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Approved For Relea.e. 2 W-RDP76-00183.8060020004001.4-5 448 :XxoTaxG rid+ay 2 Mov mbe 1955 a g am' r .l ~. 1r?. Mo iiw Ift, 0 ite, a srs..".K r tr c t tael:l=, Jr. :Dulles:: 25X1A9a .25X1 A9a Rep Discussed. d. 3 October message from regarding establishment. of credits for crude o 1, end D to look into the matter in cordiiation with 25X1A9a (Vifs was furnisbed.: by DO/.i later. b. Stated lie , was seeing 3u.. olph A. Ninneeker and asked .r e r and 8 t d asked DO/P to e port to him on m paper, onday on the e. 8ef'erred. to . a letter rom P8rk, Armstrong requesting .crash estimate.; r. o:ry stated this was In handy -ene ral ? sn- o e : pYCrsept. c. Discussed N 33180 from a report to him xan this. 5X1A a Asked Mr, .to. r (international Geamuris 25X1A XIA Abell st-ated.'he; felt `the. Military aid portion shou el be . includedf that we should not accept the full charge: but require IAC vrsder this estimate.. f Discussed the matter and -said he Lao into this for him' ._ where we were serving 4 accused of beng 'inst;i report from on the o like to have General cabell as particularly concelrned that hannel of communication eve were g. Commented bin an OR)t memo to ICA. and objected will probably he 'accepted'. Mr. Amory agreed to modif, this. including the Aswan D.em under the item "known effera why Referred to a aemorandum of 18 November from the abolition- of the PCG and nagnAd thIsz to w-?_ ... 25X1A9a co meat 'anday '5X1A9a Asked M r. llllllll to have a recommendation to him by : CU rep a etton at on a -select committee, to revise Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200040014-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200040014-5 25X1A PSB-D-23 of 1953 dealing with the SEATO problem. (Basis for this conversation was letter from 2.1 November, Top Secret). i ? with him. Asked General Cabeil to look over IN 3.3721 and discuss k. Asked Gen, Cabell to discuss with an iiall= additional A reed Acti i i g v t es matter. 25 1. Asked Mir. ""Mw to give him a report b 4. on cable IN 33344 dea ng with the effectiveness of 25X6 political support. M, Reported that Congressman Judd was very gloomy about the Burma picture and read from State cable 580 from Rangoon which he asked Mr. Amory to give to Sherman Kent. He Says he considers the Afghanistan situation the most worrisome one'at the present time and would hate to wake up some morning to read in the papers that it had gone behind the Iron Curtain. Mr. Bissell remarked it would be worse if he woke up some morning to find it had gone behind the Iron Curtain without any publicity -- that if such a thing happens, at l east we could salvage some world opinion by thoroughly publicizing M 1. thee matt D..Y I -- _ r er ai 25 . + ? - u V "' 6 w 44 1! briefing on Thursday, complete with charts and maps, on the Afghanistan situation and would like to discuss It at the IAC on Tuesday and generally make the topic a matter of urgency. 1A9a Jar. - said he would ask for their comments. 25X1A o. Asked Mr. Kirkpatrick sure that we contact Congressmen who have returned from trips where we know they have expressed particular interest in an area so that in our approach to them they will be aware we have followed them in their course of travels. General Cabell: Reported that he had a discussion with AEC representa- tives on the matter of CIA clearances and found it very discouraging. Generally AEC takes the position that they do not know whether current law permits them to make such an arrangement but they would not object to a ruling of the Attorney General which stated the law would permit the arrange- ment. They would object to a revision of current law. Mr. Houston is writing up an attorney's brief on the matter. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200040014-5 25X A9a Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200040014-5 Got. White: Reported lie is seeing Congressman Broyhill today who has agreed that it is time to call for all Virginians to get behind the Langley site. He has asked for, and is being furnished by Col, White, our position in the matter, Col. White pointed out the next week would be a very important one in this connection since it is the last week before the Council acts. Mr. 25X10 25 b. Asked that Mr. Bissell discuss with him the iW 9a 1A6a cable from Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200040014-5