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September 8, 1954
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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100020033-7
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100020033-7
DD A 8 September 1954
1. Jim Garrison reported that he had had further conferences with Mr. Blat-
tenberger, Public Printer, and with Paul Beach and Tim Harrison on the staff of
the Joint Committee on Printing. The JCP staff is going to make an over-all study
of the security printing problem and present it to the Committee when the Con-
gress comes back. In the meantime, I have decided that we will do nothing fur-
ther at this time to merge the GPO-State Service Plant in South Building with our
Printing and Reproduction Plant at 25X1A6d
2. Jim plans to go to Europe an, the 28th or 29th of September for approxi-
mately one month. I told him not to do anything further on the swimming
pool at this time inasmuch as I felt that with a member of the Bureau o the Budg-
et actually looking at the situation on the spot we might be able to get reconsid-
eration at a later date.
3. telephoned to say that he was submitting a paper on "Psycho-
logical ervices a General Cabell's request and would send it through me, which
I assured hin was proper.
4. John also advised me that he was coming up with a proposal which he
thought would control ceilings more effectively and stop certain abuses which had
been detected by his Staff as a result of their manpower survey of the DD/P area.
He remarked that their observations of the EE Division indicated that the abuses
there were equally as bad as those found in the FE Division.
5. called requesting that I give authorization to the Deputy
Director n genre to send to the field those Agency Regulations on the
"Statement of Functions for the DD/I Offices" without changing them in any way. I
told him that I could not authorize this since it was strictly prohibited by Reg-
ulations and suggested that Bob Amory might discuss the matter with me if he cared
6. Have asked Harry Reynolds to prepare for the Director a list of all in-
formation on Career Service which has been dispatched to the field. Advised Jack
of this.
7. The Director has interested himself in the "educational allowances" prob-
lem and says that we must do something about it. Accordingly., I have asked Sam
to expedite DD/PIa reply to questions most recently posed by General Cabell.
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100020033-7
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100020033-7
8. The Director has also raised the question of personnel in and
probably elsewhere, drawing equalization allowances and, at the same time, cash-
ing their dollars in the "free market," thereby accruing a financial advantage.
Ed Saunders was working on this problem for General Cabell and delivered a some-
what expanded draft Regulation on this subject today.
9. I advised Mr. Dulles that General Smith had telephoned Larry Houston to
25X1C4a talk about the and that Larry had not been able to
reach the General to return his ca1.l. Mr. Dulles said that he would speak to
General Smith about the matter and that I need not take any further action.
10. Talked to Jim Garrison about his new Project and asked him to
25X1A9a consider further his proposed plan to put ead of this company.
I have complete confidence in Joe but have some reservation about his associa-
tion in this connection inasmuch as he is fairly well known as a bona fide CIA
employee who has been with us for years. There is also the question of promotion
to a supergrade which may not be easy to solve. Jim is to check it out with the
Security Office and Office of Personnel and make a further recommendation to me.
11. I approved of Jim extendi
one of his contracts to buy magazines for
25X1A9a 12. Arranged with John Tietjen and to initiate steps to
obtain a "4" clearance for John so that he can assist in our emergency planning.
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