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Publication Date: 
February 4, 1957
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Approved For Release 200^=^"-^-? ? Qo-RDP76-00183R000200090139-2 25X1A9A 25X1 A9' 25X1A9A 25X1A9A DEPUTIES, MEETIN Messrs. Kirkpatrick, Sheldon, 0 (part of mfg,) , 25X1A9A Monday, 4 February 1957 PRESENT: Mr. Dulles, Gen. Cabeli, Mr. Amory, Col, White, Mr. Dulles: a) Briefly discussed his meeting with Senators Russell, Byrd and Saltonstall on 1 February 1957 and noted that: 1) Apparently there are other agencies in the same boat as CIA regarding funds for now construction. The Director said he did not believe there is any possible chance of this Agency's receiving a supplemental appropriation for the new building unless such an appropriation is approved for agencies requiring additional funds for construction already approved. (ACTION: Mr. 0 will insure that CIA is included in any overall supplemental request for additional building funds;) 2) Senator Byrd Is still deeply concerned about the size of the Agency* s headquarters staff. Mr. Dulles said, however, the Senator appeared to be satisfied that two should have as many people as we require to perform our overseas activities. The Director went on to say he had discussed at some length the activities of headquarters and why it is necessary to have our present strength, and at the end of this discussion Senator Russell seemed to understand, however, Senator Byrd indicated he would like to see a functional breakdown o our headquarters strenoth. Cal, White.-notes - his people are in the process of preparing such a study but he was having trouble in keeping it down to- a 30 minute presentation. The Director commented if this study could be prepared within the next week or ton days, Senator Byrd and others would have more free time now than later and he believed this presentation could therefore be lengthened In order to give the full picture. Br. Amory suggested the study Include comparative costs for maintaining people at headquarters and abroad. For example, he noted there are probably a number of jobs which could be performed overseas but In the long run would cost a good deal more due to the cost of travel, allowances, etc. -- therefore we are in fact effecting an overall saving for the government. Mr.O suggested that we should also stress the size of our registries and the amount of biographic information these activities perform not only for CIA but for the government as a whole, and in particular providing Information in the Communist field. The Director said we might also bring out the fact that a good deal of our work Is contracted to cleared private organizations in order to cut down on personnel. ACTION: Co!, White. Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200090139-2 Mmes people next time he Is in Now York? ACTION: Kr, d) Noted that Cabell Phillips intends to do an a on !OCf and wanted him (DCI) to meet with some of the New 25X1X6 Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200090139-2 25X1X6 X1A9a b) Noted he had heard from ho indicated hIs Plans have now been changed and he intends to come to Washington in about a month. In this connection the Director asked Mr. to obtain an article in the Reader's DI Vest which ad mentioned to his, ci Noted Abbott Washburn had requested that USIA be furnished copies of speeches he (DCI) might make and which might contain propaganda value. 25X1A9a oral C*bell: Noted Gen. Laurence Kuter, whom he had soon during the Air Force Commanders Conference, had made a rather ^sitive e) Asked Mr.O who idea to appoint a deputy In t handle African affairs in view that area. Kr, Division to exclusively said at the present time Africa is divid d e within the branches of NEA and is receiving proper attention, however, he would "take another look" at a later date. statement about a certain Individual which was backed by the U. S. Charge of this Individual's country. The Director commented he did not see how this statement could be true but asked Acting DD/P to obtain the comments of the appropriate Station Chief. Note: This message to be handled on a strictly Eyes Only basis and will receive pAaer approval of DDCI before dispatch. Mr. Amory: a) Noted we had now received 100 copies of the ttUNGARIAN TRAGEDY and said copies would be furnished certain Members of Congress as previously directed by the DCI. The uieur >` aaz it was written by a Communist. ou Mateo that I l had recommended 25X1iX6 get in touch with The Director approved provid this is handled through way and first cleared with t _ her or not it might be a good Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200090139-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200090139-2 Referred to the importance of Tenon > the earrent Middle East situation and noted there is practically no inforea- 25 1A9a Lion available in Washington at the present time about this 25X1A9a countryo iIFr.O said it might be appropriate for the Director to mention this at an OCR meeting, particularly since he II h*d twimA #A a.s.. .a. .. a a _ w Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200090139-2