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Publication Date:
April 20, 1962
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Approved For Release 2006/01 /03 ?P76-00l83R0Q400020133-3
20 April 1962
1, I I was in to see me for a while prior to his departure on a
seven-week TDY trip to all stations in Western Europe. He was interested in
the most up-to-date information o 25X1
3. Stan Grogan telephoned to say that, in preparation for Allen Dulles'
television appearance on 26 April, NBC has requested permission to take pictures
of the new building, as well as East and South Buildings. I concurred in his view
that we not permit outside pictures of the new building for commercial purposes;
neither of us saw any objection to pictures of East or South Buildings. 25X1A9A
25X1A9A 4. Dr. Tietjen reported that
with the I . According to Paul,
of ORR telephoned in connection
[as decided to have 25X1A9A
his hernia reduced by surgery and to meet all of the medical requirements inci-
t T passed this on to who 25X1A9A
5X1 6 to his
was very much surprised. He said that he would be in touch with me later.
5. I met with General Carter, John Bross and others to discuss the Fiscal
Year 1963 allowance letter received from Mr. Cannon which, if taken literally,
would reduce our regular operating program by some $26 mill ion. It was agreed
that General Carter would get in touch with Congressman George Mahon and seek
his advice as to how to approach Mr. Cannon, inasmuch as the letter itself is
quite unclear and does not seem to be consistent with our hearings.
ohn Tiet jen, I l , and Colonel Grogan telephor l A9A
25X1 abou Despite attempts by the hospital and
others to keep publicity down, there oes not seem to be any hope that we will be
able to do so.
Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400020133-3
Approved For Rele a 2006/01/03 : h F 6-00183R00c'0020133-3
7. reported that a very satisfactory conversation took place
with the Admiral from North American Aviation who claimed that he arrived at
all of his information about the OXCART Program by deduction. He now has been
advised that we have an interest in
Admiral has signed his Secrecy Agreemen .
8. Emmett Echols telephoned in somewhat of a quandary about 25X1
promotion. Since no date was indicated on the action, they had called Mr.
Kirkpatrick's office, and advised them to postpone the promotion 25X1A9A
action indefinitely. I told Emmett that General Carter has instructed me per-
sonally to proceed with the promotion and that it should be effective on the date
on which he signed it.
Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400020133-3