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Approved For Reuse 2000/08/2p:~DP76-004~S~R000100070052-1 ,.~~~~~+ DIARY Nl7PES 25X1A A-DD A 1 July 1953 25X1A9a 1. Discussed a traLn{-~ program for with Dr. Tiet~en. 11~e agreed that CIA should have a training program for its doctors comparable to, but not 25X1 Aga more liberal than, other components of the Government. I emphasized to Dr. Tiet~en that while our intent to send to school after a tiro year tour of duty 25X1 Aga 25X1A6a on Was sincere, should thoroughly understand that this was cot a commitaaent which must be lived up to, regardless of events which took place in the interim. 25X1A6a 3. Agreed to meet with Dr. Tiet~en and others at 2:30 p.m. on Honday to dis- cuss "psychological evaluation criteria." 25X1 C4C 25X1A9a 5. fir. Pforzheimer reports that has resigned, 25X1A9 7. Had lynch With Bob ~[acy, Bureau of the Budget, and discussed a number of things with him. He pointed out that we Were going into the neW Fiscal Year with a nation- al deficit of about 9.3 billion dollars. The Directory Bureau of the Budget, has been discussing with the President Whether he is really determiYned to try to bal- ance the budget in 1955. On the 1l~th of July there will be a meeting of the Na- tional Security Council which fir. Dulles is to attend; probably other Cabinet mem- bers will be there also. This general problem will be discussed in terms of whe.? then or not there is a serious risk to the national security by further reducing expenditures, etc. Uut of this conference should came some decision as to dust how tough things are going to be budget-wise. '~ ~ Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : C~A-RDP76-001838000100070052-1 :~,~~~.: Approved For Releases-2000/08/27 : CIA:~~P76-001838000100070052-1 # 3 ..~., In connection with the visits now being made in the Agency by idessrs. Perry and Hamilton Bureau of th? Hudget~ Mr. Macy emphasized that he did not want to knoeP anything about our secret intelligence, He stated that he personally did not want, nor did he want his people to be i.n possession of, information which would in ar~r way point the finger at them in case of a leak. He does feels how- ever, that they should take a good look at our administrative machinery. I agreed with ham and told him that they were welcoeae to see a~rthing that they wanted to iri this connection. (I am sure that sooner or later we are going to have to clean our administrative house and. that ij' we don't someone else will do it for us,) We discussed the personnel restriction which Mr. Taber has imposed upon the Agency, fir. Macy indicated that fir. Dodge did not want the Bureau of the Budget to be brought into this any amore than was absolutely essential. He felt that this Was something which should be handled between the Agency and the Coannit- tee. (Off the records Mr. Macy indicated that hs thought we might be able to per- suade Mr. Taber that our strength should be what vre have on boards plus enough ad- ditional spaces to take care of our "iu process" personnel.) I told him that we were getting in our office estimates for F'iseal Year 1955 very shortly and T thought that before going to all the work of preparing detailed estimates he could give me scene guidance as to what the pitch was going to be in 1955. He said that he would be glad to do so, I think that this will be vary helpful and might save us a lot of work. Another ixrterest which the Bureau of the Budg?t has at the moment is the development of construction standards i.ri foreign countries to make sure that one Government agency is not out of linty with another and that expenditures are rea- sonable and facilities adequate for the countries under consideration, I got a. definite impression that it made little difference to the ~m3.ni.stratian whether or not construction was undertaken Ri.th ccyunterpart funds. The Bureau is also investigating foreign currency control. I told Mr, Macy that I doubted very much that xe could make arm contribution on this score and that he might want to talk to us later about our feign currency transactions. I added that this might be a ticklish subject but that we wau3.d do the best we could for him. Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : C~~.~76-001838000100070052-1 Approved For Rele~$e 2000/08/27.:. CI~~~DP76-00'1~3R000100070052-1 25X1 A6a ~~ ~~y eapect9 to send two of his peoples Perry and Kirkland, on a trip around the world soar~etisaa between the 15th of ~u3.y and the lst of August. He asked that I not discuss this trip with others until he had cleared it intern ~v:ith the Bureau of the Budget, which he had not done to date. 7. Attended a Pro~e~t Revie~rCo~ittee Meeting at which the proiects for ad- ditional. power facilitis Program were approved sub3ect, of course, to budgetary ar~d personnel Limitations which may be imposed by the Congress. 25X1 A6a -3- Approved For Release 2000/08/27..: CI~DP76-001838000100070052-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100070052-1 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/27 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100070052-1