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February 10, 1965
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Approved For Relea a 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183000500050027-7
DD/S 10 February 1965
1. At the Executive Committee Meeting this morning Larry Houston re-
ported that Congressman L. Mendel Rivers, Chairman of the House Armed
Services Committee, had no objection to our summer employment program.
(Later in the day Larry reported that Congressman George Mahon, Chairman
of the House Appropriations Committee, also had no objection. However,
because of Senator Russell's illness Larry thought that they could not contact
him for another week to ten days. I told Larry that I thought he would have
until Monday, 15 February, since Mr. Kirkpatrick will not see John Macy
until then but that I felt sure General Carter would want some kind of clear-
ance shortly thereafter.)
2, Bob Fuchs told me that he thought the Office of Finance might have
retained a little more space in the Headquarters building than they actually
need. (I should like someone to get in touch with Bob personally to go over
his space requirements and to see what use we might make of this space and
what rearrangement, alterations, etc . , might be necessary. Before we as-
sign this space to somebody else, we should ask ourselves if we need another
room or two for the Office of the DD/S itself or possibly for the Office of
Personnel to provide better interviewing space, etc.)
3. I talked with General Carter about our proposed regulation on invol-
untary separations and explained to his satisfaction that this regulation com-
plies with the spirit if not the letter of his comments of 6 July 1964. It can
now go to press. In this connection, I also talked with General Carter about
plus to Office of Research and Reports needs and who has declined a grade
GS-7 position in NPIC. General Carter agreed reluctantly, I think, that, if
he should decline the grade GS-7 position with salary retention rights for
two years, we would have no alternative but to recommend his termination.
4. General Carter advised me that he had cleared with the Director our
request that we invite General Cabell to become a member of th oard of
Directors of Air America, Inc., He also 25X1A5a1
gave me a memorandum to this effect.
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5. Dick Helms buzzed to say that he had heard that quotas for reduction
in our supergrade ceilings had already been decided upon, and he wanted to
know what I knew about it. I told him that we had not been asked for any
recommendations and had made none. However, as I understand it, the
Bureau of the Budget has said that we must absorb within our approved super-
25X9A2 grade ceiling of Mall our Executive and Scientific Pay Schedule positions.
This should be no problem insofar as Executive Pay positions are concerned
because they were always included, but the SPS positions and the additional
positions such as those authorized for John Bross and his staff will be a prob-
lem. I gave Dick a copy of the statistics which the Office of Personnel
furnished me recently on the status of supergrades in the entire Agency.
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000500050027-7