was involved in the
Watergate affair. and other il-
legal domestic *spying activi-
ties, while 24 percent that it
was not. ?
This public suspicion, that
somehow the CIA was in-
volved in Watergate and .other
illegal domestic spying, is a
serious charge, because such
lack of public confidence
could prove harmful to future
CIA activities. Even more se-
rious, however, is the fact
that under the law authorizing
its existence, the CIA is spe-
cifically prohibited from en-
gaging in domestic investiga-
tory operations of any kind.
Helms did admit raider
questioning that the CIA un-
dertook to dray,' "a psychiat-
ric profile" of Daniel Ells-
berg, the defendant in the
Pentagon Papers case, the
only time in its history it had
done so. However, the CIA de-
nied vigorously that it had
in the caper was dismissed as a had joke.
But Freidin. 56. though never in the top
stratum of his trade, is clearly in a dif-
ferent league from Goldberg. He
marched into Prague with Patton and
later served as foreign editor of the New
York Herald Tribune, lie is also a Dem-
ocrat. Why did he become involved in
so tawdry an episode?
Double Agent. The money was one
factor. Freidin says that he was paid
$30,000 plus $10.000 for expenses last
year and a lesser amount in 1968. Actu-
ally, Freidin says, he was a double agent
or maybe even a triple one. lie told the
Humphrey people in 1968 and the Mc-
Govern staff last year that he was work-
ing on a campaign book. While feeding
information to the Republicans, he "-as
really trying to gather material for an
"inside- book about internal friction in
the G.O.P. camp. Ile sees no distinction
between what he did and the ploy used
by Joe McGinniss 1968. McGinniss
worked as a Republican campaign staff-
er while secretly doing ressarch for The
Selling of the Presiden,i 1966. a tough and
witty itttock on Richard Nixon and
some of his aides. "If I had brought it
off." Freidin says ruefully. "everyone
would be calling me a big hero."
The distinction between McGinniss
and Freidin, of course, is that MeGin-
niss was not taking money front one
party to spy on the other. It was not thz
first time that Freidin had accepted pay
while trading information. Freidin. like
some other correspondents ot crseas. be-
came friendly with (TA agents in trou-
ble spots around the world. While coy-
any knowledge and any
errection with the break-in
to- P.:11Sherg'e psychiatrist's of-
fice, No proof has been of-
fer cd that the CIA had any in-
volvement .in that affair.
Public doubts about both the
CIA and FBI persist and
likely will for some time,
even though the Serrate corn;.
mittee's inquiry into their pos-
sible roles has been con-
Based on those doubts, the
Public believed, S2 percent to
36 percent, that the FBI has
been daMaged, and' 46 to 33
percent that the 'CIA has been
Across the board, among
every major subsegment of
the American public, even in-
cluding people who voted for
Presidant Nixon last Novem-
ber, at least a plurality feels
the reputations of both the
CIA and. the FBI have been.
damaged. Both have always
prided themselves in being
above partisan and political
ering the Soviet takeovers in Eastern
Europe in the 1940s. Freidin? was often
debriefed by CIA men and got leads front
them in return. Occasionally, he says,
he accepted CIA money?"so little that
it was laughable." To Freidin. a staunch
cold warrior like many of his colleagues
there, the relationship was all part of
the fight against Communism. Ile dealt
with the CIA. he claims. "because it was
the right thing. I never told them any-
thing that I wouldn't print."
In 1966 the I lerald Tribune folded,
and soon the cold war began' to fad'e as
a big, continuing story. 1-reidin found .
himself adrift, his expertise devalued,
the demand for his byline sinking. It is
a common situation for aging yurnalists
who have committed themselves to one
subject or cause. "I wanted to do a Nutt(
on the States,- he recalls. "but iny pro,-
lam was how 1 could get an angle. 1 went
to the 1968 conventions. and at the
Republican Convention 1 met Murray
C'hapman's friend as soon born.
Freidin got no hook at all out
of the 1968 ca mixt! ii In 1972, he says.
he knew "something fishy was going on"
amona the Republicans. but he was un-
aware of the Watergate secrets. After
that stoi y broke, he realiied that any
"inside?. book he might do Vh ould be val-
ueless. So he quit befoie the election and
signe.d on with Hearst Now: with his
ne?% notoriety. he clain is to have a 11(1111-
her of offers to rite his inside book: he
feels in demand aglin.Thi, week he will
be back in New Y if I Icarst cd
dors share that
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30 August 1973
Kelley Acts to Improve F I Efficiency
By Susanna McBee about 10 aeents. lasting three or four sion under a new name and
days in-liferent parts of the country.
Washington Post Staff Writer designate someone to head-
It will include sessions on media
Clarence M. Kelley, the new director relations, handling mail from the pub- ' it by Sept. 15.
of the FBI, disclosed yesterday the lie, better communications between* In describing his new ap-
steps he is taking to improve the., headquarters and field offices, use of pointeeS for press relations
agency's efficiency, investigative tech- computers for assignment of cases, and the management study,
niques and relations with the public, analysis of office production, and de- the director stressed their
Veloping files on how criminals ope-, professional background.
In an interview with The Washington
Post, Kelley said, "I want improve- rate. Ellingsworth was a re-
Kelley also disclosed that he is porter and photographer for
Ment.' I don't know if we need majorthe Kansas City Star for
bringing special agents in
chanees, to get it: but I want to find charge of branch offices to seven years before becom.
out from an objective point of view Washington?t h re e at a ing media liaison officer for
how we do things." time?each week for confer. the Kansas City 'police de-.
Accordingly, he said, he has askedences with him. partment in June, 1969.
two law enforcement experts "to look "I'm garnering from them Reed. Who has a law de.
over our operations and see whethergree, has headed Florida's
a list of things they feel are
we need to streamline them." problems." he said. "One of 100-member equivalent of
They are William L. Reed, 37, exec- . the greatest problems is the FBI since November,
? utivc director of the Florida Depart- communications. For in. 1967. Coleman, who has a
ment of Law Enforcement in Talla-stance, an agent down south master's degree in sociology,
hassee, and John C. Coleman, 50, 4 may be asked by a reporter was a Los Angeles.police of-
training director at the Regional Cen, , up north about something (leer and an administrative
ter for Criminal Justice in Kansas that's going on here, and the aide there to former Police
City, Mo.. where Kelley was police agent won't know what's
Chief Thomas Reddin. Colts
chief for 12 years before taking over happening here. Or some
man retired from the force
the FBI on July 9. field office may develop a
in 1967, after 20 years of
The director also said he was hiring good technique in traihing service. As training director
his former press offices. in Kansas police or laboratory aides. at the Kansas City center
City,. William 1). Eilinesworth. 33, to and other offices may not since 1970, he supervised
work in the Flips press services officeknow about it.
training of state and local
here. "
police officers.
Reed and Coleman, who will be Kelley stressed that his
Asked about FBI morale,
executive assistants to Kelley, are policy will be one of ? au Kelley replied, "Frankly, I
due. to begin their review nest Tues. open door with the press, have not encountered any
, day. Ellingsworth, who will he an He said he wants "a policy real morale problem-within
administrative assistant, is expected of giving the local people the organization. I do en.
to . tart Oet. 1. (special agents in Charge of. counter reports that citizens
local offices) wide latitude feel there is a morale prob.
None of the three is a former 1.1;1 in dealing with the media." lens, and that affects how
:lei-ea, a Met. that Inlets( cause le scot. During the manaeement the Willie reacts to this Fill.
ment amone sone. eldrimers. one training sessions. discus- "1 want to 'Tatum full
50155e5' said, "The bureau is an inbred sions on media relations confidence in the bureau I
organization. some :seems eet very may include press represent- think the conficiente is
upset whets people are 1.?'01.1:2/1t. in (EOM
at ives who could "relate
the outside."
? what is desirable to them." Lhere, but it's in a state of
However, Kelley, himself an FBI Kelley said, "We should 'give Suspension." Ile said the 20;
agent for 21 . years, h..s apparently , the agents an outline of 1111t1 employees, incivility.: 8,
moved quickly to consolidate internal what they can and cannot 600 special agents, still have
support for the innovations he hopes talk about. For instance. ''great spirit and defile&
to make, they can't talk about invest i? tees"
Ile noted at the start of the inter- itations now under way."
view that he has"a ciiflcri'nt,?5y (.4 Later. Deputy Attorney
The FBI cruel also re- General-designate William
man:It:Mg" the bureau from that of
vealed that he is tuiine to D. Hackett:haus at'reed with.
Eth!,ar Hoover. tvho died gist yei,r. "reinstilute- the old Crime Kelley's asse,:sment of Ins-
Ifoover's 4f1-year tcoure, the
Research Division. which reau morale. Itueltelshatts,
bureau's policies and proceiltite.;
ly chaueed, was split up by I.. Patrick who steep(' e,; direr-
Gray Ill, who scrved as act. tor ei the VW 41f4f.61' ( re-
-11,.trare ails Hoover 11:1(1 his way of i
iii,.:: 1..ii dit.?,,,. r?1. ?,;041,.,, ;,railea. seid ha thinke the
maniezement, I have mire," Kelley
a:?eill..? -hare a.ccelitod ' Kit.
ilt:. "thin. is pariicireitory 11n11.1.;4.- a ..,. car atter Hoover died./
melts. I rely e,ttite heartiy on 'he stair. 'Else division handled il-y'
for roeornmeorlat ion s " Press and eon,"rt ,sionat : e- Tho tout,,10 Prnl'IPM. It','
The !tea- airecior. soi.,i ae is lattneti- lations as will ;Is ?-? cell sl.d. st-imili'd *fri'in the tael
int' a in 'la 'einem; ir.iii". a : p,',.: ti ii ii '. 40
''1 ? l',Iiid,?r,, .. till -illorl' V.:i, .41,
for II' c .. I) 0 e i a I a 0,1:- it (.1:.: -..., cr v'; ii r o ))..0)irt? :Irrgi '41i ;.!t 1 t.., till, II"'. ill ' a .1' ""?)a?
!hi' iti., :0.) oilli C...: 1111111,?11i:l.t. UR' oppr,,.. 41. 1?1. ? Ili,. FBI'. 1,..i,.. rik .,1! ,,,t' ,,''. or v. I:1 ....IN.,' :,;()M
COM I I.% . 1. k1 -.;X,V, 10. It," he added.
The pliw?ratti, v.iiiiih he bores to Kelivy is kootvii to fci'l
in Ot?iolici? iii' Niovi!Ilivi*. \t ill hi, li:al those functions should
condueti d in six sessions, each Nt ith he coordinated. Ile said Ito
. hopes to recreate the divi-
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,Tuesday, Sept. 18,1973 THE WASHINGTON POST
Multinationals criticized Before
, By Anthony Astrachan '
tal information could have
He said
Waehinaton Poet Foreign Service
an international effect ' (J ]\71)anei
that prying out Vi-
equivalent to the way Amer.
number of witnesses, among lean consumers forced auto- tors, and Irving S. Shapiro, Ing products and processes
them Ralph Nader, made makers to recall cars. He vice chairman of Du Pont, regardless of real consumer
broadside attacks on MID- urged the United Nations to for instance, both supported need and by tapping poten-
, national corporations before send questionnaires to all an equivalent to the General tial markets in as many host
a U.N. study group last states and to the more than Agreement on Tariffs and countries as possible. Both
Week. 200 multinationals that have Trade' (GATT) that would home and host countries en.
But the radical of Amen- annual sales of more than $1 "harmonize" national pe. courage this, he said, with
can consumer advocates was billion. Deles on investment, taxes, research and export subsid-
, not radical enough in his Nader suggested 13 ques- pollution control and the les, tax concessions and the
proposals for controlling the tions, among them wholik like to insure their own eco-
two men from opposite and other resources in each Tehe executives insisted, He questioned the validity
giant firms, in the view of owns what land, mineral nomic growth.
poles?a Dutch spokesman country, the amount . cof however, that their compa- of that growth, however,
for international capitalism taxes paid in each countor, nies already contributed to saying that, the multina-
and a Chilean who think? wage and benefit levels by *economic and technological tional corporation "is the
Multinationals are hurting country and environmental most efficient instrument so
the underdeveloped world, pollution data. He also development and the health
far developed by capitalism
The paradox was typical urged that the United Na. and welfare of the countries, to siphon off resources from
of the difficulties that char- tions investigate and publi. where they operate. where they are most tn.,
acterize any attempt to cize abuses by the multina- Osvaldo Sunkel, a distill- gently needed, but where
study, let alone regulate, tionals alleged by "nationa guished Chilean social (mien- there are no commercially'
multinational corporations.? or peoples." tist, disagreed. "I get scared, profitable possibilities, to ,
companies which now prod- Nader gave second prior- really scared," he said, 'where they are least neces-
uce at least $330 billion a Ity to individual and collee- "when I hear such individu- Sary, but where the most
year in countries other than tive action by countries to ale speak of social responsi- commercially profitable pos-
their home states. impose conditions on the en- bWty. Who has appointed a sibilities exist."
Nader was one of 14 wit- try of foreign capital. Such small group of individuals In the process, he said,
nesses before a U.N. panel conditions can and do work, to decide the fate of 'so "we get new -products and
:of "eminent persons" that is -according to two witnesses many?" processes, but not the capae.
?making a year-long study of Sunkel charged that the ity to develop new products
who preceded Nader.
basic U.N. report "as unable
the impact of the multine.
Jose Campillo Saenz, a! to see the forest for the and processes."
tionals in the hope that it Sunkel said Thursday that
will produce new ideas on Mexican official, described trees." The forest which he the government of the late
thought deserved more at-
how to make these giant, his country's new regule: President Salvador Allende
tention was the way multi-
companies fit into a system tions on foreign investment, of Chile "may have had
nationals concentrate so
that was not designed for including a limit of 49 per much power that they not many failings and commit.
them because it was based
on nation-states. cent or less by foreign cora- only change economies but ted many errors, but nobody.
Nader accused the multi- panics in Mexican corpora- transform social structures can deny that it attempted'
nationals of disrupting the tions and rules for the trans- and cultures as welt He to redress this economic and
world monetary system by fer of technology. .. called the aggregate of mul- social structure by funda-,
shifting funds among their Ernst Keller, the Swiss tinationals the "dynamic mentally democratic means."
subsidiaries in different' president of ADELA, an In- kernel" of a new "transna- Allende was unable to get
countries, exploiting the la- vestment company head; Donal capitalistic system." the international help that
bee and "perverting the po-
quartered in Peru but Sunkel quoted the U.N. re. Sunkel thought his effort
Mies" of developing nations,
owned by 240 shareholders port charge that multinel deserved, and his expert-
shifting industrial pollution
in 23 countries, said that his tionals follow policies which meat ended in "a cats-
from their home countries, company accepts a minority do not suit the interest of ei- strophic collapse of its eco-
to other states and running holding, creates new enter- ther home or host countries nomic and political sys-
"snakepit" mining opera-
prises rather than buying and are in effect transna- tams," he added.
tions in Asia, Africa and
existing ones, sells out to tional. He went much fur- He drew the conclusion
America. local interests after recover- ther than the report, how- that "it is not possible to try
tag its initial Investment ever, and said these policies to restructure relations of
- His list of abuses was dra- and tries to develop indige- are designed to insure the dependence between under-
matic, but his proposed solu- nous savings, personnel and survival and growth of a developed countries and the
Dons were not. Many ,of management. transnational segment of transnational capitalist aye-
them Were . anticipated in Some of the U.N. panel the world economy: tem in a peaceful way."
members expressed regret This segment, he said, is The U.N. group is charged
the U.N. report on that Nader had not been oligoRolistic?tending to-, with finding just such
which the current study is present the first day of thepeaceful ways to restructure
ward syncentration in the.
based. That prompted Sicco hearings to engage in a face- a system that now seems
Mansholt of the Nether- to-face debate with the five hands of a few companies, a
against the under-
lands, a former head of the executives of American cor- The few men who deter- developed states. Rs mem-
European Econoinic Coin-
porations who testified then. mine the policies of this bers did not all share Sunk-
In fact, the executives
munity's Executive-Commis- transnational segment may el's pessimism. But his testi-
tended to support most of
ideas were not strong the ideas on regulation that mony was moving because
Mon, to tell Nader that his carry national passports,
- the U.N. study had its on.
Sunkel added, but they have
Nader later' endorsed, al-
enough.gins in charges by Allende
though they differed with transnational functions and
Nader gave highest prior- that the International Tele-
Dy on enforcement proce- transnational cultures and
ity to collecting information hi phone and Telegraph Com-
cures and denied that multi- ideologies. These were
about the multinationals. pany had intervened in Chi-
nationals commit the kind among the forces he saw
Their power, he said, de- lean politics.
of sins he charged them transforming societies and
pends heavily on their abil- After three days of public
with. . cultures around the world.
ity to conceal or disguise hearings and five days of
Thomas A. Murphy, vice Sunkel claimeda the
their resources and their act- l that closed meetings here, th
chairman of multinationals keep them-
tions. hf General M k group will hold public meet
16 selves growing by innovat-
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ings in Geneva in October
and la further session in
,New york in March. Its 18
members do not represent
their nations but serve as in.
dividuals. The chairman is
L. K. Jha, former Indian anf;
bassador in Washington.
The churches
7 SEP 1973
Senate Funds null? lauvolpe
Asloeleted Press
. The Senate yesterday'
passed a hilt to authorize con-
tinued federal financing of Ra-
dio Free Europe and Radio
: The 76 to 10 vote sent Ore
to the House.
The blind eye
starts to open
The World Council of Churches, which
has for years maintaiped a tight-lipped
silence about political and religious 'per-
secution in the communist countries,
took a first, hesitant, half-step towards
condemning it this week.
The council's 120-strong central
committee, meeting at its headquarters
in Geneva, was debating a document on
violence and social justice which had
been prepared by a study group and was
about to be circulated to the council's
267 Protestant and Orthodox member-
churches throughout the world for "study,
reflection and action." This document
referred to a number of "violent and
oppressive" situations in southern Africa,
the United States. Latin America, Israel
and Northern Ireland, but breathed not a
word about the communist world or the
former colonial countries' of Asia and
Africa. This made a number of senior
western churchmen deeply unhappy.
How can we talk about injustice in south-
ern Africa if we go on, year after year,
ignoring injustice in Russia? So argued
a Norwegian bishop, amid much nodding
of heads.
But at a special meeting on Sunday
speaker after speaker from Russia and
the other cast European countries got up
to protest against what they called cold-
war propaganda; ill their countries, they
explained, there was no injustice, no
oppression and, no. not even a ruling
group to oppress anybody. In a voice
choking with emotion, the Rumanian
Orthodox patriarch kept repeating how
good the state was to the church. After
that there was quite a bit of behind-the-
scenes lobbying, allegedly accompanied
by hints that churches from the commun-
ist countries might have to pull out of the
council if it publicly criticised their gov-
ernments. In the end an extremely mild
dig at post revolutionary governments
which impose "unduly restrictive mea-
sures on their citizenry" was dropped.
together with a mention of conflicts in
Asia and Africa, from an official gloss
which was to accompany the document.
Nevertheless. the cast Europeans did
not have it all their own way. At the
plenary session on Wednesday some
speakers tried to reinstate the omitted
paragraph. The attempt failed, but a
substantial minority, _abltained,,ipch
some senior figuresIFffiEVRildWu
In approving a S50.2 million
iauthorization for this year, the
!Senate turned down, 56 to 29,
an amendment by Sen. J. W.
Fulbright (D-Ark.) to reduce
ithe federal contribution to the
two radio networks in future
of Churches, thereby demonstrating in
equal measure reluctance to embarrass
their 'east European brethren and deter-
mination to keep the issue of human
rights in the communist world on the
agenda. At the request of a Scottish
churchman the council's secretary-
general, Mr Philip Potter, gave a per-
sonal assurance that the issue would be
pursued further. There is to be a special
WCC meeting on human rights in Austria
next year, and the council's ,officers
swear that there will be no shirking of
the communist issue there.
Well, one swallow does not make a
summer. Nor, unfortunately, does one,
albeit sincere, attempt at political even-
handedness restore to the World Coun-
cil the credibility which it started to lose
a few years ago through its ever deeper
and, in the view of its critics, ever more
reckless intervention in social and politi-
cal issues at the exPense of its more
traditional religious concerns. One of
those critics, the representative of the
Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople,
Archbishop Athenagoras, warned the
council that if social and political issues
were to become its sole concern it risked
becoming merely "the insinificant
voice of a secularised movement".
For the present this is the voice of a
minority, whose views tend to be dis-
missed as those of stick-in-the-mud
backwoodsmen. But moderation may
fight its way back. The decision on Mon-
day to give a small grant of $100,000 a
year for five years to help Portuguese
deserters in Europe and Africa?but the
money has yet to be raised?was cer
tainly a political decision. It is likely to
cause controversy in the churches in
Europe and the United States, even
though great pains were taken to more
sent this help for deserters as merely a
continuation of the WCC's traditional
refugee relief policy. But the fact remains
that, to the disappointment of some of
its leading activists, the council's docu-
ment on violence and non-violence
shrank back from endorsing a "just
This was a rolief to a visiting delega-
tion of English-speaking churches from
South Africa. which had come to plead
for a more constructive approach. The
idea of setting up a development agency
under the council's auspices, into which
the churches could put funds they do not
want to invest in companies dealing with
South Africa. Rhodesia, Angola or
Mozambique, is another indication of a
more constructive trend, although it will
meet fearful practical difficulties in its
execution. There is a sound of pennies
years to 50 per cet t of their
operating expenses.
Fulbright called the net-
works. long financed secretly
through ? the Central.
gence Agency, "simply a rem-
mint of the Cold War." He
failed, 69 to 17, an an earlier
motion to send the bill hack to
the Senate Foreign Relations.
Committee to consider com-
bining the operations of Ra-
dio. Free Europe and Radio
Liberty with the government-
operated Voice of America.
Sen. Charles H. Percy (R-
Ill.) said the networks, broad-
casting news of international
events and internal affairs? to
the Soviet Union and .Eastern ?
Europe. have long since aban-
doned ctild war tactics.
He saki they promote pres-
sure for change within the I
communist countries and con-
tribute to international de-
tente through exchange of in-
Fulbright placed in the Con-
gressional llecord a list of 'cor-
porate and individual contrib.
utors of $500 or more to the
two networks over the years
since they began operating in
the early 1930s.
Percy said noncovernment
contributions totaled $1.4 mil-
lion in 1971 and $1.1 million
last year.
Sen. Jacob K. ;Wits, (R.
N.Y.) said corporations, foun-
dations and individuals should
be encouraged to contribute
more, but to force the net-
works to get half of their
nancing from nongovermnent
sources would cripple their op-
The hill would eMablish
new Board for International'
Broadcasting to seek out
contributions for the two net-.
!works and oversee their opera-
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Nation's First Oeign-Born
Secretary of State Will
Take the Oath Today
Spode! to The New York Times
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 ?
Henry A. Kissinger, who emi-
grated with his family to the
United States 35 years ago to
escape Nazi persecution, was
Confirmed by the Senate today
as the next Secretary of State.
'he vote was 78 to 7.
Tomorrow morning at the
White House, Chief Justice
Warren E. Burger will admin-
ister the oath of offiCe to Mr.
Kissinger, the first naturalized
citizen and the first Jew to hold
the senior Cabinet position.
Sen. Jacob K. Javits, Repube
lican of New York, said in the
two-hour Senate debate that
preceded the vote that Mr. Kis-
singer's nomination was "a
miracle of American history."
"He has proved not only to
America but to the whole world
that this still Is an open socie-
ty," Sen. Charles McC. Mathias
Jr., Republican of Maryland,
said, praising the 5U-year-old,
former Harvard professor who
joined the Nixon Administra-
tion in 1969 as the President's
adviser for national security.
He will retain that post along
with his new assignment.
One of those voting against
r. Kissinger's confirmation'
was Sen. Jesse A. Helms, Re-
publican of North Carolina, al
monservative who said he had,
.".considerable doubt about Mei
Kissinger's policies, particularly
his role in improving relations
with Russia and China. The
Senator strongly criticized the
United States' wheat deal with
the Soviet Union.
"I greatly fear that his other
Much-lauded agreements will
also end up with the ? Soviet
taking us for a ride," he said.
"The issue is one of competence
and I have concluded that Dr.
Iissinger has failed the test."
The other six Senators who
voted against the confirmation
were liberals whose opposition
to certain Administration poli-
cies is well known. They were
James Abourezk, ?Democtat of
South Dakota; Floyd K. Haskell,
Democrat of Colorado; Harold,
E. Hughes. Democrat of Iowa;
George McGovern, Demotrat of
-South Dakota; Gaylord Nelson,
Democrat of Wisconsin. and
Lowell P. Weicker Jr., Repub-
lican of Connecticut.
Senator J. W. Fulbright,
Democrat of Arkansas and
chairman of the Foreign Re-
belong Committee, which
cleared the nomination, opened
the debate. He recommended
Mr. Kissinger's confirmation
lind at the same time decried
:the rising number of American
voices opposed to improved
lelations with the Soviet
"I am very fearful we are
moving backward to a revival
of the cold war." Senator
Fulbright said. "There are in-
creasing indications that de-
tente appears to be breaking
He referred specifically to
the efforts led by Senator
Henry M. Jackson, Democrat
of Washington, to block the
Administration's plan to ex-
tend normal trade preferences
to the Russians until the
Kremlin allowed unrestricted
emigration of Jews and others.
Mr. Fuibright said that "we
are now approving a new
Secretary of State, but if we
are predisposed agaipst the
policies he stands for, we will
end up with a revival of the
same cold war of the nineteen.
The problems of how to deal
with the Soviet Union figured
prominently in Mr. Kissinger's
three days of open hearings
with the Foreign Relations
Committee. Mr. Kissinger
stressed that white he person-
ally found some Soviet policies
',repugnant, he felt it was in
the best interests of' both the
American and Russian peoples
'to continue to seek ways of
i.elaxing international tensions,
without linking such moves to
changes in either country's do-
friestic system.
t Some Have Reservations
' Some Senators, like Edmund
S. IVieskie, Democrat of Maine,
voted for Mr. Kissinger bet
cited reservations about his
policies.' Mr. Muskie was crit-
ical of the Administration't
Vietnam and India policies and
about the wiretapping in which
he said Mr. Kissinger had been
."cleared of any taint of Water-
gate-reltted misdeeds."
r Tapp' ig of the phones of four
newsmti and 13 officials from
?1969 to 1171 was the most con-
Iroversial issue raised during
the two ?eeks the Foreign Re-
lations Cc mmittee spent in con-
sidering tie Kissinger nomina-
His ro apparently was lim-
Ited to si pplying the Federal.
Bureau Investigation with'
names e /3fficials who had ac-
cess to et :ret national-security
informatio that had appeared
in the pia ;s. These individuals
were the put under F.B.I.
surveillant e.
The col mittee found that al-
though ti ) practices involved
In the v i etapping were open
to critici m, Mr. Kissinger's
role In thi wiretapping ,vas no
reason to )ar his coffin tation..
Both Id. Weicker aid Mr.:
Nelson, I awever, citel the'
wiretappi) : in their Sfieches
today as major reas sr% for
their vot i against th con-
firmation. '
I Senator .bourezk stair: "We
know en. eh about D. Kis-
singer to ; ow that he h, capa-
ble of deceiving the Congress
and the public.'
Senator Hughes said that de-
spite Mr. Kissinger's "luminous
intellectual powers,". he be-
lieved that the nominee was
"guided by a philosophy that
Is inimical to the long-range
cause of world peace and incon-
sistent with the moral purpose
of our nation."
' Senator McGovern, the only
member of the 17-man Foreign
Relations Committee to oppose
the confirmation, said that he
was voting against the Admin-
istration's over-all foreign pol-
The new Secretary of State
plans to go to New York Sea-
day night and to address the
United Nations General Assem-
bly Monday morning. He will
remain in New York until
Wednesday night to meet with
foreign officials attending the
He will not be able to confer
with State Department officials
until Thursday, when he plans
to outline his ideas for increas-
ing the efficiency and raising
the morale of the department's
6,000 employes here and the
6,000 abroad.
10 September 1973
Mr. Kissinger has pledged
to fill all major personal
vacancies within twp months,
and some announcements are
expected to be made soon. As
an interim measure, he has
recalled Robert J. McCloskey.
Ambassador to Cyprus, to
serve as his press spokesman
for about a month. Mr. Mc-
Closkey had served as spokes.
man for both Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and Mr.
Kissinger's predecessor, Wil-
liam P. Rogers.
, In private conversations, Mr.
Kissinger has stressed his
desire to fill most key jobs
with regular foreign-service
officers and not to bring many
of his National Security Coun-
cil staff members over to
Foggy Bottom with him.
He will maintain an office
at the White House, where he
will wear his hat of national
security adviser to the Presi-
dent and chairman of various
interagency committees.
A crucial matter, Mr.
singer 'has 'has said, It to bring. the
State Department more active-
ly into the policy-making ield
and to promote the' best men
,in the department to positions
of importance.
3 Turkish parties to call
for removal of opium ban
Ankara, Turkey la?Turkey's
ban on opium production is
becoming an issue in the came
.paign fort the October 14 gen-
eral election. All three major
parties intend to mention the
possibility of lifting it in their
platforms, sources said yester-
day.' ,
Sulleyman Demirel, former
premier, and chairman of the
conservative Justice party,
which has a good chance of
returning to power in October,
has implied that his party will
point out at least the need for
a review ci Turkey's opium
The Rei ublican, People's
party, the s 'eond largest politi-
cal organiz ion, has already
announced I will consider re-
sumption o poppy cultivation
providing tl ire are "sufficient
controls to eliminate inten-
tional conceil."
The centr st Reliance 'arty
ialso is exp.( cted to comt out
against the 1 sn.
Turkey ba vied opium 'mill-
vation In J me, 1971, Inder
heavy presstre from the Unit-
-ed States, VI ch claimed that
180 per cent oi the heroin re ich-
ing U.S. addicts Originated in
Turkey's poppy fields.
The politically unpopular de-
cision came from the Army.
backed government of Nihat
Erim, a former premier, after,
Turkey's military commanders
ousted Mr. Demirel's govern-
ment 'March 12, 1971.
Mr. Erim said at the time
that Turkey banned the crop I
"to soothe" the United States,
but gave no guarantee not to
rescinr: it If the economic loss
to the farmers could not be
cornpeo;ated. -
? Succeeding governments
have a tstired continuation of
the ix u but the issue has re-
mainec controversial.
3 9 S(` 1 prnho r
it Charge
ti zeta, a magazine of the'
e %let Writers' Union,
c ; led for an "end to provoe-
ye activities" of Radio
berty and Radio Free Eu-
)pe, according to the Soviet
3 revs agency Tass.
Soviet jamming of broad.
c sts from the British
Itmadeasting Corp., the
1' 'lee of America and the
est German radio were
ui Med recently in a move In,
t ;rpreted In the West as a
esture toward detente,
1 c)73
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Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100230001-1
8 September 1973
swim to rat paas York limo
? WASHINGTON. Sept. 7?
Treasury Secretary George P.
.8hulz became the first high Ad-
ministration official today to
acknowledge that' the United
States was "burned" in last
Year's Soviet wheat deal. He
:said that it would not 'happen
Mr. Shultz's comments came
in the course Of a newl confer-
'once at the White House. He
was asked, with reference to an
allegation .that "it seems now.
Ithat the price-of a loaf of bread
in Moscow in cheaper than it Is
in the Safeway here," whether
there had been "any miscalcu-
lation on the -.import of this
[Soviet] deal on American ag-
riculture." ?
In the 'course of his lengthy
reply, Mr. Shultz conceded:
"I think it is a fair statement
that they [the Soviet Union]
were very sharp in their buying
practices, and I think that we
should follow the adage [that]
if we are burned the first time,
why, maybe they did it, but if
we get burned twice, that is
our fault and we shouldn't have
that happen."
The Soviet Union, at that
time desperate for grain be-
cause of domestic crop failures,
purchased 440 million bushels
of United States grain last sum-
mer for more than $1-billion.
The Nixon Administration pre-
viously granted ? the Soviet
Union $730-million in credits,
making possible the grain sale.
Export subsidies amounting
to $300-million were also paid
by the Nixon Administration to
allow the grain companies to
sell for prices lower than those
prevailing on the domestic mar-
This sale, which included
about one-quarter of the total
United States wheat crop, re-
sulted in domestic shortages of
feed grains and wheat.
Earlier in the day. Senatori
Walter D. Huddleston said he
had information indicating that!
some of the wheat purchased
here by the Soviet Union wasi
being resold in Italy at fall
higher prices. The Kentucky
Democrat, who also made a
statement on the floor of the
Senate this afternoon, said he
based his allegations on,, an
article in the Rome newspaper
El Tempo.
Carroll G. Brunthaver, the
Assistant Secretary of Agricul-
tore, said in a telephone inter-
view that a check by the de-
partment had shown that the
cargo in question had been
shipped in Cialveston. Tex., last
month and purchased a Swtss
Igrain dealer.
The Soviet Union. " 'tr. Brunt-
9 September 1973
Third World's Trumps
By C. L. Sulzberger
? The so-called Third World is edging
? gradually into its own and it is hard
to imagine that its lack of cohesion,
or leadership inexperience can indef-
initely obscure this new political fact..
Such is the main implication . of the
past week's meeting in Algiersof some
-sixty chiefs of state or government
from countries in underprivileged
Asia, Africa and South America.
; The tricontinentai group is non-
'aligned in a military or ideological
sense although its penchant is gen-
erally toward varying forms of social-
? ism. Usually it is referred to as "devel-
oping," a word with innuendos of
backwardness or poverty that is kn.%
precise when applied to Yugoslavia or
'to Kuwait and Libya. ,
When the ? organization of this
international club out of colonialism's
.ashes was first pressed by Tito, Nehru
Nasser, it seemed too vague and
inchoate a dream to promise signifi-
'cant reality. But Marshal Tito, only
survivor of the initial prime movers,
.can rightly regard the Algiers con-
ference with optimism, despite bicker-
ing, because a changes on the inter-
national horizon.
During the three years since the
group last met at Lusaka, Zambia, the
superpower blocs assembled around
Washington and Moscow have for-
sworn war and moved perceptibly
toward detente. This, without grow-
ing militarily stronger, the Third World
ais relatively less menaced by possible
With the fAing of major armed
conflict as a prospect, the potential
'importance of the U.N. grows. And,
:regardless of its internal quarrels, the
Third World represents a decisive
:majority in U.N. membership. If it can
ever make up its collective mind on
'particular issues, its voice 'will be
? Moreover, as the arms ascendancy
-of the superpowers and the great
powers assumes reduced political sig-
nificance, Third World lands find they
are able to act more boldly without
,fear of neo-colonialist pressures. Thus ?
'Atte have recently seen expropriations,
, nationalizations and extrusion of for-
eign bases with little effective protest
by countries whose interests were
Finally, the nonbloc of underdevel-
oped nations has learned that the
technologically advanced and privi-
leged sector' of the international
community con'ilins deep-seated weak-
.nesses thal can be exploited if the
: Third World ever manages to coor-
dinate Its latent assets.
Industrialized America, West Europe
haver said, was "in no way in-
volved," and he criticized Sen-
ator Huddleston'a statement as
"loaded" and "just another
example of hearsay."
A spokesman for Senator
Huddleston, who sent letters to
bah the General Accounting
Office and the Department of
Agriculture asking for an in-
F tiers Viletelt es*Ai Piti 8 1ff e?
and Japan are all in the Initial throes
of an energy crisis. They need masses
of fuel to sustain their scheduled
grovrth during the years becfore new
sources of power can be' harnessed.
Tee main contempA.rary sources of
this are in such lands aa Saudi Arabia
and Iran (not representea at Algiers),
Kuwait, Libya and Algetka, rich in
petroleum and natural gas.
Furthermore, the industrialize? na-
tions are being racked by a long.
enduring monetary, crisis not likely to
be cured by this month's Woriat Bank
meeting in Nairobi. The crisis has '.-;aen
magnified by huge amounts of Al ab
oil funds banging about from bank to
bank in an understandable effort to
profit from instability.
The Soviet bloc is relatively un-
affected by both these crises due to
its rigidly controlled production, 'its'
lesser reliance on external fuels, and
its tight, artificial currency system.
China, which relies minimally on for-
eign trade, is untouched.
- The lesson to be drawn is that the
? transideological grouping at Algiers
possesses key frumps to be played in
the coming decade's power game.
Already Arab statesmen forecast de-
liberate slowdowns in fuel production
and curtailment in sales to customers
who, like the U.S.A., openly favor
Israel in the Palestine dispute.
There isn't any doubt that, If the
Algiers Club manages to coordinate
its actions with nonmembers, such as
Saudi Arabia, there will be diplomatic
repercussions abroad ? above all in
Washington. President Nixon's careful
language at his latest press conference
confirmed this.
American policy must recognize the
changing pattern of the global kaleido-
scope. The attempt tor arrange a pen-'
tagonal diplomatic balance?the U.S.A.,
West Europe, Russia, Japan, China?
perforce gives added impetus to crea-
tion of another force of Immense :
importance, the Third World, pushed
together by its exclusion. -
One obvious deduction to be drawn .
is that the United States must revise
the philosophy of its foreign aid pro-'
gram. Henceforth it should take into
account the 'tremendous wealth pos-
sessed by the nations which met at
Algiers and should encourage them to
assist themselves' and their fellows
more generously.
From now on Washington should -
try to channel help to the under-
privileged only in the form of educa- '
tion and technology. The surplus ?
money that once was ours Is rapidly?
becoming theirs,
would investigate the matter
further. ?
Mr. Shultz, during the course
of his 38-minute news confer-
ence, was also asked about ex-
port controls. He said:
-We have been wattling this
situation very carefully teld we
think we have a ver) good
probability of not having to itn-
additional export lantrols
. uts. aaaa. a s tat no930001-1
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26 August 1973
? By David M. Goldberg
Asericlated Preen
After 25 years, there once.
more are card-carrying Com-
munists in the United
After years of meeting In
secret for fear of. exposure;
of being called before con-
gressional committees. of
, suspecting that each new
party recruit works for the
FBI, American communism
Is', as the official line puts it,
? "showing the face of the
? Party.".
? The membership cards,
being issued for the first
time since 1948,, are the
proof that the Communists
no longer think they would
else hest off if nobody' knew
'Who they were. .
The reason for the Com-
' munist coming out appears
to be the fact that the thaw
in international ? relations
has convinced most Ameri-
cans that the Communist
.Conspiracy?so .much. taken
ar. Thaw
C rrying
for granted a decade or two
? ago--is no longer on the
verge of overthrowing the
United States. In the words
of that period, few people
now appear to be looking
for Reds under their beds.
"You don't see the anti-
Communists out with plac-
ards the way you did 10 or
15 years ago," says FL L.
(13111) Richardson, a Califor-
nia state senator, author, ra-
dio commentator and one-
time member of the John
Birth Society.
"Maybe they're working
within the Republican
Party, or have quit to join
the American Independent
Party. Or maybe they've
just thrown up their hands
and said 'I'm going to enjoy
myself before they come
marching down the street.'"
Like the cards. "The
younger people wanted
them, They're proud to be
, Communists," ? says Gus
Hall, the party's general sec-
The signs of the thaw are
often more symbolic than
anything else, but the sym-
bols are the tangible evi-
dence of a public mood.
For example:
? Joe L. Matthews, na-
tional commander of the al-
ways staunchly anti-Commu-
nist American Legion, vis-
ited the Soviet Union and
Poland last winter. When he
returned, he wrote an arti-
cle in the legion's magazine
that was frankly glowing in
its praise of veterans' facili- t
ties in the two countries.
The legion has merged its h
? Americanism division wit
the 'division on children and
youth, an the Americanism
staff has been sharply re,
duced from a decade ago.
0 The Subversive Activi
ties Control Board had been
phased out and the House
Un-American Activities Com
mittee has been turned Into
the House Internal Security
Committee. The reconsti-
tuted committee hasn't held
a hearing on communism in
more than two years. '
0 Th Security
Division of the Justice De-
partment has been merged
Into a smaller department.
"I don't think communiim
has been treated as a threat
recently," says former As-
sistant Attorney General A.
William Olson, the last di-
' rector of the division.
0 The Communists them-
selves see a noticeable dif-
ference in the way they're-
greeted when they travel
and make speeches, al-
th h '
go about
25,000 votes in the 13 states
where he was on the ballot
--hardly demonstrates Mas-
sive support,
6 In California, where
anti-Communist sentiment is
still stronger than - most
places, the state senate com-
mittee on un-Amercian ac-
tivities was downgraded two
years ago to a subcommittee
on civil disorders. The impe-
tus for the move came from
James Mills, the senate pres-
ident pro tempore, after he
found his name in the com-
mittee's files for having at-
tended a meeting called by
the International Long-
shoremen's and, Warehouse-
men's Union.
But even in Southern Cal-
ifornia, where the John
Birch Society has American
Opinion, Libraries scattered
every few miles, there
seems to he a lack of inter-
est among the populace in
what the Birch society sim-
ply calls "The Conspiracy."
"I don't know how you
measure sentiment, but I'm
certainly not being asked to-
speak about communism the
way I was 10 years ago,"
says Richardson.
Just about everyone who
talks about the change in at-
titude sees its tangible ori-
gins in the events of the
past decade: the war in Viet-
nam, the decision to normal-
ize relations with mainland
china, and the accords with
he Soviet Union.
But many people who
ave lived through the 'Oa a
evwes U. S.
h and '50s, when every candi-
date for public office was '
hound to pay at least lip
service to his opposition to
communism, sense that the
? reasons are more subtle.'
Arid the consensus is that
the clearest of those reasnns
is a new generation that has
grown up ueencumbered by
the attitudes of their
parents; that tile attitudes
of the parents themselves
have been changed by
events, and .that more peo-
ple know more and fear less
about commupism.
' Dennie Carpenter *nee
S from NeWport Beach, Calif..
One Of the wealthiest'. conk.
rhunities: :in staunchly cOn.-
? servative Orange County, ;
He .gerved in the FBI fromf
1954 to iS58, and then ,,Ot
- :Into politics. Ile user' to he
chairman, of the California'
Republican Central.CoMmit::
? tee and is now chairman of
the California Senate's new
civil disorders subcornmit-
Carpenter feels strongly
? that communism is still a
threat. But he feels just as
strongly that hatred of
munism must be eliminated
as a political and social re-
"Its not time to say, 'That
Problem is over'," Carpen-
ter says. "But to be honest
with yourself in this coun-
try, you can't hate someone
who's different politically
from yourself as long as he's
not trying to overthrow the
government. That's what
this country is all about.
"We fought the Cold War
for so long that its very dif-
ficult to sustain it. It's hard
to hate continually for a
long time."
Ey most political stand- mt
difficulty for me'to accept
the concept that we had bet-
ter do something. I saw hoW
in the .3Qs nothing had been
done to stop Hitler and I
related the same way to Vi-
etnam. I thought we had
Munich all over again."
By 1961,, Clifford was los-
ing his faith. In 1968, he was
apPointeci Secretary of De-
fense and was, by most ae-,
counts, a key figure in turn-
frig around the buildup of'
troops in Vietnam.
? Now be says: "I think it
? was a misjudgment of cone-
' - munisim World War II was
? a bad' example. What ' we
thought at the time was a
'inaisive plan on the part of
teie- Soviet Union and China
? to take over the world just
, wasn't there."
1..n a 11 v from the left,
comes: the testimony of
Leonard Boudin, whose law
practice was partielly dedi-
? cated during the 1950s 'lode.
fending accused Communists
before congressional commit-
tees and dureng the 1960s to
? defending more 'diverse radi-
ate'. His latest well-known
client was Daniel Ellsberg.
Boudin sees the war as
the turning point In the
chenge of attitude. But 'like
Clifford, he thinks the
change in generations
played a inajor role.
"The focal point was oppo-
sition to the war," he. says.
"But it also resulted from
youth unencumbered by the
fears of older people."
There is also broad agree-
ment that additional inform-
?ation about communism has
helped change the public at-
titude about it. That is, the
left, the center and most of
the- right agree that the
more people know about the
? subject the less they fear it.
; Alger Hiss has been one
*Mho' of the fear of cone-
inism. A former State De-
rtment officer, he was
tivicted,'of perjury 'after
ing accused of espionage
r the Soviet Union and
ent 44 months In prison.
w 68, he's been out of jail
20 yeers and sells print-
supplies in New York
y. =
'People were scared of
mmumsts because they
arcls, Clark Clifford's back-
ground would be considered -
more liberal than Carpen-
ters. But Clifford mateied
Politically during a period
of intense anti-communIsm
and he atteesed three Pres',
dents on how to contain it.
Now, at the age of 69, he has
some doubts about the Co
? "I am a product of the ha
Cold War," he lays, reach- go
ing with his long fingers e nis
over the desk in his comfort-, tai
able Washington law office eta
to toy with paperweighte D
given him by Harry S. Tru-
man, John F. Kennedy, and tin
d never met one. I had ict
to Ail to meet a Comm-
says Hiss, who main-
ns his innocence and is
I appealing his case. ,
prints Carpenter,. who
Tries from one of the na-
n's most conservative
Mies, agrees with the
.1).riYonisue. .
know," he says, "a
Lyndon B John
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"When Vietnam came
lonfl, there was :never any
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lot of people from my area
have gone to Russia. They
see what it's like over there,
and they come back liking
our system that much bet-
ter. But they also see the
people over there, and they
see them as humans. I think
leaving things to people is
often a lot better than leav-
ing them to governments."
Fred Kuszmaul, the Amer-
ican Legion's Americanism
chairman, gives the same
angle a reverse twist.
"Let's face it," he says.
"The country can only bene-
fit from the Brezhnev visit.
The more the Russians can
see that's in this country,
the better off we are."
One indicator of , the
change is the 1971 hearing
into communism by the
; House Internal Security
;Committee. ? ,
. During the three decades
of its existence, HUAC hear-
ings often were nationally
watched dramas. They fea-
'lured flamboyant committee
chairmen on center stage
with apostate ex-Commu-
nists as witnesses for What
had all the earmarks of a
prosecution. The foils were
a parade of prominent and
not-so-prominent people ae-
&vied of Communist affilia-
tion. As often as not, they
took the Fifth Amendment,
an action interpreted by
committee members and
staff as an admission of;
? But the 1971 hearings
were sedate and held in rel-
ative privacy. The key wit-
ness was Charles Fitzpa-
trick, a New York school-
teacher who joined the
? party for the FBI and spent'
more than 12 years as a
"Fitzpatrick? Let me see.
don't even think I at-
tended those hearings," says
Rep. Claude Pepper (1Fla.).
Pepper spent 12 years in the
U.S. Senate until he was de-
feated in 1950 by an oppo-
nent who, among other'
things', used Pepper's pro-
New Deal outlook to link'
him with communism in a
campaign brochure called,
"The Red Record of Claude
Pepper." ?
Now Pepper is on the
committee with three other
liberal Democrats. He re-
members how the focus
"A few years ago." he re-
calls, "Speaker McCormack ,
called me and said, 'Claude,
I'm going to put you on that
"I said, 'No, net me; t
don't like anything they do.'
But he said, 'The House will
not abolish it and I want to
see that it's no longer a
'witch-hunting committee.
I want everything done le-
gally and correctly.'"
The Fitzpatrick testimony
was done legally and correct-
ly. So legally and correctly,
in fact, that a good part
of his testimony was given
over to identifying as Com-
munists people who had
tmade no atttempts to cover
their party membership.
Even'the John Birch Soci- ?
ety, the country's most mili-
tant and most publicized
anti-Communist organiza-
tion, has broadened its focus
beyond exposing Commu-
? nists.
Charles R. (Chuck) Arm-
our, the society's West Coast
governor, says anti-commu-
nism is "alive and well and
kicking ... and growing."
But Armour, who runs a
staff of 56 full-time employ-
ees from a yellow brick
building in the fashionable
Los Angeles suburb of San
Marino, says ? anti-commu-
nism might not be the right
term for what the society.
"The John Birch Society,"
he says, "has expanded from
18 September 1973
'A country in need of praise'
The Saturday Review and World
magazines have joined forces in a
:new biweekly whose first issue
offers a valuable reminder:
America is "a country in need ,of
praise." This phrase is the title of
an article drawn from a forthcom-
ing book, "Coping," by Daniel P.
Moynihan, Ambassador to India
and former assistant to the Presi-
dent for urban affairs. Without,
mentioning Watergate, Mr. Moy-
nihan writes:
"Relentless emphasis on social
failure and corruption is no way to
summon social energies that are
needed to set things right. . . . To
recognize and acknowledge suc-
cess, however modest, is fun-
damental to the practice of gov-
ernment. It is a first principle of
leadership in a democracy, where
loyalty must, be directed more to
institutions than to individuals."
As one example of success, Mr.
Moynihan cites the virtual dis-
appearance of the dual school
system in the South during a surge
of desegregation in 1970 that
placed Southern schools ahead of
Northern schools in this respect.
"The administration in office,
which had worked to bring about
the end of the dual school system,
did not especially want to take
'credit' for it, while its opposition
did not in the least want to give it
'credit.' . . . Almost immediately
thereafter the issue of school bus-
ing arose in Northern cities. If
only it had done so in the context of
a widely acknowledged success in
the South, might not public atti-
tudes have been differeht?"
Whatever one's answ/v to that
Question, such succeeses should be
being just anti-Communist
to looking at a conspiracy in
the world to control man
and his environment
through world government."
What's the soureo of the?
conspiracy, a visitor asks
Armour, a former insurance
broker who joined the soci-
ety in 1961.
"The evidence today is
there in overtures from the
Soviet Union ?and the Red
Chinese government in Pe-
king and the effort to put an
amalgamated government in
the world," he replies.
Does that mean the
United States government?
"Draw your oe'n conclu-
sions," he replies. "It menns
the so-called capitalists, the
media and people in high
The area around Armour%
office still looks like ig#
concerned,,? ,C11
But conservatives like Dm
Richardson and Dennis Car-
penter, who still think the*
is a threat, see little public
interest in it. And a reeett
poll showed that; while the
cOuntry is still very mu4
against communism, th
feeling isn't deep enough to
Make communiMi the day-
to-day concern it oneO Was.
acknowledged. One may disagree
with Mr. Moynihan's view of
solving some urban problems
through a kind of "benign ne-
glect" (though he doesn't resur-
rect that albatross phrase here).
But his emphasis on admitting
success as well as failure is par-
ticularly important now as the
nation's confidence in itself is .
challenged on Various frontS.
This is not to advocate slipping
into the old complacency but to
realize that things are, really not
so bad that it's not worth trying to
improve them. As Mr. Moynihan
concludes, "American society
would do better to pay somewhat
more attention to its successes,
for it needs the reserves of morale
that this kind of awareness
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11 September 1973
Image Problems?
If Your Copy Machine
Doesn't Work, Maybe It
Has Been Sabotaged
Office-Copier -Makers Deny
it, but Dirty Tricks Are
Reported ,to Be a Problem
Fighting for a Market Share
Mug Ncportcr cf nit: WALL Silt ria Jori;NAr,
SAN FRANCISCO?The scene was a Califor-
nia meeting of branch sales managers of SCM
Corp., presided over by a regional sales chief.
The discussion turned to how competitors such
as Xerox Corp. and Sperry Rand Corp. wero
making inroads. into SCNt's office-copier busi-
The scn managers decided that one solu-
tion to competitive problems was sabotage.
They discussed tampering with competitive
machines in hopes of creating service prob-
lems. On a Sperry Rand copier, for example,
they were told, "We could turn the roll of
paper around . . . which would cause it to
one participant recalls. Xerox machines
required another tactic. If a salesman could
"drop something in the toner tray, you could
pretty 'Nvell score the drum on it," the partici-
pant. says,
That was the testimony of r.obert WethIng-
ton, a former scn branch manager, at a re-
cent trial in Sall Francisco Seperior Court. Ile
said he attended meetings In San Fran-
cisco rind Los Aligvie3 while working for SCM
in the late 1960s.
SCM flatly denies that sabotage of competi-
tors' products was ever discussed, much lees
advocated, nt company meetings. But two
court decisions have gone against the company
and certain of its salesmen accused of sabo-
tage. In the more recent case here, a jtaLre re-
duced it jury award against SCM from
lion to $1:;0,uo0, causing the plaiinitf t domain]
a new trial.
313sterions :%lalhinctioes
uorporate denials, it's clear from
talks with :?alesnten for SCM and other copier
mantiletelesers, and with independent copier
dealers, that dirty trirke have been a real if
seldonedi .ceescd problem in the
year offier?copier indm.try, even Mot:eh?ea
seine :teert -they may me,. he on ti;e'dv,:'Ino.
''I've 14?01,:i! 1.1'I'ViCen11`11 \HO
IlaV1` they emmeitted ?17.-1
? : ?i? r
I? ly., ti. i , ;,: tho ?:,111)?
15v:itt ono or 1,1 ; 111,11
11.0.0! Or :,11 it ihelli::CiVe3; /r10:4 manufactur-
ers also maintain their own sales forces for di-
rect sale or lease to customers.) Mr. Moody
soya he believes these tales or sabotage he-
eatiee "more than U11C I'd install a machine
and come bath a few hoers later to find it reel-
functi,enea. I'd look ineide and find a wire die-
cenneeted end, after tali,ing to the customer,
find out one Of cumpelitors had been
around in the interim.". .
Mr. Wethington. who now has hi S own cop-
ier business, told the :4,111 Franci,co court ho
Personally tampered with competitors' p -el-
ects more than once. The aim wels to "ei ese
service," he said, adding "if the machine hi; a
lot of service calls, then you are in a very good
position to come back with your equipment."
Outright sabotage isn't always necessary,
says a salesman for a sinaller manufacturer of
copiers. For example, he explains, some cus-
tomers who use his company's machine buy
their paper from competitors. When the ma-
chine breaks down, he "takes a.couple of extra
hours" to repair it. "Then," he sayse'il'll give
the customer a bill for .$100. When he sees it ho
usually blows his Stack." The salesman ex-
plains that it's the "off-brand" paper that's
causing the problem, and he offers to cancel
the bill if the customer Will switch his paper or-
ders to the salesman. "It works a lot Of the
time," the salesman says.
Anyone with some dc??ring-do and expertise,
salesmen say, runs little risk of discovery in
sabotaging a competitor. A former SCM em-
ploye tells how he often and successfully has
done it: "1 get permission to go back to the
put?chasing department of a large company
that. uses a competitor's machines," he says.
On the way through the offices, he says, he will
simply stop at a few machines, "puts. off their
backs, and mess them up." No one ever.both-
ers him. "If you act like you're supposed to be
working on the machine," he rays, "thud nro
few people who are going to ask you what you
are doing."
Looking Om Other 1Vay
Just how widespread such practices' are,
and how high in the corporate hierarchy knowl-
edge of theni may go, is uncertain. Major cop-
ier makers deny that sabotage has been A.
nroblem. A spokesman for Xerox Corp., the
Oiltgest, says Xerox never has heard of coin-
pet (till's' tampering with Xerox machines. And,
he says, "we have very clear guidelines forbid-
ding anyone in the company (rem verbally crit-
icizing-, much less tampering with, a competi-
tor's eqeipment."
A former SCM employe :;1:1'S that corporate
officers never were nt any of the saholape
meeting.; he attended but he says Itc in rerldin
mit leant a few high offieiale knew what wan
leippeninee "I know a ?mole of vice i c;:idvnli
of the company personally," he says. "And
Cloy knew z..0.otage was (11.,ctificki and that
f.alesinen N?,?ero doine it. They Just chone to turn
end look the other way."
1:eureve at other come:inks say tied Heller
officials may net have ordered edlesmen to
?anntil salietcee ut thee :it
I'Me man ray.: Ilya w tii t, wor11,.(1 for Apcco
p., coi,ier lii tour:lc-
:11: or, rc;:ieual :ales is111r.g 1,1%11101
Vall:CS would "bilk about it in a Joking way,
!saying, for instance, that SCM had screwed ii!1
one of our machines and intintatink we might.
do the same to them when we got a chance."
If eunie copier selespien may be tempted to
thotage, its because their busine:s is 110T0y
t'0111pl'ililye. Though Xerox, with some Cl'; of
'domestic ISICS, doininatos tho noultet,
of other firms, large and email, are all fightine?
for a share. "In this business the end Justifies
the means," the former SCM salesman says.
"Either you get your sales quota or you get ?
pinir pink slip."
Inlevn a Rug
SCM's troubles in the San Francisco case
trace back to 1968, when Copico, a local dealer,
installed a coin-operated Olivetti machine in
the San Francisco Public Library on a trial !
- basis. Almost from the start things went
wrong. Lent and gummy coins jammed the
machine: a mysterious puncture in its two-
andaohalf-gallon tank spread Mk all over a li?
brary nig. Library employes testifieri they
began to notice that trouble started after visits
by two SCM salesmen who laid been ian r!rvicing
scn inncl.ine in the library. Then ene day
the two men s' 're caught leaning over
ic Oil-
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vetti'machine with their hands in it.
They claimed they were only studying the
lens mounting. I3ut the library called Copico,
and Copico called the police.
It was Copico whose $1 million jury award
was reduced by a judge; Copico rejected the
lowered award, and a new trial has been..
scheduled as a result. Evidence at the .original
trial suggested that higher officials of SCM had
Instructed salesmen to sabotage the competi-
tion. Allen Kline, a former SCM salesman, tes-
tified he MI:ended a I.965 meeting in Atlanta
where .regional sales managers gave instruc-
!Ions on tampering. (The company I lenles such
tnitirectinea were given.) After the trial, Air.
Kline would say only that. "SCM Is a big coin- .
pany, and I'm only an individual. I don't want
to rub salt into their wounds."
Earlier, in a la68 entitrust suit In fedaral
court in 'Baltimore, a judge found SCM sales-
men guilty of "tampering (with) and misrepre-
senting" paper and supplies sold by Advanced
Business Systems & Supply Co., a Baltimore-
based dealer.
SCM appealed the verdict to the U.S. Court
of Appeals, which modified sonic) of the find-
ings but didn't change the findings of fact con-
cerning tampering. An SCM spokesman says
the company tried to appeal to the Supreme
Court but was turned down.
The trial court said that SCM saleamen
would run off a witisfartory copy using :;?,.!M
paper on an SCM machine. Next they %you'd try
competitive paper (in this cane manufactured
by Nashua Corp. of Nashua, N.H.) in the ma-
chine. I tut they would set ita lens shutter ro
that no paper could have made satisfactory
coplem mid, the court found, then blame the
Nasinia paper for the. poor copies to pernuade
the customer to buy SCM paper.
A big part of their profit In electrostatic ma.,
chines that use chemically treated paper, in-
dustry sources say, comes from contracts for
the paper end other %implies. "You can almost
give the machine away," a former salesman
says, "if you can get the customer to buy your
paper and supplies."
After the Baltimore case, the Federal Trade
Commission filed a complaint charging SCM
with, among other things, "maladjusting or
tampering with owned and/or leased SCM elec-
trostatic copying machines when non-SCM
copying supplies are used." Shortly thereafter,
the company entered into a consent agreement
with the FTC in which it promised to refrain
from such practices without admitting having
used them in the past,.
SCM says the Baltimore and San Francisco
cases "have been distorted and blown out of
proportion," Even if the facts ? are correct, an
SCM spokesman says, "it is mystifying how ?
Unauthorized and uncondoned acts of individual:
salesmen can be attributed to the company." '
Xerox, the industry leader, generally ap-
pears to have avoided sabotage tactics. Until
recently, Xerox was the only major company
whose machtnes used conventional bond paper,
which Xerox customers can obtain directly
from paper companies. Competition has been
much more intense in the market for chemi-
cally treated paper that most other machines
Dirty Tricks Waning?
Though Xerox Insists it has a strict policy
even against knotking the competition, at least
one dealer thinks some Xerox employee may
have tampered with some of his machines.
"I've had a coin-operated Olivetti machine in
this Safeway for years," says the dealer, Fer-
nando Velez, president of SO' Copy Co. Inc.
"Then recently Xerox puts one in next to mine,
and mine starts to go haywire." In another
Safeway store where Xerox Installed a copier,
he says. "somebody actually got into my ma-
chine and screwed up the electronic circuitry.
And to do that you have to know the business."
"None of our people have ever heard of
Velez, and as far as we know he has never
made a complaint to us," a Xerox spokesman
responds. "If we were ever convinced that an
employe of ours was involved In anything like
that he would be fired on the spot."
No formal tampering complaints have been
niade against Xerox. But the Federal Trade
Commission has complained that the company
maintains its position in the copier industry in
other ways. In December, the FTC filed an
antitrust suit that charged Xerox with monopo-
lizing the copier business by requiring custom-
ers to lease instead of letting them buy Xeraix
machines and by using discriminatory pricing
practices, among other things. Xerox has
called the complaint "Ill.founded and Without
There are sonic in the Industry who believe
sabotage has delined In the past two or three
years, partly because of SCM's troubles and
partly became the trend to machines using
Plain paper has dulled the cut-throat coinpeti-
tion to supply chemically treated paper. 131g.
ger, more sophisticated and more expensive,
the plain-paper machines also require a
greater investment to produce and market so
that "you can't afford to get caught pulling
these kinds of stunts," says Mr. Moody, the
dealer in Hayward. But, he adds, "I worry
sometimes the same things could happen in the
bond-paper market as happened in the electro-
static one. I just hope we have become more
sophisUcatefi than that."
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13 September 1973
Opium fogs
Life terms, polities.
raise a dilemma
By Sam Cohen
Special to
The Christian Science Monitor
Istanbul, Turkey
The United States is caught in a ?
harsh dilemma here over drug traf-
1 .1' On one hand the U.S. has urged
Turkey to clamp down on opium
production and trafficking.
On the other, American officials are
concerned at the severity of punish-
ment handed out tO individual U.S.
citizens convicted of drug offenses
here. They are embarrassed by the
long prison sentences; especially
when American intervention on be-
half, of' convicted persons would ap-
pear inconsistent with the goal of
clamping down on the drug market.
The situation is Complicated by the
current campaign for next month's
Turkish elections. All the major par-
ties contesting' the election have
promised to at least reconsider the '
two-year-old ban on opium production
a ban prompted by American
pressure and compensated for by
American dollars. .
Cultivation favored
The opposition Republican Peoples
Party has announced readiness to'
17 September 1973
resume poppy cultivation with effec-
tive control on illicit trading. The
majority Justice Party has also
pledged to reconsider the ban.
Smaller patties have promised to lift
Various politicians are taking ad-
vantage of the election campaign to
criticize the ban, which 'they see as
product of American intervention.
They maintain that Turkish farmers.
have suffered from the ban and say
American aid for compensation and
crop substitution has been in-
adequate, making some of Turkey's
estimated 100,000 poppy farmers even,
American diplomats here are wor-
ried about this criticism and the real
possibility that the next Parliament
may pass a law allowing farmers to
cultivate poppies again.
Faces punishment
Meanwhile, another American has
become a victim of Turkey's harsh
punishment for drug offenders. An
Istanbul criminal court has just sen-
tenced 26-year-old William James
Hayes of Long Island, N.Y., to 30
years imprisonment for attempting to
smuggle two kilograms of hashish out
of Turkey. A university dropout,'
Hayes was arrested August, 1970, at
Istanbul airport, tried, and sentenced
to four years jail for possessing drugs.
' With good conduct reducing his
term, Hayes would have been freed
last July from Istanbul's Sagmacilar. ?
prison if the Ankara appeals court
had not insisted twice that he should ,
be punished for smuggling. This un- .
der Turkish law is a grave crime
without discrimination of drug quan-
tity or quality.
Recently the appeals court gave its
final verdict for Hayes: life imprison-
ment. Under Turkish Wits, a local
criminal court must respect an ap-
peals court's final verdict. ?
No alternative
So, although the Istanbul court
fudge who previously tried Hayes was
convinced he tried to take the drug
home for his own use and not for
commercial purposes, the judge em-
phasized in Monday's hearing that his ,
court could do nothing but abide with
.the Ankara appeal court's ruling. The
judge was able to turn life imprison-
ment into 30 years jail for Hayes's
good conduct.
Diplomatic activity between Wash-
ington and Ankara has sought ways to
ensure Hayes's early release. But this
presents serious problems.
The Turks are sensitive about any
intervention in their system of jus-.
lice; and it is hard for American
authorities, who have insisted on
Turkey's crackdown on the drug
trade, to ask for leniency.
However, intensive lobbying In New
York and Washington has led to
several high-level representations.
More are expected now that the 30- -
year sentence is final.
Hayes's main1 hope, like other
Americans and foreigners jailed for
drug offenses here, is the possibility
of a general amnesty on Turkey's 50th
anniversary next October. This would
be the task of the new Parliament to
be elected Oct. 14, and will take
several weeks or months until passed.
All major parties seem prepared to
approve an amnesty bill, although
differences already exist among them
regarding its extent Hayes's sen-
tence, for instance, may be reduced 10
or 15 years under an amnesty. His
remaining years also may be reduced
one-third for good conduct, blft he
would still have several years to
spend in jail.
Full Funding for Radii) Free Europe
The Senate voted 76 to 10 to authorize the full $50
imillion,requested by the administration for Radio Free
Europe and Radio Liberty, which broadcast useful and
otherwise unobtainable information to East Europe
and the Soviet Union respectively. But ,the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee then knocked out $10 million.
Given the stations' tottering financial condition, this wll
probably destroy them, unless the funds are restored
in an amendment due to be made on ,the Senate floor
today. The movement to cut the money, and thereby
'to virtually assure the stations will go off the air, was
led by Sen. John Pastore (D-R.I.), the. very gentleman
Instrumental in putting yesterday's Redskins game on
on the air. What a pity his devotion to public aceess
to the airwaves is limited to broadcasts on these shores.
Opponents of the two radio stations used to argue
? that they were "cold war relics" which undermined
East-West detente. Henry Kissinger nailed this one last
week in his testimony that the two. stations have "not
incerfered with detente," President Nixon has repeat-
,edlyNtirged their continuation and full funding. Sena-
-tors might further consider that today in Geneva there
opens the brass-tacks phase of the Conference on Euro-
pean Security and ?Cooperation. Its most important agen-
da item calls for a freer East-West flow of people and
ideas. For the Senate to cut and condemn two principal
channels of communication, on the opening day of a
conference 'devoted toi expanding such communication,
would be destructive as well as absurd,
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16 September 1973
Calls Them 'Tiny Bunch of
Intellectuals' and Affirms
its Information Curbs
awl., to The New Tort Times
MOSCOW, Sept. 15?The So-
viet Union today denounced
Western expressions of support
for a "tiny bunch of intel-
lectuals" and warned that "no
one is allowed to violate the
principles of our democracy."
In the first official response su
to protests over Moscow's gi
drive against dissidents, the
Communist party daily Pravda
also ruled out any unrestricted
flow of information that would
"legalize anti-Communist prop-
aganda" within the Soviet
The detailed Soviet rebuttal
reflected continuing opposition
to Western attempts to link
easier human contacts with the
political and economic relations
sought by the Kremlin. The
issue will be debated at the
second phase of the European
security parley opening Tues-
day in Geneva.
Response to 2d Charge
The Soviet statement also
appeared to respond to concern
among some Soviet liberal in-
tellectuals that international re-
laxation of tension was being
hindered by the harassment of
the physicist Andrei D. Sa-
kharov and other advocates of !eta
greater public disclosure andi inter
jority of members in both
houses, the amendments would
link freedom of emigration for
Soviet citizens to any extension
of trade benefits by the United
The linkage has been op-
posed by the Nixon Administra-
tion as an obstacle to its Soviet
policy, as well as by members
of the American business cam-
munity intent on expanding
trade with the Soviet Union.
I Alluding to this opposition,
''Mr. Sakharov expressed the
hope that Congress "will find
the strength to rise above tem-
porary partisan considerations
' of commercialism and prestige."
1 ,
The issue is scheduled to
come to a; vote this coming
week in the House Ways , and
Means Committee, which has
been discussing the trade bill.
Mr. Sakharov described as
deliberate obfuscation the re-
ported attempts of some oppo-
nents of the amendment to
ggest that its passage would
ye rise to outbursts of anti-
Semitism in the Soviet Union,
and hinder the emigration ofl
"It Is as if the emigration is-
sue affected only Jews," Mr.
Sakharov said, adding that
there were thousands of non-
Jews who wanted to exercise
their right, under the 1948 Uni-
versal Declaration of Human
Rights, to choose the country
where they wantto live. Soviet
citizens do not have the in-
herent right to emigrate, and
the expression of such a desire
is often greeted as a virtual
act of treason.
A group of Moscow Jews,
who have been frustrated in
their attempts to emigrate,.
charged today that officials of
the Nixon Administration had
urged them to cease their pub-
lic campaign and had assured
them that diplomacy would be
more effective in resolving their
Diplomacy Is Rejected
Alluding to apparent efforts
by Henry A. Kissinger, the Sec.
ry of State-designate, to
cede quietly on behalf of
e Jews, the latest statement
broader human rights in the sas?jd:
,Soviet Union.4.
Mr. Sakharov meanwhile, effec
seemingly undeterred by a two-; ried
week campaign of personal de- itZscl?
nunciation, addressed an open toget
!letter to the United States Con- with
igress, urging members to stand
firm on the controversial Jack.; s
son amendment,
The 'amendment, to the Ad
ministration's comprehensive
trade bill, is named for one of
its sponsors, Henry M. Jackson,
Democrat of Washington. A
similar amendment has been
submitted in the House of Rep-
Already endorsed by a ma.
We have little faith in the
tiveness of lists being car-
by advocates of 'quiet
macy' across the ocean to
ow, and then back again
her with assurances but
out any concrete results.
e are convinced that only
methods of open public
gle can help resolve the
em, which touches above
all on the lofty principles of
the rights of man.'
The statement also accused
Steven Lazarus, Deputy Assist-
ant Secretary of Commerce for
East-West Trade, of having put
pressure ono Moscow Jews dur-
ing a visit to Moscow in Feb-
ruary to desist from putiil pro-
test lest they endanger t I e Ad-
ministrationo's trade.bill
"Careful not to comp mise 2s
? - -
'himself by a direct meeting
with us," the statement said,
,"he let us know through an
intermediaintermediarywhat, in his view,
, our behavior should be."
1 According to the Moscow
Jews, Mr. Lazarus urged them
to appeal to Jewish organiza-
tions in the 'United States to
drop their support for the
Jackson amendment. Adoption
of the amendment Mr. Lazarus
IS reported to have said, would
mean the end of Soviet-Amer-
ican trade expansion and would
therefore expose Soviet Jews to
revenge by the Kremlin.
1 The statement was signed byi
i12 scientists and engineers whol
have been barred from emigrat-,
ing on vaguely defined grounds;
of national security. They in-
cluded Veniamin G. Levich,
'corresponding member of the
!Academy of Sciences, Aleksandr
!Y. Lerner, computer specialist,
and Mark Y. Azbel and Alek-
sandr Y. Voronel, physicists.
Mr. Azbel and Mr. Voronel were
among six scientists who staged
11 September 1973
Warning to Moscow,
More than any other group of men and women, scien-
tists live with the terrifying knowledge of humanity's
precarious balance on the edge of self-destruction. An
awareness of awesome risks, together with their own
responsibility in creating them, leads scientists at times
to reach across national boundaries to appeal to the
conscience of men of power: It was in such a moment
of humane solidarity that the National Academy, of
Sciences reached out to its Soviet counterpart in a
warning that the arrest or further harassment of Andrei
D. Sakharov, the eminent Soviet physicist, might jeopar-
dize the future of American-Soviet scientific cooperation,
Academician Sakharov, father of the Soviet hydrogen
bomb but also a prime mover for the nuclear test ban,
has come to be a symbol of lonely courage in the battle
against the new upsurge of repression in Moscow. He
has courageously told his countrymen: "Intellectual
freedom is essential to human society ? freedom to
obtain and distribute information, freedom for open-
minded and unfearing debate, and freedom from pressure
by officialdom and prejudice."
Just such pressure is now being brought to bear on
Academician Sakharov with such organized force that
even the members of the Soviet Academy of .Sciences,
with a few honorable abstentions, have surrendered to
the Kremlin and. attacked their colleague.
This new line of persecution, along with the stepped-
up Soviet campaign of terror against all dissent and
recent incidents of organized anti-Semitism, is being
pressed at the very time when American and Soviet
officialdom extol the mutual benefits of the new spirit
of 4etente and cooperation. The Soviet people, who
..stana to derive great personal benefits from trade with
the United States, must conclude that the American
Government is giving tacit approval to what can only
be considered as neo-Stalinism. A succession of Cabinet.
level American delegations to Moscow, coinciding with
the new terror inevitably reinforces this impression.
American scientists have now made it clear that they
cannot in good conscience cooperate with those who
stifle dissent and suppress intellectual freedom. Would
that the United States Government, as reptesented by
President Nixon and Secretary-designate Kissinger, had
a comparable sense of moral purpose.
a two-week hunger strike in
C.I.A. Is Accused
Today's Pravda article attrib-
uted Western expressions of
sympathy for dissident intellec-
tuals to a well-organized cam-
paign planned by "experienced
people from the Central Intelli.
gence Agency and by special-
ists in the art of shaping public
Mike Mansfield, the Senate
majority leader, was widely
quoted in the article in support
of the Soviet point of view as
having said that the North At-
lantic Treaty Organization and
radio stations beaming broad-
casts into the Soviet Union
represented remnants of the
cold war that should be elim-
The newspaper also praised
David Rockefeller, chairman of
Chase Manhattan Bank, for hav-
ing warned that it would be a
mistake to use the prospects of
expanded trade as Iv-it...rage
against the Soviet Union.
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;1 12 September 1973
The Requirements of Detente
'The very difficult question of what is to be the sub-
stance of Soviet-American "detente" is passing from
a "debating phase to a political phase. A significant num-
her of Americans now appear to believe it is? neither
detirable, possible nor safe to improve relations with
? the. Soviet Union unless the Kremlin liberalizes some
of its domestic policies. So the National Academy of ,
Sciences has just conditioned its support of further
, scientific exchanges on an end to Kremlin harassment of
physicist-libertarian Andrei Sakharov. House Ways and
Means Chairman Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.) says he will
risist expanded East-West trade "if the price is to be
, pal(' in the martyrdom" of Sakharov, Nobel laureate
Alexander Solzhenitsyn and other noted dissenters. Con-;
, giessional consent for expanded trade has already been
linked to Soviet consent for freer emigration, especially
eniigration of Jews.
As the excitement of summitry wore off, people were
? bdund to start examining the stuff of detente, the more
sn,as the inflationary impact of last year's Soviet grain
purchases came to be felt. Distracted perhaps by Water-
gate, Mr. Nixon has given no evidence that he has coped
with .the issue himself, as he should have. For it is a
plain fact that, though he made his first-term break-
throughs largely alone and in secret, their consolidation ,
requires public support. He needs the support of ?
scientists to expand exchange, and of Congress to ?
broaden trade. Meanwhile, the situation on the Soviet
side has not been static. The Soviet government, eager
to 'reap the benefits of detente without cost to its ,do-
inestic grip, has intensified its crackdown on dissenters;
they in turn have reached out for foreign support. The
sharper the foreign protests, the more determined some
in;the Kremlin become to ignore them. Those Soviet
leaders who had doubts about detente all along are ,no
doubt arguing now that the current American "inter-
ference" in Soviet affairs proves their original point.
tie attitudes of American critics require closer
scanning. Some Americans who now speak for Soviet
human rights may well do so because they never "trust-
eethe Russians." Others may be making political hay.
Still others, particularly American Jews, see an op-
portunity and feel an obligation to help their co-reli-
gionists. Scientists and intellectuals have an interest in
their Soviet counterparts. Whether or not one sympa- ,
thfies with any of these attitudes, the fact remains that
there is a substantial and growing constituency vfhich ex-
Peas political and economic progress to be accompanied
br.,progress in opening up Soviet society. It is a funds.
mefital American tenet to 'equate trustworthiness and
openness. It is deeply disturbing that the Kremlin is
not subject to the same checks on the arbitrary use of
power that operate on democratic governments, however
imperfectly. It is offensive to find the Soviet state deny-
ing human values and it cannot avoid raising doubts
about holy reliable a partner it will be in joint political
and economic enterprises. A form of "interference" in
Soviet affairs is a natural consequence of this concern.
But our own self-interest is involved as well. And that
is what makes the problem so difficult for us..
Secretary of State-designide Henry Kissinger last Fri-
day pronounced himself personally "disappointed" and
"dismayed" by the recent reports of oppression from
Russia. "Yet," he went on, "we have as a country to ask
ourselves the question of whether it should be the prin-
cipal goal of American foreign policy to transform the
domestic structure of societies with which we deal or
whether the principal exercise of our foreign policy,
should be toward affecting the foreigil policy of those
societies. This way of posing the issue is entirely con-
sistent with Dr. Kissinger's view that foreign policy is
essentally global strategy and that domestic considers.'
tions and pressures should not be allowed to impinge on'.
it. Moreover, he is surely well positioned to understand
the never-absent risk that the Kremlin majority cur-
rently supporting a detente policy could crumble.
The appropriate approach to the issue he poses, how-
ever, is not merely to caution 'those concerned with hu-
man rights. That is not only questionable politics but
questionable diplomacy. The appropriate approach is
to go on to caution the Soviet leadership that it is simply
not possible to mold the necessary public support for a
detente policy in the United States while the Kremlin
continues acting as it does with respect to human rights.:
The real problem, we suspect, is not so much that the
Soviet Union practices domestic policies repugnant to
many Americans. The problem is that at a time of East-
West promise when many Americans had expected a
softening effect on Soviet internal policies, the Kremlin
seems to be going backwards. It is this sense of disap- ,
pointment, of betrayal, which energizes many critics of
Soviet performance on human rights. The remedy, then,
is not a "transformation of the Soviet domestic struct-
ure" but some reasonable amount of evidence of positive
changes---some movement in the right direction, rather
than the other way around. Such evidence would almost
certainly loosen the knot now tightening around certain
aspects of Soviet-American detente. President Nixon has
no more compelling piece of International business than,'
to set the Soviet leadership straight on what, as a practi-
cal political matter as well as a question of principle,
detene requires 4 it is to achieve a necessary measure
of support in this country.
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9 September 1973
First, Human D?nte
By Henry M. Jackson
WASHINGTON?Since the Moscow
summit of May 1972, it has become
iashionable to contrast the "crudity'
and "blimtness" of earlier Soviet re
,gimes with the "subtlety" and "sophis
tication" of Mr. Brezhnev and his
associates. But there is nothing subtle
about 'the latest wave of show trials
staged confessions and harassment in
the Soviet Union. It is evident that
the supposed "relaxation of tensions"
in international affairs is not yet ac-
companied by a corresponding relaxa-
tion, of Soviet internal controls.
In 1937, Thomas Mann, then in exile
in Switzerland, was informed by the
University of Bonn that "the faculty
finds itself obliged to strike your name
? off its roll of honorary doctors."
In his written reply, Mann asked the
Nazi Government he had fled: ?
"Why isolation, world hostility, law-
lessness, intellectual interdict, cultural
darkness, and every 'other evil? Why
not rather Germany's voluntary return
to the European system, her reconcili-
ation with Europe, with all the inward
accompaniments of freedom, justice,
well-being and human decency, and a
jubilant welcome from the rest of the
world? Why not? Only because a re-
gime which in word and deed denies
. the rights of man, which wants above
all else to remain in power, would
stultify itself and be abolished if, since
It cannot make war, it actually made
In 1969, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
wrote to the Secretariat of the Soviet
Writers Union after being informed
that it had expelled him:
"Your' clumsy articles fall apart;
your vacant minds stir feebly?but :
you have no arguments. What would
'you do without 'enemies'? You could
not live without 'enemies': hatred, a
' hatred no better than. racial hatred,
' has become your sterile atmosphere.
But in this way a sense of our single,
common humanity is lost and its doom !,
Is accelerated. Should the Antarctic ;
ice melt tomorrow, we would all be.
come a sea of drowning humanity, and c.
into whose heads would you then b
! drilling your concepts of 'clas
struggle'?" ?
The, message of these two grea
writers is the same: A regime that
denies the rights of man can neve
. .be reconciled to membership in the
. community of civilized nations.
The question today is cwhether re-
cent East-West developments' have in
, fact increased the chances the Soviet
Union will' decide to become a mem-
ber of the community of civilized na-
tions. I am bound to say that I share
. the apprehensions of those who remain
doubtful. But this much is certain:
How we design and implement the
emerging policy of detente, the weight
we assign to human rights in the de-
velopment of relations with the Com-
munist nations, and, the depth of our
own commitment to individual liberty
. will prove decisive
e from the fact that whatever other
s liberties may be denied?speech, press,
religion, employment?any and all of
these can be restored- by emigration
to free countries of the West. Of
r human rights; free emigration is first ?
. among equals. Moreover, emigration
has a special international character
, that necessarily places it in the context
of international relations?for the state
that ? wishes to receive emigrants has
at least as much of a stake in free .
emigration as the state from which
they come.
Significantly, the economy of the
Soviet Union is in desperate straits,
and we have been asked to extend to
Russia the benefits of our markets on
a most-favored-nation basis, of our
capital at preferential rates, and of
our superlative technology. There are
those who argue that we must make
these trade concessions in?the interest .
of promoting detente but that we
ought not to attach conditions that
would, at the same time, promote hu-
man rights in the Soviet Union. This
is the argument of the Kremlin. It is
also, I am pleased to say, an argument
that we in the Congress have clearly
rejected. The. overwhelming support
for my East-West Trade and Freedom
of Emigration amendment ?77 co..
sponsors in the Senate and over 280
in the House?to make these benefits
conditional on free emigration is, in
my view, not only the best hope for
the survival and freedom of many ?
brave people, it is a sound and proper
way to approach the potential detente.
This is the point that Andrei Sak-
harov communicated to us during his
brave and outspoken press interview
last month. "Detente," Sakharov said,
"has to take place with simultaneous
' liquidation of isolation." Detente with-
out democratization, would be "very
dangerous . . . that would be culti5
? vation and encouragement of closed
- countries, where everything that hap-
pens 'goes unseen by foreign eyes be-
hind a mask OA hides its real face.
No one should dream of having such a
neighbor, and especially if this neigh-
bor is armed to the teeth."
Thus, without an increasing measure
of individual liberty in the Communist
world there can be no genuine detente,
there can be no rear movement toward
a more peaceful world. If we permit
form to substitute for substance, if
we are content only with ."atmos-
? pherics," we will fail to keep the
Of all the human rights contained
In the universal declaration of the
United Nations, none is More funda-
mental than that in Article 13?the
right to free emigration. And as we
assess the developing d?nte, se basic
measure of progress will be its impact
'on the free movement of people. The
Importance of free emigration stems
11 Sep i onilusr 1973
Protest on
Sakharo'v Hit
United Press InternIttional
Health, Education and Wel-
fare Secretary Caspar W.
Weinberger, clearly rebuking
the National Academy of
Sciences, yesterday urged U.S.
scientists to support joint
projects with their Soviet
counterparts instead of "firing
brickbats through the daily
Those who insist that the pace and
development of detente should reflect
progress in the area of human rights
are often accused of opposition to
detente itself. Nothing could be fur-
ther from the truth. The argument Is
not between the proponents and de-
tractors of detente, but between those
who recognize that a genuine era of
international accommodation mutt be
based on progress toward individual
liberty and those who choose to pre-'
tend otherwise.
Henry M. Jackson, Democratic Senator
frbm Washington, is a member of the
.Armed Services Committee.
press." 1
Weinberger spoke at a news
conference after his return
from a 16-day tour of health
facilities in th1
e Soviet Union
and Poland...
' On Sunday, Dr. Philip Hand-
ler, president of the National
Academy, warned the presi-
dent of the Soviet Academy of
Sciences that American scien-
tists might refuse to take part
in joint research and scientific
exchanges if Soviet authorities!
continued harassing physicist]
Andrei D. Sakharov.
Weinberger declared thati
Soviet-American scientific co- I
operation was of "enormous
value to mankind in general"
and should transcend what he
described as an internal So-
viet affair.
"I can certainly appreciate
that there are some practices
going on fin the Soviet Union]
which are certainly not sub-
ject to, nor do they have. my
approval," Weinberger said.
"None of these things con-
stitute endorsement of the in-
ternal affairs of any govern-
ment," he said. "But it is bet-
ter to have dialogue than sim-
ply standing off firing brick-
bats through tin daily press "
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13 September 1973
Soviet dissidents/U.S. politics
' The Solzhenitsyn-Sakharov af-
fair in the Soviet Union is fast
escalating into a major inter-
national incident.
The two Soviet dissidents, one a
Nobel-winning novelist and the
other a major nuclear physicist,
have become symbols of the fight
to exercise the rights of free
thought and expression within the
Soviet system. Their personal sit-
uation is grim. They are under,
savage, concerted official attack.
Novelist Solzhenitsyn has raised
the possibility, of his ,dis-
appearance or murder. Scientist
Sakharov speaks about mind.
changing drugs forced upon dis-
'sidents placed in asylums in the
Soviet crackdown.
Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov are
pressing their cause with great
heat, calculating that the more
aware the outside world is of their
plight the more difficult it will be
for the Soviet authorities to do
them in. This week, for instance,
Solzhenitsyn proposed that Sakha-
rov be awarded the 1973 Nobel
Peace Prize ? even though the
deadline for nominations was
Feb. 1. Also, the two men have
been summoning Western news-
men in defiance of Soviet author-
ities and making their case.
The men are eloquent, earnest,
and incisive thinkers. Sol-
zhenitsyn's statement to the Nobel
committee reasoned that, with
detente, the world threat was not
so much aggression between na-
tions as repressive violence within
national borders. He was thus
carrying further the recent star-
tling warning of Sakharov that the
West must be aware of making it
easier for Moscow to tromp down
on civil liberties by lessening the
Soviet Union's economic and mili-
tary worries.
The West has been hearing this
The National Academy of Scien-
ces last weekend warned that
American scientific cooperation
with the Soviet Union was being
threatened by harassment of Dr.
Members of the World Psy-
chiatric Association are threat-
ening to boycott a conference
scheduled to be held in the Soviet
Union next .month. They are con-
sidering pressing for inspection of ?
,mental hospitals to which political
dissidents are sent.
Chancellor Willy Brandt of West
Germany last week indicated con-
cern for the embattled dissidents.
Sweden's Foreign Minister Kris-
ter Wickman and Austria's Chan-
cellor Bruno Kreisky likewise
have declared support for Sakha-
rov and Solzhenitsyn.
Repression of the dissidents is
affecting Communist organiza-
tions outside the Soviet Union.
Reports from Paris indicate dis-
may and embarrassment among
French Communists.
The Solzhenitsyn-Sakharov af-
fair is nettlesome to Washington. ?
The escalating impact of the issue
is swiftly reaching into American
political life.
? Last weekend Rep. Wilbur
Mills, the most essential man in
Congress to the White House on
trade and economic matters? said
he would oppose freeing up trade
with the Soviets "if the price is to
be paid in. the martyrdom" of
15 September 1973
Tont Braden
The Mills statement is a re-
markable sign of how deeply the
dissidents issue could penetrate
American politics. Mr. Mills,
from Arkansas, is no starry-eyed,
Eastern 'Establishment liberal.
He has been no great spokesman
for civil rights. He hasn't built his
political career on foreign affairs. ,
He is a domestically oriented poli-
tician, and an astute one.
Representative Mills no doubt
sees a political danger in passing
trade legislation, expanding trade
with the Soviet Union, if such a
move can be attacked as aiding
internal Soviet repression. This
new development, this political
liability for American officials in
the Sakharov-Solzhenitsyn case,
should be read by the Soviet Union
for its possible impact on Amer-
ican trade and detente policy.
Already the liberal elements in ,
the American press are. calling
Washington's attitude on the dis-
sidents "ostrichlike." With Rep-
resentative Mills indicating
middle America's growing con-
cern, silence on the subject in the
White House will be ever harder to
Kissinger and Sakharov
Henry Kissinger thought long and
hard about what to say to the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee about,
Russian physicist Andrei D. Sakharov.
What he said may have made sense
from our stand point, but from the
stand point of Sakharov, Alexander
Solzhenitsyn ?and others among Rus-
sia's dissident intellectuals, Kissinger's
words must have read like a death
In brave public announcements from
Moscow, the dissidents had been plead-
ing for a different kind of statement,
one which insisted on respect for hu-
man rights as a prerequisite for de-
tente. Instead, Kissinger gave them a
pat on the head. Was he right or
Consider the dilemma which Kis-
singer sees. Consider also that if he
sees it correctly, it is not only his di-
lemma but yours and mine. Here it is:
The way to take a strong line on the
Russian intellectuals is to suggest that
U. S. trade and economic aid will be
withheld unless the Russians cease
persecuting these men. If the United,
States takes this line, the Russians
might retaliate. Tha way they might
retaliate is to take a similarly strong
line on the disarmament talks.
In Kissinger's view, thliN is a clear
and present danger. The Soviet Union
wants economic aid. Only the United
States can grant it. The United States
wants a freeze on the arms race. Only
the Soviet Union can grant it. If that's
a fair trade, should Sakharov and the
others stand in the way? ?
Kissinger tried to sidestep the
dilemma: "I am dismayed by the condi-
tions Sakharov reports. Yet we have as
a country to ask ourselves a question:
Whether it should be the principal
goal of American foreign policy to
transform the domestic structure of so-
cieties with which we deal ... ? ?
It's a good question. But it amounts 28
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to telling Sakharov, Solzhenitsyn and
the others that, as far as we are Con-
cerned, the Soviet Union has a license
to hang them.
Kissinger's statement must have
come with particular irony for Sakha-
rov. His book, "Progress, Co-existence
rind Intelle2tual Freedom" was pub-
lished in ,this country with the follow-
ing blurb on the dust jacket: "A
deeply moving testimony to the free-
dom of the human spirit.--Prof. Henry
Kissinger." There is an enormous gap
between those words and the words of
Secretary. of State-designate Henry
Kissinger before the Foreign Relations
Committee: "I cannot recommend that
an entire foreign policy be made de-
pendent on that particular aspect
(human rights) of the domestic struc?
ture of the Soviet Union."
Is this the gap between the mind of
an academician who doesn't know the
facts and a responsible official who
does? It's hard to make a judgment. A
lot of people In Washington who ought
to know think the Russian economy is
in such terrible shape that the united.
States can demand almost anything it
wants. Kissinger doesn't agree. And
Kissinger ought to know, even more
than they.
At the very least, Kissinger ought to
be subjected to a little heat on this
subject. "We have in the past," he told
the Foreign Relations Committee,
"successfully pointed out to the Soviet'
leaders the Unfortunate impact that
some of their policies have on otit
opinion." -
This was an obvious reference to his
own successful plea ?for the lifting of
Immigration restrictions on Soviet
Jews. Perhaps he intends to make a
similar personal plea for the Russian
intellectuals. His feet should be held
to the fire. ? -A
0 1911 ?,os Amities Times
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? se
In is
12 September 1973
1 A Simla! to Teo New York TIMES
United States officials were not
ilsurprised by the Chilean armed
iforces' revolt today, but they
declined to comment for the
record, to avoid even a hint of
,commitment to the overthrow
of President Salvador Allende
Gossens or invlovement in it.
f ; According to information
from the United States Embas-
sy in Santiago, none of the
2,800 American citizens in.
Chile appeared to have beenl
harmed in the rising, a State
Department official reported.
The embassy lies directly oppo-
site the presidential palace,
where Dr. Allende held out for
a time this morning, and the
official said the embassy build-
ing .had been nicked by small-
arms fire.
Of the American residents of
Chile about 2,300 live in and
around Santiago, and half of
those are United States Gov-
ernment employes and their
? dependents. The rest are mainly
' 'businessmen, students and mis-
i The United States Govern-
!ment?which had a record of
interfering in Chilean politics,
principally with money, before
be. Allende came to power in
l970?has maintained the posi-
tion of a disinterested bystander
since then, except for protests
against his expropriation policy.
U.S. Investment Plummeted
The expropriations, principally
of United States-owned copper
mines and International Tele-
phone and Telegraph Installa-
tions, have reduced United
States investments from $750
million just before Dr. Allende
came to power to under $70:
million today.
Reports of the coup caused
copper futures to rise by 3
cents to 78.40 cents on the New
York Mercantile Exchange, but
au American official warned
against the idea that a new
regime might restore national-
ized property.
"They haven't got any money
'anyway," he explained, "and all
'parties support nationalization.!
So any Anaconda shareholder'
who thinks he is going to gett
1 his money back is going to be;
' disappointed."
The central element in Wash-
ington's attempt to be even-
handed toward the Chilean de-
velopments is military aid and
Four United States Navy ves-
sels had been headed for Chile
today from Peru as part of joint
hemisphere naval maneuvers;
they were redirected from Chil-
ean ports as soon as news of
the revolt came, the State De-
partment said.
? U.S. Aid Has Continued
, The United States, which
provided $1.7-billion in econom-
ic and military aid to chile
from 19461 through 1970, dm-
tinues to give assistance, in
both fields.
In fiscal 1973 United States
credits for Chilean military pur-
chases and training totaled
$12.4-million, while economic
aid, including school lunches,
amounted to about $3-million.
Six months ago the economic
and military credits were justi-
fied by Washington as "an im-
portant means of demonstrat-
ing our continuing interest in
the well-being of the Chilean
population and of maintaining
long-standing and friendly rela-
tions between the U.S. armed
forces and their Chilean coun-
It is noted here that the Al-
lende Government welcomed
the military aid and rejected
offers of Soviet arms.
"We have no vital interest ini
Chile," a Washington analyst
observed. Privately, however,
the Nixon Administration is'
distressed that Chile, with a
long record of democratic con-
stitutional practice, proved un-
able to resolve the current
crisis by parliamentary means.
Military interference has been
absent from Chilean politics
since 1932. Officials here ex-
pect the military leaders to try
to restore at least some parlia-
mentary rule soon. "There is
no Nasser, no colonel in the
Chilean armed forces," another
analyst remarked.
In conversations three weeks
ago United States diplomatic
and intelligence analyst pre-
dieted that a military coup
would occur soon because of
increasing nervousness in the
armed services over the expan-
sion of groups of armed factory
workers in bases around Santi-
ago. In the proclamation by
the military junta that seized
power ,today, the factory
groups were cited as a reason
for the revolt.
13 September 1973
Studies Recognition of New
Aegime?Denies Any Role
in the Military Coup
Spectate The New riork Tim ea
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12?The
State Department expressed a
hope today for a resumption of
democratic government in Chile
after the coup a' etat yesterday
by the armed forces in San.,
The United States is study-
ing the ,question of recognizing
the new military regime, a
State Department spokesman
said, adding that the Nixon Ad-
ministration was in no hurry.
At a noon news briefing, Mr.
Hare said that the United
States approach toward diplo-
matic recognition had been
changing in recent times, with
Washington now maintaining
relations even though a govern-
ment might be in turmoil, as Is
the case with Chile.
Both Mr. Hare and Gerald L;
Warren, a White House spokes-
man, said it was "inappropri-
ate" for the United States Gov-
ernment to ocomment on a sit-
uation viewed here as an "In-
ternal" Chilean affair.
Otherwise, Administration of-
ficials spent most of the day,
denying charges that the United
States was involved in the over-
throw of Chile's President, Dr.
Salvador Allende Gossens, who
killed himself yesterday, ac-
cording to the Chilean junta.,1
Denials in Washington '
The charges were made in
the capitals of several Commu-
nist countries and were also
voiced in this country and in
Latin America by liberal and
leftist supporters of Dr. Al-
lende's socialist administration.
Denials that the United States
Central Intelligence Agency
was involved in the coup came
from Mr. Warren and Mr. Hare.
Asked whether the United
States wished a resumption of
a democratic government in
Chile Mr. Hare responded
Mr. Hare and a spokesman
for the Defense Department
also rejected suggestions that
four United States Navy ships
had been ordered to halt a trip
to Chile?and, with that, any
Implication of prior knowledge
of the coup.
The Pentagon spokesman said
that the American vessels?
three destroyers and, a subma-
rine?left lb Bay, Peru, on
schedule between 6 A. M. and
9 A. M. yesterday to continue
a tour around Latin America.
The ships, he said, were
headed for Valparaiso, 1,500
miles to the south, to join
Chilean Navy . vessels in an
antisubmarine exercise that
was announced a month ago.
After news of the Santiago
uprising was broadcast a little
later in the morning the Ameri-
can ships were ordered to stay
away from Chile, the spokes-
man stressed.
Denial on Ambassador
The State Department also
denied assertions voiced by
numerous. Americans 'with
Chilean connections thatUnited States Ambassado Na-
thaniel Davis, had been in-
volved in the coup. The pser-
tions were based on a belief
that Mr. Davis had made a sud-
den trip 'to Washington and
the returned to Santiago in
time to be there during the
The State Department said
that Mr. Davis ' arrived here
Friday, having been asked Aug,
29 by the Secretary of State-
designate, Henry A. Kissinger,
to return for consultationes
along with other United States
envoys. Mr. Davis saw Mr.
Kissinger Saturday and flew
back to Santiago that after-
A matter-of concern to Al-
lende sympathizers in - the
Hemisphere appeared to be the
fate of thousands of political
exiles from Brazil, Argentina
and other Latin-America coun-
tries who had been granted
asylum by Chile's leftist coali-
tion Government.
Reports from Santiago indi-
cated that these exiles were
being rounded up by the mili-
tary junta and threatened with
imprisonment or worse.
Message From Kennedy ,
On hearing these reports,
Senator Edward M. Kennedy,
Democrat of Massachusetts,
sent a message to Prince Se,
druddin Aga Khan, the United
Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees, In Geneva, appealing
for his intervention on behalf
of "10,000 political refugees"
to insure their safety.
Representative John J. Moak.
Icy, also a Massachusetts
Democrat, introduced a bill ih
the House of Representatives
today that would authorize a
select committee to investigate
"with sweeping subpeona
powers" whether there was
United States involvement in
the coup.
Several hundred protesters
demonstrated against the Nir
on Administration in front of
the White House this after-
noon. Their leaflets laid blame
for the coup on President Nix-
on, on Mr. Kissinger, and on '
United States companies that.
had' big investments in Chile
before Dr. Allende came to'
power three years ago.
The leaflets said: "Allende
died to save democracy. The
U.S. killed both."
------- -
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lit September 1973
U.S. Expected Chile Coup
But Decided Not to Act
Sprats! to The New York Times
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13?Administration officials said
today that President Nixon had received numerous reports
In the last year of an impending military coup in Chile, and
h.#ci decided against taking' "And a's a member of the'
any action that would either Cabinet, with access to sensl-
encourage or discourage the live intelligence information, 1'
,overthrow of ,the Government know what I am talking about.,",
of President Salvador Allende he said.
Paul J. Hare, the State De-i
Gossens. - partment spokesman, said thati
The White House and the Washington had been informed
'State Department both sought that a coup wouhld take place
in Latin America that the Unit. oconcuSrreg 8. Washingtonen was
formed by the embassy of a
tio. counter a view widely held
ed States knew in advance of report of a coup on Sept. 18.
the plans for Tuesday's coup Finally, around midnight , on
which resulted in Mr. Allende's Sept. 10, the embassy "did re-
death. They also denied again ceive reports that Sept. 11 was
that the United States was to be the date and this, as you
know, turned out to be car-
volved. red,' Mr. Hare said.
"The Administration had "It was the hest-advertised
,been receiving rumors of un- coup in history," a senior offi-
rest in the Chilean military for cial said.
more than one year," Gerald L. "There was absolutely no
way of knowing beforehand,"
Warren, the White ' House Mr. Hare said, "that on any of
spokesman, said. "Sometimes these dates, including the Sept
they mentioned specific dates 11 date, a coup attempt would
and sometimes they did not." be made.
Mr Hare said that no effort
Instructions to Embassy
Mr. Warren said that "aside
from these rumors, the Presi-
dent had no advance knowledge
of any specific plan for a
."Our embassy had instruc-
tions in the event that any
elements in Chile came to them
with any plans for an uprising
not to have anything to do with
It," Mr. Warren said. "And
these instructions were fol-
lowed carefully."
The Administration, which
made no comment yesterday
about the coup, seemed nettled
by a spate of articles that ap-
peared in the United States and
overseas today. The articles
suggested some kind of Ameri-
can involvement in the over-
throw of Dr. Allende, who was
second in Latin America only
to Premier Fidel Castro of
Cuba in criticism of the United
Of particular concern to the
Administration was the receipt
by the embassy in Santiago
had of a report that the coup
would take place on the day it
did. The White House and State
Department said that this re-
port, one of several in the same
vein, did not reach the desks
of responsible officials until
after the coup was actually
been under way a few hours.
At the United Nations, John
A. Scall, the United States dele-
gate, held a news conference
to say that "anyone who alleges
that the United States or any
of its agencies participated in
this coup directly or indirectly
does not speak the truth."
13 September 1973
as Informed
f Junta's Plans
efore die Coup
By Dan Morgan
washineton Post Staff Writer
The U.S.'government
learned of the military
'coup in Chile the night in-
fore it happened, but pol-
icy makers in Washington
at "the highest level" de-
cided on a hands-oft policy
tafter evaluating the infor-
mation, an administration
official revealed yesterday.
This description of events
leading. to the overthrdw of
Chilean President Salvador
Allende was given by a State
Department official in a closed
briefing for senators as the
Nixon administration sought to
dispel speculation of possible
,U.S. complicity in the ouster of
the Marxist government.
; Jack Kubisch, assistant
was made to contact the A1-1'
,retary of state and U.S. Co-
ende Government about the
coup ,rumors or to meet with;
military men to discouragei
them from carrying out the;
Mr. Hare also repeated 'de-
nials that an American task'
force of four ships had been;
ordered before Sept. 11 to turn ?
around without entering Chilean;
waters for a scheduled joint
The task :force was told on
Sept. 10 of rumors of a coup
that day, a State Department
official said, but when it did
not occur, the ships set out the
next day from Peru, only to be
turned around at midmorning,
after the coup began.
The Ambassador's Trip
Mr. Hare also sought to deny
that the coup had any special
connection with the two-day
visit to Washington last week-
end of Nathaniel Davis, the
Ambassador to Chile.
He repeated that Mr. Davis
had been summoned to Wash-, the actions in Santiago.
ington at the end of August by The Nixon Administration'e
Secretary of State-designate attitude toward Dr. Allende
lordinator for the Alliance for
;Progress, told, members of the
;Western Hemisphere Subcom-
mittee of the Senate Foreign
;Relations Committee that there
had been "no involvement by
the U.S. government, U.S, cor. The military takeover imme?
porations, agencies or citizens," diately posed a potential cm,
sources -reported. barrassment, because Amen-
Sen. Gale W. McGee (D. can disapproval of the Marx-
be issued at the highest level
;to quash any possible suspl;
cions and rumors.
According to the informa-
tion that Kubisch gave the sub-
committee, a Chilean: officer
had mentioned to an Ameri-
can officer in 'Chile that a
coup was brewing. One source
said that the tip came "not
more than 14 to 16 hours be.
fore?maybe as little as 10."
The information was then
passed on Jo "the highest
level" in Washington and a de-
cision was made to keep hands
off, the source said, adding
that this meant that President
Nixon 'was notified. Appar-
ently, the information was not
conveyed to the Chilean re-
State Department sources said
last night that the information
received by the embassy officer
was in the context of numerous
rumors and hints of a coup in
recent months. They said that
the first action taken by the
United Slates after leerning
that the coup had begun was
to order four naval vessels en
route from Peru for exercises1
to keep out of Chilean ports.
Wyo.) said committee mem- 1st-led regime Is well known,
hers had told Kubisch that al and because charges of U.S.
statement to that effect should connivance against the regime
were raised last spring before
oonce Latin-American countries a Senate subcommittee inves.
.responded favorably to the tigating the role of U.S. corpo-
junta, Washington would too. rations there.
Chilean Embassy: No One Quit At that time, there was
The Chilean Embassy here testimony that the Interna-
said through a spokesman, tional Telephone and 'Tele.'
Patricio Rodriguez,/ that, d; graph Co. had offered to help
embassy officers were e'" the CIA prevent the election,
reer diplomats" and theret of Allende. Later, tompany;
barred from making any c officials testified, the CIA ap-,
ments about the governm preached ITT about waging iil
change. He said that nobody \ P
the embassy had resigned ov campaign of economic sabo-
tage against Chile. ,
Questioned yesterday about
possible CIA involvement in
the coup, White House deputy
press secretary Gerald L. War-
ren denied that the agency
had been involved. The State
Department also strongly de-
nied U.S. involvement.
Henry A. Kissinger aloong with
other Ambassadors for a discus-
sion of State Department policy
and problems.
"The purpose of the visit was
not to report on any coup at-
tempt," Mr. Hare said. "He re-
turned to Chile immediately
after seeing the Secretary of
State-designate because of the
tense situation there and the
was always cool and this did
not change on his death. After
refieeing to comment about his
suicide, or to issue:
any condolences yesterday, Mr.
Hare said: "/ do want to ex-
press regret over the loss of life
in Chile, particularly , of the
Chief of State, President Al-
The Administration resisted
desirability of having an Am- all efforts to persuade it to corn-
bassador in the country during! meat on the morality of the
this period." coup, in which a democratically
The embassy in Santiago has elected government was over-
been sent a note by the new thrown. One official said that
Military junta, asking that dip- -we wil lahve to work with the
lomatic relations be continued, generals and it makes no sense
State Department officials said, to issue some moral statement
? They said they expected that ab d out emocrac
Y? 30
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I Nevertheless, critics of the
'Nixon administration's policy
in South America blamed the
United States yesterday for
helping create the conditions:
In which military Interventiofl!
became an everettronger
i Joseph Collins of the Insti-
tute for Policy Studies said,
;"The tactics were economic
,chaos." Collins said that Chile
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had become "the first victim
of the Nixon-Kissinger low-
profile strategy," In which
credits are withheld while
1 military assistance continues
to pro-American armed forces.
Military assistance to the.
Chilean regime continued
throughout the three-year prds-
hiency of Allende. However,
de: elopment loans were halt1
ed. Collins said U.S. companies
had put pressure on their Sub-
sidiaries and on foreign asso-,
elates not to sell vitally need-
ed equipment and spare parts
to Chile.
?Metals here who were in
I touch with the situation in
Santiago expressed
the scope and speed of the
! coup. They also painted a plc-
,ture of relative calm in Chile,
with only "some shooting" go-
ing on sporadically. There were
Other reports of widespread
f fighting.
Thousands of Argenine youths
marched through this capital
tonight in protest against the
military coup d'etat in Chile
end "Yankee imperialism."
The march was called by 21
political youth movements, in-
cluding Communists, Socialists,
Peronists and moderates, who
temporarily put aside their dif-
? ferences.
The marchers carried por-
traits of President Salvador Al-
? lende Gossens, who died in the
coup, and Chilean and Argen-
tine flags.
They also chanted anti-Ameri-
can slogans. Allende didn't com-
mit suicide: the Yankees killed
him," one chant ran.
Many of the youths criticized
the "lukewarm" attitude of the
Argentine Government toward
the developments in Chile. The
. Government has declared three
days of national mourning for
? President Allende and most of
the leading political figures
have denounced the coup.
The Peronist-dominated Gen-
eral Workers Confederation has
called for a nationwide work
stoppage to mark President Al-
lende's death, but only for 15
17 September 1973
Special to The New York Times ?
15 September 1973
Spedal to The New York Time,
Chile's ruling four-man junta
has informed Washington that
it deliberately kept its plans for
a coup on Tuesday to itself to
prevent any possibility of
United States involvement in
the overthrow of President
Salvador Allende Gossens, ac-
cording to a Cabinet-level of-
ficial of the Nixon Administra-
Aarepresentative of the junta
made this statement yesterday
to Ambassador Nathaniel Davis,
the official said.
The official said that the
Chilean representative Wed the
word "deliberate" in describing
why the coup plotters had not
Informed ? American diplomats
According to the official, tips
that the coup was pending?
a dozen such tips culminating
In a warning Monday night?
were made to United States
diplomats in Santiago by
lower-level Chilean military
officers who were not directly
involved in the plans.
Administration Pleased
The Administration, which
has denied having had any prior
knowledge of the plans for the
coup last Tuesday, was clearly
pleased by the junta message.
The Nixon Administration
had been under heavy fire
abroad and at home from
'Allende sympathizers who
charged that he was overthrown
with American assistance. The
Administration has taken pains
to counter the allegations and
the report of the junta note is
the latest example of that effort.
At the State Department it
was nOted that the final warn-
ing of the coup passed on Mon-
day night to a United States
diplomat in Santiago was con-
sidered so routine lay the em-
bassy that it was sent as an
ordinary telegram.
"Had it been urgent," a State
Department specialist on Latin
America remarked, "it would
have been marked niact"?the
abbreviation for "night action.'
The telegram was said to
have turned up first in the
morning file of Arnold M.
Isaacs, the Chile desk officer,
at 8 A.M. Tuesday. At that time
the coup in ,Santiago had been
under ways for almost him
At 8:45 A.M. the State De-
partment's operations room re-
ceived an urgent cable from the'
embassy in Santiago saying
that the coup had begun and
only then, it was said, did the
night telegram take on signifi-
cance for Mr. Isaacs and the
other department officers con-
cerned with Chile.
The information sent by the
Junta representative appears to
have been the first direct con-
tact between the new rulers in
Chile and the United States
Government. '
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16 Septetther 1973
I Aid Used
As Choke
On Allende
By Laurence Stern .
'Washington PO/it Staff Writer
The swift toppling of the
Allende government , in a
military coup last week has
' :inevitably touched off spec-
Ulation ,about American in-
Neros Analysis
volvement in the upheaval
in Chile.
From the White House,
from the State Department
and even from the Central
Intelligence Agency there
have been stolid denials of
U.S. intervention in the Chi-
lean crisis.
"Involvement." in the pop-
ular imagination, suggests-
Marine landings, cloak-and-
dagger operatives, gunboats
and paramilitary espionage,
teams. There has been no
evidohee. as yet, that any
In another action the' junta
sent a "circular diplomatic
note" to a number of foreign
embassies in Santiago, includ-
ing the United States Embassy,
saying that it had taken charge
in Chile and considered itself
the new Government. The note
also stated that the junta was
prepared to meet Chile's inter-
national obligations and ex-
pressed the desire to maintain
diplomatic relations.
The one-page noted was
signed by Adm. Ismael Hudrta
in his capacity as Foreign Min-
Regarded as Invitation
A United States Government
official described this as "a
customary act" by a ner Gov-
ernment, and could be regarded
as an invitation but not a re-
quest to establish relations.
The circular note was dis-
closed by Paul J. Hare, the
State. Department spokesman,
at his noon press briefing.
The Nixon Administration
.was described by a high-rank-
ing official as being in no
hurry to open formal relations
wit)} the Santiago junta.
Washington wants to wait
until the situation is more
stable in Chile and until Latin
American and other foreign
governments have ? formerly
taken up relations with the
"The United States Govern-
ment is so big and so powerful
that our actions becoriae that
much more significant," the of-
ficial said. "Therefore we will
try te . make taking up rela-
tions not significant in' the
timing, to glide in, so to speak
?not the first and not the
last?so that no one can infer
a special meaning.
such operations were car-
ried out under U.S. auspices
in Chile. ? ?
.Nonetheless since its inau-
guration in 1970, the Marxist
government of the late Sal-
vector Allende has been the
target of economic policies
that have squeezed the frag-
He Chilean economy to the!
choking point.
These policies were con--
ceived in an atmosphere of,
economic Strife between the'
Allende government and a
group of large U.S. corpora-
tions whose Chilean hold-
ings were nationalized un-
der the terms of Allende'
socialist platform.
The instruments for carry;
lag out the sustained pro-
gram of economic pressure
against Allende were the
U.S. fdreign aid program,
the Inter-American Develop-
ment Bank, the U.S. Export.
Import Bank, the World
Bank and also private U.S.
banking institutions.
Allende himself, in a
speech to the U.N. General
? Assembly last Dec. 4, com-
plained that from the day of
his election, "we have felt
the effects of a large?scale
external pressure against us,,
which tried to prevent the
inauguration of a govern-
ment freely elected by the
people and has tried to
bring it down ever since."
The effect, he said, has
been "to cut us off from the
world, to strangle our econ-
omy and paralyze trade in
our principal export, copper,
and to deprive us of access
to sources of international
The U.S. economic hard
line against Chile was
adopted in mid-1971 when
the question of eompensation
for expropriated American
properties - was still in
The expropriation of the
major' U.S. copper compa-
nies was voted unanimonsly
by the Chilean legislatur
right, left and cent rfln
July, 1071. It was not u
the following October that
the decision on terms: of
compensation was ma d e.
During this period of uncer-
tainty the h ard economic
line was already being ap-
plied against the Chilean
One of the first actions
under the new policy was
the denial by the Export-Im-
port Bank of a request for
$21 million in credit to fi-
nance purchase of three
Boeing passenger jets by
the Chilean government air-
lines, LAN-Chile. The credit
position of the airline, ac-
cording to a U.S. official ?
"It is unequivocally clear
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16 September 1973
that the United States gov-
ernment and all elements of
,the United States govern-
ment were not?repeat not?
?State Department Briefing,
Sept. 12, 1973.
"A more realistic hope
among those who want to
block Allende is that a
,swiftly deteriorating economy
(. . . will touch off a wave of
? violence, resulting in a mili-
tary coup."
ITT Memorandum, Sept. 17. 1970.
millar with the negotiations,
was excellent at the time.
In August, 1971, the Ex?Im
Bank notified Chile that it
would no longer be eligible
for loans and that loan guar-
antees would be terminated
to U.S. commercial banks
:and exporters doing busi-
ness with Chile. The bank
also cut off disbursements
of direct loans that had
been previously negotiated
by the Frei government,
which preceded Allende's.
Meanwhile, in the Inter-
American Development
Bank, a $30 million loan ap-
plication for development of
a petrochemical center was
stalled after the U.S. direc-
tor protested plans to send a
technical mission to Chile to
evaluate the request. The
mission never left..
IADB financing for Chile
came to a virtual standstill
in 1971 and thereafter, with
the exception of two loans
of $7 million and $4.6 mil-
lion to the Catholic and Aus-
tral universities.
Because the United States
contributes the lion's share
of the Inter-American
Bank's development fund
kitty, it exercises a virtual
veto over loan requests.
The World. Bank pattern
was much the same. In Au.
'gust, 1971, the World Bank
was scheduled to send a pro-
ject appraisal mission to
Chile to evaluate prospects
for a fruit-processing facility
as part of the agrarian re-
form program. The mission,
according to an authorita-.
tive government source, was'
canceled in response to
State Department ?Wee-
Early in 1972 the private
banks followed the lead of
the International lending
organizations. Chile's short-
term credit float plummeted
from $220 million in 1971 to
$35 million in 1972.
There were allegations
that Chile, under the Al.
lende administration, had
become too grave a credit
risk for development lend-
Nonetheless, in 1971 the
United States granted a $5
million line of ?credit to the
Chilean military for pur-
chase of C-130 four-engine
transports and in December,
1072, extended an additional
$10 million in credit for mil-
itary activities in 1973.
Chile, one of the heaviest
beneficiaries of U.S. aid pro-
grams in the world during
the 1960s, was reduced to
$15 million in loans from
the Agency for ,Interna
tional Development in 1970
and has been granted noth-
ing since. The cut-off in AID
credit further darkened the
prospects for the Allende
government to pay off obli-
gations incurred under prior
, Credit, standards have
been variably applied to
Latin American countries
seeking U.S. and interna-
tional financing. Bolivia was
granted $30 minion in AID
financing after the coup of
conservative Hugo Banzer
In August, 1971, even though
the economy was a stiam-
Brazil qualified for i $50
million development loan
program within six weeks
after a military junta ousted
the Goulart government in
1964?also at a time when
the country's economy was
In severe disarray.
U.S. government credibil-
ity, in professing its non-in-
volvement in the Chilean
change of government, may
tend to be undermined by*
the disclosures of the ITT
case. In ,Senate testimony
last March and in prior
press revelations, represent-
atives of the International
Telephone and Telegraph
Corp. and the Central Intel.
ligence Agency acknowl-
edged that they sought to
promote economic chaos in
Chile, first to block Al-
lende's election and then to
bring about his downfall.
ITT at the time was in the
midst of negotiating expro-
priation terms for its Chil-
ean telephone company
(Chiltelco). While the Chil-
telco case was being negoti-
ated, ITT officials were
counseling Nixon adminis-
tration officials to take a
hard line of economic repri-
sal against Chile, particular-
ly through international lend-
ing organizations and com-
merical banks.
Whatever might have
been the administration's
motives, its turning of the
economic tourniquet against
the Allende government fig-
ured importantly hi its
downfall. There was no need
for direct American involve-
ment in the military coup.
The Chilean Tragedy
Two theories were bound to surface in the aftermath
of the military take-over in Chile and the suspicion-laden
death of President Allende. One was that the United
-States was responsible for the coup; the other was that
the tragic fall of Dr. Allende proves it is impossible any-
where ta build a socialist-system by democratic means
, and machinery. To accept either theory is to overlook
,the principal cause of Chile's disaster and its meaning
for the future.
In light of the disclosure last year of schemes by the
Central Intelligence Agency, and the International Tele-
phone and Telegraph Corporation to block Dr. Allende's
election in 1970 or to bring down his Government,
Washington's denials of involvement in last week's
coup Inevitably have encountered worldwide skepticism,
enhanced by recollections of the boorish behavior of
this Administration toward the Allende regime and its
successful effort to block sources of credit for Chile
with international lending agencies.
However, nothing so far uncovered indicates that the
Nixon Administration seriously considered the bizarre
C.I.A. and proposals; and there ,is absolutely no
evidence whatsoever of American complicity' in the coup.
In short, on the known record, Washington had only
the most peripheral responsibility in the downfall of Dr.
Allende. To pretend otherwise is simply to obscure the
basic reasons for the Chilean tragedy.
Dr. Allende's experiment failed because his Popular
Unity coalition, dominated by Socialists and Commu-
nists, persisted with an effort to fasten on Chile a drastic
socialist system fiercely opposed by. well over half the
population. He won in 1970 with only 36.3 per cent ,of
the vote?a mere 39,000 votes more than the total for
the conservative runner-up. In congressional elections
early this "ear, Popular t'r.i:y won only 44 per cent.
Yet, in deciance of a Congress dominated by the oppo-
sition, often in disregard of the courts, and in the face
of economic chaos and raging inflation, the regime con-
tinued to "requisition" enterprises, large and small.
These actions polarized Chile as never before, provoking
all-out opposition not merely from the rich or 'a fascist
fringe but from the middleclass that makes up half the
population and that saw itself facing destruction.
If Dr. Allende had moved more deliberately; if he had
paused for consolidation after nationalizing Chile's basic
industries and had delineated reasonable boundaries for
his socialist program, he probably would have completed
his term with considerable measure?of success. A more
moderate approach would have split the opposing Chris-
tian Democratic party, many of whose members favored
his initial policies. But Dr. Allende was never-able to rein
In the more extreme elements of his unruly coalition.
The Allende Government did substantially improve the
lot of Chileans on the lowest rungs of the economic
ladder. It gave many workers and peasants a greater
sense of national participation than ever before. These
,re gains the military rulers promised in their first corn-
muniqu6 to preserve?a pledge they will find it dan-
gerous to neglect. They are gains that could, however,
have been achieved at far less over-all cost and without
the disastrous polarization of Chilean society.
The traditionally non-pot tical armed forces intervened
not primarily because of Elr. Allende's socialism but out
of fear that a polarized Chile was lunging toward civil
war. What cannot be clea? for some time is whether-the
violent destruction of an elected Government, albeit a
minority one, will' make .hat ultimate catastrophe less
likely or even more prob hie.
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Cuba, in U. N., Says Nixon Instigated Chilean Coup
Special to The New York Times
Sept. 17 ? Cuba today accused
President Nixon of having in-
stigated the coup in Chile last
week in which the Marxist
Government of President Sal-
vador Allende Gossens was
The accusations were made
at a meeting of the Security
Council at which a newly,
named representative of the
Chilean junta, in turn, displayed
photographs and documents
that he said showed Cuba's
blatant interference in Chile's
' The charges and counter-
charges were made at a tumul-
tUous Council meeting inter-
rupted at one point by anti-
Castro demonstrators in the
gallery, who jumped to their
feet scattering leaflets and
shouting "What about Cuba?"
Cuba had requested an ur-
gent meeting of the Council, in
a letter protesting that the
Chilean military forces that
carried out the coup had shot
up the Cuban Embassy and
shelled a Cuban merchant
Angry U.S. Response
' The Cuban delegate? Raul
Alarcon Quesada, lashed out at
the military junta, accusing it
of murdering Allende support-
ers and torturing political pris-
oners. He then turned to the
United States.
"It it not difficult to know
where the main responsibility
lies," the Cuban delegate said.
"The trail of blood, spilled in
Chile leads directly to the dark
dens of the Central Intelligence
Agency and the Pentagon.
"If the fascist military junta
has bloody hands, Nixon and
his collaborators are guilty of
instigating and masterminding
the events in Chile."
The new Chilean delegate,
Ratil Bazan, told the council
that the Cuban Embassy in
Santiago had been turned into
an arsenal and that the em-
bassy staff of 100 was busy
training guerrillas in sabotage.
iHe said that Havana's aim was
the complete radicalization of
the Allende Government.
The sweeping accusations by
Cuba drew an angry response
from John A. Scali, the United
States representative, who said
the Cuban delegate had "de-
scended to a new low, even for
those who wallow in such
words as normal talk."
"In this hemisphere, we
know well how often Cuba at-
tacks others for what it is
doing itself, such as subversion
and bloody violence," Mr. Scali
said in a written statement dis-
tributed outside the hall as the
debate continued. .
Both in his statement and
later in the Council, Mr. Scali
protested that Mr. Alarcon had
15 September 1973
/Tito Hints That U.S..Is to Bi
Special to The New York Times .
, BELGRADE, Yugoslavia,
Sept. 14 ? President Tito
charged in: an angry speech
today that imperialist reaction
?an apparent allusion to the
United States?had instigated
"hireling generals"' to over-, tries be included in decisions
throw and merder President affecting their interests.
Salvador Allende Gossens of "We have lost one of the
Chile. ? most faithful members of the
nonaligned movement," he con-
Speaking at a rally In the tinued. "We have lost Chile.
eastern Croatian town of Osi- .As a result of international re-
jek, the 81-year-old Yugoslav
leader said that equal dangers
of hostile ' intrigue confronted
Yugoslavia-and other small non
aligned countries. .
Yugoslavia must be alert, he
said, to apprehend agents and
spies infiltrating into the coun-
try to foment disunity among
the six republics of the Yugo-
slav federation.
Marshal Tito, frequently
otio in-
the Chilean devel-
punmake a speech. He evidently
felt moved to do so out of emo?
that he had not intended tb
terrupted by cheers, remarked
? The official press agency.
Tanyug. delayed five hours be-
fore , reporting the speech al-
though .it had been broadcast
live on radio.
Marshal Tito implied that
the violent overthrow of Presi-
dent Allende's leftist coalition
had demonstrated the urgency
of unity among the nonaligned
countries. He reiterated approv-
al of improved relations be-
tween the United States and
the Soviet Union, but he de-
manded that nonaligned coun-
Action and imperialism, the
'legitimate Government has
,been overthrown and a great
man, a great comrade, Presi-
dent Allende, has been mur-
dered by hireling generals."
While Marshal Tito refrained
from naming the United States
in his denunciation of imperial-
ism, Tanyug explicity accused
,the United States last Wednes-
day of having created eco-
nomic chaos In Chile by with.
;holding credits, manipulatitjg
copper prices and instigating
strikes and disorders.
Soviet Accuses 'Imperialism'
MOSCOW, Sept. 14 (Reuters)
?Soviet commentators charged
today that "international im-
perialism" had been behind the
military coup in Chile, but
did not mention the United
violated a pledge that he would
stick to the specific issues on
'which he had asked for a Coun-
cil meeting. That pledge, Mr.
Scali said, had been conveyed
through the Council President,
Lazar Mojsov of Yugoslavia. ?
Castro Accuses U.S.
special to The New York Times
NEW DELHI, Sept. 17?Pre-
mier Fidel Castro said today
that the military take-over of
Chile was a fascist coup
spurred by the United States.
The Cuban leader, arriving
after a trip to Hanoi, de-
nounced the United States and
said the new Chilean junta
would meet stern resistance.
"I think the people of Chile
will not accept this oppression
by military dictatorship easily
and will continue to resist,"
he told newsmen at the airport.
Speaking SpanisW4ind using
an interpreter, Mr. ?Castro, in
reply to a question .about the
possible United States role in
he Coup d'etat, ,remarked:
"The United States is father of
the creature."
During Mr. Castro's brief
stopover he was welcomed by
dozens of diplomats and senior
Indian officials, including Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi.
He said that the United
States, while it was "blockad-
ing" international loans for
President Allende, maintained
a close relationship with the
ame in Chilei
States by name.
A commentator. in the Com-
munist party newspaper,
Pravda, charged "foreign pro-
tection" stood behind the
"Chilean oligarchy that un-
leashed bloody terror" in Chile.
The Government newspaper, Iz-
-"imperialistic circles."
vestia, also blamed unidentified)
Italy's Reaction Strong
special to The New York Time? ?
ROME, Sept. I4?The hived
of the coup in Chile has been
strong in Italy largely because
some groups here have faVored
the formation of a-' coalition
.including the Communists that
would be similar to the
deposed Allende Government.
Auch a coalition has been
suggefted by the large Italian
,Communist party, the left-wing
Chilean armed foices, which
staged the coup.
The overthrow of Dr. Allende
has been widely denounced by
Indian officials, Including Mrs.
Gandhi. Although the officials
have stopped short of con-
demning the United States,
Mrs. Gandhi has warned India
against the danger of outsiders
seeking to subvert the nation.
Her remarks, made Saturday
at a meeting of the New Con-
gress party's policy-making All
India Congress Committee, re-
ferred to "outside influences"
responsible for the coup in
Chile and for the "murder" of
Dr. Allende.
The United States Embassy
declined to comment on the
speech, but there was general
feeling within and outside that
the attack was aimed at. the
United States. What made it
puzzling was that the Prime
Minister and Ambassador
Daniel P. Moynihan agreed
;privately last spring that the
United States and India should
blunt public . outbursts against
each other. Mr. Moynihan is
in Washington for meetings
with President Nixon and Henry
A. Kissinger.
American officials are wait-
ing to see if Mrs. Gandhi's re-
marks foreshadowed a new
spate of harsh attacks or if
they are an isolated interlude
provoked by the downfall of
Dr. Allende. a popular figure
among Indian leftists.
Socialists and some left-wing
factions in the Christian Demo-
cratic party of Premier Mari-
ano Rumor. The Christian
Democrats head a center-left
coalition that includes Social
Democrats, Republicans and
Socialists. .
The Christian Democratic
party, ltaly's strongest, is
showing uneasiness over the
strategy of Chile's Christian
Democrats, who opposed Presi-
dent Allende. The two partied
have had frequent contacts,
and former President Eduardo
Frei .Montalva, the ? leader of
the Chilean Christian Demo-
crats, attended the national
convention of the Italian party
last June.
This week, the Italian party
condemned the military coup
that overthrew President Al-
lende, asserting that it was dif-
ficult to understand how
Chilean Christian Democrats
could expect an early return to
iconstitutional and democratic
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17 September 1973
Latin Ai erka
By James Nelson Goodsell
Latin America correspondent of
The Christian Science Monitor
Buenos Aires
In much of Latin America, the
United States is being assigned the
villain's role in the military rebellion
against Chilean President Salvador
Allende Gossens.
The Latin American reaction
against the United? States seems
based less on fact than on deep-seated
suspicion flavored by history.
And in the emotional aftermath of
Dr. Allende's death, Washington has
added to the furor through what
seems to be a lapse on the part of the
State Department.
On Wednesday a State"Department
official asserted that Washington had
known about? Tuesday's rebellion 48
hours before it began.
The decision was made not to
Inform Dr. Allende, a State Depart-
ment spokesman said, because it
might have been construed as inter-
vention in Chile's internal affairs.
All of this stirred reverberations in
Latin America, where not only the
Marxists, but also the democrats are
mourning Doctor Allende.
From Mexico to Argentina, the
flags are at half staff, newspapers are
full of eulogies to Dr. Allende as a
democratic martyr, and protest
marches have linked Dr. Allende's
passing to the United States.
Latin America detect el no mourning
for Dr. Allende in Washington. Many
,share the view of former Argentine
dictator Juan Domingo Peron that
"there was dancing in the halls of the
12 September 1973
State Department" when the tanks
rolled against La Moneda, the Chilean
White House Tuesday morning. ?
Newspapers as far apart as Buenos
Aires and Caracas view with suspi-
cion the, lightning weekend visit of
Nathaniel Davis, United States Am-
bassador to Chile, to Washington.
More than coincidence
And they find it more than ceinci-
dental that the United States and
Chilean Navies have scheduled joint
exercises in" the South Pacific this
Despite denials of any United States
Involvement whatsoever, the United
*States automatically comes under
suspicion when a government hostile
to it falls in Latin Amerca.
Official U.S. policy is one of low
profile. But Latin Americans have a
long memory ? Guatemala in 1954,
Bay of Pigs 1961, and Dominican
Republic 1965.
Many Latin Americans find it im-
possible to believe there was no
government involvement in the Inter-
national Telephone and Telegraph
plotting against Dr. Allende in 1970.
Why statement
This suspicion was only reinforced
by the State Department's claim that
it had advance knowledge of the coup
and that it chose not to inform Dr.
Allende. Why would the United States
make so provocative a statement if it
really was as innocent as it claims,
Latin American commentators are
One of the sad facts of life in Latin
Tragedy in Chile
Any military coup is a tragedy, representing a break-
down, of 'civilian authority and usually the collapse of
government by consent. It is especially tragic for Chile,
where sturdy democratic machinery had functioned for
many years and the armed forces had a strong tradition
of keeping to their barracks. In a country as bitterly
divided as Chile has been during President Allende's
three years in office, it will require tremendous skill and
tact by the military chiefs now to avert widespread civil
No Chilean party or faction can escape some responsi-
bility for this disaster, but Dr. Allende himself must
bear a heavy share. Even when the dangers of polariza-
tion had become unmistakably evident, he persisted in
pushing a program of pervasive socialism for which he
had no popular mandate. His political coalition--espe-
daily his own Socialist party?pursued this goal by
r tt
America Is that United States denials
? of meddling in Latin American affairs
have lost their credibility.
And now many Latin Americans
are prepared to , believe the worst
about a possible,Unned States role in
[The first two governments to rec-
ognize, the Chilean regime were two of
Latin America's right-wing military .
governments, Reuter reported from
Buenos Aires.
Brazil, Uruguay?
[The right-wing military rulers of
Brazil and Uruguay officially an-
nounced recognition of the Chilean
military government Thursday night.
[In Montevideo, the scene of an
army coup early this year, Urugua-
yan riot police dispersed students
demonstrating against the Chilean
coup as the Uruguayan Government
announced its recognition.
[In Argentina, meanwhile, the Per;
onist government decreed three days
of Official mourning for President
Allende in line with Mexico, Vene-
zuela, and the Dominican Republic.
Flags were also at half-mast in Cuba.
[In Caracas, the Latin American
Labor Confederation (CLT) con-
demned the coup and accused "impe-
rialist powers" of involvement, in a
reference,to allegations in other cen-
ters that the United States was behind
[Peruvian President Juan Velasco
Alvarado who heads 'a left-wing mili-
tary government sent a message of
"deepest sympathies" to President
Allende's widow.]
dubious means, including attempts to bypass both Con-
gress and the courts.
Dr. Allende might have prevailed had, he been able
or willing to consolidate his considerable gains for, social-
ism and to offer genuine cooperation in the Congress
to the opposition Christian Democrats, Chile's largest'
party. Instead, the tactics of his coalition induced the
moderate Christian Democrats to join the right wing
National party in opposition and obstruction. As the
crisis deepened last week, Dr. Allende rejected a com-
promise overture from former President Eduardo Frei,
the-.Christian Democratic leader.
While there is no evidence that the Nixon Administra-
tion seriously considered the maneuvers against Dr.
Allende suggested in 1970 by the C.I.A. or the Inter-
national Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, it is
essential that Washington meticulously keep hands off
the present crisis, which only Chileans can resolve.
There must be no grounds whatsoever for even a sus-
picion of outside intervention.
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19 September 1973
Chile Is
It is conceivable that U.S.
military attaches and CIA
operatives in Santiago had
'nothing to do with the mili-
tary coup in Chile, or the
death of Marxist President
Salvador Allende. But all
the propaganda resources
, the United States can mus-
ter will not convince many
Latin Americans.
"I can't prove it, but I
firmly believe it," the old
Argentine leader Juan Pe-
? ron said when asked if the
United States had over-
thrown Allende. "I know all
about this process. I believe
it could not have been other-
wise," he added.
That pretty well sums up
the suspicions of the over-
whelming majority of Latin
Americans, whatever their
ideology. There has simply
been too much testimony in
?the U.S. Senate, too much
media publicity about CIA
and ITT schemes to crush
Allende, for such suspicions
not to exist.
? Another reason why U.S.
or elease 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R0,00100230001-1
ur Tragedy as Well
denials of involvement
evoke skepticism in Lath,
America and even here:
The maze of lies and con-
ver-ups .revealed in the
Watergate hearings has
created a climate in which
the tendency everywhere is
to expect the worst of this
government and believe
none of its denials.
That is why this first Chi-
lean coup since 1931 could
become almost as big a
tragedy for the United
States as for Chile itself.
Somewhere in the ,U.S.
government there May be
gleeful handshaking over
the demise of Allende, who
was, in fact, a demagogue
who brazenly ordered Cin-
derella and Sleeping Beauty
rewritten so as to give chil-
dren Marxist indoctrina-
tion. He was a constant
headache for U.S. leaders.'
Some Americans surely are
proud that arms we poured
into Chile made it possible
for the military to topple;
18 September 1973
.? A
But only a fool will over-
look the fact that Allende
was not the creator of the
basic problems the United
States faces; he was just a
symbol of new awakenings
in Latin America with
which this country has been
loath to deal.
It was not just a litany of
the leftists when Allende
shouted to the United Na-
tions that Latin America
remains poor and underde-
veloped because it is ex-
ploited by huge U.S. corpo-
rations which make phony
pretenses of "investing" in
Latin American countries.
' On a recent trip to Latin
America I heard that same
charge, spoken with angry
passion, from the lips of
presidents and foreign min-
isters who are Christians
and capitalists and in no
way inclined to commu-
Contempt for the multina-
tional corporations already
was at unprecedented levels
hi many countries, and a lot
of these firms will suffer in
the wave of resentment
over the Chilean Coup.
No matter how innocent
and uninvolved U.S. offi-
cials may have been, it will-
be clear to almost everyone
that the coup-makers can
retain power only with U.S.
arms. Every 'intelligent La-
tino will look to see how
much the junta relies on the
loans and grants that the
United States denied Al-
Whatever the short-term
advantages-of "ridding"
Latin America Df its first
elected Marxist ruler, we
cannot ignore the fact that
the Chilean coup pumped a
lot of new anti-U.S. venom
into the hemisphere.
As a long-range matter it
is sad to ponder?except for
those who believe that there
is nothing to. worry about
because, whenever U.S. In-
terests are seriously threat-
ened, there will always be a
few armed friends ready to
stage another coup.
Chilean Aftermath
The new jUnta in Chile has arrested thousands of of-
ficials and supporters of the deposed Allende govern-
ment, as well as additional thousands of. foreign exiles
whom tlie late President had let into the country. Some
among these "foreign extremists," as the generals call
them, are faced with the cruel prospect of being re-
turned to the regimes they fled. Soldiers are preventing
others from talking asylum in foreign embassies in
Santiago. Summary executions have been reported, on
an undeterminded scale. For a group supposedly
reluctant to take power, the junta seems to be acting
? with a considerable degree of harshness and arbitrar-
Arriving in Mexico City, President Allende's widow
- asked the United Nations to take steps to "prevent re-
prisals." The Secretary General mumbled; the U.N.
High Commissioner for Refugees issued a statement
asking that foreign refugees in Chile not be repatriated
against their will. The United States government has
been unable to muster even a mask of concern. All too
typically, the State Department's Latin chief lunched the
day after the coup with representatives of American
firms doing business in Chile, but he could find no time
at all through the week to receive a delegation alarmed
by possible junta violations of human rights.
In Chile, while the junta tries to restore order, it
has closed the congress (which was dominated, by the
way, by the opposition to Allende), interdicted the politi-
cal parties, and announced plans to write a new con-
stitution Incorporating "necessary changes." These
would evidently restrict the channels of political ex-
pression open to the Allende constituency. There is no
question but that some of those supporting the late Presi-
dent worked outside the law. But to deny a political voice
to a substantial part of the population, in the most
`? politicized country of Latin America,' is a virtual recipe
for further violence. Chile's lively political tradition
makes it an unlikely place to implant for long a military-
technocratic government of the sort familiar elsewhere
in the hemisphere., If the generals are serious about re-
turning their country to its democratic heritage?and
we do not minimize the difficulty of that task?they
should so indicate.
Cuba; now being cited by the junta as the fount of
many of Chile's woes, complained in the Security Coun-
cil yesterday that its Santiago embassy and a Cuban
merchant ship at sea had been attacked by the Chilean
Military. The United States has traditionally championed
the privileges of diplomatic immunity but on this oc-
cason, apparently as a gesture to the new Chilean lead-
ership, it resisted the calling of the council session. The
28th General Assembly opens today. If 'Secretary of
State-designate Henry Kissinger attends, he will find
himself in an atmosphere dominated by the coup In
Chile and by a widespread feeling that the United States
welcomed the coup, if it did not encourage it. In'Such an
? atmopshere it will not be easy to explain that the United
States respects the small states of the world and hopes
to keep up good relations with them,
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16 Sept. 1973
Tu f
r t
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16 Sept. 1973
. THE bloodless struggle for the
Chilean Embassy in ,London's
? Devonshire Street continued
this weekend.
The junta's nominee as Am-
bassador, Rear-Admiral Oscar
Buzeta, told me today that the
present Ambassador, Senor
Alvaro Bunster, has no business
at the Embassy any more.
Nobodyp will obey him. He
does not represent any Govern-
ment of Chile. Every action and
attitude that Bunster takes is
not recognised by the Govern-
ment of Chile.
Unless the British Govern-
ment decides to recognise the
regime in Chile, the battle will
On Friday Admiral Buzeta,
the Naval Attache, left his office
in Piccadilly to take over the
Embassy a few hundred yards
westwards in Devonshire Street.
Ile told the staff that he was the
new Charg?'Affaires and that
-the Ambassador, Sr Alvaro
Bunster, had been dismissed
from his post.
? Sr Bunster has made no
attempt to reoccupy his office.
But he has asked the Foreign
Office to ensure that he is able
to carry out his diplomatic func-
tions, and his residence in Eaton
Place is now guarded day and
night by two policemen..
So far, the Foreign Office has
,declined to ? comment on the
?situation in the embassy, and
has asked 'Sr Bunster to go, to
the Foreign Office tomorrow
;morning for discussions.
Admiral Buzeta told Tim
OBSERVER yesterday, 'I intend
to go to the Embassy on Monday
'morning after briefly visiting
my old office. But Sr Bunster
can come and use his old, office
if he wants to.'
Sr Bunster, *however, claimed
yesterday that the Naval Attache
had prevented him from using
telephone or telex services at the
Embassy or from communicat-
ing with the stall. 'I cannot ac-
complish my tasks as an Ambas-
sador in the Embassy,' he said.
' There I now have only the
rights of a . private Chilean
Admiral Buzeta, who was
Director of the Naval School in
Chile during the Queen's State
visit in 1968 and was made
Commander of the Royal Vic-
torian Order, has been in London
only since January. He claims
that Bunster is 'making a fuss.'
At the protest rally called in
London today, Sir Bunster will
be one of the speakers. The
meeting starts at ' 2.15 at
Speakers' Corner and will end
with a short march to the
Chilean Embassy.
Other speakers will include
Judith Hart. MP, for the Labour
OLE: eath of a
;THE OVERTHROW of the Chilean Govern-
Mient by its own armed forces and the death
Mf President Salvador Allende are tragic
N.vents in several dimensions. The world '
alas not seen a more patient and restrained
Mead of Government than Allende. Far from'
:using the power of the. State in a Marxist
Dpirit against his political opponents, he
=sobviously preferred negotiation to compul-
His political .opponents included sonic
within his own party and coalition. Indeed,
he might never have been challenged by the
military if his supporters had been ? less
fractious. It was his very reasonableness
and lack of dramatic oversimplification,
added to an elemeht of inefficiency, that
made him vulnerable to the many who
brought about the gradual attrition of his
7-` If Allende was a man who never advocated
force in politics and did not deserve to see
his regime perish by, the sword, it is also a
.national tragedy that Chile should have.
ollapsed into civil violence and military
,rule.' Of all the States of Latin America,
:Chile is the one with the oldest-established
;parliamentary. democracy. As Switzerland
=has maintained a democratic society while
=surrounded by neighbours often in the
throes of one autocracy or another, so has
',Chile been among the best-governed and
;freest societies in its continent.
-' The remarkable sight of Allende inviting
,generals to join his Government is less _extra-
ordinary when it is realised that the Chilean
?Army has acquired a reputation for defend-
%ing the constitution with'out involvement in
(Iparty politics. Allende was appealing to
,that tradition. The military, who have over-
thrown his Government, have broken it.
1. But, of course, it is the particular political
,..tharacter of Allende's Government that
takes its overthrow a world-wide tragedy.
?.The world today can be divided between
\ Marxist States and the rest. The chief
.:..blemish of the Marxist States is their lack of
freedom---of the freedom to dig-
"agree publicly and to form political parties
,other than the Communist Party. It is this
nnonolithic political character that has led to
,the wistful search for ' socialistn with a
human face,' as the deposed Czech leader.
Dubcek, called it.
c- Allende showed every sign of wanting to
-demonstrate that his Marxist party would
..not try to close down all other parties and
=voices, if it were voted into office. Certainly,
!during his brief period as leader of a rather
=political parties and the mainly hostile
==weak coalition Government, he allowed all
:ehilean parties and newspapers more liberty
;titian most Latin American Governments have
,done when under a comparable strain. But
would he have acted more tyrannically had
=,he ever commanded a clear parliamentary
Anajority? It can only, be answered that
i;there is no evidence =for expecting this?of
Atim, at any rate.
The value to the world of tuccessfully
Party, Lord Brockway for
Liberation (the Movement for
Colonial Freedom), and John
Cohen, general secretary of the
Communist Party.
showing that Marxism can be adapted to poli-
tical freedom?if it can?would have been
great. It would have heartened those Com-
munists who hope they can come to power
through the ballot box and who ask to be
trusted that they would not thereafter close
down the voting process; such are many of
the present French and Italian Communist
leaders. The Chilean story is bound to make
both them and their potential Social Demo-
crat partners question whether they would
be treated fairly if they gave up revolution-
ary ideas for parliamentary ones.
Conversely, Leftists throughout Latin
America will inevitably draw the conclusion
that Allende's revolutionary opposite num-
bers, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, had the
better idea?while Rightists will be con-
firmed in their belief that they have a divine
right to use the Army to overthrow Leftists
of any sort.
Those who practise Marxist politics in
Eastern Europe, including Yugoslavia, and
are searching for a way of introducing poli-
tical freedom into their closed societies, will
be deeply discouraged. If alley had beereable
to show that a Marxist Government was com-
patible with a free parliamentary system,
they could then have pressed more confi-
dently for the political freedoms that ,they
know must come, if their societies are ever
to become something More than school-rooms
for adults.
It is being freely speculated that the real
villain in the Allende story is the United
States. Certainly, the Nixon Government
viewed the arrival of the first Marxist Presi-
dent on the continent of America with less
than pleasure. There is plenty of evidence'
of American commercial companies, fearing
nationalisation, doing all they could to ham-
per the regime and pressing Washington into
doing more. How , much Washington did is
not yet clear. But it seems mistaken to attri-
bute chief blame to the US: Allende, himself
never did.
What is cettainly true is that neither
Washington nor any Other Western capital
took. much interest in helping the Allende
Government to survive. Perhaps it is asking
for a very far-sighted kind of self-interest to
suggest that Western Governments should
have seen the enormous value to themselves
of treating Allende at least as well as any
other Chilean Government is treated.
If his success had steered some Communist
Parties towards the ballot box and away from
the barricades; if it had encouraged the revi-
sionists and discouraged the autocrats in
some Communist States of the world; if it
had shown that the political repertoire of
free societies is able to include Marxists
without self-destruction?that, or any part of
that, would have Meant a gain for the pros-
pects of mankind. That a man and a Govern-
ment with such potentialities should have
been knocked out of the way, shifted as
Dubceck was like so much rubble, is a bitter
,modern tragedy.
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1PTD?N ?BS/gr/Fil
1 Sept. 1973
Chilean coup
from ANTHONY SAMPSON: Washington, 15 Sept.
here is continuing to react to
? the Chilean coup with marked
. There is no convincing evid-
ence that the United States
,.Government encouraged the
overthrow of President Allende,
hut there are indications that it
helped to create the conditions
? that made it ine'vitable, and
other Latin-American countries
will not be slow to note it.
It seems unlikely that the
coup was assisted by 'dirty
, tricks' from the Central Intelli-
gence Agency.. The CIA has a
long record of involvement in
!' Chile, and was very active in
1964 in assisting the election of
President Eduardo Frei (who
may be asked to return to power
by the ruling junta).
But since then the CIA, while
, still active, has become more
cautious and sophisticated.
? Much evidence about its
? activities in Chile emerged last
March in the hearings of the
Senate Multinationals Com-
mittee in Washington, to dis-
cover the connections between
the CIA and the International
Telephone and Telegraph Cor-
poration, which has large hold-
ings in Chile.
The hearings revealed that the
CIA, in response to pressure
from ITT, had put forward a
plan for inducing economic
chaos to prevent Allende coming
to power, or to undermine him
once in power, and the memos
written at the time of his elec-
tion have an ominous ring in the
light of the eventual coup.
? In October 1970, for instance,
.' William Broe, of the CIA, told
ITT that their economic pres-
sure could increase unrest and
? thus encourage military inter-
? 'Bre advises to keep on the
pressure,' said an ITT memoran-
dum recording the conversation.
This because Allende should
not take office with ",complete
support" and also for the weak-
ening we might accomplish
after he does take office?also
there is always a chance some-
thing might happen later.'
cutting off of aid, the restriction
of loan; and a drastic reduction
of US purchases from Chile.
The United States Treasury
swiftly took a hard line to-
wards credit to Chile, and en-
couraged their European part-
ners, for instance in the World
Bank, to tin the same (in con-
trast to the International Mone-
tary Fund, which under French
influence was much more
friendly to Chile).
Of course, there were plenty
of sound banking reasons, too,
for ending loans to. a country
that was going headlong to-
wards galloping inflation. But
these did not prevent American
loans being maintained and
actually increased in one
? crucial sector in Chile. the
It is very likely that Allende's
Government would have been
faced with economic chaos with-
out any encouragement from
the US or Europe. But what is
striking from the available evi-
dence is how little the US tried
to reach an accommodation
with Allende. a factor that may
well have pushed him into a
more extreme position than he
first occupied.
The refusal of the advanced
industrial countries to tolerate
the Chilean experiment was the
theme of a speech on Thursday
by a leading left-wing Chilean
economist. Professor Sunkel,
speaking to the UN Committee
on Multinationals, convened as
the result of the ITT revelations.
The Chilean experiment has
ended with a catastrophic col-
lapse of its economic and politi-
cal systems,' the Professor said.
The conclusion for us here
seems to be that it is not pos-
sible to try to restructure rela-
tions of dependent countries and
the transnational capitalist
systems in a peaceful way.'
It seems clear that many
people in the State Department
and the CIA were hoping for a
military coup to oust Allende,
and there had been talk of it
for some months.
But certainly the violence of
he coup, and the ferocity of the.,
unta leaders, seems now an
mbarrassment, and General
inochet's insistence on ex-
erminating Marxism' is not in
ccord with current thinking
Nor is the breaking off of
elations between Chile and
uba necessarily welcome to
r Kissinger's State Depart-
ent. which has been consider-
g re-establishing relations with
r Castro. The Chilean junta
ay in the end create as many
oblems for the US in the rest
Latin-America as President 37
lende did.
The contacts between the CIA J
and ITT continued after Allende e
came to power. In October 1971, P
when Allende took over the t
telephone company, ITT put a
forward to the White House an h
18-point plan, including contact-
ing the Chilean military and the r
CIA, to ensure that ? everything c
should be done quietly but D
effectively to see that Allende m
does not get through the crucial in
next six months.' ?D
It is not clear whether the m.
plan was acted en, but? most of pr
the points were achieved in the of
following year, including the Al
Approved F
15 September 1973
Spun Off
By the ?
By C. L. Sulzberger,
Even though history's whirlwind
proved too great for him, them was
something appealing about the late
'Salvador Allende who trierl, to lead
Chile into Marxist Socialikt 'V par-
liamentary means.
;This attempt was hampered by
.extreme left revolutionary movements
as well as conservative forces of the
right and center. Together they pro-
duced economic chaos. In the end, the
President, who had never mustered a
popular majority, was crushed.
Allende participated in two ehllean
popular-front governments each of
which endured three years. The first
(1938-1941) produced a new basis for
collaboration between middle class and
workers' parties. Allende, its Health
Minister, already a Socialist, who im-
mensely proud that he introduced free
milk for children. The second (1970-
1973), just smashed by a military
putsch, resembled its predecessor in,
that neither was able to carry out its
full program.
Comparing these experiments, the
President once said to me (Santirfgo,
March 23, 1971): "That [first] popular-
'front regime was on the left of the.,
' capitalistic system. But the Popular
Unity Government now wants to
transform the capitalistic system
"At that time the leading role in the
popular-front government was taken
by the Radical party, representing the
small bourgeoisie. Now tho leading ?
role is not bourgeois at all. This time
the President, myself, is a Socialist
and not a radical."
Allende was very much a political
, animal, a small, stocky, quick-moving
man with grey mustache, ruddy face,
thick, heavily rimmed spectacles. He
was unique in his effort to achieve,
full revolution on a relatively slow-
motion, democratic basis and it is
arguable that the latter restrictions,
which added left-wing impatience to
right-wing rage, made his ultimate
downfall inevitable. He boasted:
"In thirty years' political life I never
failed to do what I said I would do.
It could be possible that the dynamic
of events might eventually create a
revolutionary party, one party of the
revolution" (containing the Socialist,
Communist and radical elements Which
backed him).
"But this is not possible for the
Imminent future. After all, the Social-
ists don't want to be changed and the.
radicals, who in Chile have had a party
for 110 years, surely won't commit
suicide. pon't forget that Karl Marx
foresaw a time when there would be
no governments at all. But when? It
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19 Septemlwr 1973
hasn't come yet.
"The strategy of Socialism must de-
pend on the realities of any country
where it is attempted. To be a Socialist
is obviously not the same thing as
t being a Communist. There are different
roads to Socialism."
? Allende insisted his credo would
, never restrict basic freedoms, He said:
"My word is formally engaged to
respect all the fundamental rights of
man. No Matter how extensive our
economic and social reform, will be,
wee will not only respect human rights ,
but actually increase them. Human
rights are not merely political; they
are also social and economic."
He promised he would never allow
any foreign power to exert influence
? over Chilean sovereignty or to estab-
lish bases that could be used against
the United ,States. But many of his
:actions were clearly hostile to the
: U.S.A. and its interesta. He never
excluded the chance that violent con-
Irontation might smash his program. .
"Sadly, very sadly, I admit this
t possibility exists," the President told
? me. "That is the lesson of history.
.1 know it would come from the right
'because it has already done something
' that never before occurred in Chilean
history?namely, assassinated the army
commander. There have already been
two attempts on my life."
Nevertheless, he boasted that certain
of his accomplishments were indelible.
"If I were to die tomorrow," he said,
"no one in Chile would ever dare to
abolish the system. I instituted of
giving every child free milk. No 'one
would ever attempt to end our system
of social security. No one would dream
of taking away from illiterate citizens
the right to vote which they have been
legally granted."
Chileans are an orderly people and
less subject than most South Amer-
icanes to armed coups. One may hope
the junta that ousted Allende will
restrain its obvious prejudices in favor
of the right and will seek to incorpo-
rate into any new regime some of the
beneficial reforms of the old, while
tempering economic socialism with
social democracy. This would be a suit-
able monument to the late President
whose aims were revolutionary but
' whose means were intended to be
moderate. ?
Chalmers M. Roberts
The U.S. Integrity Gap
The take-over in Chile by a military
junta has demonstrated that the U.S.
government in general and the Nixon
administration, in particular is suffer-
ing from a credibility gap. Allegations
that the coup was engineered, or at
least encouraged, by . Washington
through the Central Intelligence
Agency are being made around the
world. The administration, while con-
ceding that it did have some advance
tips that the take-over was coming, de-
nies that it had any part in the affair
and, specifically, that the President
had heard the reports in time to do
anything about them, even if he had
wished to do so.
1 The CIA 'starts out with several
strikes against it. per all it is well
known that the agency did engineer a
coup against the leftist government of
Guatemala in 1954; that it had a hand
in saving the Shah of Iran's throne in
1952; that it tried unsuccessfully to,
topple Sukarno's government in
Indonesia; that it was central to the fi-
asco at the Bay of Pigs: that it has
been involved in intrusions into Com-
munist China; and that it conducted
for years ,a secret war in Laos. Presi-
dent Nixon himself recently referred,
to the Iranian 'flair without mention-
ing the GIA role. He finally conceded,
last year, that two Americans long
held by China were, in fact, CIA oper-
atives. And so on.
As to Chile, the CIA says its hands
are clean. But it is on the public rec-
ord that John McCone, the former ,
head of the CIA, offered a big chunk '
of money to the agency on behalf of
his new employer, International Tele-
phone and Telegraph, to help prevent
Salvadore Allende from coming to
power. So it is not likely that those
who want to believe the CIA is in-
volved in the anti-Allende coup will
give the CIA a clean bill of health. As
for those who hope, or even believe,
that the CIA has learned some lessons
or been reined in, it is not very easy to
accept, on their face, the current CIA '
denials. Maybe they are true; but just
maybe they are not.
But it isn't.just a matter of the CIA;
It's President Nixon himself. When you
consider his record for dissembling, it
makes you wonder about Chile.
During the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon cam-
paign, candidate Kennedy proposed
strengthening the anti-Cast4
io forces.
But candidate Nixon, who thek was the
Vice President. knew about th secret
Bay of Pigs plan and. te-protect the
prospects of that invasion, he had to
"go to the other extreme" and attack
the Kennedy proposal as "dangerously
irresponsible," as he himself has writ-
ten. In short, he lied to cover the oper-
ation. More recently. as President, Mr.
Nixon secretly authorized the undis-
closed bombing or Cambodia while tell-
ing the public that the United States
was not violating that country's neu-
trality. As to Laos, he admitted Amen.
can involvement only when forced to
do So by a Senate investigation. In time
we shall probably hear of other similar
cases now still hidden.
In short, Mr. Nixon's record of credi-
bility hardly encourages one to accept
protestations of innocence in Chile. It
reminds me of Thurston the Magician
who used to show you how empty his ,
sleeves were; he then proceeded to
pull from them an amazing assortment
of cards, scarves and other parapher-
nalia of his trade.
In the case of the Bay of Pigs Mr.
Nixon, writing in his "Six Crises."
never questioned the propriety or le-
gality of the operation against Castro.
"The covert operation had to be pro-
tected at all costs," he wrote. There is
nothing in the Nixon record to indicate
that he has in any way altered that
point of view. Indeed, the justification
in the Watergate case for trying to
head off an FBI investigation of the
Mexican money transactions was es-
sentially the same. In short, the end
justifies the means whenever the end
Is a matter affecting "national secur-
President Nixon's aversion, to put
It mildly, to the Allende regime was
well known. His administration kept
on supplying military aid while with-
holding economic help; international
organizations were encouraged not to
help Allende. The American ambassa-
dor had just made a quick trip back to
Washington and had returned to Chile
prior to the takeover. Put it all to..
gether and the only conclusion one can
come to, given the retord, is 'no
clear conclusion ? and a reasonable
doubt about any official conclusion of-
fered by the government.
Perhaps not directly related to Chile
but part of the Nixon backdrop to his
foreign policy methods is hie penchant
for surprises, for the quick switch, and
for secrecy. Dollar devaluation, the
change in China policy, the "Nixon
shocks" to Japan, the mining of Hai-
phong harbor?even the switch to
Phase I economic controls here at
home?all testify to this style of doing
business. Who can guess what he may
have in mind for Latin America, where
Henry Kissinger says he wants to insti-
tute new policies?
Integrity is perhaps the most pre-
cious asset that a government can
have. The sad fact is that in the post.
'World War Il decades successive ad-
ministrations have eaten away at gov-
ernmental integrity. One has only to
recall President Roosevelt nd the se-
cret Yalta agreements, President El-
senhower's handling of the U-2 affair,
President Kennedy's initial covert op-
erations in Indochina and the panoply
of evasions by President Johnson as
documented in the Pentagon Papers.
By the time -Mr. Nixon got into the
White House, government integrity
had indeed suffered.
Somewhere along the line Mr. Nixon
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became entranced with General
Charles deGaulle's idea of the
"mystique" of high office, of holding
aloof from the public, of treating the
public like school children in a "papa
knows best" manner. He is not the
first President to act this way; it
teems to be a failing of those chief ex-.
ecutives in particular who have been
quickest to wrap themselves In the
"national security" blanket. But as
President, Mr. Nixon has carried it to
hitherto unknown extremes.
Perhaps the United States had no di-
rect role in the Chilean affair; there
certainly was reason enough, in inter-
nal Chilean terms, for the take-over,
without Judging the right or wrong of
It, But this administration's credibility
Is so low, who can believe Its denials?
18 September 1973
U.N. Urged to Send Panel
To Chile to. Protect Rights
Apecie I to The liew 'York Ttmes
Four Nobel Prize laureates
urged the United Nations yes-
terday to send observers to
Chile to protect Chilean citi-
zens and political refugees "who
risk reprisals and deporta-
In a statement isSued at a
news conference at the Church
Center for the United Nations,
which is across First Avenue
from the United Nations head-
quarters, the four said that
"the United Nations must exert
its prestige to save the lives
and the civil liberties of all
those endangered by the vio-
lent overthrow of the legal
Government of Chile."
The aroma consisted of nr
Fritz Lipmann and Edward I,.
Tatum of Rockefeller Univer-
sity; Prof. Salvador 1.nria of
the Massachusetts Insitute of
Technology and Prot taeoree
Wald of Harvard. Also at the
conference were Dr. Laurence
Birns, a Latin America special-
ist at the New School, and Mi.
chael Harrington. former head
of the American Socialist party.
18 September 1973
Agony the Americas ,
. By Graham Hovey in 1965 can be compared to the Soviet .
occupation of Hungary in 1956 or
How hollow the rhetoric that ush- Czechoslovakia in 1968).
ered in the Alliance for Progress in Of course Washington would not
1961 sounds in the wake of Chile's help Dr. Allendp clamp on Chile a
tragedy. draconian socialism fiercely 'opposed
"This Alliance," declared the states- by a majority of Chileans. Nor would
men at Punta del Este, "is established Washington influence international
on the basic principle that free men lending agencies to continue except- \
working through the institution of log Chile as a good credit risk once
representative democracy can best it became evident that Dr. Allende
satisfy man's aspirations. . . ." could not shore up the economy or
First on their list of Alliance goals: . 'curb inflation, and that his firebrands
"To improve and strengthen demo- , wou1d. not let him make good his
cratic institutions through application 'pledge of fair compensation for ex-
of the principle of self-determination propriated enterprises. .
by the people." But the ingredients for the Chilean
And now, twelve years later? Well, tragedy were homegrown, not im-
now we have a military junta ruling ported; here, as elsewhere, United
Chile with an iron fist after delivering States influence, for better or worse,
the coup de grace to South America's was marginal. As Covey T. Oliver, a ?
most durable democracy. former Assistant Secretary ,of State'
And over, the Andes, in the country . for Latin America, has written: ."We
have the power, at one extreme, to
remove almost any country from the
map...but we could not, even if we
wished, translate this into control over
the country's routine actions."
where the Alliance was born, the
armed forces of Uruguay (nobody
knew they existed in 1961) govern by
decree through a puppet President
after helping to collapse the purest
democracy in the Americas.
And across the Rio de la Plata
estuary, the "application of the prin-
ciple of self-determination by the peo-
ple" seems certain on Sunday to
restore the trappings of power?the
substance having been returned
months ago?to ivan Domingo Per6n,
the ancient, ersatz Mussolini who led
Argentina from prosperity to bank-
ruptcy before the Army booted him
out eighteen years ago. Mr. Nixon may have disclosed mere
And up north, in the giant country of his thinking about the political
whose elected President in 1958 paved crisis of the Americas than lid in- .
the way for the Alliance for Progress tended in welcoming President Emilio
with his inspired Operation Pan Amer- , G. Medici to Washington in 1971: "We
lea idea, Brazil's army presides over know that as Brazil goes, so will, go
a spectacular, If highly uneven, eco- the,rest of the Latin American cond.
nomic development, barely giving lip' nent."
service to democracy and stamping Is that it, then? Is dramatic eco-
hard on dissent. One of those stamped nomic development achievable only
on is that ex-President. Juscelino under military rule in a, climate of ,
Kubitschek. repression and censorship? Many
One could go on, ad nauseam, but American businessmen involved in
the point is clear; Twelve years after Latin America devoutly believe so.
.the launching with high hopes of. an Or, at the other end of the spectrum,
Alliance aimed first of, all at under- is a redistribution of wealth, a better
pinning freedom' anddemocracy, there deal for the poorest Latins, possible.
is much less freedom in the Americas. only under a Marxist dictatorship?
There is more oppression, more tor- After the collapse of the Allende
turn and terror, more censorship and experiment, even many American lib-
rule by licit. erals say so.
Why have things gone so terribly
But can the American Government
wrong? Why have there been mote
accept such theses? Even in disillu-
coups since the beginning of the Ai-
sionment with the Alliance for Prog-
'lance than in any comparable period
i ress and recognizing that American
in the modern history of the hen- infhience will he only marginal, can
sphere? And most pertinently, in light
Washington be comfortable with a
of worldwide accusations ll American
nothing policy for a continent largely
complicity in the dtfwnfall of Presi-
out of control but clearly lurching
dent Allende in Chile, is the United ,.,swerd revolution?
States primarily to blame for this '
situation? 1-lenty A. Kissinger said that his
recent call on President Echeverria in
The image of this country as nith-
Mexico City?his first diplomatic mis-
less, pervasive practitioner of neo-
sion since President Nixon nominated
Imperialism simply won't wash. If
him to be Secretary of State?"under-
Washington had indeed turned the
lines the importance we shall attach
Monroe Doctrine into the Brezhney
to relations with Latin America." How
variety there would be no Castro
tine it would be if he really meant it.
regime in Cuba and a Marxist Govern-
ment would never have come to power
in Chile (not even Lyndon Johnson's
invasion of the Dominican Republic
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. The ;valid charge against the Nixon
Administration on Latin: America is
more one of neglect: than of imperial-
ist exploitation. After the extravagant ?
rhetoric and feverish'actiyity of the
Alliance for Progress heyday, the low-
key approach charted by the President
was widely welcomed. It soon became
evident, however, that behind the
lower profile was no hemisphere poi-.
icy at all.
Graham Hovey is a member of the
editorial board of The Timea.
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13 September 1973
Coup in Chile
Chile's coup is different. Its special tragedy is that it
ends Latin America's longest democratic tradition and
also its most serious effort to carry out rapid social
change within a framework of representative govern-
'moot. Whether thd coup will arrest the country's social
and economic disintegration, or lead Chile into an in-
tensified class war, cannot yet be known. The leaders
of the armed forces, until now on the sidelines of poli-
tics, conducted their takeover in the name of "liberat-
ing Chile from the Marxist yoke," as they described the
elected government of Salvador Allende. At the same
time, in an evident bow to the Allende constituency, the
military leaders assured the workers that their economic
and social benefits "will not suffer fundamental changes."
Perhaps the Chilean military can return their country
in a reasonable time to its democratic heritage. The ex-
perience of others is not encouraging. That is what is
, so regrettable about the failure of the Allende experi-
ment. It is an outcome likely to harden both Latin left
and Latin right in the view that social change in a
democratic context doesn't work.
Mr. Allende's truly unfortunate death?by his own
hand, according , to the new junta?imparts an addi-
tional somber and ominous note. Many in Latin America
will no doubt regard him as a martyr whose death, like
that of Che Guevara, symbolizes the implacability of
American "imperialism." His politics, perhaps also his
myth, are bound to move to the center of Latin and inter-
American politics, and to becloud objective judgment of
him. It is impossible not to note, however, that his 30
earlier years in the political wilderness had ill prepared
him to exercise power. He ignored the limitations of his'
minority support and attempted to govern as though
he wielded a majority., He lost control of many of his
own supporters. His admirers can argue that he was.
bequeathed a political and economic legacy that would
I 6 Sep lombpr 1 973
have burdened any leader, but that is hardly a persua-
sive defense; the job was not forced upon him. ' *
On the eve of, Allende's election in 1970, Henry.
Kissinger, calling him "probably a Communist," said
that an "Allende' takeover" would pose "massive prob-
lems for us, and for democratic forces and for pm-U.S.
forces in Latin America." The CIA and ITT discussed ?
?apparently without further action?how to keep Mr.
Allende from power. When Chilean moderates seemed
to be looking for a satisfactory way to 'resolve thefl cop-
per-nationalization disputes, the administration delivered
a number of symbolic rebuffs to Mr. Allende and then
proceeded to use its influence to deny him access to
loans from the international development banks. The*
evident results were to stiffen the Chilean position on
compensation for the copper firms, tO work economic
hardhip on Chile, and to aggravate political tension
'there. Meanwhile, the U.S. kept up close links.with the
Chilean military. Military aid flowed; at the moment
' of the coup, four U.S. Navy ships were steaming toward
Chile for joint maneuvers with Chile's navy. In denying
CIA involvement in the coup yesterday, the Slate Depart-
ment- did not offer regrets either for the takeover or.
for Mr. Allende's death.
Sobering as it is to have to ask whether American
e ideological coolness and corporate influence played a ?
role in the undoing of the Allende experiment; it is
unavoidable. Indeed, the denouement leaves hanging the
whole question of what ought to be the American policy
toward the forces of economic nationalism churning
much of Latin America. The issue is finquestipnahly
worthy of the recall of Secretary of State-designate
Kissinger before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
for a closer look at our performance in Chile and its
imblications for future policy, or a separate congres-
sional investigation, or both.
Civil ights Group Says
Arrests, Executes, Allende
Amnesty International, an
indePendent organization con-
cerned with the welfare of po-
litical prisoners, charged yes-
terday that there had been
widespread arrests and execu-
tion's of supporters of the left-
ist government of Salvador Al-
!elide since ? it was overthrown
by a military coup. .
The statement coincided
with expressions of concern
by many governments and
other civil rights groups over
the late of Chilean and for-
eign backers of Allende, who
died during the coup Tuesday.
A communique issued by
the military junta yesterday
said that it had identified 13,-
000 'foreigners who were in
.Chile Illegally, and members
of the new government de-
scribed them' as guerrillas"
and extremists."
The document said the 13,-
000 included 4,178 Bolivians,
3,256 Uruguayans and 987 Cu-
bans. There were also large
numbers of Argentines, Brazil-
ians, Colombians and Mexi-
cans, the statement said, .
Amnesty International said
that it had "well documented
evidence" that Most of the foi.
eign exiles "werovmpelled to
seek politicaLasylum in Chile
because the military regimes
in Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay
and other Latin American
countries were systematically
arresting and torturing dissi-
The group's statement re-
peated reports, some based on
clandestine radio broadcasts
from Chile monitored In Ar-
gentina, that many of Al-
ae*ers .
lende's supporters ? had been.
executed. ?
it said the organization had
"learned from reliable sources
that, members at Allende's
Popular Unity coalition are
being arrested. Many are be-
ing executed and many
thrown out of helicopters."
Mario Artaza.. the Chilean
. charge d'affaires in Washing-
ton. denied all reports of sum-
mary executions and other
abuses, saying the accusations
were part Of a "very well or-
chestrated campaign to dis-
credit the new envernemnt."
Asked about the many un-
confirmed reports that various
ministers in Allende's govern-
ment had been killed, Artaza
said: "The entire Allende Cab-
inet is being held in the mili-
tary school In Santiago.
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